Syllabus -vi Sem

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6th Semester E & C Engineering (Detailed Syllabus)

with unknown phase in noise, estimation: concept and criteria, maximum likelihood estimation. 06 Hrs.

06EC-61 : Digital Communication PART A Unit1: Introduction: Review of basics of probability ,spectrum of elementary signals convolution ,Signals and their sources, basic signal processing operations in digital communication. Sampling Principles: Sampling Theorem, quadrature sampling of Band pass signal, reconstruction of a message from its samples, signal distortion in sampling. 07 Hrs Unit2: Practical aspects of sampling and signal recovery. PAM, TDM. Waveform Coding Techniques, PCM, Channel noise and error probability. quantization noise and SNR, robust quantization. 07 Hrs Unit3: DPCM, DM, coding speech at low bit rates, applications. Base-Band Shaping for Data Transmission, Discrete PAM signals, power spectra of discrete PAM signals. 06 Hrs Unit4: ISI, Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less base-band binary transmission, correlative coding , eye pattern, base-band M-ary PAM systems, adaptivc equalization for data transmission. 06 Hrs. PART –B Unit 5 Digital Modulation Techniques: Digital Modulation formats, Coherent binary modulation techniques, Coherent quadrature modulation techniques. Non-coherent binary modulation techniques, Comparison of Binary and Quarternary Modulation techniques. MAry Modulation Techniques. 07 Hrs Unit 6 Effect of ISI, Bit versus Symbol error probability, detection and estimation, GramSchmidt Orthogonalization procedure, geometric interpretation of signals, response of bank of correlators to noisy input. 06Hrs Unit 7 Detection of known signals in noise, probability of error, correlation receiver, matched filter receiver, detection of signals

Unit 8 Spread Spectrum Modulation: Pseudo noise sequences, notion of spread spectrum, direct sequence spread coherent binary PSK, signal space dimensionality and processing gain, frequency hop spread spectrum, applications. 07 Hrs Text Book: 1. Simon Haykin, Digital communications, JohnWiley,2003. ReferenceBooks: 1.K.Sam Shanmugam, Digital and analog communication systems, John Wiley, 1996. 2.Simon Haykin, An introduction to Analog and Digital Communication, John Wiley, 2003 ************************************* 06EC-62: Microprocessor Part A Unit 1 The 8086/8088 Processors: A historical background, The microprocessor-based personal computer system. Register organization of 8086, Architecture, Signal Description of 8086, Physical memory organization, General Bus operation, I/O Addressing Capability, Special Processor Activities. 06 Hrs Unit 2 Minimum Mode 8086 System and Timing, Maximum Mode 8086 System and Timing, The 8088 processor. 8086/8088 Instruction Set And Assembler Directives, Machine Language Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes of 8086. 06Hrs Unit 3 Instruction set of 8086, Assembler Directives and Operators. The Art of Assembly Language Programming With 8086/8088: Few Machine Level Programs, Machine Coding the Programs. 07 Hrs Unit 4 Programming With an Assembler, Assembly Language Example Programs. 07 Hrs PART B Unit 5 Modular Programming, Data Conversion and Interrupts: Modular programming, Using the keyboard and video display, data conversions.

