The African Feed Industry - A Snap Shot

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Digital Re-print - November | December 2009 Feature title: The African feed industry - a snap shot

Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1466-3872






a snap shot

Visiting feed manufacturers in Africa takes the visitor through the full range of emotions – from positive about the future development of the industry to negative thoughts when confronted with the myriad of problems that our counterparts face in tying to deliver a quality product to the marketplace.


enya is well served by its feed association, AKEFEMA and its national chairman Joseph Karuri. His industry is also well supported by the Kenyan government’s KEBS, the Kenya Bureau of Standards which oversees product quality and has recently introduced a quality mark for feed that meets international standards as laid down by Codex Alimentarius. Currently, there are over 80 feedmillers with a total installed annual capacity of more than 700,000 tonnes. The millers currently produce a total of about 400,000 tonnes of concentrate feeds annually. The highest percentage is represented by poultry feeds (56%), followed by cattle feeds (32%), pigs (9%) and other types (3%) that include pet, horse and fish food. Pembe Flour Mills and Grain Millers in Nairobi are one of the biggest manufacturing facilities for flour and feedmilling in the country. It is also a leading maize miller and has operations throughout the region. These are images of Pembe Flour Mills Ltdon the outskirts of Nairobi.

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he Pearl of Africa’ - that’s the sign you first glimpse as you land at Entebbe Airport. Today, in spite of past problems and some recent disinformation, Uganda is regaining its luster of old and the words of Winston Churchill are ringing true again: "For magnificence, for variety of form and colour, for profusion of brilliant life - bird, insect, reptile, beast - for vast scale - Uganda is ‘the Pearl of Africa’.

“The scenery is different, the climate is different and most of all, the people are different from anything elsewhere to be seen in the whole range of Africa .... what message I bring back .... concentrate on Uganda," he wrote. It might not have worked out quite like Churchill had expected in the intervening years, but there is a vibrancy that is encouraging even in the recesses of the feed industry. Ugachick is a major poultry producer and has a significant presence in feed production not only supplying its own needs but selling good quality feeds into the marketplace. Other feedmills such as Maganjo and Kagodo Farmers are also producing reasonable feeds while often working with poor quality raw materials. Getting raw material inputs right is a key factor in assisting this industry develop. However, that is not likely to happen any time soon given the need to find food for its growing population. There is an obvious trade off between the needs of livestock in terms of cereals inputs and the needs of its people. There is also a significant black market in feedstuffs that operates openly along the major roads networks of the country and undermines the best efforts of feed manufacturers, who are working hard to lift quality standards and to see an adequate return on their investments.

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november-december 2009 | 25




he Ghana Feedmillers Association is made up of mostly manufacturers in the south of the country in and around the capital city of Accra. Millers are few in number and struggle with raw material quality and confidence in the market place for the feeds produced.

However, the industry has strong support not only from the Ghana Standards Board but in particular from the Food and Drug Board which is working with recognised manufacturers to improve manufacturing and quality standards. Ghana Protein, a new fishmeal processing facility run by Fabrice Pizano, is producing quality products to meet a market need that cannot be met by traditional suppliers of beach-dried materials. However, some concrete ‘platforms’ properly maintained and operated do provide quality fishmeal that feedmillers have come to trust. The FDB is keen to stamp out illegal production and encourage the development of supplies that meet international standards. The key feedmills in the area include GAFCO in the Tema Harbour Area, the Kosher Feedmills Limited in Accra itself and the Greater Accra Poultry Farmers’ Association that built a feedmill in the early 1980s and today produces 1800 tonnes per month. Dr Mohammed Alfa, head of the FDB and Benjamin Quaye, general manager of Kosher Feedmills are pictured above discussing how feed production might be improved nationally. Mr Quaye is the president of the Ghana Feed Manufacturers Association.

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November - December 09



Trade assurance schemes now aT key feature of food and feedchains he Animal Feed Manufacturers Association of Tanzania is chaired by Mrs Veronica Mbuya who is a feed manufacturer in her own right, producing feed for one of the largest poultry producers in Dar es Salaam. Her industry is young and faces challenges of sourcing raw materials of suitable quality and quantity.


However, i t h m eDar m bes e rSalaam s hi p is home to the country’s most important port facility with good harbour facilities and access to international “It is clear that TASCC is now an integral part of the grain chain which helps of the assurance markets. In schemes addition, the feed industry is well supported by the stores Government’s Bureau of Standardsmeet whichlegislative provides useful hauliers, merchants, and testing facilities andlaboratory customer operated that assist in achieving quality feed products that meet Codex and other international standards. requirements. by theservices Agricultural Industries However,approaching Tanzania with its 40 million population has a GDP per capital growth rate of approximately 4.1 percent but it is Confederation still one of the countries in the region at US$339 per “ F(2000). o r e xAgriculture a m p l e , accounts w e a r for e about from point of manufacture tohead n o n 40c opercent n f o r mof a nGDP. ces seen 3,000, the schemespoorer are now Approximately, 75 percent of all people live in the rural environment and almost two-thirds of those live over two-kilometres a key feature of agricultural the farmgate,” said Mr Rudd. currently working on the during the annual audit are years of age. it is clear that n e w of TAthe S Cpopulation C c o d e iss under f o r 25decreasing, and feed ingredient supply from an all-season road. Almost two-thirds Increasingly the schemes are These conditions make it extremely difficult for a feed sector to survive and develop, 2010 /11. One of the issues standards in thehowever supply chain chains, says AIC technical gaining recognition beyond an industry does exist along with an active national feed association. Assistance is obviously required being debated is the use of are rising,” concluded Mr Rudd. manager Garr y Rudd. U s h osufficient r e s . “ Re o c a l to meet demand. An infrastructure is in place for importing raw toKensure feedc iisp ravailable second hand and hire trailers, assurance Speaking at UK Grain, Mr Rudd agreements materials whilewith electricity outages arewhich common – running at about to 12 days per month. is really important More inforMation: pointed out that participation in schemes operating to the the hauliers who comprise a the four AIC-operated schemes s ame st and ard s in ot her Garry Rudd major membership of many of had incre ase signif ic antly countries deliver ‘joined up’ the schemes,” said Mr Rudd. Technical Manager, AIC over the past seven years. assurance and reduce cost and Confederation House bureaucracy,” said Mr Rudd. “It is clear that TASCC is now East of England Showground, “Between them, the schemes an integral part of the grain Peterborough, PE2 6XE now provide assurance on the Input from scheme participants chain which helps hauliers, United Kingdom safety of combinable crops, and representatives of the supply merchants, stores and testing feed ingredients and feedstuffs chains ensures that the schemes Tel: +44 1733 385230 facilities meet legislative and for the food and feed industries; are up-to-date, relevant, remain up Fax: +44 1733 385270 customer requirements. as well as delivering security to date in terms of regulations, but Email: [email protected] Web: to the fertiliser supply chain remains practical to implement. Given that the number of

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This digital Re-print is part of the November | December 2009 edition of Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on


• See the full issue


• New mills? Location, transport & other considerations

• Water freight fights back

• African feed

industry - a snap shot

In this issue: •

Smarter ingredient evaluation

FOCUS: The Middle East & Africa

Company profiles 2009-10

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