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INDEX Studor Engineered Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction to Air Admittance Valves (AAVs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction to the Positive Air Pressure Attentuator (P.A.P.A.) . . . . . . . . 4 Products Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Materials Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Standards & Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Design Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Manning Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Terminal Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Stack Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 DFU's Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Comparative Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 AAV System Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 P.A.P.A. System Design and Engineering Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Products TEC-Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CHEM-Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MAXI-Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 MAXI-Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 MINI-Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 REDI-Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 P.A.P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 MAXI-Filtra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Recess Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Studor Engineered Products

STUDOR ENGINEERED PRODUCTS In early 1970 Sture Ericson invented Air Admittance Valves (AAVs). Born from the need to address and solve a problem with the conventional open pipe venting design, the idea grew to encompass a variety of AAVs for different applications and beyond. Today STUDOR is the world recognized leader in innovative DWV venting products and designs. Greater efficiency, significant savings, unmatched quality and unsurpassed experience make STUDOR products the #1 choice in the world. Currently in the US other manufacturers offer a limited range of AAVs, but it was STUDOR who worked with ASSE to create the standard for these valves. It was (and still is) STUDOR who worked with the Codes and Code officials to educate, gain approval and promote the understanding of the benefits associated with AAVs and it is STUDOR who continues to hold and test its products to much higher standards than even of those of ASSE (e.g. 100% of STUDOR sealing diaphrams are subject to 200% testing; STUDOR tests cycle life at 1.5 million cycles, a 600% increase over ASSE requirements). Because of STUDOR’s much greater experience and exposure to a variety of different applications, both at home and abroad, we have been able to identify unique conditions present in commercial and industrial applications not found in the residential frame. Further analysis revealed that standard AAVs did not represent the ideal products for such conditions. The clear solution was to create a new family of products specifically designed for the most demanding commercial and industrial applications. But creating only the products would not suffice; specific support literature would have to be created as well as a dedicated organization of specially trained people. Born from the very same pioneering spirit that made STUDOR the world leader in AAVs was thus the new STUDOR ENGINEERED PRODUCTS division.




Introduction to AAVs

(dealing with negative air pr essur e) The concept of venting fixtures has been a part of the plumbing industry since its conception. Balancing the pressure inside a DWV system, in order to equalize it with ambient pressure, is essential to maintain the water seal in the fixture trap. Loss of the water seal would allow the introduction of contaminants (sewer gasses and pathogens) into the living space. Lacking the insight of modem science and the aid of modern technology, early designers devised a system comprised of a series of pipes extending to the outdoors. Although with updates and variation that very same cumbersome and often slow reacting system is still very much in use today around the world. It wasn't long however before the limitations of such a design were evident (e.g. roof penetrations and all related problems, excessive material use, space limitations, frost closure, trap loss due to high wind conditions, chimney effect into the pipe during fires, etc.) Attempts were made to find more practical and effective solutions but lack of reliability and/or the inability to maintain a healthy and sanitary environment doomed most of these efforts. All that changed when Sture Ericson introduced the first Air Admittance Valve. Studor Air Admittance Valves were the first devices, offering longevity, reliability and maintaining proper sanitation, to function in place of and better than open pipe vent systems. STUDOR’s ingenious design utilizes a reverse lift sealing mechanism (membrane or ball) which opens when even minimal vacuum conditions are present inside the system and closes (due to gravity) when external and internal pressures are equalized. With the OPEN and CLOSE functions controlled entirely by pressure changes in the system and gravity, STUDOR AAVs have absolutely no springs (that can lose memory), no gears (to jam or wear) and no stress components or dynamic seals (to fail). Additionally any positive pressure, like sewer gasses trying to escape, causes the valve to seal even tighter. The r esult is a valve which far exceeds the life of the system it ser vices and maintains pr oper sanitation. But besides working flawlessly, representing signficant savings (by eliminating unnecessary vent piping and roof penetrations) and being the best solution for difficult to vent fixtures, STUDOR AAVs bring to a DWV system perhaps the most important of all features: greater ef ficiency. Because AAVs are either at or very near the Point of Need (PON) for air, and thanks to their exceptional reaction times, a system utilizing STUDOR AAVs is capable of balancing its internal pressure much more efficiently, without trap movement/depletion. This is particularly true in large commercial applications where the air needed to balance the system after each occurrence is drawn from far away points and thus require substantial time to reach the PON.


Introduction to the P.A.P.A.

INTRODUCTION TO THE POSITIVE AIR PRESSURE ATTENTUATOR (PAPA) (dealing with positive air transients) We have seen how STUDOR AAVs are the technically preferable and most cost effective way of dealing with negative air pressure in a DWV system. We have also noted however how positive air pressure in the system will cause the valve to seal even tighter. This means that positive pressure in the system must be dealt with separately. There are essentially three different types of positive pressure conditions in a DWV system: Positive pr essur e fr om the main sewer (or septic tank) Although positive pressure from the sewer or a septic tank is not a condition generated within your own system, it can certainly affect it in negative ways. For this reason it is important to have at least one open pipe vent per building system. The drawings below show two different layouts for a fourbuilding complex. In the first example (fig. 1) the four buildings only have one tie-in (thus requiring only one open vent) while the second example (fig. 2) shows four separate tie-ins (thus requiring one open vent per building). Common sense dictates that the stack closer to the sewer tie-in should be the one to open atmosphere so the positive pressure can be relieved before it has much of a chance of entering the building's DWV system and unsettling its air balance.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Positive pr essur e generated by a blockage or belly in the pipe This is clearly a condition requiring attention. Unlike with other kinds of positive pressure there are no devices or designs to address this problem. It's a failure of the system and it must be fixed. It is however important to understand how AAVs and a system utilizing AAVs is effected by such a condition. The first thing is to make sure the AAVs used are ASSE compliant and NSF certified. Among other things this will guarantee that the valve will be able to withstand up to 30" of water column. Such products can be installed without concerns under the flood rim level since even in the presence of positive pressure created by a blockage the valve(s) will not leak. Non third-party certified valves however may not be able to handle the pressure generated by a blockage and should not be used.


Being able to handle the positive pressure is certainly a plus but the nature of the valve is such that positive pressure will aid the closing function making the shutter seal even tighter. This works very well in the presence of

sewer gases (preventing their escape into the living space) when the downstream line is clear but does effect the system in a negative way in the presence of a blockage. Positive pressure building at the valve will prevent it from opening thus preventing sewer gases from entering the building.

Introduction to the P.A.P.A.

If we consider however that the blockage is a problem that must be fixed, a poorly draining fixture in a system utilizing AAVs acts as an early warning sign of a drainage problem allowing the user to address it in a timely fashion (Fig. 3). Positive pressur e cr eated by an Hydraulic Jump Finally there is the positive pressure created at the bottom of the stack (usually) in multi-story buildings. This pressure (we will refer to it as positive transient) was believed to be the result of the hydraulic jump. Recent studies however have revealed a different scenario. After free falling for 27 feet, the discharged flow reaches terminal velocity (speed of terminal velocity will vary depending on flow makeup). Once terminal velocity is reached the liquid begins its characteristic swirling effect. The resulting funnel-like motion causes the liquid to attach itself to the ID of the pipe while air is dragged in the center. At the bottom of the stack the piping system makes the transition from vertical to horizontal through a sweep. As the flow goes through the sweep, centrifugal forces generated by the swirling action keep the fluid attached to its ID, much the same way it did while falling through the vertical stack. Towards the end of the sweep however the gravitational pull exceeds the centrifugal force and the fluid coating the inside of the sweep and upper half of the horizontal pipe falls to the bottom of the pipe forming a curtain of water. It is this curtain that the trapped air hits and bounces off creating the positive transient (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3

It is important at this point to define the characteristics of positive transients. This is a low pressure wave with a volume usually not much greater than 1/2 gallon. It is impor tant to notice though that this small air vol ume is sonic, traveling at the speed of sound (appr ox. 1056 ft/sec). If unchecked and allowed to remain in the DWV system, this fast moving wave will wreak havoc in the system creating trap movement, bubblethrough, depletion or even loss of the water seal. Studies conducted at Heriot-Watt University have shown that under real-life conditions (random and sometimes overlapping usage of the system) a positive transient can reverberate in a system for up to three days before its strength is dissipated.

