The Thalamus
neuroscience & medicine s, yst
deep brain stimulation mechanism
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excitatory glutamatergic projection
inhibited by
Recordings from the cell body of computer model of neurons showed suppression of activity during HFS, but activity recorded in the cell body was not similar with the neural output vent. lat. generated in the axon even though activity in the somas of neurons is fissura long. cerebri suppressed under HFS, the axons in a rage of 2 mm have the output in concor- truncus corpori callosi dance with the applied stimuli. vent. lat. Cameron C. et al J Neurophysiol 2004.crus posterius caps. internae TRANSLATIONAL PHYSIOLOGY Cellular retrolenticularis Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation: Model- vent. lat. cornu temporale Based Analysis of Activation and Inhibisubst. grisea centralis colliculus cranialis tion DBS determines on thalamic neurons a homosynaptic depression restricted to the stimulated pathway, leaving the postsynaptic cell responsive to synaptic input from another, independent pathway. Also, DBS reduces tremor without disrupting normal motor control. Homosynaptic depression is essentially a presynaptic phenomenon, and desensitization of postsynaptic AMPA receptors does not play a significant role probably the cause for homosynaptic depression is transmitter depletion. Trent R. Anderson et al,The Journal of Neuroscience, 2006,Neurobiology of Disease Selective Attenuation of Afferent Synaptic Transmission as a Mechanism of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation-Induced Tremor Arrest
GPi supress
Deep Brain Stimulation Neuronal & Network Mechanism on www.thalamus.ro
GABAergic striatal neurons substance P monosynaptic contacts
GABAergic striatal neurons containing enkephalin polysynaptic
corpus pineale crus fornicis truncus corpori callosi
nuc. habenulae medialis pulvinar corpus geniculatum mediale nuc. habenulae medialis pulvinar corpus geniculatum mediale corpus geniculatum laterale cauda nuc. caudati hippocampus
emin.colat. fimbria hippocampi sulcus hippocampi comisura habenularum
convergent pathways
More on:
Deep Brain Stimulation Research Review 7 web pages and 17 A4 pdfs on DBS mechanism on www.thalamus.ro in Thalamus in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Pharmacology Site Section
dbs electrode