Test K-des Comparative Formaldehyde

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Comparative Test to replace the Formaldehyde as it

avoids the decomposition and allows the preservation of organic matter. www.abc-des.com -

K-DES® has properties to replace the formaldehyde as it avoids the decomposition and allows the preservation of organic matter, maintains organs and tissues in a perfect state of preservation for at least 72 hours when immersed in a 3% or 5% aqueous solution of this product.


Rex 36, index 36, diluted to 10% (equivalent to a formaldehyde concentration of more than 3.5%) has a preservative effect on the tissues. This is a well known fact as this product is one of the most widely used in the North American undertaking industry, which is the largest and most important market for embalming products.


3% and 5% solutions of K-DES® has properties to replace the formaldehyde as it avoids the decomposition and allows the preservation of organic matter, as it allows a rapid penetration of the product into the cell tissue due to the osmotic effect produced as the water in the solution passes through the semi-permeable cell membranes. This effect probably allows a better preservation of the tissue inside the organ, although a further comparative study of the internal effect of these solutions should be undertaken.


K-DES® has properties to replace the formaldehyde as it avoids the decomposition and allows the preservation of organic matter, as it keeps the tissues soft and in a perfect state of preservation.


Rex 36, index 36, preserves the tissues but causes them to contract and makes them more rigid, but K-DES ® keeps its volume and keeps them flexible.


A 3% or 5% solution of K-DES® does not produce harmful or unpleasant effects for its handler or surrounding people.


So we can say that K-DES® has all the properties to replace the formaldehyde as it avoids the decomposition and allows the preservation of organic matter, adding into it very important series of advantages.


A Comparison ®

between K-DES and Formalin

Performed between February 1st and 4th 2008 www.abc-des.com

TABLE OF CONTENTS Preliminary comments regarding the Test ...................................................2 Object ...........................................................................................................2 Test Conditions.............................................................................................3 Day 0. Start – 01-02-2008 ................................................................................4 Just prior to the start of the test ....................................................................4 Start of the Test ............................................................................................5 Effects at the start of the test........................................................................7 Effects one hour into the test........................................................................9 Day 1 – 02-02-2008 ........................................................................................11 Effects 12 hours into the test ......................................................................11 Effects 24 hours into the test ......................................................................13 Day 2 – 03-02-2008 ........................................................................................15 Effects 36 hours into the test ......................................................................15 Effects 48 hours into the test ......................................................................17 Day 3 – 04-02-2008 ........................................................................................19 Effects 60 hours into the test ......................................................................19 Effects 72 hours into the test ......................................................................21 Conclusions...................................................................................................23

Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Preliminary comments regarding the Test

Object Previous studies have shown that K-DES® is an effective disinfectant at a concentration of 25%. The objective of the present study, however, is first of all to demonstrate that it is an effective preservative of organic matter at much lower concentrations and, secondly, to perform a comparative study between K-DES® and a well-known and effective commercial, formalin-based product. This study was performed with different concentrations of K-DES® solution in order to determine the concentration at which the product has the desired effect. The formalin-based formula REX 36, index 36, is manufactured by the company Embalmers’ Supply Company, ESCO (US) and is one of the most widely used products in the American undertaking market. The index 36 in its commercial name indicates that the product has a formalin content of 36%. As this fluid should be used as a 10% solution, the test solution has a formalin concentration of 3.6%. The recommended retail price for K-DES® is €7.50 per litre whereas the retail price of REX 36, index 36, is €3 per half litre (therefore the following calculations use a price per litre of €6), plus the cost of postage from England. The test was performed with pig kidneys due to their delicate nature and high degree of vascularisation.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Test Conditions The test was performed between February 1st and 4th 2008 at POMPAS FÚNEBRES DEL CONDADO, S.L., Ctra. Salvaterra, s/n, 36860 Ponteareas, Pontevedra. The kidneys were placed in a plastic container in one of the rooms of this establishment, covered completely with the test solution and any changes observed and assessed. As the formalin-based preparation emits a very penetrating smell that might have affected the working of the establishment, it was decided to cover the containers with a plastic cover from the very beginning in order to work under identical sealed conditions, even though this precaution is not necessary for the samples treated with K-DES®. The different treatments were assessed by considering the colour and smell of the samples, which, although this may appear to be subjective, is not so in this case due to the very pronounced changes observed. The observer who made the assessments is a reputable undertaker with many years’ experience in the handling, treatment and preservation of tissue, which means that he is well qualified to assess small changes in the evolution of the treated tissue samples.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Day 0. Start – 01-02-2008 Just prior to the start of the test We can see here the three kidneys just prior to adding the preservative solution:





Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

The three test solutions were then prepared: A – A 3% aqueous solution of K-DES®. B – A 5% aqueous solution of K-DES®. C – A 10% aqueous solution of REX 36, index 36.

Start of the Test COMMENTS K-DES® is a fast-acting, transparent, non-crystalline product with a characteristic smell, which means that treated samples can easily and accurately be distinguished from untreated samples.

The 3% K-DES® solution is very clear and transparent, the 5% solution is less transparent and the formalin-based solution contains a dye.

The three pig kidneys selected at the start of the study were classified as follows: Sample A, with no previous treatment, was placed into the container containing the 3% K-DES® solution and more solution added until the sample was completely covered. Sample B, with no previous treatment, was placed into the container containing the 5% K-DES® solution and more solution added until the sample was completely covered.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Sample C, with no previous treatment, was placed into the container containing a 10% solution of the formalin-based product, in other words a solution with a formalin content of 3.6%, and more solution added until the sample was completely covered. The mean temperature of the testing room at the start of the test was 15 °C.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Effects at the start of the test The first observation was made on February 1st at 21:10.

SAMPLE A Comments: The sample is crystalline and transparent. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Dark pink.

SAMPLE B Comments: The solution is whitish and poorly transparent. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Dark pink.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE C Comments: The solution is pinkish and its fumes are immediately noticeable, producing irritation in the airways and eyes of the observer. Smell:




causes irritation. Colour of the treated tissue: Dark pink.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Effects one hour into the test The second observation was made on February 1st at 22:10, one hour after starting the test.

SAMPLE A Comments: A clear colour loss and fixation of the sample is observed. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

SAMPLE B Comments: The solution has become more opaque, which makes determination of the state of the tissue more difficult. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.


Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE C Comments: The colour of the sample has also faded, although the dye in the product minimises this change. Smell: Strong and unpleasant, causes irritation. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

The difference between the samples can clearly be seen. Sample A is more wrinkled than the other two samples. Sample B is smoother. Sample C is less wrinkled than sample A and is pinker, although this could be due to the dye in the product rather than the action of formalin itself. Even though this sample contains only a small amount of formalin its fumes are very unpleasant and produce irritation in the nose and eyes.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Day 1 – 02-02-2008 Effects 12 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 10:10 on February 2nd.

SAMPLE A Comments: An important change is observed: The sample has increased in size and the volume of liquid has dropped due to absorption into the sample. The sample is noticeably spongy to the touch. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Light grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE B Comments: The sample was removed from the liquid for observation due to the liquid’s opacity. A loss of colour can be seen along with a correct preservation of the tissue, although its more wrinkled appearance seems to indicate that the solution has not penetrated to as great an extent as with sample A. It is also spongy to the touch, although less so than sample A. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

SAMPLE C Comments: The colour of the sample has also faded, although the dye in the product minimises this change. Smell:




causes irritation. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Effects 24 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 22:10 on February 2nd.

SAMPLE A Comments: First of all it can be seen that the solution has darkened, although both its smell and colour indicate no loss of efficacy as both parameters remain identical to those observed previously. Another important change is that the sample has increased in size, which indicates that the solution has penetrated the tissues. The sample is still noticeably spongy to the touch. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Light grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE B Comments: Although this sample is more wrinkled than the previous one, it is more swollen than 12 hours previously, which indicates that the tissues





solution. It is also spongy to the touch. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

SAMPLE C Comments: The sample maintains a light pink colour due to the dye. In light of its state of preservation, it is clear that there is some fixation of the solution, although this process is slower and has occurred to a lesser degree than in the other samples. This sample is also harder due to the astringent nature of formalin. Smell: Unpleasant, still produces irritation. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Day 2 – 03-02-2008 Effects 36 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 10:10 on February 3rd.