Basic interrupts Interrupts


Hardware 06 Hrs

Unit 6 Expanding the interrupt structure, Interrupt examples, Arithmetic Coprocessor (8087), Data formats for the arithmetic coprocessor, The 80X87 architecture. 06 Hrs Unit 7 Instruction set, Programming with the arithmetic coprocessor. Bus Interface, The 80386, 80486 And Pentium Processors, The peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus, the parallel printer interface (LTP), The universal serial bus (USB). 06 Hrs Unit 8 Introduction to the 80386 microprocessor, Special 80386 registers, Introduction to the 80486 microprocessor, Introduction to the Pentium microprocessor. 08 Hrs Textbooks: 1. The intel microprocessor, architecture, programming and interfacing-Barry B. Brey, 6e, Pearson education / PHI, 2003 Reference books: 1.Microprocessor and interfacingprogramming & hardware, Douglas Hall, 2e TMH, 1991 2.Microcomputer systems-The 8086 / 8088 family – Y.C. Liu and G. A. Gibson, 2E PHI -2003 ************************************* 06EC-63: Analog and Mixed Mode VLSI Design = PART A UNIT 1: Sampling and Aliasing: Impulse Sampling, Sample and Hold, SPICE models for DACs and ADCs, Quantization noise, Spectral density of quantization noise. 12 Hrs UNIT 2: Data Converter SNR: Effective number of bitsClock jitter, spectral density, Using averaging to improve SNR, Decimating filters for ADCs, Interpolating filters for DACs, Band pass and High pass Sync filters, Using feedback to improve SNR. 12 Hrs PART B UNIT 3: Sub-Micron CMOS circuit design: Process flow, capacitors and resistors, SPICE MOSFET models, MOSFET Switch, Delay and Adder elements, Analog circuits –

MOSFET Biasing, Op-Amp design, Circuit Noise. 12 Hrs UNIT 4: Implementing Data converters: Current Mode and Voltage mode R-2R DAC, Using OpAmps in data converters, Implementing ADCs, Cyclic ADC. 06 Hrs UNIT5: Integrator Based CMOS Filters: Integrator Building Blocks, Low pass and Active R-C filters, MOSFET-C integrators, Bilinear and Biquadratic transfer functions – Active R-C, Transconductor-C and Switched Capacitor implementations both transfer functions, Canonic form of a digital filter. 06 Hrs Text Book: 1.R. Jacob Baker, CMOS – Mixed signal circuit design (Vol II of CMOS: Circuit design, layout and simulation), IEEE Press and Wiley Interscience, 2002 Reference Books: 1.Design ofAnalog C M OS Integrated Circuits, B Razavi,FirstEdition,McGraw Hill,2001 2.CMOS Analog Circuit Design, P E Allen and D R Holberg, Second Edition, Oxford University Press,2002 ************************************* 06EC-64: Antennas and Propagation PART A Unit 1 Antenna Basics: Introduction, basic Antennaparameters, patterns, beam area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, diversityand gain, antenna apertures, effective height, bandwidth, radiation, efficiency, antenna temperature and antenna filed zones. Text 1: Articles -2.1 to 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13. 08 Hrs Reference book: Articles – 2.11, 2.14, 2.18. Unit 2 Point Sources and Arrays: Introduction, point sources, power patterns, power theorem, radiation intensity, filed patterns, phase patterns. Array of two isotropic point sources, nonisotropic but similar point sources, principles of pattern multiplication, examples of pattern synthesis by pattern multiplication, nonisotropic point sources, broad side array with non unipolar amplitude distribution, broad side vs end fire array, direction of maxima fire arrays of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing. Text 1: Articles 4.1 to 4.15, 4.24, 4.25 10 Hrs

Unit 3 Electric dipoles and thin linear antennas: Introduction, short electric dipole, fields of a short dipole, radiation resistance of shortdipole, radiation resistances of lambda/2 Antenna, thin linear antenna, micro strip arrays, low side lobe arrays, long wire antenna, folded dipole antennas. Text 1: Articles – 5.1 to 5.6, 5.22 to 5.24, 5.27 and 11.3 06 Hrs PART B Unit 4 Loop, solt, patch and horn antenna: Introduction, small loop, comparision of far fields of small loop and short dipole, loop antenna general case, far field patterns of circular loop, radiation resistance, directivity, slot antenna, Balinet’s principle and complementary antennas, impedence of complementary and slot antennas, patch antennas, horn antennas, rectangular horn antennas. Text 1: Articles – 6.1 to 6.8, 6.12, 6.14 to 6.16, 6.18 to 6.20. 08 Hrs

