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Appendix A2 Nama : Kelas : Vocabulary Test Tingkat : Kelas : II Alokasi Waktu :

SMA 45 menit

Petunjuk : Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik pada tiap kalimat dengan memberi tanda silang pada huruf a, b, c, d atau e. 1. Farmer : How can rice production be improved? Field adviser : There are many ways. One of them is by using fertilizer. The word ‘fertilizer’ means …………… a. better varieties of seeds d. materials for enriching land b. machines to cultivate soil e. system of regular irrigation c. chemicals to kill plant pest 2. Here is today’s ………report of Jakarta. It has a fine temperature of max 32oC, min 22oC and sunny. a. condition b. climate c. weather d. forecast e. situation 3. Jakarta, Manila and Kuala Lumpur are ………….cities. a. capital b. currencies c. big d. motherland popular


4. Certain people enjoy entering the ………….as a natural or artificial hollow in the earth. a. cave b. strait c. reef d. snow e. ocean 5. A/an ……………..is a narrow passage of water connecting two seas of water. a. sea b. ocean c. strait d. harbor e. atoll 6. The abundance of its flora makes Bogor Botanical Garden famous. The word ‘abundance’means………… a. fame b. wealth c. expense d. generosity e. a great number 7. An area far from a city is …………. a. urban b. coast line c. highland

d. rural

e. city

8. They cultivate the land and grow plants which can bring in money. The word ‘bring in’ means ……………… a. spend b. produce c. save d. lose e. exchange 9. A : You truck causes too much pollution. B : Oh,………………………….., Sir. A : Please, consult a mechanic about it. a. Why not d. Congratulations b. I’m sorry e. Don’t mention it c. How come 10. Ngaben, a cremation ceremony in Bali, is one of the tourist ……………….in Indonesia. a. attentions d. exhibitions b. intentions e. invitations c. attractions 11. A ………….is a place where works of art are displayed and sold. a. theater b. gallery c. literature d. orchestra culture 12. Jepara is famous for its ……………….. a. wood carving b. author c. culture

d. theater


e. literature

13. DKI Jakarta will hold a …………………...of the Betawi art presenting Ondel-ondel and Tanjidor at the opening ceremony of the Jakarta Fair on June 4. a. fair b. feast c. fancy d. party e. festival 14. Ondel-ondel is represented by a couple of giant …………..which usually perform for individuals, companiesor special events held by the municipality. a. painting b. puppets c. games d. dolls e. toys 15. Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shrine is situated 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta. The word ‘gigantic’ means ………………. a. nice b. tall c. large d. huge e. wonderful 16. Affandi is one of the famous …………….in Indonesia. We really admire his works. a. poets b. actors c. artists d. players e. painters 17. A building or arena for the performance of a play or drama is …………… a. theater b. museum c. play d. gallery e. cinema 18. A building where goods are made in large quantities is …………… a. office b. house c. factory d. apartment

e. skyscraper

19. The spaceship Pioneer 10 is launched by USA. The word ‘launched’ means ……… ….into outer space. a. charged b. thrown c. pushed d. sent e. burst 20. Both the Soviets and the Americans plan to build huge space stations which will orbit the earth. The word ‘huge’ means very…………. a. large b. broad c. bulky d. heavy e. wide 21. The cooking oil industry in North Sulawesi is facing a shortage of raw materials. The word ‘shortage’ means …………….. a. a lack of d. a considerable amount of b. a number of e. a satisfactory amount of c. a significant total of 22. What is the nuclear energy obtained from? a. electricity b. atom c. steam

