The Bulletin

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The Bulletin OCTOBER 2009 Join us October 13 for our first General Program Meeting “The Future Curriculum of Our Schools”


Letter from the President We made it through September! I hope that everyone had a smooth transition back to school. Many of us have already attended our children’s Back to School Nights and have met the teachers and seen the classrooms. I’d say we are in full swing! At the H&SA, we have been busy planning for the many programs, events and fundraisers that we sponsor every year. Many of you have already volunteered your time and talent to help us throughout the school year, and we look forward to even more participation from you, our membership! I’d like to highlight some of our upcoming events and if something piques your interest, please contact an H&SA board member; we’d love to have your help. H&SA General Meeting Join us on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the MLHS Media Center to learn about the “Future Curriculum of Our Schools”. Members of the Long Range Education Plan committee will explain, and be available to answer your questions about, our new Five Year Education Plan. H&SA Annual Bake Sale Our biggest and most fun fundraiser of the year is the Annual Bake Sale. The preorders are in and the cooking has started. But don’t worry; it’s not too late to join in the fun! We are still looking for volunteers to help cook and deliver during October and to help out with baking and manning the tables at MLHS on Election Day. Contact our Bake Sale Chair, Jackie Bay, at [email protected], if you’d like to help out. If you have forgotten to pre-order, don’t worry, there will be baked goods and other yummy food available at MLHS on Election Day. We look forward to seeing you there! Wildwood Our Wildwood Team is very busy this month. The Cultural Arts Sally Foster Fundraiser is already underway. Once again, the students will be selling gift wrap as well as gifts and edibles. The Cultural Arts program relies solely on their fundraising profits, so try to support your favorite elementary student! The Wildwood Book Festival will be October 19 through October 23; proceeds directly support the Wildwood library. Briarcliff Briarcliff is kicking off their fundraising efforts with Corbi’s Family Favorites which offers pizzas, cookie dough and dessert items. Proceeds from Corbi’s will support the Briarcliff Fund which will be used for “extras” in Briarcliff, including Cultural Arts. MLHS After much planning, the High School is very happy to offer their first School Store. It will be open a couple of days a week to start out and will sell things from pencils to MLHS tee shirts. Be sure to check it out! The H&SA is also proud to be a sponsor of “Our Big Read”, a community wide effort to support learning. Membership Drive The H&SA membership drive is ongoing! We are happy to be able to provide The Bulletin to the community, student directories to our membership and programming to both our students and families. For membership information, please contact our Membership Chair, Elaine Boyle, at [email protected]. Thanks to all of our members for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. It’s all of your time and support that make the Home & School Association such a wonderful organization!

Elena Goldthwaite,

President, H&SA

BE “IN THE KNOW” Table of Contents Home & School Assoc.

Borough Section

President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover The Bulletin/New Submittal Date . . 2 H&SA General Program Meeting . . 3 H&SA Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fundraisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 H&SA Annual Bake Sale . . . . . . . 5-8

Mayor’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 Health Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Borough Trash Day . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Bulletin Board Volunteers . . . . . . . 32 Broadcast E-mail System . . . . . . . 32 First Annual Shredding Day . . . . . 33 Shade Tree Commission . . . . . . . . 34 Halloween Safe Zone . . . . . . . . . . 35 Recreation Commission . . . . . . . . 36 55 Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Board of Education Superintendent’s Letter . . . . . . . . . 9 Lake Drive News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Lake Drive Foundation . . . . . . 11-12

Community Section Community Groups . . . . . . . . . 38-47 Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-57

School Section Wildwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18 Briarcliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22 High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-28

Home & School Fundraising Information Proceeds from all Home & School Association (H&SA) fundraising events* are used exclusively to fund H&SA programs and services that benefit the students, parents and residents in the Mountain Lakes School District, such as The Bulletin, principals’ wish lists, college scholarships, cultural arts programs, library programs, etc. *4-8, 16, 17, 21 The Bulletin and the Submission Guidelines can be found at, click on “Home and School Bulletin”, and at the H&SA website, Click “The Bulletin” in the menu bar. THE BULLETIN


The Bulletin Our submittal deadline is now the 5th of every month - don’t be late!

Attention all Bulletin submitters School Administrators, Teachers and Staff, Borough Officials, Advertisers and Friends…

The submittal deadline for the November Bulletin is October 5 ! Due to a post office change, the Bulletin mailing will be moved to the Caldwell post office. To allow for the extra time needed to process and deliver our Bulletin, we are required to move our submittal deadline back to the 5th of every month. This change will be in effect for the November Bulletin submittal deadline of October 5. H&SA Bulletin Submittals - [email protected] H&SA Bulletin Submittal Guidelines can be viewed on our website at and the borough website at



Home & School Association

Presents our first 2009/2010 General Program Meeting Tuesday, October 13, 2009 MLHS Media Center, 7:30 p.m.

“The Future Curriculum Of Our Schools” The Long Range Educational Plan (LREP) What will our students be learning and why? The Long Range Education Plan is a formal, five-year map of our goals for students and staff. The Board of Education will be adopting the 2009-2014 LREP this fall, following over a year of preparation by Staff, Students, Parents and Community Members. Come hear what will guide and inform student instruction from the people who conducted this important work. Speakers will include: Anne Mucci - MLHS Principal Steve Ryan - MLHS Vice Principal Frank Sanchez - MLHS Supervisor, Social Studies Dept. Paul Henry - MLHS Supervisor, English Dept. John Kazmark - Superintendent of Schools Be “In the Know” -- bring your questions -- and get the answers! For further information, please contact Lea Borin, VP Programming. [email protected]



H&SA Financial Aid Scholarship Now that fall has arrived, the 2009 recipients of the H&SA scholarship fund have successfully begun their college career. We wish them great success in the coming years. For many years the Home & School Association has awarded MLHS graduates scholarships to help with college expenses. Throughout the years, various members of the community and other groups have helped the H&SA to continue this tradition. The Town Club of Mountain Lakes has been unwavering in their support! In 2009, the Town Club increased their donation to H&SA Financial Aid Scholarship. The Home & School Association takes pride in our ability to help deserving students with their college expenses and would like to extend to the Town Club our sincere appreciation for their continued support.

FUNDRAISERS H&SA Annual Bake Sale Home & School Association Orders being accepted until Oct. 5 for items made after Oct. 10 Contact: Jackie Bay (973) 317-2885 Sally Foster Fundraiser Wildwood Cultural Arts Sale Ends October 9 Contact: Lisa Lukas (973) 588-3090 or Marianne Scelsa (973) 588-3850 Wildwood Book Festival Wildwood School Oct. 19 – Oct. 23 Contact: Lynn Alberts (973) 257-9880


Joe Corbi’s Pizza & Food Products Briarcliff School Orders due October 23 Contact: Andrea Kimmelman (973) 541-0259 12th Annual Spirit 5K Race Medical Needs Foundation October 25 Contact: Allyson Bakewell (973) 402-5611 Oktoberfest 2009 The Roots & Wings Foundation October 30 Contact: Lauri Masur (973) 696-3783 & Orders Lake Drive Foundation On-going Contact: Sueanne Sylvester (973) 265-4168  PAGE 4


IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ORDER OR ORDER ORVOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER ☺ Bake Sale is well underway! If you haven’t gotten your order in – you still have time for some workshops. Don’t miss out on an easy hot meal during this busy season!! How You Can Help: Workshop Volunteer – Join a team of Lakers to make a dish. Workshops normally start at 9 a.m. and require 3-4 hours of time. Don’t worry if you can’t cook! You’ll be given a job that you can do and have a great time in the process! Delivery Volunteers – Volunteers will be given a set amount of food to deliver in the afternoon, around 1-3 p.m.

Bake For The Annual Bake Sale at the High School! The H&SA Annual Bake Sale will be held on November 3 at the High School. Tables will be set up in the atrium from 6 a.m. until around 5 p.m. We very much need food contributions (anything: cookie, cake, bread as well as quiches, etc. – be creative ) Baked goods are welcome all day long – you don’t even need to tell us in advance – just bring on the cookies!! We also need manpower to work the actual sale. Diana Hatton, (973) 335-6146, is coordinating volunteers in 2 hour time slots throughout the day.



Bake Sale Workshops in Need of Volunteers Workshop




Matzo Ball Soup

Lili Rosenstreich

Oct 1

8:45 a.m.