2. Harish and Sachidananda: Antennas and Wave Propagation Oxford Press 2007 Reference Books: 1. C A Balanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design 2nd ED, John Wiely, 1997 2. Sineon R Saunders, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication Systems, John Wiley, 2003. *************************** 06EC-65: Information Theory and Coding PART –A Unit 1: Information Theory: Introduction, Measure of information, Average information content of symbols in long independent sequences, Average information content of symbols in long dependent sequences. Mark-off statistical model for information source, Entropy and information rate of mark-off source Text1: Chapter 4: 4.1 and 4.2. 06 Hrs Unit 2 : Source Coding: Encoding of the source output, Shannon’s encoding algorithm. Communication Channels, Discrete communication channels, Continuous channels. Text 1: Chapter 4: 4.3 to 4.6 06 Hrs

Unit 5 Antenna Types: Helical Antenna, Yagi-Uda array, corner reflectors, parabolic reflectors, log periodic antenna, lens antenna, antenna for special applications – sleeve antenna, turnstile antenna, omni directional antennas, antennas for satellite antennas for ground penetrating radars, embedded antennas, ultra wide band antennas, plasma antenna. Text 1: Selected Articles from chapters – 7,8,9, 14, and 17 (Note: no derivations for the these topics in this section) 08 Hrs

Unit 3 : Fundamental Limits on Performance: Source coding theorem,, Huffman coding, Discrete memory less Channels, Mutual information, Channel Capacity. Text 2: Chapter 2: 2.3 to 2.6 06 Hrs

Unit 6 Radio Wave Propagation: Introduction, Ground wave propagation, free space propagation, ground reflection, surface wave, diffraction. Troposphere Wave Propagation: troposcophic scatter, Ionosphere propagation, electrical properties of the ionosphere, effects of earth’s magnetic field. Text 2: Articles – 8.1, 8.2 12 Hrs


Text book: 1. John D.Krauss, Antennas, II edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 1988.

Unit 6 : Binary Cycle Codes, Algebraic structures of cyclic codes, Encoding using an (n-k) bit shift register, Syndrome calculation.

Unit 4 : Channel coding theorem , Differential entropy and mutual information for continuous ensembles, Channel capacity Theorem . Text 2 : Chapter 2: 2.7 to 2.9 06 Hrs

Unit 5 : Introduction to Error Control Coding: Introduction, Types of errors, examples, Types of codes Linear Block Codes: Matrix description, Error detection and correction, Standard arrays and table look up for decoding. Text 1: Chapter 9: 9.1 and 9.2 07 Hrs

BCH codes. Text 1: Chapter 9: 9.3

06 Hrs

Un it 7 : RS codes, Golay codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Burst error correcting codes. Burst and Random Error correcting codes. Convolution Codes, Time domain approach.Transform domain approach. Text 2: Chapter 8: 8.4 , 8.5 and Text 1: Chapter 9. 9.4 and 9.5 07 Hrs Unit 8: Systematic Convolution codes, Maximum likelihood decoding of Convolution codes Vitrebi algorithm Distance properties of convolutional codes Sequential decoding. Text 2: Chapter 8 : 8.6 , 8.7 8.8 06 Hrs Text Books: 1. K. Sam Shanmugam, Digital and analog communication systems, John Wiley, 1996. 2. Simon Haykin, Digital communication, John Wiley, 2003. Reference Book: 1. Ranjan Bose, ITC and Cryptography, TMH, 2002 (reprint 2007) 2. Glover and Grant; Digital Communications Pearson Ed. 2nd Ed 2008 ************************************ 06ECL-67: Advanced Communication Lab LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. TDM of two band limited signals. 2. ASK and FSK generation and detection 3. PSK generation and detection 4. DPSK generation and detection 5. QPSK generation and detection 6. PCM generation and detection using a CODEC Chip 7. Measurement of losses in a given optical fiber ( propagation loss, bending loss, coupling loss ) and numerical aperture 8. Analog and Digital (with TDM) communication link using optical fiber. 9. Measurement of frequency, guide wavelength , power, VSWR and attenuation in a microwave test bench 10. Measurement of directivity and gain of antennas: Standard dipole (or printed dipole), microstrip patch antenna and Yagi antenna(printed). 11. Determination of coupling and isolation characteristics of a stripline (or microstrip) directional coupler 12. (a) Measurement of resonance characteristics of a microstrip ring resonator and determination of dielectric constant of the substrate.