Fig. 4

In addition, the interaction of a positive transient with a negative pressure (created by a subsequent discharge) may in fact lead to seemingly unrelated conditions (e.g. self-siphoning) or produce expected conditions but in unexpected areas of the system. Over the years the industry has relied on either designing costly and lowefficiency dedicated passages (relief vents) for positive transients or complicated, expensive and extremely limiting devices (aerator and de-aerator fittings) in order to prevent any discharge to ever reaching terminal velocity, no matter how tall the building is. As it was in the case of Air Admittance Valves, STUDOR was first to research and bring to market a simple yet ingenious device which efficiently and cost-effectively removes the threat of positive transients. Christened P.A.P.A. (Positive Air Pressure Attenuator) the device acts like a water-hammer arrestor but for air. Unlike most water-hammer arrestors though, the P.A.P.A. device does not rely on compressed gas or springs for its operation. Naturally occurring conditions (positive pressure) are all that's


needed to make the P.A.P.A. work. For these reasons the P.A.P.A. is a nonmaintenance item guaranteed to last as long as the DWV system it services.

Products Function


Horizontal Branch

How it works When the flow from a discharge (and following vacuum) goes by the branch-off fitting, the specially designed bladder inside the P.A.P.A. is primed. After the air trapped by the flow bounces off the water curtain and the positive transient is created, it begins its journey upward through the system. As the transient passes by the branch-off fitting some of it follows the alternative route and finds its way into the P.A.P.A. At the very moment that the bladder begins to expand a differential pressure is created at the branch-off point. This immediately makes the branch the path of least resistance (much like a short in an electrical loop) causing the vast majority of the transient to enter the P.A.P.A. The inflating bladder quickly (0.2 seconds) absorbs the energy of the transient thus reducing its speed to a harmless 40 ft/sec. The small volume of air is then released back into the system with no consequence. Wher e it is installed The P.A.P.A. is connected to a fitting branching off the vertical stack. Location and size of the branch-off fitting are identical to what would be used to install a relief vent (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5

Although the use of Air Admittance Valves provides a remarkable number of benefits to a DWV system (savings, less fire propagation concerns, greater fire protection, quicker balancing, etc.) it is important to understand that Air Admittance Valves have one and only one primary function: protecting the water trap seal. The exact same statement applies to a positive air pressure attenuator. Whether it is vacuum (that can induce self-siphoning) or positive transients that can slowly deplete or even blow the water trap, venting of modern buildings with their greater size, complexity, capacity and requirements greatly benefit from the use of such advanced venting products. Research has shown that modern living (huge concentration of population and world-wide travel) is constantly increasing the potential for the transmission of dangerous pathogens. Outbreaks have been shown to travel and spread through what was previously considered adequate DWV systems. Greater demands on DWV system is becoming simply too taxing for the old style designs. In addition, the tremendous diversification of plumbing installations requires products capable of providing features that far exceed the simple DFUs requirements. Special chemical, mechanical and thermal properties are today a must for large sports facilities, labs and industrial applications (just to name a few). The function doesn't change; what must change is the ability of the product to provide such function in a wide variety of operating environments and conditions. Available today are dedicated venting products manufactured from highstrength or high chemical-resistant materials, so that the water trap seal can be efficiently, effectively and inexpensively protected in a large capacity stadium, the world’s tallest buildings or an advanced chemical lab.


MATERIALS PROPER TIES Product: Material of construction:

Materials Properties

TEC-VENT Polycarbonate (Lexan)

MECHANICAL Property Typical Data Tensile Str, yld, Type I, 2.0 in/mm 8500 Tensile Elong, brk, Type I, 2.0 in/mm 130.0 Tensile Modulus, 2.0 in/mm 305000 Flex Stress, yld, 0.05 in/mm, 2" span 12900 Flex Mod, 0.05 in/mm, 2" span 300000 Hardness, H358/30 90

Unit psi % psi psi psi MPa

Method ASTM D 638 ASTM D 63 ASTM D 638 ASTM D 790 ASTM D 790 ISO 2039/1

Typical Data 15.0 12.7

Unit ft-lb/in ftlb/in

Method ASTM D 256 ASTM D 256

Property Typical Data Vicat Softening Temp, Rate B 299 Relative Temp Index, Elec 125 Relative Temp Index, Mech w/impact 115 Relative Temp Index, Mech w/o impact 120

Unit deg F deg C deg C deg C

Method ASTM D 1525 UL 7468 UL 746B UL 746B

Typical Data 1.18 10.0 1.19

Unit — g/10 mm g/cm3

Method ASTM D 792 ASTM D 1238 ISO 1183

Typical Data 2.90 0.0085

Unit — —

Method ASTM D 150 ASTM D 150

Typical Data E121562 0.059 0.118 35

Unit — inch inch %

Method — UL 94 UL 94 ISO 4589

IMPACT Property Izod Impact, notched, 73F Izod Impact, notched, 22F THERMAL

PHYSICAL Property Specific Gravity, solid Melt Flow Rate, 300C/1.2 kgf (0) Density ELECTRICAL Property Dielectric Constant, 1 MHz Dissipation Factor, 1 MHz FLAME CHARACTERISTICS Property UL File Number, USA V0 Rated (tested thickness) 5VA Rating (tested thickness) Oxygen Index (LOI)


Materials Properties

Product: Material of construction 0-ring material

CHEM-VENT Flame retardant Polypropylene Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

MECHANICAL Property Tensile Modulus, 2.0 in/mm Flexural Modulus Hardness, Rockwell R

Typical Data 4400 215,000 100

Unit psi psi

Method ASTM D 638 ASTM D 790 ASTM D 1706

Typical Data 1.0

Unit ftlb/in

Method ASTM D 256

Typical Data 0.94 0.01

Unit %

Method ASTM D 1505 ASTM D 570

Typical Data 6x10-5

Unit in/in/F

Method ASTM D 696



ASTM D 648



ASTM D 648

Typical Data <5 <5 V2 62.0 40.1 28

Unit sec mm

Method ASTM D 635 — UL 94 ASTM D 2843

IMPACT Property Izod Impact, notched, PHYSICAL Property Specific Gravity, solid Water Absorption 24 hrs. THERMAL Property Coefficient of Linear Expansion Heat Deflection Temperature@66psi load Heat Deflection Temperature@264psi load FLAME CHARACTERISTICS Property Time of Burning Extent of Burning Burning Class Maximum Smoke Density Smoke Density Rating Oxygen Index


— — %

ASTM D 2863

Product: MAXI-VENT/MINI-VENT/REDI-VENT Material of construction Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

Standards & Listings

MECHANICAL Property Tensile Modulus c73 F, 2.0 in/mm Elongation at Break @73 F Modulus of Elasticity@73 F Modulus of Elasticity@176 F Compressive Strength Flexural Strength

Typical Data 5500 45 240,000 185,000 6150 13,000

Unit psi % psi psi psi psi

Method ASTM D 638 ASTM D 638 ASTM D 790 ASTM D 790 ASTM D 695 ASTM D 790

Typical Data 8.5

Unit ft-lb/in

Method ASTM D 256

Typical Data 1.04 0.01

Unit %

Method ASTM D 792 ASTM D 570

Typical Data 5.0x10-5

Unit in/in/F

Method ASTM D 696



ASTM D 648

180 1.31-2.32

F Btu/in/ft2F/hr

ASTM D 648 ASTM C 177

IMPACT Property Izod Impact, notched, PHYSICAL Property Specific Gravity, solid Water Absorption 24 hrs. THERMAL Property Coefficient of Linear Expansion Heat Deflection Temp. @ 66psi load Heat Deflection Temp. @ 264psi load Thermal Conductivity

STANDARDS & LISTINGS AIR ADMITTANCE VALVES Standards are the industry's benchmark for any given product. A standard will identify the minimum performance criteria of a product. Being the inventor of the Air Admittance Valve’s exclusive technology, STUDOR was also instrumental, working closely with ASSE, in the development of today's applicable standards. All STUDOR Air Admittance Valves conform to the following standards: ANSI/ASSE 1051 (2002 revision) Single Fixture and Branch-Type AAVs ANSI/ASSE 1050 (2002 revision) Stack-Type AAVs ASSE Seal of Approval NSF Standard 14 (Plastic Pipe, Fittings and Components)