Chicken Parmesan

Becky Cannon

Oct 2

9:00 a.m.

Pumpkin Rolls / bake

Deb Sorbo

Oct 5

9:00 a.m.

Deb Sorbo

Oct 6

9:00 a.m.

Apple Cobbler

Renee Caruthers

Oct 6

9:00 a.m.

Spinach Lasagne

Ginny Cassidy

Oct 6

9:30 a.m.

Chicken Tortilla Soup

Tish Scarola

Oct 7


Bread Pudding w/whiskey

Rebecca Gold

Oct 7

9:00 a.m.

Baked Ziti w/meat sauce

Alison Schuckman

Oct 9

9:00 a.m.

Chicken Parmesan

Debbie Span

Oct 9

5:00 p.m.

3 Cheese Macaroni & Cheese

Marianne Scelsa

Oct 12

9:00 a.m.

New Orleans Red Beans, Rice & Sausage

Charlotte Fraser

Oct 12

9:00 a.m.

Low Fat Corn Chowder

LaVonne Feigeles

Oct 13

9:00 a.m.

Mamma’s Meatballs

Thadine Clifton

Oct 13

9:00 a.m.

Red Chicken Chili (no beans)

Mary Menard

Oct 14

9:00 a.m.

Vegetarian Chili

Margaret Gossett

Oct 14

9:00 a.m.

Chicken Prosciutto Rolls

Beth Grebe

Oct 16

9:00 a.m.

Chicken Pot Pie

Kathy Kuehm

Oct 19

9:00 a.m.

Zucchini Crescent Pie

Deena Lynch

Oct 20

5:00 p.m.

Pumpkin Soup

Liz Marshall

Oct 22

9:00 a.m.

White Bean Chicken Chili

Gretchen Riccardi

Oct 27

9:00 a.m.

Beef Barley Soup

Marsi Richter

Oct 28

9:30 a.m.

Vodka Pasta Sauce

Lisa Sanzone

Oct 29

9:00 a.m.

Chicken Enchiladas

Kelly Thompson

Nov 2

9:00 a.m.

Ice and pack



H&SA Annual Bake Sale Volunteer Form Drop this form off at 430 Morris Avenue – look for the special mailbox. Or contact Jackie Bay at (973) 317-2885 or [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bake Sale Volunteer Name: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ I can help with these workshops: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I can help with deliveries: Call me when help is needed: ______________________________________________________________________ Only on these days: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



Bake Sale Order Form We have extended the order deadline for menu items scheduled for delivery after October 10! Order Deadline: October 5 Name:_____________________________________Phone:______________________ Address:___________________________________ E-mail:______________________ Orders will be delivered the day of the workshop. A cooler on the front porch is a great idea for keeping food fresh.

SOUPS (quart) Low Fat Corn Chowder Pumpkin Soup Potato Leek Soup Beef Barley Soup CHILIS (quart) Vegetarian Red Chicken Chili (no beans) White Bean Chicken Sausage Black Bean ENTREES (serves 4) 3 Cheese Macaroni & Cheese Red Beans & Sausage Chicken Prosciutto Rolls Chicken Pot Pie Puttanesca Sauce Vodka Pasta Sauce Chicken Enchiladas Zucchini Crescent Pie



$10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $12.00

x_______ x_______ x_______ x_______

= = = =

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

10/13 10/22 10/23 10/28

$10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00

x_______ x_______ x_______ x_______

= = = =

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

10/14 10/14 10/27 TBA

$14.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $14.00 $12.00 $17.00 $14.00

x_______ = x_______ = x________= x_______ = x_______ = x_______ = x_______ = x_______ =

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

10/12 10/12 10/16 10/19 10/26 10/29 11/2 10/20




$ ___________

Make your check payable to: Home and School Association Mail or drop off to: Jackie Bay, 430 Morris Ave., Mtn. Lakes, NJ 07046 THE BULLETIN


BOARD OF EDUCATION A M ESSAGE F ROM T HE S UPERINTENDENT Our new school year has gotten off to a wonderful start, with weather to match. Summer work left our buildings in excellent shape and both student and staff seemed to have returned with a high level of excitement. As I noted in my September message, we anticipated change with the new camera entry system at Wildwood school and I’m happy to say that this new safety procedure has met with a very positive response. Now we are waiting for the final work of the Morris County Improvement Authority to prepare for the addition of solar panels on both the high school and Wildwood school. These should result in a very positive result for our district. One very significant change that I did not have an opportunity to mention in our September’s Bulletin is the announcement by Bob Reid that he will retire as Wildwood Principal. Bob has been an employee of the school district for 39 years, and has served as a recreation director, coach, teacher and school principal. More than one generation of students has grown under Bob’s tenure and their children have had the benefit of his leadership as well. On a personal note, I have tremendously enjoyed having Bob as a colleague and friend. His dedication to the Mountain Lakes community and its children has been unwavering. While finding a new Principal for Wildwood School will be a challenge, I am certain that there will be no shortage of highly qualified candidates who will actively pursue this position. To ensure that we have an adequate timeline to complete this important process, I have personally committed to act as the Interim Principal from January through July 1, 2010. Having served as the Principal of two elementary schools, for a total of nine years earlier in my career, I must admit that I am excited by the opportunity. Our search and advertisement of this position will begin this month and the interview process will continue into January with an anticipated hire date in the spring. The new Principal will begin at Wildwood no later than July 1, 2010. This should allow for a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns as we undertake this important search, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (973) 334-8280. Thank you for your continued support of our students and our schools.

John Kazmark, Superintendent THE BULLETIN


Lake Drive News Students from the Lake Drive Program have returned to learning with a flourish! Classes are hopping, custodians are mopping, teachers are teaching, and no kids are screeching! A new crop of music students are beginning to learn an instrument this fall. We have nine students beginning recorder, seven learning guitar, two learning autoharp, and one learning piano. Soon everyone will be dancing to their music! Mrs. Maureen Butler is now a state resource person for NJMEA, representing students with special needs. This involves being a point of contact for music educators with questions about special needs students, as well as occasional writing for NJMEA's quarterly journal, TEMPO. At the high school level, the Junior National Association of the Deaf had its first meeting, conducted by president Margo C. Other officers at this time include Kiara S. as vice president and Leslye K. as sergeant at arms. The club's secretary and treasurer will be elected at next month's meeting; only sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to run. The proud club advisors this year are Mrs. Ellen Buechner and Mrs. Karin Kasper.

interpreted for easy access to the very clever song lyrics and dialogue. In addition, the students were visited by a deaf theater artist, sent by the Theater Development Fund, in mid-September. She taught the students about the characters, plot, and relevant educational themes of the show, to best prepare them for the performance. Games and other exercises ensured a complete understanding of what to expect in this dynamic and exciting Broadway adventure. Students and faculty enjoyed a memorable experience that was filled with music and magic! A former Lake Drive and Mountain Lakes High School student, Daniel Di Donna, is now a third year student at Gallaudet University and a swimmer on the Gallaudet swim team, following a very successful career as a Laker swimmer. He has earned his way to an extremely high honor, that of representing the United States in the Deaf Olympics in Taipei, Taiwan! At the time of this typing, Daniel has broken his personal best in the 50 meter breast stroke, with a 33.79! All of us who know Daniel know him for his dedication, drive, and motivation to succeed! Way to go, Daniel!

The Lake Drive Program at Mountain Lakes High School had a wonderful opportunity to see "Wicked" on Broadway, in early October! The performance was sign language THE BULLETIN

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Wildwood Elementary Lunch menus are posted in each homeroom. Menus can also be viewed on the Wildwood website at or the School District website at Click the Quick Link for “Lunch Menu.” Remember to also click on “Wildwood Events Calendar” at the top left of the page. This will take you to the monthly calendar of all events happening at Wildwood School.

NEWS FROM THE NURSE Important information regarding medication: It is recommended that if your child is taking medication, it should be given at home if possible. If your child does need to have medication during school (prescription OR over-the counter), New Jersey State Law states that the school nurse cannot dispense medication unless it is accompanied by a parent's note AND a doctor's order indicating the child's name, reason for the medication, the dosage and time it should be given. If it is a prescription medication, it must be in the properly labeled, current container indicating name, dose and time to be given. At the beginning of each school year, a NEW doctor's order and a parent's note are required. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.

LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY? MISSING SCHOOL? Please call the school early in the morning if your child will be out on any particular day OR if your child will be arriving late to school on that day and state the reason. Please come to the main office to sign your child out and the office will call your child from the classroom. Please DO NOT go directly to your child's classroom. The Wildwood office appreciates your cooperation and thanks you in advance.

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Tuesday, October 6 School Photo Day Monday, October 12 to Friday, October 16 Fire Prevention Week Tuesday, October 13 Parent Teacher Conferences 1 p.m. dismissal for students


Wednesday, October 21 Wildwood Advisory Council Meeting Thursday, October 22 Parent Teacher Conferences 1 p.m. dismissal for students Friday, October 30 The tradition continues! The annual Wildwood Halloween Parade will be held on Friday, October 30. Please try to attend this "Family Fun Day" activity at our school. Additional information will be sent home through the individual classroom teachers.

The Mountain Lakes Volunteer Fire Department will be coming to Wildwood during Fire Prevention Week, October 12 through October 16.

VISITING THE CAFETERIA AND PLAYGROUND Parents are reminded to please be sure they sign in at the main office and obtain a visitor's badge whenever visiting our cafeteria or playground. Although we certainly appreciate the many parents who come to help us, it is important for school safety for everyone to follow this procedure. Thank you for your cooperation.

VISIT THE WILDWOOD WEBSITE Parents will be interested to know that the Wildwood School 2009-2010 Activity Calendars


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Wildwood Elementary are posted on our website at Most of the important dates and activities are already listed. Be sure to consult the September 2009 to June 2010 calendar when planning your family activities and vacations.



This year third grade has a new science textbook series. The language arts and social studies classes are focusing on Native American tales and customs. We look forward to building replicas of Native American villages. They will be displayed outside the library at the end of the month.

We are very excited to welcome the first graders to Wildwood. We are making new friends and learning new responsibilities. All parents should read the first grade handbook to assist their children with this transition. Culminating our unit on making friends, we all enjoyed a fruit friendship salad. We look forward to our first field trip…..a walk to the Mountain Lakes Public Library. Each child will receive their own library card and learn all that the library has to offer. All parents are welcome to join us. It’s going to be a great year!

SECOND GRADE NEWS The second grade had a wonderful start to the new school year. Congratulations to everyone who returned the summer reading log and received a certificate. What great readers! This month the students will begin a science unit on weather. We will be studying the water cycle, clouds, storms, seasons, climate and temperature.

The third graders have had a great start to the new school year. We want to welcome Mrs. Coffey back to our third grade team. Math is off and running with place value as the first unit.

FOURTH GRADE NEWS The fourth graders began the school year with an introduction to Three Cups of Tea, as part of the district-wide "Our Big Read”. We will continue this project with reading, writing, discussion and activities across the curriculum. Susan Roth, the author/illustrator of Listen to the Wind, will be visiting Wildwood and other district schools on October 21, 2009. Our trip to Sandy Hook with Mr. Keith was a great success. This field trip enriches the study of the environment, the ocean, New Jersey, and follow-up language arts activities.

P.E.A.K. News - Gifted and Talented/Enrichment The Wildwood Mentorship Program: Welcome back! Once again this year, we will be conducting mentorships for our Wildwood students in grades 2-4. Students are recommended for mentorships by their teachers, and the students who have been recommended for fall mentorships will be notified in early October. We will be recruiting students from MLHS as well as adult community members who are willing to share their professions, expertise, experiences, talents and hobbies with our students. This sharing may involve conducting a workshop, making a classroom presentation, acting as a mentor for an individual or a small group of students in math, language arts, science, etc. We will provide materials and training! If you are interested, please call Lindsay Kielley at (973) 334-3609. The ARC Program at Wildwood is underway. The ARC instructor, Mrs. Siddron, is located in Room 3, across the hall from the front door of Wildwood. This program enables students who have demonstrated high academic readiness to come out of their regular classrooms and explore advanced concepts in reading and/or mathematics. Because students will miss academic instruction in their regular classes, they must be able to function independently at a very high level in order to be successful. Fifth Grade Enrichment Clusters will begin in early October, and will run throughout the year. These clusters will meet during reinforcement period and are open to all students. Some examples include the following: Stock Market Game, Knowledge Masters, and Shakespeare.


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Wildwood Elementary A MESSAGE FROM THE

Wildwood Chairs Hopefully everyone is back in the routine of school - September can be quite the adjustment after a leisurely summer! A huge "Thank You" to all of the people who made our transition easier by donating their time: the homeroom parents, the chairs and co-chairs of all the activities that go on at Wildwood, and to the numerous people who volunteered to be on those activity committees throughout the year. This is why we live in this great town - so many people are involved! Hopefully, you were all able to attend Back to School Night on September 24, and met all the teachers and staff. Did you happen to see the bulletin board decorated in the front lobby? An awesome job – courtesy of Visual Arts Chairs, Marta Neuenhaus and Lauren Barnett. If you go a little further down the hall, you will see the creative work of Kim Terhune for the birthday board – thanks Kim! A very special thank you to Lili Weiss who has helped develop our homeroom and event committee website. This was a tremendous undertaking and will make our volunteers' lives easier. They will be able to get forms on-line and information to help make a parent's life easier as well! Anyone can access it for a refresher on important dates that are coming up in Wildwood by going to Thanks also to Andrea McLaughlin for giving a presentation to the children last month on Helping Hands. Anyone interested in becoming a “helping hand” or learning more about this special program should contact Andrea directly at [email protected] or at (973) 263-1786. The New Parent Social that was held last month was a huge success - 33 new families have registered at Wildwood this school year! Moving into a new town can be stressful - as many of you know. Taking the time to make newcomers feel welcome is an essential part of who we are - thank you for doing such a great job! Make sure you visit the Wildwood Book Festival that will run from October 19 - October 23, 2009 – the kids love picking out the books they want to read. Don't tell the children, but the first Popcorn Friday is October 16, 2009, with Family Bingo to follow that night! We look forward to seeing you there! Especially don't forget the Halloween parade! That is the event of the year - you can come in costume too! Happy fall!

Mary Ratchford

Holly Daniel

CHAIR (973) 265-4754 [email protected]

ASSISTANT CHAIR (973) 769-1649 [email protected]


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Wildwood Elementary Wildwood is Wild … For Books! Wildwood Book Festival October 19 - 23, 2009 Book sale for all ages at the Wildwood Library!

Monday, Oct 19 Tuesday, Oct 20 Wednesday, Oct 21 Thursday, Oct 22 Friday, Oct 23

Noon - 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Do your holiday shopping early! Proceeds support Wildwood library reading incentives, supplemental library and classroom purchases and audiovisual materials.

Lynn Alberts 257 -9880 or [email protected] Adrienne Burg-Charwat 541-9501 or [email protected] Michele Gregorek 334-1588 or [email protected] Diane Luzzi 394-0707 or [email protected] Sponsored by the Mountain Lakes Home & School Association


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Wildwood Elementary

LAST CHANCE……. To stock up on premium wrapping paper and gift items from

Ask any Wildwood student for the amazing brochure and order quickly. Sale ends October 9, 2009. Any questions, please contact Marianne Scelsa (973) 588-3850. or Lisa Lukas (973) 588-3090. Thank you for supporting Cultural Arts. Without your support through Sally Foster and other fundraisers, we could not bring quality programs to the children at Wildwood school.


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Wildwood Elementary

“Creating Real Books” Two Kelly’s-one Irene, the other Rebecca-team up to present a cover-tocover introduction to publishing. On the first day, artist/author Irene brings the students into the world of writing and illustration with her “Creating Books” presentation. On the following days, book crafter/storyteller Rebecca leads the students in the creation of their own hand-bound books, complete with their original stories and drawings. Fifth Grade Assembly, October 9, 2009, at 8:45 a.m., with Irene Kelly in Wildwood’s gymnasium. Following the assembly, Irene Kelly will read her book to the first grade classes. Fifth Grade Workshops: October 12, 14 and 20, 2009 Fifth grade parents interested in volunteering for the workshops, please contact Wendy Kotsen (973) 265-8678. The third grade classes are in for a treat when the Liberty Science Center visits Wildwood, October 27, 2009, to bring them “States of Matter”. Using super-cold liquid nitrogen, common household items and student volunteers, Liberty Science Center educators demonstrate how and why things change from solid to liquid to gas. Students will develop a better sense of the physical world around them through this "really cool" exploration of matter.


