Textual Analysis Top Gear

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 463
  • Pages: 2
Textual analysis Text being analysed: Top gear Source of text: BBC 1(You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=JmxUsGiGp3w) Approximate date of broadcast: 22/6/08

Description of text The text at hand is an extract from top gear, and is about fuel efficiency in vehicles. I found that the text was bias in away against fuel efficient cars as the presenter of the show is notorious for being against the issue. The angle that Top gear used was a comical take to the issue and they tore all the manufacturers’ attempts to produce energy efficient cars, and they also looked attempted to look at affordable vehicles by, but they were all vehicle above the £150,000 price mark.

Potential audience for text The age group for the production is wide however I believe that it will be between: 15-35. Gender appeal of the production will be toward both male and female audiences as this nature of programme does appeal to all, however there is an over weighing argument suggesting that it is predominantly a male target audience. The ethnicity appeal of this production is open and wide as it can appeal to all.

Key influences on your idea- content and form I believe that my production will not use the same form or context however the camera movements maybe were I choose to link my production as I believe that they are very well composed however some of the equipment that they use is very advanced and there for I may be unable to match it.

Use of camera • Establishing shot • Close up • Low angle shot • Camera panning • Triple screen shot • Zooming • Cut away This is a list of the visible camera transition that I spotted, however the movement is very complicated and advanced and also use a lot of camera’s and is produced with a high cost set up.

Use of editing • Fade shot • Slide show of images • Triple screen shots • Storm effect These were a few effects that were visible to me, as the text I happen to be analysing was short. I found that these edits helped make this piece more interesting and appealing to me and my audience.

Use of sound • Dialogue • And direct sound of the production. The text that I analysed consisted of very few sound effects, and mainly dialogue so struggled to extract the analysis. Content and Conventions • Use of sign on • Also a use of unusual pieces to camera for example there was a race with a funky use of camera movements. • Direct mode of address, throughout as presenters talked directly to us the audience. • There were also multiple cut-away’s moving from clip to clip. • There were many camera movements from shot to

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