Standards & Listings

1050 1051

The fundamental technical parameter of ASSE 1051 and 1050 as they relate to the performance of AAVs are as follows: Min. Opening pressure . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 inches H20 Tightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tight at 0 differential pressure or higher Max pressure rating . . . . . . . . . . . . 30" H20 Reaction time (opening)* . . . . . . . . 0.2 seconds Minimum Cycle life . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 Operating temperature range . . . . . -40F to +150F Temperature test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 hrs @150F 8 hrs @ -40F * No longer a mandatory requirment of the standard

It is important to note that all STUDOR valves not only meet all but also exceed one or more of the above parameters. At 1,500,000 cycles all our valves far exceed the cycle life testing and some (like the Chem-Vent) undergo a much more stringent temperature test (8 hrs @210F) because of the potential of exothermic reaction in acid waste systems. Product listings are also a fundamental part of a product makeup. Without listing there would be no independent third party certification that a given product actually conforms to the relevant standard(s), All STUDOR Air Admittance Valves are listed with and certified by one or more of the following • ASSE • IAPMO • NES


Following is NSF14 schedule for testing of STUDOR AAVs. Air admittance valve test fr equency



Stack Type Devices

Fixture and Branch Devices

Capacity Test Low pressure test of complete device Pressure test of complete device Temperature range test Thread length Product Standards

annually weekly — annually weekly ASSE 1050

annually — weekly annually weekly ASSE 1051

POSITIVE AIR PRESSURE ATTENUATOR Due to the revolutionary nature of the P.A.P.A. device and its extremely recent launch, at the time of this writing a standard for such product has not yet been developed. STUDOR however has commissioned the world renowned independent testing lab of BRANZ to develop a performance standard as well as a QC schedule.


CODES Currently there are three major plumbing codes used in the US, the International Plumbing Code (IPC), the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and the National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC). There are also many state and local codes as well as variations of these two model codes. IPC The use of Air Admittance Valves is approved by the IPC as specified in section 917. INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) SECTION 917-AIR ADMITTANCE VALVES 917.1 General. Vent systems utilizing air admittance valves shall comply with this section. Individual- and branch-type air admittance valves shall conform to ASSE 1051. 917.2 Installation. The valves shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of this section and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Air admittance valves shall be installed after the DWV testing required by Section 312.2 or 312.3 has been performed. 917.3 Wher e Per mitted. Individual, branch and circuit vents shall be permitted to terminate with a connection to an air admittance valve. The air admittance valve shall only vent fixtures that are on the same floor level and connect to a horizontal branch drain. The horizontal branch drain shall conform to Section 917.3.1 or 917.3.2. 917.3.1 Location of branch. The horizontal branch drain shall connect to the drainage stack or building drain a maximum of four branch intervals from the top of the stack. 917.3.2 Relief vent. The horizontal branch shall be provided with a relief vent that shall connect to a vent stack, or stack vent, or extend outdoors to the open air. The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain between the stack or building drain and the most downstream fixture drain connected to the horizontal branch drain. The relief vent shall be sized in accordance with Section 916.2 and installed in accordance with Section 905. The relief vent shall be permitted to serve as the vent for other fixtures. 917.4 Location. The air admittance valve shall be located a minimum of 4 inches (102mm) above the horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. The air admittance valve shall be located within the maximum developed length permitted for the vent. The air admittance valve shall be installed a minimum of 6 inches (152mm) above insulation materials. 917.5 Access and ventilation. Access shall be provided to all air admittance valves. The valve shall be located within a ventilated space that allows air to enter the valve. 917.6 Size. The air admittance valve shall be rated for the size of the vent to which the valve is connected. 917.7 Vent required. Within each plumbing system, a minimum of one stack vent or vent stack shall extend outdoors to the open air. 917.8 Prohibited installations. Air admittance valves shall not be installed in nonneutralized special waste systems as described in Chapter 8. Valves shall not be located in spaces unitized as supply or return air plenums. SECTION 303 MATERIALS 303.1 Identification. Each length of pipe and pipe fitting, trap, fixture, material and device utilized in a plumbing system shall bear the identification of the manufacturer. 303.2 Installation of materials. All materials used shall be installed in strict accordance with the standards under which the materials are accepted and approved. In the absence of such installation procedures, the manufacturer’s installation instructions shall be followed. Where the requirements of referenced standards or manufac-



turer’s installation instructions do not conform to minimum provisions of this code, the provisions of this code shall apply. 303.3 Plastic pipe, fittings and components. All plastic pipe, fittings and components shall be third-party certified as conforming to NSF 14.

2003 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (UPC) The UPC includes a provision which allows the use of alternate materials and methods such as STUDOR Air Admittance Valves when proven to be in compliance to section 301.2 — Alternative Materials and Methods. (See below) 301.2 Alter nate Materials and Methods 301.2.1 Intent. The provisions of this Code are not intended to prevent the use of any alternate material or method of construction provided any such alternate has been first approved and its use authorized by the Administrative Authority. However, the exercise of this discretionary approval by the Administrative Authority shall have no effect beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of said Administrative Authority. Any alternate material or method of construction so approved shall not be considered as conforming to the requirements and / or intent of this Code for any purpose other than installation or use within the jurisdiction granting the exception. 301.2.2 Compliance. The Administrative Authority may approve any such alternate provided that the Administrative Authority finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of this Code and the material offered is for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this Code, in quality, strength, effectiveness, durability, and safety or that the methods of installation proposed conform to other acceptable nationally recognized plumbing standards. 301.2.3 Requir ements. The Administrative Authority shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding the sufficiency of any proposed material or type of construction. 301.2.4 Testing. When there is insufficient evidence to substantiate claims for alternates, the Administrative Authority may require tests, as proof of compliance, to be made by an approved testing agency at the expense of the applicant. 301.2.4.1 Tests shall be made in accordance with approved standards, but in the absence of such standards, the Administrative Authority shall specify the test procedure. 301.2.4.2 The Administrative Authority may require tests to be made or repeated if, at any time, there is reason to believe that any material or device no longer conforms to the requirements on which its approval was based." Studor has proven equivalency throughout the United States.

NATIONAL STANDARD PUMBING CODE (NSPC) The 2005 NCPC code will include AAVs in one of its appendixes. Use of AAVs will be allowed in plumbing systems provided that the system is approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Final code considerations It must be noted that even in the IPC, where AAVs are specifically approved, it is stated that Air admittance valves shall not be installed in non-neutralized special waste systems as described in Chapter 8. Valves shall not be located in spaces unitized as supply or return air plenums. These limitations, reasonable and appropriate, at the time the latest code revisions were written do not take into account the latest products from Studor Engineer ed Systems.



Until such time when new pr ovisions will be made in the codes these products (including the P.A.P.A.) will have to be specified as engineer ed pr oducts and incorporated in engineered systems.

Design Data

WARNING AAVs, manufactured from ABS and PVC cannot be used in chemical/acid waste systems or in the supply and return air plenum. Only STUDOR CHEM-VENT is designed and manufactured for use in chemical/acid waste systems and only the TEC-VENT complies with the UL2043 discrete products standard for use in the supply and return air plenum. In such applications the system must be designed by a design professional and approved by the local administrative authorities.

DESIGN DATA When Designing Drainage Waste & Vent Systems (DWV) the one thing common to all system types is to limit pressure fluctuations within the system to within plus or minus one inch of water column to prevent loss of the trap seal. If the trap seal is lost, sewer gas can enter the building leaving a foul odor and pathogens can enter the living space. Manning Formula Manning, an Irish Engineer, derived a formula in 1890 for computing flow. His formula is still widely used today particularly in flow calculation of drainage systems. v = 1.486 X R2/3 X S1/2 n where

V = velocity of flow in feet per second, fps n = a coefficient representing roughness of pipe surface, degree of fouling and pipe diameter R = hydraulic radius (hydraulic mean depth of flow) in feet, ft. S = hydraulic slope of surface of flow in feet per foot, ft/ft.

