Te040 Gl ... Test Script On General Ledger

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TE.040 SYSTEM TEST SCRIPT General Ledger Implementation

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TE.040 System Test Script

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General Ledger Implementation File Ref: 23219853.doc

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TE.040 System Test Script

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Document Control.......................................................................................ii Overview.....................................................................................................1 Century Date Compliance.....................................................................1 System Test Sequences..............................................................................2 System Test Specifications < Maintaining Cross Validation rules >...........3 System Test Specifications < Define New Account COA Values >..............4 System Test Specifications < Define New Accounting Periods >...............5 System Test Specifications < Define Conversion Rates >..........................6 System Test Specifications < Open / Close GL Accounting Periods >........7 System Test Specifications < Enter Functional Currency Journals >..........8 System Test Specifications < Enter Foreign Currency Journals >...............9 System Test Specifications < Journal Revision And Posting >..................10 System Test Specifications < Define / Generate Recurring Journals >.....11 System Test Specifications < Reverse Journal Entries >..........................12 System Test Specifications < General Ledger Interface >.......................13 System Test Specifications < Consolidation Run >..................................15 System Test Specifications < Period End Revaluation >..........................16 System Test Specifications < Reporting >...............................................17 Defect Log.................................................................................................18 Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable...........................................19 Open Issues.........................................................................................19 Closed Issues.......................................................................................19

General Ledger Implementation File Ref: 23219853.doc

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Overview This System Test Script documents the steps needed to test the integration of application extensions with the target application system with respect to the General Ledger process. System testing measures the quality of the entire application system, using system test sequences and scripts. You must create scripts for all business processes based on the Mapped Business Requirements (BR.030); however, the focus of business solution testing is confirming individual business processes, while business system testing focuses on confirming the collective application system. This system test will include the following types of testing: • Integrated Business Processes • Security Testing

Century Date Compliance In the past, two character date coding was an acceptable convention due to perceived costs associated with the additional disk and memory storage requirements of full four character date encoding. As the year 2000 approached, it became evident that a full four character coding scheme was more appropriate. In the context of the Application Implementation Method (AIM), the convention Century Date or C/Date support rather than Year2000 or Y2K support is used. It is felt that coding for any future Century Date is now the modern business and technical convention. Every applications implementation team needs to consider the impact of the Century Date on their implementation project. As part of the implementation effort, all customizations, legacy data conversions, and custom interfaces need to be reviewed for Century Date compliance. Testing activities need to make sure that all interfaces and application extensions are coded for Century Date compliance. System test scripts should include steps for testing Century Date compliance.

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System Test Sequences Sequenc e# 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

General Ledger Test Name Maintaining Cross Validation rules Define New Account Flexfield Values Define New Accounting Periods Define Conversion Rates Open / Close GL Accounting Periods Enter Functional Currency Journals Enter Foreign Currency Journals Journal Revision And Posting Reverse Journal Entries Enter Budget Journals General Ledger Interface Consolidation Run Period End Revaluation Reporting

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Description Maintaining Cross Validation rules Define New Account Flexfield Values Define New Accounting Periods Define Conversion Rates Open / Close GL Accounting Periods Enter Functional Currency Journals Enter Foreign Currency Journals Journal Revision And Posting Reverse Journal Entries Enter Budget Journals General Ledger Interface Consolidation Run Period End Revaluation Reporting

Test er

Test Status



Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active

Document Control ii

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System Test Specifications < Maintaining Cross Validation rules > Scenari o Step 1.1

Even t

Test Step


Action or Path

Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details Maintaining Cross Validation Rules

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GL Supervisor

(N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Rules

(M) View > Find… Search for your accounting flexfield structure Enter the validation Rule Name and Description. Enter the Error Message that to be used to guide the user on his journal entry accounting Flexfield to correct and validate combination. Enter the Error segment that shows the user what segment to update. It leaves the cursor in this segment whenever a segment combination violates this crossvalidation rule. Enter the Cross Validation Rule Elements: First Select Include for all the accounting range: From: 00-0000-000000-0000-0000-0000 To: 99-9999-999999-9999-9999-9999 Second Select Exclude for the invalid combinations that Violates this Cross Validation rule. Save your Work.

- During the Journal entry only accounting Valid combinations is accepted by the system, and any accounting combinations that violates any of the Cross validation rules, the rule error message appears to the user.

