Syllabus Of Principles Of Management

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 759
  • Pages: 3
Helwan University: College of Commerce and Business Administration Course Syllabus - Undergraduate Course Name: Principles of management ( Course No: ) (Fall, 2009) Department Information:


Department Name: Management



Instructor Information: 1. Instructor:

Prof. Dr. Salaheldin

Ismail 2. Instructor Office Location: Helwan University Campus 3. Office Hours: TBA 4. Office Phone: 5. E-mail Address: [email protected] 6. Class Hours: Wed. Thur. from 8 AM to 5 PM 7. Class Location: Zamalek Building 8. Web Site:

Course Pre-requisite (s):------------Credit Hours: 3 Course Description:

This course provides a sound foundation for understanding key concepts in management. It aims to discuss the four traditional functions of management - planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It also discusses current issues facing managers and provides students with necessary basic skills to succeed as future managers. Course Goals:

On successful completion of this course students will: • Understand the fundamental role that management plays in the organization and society. • Have a good knowledge of the key management concepts. • Be able to demonstrate proficiency in ‘applying’ these concepts to ‘real world’ situations. Learning Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, a student will be able

:to 1. Demonstrate effective written and oral communications skills; 2. Utilize information technology in making business decisions; 3. Appreciate social responsibilities and ethical dimensions of business decision-making; 4. Work effectively in teams; 5. Foster global perspective in both appreciation and application; and, 6. Enrich their academic experience with experiential learning.


Learning Resources 1. Text Book: Author 1. Stephen p. Robins and David A. DeCenzo 2.

Title Fundamentals of Management

Edition 6th

Publisher Pearson

ISBN 0135031711

2. Others (CD ROMs , DVDs, e-Library, Internet, articles, textbooks, …) , Resource Type Description Type Comments 1.CD, and Fundamentals of CD & textbook Management textbook

Delivery and Teaching Strategy:

This course will be structured both in lectures (2 hours a week) and tutorials (1 hour a week). The purpose of the lecture is to describe the underlying management concepts, and explain how they have been used in organizations. It is impossible to discuss all aspects related to any given topic; hence lectures act to provide an overview of the key concepts. Students are assumed to have read the relevant material from the assigned text book. The tutorial will provide the opportunity for interactive discussion in order to review the concepts discussed in lectures and to apply the theory to practical situations. Students must read and prepare the assigned material before the tutorial and are expected to participate in the discussion and various tutorial activities. These will be made available to students in advance. Examples very similar to those discussed in the tutorials will be included in the mid-semester test and final exam. Students who regularly attend tutorial sessions will be at an advantage and will have a greater understanding of how to tackle such case studies in an examination context. Students will also able to access and download some teaching material online. Assessment Strategy :

To pass this course students must complete all of the following assessment tasks, obtain a final grade of 50% or more, and achieve a passing grade on the final exam: Assessment Task


Final Exam


Assignments & Quizzes


Mid-Semester Test






Attendance Policy: Students are required and expected to attend all classes and participate in class discussion. Students with Disability: If you have a disability that may affect your success in this course and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please arrange to meet with me as soon as possible and not later than the end of the second week of semester.


Course Outline No



Date Part 1: Introduction Managers and management Week 1


The Management Environment

Week 2

Part 2: Planning Week 3


Foundation of Planning


Foundation of Decision Making


Part 3: Organizing Basic organization designs Week 5

Week 4


Mid Term Exam Managing change, Stress and Week 6 Innovation Part 4: leading Foundation of Individual and Week 7 Group behavior Motivating employees Week 8


Leadership and Trust


Communication and Interpersonal Week 10 skills Part 5: Controlling Foundations of Control Week 11



11 12

Revision Lectures and Exam Information

Week 9

Assignment Prepare assigned material 1 Prepare assigned material 2 Prepare assigned material 3 Prepare assigned material 4 Prepare assigned material 5 Prepare assigned material 6 Prepare assigned material 7 Prepare assigned material 8 Prepare assigned material 9 Prepare assigned material 10 Prepare Tutorial 11

Week 12 Final Exam

Success comes in Cans Not in Cannots


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