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_______________________________________________5 FERROELECTRIC MEMORY DEVICES Recently, very large scale integrated semiconductor memories using ferroelectric films have been investigated intensively. Since the conventional Si micromachining technology coupled with silicon oxide or nitride, and metal, is limited in its ability to produce fine-scale capacitors, utilization of ferroelectrics with high permittivity or polarization hysteresis has been considered as a possible solution to the problem.

5.1 DRAM (1)

Principle of DRAM

There are volatile and non-volatile memory devices in erasable semiconductor memories. DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), which is widely used because of its high integration capability, is a volatile memory. Data stored in the memory are lost when the electric power is shut off. On the contrary, non-volatile memories include a circuit -latch multiple FETs (Field Effect Transistor) and a Sisurface-potential control MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) FET channel. However, both types, in general, have problems in integration density and writing time. Figure 5.1 shows the fundamental structure of a DRAM composed of a transistor and a capacitor; a SiO 2 film capacitor is connected to the source of a MOSFET. Figure 5.2 shows the structure of the DRAM. When writing, one DRAM element is chosen by x-y addressing; that is, voltage is applied on both the gate and the drain electrodes simultaneously, thus accumulating charge on the SiO 2 film capacitor (memorizing). Since the accumulated charge leaks, the capacitor must be recharged repeatedly (refreshing). Word Line


Gate Drain

Fixed Voltage Capacitor Bit Line Fig. 5.1 Fundamental structure of a DRAM, composed of a MOSFET and a capacitor. 119


Chapter 5

Al evaporated bit line

Poly Si word line SiO 2

SiO 2


Capacitor Poly Si fixed voltage


MOSFET p-type Si

Fig. 5.2 The structure of a DRAM.

The electron-hole pair generation around the FET by the IC package or natural radiation changes the amount of charge on the capacitor, and sometimes destroys the memory (soft error). In order to retain memory, the capacitance of the memory capacitor must be higher than 30 fF (remember f = 10-15).

Example Problem 5.1_________________________________________________ Explain the generation process of the depletion and inversion layers in a MOS structure (p-type Si) using a simple energy band model as pictured in Fig. 5.3, when a positive voltage is applied on the metal. Describe the Fermi level in the metal region and the hole and electron concentrations using + and - symbols in the energy band model. For simplicity, you can use the assumption that the flat band voltage is close to zero.

Conduction band Intrinsic level EF

Fermi level EF Metal M Oxide O

Valence band Semiconductor (p-type)

Fig. 5.3 Energy band model for a MOS structure.

Ferroelectric Memory Devices


Solution Figure 5.4 shows the energy band change of a MOS structure (with a p-type semiconductor) under an applied voltage. (a) When the gate is forward-biased, holes will accumulate in the semiconductor region near the oxide. (b) When the gate is reverse-biased, a depletion layer (that is, a region depleted in holes) is generated. (c) When the applied voltage exceeds a certain threshold voltage (VT), an inversion layer (an electron-rich region) is generated. This condition is given by: semiconductor surface voltage ψs > ψB, where ψ B is the difference between the intrinsic Fermi level (Ei) and the Fermi level (EF ) (ψ B = (kT/q) ln (Na/n i)).


E1 < 0






(a) Forward Bias E2

Metallic electrode SiO 2

E2 > 0


Depletion layer

(b) Depletion State p-type semiconductor E3 > E2

E3> 0


Inversion layer

(c) Inversion State

Fig. 5.4 Energy band change of a MOS structure (with a p-type semiconductor) under an applied voltage. ___________________________________________________________________


Chapter 5

Example Problem 5.2_________________________________________________ Let us consider an n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET as illustrated in Fig. 5.5. A positive gate voltage induces the electron inversion layer, which then connects the n-type source and the n-type drain regions. Discuss the drain current behavior as a function of the drain/source voltage.1)