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System Test Specifications < Define New Account COA Values > Scenari o Step

Even t

Test Step


Action or Path

Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details


Defining New Chart of Accounts segment Values

GL Supervisor

(N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values


Deactivate Chart of Accounts segment value

GL Supervisor

(N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values

File Ref: 23219853.doc

Select Application: (Oracle General Ledger) Select Title: (Accounting Flexfield) Select Structure Select the segment that you want to add to it a new value (B) Find Move to Values section (M) File > New Enter the new value Enter the new value description Only if entering a value for the Natural account Segment, you must specify the qualifier Account type (Asset, Liability, Expense, Revenue, Ownership/Stockholder's Equity) Save your Work Select Application: (Oracle General Ledger) Select Title: (Accounting Flexfield) Select Structure Select the segment that you want to add to it a new value (B) Find Move to Values section (M) View > Find, to search for the value you want to deactivate Uncheck the Enabled check box, in order to deactivate the COA vaule Save your Work -

- New value is added to the Chart of Accounts and appears in the list of values showing the accounting values During the Journal Entry.


The COA value is deactivated. The list of values is not showing the deactivated value during the Journal Entry.

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System Test Specifications < Define New Accounting Periods > Scenari o Step 3.1

Even t

Test Step


Action or Path

Expected Results Test Step Details

Defining New Accounting Periods

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GL Supervisor

(N) Setup> Financials > Calendar > Accounting

(M) View > Find… (Select appropriate calendar) Enter the New Period Prefix Select the Period Type Enter the Year this Period Related to Enter the Sequence of this Period in its Year Enter the Quarter Number where this Period Belongs to Enter the Starting Calendar day where this Period Starts Enter the Ending Calendar day where this Period Ends Mark for the Adjusting period Check Box, Only if this period is an adjusting period Save your Work


Actual Results


A new period is added to the company accounting periods The new defined periods its status is closed and can be opened later on.

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System Test Specifications < Define Conversion Rates > Scenari o Step

Even t

Test Step


Action or Path

Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details


Defining Daily Conversion Rates

GL Supervisor

(N) Setup> Currencies > Rates > Daily


Defining Period Conversion Rates

GL Supervisor

(N) Setup> Currencies > Rates > Period

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(B) Press “Enter by date range” Select the Currency you want to enter its conversion rate Enter the Date Range From Date and To Date for this conversion rate Select the Type as “Corporate” Enter the Conversion Rate (B) Apply (to apply this rates to the date range specified) Save your work Use the revaluation rate to revalue account balances that are denominated in a foreign currency at the end of period Select the Currency you want to enter its conversion rate Select the Balance Type you want to revaluate with this period conversion rate (Actual / Budget) Select the accounting Period to which the rates apply. For actual balances, you can select any open, future-enterable, or closed accounting period. For budget balances, you can select any period up to the last period of the latest open budget year Enter the revaluation rate. Enter the rate that you multiply your foreign currency amount by to determine the functional currency equivalent Save your work -


Foreign currency journals can be entered and uses the specified corporate conversion rates


You can run revaluation using this period conversion rates

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System Test Specifications < Open / Close GL Accounting Periods > Scenari o Step 5.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_01 EV_GL_02 Close / Open Period



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Expected Results Test Step Details

Open First Accounting Period

GL Manager

Closing Accounting Period

GL Manager

Opening Next Accounting Period

GL Manager

(N) Setup> Open/Close


(N) Setup> Open/Close


(N) Setup> Open/Close


Choose the first period to open from List of Values (B) Press Open Period


Choose the Period you want to close Select from list of values to change it’s Status to Closed (B) Open Next Period in order to open the next period You can select Open from the list of values to open any closed period





Actual Results


First Accounting period is Opened The Request Completed Normal The Period is Closed and no one can enter, post or update Journals in to this Period After the request completed, the Period is opened for Entry and Posting The following 1 period is opened as Future – Entry Period

Document Control ii

Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < Enter Functional Currency Journals > Scenari o Step 6.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_02 EV_GL_0 3 Source documen t arrival

Entering Functional Currency Journals

GL Accountan t

(N) Journal > Enter (B) New Journal


Journal Inquiry

GL Accountan t

(N) Inquiry > Journal


Printing the Journal Voucher

GL Accountan t

(N) Other > Report > Run (B) Single Request

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Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details Enter Journal Header Information: Enter Journal Name: (Can be Characters, Numbers or Both, or you can leave it empty)  Journal Period: (The Default period is Last Open Period / Batch period)  Journal Date: (The effective date for the Journal)  Journal Category:  Journal Description: (This description will default to all journal lines)  Control Amount: (Optional, used to control the total of your journal lines) Note: If Journal Name is not Specified the System Automatically gives the Journal a name Enter Lines Information:  Line Number:  Line Account:  Line Amount: (Debit)  Line Description: (Defaulted from the Journal Description)  Line Amount: (Credit)  Line Description: (Defaulted from the Journal Description) Enter all required journal lines: Save your Journal You Can Query on Entered Journals by the Following Attributes:  Journal Name & Batch Name  Period  Category  Currency  Journal Source (Manual / Other Modules)  Posting Status (Posted, Unposted, or Error)  Document Numbers (From / To)  Creation Dates (From / To) Chose the report name as (Journal – General (132 Char) Report, for unposted journals) Enter parameters for the journal entry recorded in step 6.1: (Journal Name, Currency, Period) Submit the Request with no of Copies equal 1 -