(b) Measurement of power division and isolation characteristics of a microstrip 3 dB power divider. ************************************* 06ECL-68: Microprocessor Lab I) Programs involving 1) Data transfer instructions like: i] Byte and word data transfer in different addressing modes. ii] Block move (with and without overlap) iii] Block interchange 2) Arithmetic & logical operations like: i] Addition and Subtraction of multi precision nos. ii] Multiplication and Division of signed and unsigned Hexadecimal nos. iii] ASCII adjustment instructions iv] Code conversions v] Arithmetic programs to find square cube, LCM, GCD, factorial 3)Bit manipulation instructions like checking: i] Whether given data is positive or negative ii] Whether given data is odd or even iii]Logical 1’s and 0’s in a given data iv] 2 out 5 code v] Bit wise and nibble wise palindrome 4)Branch/Loop instructions like: i] Arrays: addition/subtraction of N nos. Finding largest and smallest nos. Ascending and descending order ii] Near and Far Conditional and Unconditional jumps, Calls and Returns 5) Programs on String manipulation like string transfer, string reversing, searching for a string, etc. 6) Programs involving Software interrupts Programs to use DOS interrupt INT 21h Function calls for Reading a Character from keyboard, Buffered Keyboard input, Display of character/ String on console II) Experiments on interfacing 8086 with the following interfacing modules through DIO (Digital Input/Output-PCI bus compatible) card a) Matrix keyboard interfacing b) Seven segment display interface c) Logical controller interface d) Stepper motor interface III) Other Interfacing Programs a) Interfacing a printer to an X86 microcomputer b) PC to PC Communication ************************************8 ELECTIVE GROUP-A 06EC661: Programming in C++

PART A Unit 1 C++, An Overview: Getting started, the C++ program, Preprocessor Directives, The Built-In Array Data Type, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Pointers, An Object – based Design, An Object-Oriented Design, An Exception – based Design, An array. Text 1: Chap 1: 1.1 to 1.3, Chap 2: 2.1 to 2.7 06 Hrs Unit 2 The basic language: Literal Constant, Variables, Pointer Type, String Types, const Qualifier, Reference Types, the bool type, Enumeration types, Array types. The vector container type. Text 1: Chap 3: 3.1 to 3.10 06 Hrs Unit 3 Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Equality, Relational and Logical operators, Assignment operators, Increment and Decrement operator, The conditional Operator, Bitwise operator, bitset operations. Statements: if, switch, for Loop, while, break, goto, continue statements. Text 1: Chap 4: 4.1 to 4.12, Chap 5: 5.1 to 5.10 10 Hrs Unit 4 Functions: Prototype, Argument passing, Recursion and linear function. Text 1: Chap 7: 7.1 to 7.6 04 Hrs PART B Unit 5 Exception Handling: Throwing an Exception, Catching an exception, Execption Specification and Execptions and Design Issues. Text 1: Chap 11: 11.1 to 11.5 06 Hrs Unit 6 Classes : Definition, Class Objects, Class Initailization, Class constructior, The class destructor, Class Object Arrays and Vectors. Text 1: Chap 13: 13.1 to 13.2, Chap 14: 14.1 to 14.4. 07 Hrs Unit 7 Overload Operators, Operators ++ and --, Operators new and delete. Text 1: Chap 15: 15.1 to 15. 8 07 Hrs Unit 8 Multiple Inheritance, public, private & protected inheritance, Class scope under