Gate Source n +

SiO 2 film

Drain n +

p-type semiconductor

Fig. 5.5 MOSFET fabricated with a p-type semiconductor (n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET). Solution A positive gate voltage induces the electron inversion layer, which then connects the n-type source and drain regions. The source terminal is the source of carriers that flow through the channel to the drain terminal. In such an n-channel device, electrons travel from the source to the drain so that the conventional current flows from the drain to the source. Remember that the depletion layer has low conductivity, which is analogous to a shielded cable, a lead wire (the inversion layer) covered by an insulating coat (the depletion layer). This is analogous to water flowing in a tube, where the water (the electron) flows in a tube (the inversion layer) surrounded by rubber material (the depletion layer). When the tube is pinched off, the water flow is restricted. Making the assumption that the flat band voltage is close to zero, the application of the gate voltage EG easily creates the inversion layer [Fig. 5.6(a)]. When a small drain voltage (EDS < EG) is applied, the electrons in the inversion layers will flow from the source to the positive drain terminal. Since for small EDS , the channel region has the characteristics of a conducting lead, we expect ID = g d EDS.


When EDS is increased to the point where the potential drop across the oxide at the drain terminal is equal to zero (precisely speaking, equal to the threshold voltage VT), the induced inversion charge density is zero at the drain terminal. This effect is schematically shown in Fig. 5.6(b). At this point (EDS = EG), the incremental

Ferroelectric Memory Devices


conductance at the drain becomes zero. The slope of the ID versus EDS curve becomes zero. When EDS becomes larger than the above value (EG), the point in the channel at which the inversion charge is just zero shifts toward the source terminal [Fig. 5.6(c)]. In this case, electrons enter the channel at the source, travel through the channel toward the drain, and then, at the pinch-off point the electrons are injected into the space charge region (depletion layer) where they are swept by the E-field to the drain contact. If we assume that the change in channel length is small compared to the original length, the drain current becomes constant for EDS > EG. This region is referred to as the saturation region. Figure 5.7 shows the ID versus EDS curves.


EG Gate Source n +

Drain n +

Inversion layer Electron flow Depletion layer (n channel) (a) Drain voltage E DS < Gate voltage E G Gate Source n +

Drain n +

Inversion layer Electron flow Depletion layer (b) Drain voltage E DS = Gate voltage E G Gate Source n +

Drain n +

Depletion layer Inversion layer Electron flow (c) Drain voltage E DS > Gate voltage E G

Fig. 5.6 Change in the n-channel with the drain/source voltage for an n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET.


Chapter 5


EG3 > EG2 EG2 > EG1 EG1 > VT

Drain/Source Voltage E DS

Fig. 5.7 I D versus EDS curves for various EG. ___________________________________________________________________ (2)

Ferroelectric DRAM

Since the conventional SiO2 film plane structure cannot maintain a sufficient capacitance with decreasing element area, a multilayer type and a trench type (normal hole structure on a Si substrate) have been proposed. But these complexed three-dimensional structures have their own limitations. Ferroelectric materials are attractive for DRAM devices because of their high permittivities.2) Because the dielectric constant of ferroelectrics is typically more than 1000, much larger than the dielectric constant of 3.9 for SiO2 , when we use a ferroelectric thin film with the same thickness as the SiO2 film, the capacitor size to obtain 30 fF is significantly decreased, by 1/250 in terms of the area, or by 1/16 in linear scale. Hence, much higher memory integration is possible for a ferroelectric DRAM device. Of course, the situation will not be so simple because the thickness of the ferroelectric film required to exhibit a sufficiently large permittivity sometimes needs to be thicker than the SiO2 film typically used in the conventional MOS structure. The material first studied for this purpose was strontium titanate (SrTiO3 ), which does not exhibit hysteres is in its polarization versus electric field curve or at the permittivity peak in its temperature characteristics, and has a dielectric constant of around 300 at room temperature. Note that for DRAM application, a high dielectric constant is essential, but the typical ferroelectric dielectric hysteresis must be avoided; this is accomplished by utilizing the paraelectric phase by operating just above the Curie temperature. The SrTiO3 film is superior to the conventional ferroelectrics from a manufacturing point of view. Although conventional ferroelectric thin films tend to exhibit a decrease in their dielectric constant with dereasing thickness, below 200 nm, SrTiO3 films retain a relative permittivity of about 220 down to a thickness of 50 nm, as shown in Fig. 5.8.3) Therefore, 50 nm of the SrTiO3 (ε = 220) is equivalent to 0.88 nm of SiO2 with ε = 3.9.

