Td Logging Defects User Manual

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 17
User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

I - LOGGING NEW DEFECTS IN TEST DIRECTOR.............................................2 Logging into Test Director...............................................................................................2 Select the “Defects” tab...................................................................................................2 Hit the “Add Defect” button on the Defects tab..............................................................2 Enter all the necessary details..........................................................................................3 Providing Supplementary information ............................................................................4 Submitting the defect.......................................................................................................5 A Classic example of a Good Defect...............................................................................5 II – NAVIGATING DEFECTS IN TEST DIRECTOR................................................8 Set Filter/Sort: .................................................................................................................8 Sorting the Defects:........................................................................................................10 Saving the Search Criteria:............................................................................................11 Clear Filter/Sort:............................................................................................................12 Refresh Filter/Sort:.........................................................................................................13

Created by: Deepak Mirani

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

I - LOGGING NEW DEFECTS IN TEST DIRECTOR Logging into Test Director Hit the TD url to access the project in which defects needs to be logged. E.g. to log defects in STAR_CORE project hit the following URL and select STAR_CORE from Project list Drop down and enter your login info.

Select the “Defects” tab After a successful login hit the defects tab in post login screen. Pls refer to the screen shot pasted below:

Hit the “Add Defect” button on the Defects tab. From the Defects tab just hit the “Add Defect” button and initiate the “Add Defect” window to log a new defect. Pls. refer to screen pasted below.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

Enter all the necessary details.

      

All relevant details should be entered in the fields marked with red asterix and labels. Brief description of the mandatory Fields: Summary – One line description of the defect. Build – The latest deployed application identifier. Pass – Indicates the system test cycle no. Detected On Date – The date on which the defect was detected. Detected By – The tester/developer name who has found the bug. Reproducible – Refers to the occurrence of the defect. If the defect can be simulated in every test run, then the value in field should be ‘Y’ else ‘N’ can keyed in. Severity – Refers to how critical the defect for the application. It is basically categorized as  1 – Critical  2 – High  3 – Medium  4 – Low

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director  Category – The problem found can be either categorized as “Defect” or an “Issue” or “PCR” or “Future Enhancement”  Status – Ideally whenever the defect is logged it should be logged under the status “New”  Functional Area – To identify the functional area under which the defect is found.  Phase – This indicates in which phase the defect was found. It can be either development phase/System phase, etc. This is very important field. The following guidelines can be referred while entering the phase information. If a developer finds a defect during unit or development phase, then the phase field should be marked as “Development” If a system tester finds a defect during system or integration phase, then the phase field should be marked as “System” or “Integration”  Description – In this field all the necessary information pertaining to defect found could be entered. Even the detailed steps of simulating the defect can be mentioned.

Providing Supplementary information Along with the above mentioned details, TD also provides a facility wherein some supplementary info like snapshot of the error screen or Test data for simulating the defect can be attached with the defect entered. The below mentioned options in screen facilitates the user to enter the additional information

 

 

The first icon besides “Attach:” text can be used to upload any supporting document or excel file which explains the defect further. It could also be the screen snapshot document of the error. The next icon can be used to enter the URL which can used to directly access the error. The camera icon helps the user to immediately grab the snapshot of error and attach with the defect. Works exactly like print screen option on the keyboard. The computer icon is to attach the current sysinfo of the system on which the error was found. The last icon facilitates the user to directly attach the current clipboard contents with the defect.

In addition to the above options, there is “Clear” button which immediately clears all the attached information with the defect.

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Submitting the defect. After entering the defect and supplementary details user can submit the defect in TD. Once the defect is logged, TD assigns a unique defect id for the defect. The user can use this defect id for any future tracking and discussions.

A Classic example of a Good Defect. It is always useful to capture all the aspects of defect while logging it into Test Director. A defect should ideally be self explanatory, as it always minimizes the chances of chaos while analyzing the defect. Let’s draw a sample template that indicates the essentials while logging a defect in Test Director. The defect discussed below is logged due to some problems with the converted data. To refer this defect in TD search with defect id “3662” in the STAR_CORE project. The most important thing to take while logging the defects is:  Defect Summary: This usually is the headline of the defect and this part is always visible in TD defects tab. Pls refer to the attached snapshot.