The quantity rate of flow is equal to the cross-sectional area of flow times the velocity of flow. This can be expressed as: Q = AV where

Q = quantity rate of flow in cubic feet per second, cfs A = crosssectional area of flow in square feet, sq. ft V = velocity of flow, fps


Design Data – Manning Formula

R2/3 Values Values of R, R Pipe Size

R=D 4


feet 0.0335 0.0417 0.0521 0.0625 0.0833 0.1040 0.1250 0.1670 0.2080 0.2500 0.3125

11/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 5 3 8 10 12 15


and A for Half-full Flow R2/3

A-cross-sectional area of flow sq. ft.

0.1040 0.1200 0.1396 0.1570 0.1910 0.2210 0.2500 0.3030 0.3510 0.3970 0.4610

0.00706 0.01090 0.01704 0.02455 0.04365 0.06820 0.09820 0.17460 0.27270 0.39270 0.61350

S and S1/2 Values Values of S and S1/2 Slope inches per ft.

S ft. per ft.


1/8 1/4 1/2

0.0104 0.0208 0.0416

0.102 0.144 0.204

Recommended values of n for use in the design of plumbing sanitary drains are: n 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016

Pipe Size 11/2” 2" through 3" 4" 5” and 6” 8" and larger

For storm drains, a value of 0.0145 can be safely employed for all sizes of pipe. The quantity rate of flow is equal to the crosssectional area of flow times the velocity of flow. This can be expressed as: Q = AV where


Q = quantity rate of flow in cubic feet per second, cfs A = cross-sectional area of flow in square feet, sq. ft. V = velocity of flow, fps

Design Data - Manning Formula

Values of R, R2/3 and A for Half-full Flow Pipe Size

R=D 4


feet 0.0335 0.0417 0.0521 0.0625 0.0833 0.1040 0,1250 0.1670 0.2080 0.2500 0.3125

1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 5 8 8 10 12 15


A-cross-sectional area of flow sq. ft.

0.1040 0.1200 0.1396 0.1570 0.1910 0.2210 0.2500 0.3030 0.3510 0.3970 0.4610

0.00706 0.01090 0.01704 0.02455 0.04365 0.06820 0.09820 0.17460 0.27270 0.39270 0.61350

Manning formula exercise: Given: 6" pipe, 1/8 inch per foot slope, flowing half full. What is the capacity in GPM? V = l.486/n R2/3 S1/2 V =1.486/0.015 0.2500 0.102 2.526 = 99.066 0.2500 0.102 _____________________________________________________________


* *


* *

Q(CFS) = A V 0.248 (CFS) = 0.09820 2.52 0.248 CFS 7.48 Gal/CF 60 sec/min = 111.33 GPM





DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (DFU) Drainage Fixture Unit is a value that is directly related to the sizing and selection of both your drainage piping and your Air Admittance Valves. Specifically when it comes to selecting the right AAVs products such as Studor TEC-VENT offer a capacity range which can vary substantially (e.g. from 1 DFUs to 160 DFUs). It is important to notice that this capacity range is not at all a function of the valve size but rather of the size of the branch serviced by the valve. This observation is fundamental in understanding that the air volume restriction in a DWV system utilizing AAV is not posed by the valve but rather by the pipe. With the exception of the largest pipe size usable with the valve (in the TEC-VENT case that would be 4”) the valve is in fact capable of admitting a much greater volume of air than even the system can. Considering that the vast majority of applications call for use of AAVs on 11/2” or 2” lines it should be unequivocally understood that Air Admittance valve do not represent in the least a restriction to the air flow and thus the balancing of the system's pressure. This, combined with their proximity to the PON is what makes an AAV venting system much more responsive than open pipe venting.


Draining Fixture Units

The table below shows how DFUs values are assigned to different fixtures.


FIXTURE TYPE Automatic clothes washers, commercial a Automatic clothes washers, residential Bathroom group as defined in Section 202 (1.6 gpf water closet) e Bathroom group as defined in Section 202 (water closet flushing greator than 1.6 gpf) e Bathtub b (with or without overhead shower or whirlpool attachments) Bidet Combination sink and tray Dental lavatory Dental unit or cuspidor Dishwashing machine, domestic Drinking fountain Emergency floor drain Floor drains Kitchen sink, domestic Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or dishwasher Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) Lavatory Shower Sink Urinal Urinal, 1 gallon per flush or less Wash sink (circular or multiple) each set of faucets Water closet, flushometer tank, public or private Water closet, private (1.6 gpf) Water closet, private (flushing greater than 1.6 gpf) Water closet, public (1.6 gpf) Water closet, public (flushing greater than 1.6 gpf)


— —

2 1 2 1 1 2 1/2 0 2 2

1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/4 2 1/2 1 1/4 2 2 1 1/2

2 2 1 2 2 4 2d 2 4d 3d 4d 4d 6d

1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/2 11/2 Footnote c Footnote c 1 1/2 Footnote c Footnote c Footnote c Footnote c Footnote c

a. For traps, up to 3 inches. b. A showerhead over a bathtub or whirlpool bathtub attachment does not increase the drainage fixture unit value. c. Trap size shall be consistent with the fixture outlet size. d. For the purpose of computing loads on building drains and sewers, water closets or urinals shall not be rated at a lower drainage fixture unit unless the lower values are confirmed by testing. e. For fixtures added to a dwelling unit bathroom group, add the DFU value of those additional fixtures to the bedroom group fixture count.




This chapter reports comparative performance data in a 20-story building between a standard open-pipe DWV system and a system utilizing Pressure Attenuators and Air Admittance Valves (S.T.S.).


Fig. a


Fig. b

P.A.P.A. 17

17 26


16 29

29 27 28


15 14



27 28 24


14 35







12 21


11 30 31

21 11

30 31



10 33 19






18 4




5 3






9 7



Air to Sewer S.T.S.

Air to Sewer Conventional System

Size and length of the stack and branches are identical in both systems which are operating at approx. 75% capacity as shown below in Fig. (c). The data focuses on the water retention of that trap which is mostly affected by negative and positive pressure in the system. It also shows the movement and volume of the air being introduced into and expelled out of the system (system balancing) as a function of the discharge time

Qw at base of Stack (USGPM)

Fig. c

210 175 140 105 70 35 0 0



6 Time(s)





OPEN PIPE VENT SYSTEM All the data shown in this chapter was developed in a comprehensive study done by Prof. Swaffield PhD and Heriot-Watt University. Prof. Swaffield is the head of the Drainage Research Group at Heriot-Watt, is a regular contributor to the Plumbing Engineering magazine, sits on the World Plumbing Council and was the key note speaker at the IAPMO sponsored SARS conference in Los Angeles. The study's reference number is EH14 4AS. The entire study is 1200 pages long and goes well beyond the scope of this manual. Should there be however further interest in the study, please contact your local STUDOR representative to arrange for a full presentation Both fig. (d) and (e) show that negative and positive pressure created in an operational system (under above described conditions) will leave the most exposed trap (lower branch) with little more than 0.5” of water, well under the minimum code requirement. Such a depletion of a trap can have consequences beyond code non-compliance. Dry traps, commonly thought to be caused by lack of use, are in fact seldom attributable to simple evaporation alone. But when evaporation is combined with a depletion such as the one shown here, loss of un-replenished traps quickly becomes inevitable

Trap depth (in)

Fig. d

Trap Retention (pos. pressure) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0


4 Time(s)




Trap on pipe 8

Trap Retention (neg. pressure)

Trap depth (in)

Fig. e 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0

2 Trap on pipe 8


4 Time(s)


Trap on pipe 27



Trap on pipe 30

Fig.(f) and (g) show that, as to be expected, the volume of air expelled from the system (solid black curve fig. f, dotted curve fig. g) is replaced in equal measure (dotted curve fig. f, solid black curve fig. g). Two things should be noticed however: 1. After 5 seconds there is no more liquid flowing through the pipe (0 CPM ) (Fig. c) 2. 5 seconds after the end of the flow (both under + and - pressure conditions) the system is still moving air (neither curve has reached 0 CFM)