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Briarcliff Middle School absentee phone line : 334-6369 Lunch menus can be viewed on the Briarcliff website at or on the School District website at Click the Quick Link for “Lunch Menu.” Remember to also click on “Briarcliff Events” at the top left of the page. This will take you to the monthly calendar of all events happening at Briarcliff School.

IMPORTANT DATES October 15 - Thursday Picture Day

ACTS OF KINDNESS Alex Thomson received an Act of Kindness from Ms. Vanderstreet for helping a fellow student pick up books that were accidentally dropped. Good job Alex; congratulations!

GUIDANCE NEWS Eileen Ludwig, Briarcliff’s Guidance Counselor, can be reached directly by calling (973) 334-8716. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child and/or school, please do not hesitate to call. At the beginning of each month, “Middle Years”, a newsletter for middle school parents, is available on the Briarcliff Guidance website. Check it out!


October 21 - Wednesday End of first Allied for grades 6 & 7 October 22 - Thursday Second Allied begins for grades 6 & 7 October 28 - Wednesday Grade 8 Morris County Tech assembly - 2nd period October 30 - Friday Shari Russo Assembly, 1:30 p.m. November 2 - Monday End of first marking period November 5 - 6 - Thursday - Friday School closed for Teacher Convention November 16 - Monday Basketball tryouts November 19-20 - Thursday - Friday 12:15 p.m. dismissal for teacher conferences - no lunch served November 25 - Wednesday 12:15 p.m. dismissal - no lunch served

It’s is in full swing. If your child needs to take any medication while at school, including emergency medication and over-thecounter medication, please make sure that all necessary paperwork is filled out, signed by the child's physician and returned to the health office. Forms can be downloaded and printed at, click on “medication”. It is NJ State mandated that all medication permission, allergy and asthma action forms be annually renewed. To enhance the quality of care your child receives while at school, compliance with the state regulations is strongly recommended. When taking your child for his or her annual health physical, please download the forms at, click on “athletics”. It is called the annual athletic pre-participation physical examination form. This form can be used regardless of your child's participation in a sport. As always... any new immunizations, injuries or health related issues need to be reported to the Briarcliff Health Office. Nicole Renna, RN CSN (973) 334-0342 [email protected]

November 26-27 - Thursday – Friday School closed - Thanksgiving break THE BULLETIN

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Briarcliff Middle School P.E.A.K. News - Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Forensics! Middle School teams are practicing for the Dramatic Reading Competition. Our finalists will compete in the Interpretative Reading Tournament sponsored and held by the New Jersey Consortium for Gifted and Talented Programs later in the year. Knowledge Masters is back! Students in grades 6-8 who would like to participate in the Knowledge Masters Open on Tuesday, December 2, 2009, in the library after school, should listen for announcements regarding sign-ups. KMO is a computer quiz contest in which students compete as a team against other schools throughout the state and around the world! Junior Model United Nations, as well as World of Free Enterprise, will begin in early October. Students who would like to hear more information on these activities should listen for morning announcements and/or contact Mrs. Kielley at (973) 334-3609 or e-mail at [email protected].


briarcliff Chairs We hope everyone is settling in to their new classrooms and is ready for a terrific new school year. Listed below we have some important reminders to mark on your calendars. The first important fundraiser we have at Briarcliff is from Joe Corbi. There are a variety of delicious and easy dinner options to choose from, including calzones and pizza kits. Please remember each order helps raise money for our school. Calling All Bakers!! We are looking for individuals interested in baking cookies, cakes, cupcakes, coffee cakes, pies, etc. for the H&SA Annual Bake Sale. Our Bake Sale is another important way we raise funds to provide programs and services to our schools. Please contact Janet Beimfohr at (973) 541-1654 to see how you can help. Thank you Janet!

DATES AND THINGS TO REMEMBER: H&SA Annual Bake Sale: Forms due: October 5 Briarcliff Picture Day: October 15

Joe Corbi Fundraiser: Forms due: October 23 Delivery date pick-up: November 11

We want to give a special thanks to all the parents who have volunteered to be event and grade coordinators as well as room parents. Without your help, we could not implement all the successful programs we do at Briarcliff! A special thank you to Laura Fitzgerald for handling the coordination of PEP sign-ups. Questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to call us. Remember, we still have plenty of available spots to help.

Dawn Smith, Chair (973) 263-1107 [email protected]

Christine Lachman, Asst. Chair

(973) 402-0007 [email protected]


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Briarcliff Middle School 2009 - 2010 Briarcliff Chairs and Event Coordinators Suzanne Morgis

(973) 402-6428

[email protected]

Rachelle Boyhan

(973) 394-8969

[email protected]

Grade 7 Coordinators

Anne Smith

(973) 588-3368

[email protected]

Wendy Kotsen

(973) 265-8675

[email protected]

Grade 8 Coordinators H&SA Bake Sale Coordinator

Lynn Alberts

(973) 257-9880

[email protected]

Kim Grippaldi

(973) 402-7448

[email protected]

Janet Beimfohr

(973) 541-1654

[email protected]

Book Festival Chair Field Day Coordinator Fundraiser Coordinator

Renee Waas

(973) 263-3350

[email protected]

Allison Decker

(973) 263-2265

[email protected]

Andrea Kimmelman

(973) 541-0259

[email protected]

Pep Sign-Ups Teacher Appreciation Day

Laura Fitzgerald

(973) 402-1899

[email protected]

Lisa Sanzone

(973) 331-7843

[email protected]

Grade 6 Coordinators


OCTOBER 23, 2009 NOVEMBER 11, 2009

Volunteers and questions call Andrea Kimmelman at (973)541-0259 or e-mail [email protected].


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Briarcliff Middle School 2009 - 2010 Briarcliff Homeroom Parents TEACHERS


Mrs. Anderson

Annalisa Gallo

Mr. Cayes / Mrs. Dam

Denise Goodbar

Mr. Cafiero

Diane Burch

Mr. Foster

Jenni Smith

Mr. Schneider / Mrs. Ebersole

Lisa Sanzone

Mrs. Donelan / Mrs. LaVerde

Roberta Spray

Mrs. Lombardi

Christina Koch

Mrs. Harmon

Mary Beth Smith

Mr. Mattoon

Margie Peacock

Ms. Paz

Margaret Capodanno

Mr. Mendello

Gale Alvarez

Mrs. Pelliconi

Megan Luciano

Mrs. Peifly

Erin Plante

Ms. Wallace

Kim Hsiang

Mr. Stanton

Margaret Gossett


 PAGE 22

Mountain Lakes High School CALENDAR OF EVENTS - OCTOBER 2009 4

Field Hockey Rec. Program

Turf Field

12 - 2:00 p.m.


Congressman Frelinghuysen

Media Center

9 - 10:00 a.m.

Media Center

7:30 p.m.

Field Trip, Lake Drive Program


11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Ice Hockey Parent Meeting


7 - 9:30 p.m.

Visits AP Gov. Classes BOE Meeting 6

1st Marking Period Progress Reports Due Senior Picnic/Photo Make Up Senior HSPA


Make Up Senior HSPA 8

Back To School Night

7:30 p.m.


Underclassmen Photos


SAT Testing


Field Hockey Rec. Program

Turf Field

12 - 2 p.m.


ML Educational Foundation Meeting

Media Center

7:30 - 9:30 p.m.

College Admission Workshop


7:30 p.m.

Spirit Week

Theme TBA

H&SA General Program Meeting

Media Center

7:30 p.m.

Final Senior Portrait Session


2 - 8 p.m.

Spirit Week

Theme TBA


Spirit Week

Theme TBA


Fall Field Day


8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Spirit Week - Theme TBA 13


Peer Leaders/Grade 9

10:16 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Barbeque-Grades 10-12

12:45 - 1:30 p.m.

Pep Rally

1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Last Day for Spirit Week


 PAGE 23

Mountain Lakes High School CALENDAR OF EVENTS - OCTOBER 2009 17


PSAT Testing

7:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Homecoming Dance

2 p.m.

Field Hockey Rec. Program

Turf Field

12 - 2 p.m.

“Our Big Read”


2 - 5 p.m.

BOE Meeting

Media Center

7:30 p.m.