The Journal Saved The Document Number Created


Journal Entries that was recorded in step 6.1 could be retrieved for revision or correction


Request Completed Normal and the Report Printed Data output is accurate and reflects actual data entered


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System Test Specifications < Enter Foreign Currency Journals > Scenari o Step 7.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_02 EV_GL_0 3 Source documen t arrival

Expected Results

Entering Foreign Currency Journals

GL Accountan t

(N) Journal > Enter (B) New Journal


Perform the same steps of Entering Functional Journals as mentioned in senario step 6.1 Select the Foreign Currency Select the Date for conversion rate Select the conversion Type and Rate. Example:

Currency Rate Type Rate 7.2

Journal Inquiry

GL Accountan t

(N) Inquiry > Journal


Printing the Journal Voucher

GL Accountan t

(N) Other > Report > Run (B) Single Request




USD User 1.229

Save your Journal Query on the entered Journals from the Journals window itself, using the same search components as in scenario step 6.2 Suggestion: Query on the Foreign Currency Journals by selecting the required currency


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Actual Results


Test Step Details

Select the report from the list of values Select Journals – Foreign Currency (132 Char) to review Foreign Currency Journals According to the report parameters you can print the following data: o All Journals and Batches o Single Batch o Single Journal Submit the Request with no of Copies equal 1



The Foreign amount Converted to the Functional Amount Based on the Rate The Journal Saved The Document Number Created

Foreign Currency Journal Entries that was recorded in step 7.1 could be retrieved for revision or correction Request Completed Normal and the Report Printed Data output is accurate and reflects actual data entered

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System Test Specifications < Journal Revision And Posting > Scenari o Step 8.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_03 EV_GL_0 2


Expected Results Test Step Details

Printing the unposted Journal Voucher Posting the Journals

GL Supervisor

GL Manager

(N) Other > Report > Run (B) Single Request (N) Journals > Post

Chose the report name as (Journal – General (132 Char) Report, for unposted journals) Enter parameters for the journal entry recorded in step 6.1: (Journal Name, Currency, Period) Submit the Request with no of Copies equal 1 Select the required period, balance type (Actual), required batch name or leave blank to retrieve all unposted batches (B) Find to retrieve required unposted batches Mark the Check Box for the batches you want to post You can review any batch before posting (B) Post Batch status is “Posting”


Request Completed Normal and the Report Printed


Select the Accounting Periods you want to inquire the Account in it Choose if you want to inquire for the Account balance on a Single Currency (Select the Currency) or All Currencies Choose the Primary Account Balance Type you want to inquire (Actual / Budget / Encumbrance) Press Tabs till you reach to the Find Accounts Popup window Enter from: Accounts To: Accounts you want to inquire about (B) Show Balances (B) Journal Details if you want more details You can query the original journal entry by pressing (B) show full journal In case of this Account Journals entered in AP or AR or Assets, you can press (B) Drilldown to review the Sub ledger Details In case there is a budget amount on this Account Choose the Secondary Account Balance Type as Budget and enter the Budget Name then Press (B) Show Variance Account Balance information appears Select your reports from the List of Values, to view the Accounts Movements and Balances run the following reports: - Account Analysis (132 / 180 Char) - General Ledger (132 /180 Char) - Trail Balance Report


The request completes with no errors (the batch posted) The Accounts balances reflected in the Trial Balance Standard Report The Account Balance is correct The Variance is Calculated correct




File Ref: 23219853.doc

Account Inquiry

Account Balances Reports

GL Supervisor

GL Supervisor

(N) Inquiry > Account

(N) Other > Report > Run (B) Single Request





Actual Results


Report output is consistent with actual data

Document Control ii

Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < Define / Generate Recurring Journals > Scenari o Step 9.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_07 EV_GL_0 7


