Syllabus -v Sem

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5th Semester E & C Engineering Detailed Syllabus

organizing, motivating and leading technical people, controlling. 13 Hrs

06XX-51: Entrepreneurship Development and Management

Unit 7 Managing projects: Project planning and acquisition, project organization, leadership and control. 6 Hrs

Part A Unit 1 Entrepreneurship: Concept, meaning, need and Competencies/qualities/traits of an entrepreneur, technopreneurship. 5 Hrs Innovation: Introduction, Motivating to innovate, Introduce core ideas about how to think about innovation, including key theories about factors that affect innovation. An in depth review of how companies structure to encourage and develop innovation. Product development and design. 5 Hrs Unit 2 Role of financial institutions in entrepreneurship development Role of financial institutions in entrepreneurship development like District Industry Centres (DICs), State Financial Corporations, Small Industries Service Institutes (SISIs), Small Industries Development, Bank of India (SIDBI), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and other relevant institutions/organizations. 6 Hrs Unit 3 Market Survey and Opportunity Identification (Business Planning) :How to start an industry, procedures for registration of industry, assessment of demand and supply, in potential areas of growth, understanding business opportunity, considerations in product selection, data collection for setting up new ventures 6 Hrs Unit 4 Legal Aspects of Small Business: Elementary knowledge of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Patent Rules, Excise Rules, Factory Act and Payment of Wages Act. Knowledge of Government policies to promote entrepreneurship like SEZ, technology parks etc. 4 Hrs Part B Unit 5 Introduction to Engineering Management: Engineering and Management, historical development of engineering management. 4 Hrs Unit 6 Functions of technology management: planning and forecasting, decision making,

Unit 8 Project Report Preparation: Preliminary report, Techno-economic feasibility report, Project viability. 4 Hrs Text Books: 1. Peter Duckers, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice and Principles, Heinnemann, 1985 2. Babcock and Morse, Managing Engineering and Technology , Pearson Education, 2004. References: 1. B. S. Rathore and J. S. Saini, A Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Aapga Publications, Panchkula (Haryana) 2. C. B. Gupta and P. Srinivasan , Entrepreneurship Development, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1999 3. J. Tidd, J.Bessant and K. Pavitt, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technical, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley, 3rd ed, 2005 ************************************* 06EC-52 : Digital Signal Processing PART A Unit 1 Brief review of signals and systems: Basic definitions, properties and applications. Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT): Frequency domain sampling and reconstruction of discrete time signals. DFT as a linear transformation, its relationship with other transforms. 07 Hrs Unit 2 Properties of DFT, multiplication of two DFTs- the circular convolution, additional DFT properties, use of DFT in linear filtering, overlap-save and overlap-add method. 06 Hrs Unit 3 Fast-Fourier-Transform(FFT) algorithms: Direct computation of DFT, need for efficient computation of the DFT (i.e. FFT algorithms). 08 Hrs Unit 4 Radix-2 FFT algorithm for the computation of DFT and IDFT–decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency lgorithms. Composite FFT, Goertzel algorithm, and chirp-z transform algorithm. 06 Hrs

PART B Unit 5 IIR filter design: Characteristics of commonly used analog filters – Butterworth and Chebysheve filters. 06 Hrs Unit 6 Design of IIR filters from analog filters (i. e. Butterworth and Chebyshev ) - impulse invariance method. Mapping of transfer functions: Approximation of derivative (backward difference, forward difference and bilinear transformation) method. 07 Hrs Unit 7 Matched z transform. Verification for stability and linearity during mapping. FIR filter design: Introduction to FIR filters, design of FIR filters using frequency sampling windowing method- Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Bartlet and Kaiser windows. 06 Hrs Unit 8 FIR filter design using frequency sampling technique. Implementation of discrete-time systems: Structures for IIR and FIR systemsdirect form I and direct form II systems, cascade and parallel realization. 06 Hrs Text book: 1. Proakis & Monalakis, Digital signal processing – Principles Algorithms & Applications, PHI, 4th Edition, New Delhi, 2007. (However, III edition can also be referred ) Reference Books: 1. Oppenheim & Schaffer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, PHI, 2003. 2. S..K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2004. ************************************* 06EC-55: Analog Communication Systems

PART A Unit 1: Introduction to Electronic Communication Systems: Introduction, power measurements, electronic communication systems modulation and multiplexing, EM spectrum, Bandwidth and information capacity, Noise analysis. Text 1: Chapter 1 06 Hrs Unit 2: Signal Analysis : Signal analysis, Complex waves, Frequency spectrum and bandwidth,

