Syndicate (convention: Mage The Ascension)

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  • Pages: 6
The Technocracy Within: The Thirteenth Hour Crossover ~*~ The

Syndicate ~*~

“It takes Money to make Money.” The Syndicate began its path among the Order of Reason as the “High Guild” knew that money is what drives not only progress and invention but all of society. They were reformed from the Invisible Exchequer during the first reformation and eventually evolved into the Syndicate during the final evolution of the Technocratic Order. Though the name has changed through time, their mission remains the same: “Pecunia on

potentia”; Money is Power. Early in their history, the Syndicate realized the future of power lay not in heredity, political power, or knowledge, but in the control of capital. Where others worked to discover and create new things, the Syndicate worked to control the means of production. Thus, they reap the profits of others work. The Syndicate has fingers all over the business world, in both legal and illegal activities. Unfortunately, the Syndicate has lost sight of reality, putting profit above all else, including morality and even common sense. Younger Syndicate mages pursue more and more rapid returns on their investments, sacrificing long term productivity. The theorems of the Syndicate have existed throughout time, in one form or another. During the neo-lithic era, tribal communities and fishing villages recognized power and wealth by what someone had; either in trading shells, beads, feathers right on down to the swipe of a credit card in today’s market, the more you have: the more you are. As trade routes improved, global markets established themselves into universal currency and the worth of an object or good. The Syndicate developed, as the High Guild, the value of an object, or the cultural worth of possessing said object. There was occasional conflict between the High Guild and the other Tradition magus, who wanted to inspire spirituality and a primitive agricultural economy; whose fundamental beliefs often clashed. To a god-fearing man, having nothing earned him a place in heaven; monks were lead to lives without possession and in service. The result for the Sleepers was a low quality of life, spiritual dissatisfaction, starvation and a weariness of strangers. It the glory of Rome that founded another, ‘Materialistic Path’.

Material Gratification is something that can be comprehended even by the simple mind: the more you make, the more you have, the better your life is. Period. The act of gaining material gratification equates to spiritual satisfaction; the more you have, the better a quality of your life is; the better you can provide for your family. The connection between spiritual contentedness and materialistic gratification is equitable. When you ‘have’ you tend to be happier; you don’t look for someone ‘else’ to blame for your problems… and when you can find on one else to take the blame for your problems, it suddenly becomes the problem of a spiritual force, or ‘those that have’ (IE The High Guilds / Nobles) because the ‘have nots’ don’t have. The Syndicate incorporated a prime-flow into the world that and reinforced the materialistic paradigm. Of course, there was a battle with the churches, which ultimately led the Syndicate to align themselves with the Technocracy. Most merchant houses (Medici in Florence and Fugger in Antwerp) were High Guild or Syndicate controlled, along with many of the merchants that followed their large steps. As Kings of Men gained in power and status, they were able to further gain trust and respect in order to make coins out of precious metals that were generally accepted by merchants, providing yet more control over a global economy. This enabled the vision of a banking system that would spread world-wide, and a stronghold in Zurich that not even the Traditions could breach. Throughout the Renaissance, Mankind would covet coin instead of God, as they were continuously rewarded for their devotion to their trades; never once was a man rewarded for baptizing their child, or for donating their time to feeding the sick, or the poor. Rewards were a system established in economics and game theory/design, to exert yet more control. The 18th century was prime for the foundation of Economics and global syndication. Founder Adam Smith aimed to make a predictable, quantifiable, economy that could be easily understood. As Economics is a predictable science, there is great power as one man can decide what is profitable, or what is not; if something is not profitable there is no use in having it. The Market has become the sole standard of which everything is measured with, and the Syndicate is then able to decide a course of action for Mankind and their eventual Ascension. Unlike other Technocratic Conventions, the Syndicate feels that a certain amount of randomness in the paradigm is essential. Only through competition can individual achieve their true potential. People will only give their finest when they are rewarded for their work. This attitude has put them in increasing conflict with the NWO over the years. Many Syndicate mages feel the NWO has outlived its usefulness, and should step aside to allow new and vigorous leadership. The NWO, of course, has a different opinion. The recent failure of Communism is seen to be a move on the part of the Syndicate against the NWO. Philosophy: "Only the market can bring Technology into the home. Through observation of the market, we can see what the masses need and demand. The competition of the market brings vigor to the lives of the masses, and gives a safe outlet to the strife without which life has no meaning. The market provides a simple measure of power the masses can understand: money. Whether the rest of the Technocracy acknowledges it or not, the market now controls the world. Ignore it at your peril." Organization: Because of their attitudes towards competition, the Syndicate encourages a great deal of autonomy in its members. A certain among of scheming and back-door dealing is admired. The Syndicate plays for keeps though, and a young mage who crosses the line can have his career cut short. There are rumors of a central board overseeing the entire Convention, but what its purpose may be no one knows.