The significance of this is that the air pressure in the system is not yet balanced and the system continues to 'work' well after the end of the flow. With just one (remote) inlet for the air the system is taxed beyond its limits and is constantly playing catch-up with itself. In addition, the spikes in the dash curves of fig. (g) indicate bubbling through of the bottom trap. Previously regarded as a nuisance, it has now been proven that bubbles escaping a water seal can in fact represent a hazardous condition due to the potential of pathogens being carried into the living space by the bubble themselves. Positive Pr essur e

Fig. f







Air flow rate (CFM)

40 0 -40 -80 -120 -160 -200 -240 -280 Fig. g

Negative Pr essure







Air flow rate (CFM)

40 0 -40 -80 -120 -160 -200 -240 -280


Trap Retention

Fig. h 2.5

Trap depth (in)

Comparative Data

2 1.5 1 Trap on pipe 8

0.5 0 0

Fig. i


4 Time(s)




Pr essur es in a system with P.A.P.A.s and AAVs







Air flow rate (CFM)

80 40 0 -40 -80

-120 -160 -200 -240 -280

S.T.S. (P.A.P.A./AAVs SYSTEM) By comparison a system operating under the same exact conditions but incorporating P.A.P.A.s and AAVs will react very differently. Water retention (fig. h) of the bottom trap is substantially greater (almost by a factor of 3). Also much improved is the system air pressure balancing as shown in fig (i); more specifically: 1. Air displacement (gray dotted curve). At 6 seconds (1 second after the end of the flow) the volume of the air being displaced goes to 0, between 6 and 9 seconds there is some minor additional activity primarily as a reaction to the small amount of air released into the system by the P.A.P.A. after having absorbed the energy of the positive transient, at 9 seconds there is no more air being displaced. 2. Air intake (solid black and solid gray curves). The combined air volume intake of the stack AAV (solid black curve) and the branch AAVs (solid gray curve) quickly and more homogeneously replenish the system with the same volume of air displaced by the flow. Both stack and branch AAVs stop admitting air at approx. 7 seconds and remain close after that. 3. Positive pressure (black dotted curve). The P.A.P.A.s quickly reacts to the positive pressure between 5 and 6 seconds, briefly fluctuate and then rests at 9 seconds.


This graph depicts a much quieter system where events are dealt with efficiently and effectively. A system where the load is spread over several different devices strategically located so as to react much more quickly to the system's needs. It also shows no effect to the critical lower trap and a very clear end to all system's activities shortly after the discharged waste has been evacuated from the DWV piping system.


Design Data AAVs

There are many designs that can utilize Studor's Air Admittance Valves. Various layouts of acceptable designs are shown in the following diagrams. These isometric drawings are intended to show some of the acceptable designs; however several additional designs are also acceptable. The size of the Studor Air Admittance Valve is determined based on the pipe size required for the vent. Vent pipe size must be, at a minimum, one half the size of the required drainage pipe. WET VENT





11/2” LAV WC




LAV Fig. 8 A wet vent is a single vent for one or two bathroom groups. Different layouts are admissible for achieving the same venting objective. A single bathroom group wet vent can terminate to a Studor TEC-VENT.


1 1 /2 ” 3”


Fig. 7 A common vent is similar to an individual vent. The vent serves two or three fixtures. The Studor TEC-VENT can be located in close proximity to the fixture being vented.


3” KS












Fig. 6 The Studor MAXI-VENT can serve as the vent for a waste stack vent. The maximum height of the waste stack with an air admittance valve is six branch terminals.


3” Fig. 9 A double bathroom group, back-to-back, can be wet vented with a single Studor TEC-VENT connecting as the vent.



Design Data AAVs








Relief Vent

Fig. 10 A single vent serves as the vent for three fixtures. The Studor TEC-VENT or Studor MAXI-VENT serve as the circuit vent.



4 or more Branch Interbals Above





Fig. 11 When the horizontal drainage branch connects to a stack having more than four branch intervals located above the branch, a relief valve is required. The relief vent must connect to the vent stack, stack vent, or extend to the outdoor air.



STUDOR TEC-VENT Fig. 12 When various vents connect to a branch vent, a single Studor TEC-VENT or MAXI-VENT can serve as the vent for the branch.




Relief Vent


STUDOR MAXI-VENT Relief Vent Horizontal Drainage Branch Vent Stack

Drainage Stack

Fig. 14 The stack type air admittance valve, Studor MAXI-VENT can serve as the vent for a vent stack or stack vent. The maximum height of the drainage stack that is vented with an air admittance valve is six branch intervals.


4 or more Branch Interbals Above

Fig. 13 More than one Studor TEC-VENT can be installed within a horizontal branch to vent various fixtures. A relief vent is required when more than four (4) branch intervals are located above the branch connection.

Table A


Design Data - P.A.P.A.

There are several issues to be recognized as the drainage and vent system responds to transient propagation: • the pressure profile is constantly changing; • the area of risk to trap water seals is dynamic and constantly changing; • the volume of extra air in the system will depend on airflow rate, closure times of blockages and the AAVs' pipe period of the system – all of which are not constant. To deal with these uncertainties, the P.A.P.A. units should be distributed throughout the system. The following is a guideline of how many P.A.P.A. units would be required per stack. This would vary depending on the plumbing design. In the case of a restaurant situated on the 30th floor of a building, the peak frequency would be higher due to the peak flow demand. Therefore, it would be recommended that two P.A.P.A. units in series be installed below this floor (Fig. 15). In the case of low flow discharge to stacks, the use of one P.A.P.A. unit at the base may serve up to 8 floors. LOCATION OF PRESSURE ATTENTUATORS Number of floor levels ser ved by the stack above the base or offset


3 to 8 floors

one at the base of the stack

9 to 15 floors

one at the base of the stack plus one at mid level of the stack

16 to 25 floors

one at the base plus one at intervals not exceeding 5 floors

26 to 50 floors

two at the base of the stack plus one not exceeding3 floors up to level 25 and at intervals not exceeding 5 floors above level 25

51 floors or more

STUDOR must be consulted

Pressure attentuators shall be installed in the following locations (see fig. 15 and 16) always respecting the minimum distance from the bottom of the stack and/or an offset (see Table A.) (a) before the very first branch connected to the stack (b) before the first branch connected to the stack after a graded offset (c) at intervals on the stack Table A.

MINIMUM DISTANCE (shaded areas figs. 15 & 16)

Stack extending no more than 5 floors above the base of the stack or offset: 2 ft Stack extending more than 5 floors above the base of the stack or offset: 3 ft Stack receiving suds discharges: 8 ft The minimum distance is measured from the top of the horizontal run to the bottom of the fitting lateral branch

Fig. 15


Design data - P.A.P.A.

Fig. 16

With the P.A.P.A. units installed throughout the system, the protection against positive transients would never be more than eight floors away. Therefore the transient is dealt with before it can affect the whole system. It is essential to recognize that to be effective, a pressure transient attenuator must be placed between the source of the transient and the appliance to be protected. The P.A.P.A. device is a maintenance free product; as such it does not need to be accessible. Fluids and suds entering the device will not restrict the device's ability to neutralize the negative effects of pressure transients nor will they compromise the life expectancy of the unit.

Fig. 17

Suds vent lines can be accommodated in a system utilizing the P.A.P.A. device as shown in fig. 17 (drawing depicts an in-series installation with MAXI-VENT). Note: The P.A.P.A. does not solve the problem of a slow buildup of pressure, a sustained positive pressure originating from deposits blocking the pipes, the blockage of a public sewer, an overloaded septic tank, etc. This is an inherent problem that must be resolved with or without the installation of P.A.P.A. devices or AAVs.

STUDOR offers a full planning ser vice for designs of drainage venting systems incorporating the STUDOR products.