Fourier series representation, Linear summing, Nonlinear mixing. Text1: Chapter 2. 03 Hrs Probability and Random Variables: Probability, Random variables, useful Probability Density functions, Random Processes. Text 2: Chapter 2: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 05 Hrs Unit 3: Mathematical Representation of Noise: Some sources of noise, Frequency domain representation of Noise, Superposition of noise, Linear filtering of Noise, Quadrature components of noise, Representation of noise using orthogonal conditions Text 2: Chapter 7. 06 Hrs Unit 4: AM Transmission: Introduction, principles of AM, AM circuits, AM transmitters, Trapezoidal Patterns, carrier shift, AM for Non sinusoidal signal, QAM. Text 1: Chapter 4. 06 Hrs PART B: Unit 5: AM RECEPTION: Introduction, Receiver parameters, AM Receivers, Receiver circuits, Double conversion AM receivers Net receiver gain. Text 1: Chapter 5 06 Hrs Unit 6: SSB SYSTEMS: Introduction, Single sideband systems, comparison with AM, Mathematical analysis of DSBSC, SSB generation, ISB, SSB receivers, SSBSC and FDM, DSBSC and Quadrature multiplexing. Text 1: Chapter 6: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.7 6.8 6.10 6.11 06 Hrs Unit 7: Angle Modulation Transmission: Introduction, Angle modulation, Mathematical analysis, Deviation sensitivity ,FM and PM waveforms, Phase deviation and Modulation index, Frequency deviation and Percent Modulation , Frequency analysis, bandwidth requirements, Deviation ratio. Commercial FM Broadcast, Phasor representation, Average power, Noise and Angle modulation, Pre emphasis and de – emphasis. Text 1: Chapter 7: 8.1 to .7.16. 06 Hrs Unit 8: FM Transmitter and R: Frequency up conversion FM transmitters, Comparison of AM and angle modulation FM receivers, demodulators, PLL demodulators, QFM demodulator, Noise suppression .FM and PM

comparison, LIC receiver ( Omit internal circuits of the IC) FM stereo broadcasting. Text1: Chapter 7: 7.18 to 7.21. Chapter 8: 8.1, 8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6,8.7,8.8,8.9 06 Hrs Text books: 1.Wayne Tomasi: Electronic Communication systems, 5Th edition, Pearson Education 2007 2.Taub, Schilling and Saha: Principles of Communication Systems , TMH 3rd Edition, 2008 Reference books: 1.Simon Haykins, Communication Systems, 3rd Edition, John Willey,2001. 2.B.P.Lathi, Modern digital and analog Communication systems 3rd ed 2005 Oxford university press 3.Singh and Sapre: Communication systems: Analog and digital TMH 2nd , Ed 2007 ************************************* 06EC-54: Microwaves and Radar PART A Unit 1 Basic concepts of transmission line: Application of Maxwell’s equations to rectangular wave guides, TE & TM modes in rectangular wave guide, cylindrical waveguides, TEM wave in co-axial lines, Planar transmission lines, Excitation of waveguides, Resonant cavities. 08 Hrs Unit 2 Impedance transformation for matching narrow band matching, Broad band matching. 06Hrs Unit 3 Microwave ‘S’ matrix representation of multipart network, Microwave passive devices co-axial connecters & adaptors, Matched termination, waveguide corners and bends, Coaxial to waveguide adopters, Coupling loops, Phase shifters, Attenuators, Waveguide tees, Magic tees. 06 Hrs Unit 4 Directional couplers: Two hole directional coupler, ‘S’ matrix circulator and isolators, Microwave filters. 06 Hrs PART-B Unit 5 Microwave vacuum tube devices: Klystron, Reflex klystrons, Velocity modulation process, Output power and efficiency, Traveling wave tubes, Amplification process, Magnetrons. 08 Hrs Unit 6

Microwave solid state devices: Crystal diode, Schottky diode, IMPATT, TRAPATT & BARITT diodes, Parametric amplifiers. 07 Hrs Unit 7 Microwave measurements: Introduction to tunable detector, Slotted line carriage, VSWR meter, Spectrum analysis power measurements, Insertion loss and attenuation measurements, VSWR measurements, Impedance and frequency measurements. 06 Hrs Unit 8 Applications of Microwaves: Aspects of antennas, Microwave communication system, Microwave radar system, Radiometry, Microwave propagation, Industrial applications. 05 Hrs Text Books: 1.Annapurana Das, Sisir K. Das, Microwave engineering, 7th Ed TMH Publications, 2006 2.Merryl Skolnik: Introduction to radar Systems 3rd ed TMH 2001. Reference Books: 1.Samuel Y Liao: Microwave devices and Circuits Pearson Edn 3rd Ed 2006 ( recommend as text) 2.David M Pozar: Microwave Engineering, John Wiley 2nd Edn 2004 ************************************* 06EC-55: Digital Switching Systems PART A Unit 1: Developments of telecommunications, Network structure, Network services, terminology, Regulation, Standards. Introduction to telecommunications transmission, Power levels, Four wire circuits, Digital transmission, FDM, TDM ,PDH and SDH, Transmission performance. Text 1: Chapter 1 and 2 06 Hrs Unit 2: Evolution of Switching Systmes: Introduction, Message switching, Circuit switching, Functions of switching systems, Distribution systems, Basics of crossbar systems, Electronic switching, Digital switching systems Text 1: Chapter 3: 3.1,, 3.5,3.8, 3.9,3.11,3.12 05 Hrs Digital Switching System Analysis: Purpose of analysis, Basic central office linkages, Outside plant venous inside plant, Switching system hierarchy, Evolution of digital switching systems, Stored program control switching systems, Digital switching system