Inheritance. Text 1: Chap 18: 18.2 to 18. 4

04 Hrs

Text books: 1. S. B. Lippman & J. Lajoie, C++ Primer, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000. Reference Books: 1. C++ Program Design: An Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design. Cohoon and Davidson, 3rd Edn. TMH publication. 2004. 2. R. Lafore, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Galgotia Publications, 2004. ************************************* 06EC662 Satellite Communication: PART A Unit 1 Over view of Satellite Systems: Introduction, frequency allocation, INTEL Sat. Text 1: articles – 1.1 – 1.3 03 Hrs Unit 2 Orbits: Introduction, Kepler laws, definitions, orbital element, apogee and perigee heights, orbit perturbations, inclined orbits, calendars, universal time, sidereal time, orbital plane, local mean time and sun clyndronous orbits, Geostationary orbit: Introduction, antenna, look angles, polar mixantenna, limits of visibility, earth eclipse of satellite, sun transit outage, laendiag orbits. Text 1: articles – 3.1 – 2.9, 2.9.1, 2.9.4, 2.9.5, 2.10, and 3.1 – 3.4, 3.6 – 3.8 10 Hrs Unit 3 Propagation impairments and space link: Introduction, atmospheric loss, ionospheric effects, rain attenuation, other impairments. Space link: Introduction, EIRP, transmission losses, link power budget, system noise, CNR, uplink, down link, effects of rain, combined CNR. Text 1: articles – 4.1 to 4.5, and 12.1 to 12.10 08 Hrs Unit 4 Space Segment: Introduction, power supply units, altitude control, station keeping, thermal control, TT&C, transponders, antenna subsystem. Text 1: articles- 7.1 – 7.8 07 Hrs Unit 5 Earth Segemnt: Introduction, receive only home TV system, out door unit, indoor unit, MATV, CATV, Tx – Rx earth station. Text 1 : articles – 8.1 – 8.5 03 Hrs

Unit 6 Interference and Satellite access: Introduction, interference between satellite circuits, satellite access, single access, pre-assigned FDMA, SCPC (spade system), TDMA, pre-assigned TDMA, demand assigned TDMA, down link analysis, comparison of uplink power requirements for TDMA & FDMA, on board signal processing satellite switched TDMA. Text 1: articles – 13.1, 13.2, 14.1 to 14.5, 14.7 (exclude 14.7.5, 14.7.6, 14.7.7, 14.7.10), 14.8, 14.9 08 Hrs

Random variables, Central Moments, Conditional expected values. Chapter 4: 4.1 to 4.6 06 Hrs

Unit 7 DBS, Satellite mobile and specialized services: Introduction, orbital spacing, power ratio, frequency and polarization, transponder capacity, bit rates for digital TV, satellite mobile services, USAT, RadarSat, GPS, orb communication and iridium. Text 1: articles – 16.1 to 16.6 and 17.1 to 17.7 09 Hrs

Unit 5: Pairs of Random variables, Joint CDF, joint PDF, Joint probability mass functions, Conditional Distribution, density and mass functions, EV involving pairs of Random variables, Independent Random variables, Complex Random variables, Engg Application Chapter 5: 5,1 to 5.6 , 5.10, 5.11. 07 Hrs

Text Book: 1. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, 2006 References: 1. Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, Satellite Communications, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2003 2. W.L. Pitchand, H.L. Suyderhoud, R.A. Nelson, Setallite Communication Systems engineering, 2nd Edn, Pearson Edu., 2007 ************************************* 06EC663: Random Processes Part A Unit 1: Introduction to Probability Theory: Experiments. sample space, Events, Axioms, Assigning probabilities, Joint and conditional probabilities,. Baye’s Theorem, Independence, Discrete Random Variables, Engg Example. Chapter 2 (complete) 07 Hrs Unit 2 : Random Varibles, Distributions, Density Functions: CDF, PDF, Gaussian random variable, Uniform Exponential ,Laplace, Gamma, Erlang, Chi-Square, Raleigh, Rician and Cauchy types of random variables Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.4. 06 Hrs Unit 3: Operations on a Single R V: Expected value, EV of Random variables, EV of functions of