The Economists: “In the long run, we’re all dead.” J.M. Keynes: The Economists are primarily concerned with the construction of new economic models and game theory / matrix design for world markets. By controlling and adapting these models, the Syndicate is able to command the economy. The Syndicate can, alone, decided if our activities are profitable or not, and they can use this against those who are opposed. The stryive to make every endeavor of mankind quantifiable by economic standards in order to make profit the sole measure of success. Economics are powerful, but its effects are not clearly visible since it deals with the distribution on quintessence in the economic patterns. When the pattern is fuelled the effects on world economy are felt world-wide. The Economists are found in any aspect of business that involves investment, universities, business schools, and most banking institutions or “reserves”. The Businessmen: “The Market Demands It” – Swedish Broker on the crisis of 92: Our business flow is primarily concerned with controlling and supervising the flow of quintessence in the economic patterns that the Economists create with their theories. We control the stock markets of the world and all the major corporations. Our major task is to make the Sleepers understand that only Material Gratification is desirable and that they should live only to the Satisfaction of working. TO work gives them a sense of belonging and a meaning to their existences and thus they re-enforce our view of reality and believe me, it is easy to make people appreciate materialism since it is easy, quick and understandable. The Mobsters: “I don’t see anything. I didn’t see anything. I didn’t hear anything. I wasn’t there. And even if I was, I was sleeping.” – F.L. Asa, to a Sicilian policeman: The Mobsters are involved in providing goods and services that do not directly lead to Ascension, but are still demanded by the Sleepers and someone must meet the demand. They have enormous profit margins, and the clientele is only increasing; from the sale of drugs, guns, or any illicit seeming service that may be needed. Additionally, they cover up the quintessence leaks in the system. Meetings: The Syndicate mages, despite their independence, love to meet frequently, usually in their boardrooms or over "power lunches". These meeting range from simple displays of wealth and power to secret negotiations against a common enemy. Initiation: The Syndicate recruits from business schools and already successful businessmen. Because legality is not a major concern, they also recruit from successful and wealthy criminal overlords as well. Chantry: The Syndicate has powerful chantries in New York, Tokyo and Switzerland, but is to diverse to have a primary chantry. Acolytes: Accountants, Economists, Criminals, Stock Brokers Sphere: The Syndicate is the only Convention with a well developed understanding of the sphere of Prime. They have developed a powerful means of regulating the flow of Quintessence through the use of money. By directing capital toward or away from different ventures, the Syndicate can control their success or failure in reality.

Foci: Correspondence: Phone, Time: Wristwatch, Prime/Matter/Life: Money, Entropy/Forces: Calculator



Concepts: CEO, Business Tycoon, Crime-lord Iteration-X: "These guys give us the best things to sell, but they have no sense of presentation. Nearly everything they invent would never make it into the paradigm without our advertising." New World Order: "Out-dated bureaucrats. They need to step aside for some people with real drive." Progenitors: "We welcome their help in the drug markets, so longs as they remember that distribution and marketing is 99% of the work." Void Engineers: "These poor sods don't seem to realize that unless is space is profitable, the sleepers will never go for it." ~*~ The

Paradigm ~*~

The Market. The Market encompasses everything, even things others regard as outside economics. The laws of nature are built upon the transactions between different forces and the flows of capital (energy) between processes. Everything that exists exists because it is economical in some sense for it to do, and anything which is not efficient enough will sooner or later be out-competed from reality. In this way the Market stabilises itself and moves towards perfection. It is our duty to guide the economic forces to avoid sudden changes or undesirable developments, eventually to move the economy towards optimality. ~*~ Magick ~*~ Business. By understanding the rules of the Market and with a keen feeling of its behaviour, it is possible for us to use it for our own (and others) profit, or to subtly manipulate it to become more optimal. The rules are fairly loose, but they can be very unforgiving if you mess things up. In general the Market works best when nobody interferes at all, but sometimes changes may be necessary. ~*~ Spheres ~*~ •