SAMPLE A Comments: The solution is even darker due to the higher concentration of K-DES® and because the larger amount of water absorbed has forced the organic residues to the outside of the sample; the preservation remains good, however, and its size has again increased due to a greater absorption of the solution. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour


Lighter grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE B Comments: The size and preservation of the sample remain the same. The remaining solution is more opaque. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

SAMPLE C Comments: At first sight there are no obvious changes in the sample, except that the solution is also darker and the tissues appear to be more rigid. Smell:




causes irritation. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Effects 48 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 22:10 on February 3rd.

SAMPLE A Comments: At first sight there are no changes. The pinkish region on top is the part that is no longer submerged in the liquid as absorption into the tissues has increased the size of the sample such that it protrudes above the surface of the solution. The sample remains in a good state of preservation. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Even lighter grey.

SAMPLE B Comments: The size is the same and its colour is lighter, although still darker than the previous sample. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE C Comments: There are no obvious changes in the sample, except that the solution is also darker. Smell: Much less unpleasant. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Day 3 – 04-02-2008 Effects 60 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 10:10 on February 4th.

SAMPLE A Comments: No important changes can be seen. The preservation appears to be very good as this sample is bigger than the others and there are no signs of putrefaction. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour


Lighter grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE B Comments:




good although absorption of the solution by the tissues appears to be lesser. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

SAMPLE C Comments: There are no obvious changes, apart from the remaining solution being darker, although the tissues appear to be more rigid. Smell: Mild. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Effects 72 hours into the test The following photographs were taken at 22:10 on February 4th.

SAMPLE A Comments: At first sight there are no changes. The pinkish region on top is the part that is no longer submerged, although the sample remains






preservation. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Even lighter grey.

SAMPLE B Comments: No major changes can be seen. The preservation is good. Smell: Slight smell of K-DES®. Colour of the treated tissue: Grey.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

SAMPLE C Comments: There are no obvious changes in the sample, except that the solution is darker. Smell: Much less unpleasant. Colour of the treated tissue: Pink.

As no further changes appeared to be occurring the test was stopped after 72 hours even though the three samples were still in a perfect state of preservation.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin

Conclusions -

K-DES® maintains organs and tissues in a perfect state of preservation for at least 72 hours when immersed in a 3% or 5% aqueous solution of this product.


Rex 36, index 36, diluted to 10% (equivalent to a formalin concentration of more than 3.5%) has a preservative effect on the tissues. This is a well known fact as this product is one of the most widely used in the North American undertaking industry, which is the largest and most important market for embalming products.


3% and 5% solutions of K-DES® allow a rapid penetration of the product into the cell tissue due to the osmotic effect produced as the water in the solution passes through the semi-permeable cell membranes. This effect probably allows a better preservation of the tissue inside the organ, although a further comparative study of the internal effect of these solutions should be undertaken.


K-DES® keeps the tissues soft and in a perfect state of preservation.


Rex 36, index 36, on the other hand, preserves the tissues but causes them to contract and makes them more rigid.


A 3% or 5% solution of K-DES® does not produce harmful or unpleasant effects for its handler or surrounding people.


A 10% solution of Rex 36, index 36, has an irritating and unpleasant effect on the upper airways and eyes due to the fumes it gives off. This means that people handling it should work with the appropriate safety measures (gloves, safety glasses and face mask), with all their inconvenience and discomfort, which often means that they disregard this advice, to avoid the inherent work-related risks.

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Comparison between K-DES® and Formalin


Rex 36, index 36, stains the sample due to the dye included in the formulation.


The solutions of K-DES® used bleach the sample as they contain no dye, although one could be included if necessary.


If we suppose that one litre of preserving solution was used in each container, we can make the following calculation:



3% K-DES®


5% K-DES®


10% Rex 36, index 36


In light of the results obtained, we can conclude that the use of a 3% K-DES® solution is optimal for the correct preservation of organic matter and is comparable to the recommended dose of formalin (3.6%), although some 62.5% cheaper.


This figure does not take into account the cost of transporting the product from England to


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