fundamentals, Building blocks of a digital switching system, Basic call processing. Text 2: Chapter 1 03 Hrs

improvement, Software processes improvement, Software processes, Metrics, Defect analysis, Defect analysis.

Unit 3: Telecommunications Traffic: Introduction, Unit of traffic, Congestion, Traffic measurement, Mathematical model, Lost call systems, Queuing systems. Text 1: Chapter 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 06 Hrs

Text 2: Chapter 7

Unit 4: Switching Systems: Introduction, Single stage networks, Gradings, Link Systems, GOS of Linked systems. 06 Hrs Text 1: Chapter 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 PART-B Unit 5: Time Division Switching : Introduction, space and time switching, Time switching networks, Synchronisation. Text 1: Chapter 6 03 Hrs Signaling: Customer line signaling, FDM carrier systems, PCM signaling CCITT System Text 1: Chapter 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.9 03 Hrs Unit 6: Switching System Software: Introduction, Scope, Basic software architecture, Operating systems, Database Management, Concept of generic program, Software architecture for level 1 control, Software architecture for level 2 control, Software architecture for level 3 control, Digital switching system software classification, Call models, Connect sequence, Software linkages during call, Call features, Feature flow diagram, Feature interaction. Text 2: Chapter 5 06 Hrs Unit 7: Maintenance of Digital Switching System: Introduction, Scope, Software maintenance, Interface of a typical digital switching system central office, System outage and its impact on digital switching system reliability, Impact of software patches on digital switching system maintainability, Embedded patcher concept, Growth of digital switching system central office, Generic program upgrade, A methodology for proper maintenance of digital switching system, Effect of firmware deployment on digital switching system, Firmware-software coupling, Switching system maintainability metrics, Upgrade process success rate, Number of patches applied per year, Diagnostic resolution rate, Reported critical and major faults corrected, A strategy improving software quality, Program for software process

06 Hrs

Unit 8 : A Generic Digital Switching System Model: Introduction, Scope, Hardware architecture, Software architecture, Recovery strategy, Simple call through a digital system, Common characteristics of digital switching systems. Analysis report. Reliability analysis. Text 2: Chapter 9 06 Hrs Text Books: 1. J E Flood: Telecommunication and Switching, Traffic and Networks Pearson 2002 2. Syed R. Ali, Digital Switching Systems, TMH Ed 2002. Reference Book: 1. John C Bellamy: Digital Telephony Wiley India 3rd Ed, 2000 =************************************ 06EC-56: Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI PART A UNIT 1: Semiconductors: Current due to holes in a semiconductor. Pure and impure semiconductors. Effect of doping. Degeneracy. Temperature dependence of conductivity. Charge neutrality and space charge. Diffusion. Current components in conductors and semiconductors. Text 1: Chapter 1.6 to 1.12, 1.15 03Hrs P-N junction diode and bipolar junction transistor: Diode under thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium. Breakdown. Transition capacitance. BJT principle of operation. Collector current vs. collector junction voltage, VE, and IE. CB, CE, CC configurations. Temperature effects in transistors. Effects of device geometry. Ebers-Moll equations and Ebers-Moll model. Capacitance of abrupt junction. Zener breakdown. Breakdown voltages in transistors. Text 1: Chapter 2.1,2.2, 5.4 to 5.7, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7 04 Hrs UNIT 2: Metal-Semiconductor (MS) contacts and MOSFETs: MS contacts. I-V characteristics of Schottky barrier junctions. Applications of MS contacts – MESFET. JFET. MOSFET structure, types and modes of operation. Threshold voltage. Effects of non-idealities.