Products – TEC-VENT

TEC-VENT The TEC-VENT is the only air admittance valve manufactured using Polycarbonate (Lexan®) resin. The elevated tensile strength of the material (both at high and low temperatures) makes this product ideally suited for extremely demanding and rough construction sites. UV inhibitors have been added to the resin so that it can be exposed to sun light (outdoor use) without compromising life expectancy. The Oxygen index of the material combined with its flame and smoke properties allowed the TEC-VENT to be classified in accordance with UL 2043 for installation in the supply and return air plenum (must be part of an engineered system). This particular UL classification was developed specifically for discr ete products and their use in the return air plenum. Whether used in the air plenum or not the TEC-VENT is currently the only air admittance valve featuring a material which is both flame retardant (self extinguishing) and possesses advanced flame properties. Combined with the inherent reduction of fire stopping applications of any air admittance design, these features make the TEC-VENT the ideal valve for any public constructions such as schools, hospitals, hotels, airport terminals and many others. DIMENSIONS A


Nominal pipe size (C)


1 1/2" NPT




3 3/4"


2 3/4"


DFU Drain, Branch or Stack Size

Minimum Vent Pipe Size

Maximum DFU's on Branch

1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4"

1 1/4" 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" 1 1/4" - 2" 1 1/2" - 3" 2" - 4"

1 3 6 20 160



Producst - CHEM-VENT

Studor CHEM-VENT is designed specifically for use in acid and chemical waste systems. Material of construction (of all components) and valve design have been carefully researched and developed to specifically meet all the demanding requirements in such systems. The FR-PP resin used for the valve is the very same material that over the last 20 years dominated the acid waste market due to its outstanding chemical resistance as well as high temperature rating. An EPDM seat was also selected for its chemical resistance properties. In addition to the choice of materials Studor Chem-Vent has been subjected to much more stringent testing to take into account the much greater temperature developed by exothermic reactions in acid waste systems. The extended leg Sch 40 connection allows direct mount on any acid waste sytems (MJ or fusion) as well as CPVC, glass or Duriron systems with an adapter.


DIMENSIONS Nominal pipe size (C)



1 1/2" Sch 40 IPS

2 3/16"

6 3/16”




Horizontal Branch

Minimum Vent Pipe Size

Maximum DFU's on Branch

1 1/2"

1 1/4" - 1 1/2"



1 1/4" - 2"



Products - MAXI-VENT

The unique design of STUDOR's MAXIVENT provides plumbing ventilation to prevent the loss of water seals in traps without the need for costly roof penetration and vent piping. This large capacity valve is design to further simplify venting when use on a stack application. Whether it is used on an individual branch, circuit or stack vent the MAXI-VENT is perfectly suited for demanding commercial jobs usually providing faster relief to the system than conventional vent pipe drawing air far away from the Point Of Need (PON). Will fit 3” and 4” pipe sizes. DIMENSIONS A

Protective Cover


4” push-fit connector

Nominal pipe size (C)



3" spigot

4 7/8"

5 1/4"


DFU Horizontal Branch Size

Maximum DFU's





Stack Size

Maximum DFU's






6 7/8"

General Outside Use: The MAXI-CAP can be installed on MAXI-VENTs® in outdoor installations to protect MAXI-VENTs® from damaging UV Rays and extreme temperatures.

3 5/8"

Installation: Fits over the MAXI-VENT® and styrofoam cover. • Attach styrofoam to cap of valve with double-sided adhesive. • Attach metal cap to styrofoam with double-sided adhesive. Ensure that one open vent pipe is maintained. If desired, paint cap prior to installation.



Products - MINI-VENT

The unique design of the STUDOR® MINI-VENT® provides plumbing ventilation to prevent the loss of water seals in traps without the need for costly roof penetration and vent piping. It can be used as an individual branch, circuit or stack vent. It will vent up to 160 DFUs on a branch and up to 24 DFUs on a stack. The STUDOR® MINIVENT® reduces the number of firestopping applications and expands architectural design limits. Every MINIVENT® comes with an exclusive vermin protection system and a limited lifetime warranty for replacement of defective valves. DIMENSIONS A Protective Cover



Fits 1 ” or 2” pipe sizes

Nominal pipe size (C) 1 1/2" NPT



2 5/8"

2 5/8”



Horizontal Branch

Minimum Vent Pipe Size

Maximum DFU's on Branch

1 1/2"

1 1/4" - 1 1/2"



1 1/4" - 2"



1 1/2" - 3"



2" - 4"


Stack Size

Maximum DFUs

1 1/2"





Products - REDI-VENT

The unique design of the REDI-VENTTM BY STUDOR® provides ventilation to prevent the loss of water seals in traps without the need for expensive roof penetration and vent piping. Applications include venting single fixtures such as island sinks and venting small bathroom groups up to 6 DFU. The REDI-VENTTM features a unque patented ball valve sealing assembly, exclusive vermin protection and a lifetime wararnty for replacement of defective valaves. Its compact design allows it to fit in many tight applications and expands architectural design limits. Fits 1 1/2” and 2” pipe sizes.




C Nominal pipe size (C)



1 1/2" NPT


2 5/8”

DFU Horizontal Branch

Minimum Vent Pipe Size

Maximum DFU's on Branch

1 1/2"

1 1/4" - 1 1/2"



1 1/4" - 2"




Products - P.A.P.A.

The exclusive P.A.P.A. device is the perfect compliment to STUDOR's Air Admittance Valves. Together they form the STUDOR system; a total solution to a building venting requirements. Tec-Vents will protect the water seal of the system branch fixtures while the P.A.P.A./MAXI-VENT combo effectively deals with positive and negative pressure in the stack (the P.A.P.A. can also be installed as a stand alone unit without the MAXI-VENT). This combination maintains perfect system balance quickly and efficiently restoring even atmospheric pressure conditions throughout the system avoiding siphonage and blowing of any trap.


Nominal pipe size (C)



4" push-fit connector

7 7/8"

29 1/2"



CAPACITY Series Assembly Maximum number of units: 4


Air Capacity

US Gallons

1 unit


2 units


3 units


4 units




The MAXI-FILTRA operates as a two-way vent, which filters air in both directions. Its replaceable active carbon filter is designed to eliminate bad orders produced by the plumbing drainage system. The MAXIFILTRA is for outdoor use only, particularly for use with septic systems, but can also be installed on existing open vent pipes and in systems in which air admittance valves (AAVs) are installed. The MAXI-FILTRA, as part of the complete STUDOR System® eliminates sewer gases from entering buildings or polluting the surrounding areas. It can also be easily retro-fitted into an existing plumbing system.


4” push-fit connector



Nominal pipe size (C)



3" spigot

4 7/8"

5 1/4"


MAXI-CAP 6 7/8"

General Outside Use: The MAXI-CAP can be installed on MAXI-FILTRAs® in outdoor installations to protect MAXI-FILTRAs® from damaging UV Rays and extreme temperatures.

3 5/8"

Installation: Fits over the MAXI-FILTRA® and styrofoam cover. • Attach styrofoam to cap of valve with double-sided adhesive. • Attach metal cap to styrofoam with double-sided adhesive. Ensure that one open vent pipe is maintained. If desired, paint cap prior to installation.



Products - Recess Box

STUDOR offers a recess box and panel ideally suited for in-wall installation of its Air Admittance Valves. Whether on individual fixtures or circuit installations it may be impractical or not possible to conceal the valve in an existing cabinet. In such installations and when concealment is desirable STUDOR in-wall valve box provides a safe as well as esthetically pleasing solution while providing code required accessibility to the valve. The box can also be used as the termination point for an open pipe side wall vent as an alternative to venting through the roof.




Plastic flanges with screws D






7 3/4”

7 3/4”

3 3/4”

9 1/2"












1. STUDOR AAVs must be located a minimum of four (4”) inches above the weir of the fixture trap. 2. STUDOR AAVs shall be accessible should service, repair or replacement be required. For in wall installation use STUDOR box/grill combination. 3. STUDOR AAVs location must allow for adequate air to enter the valve. When located in a wall space or attic space lacking ventilation openings, openings shall be provided. Locating the valve in a sink or vanity cabinet is acceptable. 4. STUDOR AAVs must be installed in the vertical, upright position. A maximum deviation (in either direction) from plum of 15° is allowed. 5. The vent shall connect to the drain vertically to maintain an unobstructed opening in the piping to the STUDOR AAVs. 6. A minimum of one vent shall extend outdoors to the open air for each building drainage system. Such open air vent should be located as close as possible to the connection between the building drain and building sewer. 7. The MAXI-VENT must be installed six (6”) inches above the highest flood level rim of the fixtures being vented in stack applications. 8. STUDOR AAVs installed in attic area must be located a minimum of six (6”) inches above the ceiling insulation. 9. The use of TEC-VENT in return air plenums or CHEM-VENT in acid/chemical waste applications shall be allowed only in engineered drainage systems designed by a design professional. 10. The maximum height of drainage stack being vented by a MAXI-VENT must not exceed six (6) branch intervals. 11. When a horizontal branch connects to a stack more than four (4) branch intervals from the top of the stack. A relief vent shall be provided. The relief vent must be located between the connection of the branch to the stack and the first fixture connecting to the branch. The relief vent may also serve as a vent for the fixture. The relief vent must connect to the vent stack, stack vent or extend outdoors to the open air. 12. Only Teflon® tape can be used on the valves' threads. Use of primer, solvent cement or pipe dope will void STUDOR warranty.

