Textile Industry Art

  • June 2020
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Syed Owais Ali SP07-BB-0135

Textile Industry

Quality Standardization of Cotton

Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan, Joint Director, Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute, Karachi. <<<<>>>> Jul 14, 2008 1.

International competition has placed a premium on doing things properly

not only in the cotton sector but also in the high technology Textile Sector. Today, the textile industry is advancing at Avery rapid speed and its management is calling upon manufacturing processes to control costs, reduce wastages and improving productivity levels. To achieve these, the spinners require clean and standardized lint, which fulfills their specifications and where standards are the essential ingredients for earning the quality of all raw materials, products system and services. Cotton Standardization system is devised on scientific basis with a view to up-grade Pakistan cotton and the resulting yarn thereby raising its status and value in the high competitive world market. Such an implementations of vital importance when vowed in the context of cotton’s contribution tithe national economy and future gains in cotton production, which would be possible more through qualitative improvement. 2.

Pakistan is an agriculture based country. The mainstay of the national

economy heavily depends upon the silver fiber i.e., the cotton and it’s made ups. The major share of foreign exchange earnings are acquired through the export of cotton and its value added products. Pak. cotton is inherently of good quality but due to non-implementation of cotton standardization system the country is unable to negotiate with the demands of quality in the international market through out the sequence of raw cotton export and the chain of value-added products. The under estimation and non-viability of quality leads the country in loosing the real share in terms of financial gains.


In order to provide an able support to the dwindling economy it is forth

with essential to focus attention towards the qualitative improvement of our cotton, the main cash crop and the basic raw material for the textile industry. 4.

The global changes taking world over, competitiveness growing and WTO

arrangements in the fore front where the call is for reducing wastages and acquiring quality standards, a very much commercial pre-requisite for any trade to prosper in the coming years of marketing mechanism where quality is to be exploited to the maximum which would fetch us better foreign exchange earnings. All this could be attained only through the production of quality cotton. It is of utmost importance that the cotton produced in the country should be at par with the international standards. 5.

It is worth while to mention that during the period from 1987 to 1992 when

the cotton standardization system was implemented in a limited scale in collaboration with defunct CEC, higher grades/types i.e. grades Super, One & Two types 1544, 1505 and 1503 were produced and the country on the export of 2.3 million bales earned a premium of 19.4 million dollars. This was also the first instance in the history of Pak cotton that it was quoted in index “A” (The higher indices of prices in international market). This is only possible by allowing graded cotton for export and for domestic use as well. This would on one hand enable the Pak cotton to complete in the international market and enable the country to produce high quality clean cotton on a sustainable basis and thus provide boost to the national exchequer. 6.

Assuring the world wide cotton trade on the basis of Quality, PCSI since

its inceptions endeavoring for shifting over of present cotton marketing system to scientifically derived quality based marketing system on the basis of Grade, Staple length and other fiber properties subject to premium and discount, as touring Pak cotton par with international standards.

To achieve the above goals the following arrangements already been made and the measures to be taken are as under: Arrangements already been made: •

National cotton standards/grades developed.








standardization system arranged. •

Education / awareness campaigns are being launched regularly.

On the plea of PCSI the KCA is now announcing its daily spot rates on the basis of grade and staple length and other fiber properties rather than station and variety.

In order to encourage the instrumental classification of cotton PCSI has established 10 cotton fiber testing laboratories in the districts of Singh and Punjab.

PCSI is providing training to the personnel’s of Public and Private Sectors in the skills of cotton classing and grading. To-date PCSI has trained over 1700 personnel.

PCSI in collaboration with TCP and Provincial Agriculture Departments of Singh and Punjab is successfully implementing the clean cotton programmed in the selected ginning factories of Singh and Punjab.

Measures to be taken:

The buyers of Public and Private sector should purchase cotton on the basis of quality i.e. Grade, Staple Length and Other FibreProperties.

The buyers should shift to a quality based marketing system subject to premium and discount instead of variety and station.


Official cotton standards should be adopted in domestic trade and international commerce.

Necessary amendments in Provincial Cotton Control Act 1966for the mandatory marking of grade and staple length on each bale produced by the ginners.

The amended Provincial Cotton Control Act 1966 should be implemented with letter and sprit.

Assessing the overwhelming success of the clean cotton programmed the same should be gradually expended so as to cover the entire cotton growing belt of the country.

More Laboratories are to be established in the districts of cotton growing areas of Pakistan.

To train adequate number of cotton selectors and cotton classers in the skills of cotton classing and grading.

To induct Private inspection companies for certifying the cotton quality to create competitive environment in the field of cotton business.

Quality enhancement focusing the grass root level and entire chain of cotton segment for value addition.

To work out a compact and unanimous Cotton Policy equally benefiting all the Stakeholders of Cotton Trade.

Strengthening of PCSI with men and machine.

The impact of cotton standardization system on the national economy is

very realistic, truly augmented, fairly and vitally distributed among the various segments of cotton trade and a very viable speculated predetermined factor. It provides able support consistently on a sustainable basis to a very unpredictable Pakistan Economy. The implementation of cotton standardization system is highly desired as its turn over leads to the enhancement in quality, a practicably doable and vital pre-requisite of the changing and up-gradation of the technological sector and keeping in view the post quota regime requiring high quality syndrome competitive market. Assessing the global free trade market it has become essential to evolve a policy laying utmost stress on the quality

parameters where standardization of cotton will bathe essential ingredient. This shall endorse the enhancement of the quality of raw cotton and entire sequence of value added textile made-ups. This would ozone hand bring Pak cotton at par with international standards and on the other hand a noticeable increase to the national ex-coequal. Besides, it shall immensely help cotton farming community in earning a better livelihood strengthening the socio-economic conditions of the rural people in particular and adhere strictly the quality culture at grass root level ultimately paving way for sustainable implementation of quality standardization of cotton. **************

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