Talat Lecture 4702: Factors Influencing The Strength Of Adhesive Joints

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TALAT Lecture 4702

Factors Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints 13 pages, 13 figures Basic Level prepared by Lutz Dorn, Technische Universität, Berlin

Objectives: − to describe the factors governing the strength of adhesive joints in order to appreciate these factors for the design of adhesively bonded joints, i.e. geometry of joint, stiffness and strength of the adjoining parts, stress distribution in the adhesive layer as well as the effects of humidity and ageing

Prerequisites: − general background in production engineering and material science − background in mechanics and polymer science

Date of Issue: 1994  EAA - European Aluminium Association

4702 Factors Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints

Table of Contents 4702 Factors Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints ........................2 4702.01 Basic Factors Governing Strength of Joints.......................................... 3 Interdependence of material and design factors.......................................................3 Loading factors ........................................................................................................3 Summary of influencing parameters ........................................................................4 4702.02 Stress Distributions in Lap Joints .......................................................... 5 Load distribution in adhesive sheet joints................................................................5 Stress distribution in a brittle and an elastic-plastic adhesive layer.........................5 Distribution of stress during peeling........................................................................6 4702.03 Effects of Geometric Parameters............................................................. 7 Influence of overlapping on adhesive joints ............................................................7 Correlation of overlap length and joining part elongation.......................................7 4702.04 Effects of Stiffness and Strength of the Joining Parts .......................... 8 Correlation between adhesive strength and joining part thickness ..........................8 Correlation between adhesive strength and strength of joint parts ..........................9 4702.05 Effects of Ageing under Stress and Humidity ....................................... 9 Behaviour of aluminium alloy 6060 - T6 under stressing........................................9 4702.06 Fatigue Behaviour of Adhesive Joints................................................... 10 Deformation behaviour of adhesive layers under repeated stress ..........................10 Correlation between fatigue strength under repeated stress and a number of cycles for different strengths of joining parts ...................................................................11 4702.07 Literature/References ............................................................................. 12 4702.08 List of Figures............................................................................................ 13

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4702.01 Basic Factors Governing Strength of Joints • • •

Interdependence of material and design factors Loading factors Summary of influencing parameters

Interdependence of material and design factors The peculiar behaviour of the strength of adhesively joint metals is a result of the fact that the joint system is not homogeneous but consists instead of a composite system in which the resulting properties are a combination of the individual properties of the parts to be joint, the adhesive layer and the interface layers (Figure 4702.01.01).

Strength of Adhesive Metal Joints Adhesive Layer

Surface Joining Materials


Adhesive Joint

Strength of Adhesive Joint

Geometric Design

Optimally Constructed Joint


Source: Habenicht alu

Factors Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints

Training in Aluminium Application Technologies


The specific properties of the adhesive joint are a result of the strengths obtained due to the geometrical and material design. The following statement can serve as a basis for assessing the behaviour of adhesive joints in metals and consequently in dimensioning and designing such joints. Loading factors The overall performance of an adhesive metal joint is characterised by the measure in which it is able to withstand loads without any appreciable change in its original strength values (Figure 4702.01.02)

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S t r e s s in g T y p e

Mechanical Stress: Shear Tension Tensile-Shear Bending (Peeling) Compression Torsion

Environmental Stress: (Aging) Complex Stress: (Both Types)

Temperature (Reaction)


Climate gen. Corrosive Climate


Time-Dependent Stress

Long-Time Short-Time

Static Reversed Repeated

Impact, High-Rate Impat

Static Dynamic

Static Source: Habenicht alu

Types of Stresses on Adhesive Joints


Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

Summary of influencing parameters The combined action of the influencing factors and their parameters are the basis for the production of an optimal adhesive joint and govern its attainable strength (Figure 4702.01.03).