Unit 4: Characteristic functions, Probability generating functions, Moment generating functions, Engg applications, Scalar quantization, entropy and source coding. Chapter 4: 4.7 ,4.8, 4.9. 4.11. 4.12. 06 Hrs PART B

Unit 6 : Multiple Random Varibles: Joint and conditional PMF, CDF, PDF,.EV involving multiple Random variables, Gaussian Random variable in multiple dimension, Engg application, linear prediction. Chapter 6: 6.1,6.2, 6.3, 6.5. 07 Hrs Unit 7 : Random Process: Definition and characterization, Mathematical tools for studying Random Processes, Stationary and Ergodic Random processes, Properties of ACF. Chapter 8: 8.1 to 8.4. 06 Hrs Unit 8 : Example Processes: Markov processes, Gaussian Processes, Poisson Processes, Engg application, Computer networks, Telephone networks. Chapter 8: 8.5 to 8.7 & Chapter 9: 9.1 9.5 9.6. 06 Hrs Text Book: 1. S L Miller and D C Childers: Probability and random processes: application to Signal processing and communication Academic Press/ Elsivier 2004 Reference Books: 1. A. Papoullis and S U Pillai: Probability, Random variables and stochastic processes McGraw Hill 2002 2. Peyton Z Peebles: Probability, Random variables and Random signal principles TMH 4th Edition 2007 3. H Stark and Woods: Probability, random processes and applications PHI 2001 *************************************

06EC664: Adaptive Signal Processing PART-A

an example of convergence, learning curve, noise in the weight-vector solution, misadjustment, performance. 05 Hrs

Unit 1 Adaptive Systems: Definition and characteristics, Areas of application, General properties, Open-and closed-loop adaptation, Applications of closed-loop adaptation, Example of an adaptive system. 04 Hrs

Unit 7 Adaptive Modeling And System Identification: General description, Adaptive modeling of multipath communication channel, adaptive modeling in geophysical exploration, Adaptive modeling in FIR digital filter synthesis. 05 Hrs

Unit 2 The Adaptive Linear Combiner: General description, Input signal and weight vectors, Desired response and error, the performance function, gradient and minimum mean-square error, Example of a performance surface, Alternative expression of the gradient, Decorrelation of error and input components. 06 Hrs

Unit 8 Adaptive Interfacing Canceling: The concept of adaptive noise canceling, stationary noisecanceling solutions, effects of signal components in the reference input, The adaptive interference canceller as a notch filter, The adaptive interface canceller as a high-pass filter, Effects of finite length and causality, multiple-reference noise canceling. 07 Hrs

Unit 3 Properties Of The Quadratic Performance Surface: Normal of the input correlation matrix, Eigen values and eigen vectors of the input correlation matrix, an example with two weights, geometrical significance of eigenvectors and eigen values, a second example. 08Hrs

Text Book: 1. Bernard Widrow and Samuel D. Stearns, Adaptive Signal Processing, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. Reference Books: 1. Simon Haykin, Adaptive filter Theory , 4e, Pearson Education Asia, 2002 2. Jophn R. Treichler C. Richard Johnson, Jr. and Michael G. Larimore, Theory and Design of Adaptive Filetrs, PHI, 2002. ************************************* 06EC665: Low Power VLSI Design

Unit 4 Searching The Performance Surface: Methods of searching the performance surface, Basic ideal of gradient search methods, a simple gradient search algorithm and its solution, Stability and rate of convergence, The learning curve, Gradient search by newton’s method in multidimensional space, Gradient search by the method of steepest descent, Comparison of learning curves. 07Hrs PART-B Unit 5 Gradient Estimation And Its Effects On Adaptation: Gradient component estimation by derivate measurement, the performance penalty, Derivative measurement and performance penalties with multiple weights, variance of the gradient estimate, effects on the weight-over solution, excess mean-square error and time constants, misadjustment, comparative performance of Newtron’s and steepest-descent methods, Total mis adjustment and other practical considerations. 08 Hrs Unit 6 The Lms Algorith: Derivation of the LMS algorithm, convergence of the weight vector,

