Tanya And The Written Torah

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 962
  • Pages: 4
T A NY A TANYA AND CHUMASH The Magnum Opus of Chabad is a masterpiece called The Tanya, written 200 years ago by the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman. The Tanya is the ‫תורה שבכתב‬ (the written Torah) of Chassidus. In many ways it is compared to the standard traditions of the written Torah. The Tanya is divided into 54 chapters (including the introduction). And the Chassidim say that each chapter corresponds to one of the 54 Parshios of the Torah. The following is offered b’derech efshar, as a possible understanding of this concept. Possible Basis of Connection



2 Stories of Creation Mankind Prior to the Jews First Jew

Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2

‫בראשית‬ ‫נח‬ ‫לך לך‬

Sarah & Yitzchak

Chapter 3


Chapter 4

‫חיי שרה‬

Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13

‫ויגש‬ ‫ויחי‬ ‫שמות‬ ‫וארא‬

Chapter 14




Long Way, Short way Animal Soul G-dly Soul 10 powers (mother & children) Three Garments Special Unity with G-d in Learning Torah Understanding the Animal Soul ‫קליפת נוגה‬ Nature of evil K’lipas Nogah 3 levels of Tumeah Battle in the Small City 2 levels in a Tzadik 2 levels in a Rasha Benoni Like a Rasha Every person can be a Benoni

Hidden Miracles of Everyday Life Dweller in Tents (Yeshivah) Dealing with Galus Elevating the Environment Battling the Darkness (Eisav, Shechem) Descent into Egypt Yosef Rising to Power Maintaining His Essence Yehuda (Yaacov) vs. Yosef Blessings and Curses Dealing with Enslavement Paroh’s Options Liberation to Become a “Free” Person www.parshapages.com

T A NY A 2 levels in a Benoni Recognizing the Greatness of HaShem Head Rules the Heart Hidden Love and Mesiras Nefesh Fear From Being Separated from HaShem G-d’s Singular Unity Appearance of a Separate Existence Selfness, Haughtiness, Idol Worship Torah & G-d are One

Mahn & the Oasis of Transformation

Chapter 15


Matan Torah

Chapter 16


Laws and Reasons Gifts (Types of Love) to the Mishkan Beyond Expectations Building of the Mishkan Finding the Missing Link Jews Misunderstand Concept of Unity

Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20

‫כי תשא‬

Keeping Focused

Chapter 21


Double Vision

Chapter 22


Chapter 23


Chapter 24


Chapter 25


Chapter 26


Chapter 27


Chapter 28

‫אחרי מות‬

Chapter 29


Chapter 30


Chapter 31


Chapter 32


Chapter 33


Lesson of the Small Aleph Karbonos to Bring a Sinner Sin and Separation from G-d Closer to G-d Inner service in the Mishkan Revealing One’s Inner Powers Baby Steps, Adult Thinking Despair in Earthly Matters Lashon HaRa and Heavenly Matters Actions are Important Don’t Worry from Thoughts of Sin More Than Skin Deep Removing Disturbing Proper Intention While Thoughts in Time of Service Entering Holy of Holies Dullness of the heart Aspire don’t retire Making Room in Our Hearts Humbleness for G-d Distinction Between More Than Love Bitterness and Sadness Ahavas Yisrael Harmony in Life Traveling in the “Desert” of Happiness in G-dly Purpose Life www.parshapages.com

T A NY A Happiness of the Soul Crying of the Body Merit of Action G-d Desires this Lowly World Fixing the World Through Doing a Mitzvah Deed and Intent Body and Soul

Nesiim – Challenges of the Leaders Lighting the “Lamps” Spies Desired to be Removed from This World Stop Arguing, for G-d’s Sake

Chapter 34


Chapter 35


Chapter 36


Chapter 37


Secrets of the Red Heifer

Chapter 38


Levels of Intention

Bilaam Attempted to Curse But Ended Up Blessing

Chapter 39


Wings of a Mitzvah – Love and Fear

Pinchas’ Action

Chapter 40


Chapter 41


Chapter 42


Chapter 43


Chapter 44


Chapter 45


Chapter 46


Chapter 47


Chapter 48

‫כי תצא‬

Chapter 49

‫כי תבוא‬

Chapter 50


Chapter 51


Chapter 52


Chapter 53

‫זאת‬ ‫הברכה‬

Love and Fear of HaShem Is Fear a Little Thing?

Spiritual Battles Against the Forces of Darkness Road Sign to Messianic Consciousness

2 Levels in Fear and Love of Mishneh Torah HaShem Additional Levels of Love of Shema Yisrael HaShem Two Paragraphs Mercy on the Soul Heel of Life Love is Like the Reflection Set Before Us Choice of in the Water – Face to Face Good and Bad Daily Leaving of Egypt Cities of Refugee/Egla Arufah G-d Contracted His Infinite Going to War Light Through Tzimtzum in Battle with one’s inclination Order to Create This World Additional on Reflection of The Secrets of the Altar of a Face in the Water Joy All Standing Together to Do Love (gold) Thirst to Cling G-d’s Will to HaShem Key to Choosing Life Holy of Holies Complete in actions Revelation of G-d’s Song of Moshe Presence in Torah Hear the Music of Moshiach G-dly Soul Receives Fully When the Animal Soul Complete Blessing Fulfills Mitzvos www.parshapages.com


The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe once stated (Sefer HaSichos 5701, 142ff) that the four parts of Tanya correspond to the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch. The Previous Rebbe gives a short explanation of the connection between the revealed basic work of Chassidus and the revealed basic law book of Judaism.

‫אורח חיים‬

‫יורה דעה‬

Path of Life

Teaching Knowledge

‫ספר של בינונים‬

‫שער היחוד ואמונה‬

Established principals of everyday Chassidic life for the “normal” person

‫אבן העזר‬

In twelve chapters proposes the means that a rational person can achieve “faith”

‫חושן משפט‬

Stone of Help

Breastplate of Judgment

‫אגרת הקדש‬

‫אגרת התשובה‬ Establishes the “home” life of a Chasid


Fixing one’s attributes Matters of prayer, Tzedakah and service in the realms of Torah

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