Strength of Adhesively Joined Metals Adhesive Layer

Joining Material

Modulus of

Modulus of

Elasticity, EK

Elasticity, EF

Shear Modulus, G

Geometric Design

Stress Type

Overlap Length, lü


Overlap Width b


Joining Part Thickness, s


Adhesive Layer Thickness, d

Complex Mech., Phy., Chem., Time-Dependent

Tensile Strength, Rm

Poisson´s Ratio, µK

Yield Strength,


0.2 % Offset Yield


Strength, Rp0,2


Poisson´s Contraction

Source: Habenicht alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

TALAT 4702

Parameters Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints in Metals



4702.02 Stress Distributions in Lap Joints • • •

Load distribution in adhesive sheet joints Stress distribution in a brittle and an elastic-plastic adhesive layer Distribution of stress during peeling

Load distribution in adhesive sheet joints The load distribution in one-sided lap joints subjected to tensile-shear loading, depends on the stiffness of the joint parts and the deformability of the adhesive layer. The amount of the relative movement of the joint parts is a result of the deformation capacity of the adhesive layer (Figure 4702.02.01).

Stress Distribution in Adhesive Sheet Joints τα

Unloaded Joint






Loaded Rigid Joint and Shear Stress Distribution

Loaded Unrigid Joint and Normal Stress Distribution alu

Stress Distribution in Adhesive Sheet Joint


Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

Stress distribution in a brittle and an elastic-plastic adhesive layer Adhesives of the elastic-plastic type cause only low stress peaks at the overlap ends, in spite of the large relative movements of the joint parts (Figure 4702.02.02).

TALAT 4702


Stress of Adhesive Joints in Metals








F v2


v1 < v2

Stress Distribution in a Brittle (a) and an Elastic - Plastic (b) Adhesive Layer

alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies


Distribution of stress during peeling The occurrence of possible peeling stress during loading has a very major influence on the strength of adhesive joints. They occur both in tensile tests conducted on lap joints (due to eccentric loading) as well as in pure peeling tests (with extremely high stress peaks) (Figure 4702.02.03).

Stress of Adhesive Joints in Metals F X




Distribution of Stress during Peeling

Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

TALAT 4702



4702.03 Effects of Geometric Parameters • •

Influence of overlapping on adhesive joints Correlation of overlap length and joining part elongation

Influence of overlapping on adhesive joints The strength of narrow (≤ 5 mm) overlapped joints is a result of solely adhesion and cohesion forces in the adhesive layer. At overlapping lengths exceeding a certain amount and depending on the geometry and strength of the joint parts and on the deformation capacity of the adhesive layer, stress peaks, in excess of the strength of the adhesive layer, occur at the overlap ends causing the strength to fall (Figure 4702.03.01).

Strength of Adhesive Joints in Metals 80

Adhesive Strength τ B

Adhesive Strength τ B

Nmm -2 60

1 2 3

40 20



10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mm Length of Overlap lü

1 = Epoxy Dicynanoamide 2 = Phenolic Polyvinyl Formal 3 = PMMA - Neoprene / Styrene

Length of Overlap lü Influence of Overlap Length on Adhesive Strength ( schematic )

Adhesive Strength as a Function of Overlap Length in Adhesive Joints with Different Deformation Behaviours Source: Matting alu

Influence of Overlapping on Adhesive Joints


Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

Structural materials should not be subjected to stresses exceeding their proportionality limit. In practice, the limiting stress should be lower than the 0.2 % yield strength. Correlation of overlap length and joining part elongation Consequently, the optimal overlapping length, lo2, of adhesive joints is so chosen that overloading the structural to more than the limiting stress causes a rupture of the adhesive layer (Figure 4702.03.02).