Dress Rehearsal for Fall Production


4 - 6 p.m.

Dress Rehearsal for Fall Production


4:30 - 6:30 p.m.


FOTA Meeting

Room 170

1:15 - 2:35 p.m.


Fall Production-TBA


7:30 p.m.


Fall Production-TBA


7:30 p.m.

Football Dinner


2:30 - 4 p.m.


Fall Production-TBA


7:30 p.m.


Field Hockey Rec. Program

Turf Field

12 - 2 p.m.


“Our Big Read”


6:30 - 9:30 p.m.



Invited 55+

Testing Math/English/Arts 27

Testing World Lang./Social Studies


Testing English/Social Studies


Testing Science/Math


Comedy Night

7:30 p.m.

Field Trip-Met. Museum of Art

8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

French Classes Madame Brady M. Bellace Training

9 a.m.


 PAGE 24


Testing Activity



Fall HSPA (retakes)






PSAT's (Saturday, 10 - 11 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. - MLHS) College Admission Activities



Morris County College Fair at County College of Morris, 12 - 3:30 p.m.

10 - 12

"The College Admission 10 - 12 Process" (Students & Parents) Guest speaker from Muhlenberg College (7:30 p.m. - MLHS Auditorium)

ANNOUNCEMENTS "College Admissions Workshop" (0ctober 13, 2009 - 7:30 p.m. MLHS Auditorium). The Guidance Department has invited Christopher Hooker-Haring, Dean of Admissions from Muhlenberg College, to address our parents and students in grades 10 through 12. He will answer your questions about the "selective college admission process". This will be a great introduction into the "ins and outs" of college admissions and will allow you to ask some specific questions. Additionally, this is one of our best attended workshops and is a necessity for all parents and students in grades 10 through 12. “College Visits to MLHS” – Attention Senior Parents: During the months of September through November, we are fortunate to have numerous college admissions representatives visit MLHS. The purpose of these informal, group visits is to meet with students who are interested in learning more THE BULLETIN

about the respective college or university. Students are notified of an upcoming visit during morning announcements and this information is posted in homerooms and outside the Guidance Office. We also compile a list of institutions that conduct informal sessions at nearby locations. These programs are for the benefit of students and their families and are posted in the same manner as mentioned previously. We trust that you encourage your senior student to take advantage of these opportunities.

SPORTS BULLETIN At the time of this writing, the pre-seasons are drawing to a close. The captains for our varsity teams are: Football: Senior captains are-Austin DiMarco, Jack Nagle and Kevin Ryan. Former standout player Brian Tironi has joined the coaching staff as a volunteer. Field Hockey: Senior captains are-Meg Lappe, Alex Mintz, Erin Turkot and Shannon Wallin. Girls Soccer: Senior captains are Blake Bellucci and Carson Mehl. The freshmen coach is Brian Franks. Boys Soccer: Captains are John DeMezzo, Mark Rankin, Charles Rioux and Steve Cukar. Cross Country: Senior captains are Jessica Celniker, Rachel Schindler, Brent Lewandowski and Tim Shaw. Tennis: Captains are Nicole Donadio, Dasha Osherov and Alison Silverman. Cheerleaders: Captains are Jenna Bucco, Sonam Khubani and Heather Montrose. I am very proud to announce that Coach Doug Wilkins is this year's recipient of the Dr. John F. Bateman Foundation's "Winners for Life Award". This award is presented annually to a deserving New Jersey high school football coach who best emulates the criteria of service to American youth. Congratulations Coach.

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Mountain Lakes High School I am also proud to announce that Coach Jen Munday has been selected as New Jersey's "Coach of the Year" for the sport of girls lacrosse for the National Federation of High Schools Association award for the 2008-2009 season. Congratulations Coach. Please come out and support our athletes and coaches. The athletic schedules for the high school and Briarcliff may be found at or go to the MLHS website, click on “sports schedules” and follow the prompts. Please come out and support our athletes and coaches.

(3) Show respect for the opponents at all times. (4) Recognize & appreciate the skills of the athletes participating in the contest. (5) Maintain self-control at all times. (6) Show a positive attitude in cheering. A REMINDER: Please do not allow your dogs on the track or the turf field. There have been several occasions when our students/athletes have had to clean up after dogs before the teams could use the field. Thank you!

Fan Sportsmanship Guide: (1) Know & understand the rules of the contest. (2) Show respect for the officials including accepting their decisions.

HELP WANTED! MLHS MEDIA CENTER VOLUNTEERS Do you have an hour or two to spare each week? Do you like to work with books in a friendly atmosphere? Then the MLHS Media Center needs you! We have had a dedicated volunteer staff that aids in the preparation of new books, shelving of books and coordination of periodicals. Please contact Janice Hurley, Library Media Specialist: phone (973) 299-0623 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you!


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Mountain Lakes High School 2009 - 2010 Mountain Lakes High School H&SA Class Parents Chair Debby Rosati Assistant Chair Bev Bernstein

(973) 263-1578

[email protected]

(973) 263-0659

[email protected]

Senior Class: Beth Bellucci Cheryl DiMarco Nita Lenz Patty Nagle Joyce Prevoznik Kathleen Turkot Lisa Walsh

(973) 299-6699 (973) 316-2618 (973) 394-0205 (973) 263-4540 (973) 394-1623 (973) 263-8521 (973) 402-0840

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Junior Class: Robin Bravante Anne Marie Burgoyne Maria Cuccinello Laura Fitzgerald Leslie Shaw Lori Shmanske Fay Vujic

(973) 402-1053 (973) 334-9215 (973) 541-0454 (973) 402-1899 (973) 334-6557 (973) 316-8757 (973) 334-6513

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Sophomore Class: Barbara Davies Dina McWilliams Sue Spagnola Judy Thomas

(973) 334-1964 (973) 334-4551 (973) 331-1280 (973) 794-4140

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Freshman Class: Diane Burch Shelli Cabana Michele Rankin Denise Schoenfeld

(973) 541-0966 (973) 334-8860 (973) 334-7903 (973) 335-9719

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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Mountain Lakes High School A MESSAGE FROM THE

high school Chairs Hope everyone has adjusted well to the school schedule and is looking forward to all this month’s upcoming events. The new Mountain Lakes High School store has opened carrying: pens, pencils, paper, clothing, etc. Thank you to Anne Mucci for her continued support. Additional thanks to Deb Rosati and Cheryl DiMarco for making this happen. When you visit the High School, please take notice of the new furniture in the lobby (it should be delivered shortly) as well as the new podiums for the auditorium. These items were purchased with a grant from the H&SA - thank you for your time, effort and contributions.


Back to School Night, 7:30 p.m.

October 12-16

Spirit Week

October 13

College Admissions Workshop, 7:30 p.m.

October 14

Make Up Senior Portraits, 9 a.m.

October 16

Grade 9 Field Day & Peer Leader Lunch, 10:15 a.m. Grade 10-12 Barbecue Field Day, 12:45 p.m. Pep Rally follows at 1:30 p.m. Homecoming, 2 p.m.

*Next Month - November 3 is the H&SA Annual Bake Sale. This is one of Home and School’s biggest fundraisers…Please come out to support us! Thank You,

Debby Rosati

Bev Bernstein

H&SA Chair (973) 263-1578 [email protected]

Assistant Chair (973) 263-0659 [email protected]