PART A UNIT 1: Introduction, Sources of power dissipation, designing for low power. Physics of power dissipation in MOSFET devices – MIS Structure, Long channel and sub-micron MOSFET, Gate induced Drain leakage. 6 Hrs UNIT 2: Power dissipation in CMOS – Short circuit dissipation, dynamic dissipation, Load capacitance. Low power design limits Principles of low power design, Hierarchy of limits, fundamental limits, Material, device, circuit and system limits. 08 Hrs UNIT 3: Synthesis for Low power: Behavioural, Logic and Circuit level approaches, Algorithm level transforms, Power-constrained Least squares optimization for adaptive and non-adaptive filters, Circuit activity driven architectural transformations, voltage scaling, operation reduction and substitution, pre- computation, FSM and Combinational logic, Transistor sizing. 12 Hrs PART B

UNIT 4: Design and Test of Low-Voltage CMOS Circuits: Introduction, Design style, Leakage current in Deep sub-micron transistors, device design issues, minimizing short channel effect, Low voltage design techniques using reverse Vgs, steep sub threshold swing and multiple threshold voltages, Testing with elevated intrinsic leakage, multiple supply voltages. 12 Hrs UNIT 5: Low energy computing: Energy dissipation in transistor channel, Energy recovery circuit design, designs with reversible and partially reversible logic, energy recovery in adiabatic logic and SRAM core, Design of peripheral circuits – address decoder, level shifter and I/O Buffer, supply clock generation. 8 Hrs UNIT 6: Software design for low power: Introduction, sources of power dissipation, power estimation and optimization. 4 Hrs Text Book: 1. Kaushik Roy and Sharat C Prasad, LowPower CMOS VLSI Circuit Design, Wiley Interscience, 2000 ************************************ 06EC666: MODERN CONTROL THEORY PART-A UNIT 1: Linear Spaces and Linear Operators. Introduction, Fields, Vectors and Vector Spaces, Linear Combinations and Bases, Linear Transformations and Matrices, Scalar Product and Norms, Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors and a Canonical-Form, Functions of a Square Matrix. Text 1: Chapter 2: – 2.1 to 27 07 Hrs UNIT 2: State Variable Descriptions. Introduction, The Concept of State, State Equations for Dynamic Systems, Time-Invariance and Linearity, Nonuniqueness and State Model, State diagrams. Text 1: Chapter 3: – 3.1 to 3.7 05 Hrs UNIT 3: Physical Systems and State Assignment: Introduction, Linear Continuous-Time Models, Linear Discrete-Time Models, Nonlinear Models, Local Linearization of Nonlinear Models, Plant Models of some Illustrative Control Systems. Text 1: Chapter 4: – 4.1 to 4.7 06 Hrs

UNIT 4: Solutions of State Equations: Introduction, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Continuous –Time State Equations, Solution of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Equations, Solution of Linear Time-Varying Continuous – Time State Equations, Solution of Linear Time- Invariant continuous-Time State Equations, Solution of Linear Discrete-Time State Equations, State Equations of Sampled – Data Systems. Text 1: Chapter 5: – 5.1 to 5.8 06 Hrs PART-B UNIT 5: Controllability and Observability: ntroduction, General Concept of Controllability, General Concept of Observability, Controllability Tests for Continuous-Time Systems, Observability Tests for Continuous- Time Systems, Controllability and Observability of DiscreteTime Systems, Controllability and Observability of State Model in Jordan Canonical Form, Loss of Controllability and Observability due to Sampling, Controllability and Observability, CanonicalForms of State Model. Text 1: Chapter 6: – 6.1 to 6. 10 07 Hrs UNIT 6: Relationship between State Variable and InputOutput Descriptions: Introduction, Inputoutput Maps from State Models, Output Controllability, Reducibility, State models from Input-Output Maps. Text 1: Chapter 7: – 7.1 to 7.6 05 Hrs UNIT 7: Stability : Introduction, Stability Concepts and Definitions, Stability of Linear TimeInvariant Systems, Equilibrium Stability of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Autonomous Systems, The Direct Method of Lyapunov and the Linear Continuous-Time Autonomous Systems, Aids to Finding Lyapunov Functions for Nonlinear Continuous-Time Autonomous Systems, Use of Lyapunov Functions to Estimate Transients, The Direct Method of Lyapunov and the Discrete-Time Autonomous Systems. Text1: Chapter 8: – 8.1 to 8.10 06 Hrs UNIT 8: Model Control: Introduction, Controllable and Observable Companion Forms, The effect of State Feedback on Controllability and Observability, Pole Placement by State Feedback, Full-Order Observers, ReducedOrder Observers, Deadbeat Control by State Feedback, Deadbeat Observers.