MOSFET operation. AC and high frequency properties. Text 1: Chapters 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 to 10.6, 11.1 to 11.5 03 Hrs Device fabrication and integrated circuits: Silicon planar technology. BJT process technology. MOSFET process for ICs. MOS integrated circuits Text 1: Chapter 12.1 to 12.4 04 Hrs UNIT 3: MOS Transistor theory: n MOS / p MOS transistor, threshold voltage equation, body effect, MOS device design equation, sub threshold region, Channel length modulation. Mobility variation, tunneling, punch through, hot electron effect. MOS models, small signal AC Characteristics, CMOS inverter, βn / βp ratio, noise margin, static load MOS inverters, differential inverter, transmission gate, tristate inverter, BiCMOS inverter. Text 2: Chapter 2.1 to 2.8 04 Hrs Basic CMOS Technology: Semiconductor technology overview, basic CMOS technology, p well / n well / twin well process. Current CMOS enhancement (oxide isolation, LDD. refractory gate, multilayer inter connect). Circuit elements, resistor , capacitor, interconnects, sheet resistance & standard unit capacitance concepts delay unit time, inverter delays , driving capacitive loads, propagate delays, MOS mask layer, stick diagram, design rules and layout, symbolic diagram, mask feints, scaling of MOS circuits. Text 2: Chapter 3.2 to 3.4 03 Hrs UNIT 4: Circuit characterization: Resistance, capacitance, and inductance estimations. Switching characteristics. CMOS gate transistor sizing. Power dissipation. Sizing routing conductors. Charge sharing. Design margins. Yield and reliability. Scaling. Text 2: Chapter 4.1 to 4.13 06 Hrs PART B UNIT 5: CMOS circuit and logic design: CMOS logic gate design. Physical design. CMOS logic structures. Clocking strategies. I/O structures. Low-power design. Text 2: Chapter 5.1 to 5.7 06 Hrs UNIT 6: CMOS design methods: Introduction. Design strategies and options. Design methods and tools. Design economics. Data sheets. Text 2: Chapter 6.1 to 6.8 06 Hrs

UNIT 7: CMOS test methods: Functionality and manufacturing tests. Fault models. Automatic test patterns. Designing for testability. Chiplevel test techniques. System level test techniques. Text 2: Chapter 7.1 to 7.5 06 Hrs UNIT 8: CMOS subsystem design: Data-path operators. Memory elements – RAM, ROM, and contentaddressable memory. Control structures. Text 2: Chapter 8.1 to 8.4 06 Hrs Text Books: 1. M. K. Achuthan and K. N. Bhat, “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2007. 2. Neil H. E. Weste , David Harris, Ayan Banerjee” CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective,” 3rd edition, Pearson Education , 2008. Reference Books: 1. Sung-Mo Kang & Yusuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. 2. Wayne, Wolf, “Modern VLSI design: System on Silicon” Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2005. ************************************* 06ECL-57: DIGITAL PROCESSING LABORATORY


A LIST OF EXPERIMENTS USING MATLAB/SCILAB/OCTAVE/WAB 1. Verification of Sampling theorem. 2. Impulse response of a given system 3. Linear convolution of two given sequences. 4. Circular convolution of two given sequences 5.Autocorrelation of a given sequence and verification of its properties. 6. Cross correlation of given sequences and verification of its properties. 7. Solving a given difference equation. 8. Computation of N point DFT of a given sequence and to plot magnitude and


spectrum. 9. Linear convolution of two sequences using DFT and IDFT.









sequences using DFT and IDFT


inverting adder

11. Design and implementation of FIR filter to



meet given specifications.


12. Design and implementation of IIR filter to


meet given specifications.


follower, and

4. Schmitt Trigger Design and test a Schmitt trigger circuit for the given values of UTP and


LTP 5. Frequency synthesis using PLL.

1.Linear convolution of two given sequences. 2.Circular convolution of two given sequences. 3.Computation of N- Point DFT of a given sequence

6. Design and test R-2R DAC using op-amp 7. Design and test the following circuits using IC 555 a.

4.Realization of an FIR filter ( any type ) to

5.Audio applications such as to plot a time



given frequency and duty

meet given specifications .The input can be a signal from function generator / speech signal .

Astable cycle


Monostable multivibrator for given pulse width W

and frequency display of Microphone plus a

8. Amplitude modulation using transistor/FET

cosine using DSP. Read a wav file and match

(Generation and detection)

with their respective spectrograms

Pulse amplitude modulation and detection

6.Noise removal: Add noise above 3kHz and

9. PWM and PPM

then remove ; Interference suppression using

10. Frequency modulation using 8038/2206

400 Hz ton

11. Precision rectifiers

7.Impulse response of first order and second

Suggested Reference: 1. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication System, 5th Edn. 2007 PHI/Pearson Edn. *************************************

order system References: 1.Sanjeet Mitra, Digital signal processing using MATLAB, TMH, 2001 2.J.G.Proakis & Ingale, Digital signal processing using MATLAB,.MGH, 2000 3.B.Venkataramani and Bhaskar, Digital signal processors, TMH,2002 ************************************* 06ECL-58: Analog Communication Lab + LIC Lab ( TO BE RETITLED AS ANALOG SYSTEMS LAB) EXPERIMENTS 1. Second order active LPF and HPF

2. Second order active BPF and BE 3.

Operational amplifier applications

i) Inverting amplifier and Non inverting amplifier

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