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F RO M T H E BO RO UG H FROM THE MAYOR As we settle into our fall routine of school, sports and enjoying the colors of the season, I want to take a moment to update you on a few changes and initiatives underway in the borough. New Borough Manager First, I want to welcome our new Borough Manager Barry R. Lewis, Jr. to Mountain Lakes. In a unanimous vote at a special meeting in early September, the Borough Council appointed Barry as our new Borough Manager. As I reported in my last Mayor’s letter, the appointment was the culmination of a highly competitive search process in which more than 75 candidates applied for the position. I want to thank Councilman George Jackson and the other members of the Search Committee for conducting a very through, efficient and professional search. They all spent countless hours working to find the best person for the job. Barry has extensive experience in municipal government. He received his law degree from Florida State University in 1988. After graduating he practiced law in Florida and New Jersey focusing primarily on local government law. In 1998, he became the Township Administrator for Mine Hill. During his tenure he successfully obtained over $12 million in grants to preserve about 300 acres of open space. He has extensive experience in the administrative oversight of utilities and public beaches and controlled costs by adopting innovative ways to deliver municipal services. In 2007, he became the Borough Administrator for Spring Lake and has continued to control costs, find grants, and share services with other communities. We look forward to him bringing his expertise to benefit the residents of Mountain Lakes. Barry’s first day on the job will be this Monday, October 5. If you find yourself in Borough Hall please take a moment to personally welcome Barry to Mountain Lakes. Sign Up for Broadcast Email Second, as outlined in our goals for the year and in an effort to develop better more efficient ways to communicate with residents, we have instituted a broadcast email system. The system is intended to be used at the discretion of the Borough Manager to disseminate information of a timely, urgent or emergency situation. We are currently in the process of populating the database of email addresses. If you wish to receive notices via the broadcast email system, send an email to [email protected] indicating your desire to have your address added to the database. We will be monitoring and evaluating the use and benefits of this technology moving forward, so you may notice some changes along the way. Let’s go to the Video Tape Third, if you are a frequent visitor to our recycling center, you have probably noticed the ongoing abuse of the use of the recycling containers. Unfortunately, there is a tremendous amount of material that is unsuitable for recycling that is being disposed of in the containers. Not only is this against the recycling laws, it costs the taxpayers a great deal of money when containers are returned from the collection facility due to “contamination” from improper materials. Basically the containers are to be used for mixed paper, bottles and cans and are marked accordingly. We also have areas THE BULLETIN

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F RO M T H E BO RO UG H designated for leaves, brush, tires and batteries. The recycling center is for the use of residents only and contractors are not permitted to use the facility. To combat the misuse, we have installed several video surveillance cameras to monitor the area around the clock. Anyone found to be improperly disposing of material or abusing any area of our DPW facility will be identified and receive a summons. Complete information on what is permitted at the yard can be found by clicking on “Solid Waste/Recycling” on the Borough website, Halloween Safe Zones Finally, I want to remind all citizens to have a safe and fun Halloween. One way to ensure a safe Halloween is by participating in the Halloween Safe Zone Program sponsored by our own Mountain Lakes Police Department. Candy donations are being accepted at the Police Department and are distributed to homes in the Borough’s Safe Zones. Please consider making a candy donation. As always, your comments and feedback are welcome, I can be reached at (973) 2638752 or [email protected].

Mayor Stephen H. Shaw SMAC CLINIC November 7, 2009 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Montville Health Department 195 Changebridge Road The Montville Health Department will hold a Health Screening Program on Saturday, November 7, 2009 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Health Wing of the Montville Township Municipal Building, 195 Changebridge Road, Montville. A SMAC blood screening for residents of Montville and Mountain Lakes, 18 years of age and older, will be offered at a nominal cost of $23. In addition to the blood testing, other screenings currently being arranged include blood pressure, podiatry, and glaucoma/cataract (8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.). Also available will be a PSA Screening for a nominal charge of $25 and a TSH Screening (thyroid) for $25. Payment will be by check only. Numerous pamphlets and educational materials on various topics will also be provided on that day. For appointments, further information, or any questions regarding the health screening, please call the Montville Health Department at (973) 331-3316.


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F RO M T H E BO RO UG H REMINDER: Fall Clean Up 2009

“Trash Day” Friday, October 23, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday, October 24, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Department of Public Works, 55 Pocono Road, (973) 334-1577 ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS


Anything that is not recyclable or regular everyday trash Appliances (Freon removed) Furniture Old Toys Exercise Equipment

Hazardous Waste (see below) Paint Cans

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEAN UP: Check Acceptable Materials Include: *Consumer electronics (small $ charge): TVs, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, computer peripherals, phones, faxes) *Household cleaning products *Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers *Oil-based paints and stains *Paint thinners and solvents *aerosol cans (not empty) *Automotive Fluids: antifreeze, motor oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, transmission fluid, steering fluid, brake fluid, kerosene *Batteries: automotive, alkaline, rechargeable *Pool and darkroom chemicals *Propane gas cylinders (BBQ size or smaller), Helium cylinders and Fire Extinguishers *Driveway sealant, roof tar *Florescent Light Bulbs *Mercury containing devices

STOVES, WASHING MACHINES & DRYERS, REFRIGERATORS, DEHUMIDIFIERS & AIR CONDITIONERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT ANY TRANSFER STATION IN MORRIS COUNTY. THEY ARE MANDATED RECYCLABLE MATERIALS AND MUST BE RECYCLED. Local Dealer in Morris County: C&M Metals Recycling, LLC (Dealers in scrap iron, steel and nonferrous metals) 160 Richards Avenue, Dover, NJ 07802 (973) 366-2716 TRASH DAY VEHICLE COSTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

VEHICLE Car Interior Car Trunk Both Car Interior and Trunk Station wagon – Interior Items attached outside vehicle Mini Van – Interior Items attached outside vehicle 2-Door Sport Utility Vehicle Ex. Jeeps, Sport Models 4-Door Sport Utility Vehicle Ex. Expeditions, Suburban Mini Pick Up Truck Standard Pick Up Truck with side panels or racks Full Size Van Trailers (U-Haul Type) a. 5x5x4 b. 10x6x6 c. 20x6x6 d. 22x6x6 e. 24x8x8


CHARGE $10 $10 $20 $20 $10 $20 $10 $30 $40 $40 $60 $20 $60 $100 $350 $700 $1,400 $1,500

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COMMUNITY B BULLETIN BOARD WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Have you ever wondered how community information gets posted to the bulletin board outside the Borough Hall? The Borough is lucky enough to have a small group of dedicated volunteers who post messages and perform this valuable community service. We need volunteers! The time commitment is minimal – a few minutes out of your day, and only a few weeks out of the year. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Amy O’Leary at (973) 299-6722.

BROADCAST EMAIL The Borough has implemented a Broadcast Email, designed to keep residents informed of important events occurring in Mountain Lakes.

HELP US TO KEEP YOU INFORMED! Email [email protected] with your email & your name to be included.

Questions, please call Michele at the Borough Hall (973) 334-3131. THE BULLETIN

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Saturday, October 24, 2009 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Borough Hall

400 Boulevard (973) 334-1577 Bring your documents that need shredding! Finally… a safe way to get rid of old tax returns, bank statements, cancelled checks & more.

Average Price$8 per box Money to be donated to local charities Sponsored by the Mountain Lakes Police and Fire Departments for your safety!


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Frequently Asked Questions of the Shade Tree Commission 16. WHAT ARE INVASIVE TREE SPECIES AND WHY ARE THEY A PROBLEM? The two most common invasive tree species found in Mountain Lakes are the Norway Maple and Ailanthus. These trees should not be planted because they displace native species and crowd out new undergrowth.

17. WHAT TYPES OF TREES ARE BEST SUITED TO MOUNTAIN LAKES? Native trees are best suited for any area. Some examples of trees native to northern New Jersey are Red Maple, Silver Maple, Black Birch, River Birch, Hornbeam, Redbud, White Ash, Sweet Gum, Tulip Poplar, Black Oak, Red Oak, Scarlet Oak and Chestnut Oak, to name a few. Exhaustive lists are available on the internet.

18. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO PLANT TREES WITH THEIR FUTURE GROWTH IN MIND? Trees are living things that have long life spans and definite growth patterns. Before planting on our properties many considerations need to be taken into account. How long can the tree be expected to live? How tall or wide will it be when fully grown? How fast does the tree grow? Is the form or shape of the tree appropriate for the spot? Will limbs block windows or will the tree be too close to a structure? Will overhead wires impede growth? Will the tree have the correct sun and moisture conditions for survival? Is the tree deciduous or coniferous, (looses its leaves or evergreen)? Is it flowering and does it produce fruit? Talk with an arborist or knowledgeable landscape provider about specific tree species and how they will best thrive in your yard. To contact us or to see the complete list of "Frequently Asked Questions" visit our website: THE BULLETIN

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HALLOWEEN SAFE ZONE PROGRAM Sponsored by the Mountain Lakes Police Department

HALLOWEEN CANDY DONATIONS currently being accepted at: Mountain Lakes Police Station, 400 Boulevard Candy is distributed to homes in the Borough’s SAFEZONES. These donations are designed to help keep the Borough’s “Halloween Safe Zone Program” a success for the children.

PLEASE DONATE! Any questions please call Pat Kapral (973) 334-1507 Corporate Co-Sponsors Welcome!