Text 1 : Chapter 9:– 9.1 to 9.9

06 Hrs

Text Book: 1. Modern Control System Theory – M.Gopal; 2nd Edition; New Age Int (P) Ltd. 2007 Refference Books: 1. Modern Control System – Richard Dorf & Robert Bishop, PHI. Modern Control Engineering- K.Ogata -PHI ****************************** 06EC667: Digital Systems Design Using VHDL PART-A Unit 1 Introduction: VHDL description of combinational networks, Modeling flip-flops using VHDL, VHDL models for a multiplexer, Compilation and simulation of VHDL code, Modeling a sequential machine, Variables, Signals and constants, Arrays, VHDL operators, VHDL functions, VHDL procedures, Packages and libraries, VHDL model for a counter. Text1: Chapter 2: 2.1 to 2.12 07 Hrs Unit 2 Designing With Programmable Logic Devices: Read-only memories, Programmable logic arrays (PLAs), Programmable array logic (PLAs), Other sequential programmable logic devices (PLDs), Design of a keypad scanner. Text 1: Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.5 06 Hrs Unit 3 Design Of Networks For Arithmetic Operations: Design of a serial adder with accumulator, State graphs for control networks, Design of a binary multiplier, Multiplication of signed binary numbers, Design of a binary divider. Text 1: Chapter 4: 4.1 to 4.5 06 Hrs Unit 4 Digital Design with Sm Charts: State machine charts, Derivation of SM charts, Realization of SM charts. Implementation of the dice game, Alternative realization for SM charts using microprogramming, Linked state machines. Text 1: Chapter 5: 5.1 to 5.6 07 Hrs PART-B Unit 5 Designing With Programmable Gate Arrays And Complex Programmable Logic Devices: Xlinx 3000 series FPGAs, Designing with FPGAs, Xlinx 4000 series FPGAs, using a one-hot state assignment, Altera complex

programmable logic devices (CPLDs), Altera FELX 10K series COLDs. Text 1: Chapter 6: 6.1 to 6.6 06 Hrs Unit 6 Floating-Point Arithmetic: Representation of floating-point numbers, Floating-point multiplication, Other floating-point operations. Text 1: Chapter 7: 7.1 to 7.3 07 Hrs Unit 7 Additional Topics In VHDL: Attributes, Transport and Inertial delays, Operator overloading, Multivalued logic and signal resolution, IEEE-1164 standard logic, Generics, Generate statements, Synthesis of VHDL code, Synthesis examples, Files and Text IO. Text1: Chapter 8: 8.1 to 8.10 07 Hrs Unit 8 VHDL Models For Memories And Buses: Static RAM, A simplified 486 bus model, Interfacing memory to a microprocessor bus. Text 1: Chapter 9: 9.1 to 9.3 07 Hrs Text Books: 1. Charles H. Roth. Jr:, Digital Systems Desgin using VHDL, Thomson Learning, Inc, 9th reprint, 2006. Reference Books: 1. Stephen Brwon & Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL, Tata McGrw-Hill, New Delhi, 2nd edn, 2007 2. Mark Zwolinski, Digital System Design with VHDL, 2 edn, Pearson Edn., 2004 3. Volnei A Pedroni, Circuit Design with VHDL. PHI, 2004 *************************************

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