Syllabus Vii Sem

  • November 2019
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VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) EE-701


No. of questions to be set:10 (2 from each Unit) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (1 from each Unit) Unit-I Philosophy and Development of Management thought: Concept and Definition of Management, Functions and Role of Management, Social Responsibilities of Management. Pioneers in Management, Taylor's Scientific Management, contribution Henri Fayol, Gilberth, Mayo. School of Management thought: Human behavior, Social system, Systems approach, management Process School. Unit -II Process of Management: Functions of Management. Planning: Nature and Purpose of Planning Objectives, Different types of Plans, steps in Planning, schedule planning, Product Planning. strategic planning, Long medium and Short term planning, Decision making, Project planning, Management by objectives (MBO). Organizing: Principles of Organizing, steps ill organizing, organizational structure, levels and span of management, departmentation, span of control, formal and informal organization, decentralization, committee, line and staff functions, responsibility and accountability, delegation of authority. Staffing: Manpower planning and recruitment, Selection process, Training and development, Performance appraisals. Leading: Models and style of Leadership, Managerial grid, Motivation, Interpersonal relations, Personality, Communication- process, types, barners, effective communication. Controlling: Concept, Nature and purpose. process, methods and practice of control, role of internal audit. Unit –III Quantitative techniques in Managerial decisions: Concept of productivity, Measuring Productivity, concept of budget, effective budgetary control, time- event network analysis ABC analysis, Break-even analysis, Use of information technology. Introduction to linear programming, Decision tables. Unit-IV Production Management: Types of production, types of planning, manufacturing planning, factory planning, production planning- scheduling, work study, method study, systems of wage payments, bonus. Automation, organization of production, planning and control department.

Unit -V Materials Management: Practices of purchasing and materials management, quality, quality standard and inspection, sources of supply, pricing principles and practices, inventory management. ABC analysis, EOO Model, Value analysis and engineering. TEXTBOOKS 1. H.Koontz and H.Weihrich - Management - McFraw Hill, 1989. 2. Buffa- Modern Productionfop.9ration Management -Wiley, 1981. 3. Dobler W.O. - Purchasing & Materials Management - TMHC, New Delhi, 1984.

VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) EE-706


Note: Data acquisition exercises are to be done using C/C++ language. Power systems and control systems exercises are to be done using MATLAB student version 3.5 or above. 1. Data Acquisition applications using IBM PC add on cards (ADC.. DAC, Digital 1/0) (3 Experiments) 2.Control System Problem solvingUsing MATLAB (3 Experiments) Time and frequency domain responses. Transformations Block diagram reduction Stability analysis time & frequency domain Design of controllers 3.Power System Problem Solving Using MATLAB (3 Experiments) Load flow analysis Stability analysis Fault analysis. 4. Study of PLC and its application

REFERENCES 1. The Math Works Inc - Student Edition of M!'\TLAB -PH, 1992. 2. Hadi Saadat - Computational ads in Control Systems using Matlab - MGH, 1993. 3. K.Ogata, control Engineering problem solving using Matlab- PH, 1993.

VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E)

EE-704 E

4 Hrs/Week FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL (Elective)

No. of questions to be set: 8 (3 from Unit-I, 3 from Unit-II & 2 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (2 from Unit-I, Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) UNIT - I The mathematics of fuzzy control: Fuzzy sets, Properties of fuzzy sets, Operations on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations, the extension principle. Theory of approximate reasoning: Lingnistiz variables, Fuzzy propositions, Fuzzy IFthen statements, Inference rules, Compositional rule of inference. UNIT - II Fuzzy knowledge based controller (FKBC): Basic concept, structure of FKBC, Fuzzy fiction, rule base, inference ingenue, defuzzification, Tuning of FKBC, Choice of membership functions, scaling factors, rules, Fuzzification and Defuzzfication procedures. Simple application of FKBC (Washing machine, Traffic regulation, Lift control, etc) Non linear Fuzzy control: FKBC as a non linear transfer element, PID like FKBC, Sliding mode FKBC, Surgeon FKBC. UNIT - III Adaptive Fuzzy Control: Process performance monitoring, adapt ion mechanisms, membership function tuning using gradient descent and performance criteria, Self organizing controller, Model based controller.