d. coal

e. oil

23. Under certain conditions, the nucleus of uranium atoms can be made to split. The word ‘split’ means …………… a. jump into the air d. release suddenly b. explode loudly e. launch into the air c. break into parts 24. From 1967 onward, cinemas began to lose their ……………. They prefer watching TV programs at home. a. sponsors b. producers c. audiences d. companies e. cameraman 25. Son : What do astronomers use to see the stars? Father : They use ……………..which makes far way things look larger and clearer. a. binoculars b. a telescope c. a periscope d. a stethoscope e. a microscope 26. Mr. Karto is Eny’s father. How should Eny’s son calls Mr. Karto? a. father b. brother c. uncle d. nephew e. grandfather 27. Which one is the best way to plan the small family? a. urbanization program d. emigration program b. immigration program e. family planning program c. transmigration program 28. The condition of being wealthy and successful in life is …………….. a. poor b. prosperous c. calm d. stable e. enjoy 29. People who are rich like shopping …………. Singapore for their holidays.

a. choose

b. spend

c. modern

d. fly

e. export

30. A father plays an important role to make the family remain in good financial condition. The word ‘financial’ means ……………………… a. administrative details of a family d. line of jobs in an office b. any credits taken from banks e. monetary position c. loan procedures in a bank 31. Today the human population is enormous. The word ‘enormous’ means …………… a. enough b. wide c. ample d. huge e. powerful 32. Hadi : The Usman family is poor. Kasim : We all know it. ………………………….., they can send their children to universities. a. Despite the fact that they are poor d. They are poor although b. They are poor despite of the fact e. Because they are poor c. However they are poor 33. Husband : Our car always troubles me. Wife : Why don’t you sell it and buy a new one? Husband : Well, I don’t have any objection to your idea as long as we can afford it. In the dialogue, the husband expresses……………. a. agreement b. sympathy c. capability d. intolerance e. pleasure 34. This home work makes me …………….all night. a. cry b. stay c. lazy d. happy

e. wake up

35. Tari : Why do you admire Mother Theresa? Susi : Don’t you know that she was the woman…………………………… a. that she didn’t recognize me. d. of which house was very expensive. b. who dedicated her life to the poor. e. whose farm land is owned by her father. c. whom the governor met at the party. 36. Student energy? Teacher

: Is man able to find an efficient way to convert the heart of the sun into

: ………………………………………..because a lot of experiments have been done and the result is quite positive. a. It’s quite improbable d. There’s always a chance b. It’s out of the question e. There no certainty of it c. I don’t think it is possible

37. Toto : Science and technology has developed very fast. Do you think we ae ready for that? Tati : ……………………………………. a. Good. It’s interesting. b. Why not. Just be yourself.

c. Oh, marvelous. It’s great for you. d. Frankly speaking, I disagree with you. e. I am not certain. The quality of our education is still low. 38. Ria Tati a. study

: What do you know about compulsory ……………………? : I think it has been extended from six to nine years. b. school c. student d. examination e. education

39. Pinta’s mother is a ………………….. She teaches students at the Sriwijaya University. a. teacher b. lecturer c. director d. registrar e. headmistress 40. X : R.A.Kartini was a pioneer who fought women emancipation through education. Y : Right. She started with establishing a school for girls …………was officially used after her death. a. who b. of which c. whom d. whose e. which 41. Silvia : What are the requirement for taking the entrance test? Ulfa : There are some, but the most important thing is your …………… indicating that you have graduated from high school. a. certificate b. paper c. degree d. profession e. recommendation 42. Student Teacher a. deal

: Excuse me,Sir. What is astronomy? : Astronomy is the science of the universe which ……………..with everything in outer space. b. dealing c. will deal d. deals e. are dealing

43. Every country sends their …………………..to the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where they discuss and try to solve problems. a. ambassador b. president c. representative d. minister e. people 44. The FAO helps improve the production of farms, forests and fishing waters. The word ‘improve’ means…………………. a. increase b. make better c. make use of d. decrease e. keep 45. The UN was established by charter on October 24, 1945. the word ‘established’ means………………… a. founded b. known c. identified d. mentioned e. remembered 46. One of the UN’s aims is to maintain international peace and security. The word ‘to maintain’ means …………………… a. develop b. hold c. take care d. sustain e. run

