Synch Rot Ron Radiation

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 26
Synchrotron Radiation By: Mahmoud M. Aladdasi Generation & Interaction of EM Radiation Dr. IYAD I. Al-QASIR 1

Index • Types of Accelerators: – Linear – Cyclotron – Synchrotron • Synchrotron radiation – Creation – Properties • The synchrotron facility • Applications • SESAME


Types of Accelerators • Types of accelerators – Linear Accelerators – Cyclotrons – Synchrotrons


Linear Accelerators • •

The linear accelerator LINAC is the simplest type of accelerator. It is a long line of coils (or drift tubes) which charged particles are accelerated through. • However, there are two types of linear accelerator, one type of accelerator is the standing-wave linear accelerator; particles travel along a cylindrical vacuum tank through a series of drift tubes, separated by gaps. As the particles cross the gaps, electromagnetic waves, called standing waves, accelerate them. (Or, more simply put, as the particle passes through the drift tube, the current through it is swapped. If the current was kept it would pull the particle back towards the tube when it leaves. Changing the current repels the particle from the end of the tube.) The waves provide an electric field that speeds up the particles by acting on their electric charges. -- This type of accelerator can only manage to accelerate particles to 200 MeV. • Physicists mainly use them as a primary accelerator that feeds into a synchrotron. In industry and medicine they are used as powerful X-ray machines. 4

Linear Accelerators •

The other type of linear accelerator is the traveling-wave linear accelerator. This speeds particles through a single long pipe by an electromagnetic wave that travels with the particle. This high-frequency wave is called a traveling wave. As long as the wave speed matches the particles' speed, the particles will continue to gain energy. This type of accelerator can accelerate particles to 30 GeV, this is the Stanford Linear Collider, the longest accelerator in the world at 3.2km. The SLC is used to smash electrons and positrons into each other at 50 GeV to create uncharged weak bosons (the particle for the nuclear weak force).


Cyclotrons • • • •

The more advanced type of particle accelerator is the cyclotron. The idea behind these accelerators relies on the understanding of the effects of fields on charged particles. A cyclotron is made of two magnets and two D-shaped electrodes, which is called 'Dees'. The particles are forced into a circular path by the magnetic field; the electrodes are supplied with an alternating current that attracts and repels the particle, thus accelerating the particle. This type of accelerator is much easier to make than a few miles of linear accelerator.


Synchrotrons • Large ring accelerators where the particles move in an evacuated tube at constant radius, accelerated by radio frequency applications with synchronous magnetic field increases to maintain the constant radius. • The world's largest electron synchrotron is the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) at CERN. It has a radius of about 4 km. • The largest proton synchrotrons are the Main Ring (500 GeV) and Tevatron (1 TeV) at Fermilab and the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS, 450 GeV) at CERN. 7







What is Synchrotron Radiation? •

Synchrotron Radiation is electromagnetic radiation, similar to cyclotron radiation, but generated by the acceleration of ultrarelativistic (i.e., moving near the speed of light) charged particles through magnetic fields. Synchrotron light, which can be more intense than sunlight, is generated by bending electrons at very high speeds using powerful magnets.

Accidentally discovered in an electron synchrotron of the General Electric Company, USA, in 1947

Synchrotron light from the 70-MeV electron synchrotron at GE


Synchrotron Radiation • Synchrotron Light Sources produce high intensity beams of Xrays and ultraviolet radiation and can be used for research purposes.


Synchrotron Radiation Properties • Continuous spectrum – Infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and X-rays


Synchrotron Radiation Properties Why is wavelength important? – To achieve the required resolution, a wavelength of similar or smaller magnitude is needed


Nearby Facilities • About 50 major facilities worldwide – 7 in Germany • HASYLAB in Hamburg, – 2 in Sweden • MAX-lab in Lund, – 1 in Denmark • Astrid in Århus,


The Synchrotron Facility


The Synchrotron Facility • Injector – Electron gun – Linear accelerator (LINAC) – Booster ring • Storage ring • Beam line • Experimental end station


-- Injector • Electron Gun • Linear accelerator (LINAC) – High energy microwaves and radio waves • Stream chopped up in pulses • Electrons catch speed • Booster ring – Magnetic fields – Circular movement – Radio waves add speed – Electrons accelerated to 99.9999% of the speed of light


-- Storage Ring • Recycling – Series of magnets steer the electrons along circular arcs – Ultra-high-vacuum • Synchrotron radiation is continuously emitted tangentially from the arcs


--- Insertion Devices •

Periodic arrangements of magnets forcing the electrons on a sinusoidal trajectory • Create more intense radiation


-- Beam Lines • Optical components – Focused synchrotron radiation – Monochromator – Desired energy


-- End Stations • Experiments – Good signal to noise ratio, high resolution, fast data acquisition – Analysis of electrons, photons, and other particles emitted when synchrotron radiation strikes the sample – Data used to deduce

• • • •

Chemistry Molecular structure Electronic structure Magnetic properties


Synchrotrons Applications • The synchrotron light can be used to view many different materials, including living organisms like plants, animal tissue, and human tissue, at the cellular level with a greater clarity than other techniques. • Synchrotron light can be used to determine the structure of proteins to help understand how they function within plants. • Protein crystallography is a technique that uses synchrotron x-ray light to determine the three-dimensional structure of protein crystals.


Examples of Energy Ranges


Glimpse on SESAME Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East

• The Middle East's first major international research center • It was built in Jordan in Allan (25 km from Amman) • The dimensions of the building are (60mx60m), where the circumference of the storage ring is 110m, the energy of the storage ring is 2 GeV. • With a 14 member countries from the regions: (Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Jews, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, and UAE ) 25

References & Sources References • Soft X-Rays & Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation. {David Attwood} • Synchrotron Radiation Techniques & Applications {C. Kunz} • Handbook of Accelerator Physics & Engineering. {Alexander Wu Chao & Maury Tigner} Sources • • • • History of synchrotrons: –


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