D.Driankov, H.Hellendoorn & M.Reinfrank - An Introduction to Fuzzy Control – Narosa Publishers India, 1996. G.J..Klir & T.A.Folger - Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainity and Information - PHI (EEE)1995.

REFERENCES 1. 1994 2. 3.

R.R.Yaser & D.P Filev - Essentials of Fuzzy Modelling & Control - John Weiley, W.Pedryz - Fuzzy Control & Fuzzy Systems - John Wiley,1993 B.Kosko - Neutral Networks and Fuzzy Systems - PHI (EEE) 1992.

VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) EE-703


No. of questions to be set: 8 (3 from unit-I, 3 from unit-II & 2 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (2 from Unit-I, Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) UNIT - I Types of System Transients: Surge phenomena, Travelling waves open ended line, short circuited line, line terminated through resistance, line connected to a cable. Reflection and refraction at T-junction, line terminated through capacitance, Capacitance junction at T. Attenuation and distortion of traveling waves, Determination of system voltages produced by traveling waves. Bewley's lattice diagram, Insulation Coordination and Over voltage protection: Generation of over voltages on transmission lines, Volt time curve, BIL, Insulation coordination. Protection of transmission lines against over voltages, Surge diverters. UNIT - II Circuit Breakers: Arc Phenomenon - Arc Interruption theories - Recovery and restriking voltages. Bulk oil circuit breaker - Arc controlled devices - MOCB ACB - ABCB - SF6 CB, Vacuum CB and DC circuit breakers, Circuit breaker ratings, testing, Maintenance, Operating mechanism, Auto reclosure, Selection of circuit breakers. UNIT - III Fuses and switches: Rewirable fuses - HRC fuses - Isolators and Earthing switches. Selection of fuses, Grading for over current protection. Switchgears: Low voltage and high voltage metal clad switchgears - Vacuum and SF6 filled switchgears - Indoor and outdoor switchgears. Neutral grounding: Effectively grounded and ungrounded systems - Resonant grounding Methods of neutral grounding.


S. S. Rao - Switchgear and Protection - Khanna Publication, 1990 I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari _ Power System Engineering, TMH, 1994


C. L. Wadhwa - Electrical Power Systems (Ed. 2) – Wiley Eastern, 1993 Ravindranath and Chander - Power System Protection and Switchgear - Wiley Eastern, 1994.

VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E)



No. of questions to be set: 8 (3 from Unit-I, 3 from Unit-II & 2 from Unit-III) No. of questions to be answered: 5 (2 from Unit-I, Unit-II & 1 from Unit-III) UNIT - I Functions of protective relaying, Fundamental characteristics of relays, Standard definition of relay terminologies, Relay classifications, operating principles of single and double actuating quantity type electromechanical relays. Directional relay, reverse power relay. Differential protection schemes for Bus bars, Transformer and Alternator. Back-up protection scheme, Frame leakage protection for Bus bars and transformers. Buchholtz relay for Transformer protection. UNIT-II Alternator protection: Negative phase sequence relay, Loss of field protection, Reverse power protection. Line protection: Tine graded over current relay scheme for line protection of parallel feeders. Various types of Distance relays, effects of are resistance on the performance of distance relays, Distance protection schemes, Zone units connection scheme, Translate relaying, Carrier current relaying. Induction Motor Protection: Abnormal operating conditions, Contactors and circuit breakers for motors, Under voltage protection, phase and Earth fault protection, Overload protection, Unbalanced voltage protection, Single phasing presenter, Phase reversal protection. UNIT-III Solid state relays: Phase and amplitude comparators, Duality between phase and amplitude comparators, general equation for comparators, realization of directional, ohm, reactance, impedance and mho characteristics using general characteristic equation. Qualitative concepts of switched and non-switched scheme of static distance relays. Computer aided relaying: Introduction to microcomputer based relays, general functional diagram of micro computer based relays. Advantages over conventional relaying techniques. Relay testing: Relay test benches.