TALAT 4702


Strength of Adhesive Joints in Metals τ Bmax

τ Bm

τ Bmax

τ Bm

τ Bm





l ü1


l ü2

l ü3


σ R p 0,2

l ü1

alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

l ü2

l ü3

Correlation of Overlap Length and Joining Part Elongation


4702.04 Effects of Stiffness and Strength of the Joining Parts • •

Correlation between adhesive strength and joining part thickness Correlation between adhesive strength and strength of joint parts

Correlation between adhesive strength and joining part thickness The joint part thickness increases the strength of the adhesive joint by increasing both the stiffness as well as the bending moment of the joint. An increased thickness of the joint parts also increases the adhesive joint strength (Figure 4702.04.01). Stress peaks occurring at the overlap ends are lower for thicker joint parts because the latter leads to a higher rigidity allowing the adhesive layer to accommodate a larger part of the load.

TALAT 4702


Strength of Adhesive Joints in Metals 60 Nmm -2


Adhesive Strength τ B

45 2 3 30 1 = Epoxy Dicynanoamide 2 = Phenolic Polyvinyl Formal 3 = PMMA - Neoprene / Styrene 15







Thickness of Joint, s Source: Brockmann

Correlation of Adhesive Strength and Joint Thickness

alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies


Correlation between adhesive strength and strength of joint parts These remarks apply in a similar manner to the strength of the joint components (Figure 4702.04.02).

Strength of Adhesive Metal Joints Examples for One-Sided Overlap Joints in Different Aluminium Alloys 40

Adhesive Joint Strength TB


AlCuMg2 31

30 AlMg3 23

20 s = 10 mm

Al 12

lÜ = 7.0 mm










400 [Nmm-2] 500

Tensile Strength Rm Source: Krekeler, Litz alu Training in Aluminium App lication Technologies

Correlation Between Adhesive Strength and Joining Parts Strength; Examples


4702.05 Effects of Ageing under Stress and Humidity •

Behaviour of aluminium alloy 6060 - T6 under stressing

Behaviour of aluminium alloy 6060 - T6 under stressing The strength of an adhesive joint depends on the thermal and mechanical stress as well as on the humidity of the environment.

TALAT 4702


The combined occurrence of both types of stresses is especially harmful (Figure 4702.05.01).

Strength of Adhesive Metal Joints a)

b) 28 Phenolic Resins, warm hardening

14,0 Nmm -2 10,5

21 14 Epoxy Resins, cold hardening

Stress σ

Adhesive Joint Strengtht τ B

Nmm -2


7 0

Phenolic Resins, warm hardening


Epoxy Resins, cold hardening 100

500 300 Stressing Time

700 days


Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy 6060 - T6 under Stressing: a) 52° C, 100 % rel. Humidity, without Mechanical Stressing

10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 min 7 days 70 Time to Failure of Joint

b) 52° C, 100 % rel. Humidity, with Mechanical Stressing Source: Minford alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy 6060 - T6 under Stressing


4702.06 Fatigue Behaviour of Adhesive Joints • •

Deformation behaviour of adhesive layers under repeated stress Correlation between fatigue strength under repeated stress and a number of cycles for different strengths of joining parts

Deformation behaviour of adhesive layers under repeated stress Adhesive joints with sufficient deformation capacity have a longer operational life than those with lower deformability. Fatigue strength increases with the static strength of the adhesive. At 107 cycles, the fatigue strength is equal to about 14 % of the static short-time strength (Figure 4702.06.01).

TALAT 4702


Strength of Adhesive Metal Joints 18 Nmm-2 14


1 = Epoxy - Nylon 2 = Epoxy - Polyaminoamide 3 = Phenolic - Polyvinyl Formal

Maximum Stress


12 2 10 9 3 8



!B = 50 Nmm-2 ! 2 - B = 43.4 Nmm-2 3 - !B = 37.4 Nmm-2 1-

6 5 104



6.1 5.7

5 106 Number of Cycles

5 N




Source: Matting, Draugelates

Deformation Behaviour of Adhesive Layers under Repeated Stress

alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies


Correlation between fatigue strength under repeated stress and a number of cycles for different strengths of joining parts High-strength materials, adhesively joint, attain higher life-cycles under dynamic loading due to the slight deformation of the adhesive layer. This means that the stress peaks are lower and the load distribution is more favourable (Figure 4702.06.02).