It should always be a one liner which summarizes the root cause of the defect. The following can be used as an example which describes the defect in one glance: “Converted data - Product is displayed blank after reinstating a cancelled member to the membership.”  Functional Area: This should clearly indicate the module or functional part that is affected due to the defect. It is always a drop down box; tester needs to just select the most valid one from the list. In the defect discussed above the functional area would be “Conversion Data”  Severity: This field indicates the criticality of the defect. The severity is pre-defined and can be selected from the drop down list. A defect can be categorized in any one of the following: 1 – Critical: This number signifies that the defect has affected the most critical area of the application and it calls for an immediate resolution. A defect can also be classified in this category if it stops the user to do any further actions on the application, in other words if it is a major show stopper. But if there is workaround to perform the same action by other area of the application then it would always be suggested that the defect should be classified as a 2-High instead. In the defect discussed in this example, the severity is 2-High. As it is not a major show stopper, but still needs a corrective action soon. Created by: Deepak Mirani

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director 2 – High: This number signifies that some important features of the application are affected due to the defect found. It is always advisable to correct this defect before moving to next phase. Ideally the application cannot go live in production if it has defects open with Severity 1 or 2. 3 – Medium: This level of severity signifies that there some minor problems with the application. But the application can still be deployed in production if there are few medium level severity defects open. 4 – Low: These are very low level of defects. Usually cosmetic errors like alignment of fields on the screen, typo in the validation messages or grammatical mistakes in displaying error message. These defects take very less amount of time to be resolved.  Description: This is the most important part of the defect. Tester or a user can log as much of information he has to make the defect more self explanatory. Some quick things that can be include while writing description would be: a) Steps by step description of actions performed by the user to reproduce the defect. b) Short description of the test environment and hardware/software configuration if the defect is related to environment. c) Reference to the attached snapshots will describe the error. A detailed description on how to attach snapshots is provided in “Providing supplementary information” section of the same document. d) Provide the test data information while describing the defect. This will help a lot when somebody else is trying to simulate the similar error condition. To make it more lucid, let’s take the same defect example i.e. problems with the converted data. The lines mentioned below is description associated with this defect. The description is the direct extract taken from TD. Retrieved a converted membership 4290056173176614. Cancelled a member effective yesterday ( 01/03/2005) Cancelled another member effective today (01/04/2005) Reinstate the cancelled members effective today. The product is displayed blank for the reinstated member. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Login to system 2. Click on the link "Find a Client” 3. Navigate to the Membership summary Page. 4. Enter the effective date as Yesterday date (01/03/2005) 5. Cancel the any associate from the membership 6. Select the reason code as 'Resigned' 7. Click on continue, Membership summary Page is displayed. 8. Click on the link "Find a Client” 9. Navigate to the Membership summary Page. 10. Enter the effective date as Today’s date

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director 11. Click on the cancel membership button 12. Select the reason code as 'Resigned' 13. Click on continue, Membership summary Page is displayed. 14. Click on the link "Find a Client” 15. Navigate to the Membership summary Page. 17. Click on Reinstate membership button, Membership Reinstatement Confirmation page is displayed. 18. Click on the Continue button, Dues Change Details Page is displayed. 19. Click on continue, Membership summary Page is displayed. 20. Click on the link "Find a Client" 21. Navigate to the Membership summary Page. 22. Click on Reinstate member button, Member Reinstatement Confirmation page is displayed. 23. Click on continue, Membership summary page is displayed But the product is displayed as blank. Tried with another converted data ms 4290056354878814. Product is not displayed for the reinstated member.

Apart from the above mentioned components all the other details of defects that needs to be entered are explained in “Enter all the necessary details.” section of the same document.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

II – NAVIGATING DEFECTS IN TEST DIRECTOR The above section explained how to log defects in Test Director along with a sample template of a defect logged in Test Director. This section explains how to navigate and filter defects in Test Director using different parameters.

Set Filter/Sort: This one of key navigation feature of Test Directory. Using this option a user can query or search the defect database by supplying key search parameters like “Filter all the defects in Closed status”. The output would be, defects in closed status will be displayed in the results grid. Pls refer to below mentioned snapshot for details:

Hit the icon marked in circular shape, a small dialog box “Filter” will appear (in the snapshot it is displayed behind the “Select Filter Condition” dialog box. Displayed in next page.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director Then hit the small button embedded in the status row (marked by arrow). A small dialog box named “Select Filter Condition” will appear. The dialog box displays different type of status for the defect. To get all the closed ones, select the closed status from the status window, to get all the defects in closed status. User can also combine the different status by using the logical operator like “And”, “Or”, etc as displayed in the snapshot.

