Tcwreflectiveanalysis_orgino, Keith Ian H..docx

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  • Words: 604
  • Pages: 2
Orgino, Keith Ian H. 18-06979 FE-1201 Reflective Analysis THE CORPORATION After watching the documentary film by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott entitled, “The Corporation,” I realized that corporations are the foundation of countries’ economies and that this niche in the society enjoys benefits from the government in return for their investment in the fortifying the countries’ economies. But they have abused this privileged and human beings are now suffering from these abusive practices to keep up with economic demands. Corporations have used anything that can pay them income including those that are very important to human life. They have touched all aspects of human living that these irresponsible actions resorted to some tragic consequences in some parts of the world. These tragedies go undocumented, thus these will persist to exist if no actions from the government is done to terminate such wrong doings. The countries highly abused by these corporate abusive actions are developing third world countries, specifically in the field of production wherein they are paid really low for the products that the companies sell for high prices. This is truly unjust and unacceptable. Profits are what drive companies to expand and progress, but this also pushes them to do impossible things to the extent that they would risk the life of their workers, extending their work hours just to increase production and yet not even raising their salaries. Animals are also affected by this economic corruption. Substances, hormones or genetically-modified food products are injected or fed to them to abnormally increase production of products derived from animals. These extreme measures resulted to animals developing defects, diseases and some dead due to exhaustion. Corporations are out take full control of the monetary outcome of every input they employ in production, and they care less with who gets hurt just to get the job done. I think that corporations should be watched more closely by the government on how they manage people, where they source their materials, how much are they paying their employees and such. Government should strengthen the legal liabilities with regards to their operations. Corporations not only abuse their employees but they can also manipulate consumers to buy their products. They do this through strategic creation of advertisements wherein they target specific age group in the society that is vulnerable to be swayed with products, and most of the time, these are children. They also only present certain positive information about the products they sell without really proving how and where the products are made and if their products are produced ethically or by all means produced with no human, animal, plant or environment deprived or abused. However, I do still think that not all companies are these extremely desperate ones. There are still socially responsible companies that I think consumers should go for more for these companies are honest and concerned for their consumers’ satisfaction and well-being and not just about the profits they will get from these transactions. I believe that the key for this society to eradicate such a dark side to corporations is through transparency and cooperation between the government and the private sector, specifically the corporations. Through

this move, consumers are informed on the products that they are buying, where these products are sourced from and industrially produced and if these are responsibly and ethically produced.

Searching the documentary film “The Corporation” on YouTube.

Watching the documentary film “The Corporation” on YouTube

Listening to one of the interviewed individuals featured on the documentary film “The Corporation” on YouTube.

Analyzing the graphs showcasing trends in the corporate world featured on the documentary film “The Corporation” on YouTube.

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