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Are you a Third, Fourth or Fifth Grader looking for a howling good time? Mountain Lakes Recreation invites you to Midvale Field on Sunday Oct. 25, 2009 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for a spooktacular event: T he Fourth Annual Haunted Halloween Hunt! Search with ghosts for candy filled eggs.* Dance with Dracula! Snack with Frankenstein! Go pumpkin bowling with the monster of your choice! Chances are you’ll be bewitched by the end of the night! * Bring your own flashlight. Sponsored by Mountain Lakes Recreation…..where the fun never ends! THE BULLETIN

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55 Plus Group of Mountain Lakes October 2 Jane Costello from the Lakeland Hills YMCA will introduce us to some new exercise programs. October 9 Trish Chambers will present her costumed program and explore how Jane Austen portrayed society. October 16 A representative from the Family Service of Morris County will introduce us to the many programs they provide to assist seniors. October 23 We plan to have a field trip to Anthony and Sons Bakery plant in Denville. October 30 There will be a surprise Halloween activity. The Mountain Lakes 55 Plus Group meets every Friday at 12:45 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Church unless notified. THE BULLETIN

 PAGE 37

OF MOUNTAIN LAKES Sunday, October 4, 2009, at 2:30 P.M St. Francis Residential Community, Diamond Spring Road, Denville Program features: Carmen Artis, soprano - has performed at Off-Broadway venues, as well as many smaller theaters throughout New York City. She has appeared in numerous operatic and musical productions throughout the U.S. most notably with the North East Lyric Opera, Scranton Opera IV, and New Jersey State Opera companies. Carmen has sung under the batons of maestros Andre Previn and Michael Tilson Thomas with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and numerous other orchestras. John Hammel, tenor - similarly has performed throughout New York City and has appeared in numerous operatic and musical productions including the above Lyric Opera, Scranton Opera and New Jersey State Opera companies. John has recorded the lead role of laius in Sam Belich’s opera Laius and Chrysippus. Nancy Purkiss, pianist - one of New Jersey’s most in demand accompanists and has many diverse talents not only the operatic canon, but art song and the Broadway repertoire as well. Please join us to enjoy these extremely talented musicians. Light Refreshments will be served following the program. For information call Mary Louise at (973) 887-6790.


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Newcomer’s Cocktail Party Saturday, October 3 rd at 7 PM Calling all new folks in town!

If you’re new in town look for your invitation in the mail. Do get in touch if we missed you…this is a fun one! Contact: Maureen McSharry 973.331.0775 [email protected]

Our First General Meeting Babysitting!

Wednesday , October 14th 9:30 AM

We offer babysitting for all General Meetings. Contact: Renee Caruthers 973.588.4519 rwcaruthers@

Brushes & Bisque 45 Broadway Denville, NJ

It’s time to get creative! Contact: Jill Sherman 973.588.7142 [email protected]

You can always find the latest news and events on our website. Visit us at: ~townclub

Approximately $25 per person


 PAGE 39

Couples Gourmet presents…. “Cruising the Mediterranean” Saturday, October 24 th at 7 PM It’s not too late to join!

Just fill out the membership form…deadline to join is October 15 th. Contact: Barbara Infante 201.572.6968 [email protected]

Save the Date! Friday, December 4 th

Adopt a Family

House Tour Coming Soon…

Town Club partners with the Prenatal and Pediatric Clinic of St. Clare’s Dover Hospital


Each winter, Town Club members volunteer to “adopt a family” identified by Social Services of the clinic, by shopping for items from each families wish list.

Nighttime: Michele Gregorek 973.334.1588 [email protected]

If you wish to volunteer, please sign up to donate gifts and/or to drive them to the Clinic.

Daytime: Pamela Luciano 973.263.5929 [email protected]

Contact: Patty Dyer 973.299.6997 [email protected]

Join our Book Club!


 PAGE 40

How to Join Us:

NEW! Go to and choose to pay your dues through PayPal. Fill out the form below and mail it with a check to the address below. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Name Address Email Telephone Are you new or returning New Returning member? Couples Gourmet Only Are you participating in Yes No Couples Gourmet? If yes, spouse/partner name Regular or Substitute? Regular Substitute Will you attend the Opening Yes No th Party (September 19 )? Are you interested in hosting Yes No the Open/Close Party this or next year? Please enclose check payable to Town Club of Mountain Lakes for: Club dues only: $30 Club Dues + Couples Gourmet $55 Send to: The Town Club of Mountain Lakes c/o Carie Schoenfeld 5 Crestview Road Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046 THE BULLETIN

 PAGE 41

The League of Women Voters of Mountain Lakes Borough Dispatch Borough Council Meeting August 24, 2009: On behalf of the Shared Services Task Force, Dana Pogorzelski presented a draft Shared Services Survey to Borough Council. When finalized, the town-wide survey will be mailed to residents to see which services they would like the town to continue to provide, and which services they would allow others to provide. Ms Pogorzelski collected the Council members’ written comments. During the first week of October, the Task Force will make a final presentation on shared services, which will also be posted on the Mountain Lakes website. The Facilities Task Force presentation will also be re-posted online. After the final presentation, the survey will be mailed to residents in October. Public comments were heard. It was noted that Shared Services and the Borough Hall renovation are separate issues and should be addressed as such. It was mentioned that a Medical Needs Foundation fundraiser is being planned for June 2011. Due to the timing, Mayor Shaw referred the event planners to the Mountain Lakes Centennial Committee. Borough Council Meeting September 3, 2009: Borough Council held a special meeting to address hiring a Borough Manager. During a closed Executive Session, council members conducted the final interview with Barry Lewis, who was recommended by the 8-member search committee. At 9:15, the meeting was opened to the public. The search committee received 76 applications for the position and interviewed 10 of the applicants. Mr. Lewis is an attorney who practiced municipal law and land use law for 10 years, and served as the Planning Board attorney for Pompton Lakes. He was the town administrator for Mine Hill for 10 years, and has been the administrator in Spring Lakes for the past 2 years. He has worked on shared services arrangements with Police Depts., courts and construction services in both Mine Hill and Spring Lakes. The Council voted unanimously to hire Mr. Lewis, who will begin his employment on Oct. 5, 2009 at a salary of $130,000 per year. Public comments were heard, including a suggestion that the Council adopt an open format for meetings to increase public involvement and enhance discussion. The suggested format would allow residents 2 one-minute sessions to add comments related to issues as they arise. Mayor Shaw agreed that the open format has merit, but the current format is necessary to prevent an individual from monopolizing the meeting and impeding progress. Mr. Gormally stated that the open format is ideal, but opens the Council to accusations of selectively hearing input from the public. Mrs. Emr stated that the open format is more productive and she would like to explore the idea of opening the floor at different times during the discussions.

This Dispatch is compiled from League observers’ notes. For complete minutes see the Borough website. VISIT THE LEAGUE’S WEBSITE: WWW.MTNLAKES.ORG/~LWV/


 PAGE 42

The League of Women Voters of Mountain Lakes

There are so many ways to get involved in our community . . .

Join the League! Be a part of this year's award-winning Running & Winning Workshop for High School Girls on March 18, 2010. To help plan the program, contact Renée Waas at 973-263-3350 or email her at [email protected] Join our Study Team. We'll be looking at Route 46 and Midvale Economic Development. Can commercial opportunities be created for the town and can they impact our taxes? Contact Judy Edwards at 973-335-2202 or email her at [email protected].

Yes, I Want to Join or Renew NAME: Enclosed is my 2009-2010 dues check of either $75 for an individual or $100 for a family membership. Please make checks payable to “Mtn. Lakes LWV” and send attention Marci Craig, 3 Stonewall Lane. Questions? Call (973) 588-4372. VISIT THE LEAGUE’S WEBSITE: WWW.MTNLAKES.ORG/~LWV/


 PAGE 43

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 PAGE 44

Join Your Neighbors in Mountain Lakes and Boonton Township For

OUR BIG READ: A Celebration of Three Cups of Tea, By Greg Mortenson SAVE THE DATES! Sun, Oct 18th 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Kashmiri Tea and Conversation: Short Presentations on Tea, Pakistani Culture, Music, and a Special Presentation by our Grade School Students MLHS Cafeteria

Wed, Oct 21st 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Open Art Workshop with Susan L. Roth Author / Illustrator of NY Times Bestseller Listen to the Wind: The Story of Dr. Greg and Three Cups of Tea All Ages with an Adult—children will create a self-portrait in the style of Roth’s collages Rockaway Valley School Cafeteria

Mon, Oct 26th 7:30-9:00 p.m.