Correspondence: Transport and Communications. The Market ties everything together, and wherever there is a profit to be made people will get there regardless of where it is. The stronger the economy, the closer things are brought together. Entropy: Fluctuations. It is an unfortunate fact that the Market currently isnpt totally stable, and often fluctuate in unpredictable manners. At the same time its a great way to make profits. By understanding the subtle patterns underlying market-fluctuations, a shrewd businessman can exploit them to his purposes.

Forces: Power. Energy is required to produce goods, to transport them and to use them. This makes it a most valuable resource, which can be sold at high prices to those loyal to you and withheld from your enemies. Life: Health. The Market naturally influences the health of all living beings. They can become stressed or calmed in response to its movements, it can nourish them or starve them, and its effects can both kill them and give them life. Just like everything else living organisms are miniature markets, where different organs supply and consume various chemicals, sometimes in competition, sometimes co-operatively. By applying your knowledge of the laws of the Market, this internal market can easily be altered. Matter: Goods . Goods are produced and sold, and this drives much of the Market. If there is a market for a commodity, then it will surely come into existence. Almost anything can appear if the Market demands it. On the other hand, if the demands change the goods have to change too, or be out-competed. Mind: Manipulation. It is of vital importance for the businessman to learn how to read the behaviour of others, and how to manipulate them if it is needed. The first step is of course to learn how to control yourself, never revealing your inner thoughts and weaknesses. Later you may learn how to manipulate others through body language, speech, subliminals and advertising. Prime: Economy. Economy is the study of the Market and the application of this knowledge. By understanding the Market we can understand practically all of existence, and by controlling it we can control everything. Although the movements of money are the most visible form of the Market, there are many other aspects which we seek to include in the economic system. Spirit: The Ghost in the Machine. Although most are loath to admit it, even stockbrokers are a bit superstitious. The movements of the Market sometimes exhibit surprisingly complex and flexible behaviors, almost like living beings. These patterns can be controlled, analysed or eliminated by applying correct business procedures against them. Time: Speed and Statistics. Time is literally money. All truly successful businessmen have been quick to act and good at foreseeing future events. To achieve this we use statistics to find the patterns in past events and extrapolate future trends. We also study means to work faster and more efficient and to speed up (or slow down) the changes on the Market. ~*~ Arete ~*~

Business Sense. To fully be able to understand the Market, one has to have an intuitive business acumen. Successful businessmen all seem to know almost directly what the Market will do in a certain situation, and can manipulate it at will. The most successful are so close to it that they always acts in the best way possible, and skilfully avoid any imperfections. ~*~ Avatar ~*~ The Invisible Hand. Just like the Market balances and guides itself towards optimality, all people also moves towards perfection. This phenomenon, usually called the Invisible Hand, can be more or less effective depending on various factors like market interference, intuition and person. ~*~ Quintessence ~*~ Capital. Everything that exists must have capital to exist, and most processes require a steady inflow to survive. It is naturally vitally important for us to keep track of these flows to keep the market stable, and

through them we can control everything else if needed. Surplus capital should naturally be invested in profitable ventures. ~*~ Paradox ~*~ Market Imperfections. When someone interferes with the workings of the Market, this can result in Market Imperfections, where the normal rules break down. Such instabilities breed insecurity and confusion, and are usually destructive. ~*~ Mage-specific • • •

Backgrounds ~*~

Arcane: Untraceability. Information is power, and the less information anybody has about you and your investments, the less power they have over you or your transactions. Destiny: Trainee Promise. There are some trainees who rise meteorically towards the top, overcoming all hinders and challenges. Others just plod along with no hope for advancement. Dream: Information. To be able to work efficiently, many people in the business have assistants, staff or information networks providing them with relevant information and advice. In fact, many are so well-informed that they seem to know virtually anything.

Node: Income. There are many sources of Capital, but some income sources seems to produce much more than others. These should of course be carefully managed, and it is best to make sure the source grows by investing in it.

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