Ferroelectric Memory Devices


Fig. 5.8 Film thickness dependence of the dielectric constant in SrTiO3 . The solid solution Ba xSr 1-xTiO3 [BST], between SrTiO3 and BaTiO3, has been investigated also because of its larger dielectric constants at room temperature, which can further improve the capacitor integration. The SiO2 equivalent thickness of 0.47nm was reported using BST films.4) The DRAM capacitor film must have high resistivity so as not to leak the accumulated charge during the refreshing cycle. A leakage current less than 10-7 A/cm2 has been obtained for SrTiO 3 and Ba xSr 1-xTiO 3 films, which satisfies the capacitance requirement for 256 Mbit level devices. General requirements for DRAM capacitor thin films are: (1) high dielectric constant in a thin film configuration, (2) low leakage current, (3) micro-machinability, (4) low diffusion into the semiconductor substrate, (5) low contamination during the fabrication process. The dry etching technique has been successfully applied for micro-machining of ferroelectric films, and diffusion and contamination problems have been solved by decreasing the film fabrication temperature and by carrying out the ferrolectric fabrication as late as possible in all the processes. Thus, compatibility with the semiconductor process has been established, and prototype 256 Mbit level DRAMs have been fabricated and their function verified.


Chapter 5


FRAM (Inversion Current Type)

When a ferroelectric thin film with a large polarization-electric field hysteresis is used as a memory capacitor in the structure pictured in Fig. 5.1, a non-volatile memory is realized. When a voltage is applied to the gate and the FET assumes the “on” state, a pulse voltage to the drain generates a drain current dependent on the remanent polarization state. Let us assume a P-E hysteresis loop of the ferroelectric film as illustrated in Fig. 5.9, and that the polarization state is on A. When a step voltage is applied and the state shifts to B, the current flows according to the polarization difference between A and B. On the contrary, when the polarization state is on C first, the current increases dramatically because the spontaneous polarization reversal is associated. Figure 5.10 shows the current responses to a series of pulses (two positive pulses followed by two negative pulses) on a PZT film with 20 x 20 µm2 electrodes.5) When a positive pulse is applied just after the negative pulses, a large current Iposi is observed, which includes the polarization reversal. However, the second positive pulse generates only a small current Iup . Thus, the observed current amount for a positive pulse can indicate the initial polarization state; that is, an on or off state, or 1 or 0 state. In this memory device, after reading the initial state by applying the positive voltage, the minimum polarization state becomes A for all the times; that is, the reading process is destructive. Hence, in order to retain the memory state, a writing process similar to the case of DRAM is required every time. Because a large voltage is applied on a ferroelectric film at every reading process in the FRAM (Ferroelectric RAM), as discussed above, the polarization hysteresis characteristic degrades with increasing cycles. This is called "fatigue,” which is the most serious problem of a ferroelectric film to overcome for non-volatile memory applications. From a practical point of view, a lifetime (that is, the time until the polarization degradation is observed) of more than 1015 cycles is required.



Electric field E C

Fig. 5.9 Polarization versus electric field curve for a ferroelectric film.

Ferroelectric Memory Devices


Fig. 5.10 Current responses to a series of pulses (two positive pulses followed by two negative pulses) on a PZT film with 20 x 20 µm2 electrodes.

The possible origins for the fatigue are related to the generation of oxygen vacancies and the diffusion of ions. Much effort has been made to remedy this problem. The proposed ideas can be categorized as follows: (1) improvement of the film fabrication process, (2) search for new materials, (3) improvement of electrode materials. Recent new thin film materials include layer-structure ferroelectrics. The so-called Y1 material patented by Symmetrix, which has a basic composition of BiSr 2Ta 2O 9, shows superior anti-fatigue properties. Figure 5.11 shows the fatigue characteristics for rewriting the remanent polarization in Y1 and PZT films.6) The magnitude of the remanent polarization does not change significantly in Y1 even after testing for 10 12 cycles, an improvement as is compared to the lifetime of 107 cycles for PZT. New electrode materials RuO2 and Ir have been found to exhibit improvement in fatigue in comparison with the conventional Pt electrode. Furthermore, new drive modes such as a combination of the DRAM operation during the switch-on stage and the memory mode during the switch-off stage have been proposed.