47. UNHCR is primarily financed by voluntary governmental contribution. a. provided d. helped b. funded e. money c. supplied 48. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a ……………… organization. a. bilateral d. multi-national b. international e. regional c. national 49. The foreign ministers of the ASEAN member meet annually to determine ASEAN policy. The word ‘annually’ means ……………………. a. every year d. weekly b. monthly e. daily c. continually 50. The members of ASEAN cooperate in such fields as population control, prevention of drug abuse and scientific research. The word ‘cooperate’ means ……………. a. promote d. associate b. develop e. link c. work together


Translation Test Tingkat : Kelas : II Alokasi Waktu :

SMA 45 menit

Terjemahkanlah wacana dibawah ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia! Raden Ajeng Kartini The name of Raden Ajeng Kartini is closely associated with the emancipation movement of Indonesia women. Her activities were confined within the walls of her father’s residence in Jepara, Central Java. Yet, her work and ideas have greatly influenced government policy and our thoughts and outlook concerning the status and rights of women. Kartini lived at a time when education, employment outside the home, freedom to decide in marriage and all such things, were beyond the woman’s reach. She saw this with deep sorrow and resentment. Kartini was born in 1879, at a time when schools were still rare, and only meant to be attended by the sons of government officials. As a daughter of a regent, a nobleman of the highest rank in the local government, Kartini enjoyed elementary education. Through her own reading and correspondence with Dutch friends, she became acquainted with the greatest thinkers of the West. For a girl in her teens at that time, Kartini was very progressive in her ideas. When her father did not allow her to continue her studies in Holland, she was frustrated. However, fortunately, through her brother’s comforting and encouraging words, she got over her depression, and decided to set up a girl’s school within the confines of the regent’s residence. She gathered the girls from the neighborhood and taught them to read and write, and other useful skills. Another blow befell her when she was required to marry the regent of Rembang, a man of middle age who had already been married. It was against Javanese custom to disobey a father’s wish, so she left her work in Jepara to her sister, and went to Rembang. She had a faint hope that as a regent’s wife, she would be able to accomplish mare than as a regent’s daughter. In Rembang, the first thing she did was to set up a school for girls, but even here she did not see the completion of her work. She died soon after giving birth to a son, at the age of 25. Kartini’s ideas and ideals are expressed in her letters, which have been edited under the title of “Through Darkness into Light”, originally was written in Dutch, now translated into Indonesian.

Appendix A1

The Table of Specifications of the Vocabulary Test


Item Number

The students know a number of vocabulary items in the following themes: 1. Environment 2. Art and Culture 3. Science and Technology 4. Family Life 5. Education 6. International Relations

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

Total Items:

Total Item

9 8 8 8 9 8

50 items

Appendix A3 The Answer Key of the Vocabulary Test

1. d 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. e 7. d 8. b 9. b 10. c 11. b 12. a 13. e 14. b 15. d 16. e 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. a 21. a 22. b 23. c 24. c 25. b

26. e 27. e 28. b 29. a 30. e 31. d 32. a 33. a 34. e 35. b 36. d 37. e 38. e 39. b 40. e 41. a 42. d 43. c 44. b 45. a 46. d 47. b 48. e 49. a 50. c

Appendix B1

The Table of Specification of the Translation Test



Total Paragraph


The students are able to translate an English text into Indonesian.