File Ref: 23219853.doc

Test Step Details Define Recurring Journals

GL Supervisor

(N) Journals > Define > Recurring

Generate Recurring Journals

GL Supervisor

(N) Journals > Generate > Recurring

Enter a unique Name and optional Description for the batch (B) AutoCopy… (If you want to copy entries from an existing recurring journal batch Note: You should group your recurring entries into one batch to speed processing. Enter the recurring journal entry Name: Select the recurring journal entry Category: Select the recurring journal entry Currency: Optionally enter a range of Active Dates to limit the use of the recurring entry to a specific time (B) Press Lines (to enter the recurring journal lines information) Enter a Line number: Select the recurring journal line GL Account: Enter an optional Line Description: Enter a Formula for the line if this is a formula recurring entry. Otherwise, enter an amount for standard entries Note: you can leave the Formulas blank to create skeleton journal entries Note: If the formula amount is positive, your account will be debited. If the formula amount is negative, your account will be credited Formula Operators: Associate an operator with each step of the formula (Use Enter to store the associated number or Use (+) to add, (-) to subtract, (*) to multiply, (/) to divide the associated number into the most recently stored number) Enter all remaining lines for the recurring journal entry Save your work Select the Recurring Batch you want to generate Select the Accounting Period to create an unposted journal batch (B) Press Generate A concurrent request submitted to create the unposted journal batches (The resulting journal batch is named : <Time> If you generated skeleton journal entries, use the Enter Journals window to complete the journal information Post the recurring journal batches to update account balances -

Expected Results -

Recurring Journal Entry is ready to be generated


Recurring Journals created and posted The Accounts balances updated


Actual Results


Document Control ii

Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < Reverse Journal Entries > Scenari o Step 10.1

Even t

Test Step


Action or Path

Expected Results

Reversin g Incorrect Journals

GL Supervisor

(N) Journal > Enter (B) Find (B) Review Journal (B) More Details



Actual Results


Test Step Details

Post the Reversed Journals

File Ref: 23219853.doc

GL Supervisor

(N) Journals > Post


Find the Journal you want to reverse (B) Review Journal (B) More Details Select the Period you want to reverse journal in it Select the Reverse Method you want to Reverse with (Switch Dr/Cr or Change Signs) (B) Press the Reverse Journal Find the Reversal Journals created By: (Period, Journal Name, Batch Name) Select the journals you want to post Post the Journals



Reversal Request completes normal An unposted Reversal Journal is created

Reversed Journals posted The Account Balance for these transactions net to Zero balance again

Document Control ii

Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < General Ledger Interface > Scenari o Step 11.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event Transfer from Sub Ledgers to General Ledger


Expected Results Test Step Details

Importing Journals

Review Import Request Status

GL Supervisor

GL Supervisor

(N) Journals > Import> Run


(N) Other > Requests



GL Supervisor

Viewing Imported Journals

GL Supervisor


Posting Imported Journals

GL Supervisor


Account Inquiry

GL Supervisor



(N) Journals > Enter


Query the Imported Journal Batch Review the Journal Header Information Review the Journal Lines Information


(N) Journals > Post


Query the required batch Mark the Check Box (B) Press Post


When you save the correction the line status will change to Corrected The required journal imported & can be posted The Document Number Created All Imported Journals Information exists and correct The Batch Posted The Account balances updated

(N) Inquiry > Accounts


Select the Period range you want to inquire for it Select the Currency Press Tabs till you reach the Find Accounts Popup window Enter From: Accounts To: Accounts you need to inquire (B) Press Show Balance (B) Press Journal Details if you want more details (B) Press Show full Journal to view the original journal entry Print Account Balance Reports (General Ledger) to review the account balance


The Account Balance is Correct


The report completed Normally The Account Balance is Correct


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Account Reports

GL Supervisor

The request exist The Output File Viewed The Log File Viewed Note: the request may complete with status Normal but when you view the output file the journals may have errors. This different than the request Completed with Error

(N) Other >





The request completes with no errors

(N) Journals > Import > Correct

Correctin g Imported Journals


(B) Press Find to view all your requests Find your Import request by request number If the request Completed Normal press view output Button The output file is an execution report showing if there is any error in the journals you are importing, error lines and the error code for each line (like EF04). At the end of this report there is an Error Key to find out the error code meaning (Like EF04: These segment values are not a valid account. Check your cross validation rules) If the request Completed with error press Log File Button, In this case you should inform your System Administrator Find the required journal from the Journal Source Correct the journal lines Save your work (B) Press Import (repeat step 12.1)



Select the Source you need to import from List of Values. (B) Press Import

Actual Results

Document Control ii

Doc Ref: Scenari o Step

Test Step


Action or Path


Expected Results Test Step Details

Actual Results


Report > Run

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System Test Specifications < Consolidation Run > Scenari o Step 12.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_08 EV_GL_0 2

