Terror Threat?

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,252
  • Pages: 3
I was watching a video called the Obama Deception by Alex Jones. I think there was a statement somewhere in the video inviting the public to investigate anything that they proposed so I have the following questions: In the video someone said something like: "Over 20,000 Americans are added each month to the No Fly List, which numbers over a million people who have not been charged or convicted of any crime." 20,000 names x 12 months = 240,000 names per year 300,000,000 in population divided by 240,000 names = 1,250 months 1,250 months divided by 12 months in a year = 104 years So, since the average life span of an American is low 70-ish, most living Americans now below the age of 70 could end up on the no fly list at some point during their lifetime if the 20,000 names per month added to the list is maintained. Unless my figures are wrong. From which demographic do they acquire 20,000+ people per month in the US to add to the no fly list? Can they really competently process any real evidence of any potential threat of 20,000+ people on a monthly basis to justify putting that many people on the list? Is this done by computers stereotyping people based on data put into the machine? Are any of these people ever contacted and informed that they are on the no fly list and given any option to appeal such a gesture? Just how much financial damage does this do to airlines? At 20,000+ people per month starting with the first month and onwards of people who cannot get on a commercial aircraft could: First skyrocket the price of airfare to make up for lack of revenue but that doesn't do any good because because it just keeps going up and up and up as long as 20,000+ people per month keeps compounding and can't get on a plane. If I wanted to drive up prices or bankrupt airlines, stopping people from paying for those services would be rule number one. I just don't believe that we can, by legitimate means, uncover 20,000+ suspected terrorists per month in our country outside of blatant stereotyping. That would be easy to do in some radical Arab countries or other but the US? I don't think so. If we had that many terrorists or suspected terrorists we would have been to harshly aware of that long before 9/11 since there's no way such a large group of conspirators who would hate the US could maintain collective silence and inactivity. Under the status quo of 20,000+ people, we would be looking at hundreds of thousands of terrorists walking around our city streets and that just flies in the face of reality. So what is Alex Jones source for the 20,000+ Americans per month allegedly being placed on the no fly list? If it is factual that 20,000+ Americans per month are added to the no fly list then that automatically means that something critical has gone wrong with our government because our society does not contain that many individuals who would fit the bill as a terrorist or suspected terrorist.

20,000+ crack lab operators and crack dealers? No doubt, double that. 20,000+ meth lab operators and meth dealers? No doubt, double that. 20,000+ potential murderers illegally carrying a stolen hand gun? Absolutely. The sheer numbers of them allow these people operate in public and with near impunity in US cities because the very volume of them overrides prison, court and prison capacity but I bet their names aren't on the list. Those who do the most damage to our society are not classified as terrorists terrorizing society but those who do the least damage are labeled as terrorists. Those who do the least damage may still be terrorists yes but the damage ratio per terrorizing interest should be more of a priority. I also believe that terrorists or suspected terrorists should be allowed to fly out of the country but not in or back in. Why does our government take such great pains to keep terrorists or suspected terrorists inside our borders? That has the identical effect as harboring terrorists and suspected terrorists. I think 100% of 300 million Americans would agree that these terrorists or suspected terrorists should be allowed to fly one way. After all the intensive searches, security and guards on planes they are no threat on a plane anyway right? Right, so let them get out. We simply don't need them and our own countryman walking the streets who are murderers outnumber the real terrorists or the real suspected terrorists by tens of thousands I'm sure. Not allowing them to fly out only compounds the threat to Americans than it does do anything to help alleviate it. They claim these are big terror threats, they don't let them fly out but at the same time they don't lock them up either. Just who is on whose side around here anyway? Don't we have enough problems without making sure that these terrorists are free to navigate US city streets? If they are terrorists the kick them out of the country or file charges and lock them up. Allowing them free roam is just saying that the threat is fabricated. It is not terrorists or suspected terrorists that the average American need be overly conscious of. It is their fellow countryman who murders more of our own people per year than any terrorists or suspected terrorists do. Look at the rate of murder in 2002 per 100,000 people: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/murder-rates-1996-2007 in the US (around 16,229 murders) compared to the adjusted 9/11 death toll of around 2,752 people in 2002. The murder rate is also higher in death penalty states than in non death penalty states but I see on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Fly_List

that if anyone who is anti death penalty as if the death penalty was a worthless deterrent to murder, they would be put on the no fly list. Given the numbers with death penalty states having more murders, what purpose would that serve except social programming to get more people on the death penalty bandwagon for fear of losing flying privileges? It's insanity. Even if the approximately 16,229 murder victims in 2002 included the 2,752 9/11 victims you are still looking at far more of a massive threat from our own countryman after subtracting them and ending up with a whopping 13,477 murders. The terrorists would have to commit a little over five 9/11's just to catch up to our own murdering countryman in 2002. The terrorist can't hold a candle to the death toll inflicted on our society by our own people. I won't even do the math on how many 9/11's they would have to commit to catch up to the death toll inflicted upon us by our own countryman between 2002=16,229, 2003=16,528, 2004=16,148, 2005=16,740, 2006=17,030, 2007=16,929. But I will at 99,604 murders, the terrorists, who are such a galactic threat to our society, would have to commit over thirty five 9/11's to be equal to or more of a threat than our own countryman murdering their own countryman between 2002 and 2007. As far as comparative threats go, these terrorist are bit players in a B movie yet the primary public focus by our government and the mass media drilled into the minds of the citizenry 24 hours a day is on terrorists or suspected terrorists. Now there's a false sense of security if I ever saw one.

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