5 paragraphs

Appendix B3 The Answer Key of the Translation Test Raden Ajeng Kartini Nama Raden Ajeng Kartini sangat berkaitan erat dengan gerakan emansipasi wanita Indonesia. Kegiatannya dibatasi oleh tembok kediaman ayahnya di Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Selanjutnya, kegiatan dan gagasan-gagasannya sangat berpengaruh pada kebijakan pemerintah dan pemikiran-pemikiran serta pandangan kita tentang status dan hak-hak kaum perempuan. Kartini hidup pada saat pendidikan, bekerja diluar rumah, kebebasan untuk memilih didalam perkawinan, dan segala sesuatunya, berada diluar kendali seorang perempuan. Dia melihat hal ini dengan kesedihan mendalam dan perasaan marah. Kartini dilahirkan pada tahun 1879, diwaktu sekolah-sekolah masih sangat langka dan hanya diperuntukkan bagi anak laki-laki dari pegawai perintahan saja. Sebagai putri dari seorang bupati, seorang bangsawan dari golongan tertinggi pada pemerintahan lokal, Kartini dapat mengenyam pendidikan dasar. Melalui bacaan dan berkorespondensi dengan teman-temannya di Belanda, Kartini menjadi akrab dengan pemikir-pemikir besar dari Barat. Untuk seorang gadis remaja pada masa itu, Kartini sangat berpikiran modern. Ketika ayahnya tidak mengizinkannya untuk melanjutkan sekolah ke Belanda, dia sangat frustasi. Untunglah, melalui nasehat-nasehat dan semangat yang diberikan oleh kakak laki-lakinya, Kartini dapat melalui masa depresinya, dan memutuskan untuk mendirikan sekolah putri yang dibatasi oleh tembok kediaman bupati. Ia mengumpulkan anak-anak gadis disekitar tempat tinggalnya dan mengajarkan mereka cara membaca dan menulis, serta keterampilan yang berguna lainnya. Cobaan lain menimpanya ketika ia diharuskan untuk menikah dengan bupati Rembang, seorang laki-laki paruh baya yang telah menikah. Pada saat itu, apabila tidak patuh pada perintah seorang ayah adalah melanggar tradisi Jawa, jadi Kartini menyerahkan pekerjaannya kepada saudara perempuannya, dan pergi ke Rembang. Ia mempunyai sedikit harapan bahwa sebagai istri dari seorang bupati, ia dapat mencapai lebih dari ketika ia menjadi seorang anak bupati. Di Rembang, hal pertama yang ia lakukan adalah mendirikan sebuah sekolah untuk para gadis, tetapi kemudian ia tidak dapat menyaksikan pencapaian atas usahanya. Kartini meninggal setelah melahirkan putra pertamanya, pada usia 25 tahun. Ide-ide dan cita-cita Kartini dituangkannya didalam surat-surat yang dibukukan dengan judul “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”, yang aslinya ditulis dalam bahasa Belanda, dan sekarang telah diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

Appendix J The Critical Values of the r-Table

(N-2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100

Directional Decision 95% 99% Certainty Certainty p < .05 p < .01 .9877 .9995 .9000 .9800 .8054 .9343 .7293 .8822 .6694 .8329 .6215 .7887 .5822 .7498 .5494 .7155 .5214 .6851 .4973 .6581 .4762 .6339 .4575 .6120 .4409 .5923 .4259 .5742 .4124 .5577 .3598 .4921 .3233 .4451 .2960 .4093 .2746 .3810 .2573 .3578 .2428 .3384 .2306 .3218 .2108 .2948 .1954 .2737 .1829 .2565 .1726 .2422 .1638 .2301

Non-Directional Decision 95% 99% Certainty Certainty p < .05 p < .01 .9969 1.000 .9500 .9900 .8783 .9587 .8114 .9172 .7545 .8745 .7067 .8343 .6664 .7977 .6319 .7646 .6021 .7348 .5760 .7079 .5529 .6835 .5324 .6614 .5139 .6411 .4973 .6226 .4821 .6055 .4227 .5368 .3809 .4869 .3494 .4487 .3246 .4182 .3044 .3932 .2875 .3721 .2732 .3541 .2500 .3248 .2319 .3017 .2172 .2830 .2050 .2673 .1946 .2540

(Fisher and Yates, 1963 cited in Brown, 1991: 164)

Nama : Kelas : Answer Sheet for Translation Test:

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