Expected Results

Run Consolidation Transfer

GL Supervisor

Period End

(N) Consolidation > Transfer > Data





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Actual Results


Test Step Details

Reviewing & Posting the created Journals

GL Supervisor

Print Triabl Balance Report

GL Supervisor

Run FA What if Analysis

(N) Journals > Enter (N) Journals > Post

FA Supervisor

(N) Other > Report > Run Fixed Assets


Select the consolidation mapping you want to transfer Select Actual for the Balance Type Select the Amount Type (YTD, PTD) Select the subsidiary's accounting Period that you want to consolidate Enter the Standard Period to which you want to consolidate in your parent set of books (B) Press “Select Accounts” to specify the account ranges you want to consolidate Uncheck “Include All Accounts” Enter the Account Low and High for each range you want to consolidate (B) Press “Run Options” Select Run Journal Import option and Audit Mode check boxes (B) Choose Transfer to launch a concurrent process to transfer your subsidiary data to your parent Query the created Journal Batch Review the Journal Header Information Review the Journal Lines Information (B) More Actions (B) Post


Print Triabl Balance Report to review the accounts balances





The transfer process completed normal The balances transferred from the subsidiary set of books to the parent

The Doc. # Created All created Journals Information correct The Batch Posted The Account balances updated The report completed Normally The Account Balance is Correct

This Process will be maintained in the Fixed Assets Test Script

Document Control ii

Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < Period End Revaluation > Scenari o Step 13.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_01 EV_GL_0 2

Run Revaluatio n

GL Superviso r

(N) Currency > Revaluation

Period End


Posting Revaluatio n Journals batch

GL Superviso r

(N) Journals > Post


Reversing Revaluatio n Journals

GL Superviso r

(N) Journal > Enter (B) Find (B) Review Journal (B) More Details

(N) Journals > Post

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Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details Revaluation adjusts liability or asset accounts that may be materially understated or overstated at the end of a period due to a significant fluctuation in the exchange rate between the time the transaction was entered and the end of the period Open the Revalue Balances window Enter the accounting Period for the balances you want to revalue Enter the Unrealized Gain/Loss Account Select one of the following Currency Options: • Single Currency: Select Currency & enter Rate to use (if you didn’t define Period rate for this period and currency) • All Currencies: To revalue all foreign currencies (GL revalues each foreign currency balance only if a period-end rate exists for that currency and period) Enter an Account Low and High to revalue accounts that fall within that range Repeat this step to enter multiple ranges (You can reuse account ranges from your last revaluation) (B) Press Revalue After reviewing your revaluation batch you should run post to effect your accounts balance You post the revaluation batch for period end financial reporting If revalued amount becomes higher than the original amount, the difference recorded as an unrealized gain & if the revalued amount is lower than the original, the difference recorded as an unrealized loss Query the required batch, select it and Press (B) Post After reporting on revalued balances, reverse the revaluation journals in the following month to restore the account balances to the original amounts, so that the balance can be revalued in the coming periods till the balance become zero Find the Revaluation Journal, (B) Review Journal, (B) More Details Select the Period: (Reverse revaluation journal in the next period) Select the Reverse Method you want to Reverse with (Switch Dr/Cr or Change Signs) (B) Press Reverse Journal (B) More Actions, Post Revaluation Journal In the following period, Find the Reversed Revaluation Journals created Select the batch you want to post, (B) Press Post -



The Revaluation Execution Report is automatically generated, there is no errors Unposted revaluation journals batch created and ready for revision and Post


The period end financial reporting correct and reflects the fluctuation in the exchange rate


Reversal Request completes normal The Revaluation Journals batch reversed and posted in the next period The Account Balance for these transactions net to Zero balance again



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Doc Ref:

System Test Specifications < Reporting > Scenari o Step 14.1

Test Step


Action or Path

Event PR_GL_07 EV_GL_0 9

Print Standard Reports

GL Supervisor

(N) Other > Report > Run (B) Single Request


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Expected Results

Actual Results


Test Step Details

Generate The FSG Reports

GL Supervisor

(N) Reports > Request > Financial

Select from LOV the following reports: Trail Balance Detail Trail Balance Expanded Trial Balance Summary 1 General Ledger – 132 Char General Ledger – Foreign Currency (132 Char) Note: You have to enter the required parameters for each report Select the report Name Select the accounting period Select the Currency (B) Press Submit to Run the report


Trial Balance data is correct and consistent with the actual data


The request completes with no errors The FSG Reports generated consistent with the data


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Defect Log Defect ID Number

Test Step Referenc e

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Module Name

Defect Description


Re-Test By

Re-Test Date


Status (open, closed, in process)

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Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable Open Issues





Target Date

Impact Date



Target Date

Impact Date

Closed Issues



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