Template 1 Development Proposal

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,147
  • Pages: 5
TEMPLATE 1 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS STONE HOUSE HOSPITAL Developer partners are encouraged to use a combination of text, site plans, elevations, photographs or other techniques to accurately explain how the Development Proposal derives from and responds to the Developer Guidance and appended documents. No additional marks will be given for volume. Information submitted outside the template will not be considered. The Development Proposal is to be bound as one stand alone A3 document (Landscape format). Please note that all text not highlighted in grey forms part of the template and must not be deleted. The order of the template headings, sub headings and bullet points must not be altered. You are, however, permitted to change the font, size and colour and reposition the headings to fit around your text, photographs, plans and drawings.


CHECK LIST REQUIRED CONTENT Contents Page Introduction Executive Summary Development Statement - Design - English Partnerships Quality Price Standards - Environmental/Sustainability - Planning - Transport - Conservation - Development Programme/Project Management - Affordable Housing and Integrated Tenure - Community Plans and Drawings - A layout plan indicating demolition proposals (1:1000) - A detailed layout plan of the proposed development, illustrating the approach to layout, density, integration of uses, access and car parking arrangements (1:1000) - Street perspectives of the completed scheme. A key plan should be provided to indicate perspective location on detailed plan. Perspectives to be provided for a) the relationship of new build, existing buildings and the public realm and b) new build area, indicating approach to architectural style and public realm. - Landscape strategy drawing of southern open space indicating use, surfaces and parking (1:500). - Detailed conversion plans and sections to be provided and should indicate potential use and areas of rooms etc for the west wing of main hospital building and the central core of main hospital building (1:200) See Appendix 1.6. - Parking strategy plan to indicate approach within a) an area where there is new build and existing buildings and b) an area of new build only. The plan should indicate where these areas are within a detailed layout (scale 1:500) Consultant Team


2. CONTENTS PAGE Please provide a contents page detailing all headings and sub headings of your submission with clearly annotated page numbers. 3. INTRODUCTION 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Please provide a summary of your submission here. 5. DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT: Please refer to the Evaluation Criteria table on pages 15-17 of the Developer Guidance. In order that submissions can be scored accurately, the template must include each of the numbered sub headings and each of the bullet points listed. All of the contents/objectives detailed in the Evaluation Criteria table must be addressed in order to meet the mandatory submission criteria. 5.1 Design Statement A Design Statement incorporating all of the Design Proposals and Design Principles detailed in the Evaluation Criteria table is required. •

Demolition and retention of individual buildings

Layout, density, integration of uses, access and car parking arrangements.

Mix of proposed new build, refurbished units and affordable properties indicating size.

Approach to tenure and location.

Approach to architectural style of new building adjacent to existing

Approach to public realm and treatment of car parking

Approach to use and design of existing and new open spaces

Approach to converting and use existing buildings

Approach to ecological enhancement and the integration of play and within public spaces.

5.2 English Partnerships Quality Price Standards • • • • •

Secured by Design Inclusive Design Lifetime Homes Construction Efficiency Integrated Tenure

5.3 . Environmental/Sustainability Statement •

How Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes on the New Build properties and Eco Homes Very Good on the Refurbished Properties can be achieved.

The Sustainability Strategy, to include in particular Energy, Water, Transport, Waste and Material strategies for the site.


Planning Statement • •


A statement of the developer’s proposal in response to the guidance set out in the Draft Development Framework. Make representations to DBC on the Draft Development Framework and include a copy in the Development Proposal Submission. Transport Statement

• • • • • • 5.6

Compliance with Kent Design Guide and Manual for Streets in street design. Sensitive parking design in central courtyards. Design of a permeable street network. Proposals for sustainable transport initiatives. Creating strong physical links with the surrounding neighbourhoods. Design of accesses into site. Conservation Statement

• • • • • • 5.7

The proposed conversion of the listed buildings The proposed use and conversion of the Central Core including the Great Hall and Theatre. The proposed use and conversion of the Chapel The proposed relationship between the existing buildings and new build and the treatment of the historic landscape The approach to the architectural design of the new build The use of materials and finishes in the conversion of the listed buildings. Development Programme/Project Management

• • • • • • •

Provision of a robust and realistic Development Programme Phasing of refurbished units Proposals for long term management of the scheme. Deliverability of the programme Approach to sequencing, demolition and remediation. Details and structure of the Project Team. Statement indicating approach to future consultation


Affordable Housing and Integrated Tenure •


Affordable housing and proposals for integration into the development and the delivery of a tenure blind development

Community Statement • •

Progressing community uses on the site. Consultation with stakeholders and residents during the masterplanning process

6. PLANS AND DRAWINGS – Please provide: • •

• •

A layout plan indicating demolition proposals (1:1000) A detailed layout plan of the proposed development, illustrating the approach to layout, density, integration of uses, access and car parking arrangements (1:1000) Street perspectives of the completed scheme. A key plan should be provided to indicate perspective location on detailed plan. Perspectives to be provided for a) the relationship of new build, existing buildings and the public realm and b) new build area, indicating approach to architectural style and public realm. Landscape strategy drawing of southern open space indicating use, surfaces and parking (1:500). Detailed conversion plans and sections to be provided and should indicate potential use and areas of rooms etc for the west wing of main hospital building and the central core of main hospital building (1:200) see Appendix 1.6. Parking strategy plan to indicate approach within a) an area where there is new build and existing buildings and b) an area of new build only. The plan should indicate where these areas are within a detailed layout (scale 1:500)

7. CONSULTANT TEAM Please confirm your full consultant team including your affordable housing partner Please provide a Curriculum Vitae for each of your team members. Please provide clear justification for any revisions to the team that was proposed in your Stage 1 Expression of Interest. Please also submit a chart highlighting the responsibilities

of each team member.

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