Strength of Adhesive Metal Joints 15

Repeated Stress Tschw


Adhesive: Epoxid - Phenol

10 X 10 CrNiNb 18 9

AlCuMg 2 pl 5

0 103






Number of Cycles N

Source: Althof

alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

TALAT 4702

Correlation Between Fatigue Strength and Number of Cycles for Different Strength of Joining Parts



4702.07 Literature/References 1. Habenicht, G.: Kleben. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1990. 2. Crocombe, A.D. and Adams, R.D.: Influence of the spew fillet and other parameters on the stress distribution in the single lap joint. J.of Adhesion 13 (1981), pp. 141-155 3. Dorn, L. and Liu, W.: The stress state and failure properties of adhesive-bonded plastics/metal joints. Int. J. Adhesion and Adhesives Vol. 13 (1993), No.1, pp. 21-31 4. Adams, R.D. , Coppendale, V., Mallick, Al-Hamdan, H.: The effect of temperature on the strength of adhesive joints. Int. J. Adhesion and Adhesives Vol. 12 (1992), No.3, pp.185-190 5. Bigwood, D.A. and A.D. Crocombe: Non-linear adhesive bonded joint design analyses. Int. J. Adhesion and Adhesives Vol. 10 (1990), No.1, pp. 31-41 6. Minford, J.D.: Adhesives. In: Durability of Structural Adhesives, Applied Science Publishers, New York and London 1983, pp. 135-214 7. Matting, A. und Draugelates, U.: Die Schwingfestigkeit von Metallklebverbindungen. Adhäsion 12 (1968), H. 1, S. 5-22; H. 3, S. 110-134, H. 4, S. 161-176. 8. Eichhorn, F. und Stockhausen, G.: Langzeit- und Alterungsverhalten hochwertiger Schmelzklebverbindungen von Metallen. AIF-Abschlußbericht Nr. 5234, Aachen 1984. 9. Hahn, O. und Wender, B.: Beanspruchungsanalyse von geometrisch und werkstoffmechanisch „unsymmetrischen“ Metallklebverbindungen mit der FiniteElemente-Methode. Forschungsbericht des Landes NRW, Nr. 3187. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1984. 10. Brockmann, W.: Grundlagen und Stand der Metallklebtechnik. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1971. 11. Matz, C.: Klärung der adhäsiven Bindungsmechanismen von strukturellen Aluminium-Klebverbindungen. Forschungsbericht (LFF 8350 6) des BMFT, 1985 12. Brockmann, W., Hennemann, O.-D., Kollek, H. und Matz, C.: Adhäsion in Aluminiumklebungen des Flugzeugbaus. Adhäsion 30 (1986) H. 7/8, S. 31-38; H. 9, S. 24-35; H.10, S. 20-35. 13. Althof, W.: Festigkeit von Metallklebverbindungen Beanspruchung. DFBO-Mitt. 19 (1968) 5, S. 48-51.

TALAT 4702




4702.08 List of Figures

Figure No.

Figure Title (Overhead)

4702.01.01 4702.01.02 4702.01.03

Factors Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints Types of Stresses on Adhesive Joints Parameters Influencing the Strength of Adhesive Joints in Metals

4702.02.01 4702.02.02 4702.02.03

Stress Distribution in Adhesive Sheet Joints Stress Distribution in a Brittle (a) and an Elastic-Plastic (b) Adhesive Layer Chemical Reacting Adhesives

4702.03.01 4702.03.02

Influence of Overlapping on Adhesive Joints Correlation of Overlap Length and Joining Part Elongation

4702.04.01 4702.04.02

Correlation of Adhesive Strength and Joint Part Thickness Correlation between Adhesive Strength and Joining Parts Strength; Examples


Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy 6060 - T6 under Stressing

4702.06.01 4702.06.02

Deformation Behaviour of Adhesive Layers under Repeated Stress Correlation Between Fatigue Strength and Number of Cycles for Different Strengths of Joining Parts

TALAT 4702


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