Chapter 5

Fig. 5.11 Fatigue characteristics for rewriting the remanent polarization in Y1 and PZT films. (2)


Figure 5.12 shows a structure of an MFS (Metal-Ferroelectric -Semiconductor) FET, in which a ferroelectric film replaces a conventional gate oxide (SiO2 insulator) film. The surface potential of the channel changes, according to the polarization hysteresis of the ferroelectric film, leading to a change in the carrier amount and in the current. Historically, the prototype was designed on a bulk ferroelectric, on which a semiconductor film was deposited and a FET fabricated. Then, the structure was modified to one similar to the present type, that is, the ferroelectric film is deposited after making a FET on a silicon crystal. Figure 5.13 shows the drain current versus gate voltage relation in an MFSFET with a PbTiO3 film fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate.7) Due to the polarization hysteresis, the drain current exhibits two states, on and off. Note that because a p-channel is generated on an n-type semiconductor, a negative gate voltage provides a drain current (on state).


Source p +

Ferroelectric film n-type Silicon

Fig. 5.12 Structure of an MFSFET.

SiO 2 Drain p +

Ferroelectric Memory Devices


Fig. 5.13 Drain current versus gate voltage relation in an MFSFET with a PbTiO3 film fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate.

Though the present devices have problems in fatigue and bistability characteristics, this MFSFET structure is one of the ideal types, because no large electric field is applied on the ferroelectric film during the reading process, nor is a rewriting process required after reading, in contrast to the FRAM. In addition, the polarization density required to control the Si surface potential is relatively small. Thus, in general, the requirements for the ferroelectric film is greatly reduced in this design. However, further investigations are required to fabricate a high quality, nicely oriented ferroelectric film on a semiconducting Si or a SiO 2 film. Recent studies include PbTiO 3 and PZT film applications prepared by laser ablation or MOCVD, a CaF 2, SrF 2 or CeO2 film on a Si substrate, and an MFMOS structure with a ferroelectric film deposited on an Ir film on SiO 2/Si. The development of ferroelectric memory started with DRAMs, then moved into FRAMs, and is now focused on MFSFETs. 256 Mbit level prototype DRAMs have been manufactured already by several companies. Regarding the non-volatile memory, 64 kbit level devices have been used on a trial basis for commuter train tickets.

CHAPTER ESSENTIALS_________________________________ 1.

Ferroelectric memory development: DRAM ---> FRAM ---> MFSFET


Volatile memory DRAM is composed of a FET and a memory capacitor.


Chapter 5


Minimum memory capacitance is about 30 fF. (f = 10-15 )


FRAM is an inversion current type of reading device.

5. MFSFET is a channel surface potential control type of FET. ___________________________________________________________________


Surveying the recent literature, discuss and summarize the studies on ferroelectric thin films from the following viewpoints. (1) List the papers (minimum 5) which report on epitaxially grown PZT films. (2) Tabulate the experimentally obtained physical parameters of the PZT films and compare with the data for bulk ceramics. (3) Discuss the above deviation briefly with reference to the papers' results and conclusions. (4) Discuss the crystal orientation dependence of the physical parameters of the PZT films by referring to the paper (Du, X. H., U. Belegundu and K. Uchino, “Crystal Orientation Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties in Lead Zirconate Titanate: Theoretical Expectation for Thin Films,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.36 [9A], 5580-5587, 1997).


We learned in Chap. 4 that lead magnesium niobate (PMN)-based ceramics exhibit very high dielectric constants. If we can fabricate a high quality thin film of PMN, is it applicable to the DRAM for microcomputer applications? Discuss the feasibility of this proposal, taking into account the operation frequency of the microcomputer.

REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

6) 7)

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