SPECIAL MOVIE SCREENING! 2009 Sundance Film Festival AwardWinning Documentary, Afghan Star, by special agreement with Zeitgeist Films. Recently released in the U. S. MLHS Auditorium


 PAGE 45

T he 47tt h UN WEEKEND O ctober 24th and 25tt h Please consider joining this long-standing tradition in Mountain Lakes and offer to host a foreign guest for one night during our annual UN Weekend. UN Weekend is a cultural exchange where the citizens of Mountain Lakes open up their homes to share our culture and customs with those from other cultures. Guests come from One To World (formerly Metro International) and the United Nations. One To World is a non -profit which helps Americans and students from around the world come face to face to share their lives and perspectives in life changing ways. The UN guests are from all walks of life and are working in New York at the UN. This unique experience is needed now more than ever. You can be p art of this fun and social experience and teach our children about the world while helping to increase a global understanding between cultures. The UN committee is also searching for individuals to help organize this exciting weekend. To host a guest or join the committee, please e-mail Phyllis Deering at [email protected].


 PAGE 46

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 PAGE 47

in cooperation with Realife Church, announces the opening of its Community Outreach Center located at 92 North Beverwyck Road, Lake Hiawatha A permanent location for providing food, clothing, household goods and hope to individuals and families in need in Morris County We are seeking local donations to support our outreach center

Clean Clothing Canned Food Children’s Toys & Games Athletic Equipment Baby Clothes Fall and Winter Coats Shoes & Sneakers Household Appliances (i.e. toasters, coffee makers, microwave ovens) We are not selling these items. They will be distributed free of charge to families suffering economic hardship and unemployment, families suffering from disasters (fires, etc.), and anyone who is in need! Please, no dangerous, dirty, damaged or broken items!

Items can be dropped off at the Center or locally at the home of BTG Executive Directors: Andrew and Jacquelyn Liput 2 Craven Road Mountain Lakes or call us at 973 975 8434 for more information. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT LAKERS!


 PAGE 48

focused on the future


he Wilson School’s caring, nurturing and engaging teachers ensure that students will

acquire the emotional intelligence that they need to thrive in an ever-changing global environment. Come find out how the Wilson School is Educating Today’s Children for Tomorrow’s World. Join us for an open house (call today to RSVP): Thursday, November 19, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, January 20, 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

The Wilson School Pre-K-8th Grade 271 Boulevard, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 (973) 334-0181 •


 PAGE 49

215 Boulevard ƒ Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 (973) 263-1818 ƒ (973) 331-9459 (fax) WEB: EMAIL: [email protected]

For Children Ages 2 through 5 and Learning Leaps Kindergarten Fun • Learning • Enrichment Specializing in Differentiated Education Before and After School Programs: Including Academy Children’s Theatre & Mandarin Chinese Club

Ɣ Our New “Mac Computer Lab” Ɣ Academic Excellence Ɣ Kindness & Character-Building Skills Ɣ Socialization, Fun and Play Ɣ “What I See and Draw” Art Ɣ Interactive French/Spanish

Ɣ Creative Arts and Fine Motor Skills Ɣ “All That Music Rhythm & Movement” Ɣ Science and Social Studies Ɣ “Math and Reading For Me”

Rolling Registration for 2009–2010 Tuition includes: Ɣ All programs listed above:—No separate charges Ɣ Full Year (September-June) 5-day week calendar Ɣ Flexible full-day and half-day enrollment options including lunch-time Ɣ Exceptionally-small class sizes and student-teacher ratio

© 2009. The Academy For Children is a non-profit, tax exempt, non-sectarian, 501(c)3 school and educational organization encouraging the extraordinary and phenomenal potential of each child through programs for the development and education of children, parents and professionals. Incorporated 1979 • Certified and experienced teachers • CPR and First Aid certified


 PAGE 50

215 Boulevard • Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 (973) 263-1818 • (973) 331-9459 (fax) WEB: EMAIL: [email protected]

Before & After School Programs Providing fun and exciting activities Sign up now for 2009–2010 Rise and Shine Stretch and Grow

Action Adventures

Before School Programs

After School Programs

Daily 8–8:30am & 8:30–9am

Daily 2:30–3pm  3–3:30pm  3:30–4pm

Stretching activities, reading, songs, games and many activities to begin the day

Fun action games, movement, songs and crafts

Mandarin Chinese Club

Academy Children’s Theatre (ACT)

Monday & Thursday 3–4pm

Tuesday & Wednesday 3–4pm

Learn fundamentals of culture and language  hands on activities  learn listening and speaking skills

Play theatre games, explore rhythm, dance, music, performance presentations

© 2009. The Academy For Children is a non-profit, tax exempt, non-sectarian, 501(c)3 school and educational organization encouraging the extraordinary and phenomenal potential of each child through programs for the development and education of children, parents and professionals. Incorporated 1979 • Certified and experienced teachers • CPR and First Aid certified


 PAGE 51


 PAGE 52

FISH FRY !! Everyone’s Invited! Friday, Oct. 16, 5-7 p.m. Fish and Chips Slaw, Drink and Dessert St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Eat in or Pick Up Adults $14 in advance, $16 at the door. Kids $9 in advance, $10 at the door. For tickets or more information, contact the office at 973-334-4429 or email [email protected]

Sunday Services 7:45 a.m. Rite I Traditional Holy Communion Service

9:00 a.m. Rite II Holy Communion with Music and Choir

10:00 a.m. Christian Education and/or Fellowship New Sunday School for Pre-K through Confirmation and Adult

10:45 a.m. Enriching our Worship Shorter length Communion Service with Contemporary language, Music and Children’s Choir

Please join us. You are welcome at St. Peter’s. 215 Boulevard, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 For more information call or email the church office at 973-3344429 or [email protected] or visit our website at


 PAGE 53

Modified Suzuki Method group lessons for 5-9 year olds

Free demonstration classes available at our rehearsal room 56 Fanny Road, Boonton, NJ

Enriching the lives of children through music Lakeland Youth Symphony is a not-for-profit organization For more information, go to

The Gifted & Talented Institute Located at the Wilson School in Mountain Lakes Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence in Enrichment A Saturday morning academic program for the motivated youngster in grades K-8

Fall & Winter inter Sessions Available vailable Call for a free ee brochu ochure detailing course offerings: ferings: 973•831•7779 www.gtinstitute.o


 PAGE 54

BARBARA FLANAGAN Sales & Marketing Specialist International President’s Circle -----------------------------------------------------------------

Let my decades of experience serve your interests. 973-263-0400 Bus.

973-265-8557 Res.

[email protected] Email

----------------------------------------------------------------Rt. 46 & Crane Rd. Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE

Your business ad here!… submittal guidelines can be found on the H&SA website, Click “The Bulletin” in the menu bar


 PAGE 55

The Town Club of Mountain Lakes th Annual

Holiday Boutique Friday, November 20, 2009 10:00am-4:00pm at St. Catherine’s Church

A destination shopping event where youll find unique and affordable gifts for teachers friends and family We bring together an array of quality vendors offering: Accessories & clothing from around the world Antiques Classic gourmet confections Fun stu for kids

Italian ceramics & ne linens Laker gear Vintage jewelry & handbags Silent auction & more   

Admission donation:  Proceeds support Town Club Grants and Thanksgiving Meals programs

Event Information Megan Luciano     mluciano@optonlinenet


Susan Shepherd     stafrate@aolcom  PAGE 56

MNF provides financial assistance to individuals and families facing overwhelming expenses due to chronic or catastrophic illness.

Medical Needs Foundation

Join us for the 12 th annual


• RUN, WALK OR PUSH A STROLLER AS A RACE PARTICIPANT. • VOLUNTEER TO HELP PLAN OR RUN THE EVENT. • BECOME A SPONSOR. • MAKE A DONATION. To learn more about how you can become involved, contact: Allyson Bakewell 973-402-5611

Cathy Mitchell 973-394-7968

Mary Lio 973-334-3034

To find out more about the Medical Needs Foundation, visit:


 PAGE 57

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