Same filter icon can also be used to combine more than one search parameters, in other words to filter the data in next level. Pls. refer to the below mentioned snapshot.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director The snapshot referred above looks for the defects in “Closed” status along with defects falling in “Address Validation” functional area and all “Severity 2”. The results grid displays all the defects with the above mentioned parameter and top line marked in circle displays the filter uses had selected.

Sorting the Defects: This features works in conjunction with the filter feature explained above. The idea behind using this feature is that the user can sort the results either in ascending or in descending fashion (depending on the requirements). User can also sort the result set using one or more combinations. Refer to snapshot below for further clarification. In the snapshot referred below, the defects are sorted based on Defect ID, Closing Date and Functional Area.

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Saving the Search Criteria: Next logical step would be saving the search criteria to use the same query again as the status of the defects are dynamic and it keeps on moving. To save the search criteria, hit the star icon and name the filter condition. The query can either be saved as Private or Public. If the user save it as “Private” query, only he/she can use the query, if it is saved as “Public” all the users of the project can use the query. But it is always preferred that TD admin should create and save public queries and other users should save their query as “Private”. Refer to screen shot below.

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Clear Filter/Sort: This feature of Test Director clears the filter set by the user. In other words, once this icon is hit TD displays all the defects logged in Test Director. Refer to the snapshot marked below to use this feature.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

Refresh Filter/Sort: This feature can be used to refresh the result set of any filter. By refreshing the data, the result set will be updated if there are any changes to the defects logged in Test Director. The snapshot below displays the icon that can be initiated to perform the refresh filter action.

Select Columns: This feature can help a user to select columns that needs to be displayed in the filter or query. Thus only important fields can be selected for necessary analysis and rest can simple be discarded from the result set. The screenshot displayed below select on the fields marked in circle and in the next screen just displays the select fields in the result set.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

Defect Details: This feature opens up the defect details. It is similar to selecting a defect from the result set and double clicking on the defect.

View Attachments: This is similar to the above mentioned feature. Only difference is it shows up the attachment tab of the defect details.

Follow up Flag: Follow up flag enables the user to catch up on defects that are in discussion phase and needs quick action on it. It is kind of similar to the email feature in windows outlook. When you add a flag, Test Director adds a gray flag icon to the record. You can open the follow up alert at any time to view the details. When the follow up date arrives, Test Director sends you an e-mail and changes the flag icon to red.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director

Finding Similar Defects:  Find Similar Defects: Compares a selected defect with all other existing defects in your project. You can conduct a search for similar defects in the Defects Grid, or before submitting a new defect in the Add Defect dialog box. To activate Find Similar Defects option, click on the icon pasted below.

TD will display a result grid which will have all the similar defects for the selected defect. In the result grid you can see the similar column which indicates the percentage of similarity amongst the defect. Refer to the screen pasted below

 Find Similar Text: Compares a specific text string against all other existing defects in your project. You can conduct a search for similar defects in the Defects Grid, or before submitting a new defect in the Add Defect dialog box. You can limit your results by specifying a percentage of detected similarity. Initiate this action by hitting the down arrow as specified in pasted below screen

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Mailing Defects: User can send an e-mail about a defect to another user using the Mailing Defects feature provided by Test Director. This feature enables the user to routinely inform development and quality assurance personnel about defect repair activity. TestDirector includes a Go To Defect link in the e-mail which enables the recipient to go directly to the defect. Three options are provided by Test Director to mail Defects, they are:  Mail Defect to another user - (a)  Mail Defect to Assinged user - (b)  Mail Defect to the user who has detected the Defect. - (c) Screen pasted below explains all three options:

(a) (b) (c)

All the above options initates a small window displayed below. This is similar to the new message window of windows outlook.

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User Manual - Defect Logging/Navigating in Test Director User can directly key in a valid email address in the “To” and “CC” field. Alternatively user can also select from the list of users that is displayed after hitting the “To” or “CC” button.

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