TEXTBOOKS 1. S. S. Rao - Switchgear and Protection - Khanna Publishers, N.Delhi, 1990. 2. T.S.Madhava Rao - Power System Protection - TMH, 1979 REFERENCES 1. Mason - The Art and Science of Protective relaying – Wiley Eastern publications, N.Delhi, 1992. 2. Badriram and D._.Vishwakarma - Power System Protection and Switchgear - TMH, 1995 3. Warrington A.R. and Van C - Protective Relays - Their Theory and Practice Vol.I & II - Chappman and Hall, London, 1969. 4. Ravindranath B. and Chander.M - Power System Protection and Switchgear - Wiley Eastern, 1994. 5. D. Jones - Analysis and Protection of Electric Power System Pitman, 1971. 6. Arun G.Phadke and S. H. Horowitz - Power System Relaying (Ed.2) - John Wiley, 1995.

Advanced Microprocessor (ELECTIVE) VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) 4 Hrs./week Eight question to be set & five questions to be answered. Internal architecture of 8086 CPU, instruction sets and programming, assembly language programming on IBM PC, ROM bios and DOS utilities. 8086 basic system concepts, signals, instruction queue, MIN mode and MAX mode, bus cycle, memory interface, read and write bus cycles, timing parameters. Input/Output interface of 8086, I/O data transfer, I/O bus cycle. Interrupt interface of 8086, types of interrupts, interrupts processing. DMA transfer, interfacing and refreshing DRAM, 8086 based multiprocessing system, 8087 math coprocessor. Typical 8086 based system configuration, keyboard interface, CRT controller, floppy disk controller. Introduction to higher bit processors, 80286, 80386,80486, Pentium. Microcontrollers: 8051, 80196, architecture, instruction set, programming, system development using microcontrollers.

TEXTBOOKS 1. Advanced Microprocessor and peripherals, architecture, programming and interfacing, Ajoy Kumar Ray & Kishor M. Bhurchandi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited. 2. Advanced Microprocessor, Y. Rajasree, New Age International Publishers.

Digital Signal Processing (ELECTIVE) VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) 4Hrs./week Eight questions to be set & any five to be answered.

Introduction to signal processing, Review of Laplace transform, Z transform, fourier transform. Discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, Algorithms and complexity. Introduction to linear Optimal filtering. Digital filters, IIR filters design Introduction to DSP hardware Application of DSP in control system and instrumentation.

TEXTBOOK 1. Digital signal Processing, S.K. Mitra

Wireless Communication (Elective) VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E) 4 Hrs./week Eight questions to be set and 5 questions to be answered Introduction to wireless communication. Building blocks of a wireless communication system. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves in conductors and dielectrics. Advanced theorems that govern propagation. Transmission line theory. Quarter wave transformers. Smith chart. Lossy transmission lines. Theory of wave guides. Rectangular and circular waveguides. Microstrips and striplines. Microwave network analysis. Scattering parameters. Introduction to antennas. Fundamentals parameters. Beam-width, directivity, gain. Monopole antennas. TEXTBOOK 1. Ed.

Mischa Schwartz: Information, Transmission, Modulation & Wire, Int. Student

Embedded Systems (Elective) VII Semester B.Tech.(E&E)

4 Hrs./week Eight question to be set and any five to be answered.

General Embedded System, basic components: Different hardwires for embedded system, Allocation of memory, RAM Devices for Embedded system, Serial Devices and communication, Different buses for intercommunication and networking, Different data structures and dataset. Device Drivers and Interrupts Servicing, Virtual Devices. Networking and DSP Concepts: Different types networking, OSI, TCP,ISDN. Basic operations of DSP, LIT Discrete time system, Discrete time Fourier transform, Basic architecture of a Digital Signal Processor. 80196, PIC16X/7X Microcontroller: Features, CPU,ALU details, FSR, Status Registers, PC Latch, Pins, Reset, ROR,BOR, Memory organization, OPTION, INTCON, Instructions, Ports, interrupts and communication devices, Addressing modes and Programming. Embedded Software: Real time operating System, Program elements, Embedded Programming using C/C++ simulator, Built-in Process, system design.

2. TEXTBOOKS T1. Raj kamal- Embedded Systems – Tata McGraw-Hill,2004 T2. Ajay V. Deshmukh-Microcontrollers- (Thery & Applications)- Tata McGraw-Hill Companies T3. Sanjit K. Mitra-Digital Signal Processing- Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 2001 3. REFERENCES R1. Raj Kamal – Microcontrollers-Person R2. Todd D. Morton- Embedded Microcontrollers - Low Price Edition R3. Jhon B. Peatman – Design with PIC Microcontrollers – Low Price Edition

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