TEC-VENT / CHEM-VENT / MAXI-VENT / MINI-VENT / REDI-VENT must be installed at finish, after the system rough-in and pressure test.





Branch Discharge Pipe


Fig. 18


1. The P.A.P.A. can be connected directly to the branching elbow by slipping its synthetic rubber connector (provided) onto the fitting 2 1/2” spigot or push-fitted into a 4” socket. Alternatively the unit can be connected to the pipe by means of a Fernco coupling 2. The P.A.P.A. can be installed as a stand-alone unit (without the Maxivent). This configuration is allowed only when no additional air admittance in the system is required. 3. The P.A.P.A. unit can be mounted vertically, connecting to the stack by means of a WYE 90° bend or two (2) 45° bends. These mounting solutions are mandatory when the P.A.P.A. is used in conjunction with a MAXI-VENT. 4. When mounted vertically (parallel to the waste stack) the P.A.P.A. device should be independently supported by an anchor connected to its housing (Fig. 16). The anchor's metal hoop around the P.A.P.A. housing should allow for expansion and contraction and be rubber lined to prevent damage. 5. When mounted horizontally or at any angle between 0° and 90°, the P.A.P.A. device should be supported or anchored. The portion of the support or anchor in contact with the device housing should allow for expansion and contraction and be rubber lined to prevent damage. 6. When horizontally mounting the P.A.P.A. device, it is advisable to maintain a minimum of a few degrees of slope so as to induce self draining. 7. When configured without a MAXI-VENT, the P.A.P.A. unit may be installed horizontally 8. Up to a maximum of four (4) P.A.P.A. units can be joined in series to provide additional capacity and protection. This solution is recommended at the base of the stack or at any point in applications where heavy use is expected. 9. It is recommended that the P.A.P.A. units be installed with a MAXI-VENT on top. The cap of the P.A.P.A. should be removed and the MAXI-VENT pushed onto the unit using the connector. This will turn the P.A.P.A. unit into a device capable of protecting against both positive and negative transients. Localized venting will limit the magnitude of the final pressure transient by bringing the air intake closer to the event.

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS The following specification text has been prepared following the CSI-3 Part Specifications format. Its purpose, to assist design professionals in the preparation of a specification incorporating Tec-Vent, Maxi-Vent, ChemVent, Mini-Vent, Redi-Vent air admittance valves, P.A.P.A. positive air pressure attenuator or Maxi-Filtra by Studor, Inc. Utilize these paragraphs to insert text into Specification Section 15150 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping, or similarly titled section governing this work. Editing notes to assist in the proper editing of the specifications are included as gr ey text. Delete these notes from the final specification. Websites listed in the editing notes are hypertext links; while connected to the Internet, simply click on the underlined text to go to the applicable web page. For assistance on the use of the products in this section, contact Studor, Inc. by calling 800-447-4721, by email at [email protected], or visit their website at



Product Specifications

PART 1 - GENERAL Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


B. C. D. E. F.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE): 1. Standard 1050 - Performance Requirements for Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. 2. Standard 1051 - Performance Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Residential Code (IRC), 2003 Edition. NSF International/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 14 - Plastics Piping Systems Components and Related Materials. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 2043 - Fire Test for Heat and Visible Smoke Release for Discrete Products and Their Accessories Installed in Air-Handling Spaces.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate valve locations, valve sizes, drain fixture units per branch size, and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive valves. Product Data: Include product description, drain fixture unit chart, and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air admittance valve.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Air Admittance Valves:

Edit the following to indicate applicable building or plumbing code. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Approved for use under [IPC, Section 917.] [IRC, Section P3114.] [UPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods.] Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 14; bear NSF certification marking. Certified to ASSE Standards 1050 and 1051; bear ASSE Seal of Approval. Certified by Underwriters Laboratories to UL 2043; bear UL Classification Mark.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air admittance valves.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Air Admittance Valves: 1. Source: TEC-VENT by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. Flame retardant polycarbonate valve with elastomeric membrane. b. Channels to divert condensation away from sealing membrane. c. Rated for exposure to ultraviolet. 3. Features: a. Screening inside and outside of valve to protect sealing membrane from insects and debris. b. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F. c. Suitable for use on sewer ejectors and in supply and return air plenums if approved by local administrative authorities. 4. Connection size: 1-1/2 NPT.

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X


Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and pressure tested. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems. In attics, install valves minimum 6 inches above attic insulation.



Product Specifications PART 1 - GENERAL

Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


B. C. D. E.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE): 1. Standard 1050 - Performance Requirements for Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. 2. Standard 1051 - Performance Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Residential Code (IRC), 2003 Edition. NSF International/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 14 Plastics Piping Systems Components and Related Materials.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate valve locations, valve sizes, drain fixture units per branch size, and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive valves. Product Data: Include product description, drain fixture unit chart, and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air admittance valve.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Air Admittance Valves:

Edit the following to indicate applicable building or plumbing code. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Approved for use under [IPC, Section 917.] [IRC, Section P3114.] [UPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods.] Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 14; bear NSF certification marking. Certified to ASSE Standards 1050 and 1051; bear ASSE Seal of Approval. Certified by National Evaluation Services, Inc.; National Evaluation Report NER-592. Bear Warnock Hersey (Intertek Testing Services, Inc.) Certification Mark.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air admittance valves.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Air Admittance Valves: 1. Source: MAXI-VENT by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. ABS valve with elastomeric membrane. b. Styrofoam protective cover. c. Rubber connector. 3. Features: a. Screening inside and outside of valve to protect sealing membrane from insects and debris. b. Protective cover and insulation against extreme temperatures. c. Channels to divert condensation away from sealing membrane. d. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F, without protective cover.

Edit the following to suit project requirements. 4.

Connection size: [3 inches.] [4 inches.] [As indicated on Drawings.]

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X



C. D. E. F. G. H.

Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and tested. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented and minimum 6 inches above flood level of highest fixture being vented for stack applications. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. In attics, install valves minimum 6 inches above attic insulation. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems or in supply and return air plenums.


Product Specifications

PART 1 - GENERAL Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


B. C. D.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) Standard 1051 - Performance Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Uniform Plumbing Code., 2003 edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition. NSF International/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 14 Plastics Piping Systems Components and Related Materials.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate valve locations, valve sizes, drain fixture units per branch size, and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive valves. Product Data: Include product description, drain fixture unit chart, and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air admittance valve.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Air Admittance Valves: 1. Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 14; bear NSF certification marking. 2. Approved for use under [IPC, Section 917.] [IRC, Section P3114.] 3. Approved for use in specialized chemical waste systems as an Engineered Product or part of an Engineered System under IPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods, or IPC, Section 300.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air admittance valves.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Admittance Valves: 1. Source: CHEM-VENT by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. Flame retardant polypropylene body and ball sealing assembly. b. EPDM O-ring seal. 3. Features: a. Screening inside and outside of valve to protect sealing membrane from solids. b. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 210 degrees F. c. Suitable for use in non-neutralized chemical waste systems when system is designed by a design professional.

Edit the following to suit project requirements. 4.

Connection size: [1-1/2 inch extended leg Schedule 40.] [As indicated on Drawings.]

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X


Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. Do not install valves in supply and return air plenums.



Product Specifications PART 1 - GENERAL

Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate air attenuator locations and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive air attenuators. Product Data: Include product description and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air attenuator.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Positive Air Pressure Attenuators: Approved for use as an Engineered Product or as part of an Engineered System under UPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods or IPC, Section 300.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air attenuators.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Positive Air Pressure Attenuators: 1. Source: P.A.P.A. by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. PVC housing. b. Butylene bag. c. Rubber connector for 3 and 4 inch pipes. 3. Features: a. One gallon capacity. b. Expandable capacity up to four gallons, series assembly. c. Separator tubes. d. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F. e. Direct mount connection for MAXI-VENT installation.

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X


Edit the following to suit project requirements. The P.A.P.A. may be installed horizontally when used without a Maxi-Vent, and may also be installed in series for additional protection. A. B. C. D. E.

Install P.A.P.A. after drainage and waste system has been been roughed in and pressure tested. Install P.A.P.A. in accessible locations. Stack Installation: Connect units onto stack [vertically using one 90 degree or two 45 degree bends.] [horizontally using two 45 degree bends.] Branch Installation: Connect units onto branch [vertically using one 90 degree or two 45 degree bends.] [horizontally using two 45 degree bends.] Connect air attenuators to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X



Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and pressure tested. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems. In attics, install valves minimum 6 inches above attic insulation.


Product Specifications

PART 1 - GENERAL Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


B. C. D. E.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE): 1. Standard 1050 - Performance Requirements for Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. 2. Standard 1051 - Performance Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Residential Code (IRC), 2003 Edition. NSF International/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 14 - Plastics Piping Systems Components and Related Materials.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate valve locations, valve sizes, drain fixture units per branch size, and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive valves. Product Data: Include product description, drain fixture unit chart, and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air admittance valve.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Air Admittance Valves:

Edit the following to indicate applicable building or plumbing code. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Approved for use under [IPC, Section 917.] [IRC, Section P3114.] [UPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods.] Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 14; bear NSF certification marking. Certified to ASSE Standards 1050 and 1051; bear ASSE Seal of Approval. Certified by National Evaluation Services, Inc.; National Evaluation Report NER-592. Bear Warnock Hersey (Intertek Testing Services, Inc.) Certification Mark.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air admittance valves.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Air Admittance Valves: 1. Source: MINI-VENT by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. ABS valve with elastomeric membrane. b. ABS or PVC female adapter (specifier to select one). c. ABS protection cover (X-Pack only). 3. Features: a. Screening inside and outside of valve to protect sealing membrane from insects and debris. b. Static seal design. c. Protective cover (X-Pack) against extreme t4emperatures, dirt and UV exposure. d. Channels to divert condensation away from sealing membrane. e. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F, without protective cover.

Edit the following to suit project requirements. 4.

Connection size: [11/2 inches.] [2 inches.] [As indicated on Drawings.]

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X


Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and tested. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented and minimum 6 inches above flood level of highest fixture being vented for stack applications. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. In attics, install valves minimum 6 inches above attic insulation. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems or in supply and return air plenums.



Product Specifications PART 1 - GENERAL

Insert the following under “References.” Edit to include only those standards used elsewhere in the specification. 1.X


B. C. D. E.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE): 1. Standard 1050 - Performance Requirements for Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. 2. Standard 1051 - Performance Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Plumbing Code (IPC), 2003 Edition. International Code Council (ICC) - International Residential Code (IRC), 2003 Edition. NSF International/American National Standards Institute (NSF/ANSI) Standard 14 Plastics Piping Systems Components and Related Materials.

If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate valve locations, valve sizes, drain fixture units per branch size, and required clear dimensions in spaces to receive valves. Product Data: Include product description, drain fixture unit chart, and installation instructions. Samples: Full size sample of air admittance valve.

Insert the following under “Quality Assurance.” 1.X


Air Admittance Valves:

Edit the following to indicate applicable building or plumbing code. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Approved for use under [IPC, Section 917.] [IRC, Section P3114.] [UPC, Section 301.2 - Alternate Materials and Methods.] Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 14; bear NSF certification marking. Certified to ASSE Standards 1050 and 1051; bear ASSE Seal of Approval. Certified by National Evaluation Services, Inc.; National Evaluation Report NER-592. Bear Warnock Hersey (Intertek Testing Services, Inc.) Certification Mark.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective air admittance valves.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Air Admittance Valves: 1. Source: REDI-VENT by Studor, Inc. 2. Components: a. ABS valve body. b. PP ball style shutter. c. Buna-N seat d. ABS or PVC female adapter (specifier to select one). 3. Features: a. Screening inside and outside of valve to protect sealing membrane from insects and debris. b. Spinning, self cleaning ball shutter. c. Compact design. d. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F, without protective cover.

Edit the following to suit project requirements. 4.

Connection size: [11/2 inches.] [2 inches.] [As indicated on Drawings.]

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X



Install valves after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and tested. Locate valves minimum 4 inches above horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented and minimum 6 inches above flood level of highest fixture being vented for stack applications. Install valves in accessible locations. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install valves in upright position, within 15 degrees of true vertical. Extend minimum of one vent to open atmosphere for each building drainage system. In attics, install valves minimum 6 inches above attic insulation. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems or in supply and return air plenums.


Product Specifications

The following specification text has been prepared to assist design professionals in the preparation of a specification incorporating MAXI-FILTRA carbon filter by Studor, Inc. Utilize these paragraphs to insert text into Specification Section 15150 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping, or similarly titled section governing this work. Editing notes to assist in the proper editing of the specifications are included as blue text. Delete these notes from the final specification. Websites listed in the editing notes are hypertext links; while connected to the Internet, simply click on the underlined text to go to the applicable web page. For assistance on the use of the products in this section, contact Studor, Inc. by calling 800-447-4721, by email at [email protected], or visit their website at PART 1 - GENERAL If shop drawings, product data, or samples are desired, insert the following under “Submittals.” Edit to include only those submittals actually required. 1.X


Shop Drawings: Indicate filter locations and filter sizes.


Product Data: Include product description, required maintenance, and installation instructions.


Samples: Full size sample of filter.

Insert the following under “Warranties.” 1.X


Provide manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty providing coverage for replacement of defective filter.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS Insert the following under “Materials.” 2.X


Carbon Filter: 1. 2.


Source: MAXI-FILTRA by Studor, Inc. Components: a. ABS body. b. Active Charcoal Filter replaceable cartridge c. Styrofoam protective cover. d. Rubber connector. Features: a. UV inhibitor in resin compounds for exposure to sunlight. b. Protective cover and insulation against extreme temperatures and damages from elements/wild life. d. Operating temperature: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F, without protective cover.

Edit the following to suit project requirements. 4.

Connection size: [3 inches.] [4 inches.] [As indicated on Drawings.]

PART 3 - EXECUTION Insert the following under “Installation.” 3.X


Install filter after drainage and waste system has been roughed in and tested. Install valves in accessible locations to allow for filter cartridge replacement. Connect valves to piping in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Do not install valves on chemical waste systems or in supply and return air plenums.

WARRANTY All STUDOR products carry a limited life time warranty which guarantees against defects resulting from faulty workmanship or materials. If any such product is found to be defective by reason of faulty workmanship or material, upon written notice and return of the product(s), the defective product will be replaced by STUDOR free of charge, including shipping charges for the replacement product(s). Claims for labor costs and other expenses required to replace such defective product(s) or to repair any damage resulting from the use thereof will not be allowed by STUDOR. Our liability is limited to the price paid for the defective product(s). STUDOR will not be bound by any warranty other than above set forth, unless such warranty is in writing.

Use of the STUDOR P.A.P.A. devices in conjunction with non-STUDOR brand air admittance valves will void any and all war ranties on the P.A.P.A. unit(s).


This literature is published in good faith and is believed to be reliable. However STUDOR does not represent and/or warrant in any manner the information and suggestions contained in this manual. Data presented is the result of laboratory tests and field experiences. STUDOR maintains a policy of ongoing product improvement. This may result in modification of features, dimensions and/or specifications without notice.

STUDOR Engineered Products 11256 47th Street North Clearwater, FL 33762 1-800-447-4721 BB 11445 63600

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