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GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 301 Organic Chemistry and Unit Process

Sr. No.


CH- Organic Chemistry and 301 Unit Process

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Petroleum and Natural gas Occurrence- Composition of crude oil- Distillation of the crude oil- cracking- anti Cracking- knocking octane number- cetane number- synthetic petrol 2. Colour dyes and Pigments Introduction – colour and constitution- modern theory of colour – Dyes – Classification- Application- Pigments and application 3. Organic reactions and Mechanisms : Types of organic reactions- nucleophylic and Electro phylic reaction and mechanisms- Addition, substitution, nitration sulphonation, helogenation, oxidation reaction and Biochemical reactions and their mechanisms 4. Isomerism- stereochemistry- chemistry of compound which have asymmetric carbon- geometrical isomerism in tartaric acid, glycol, valaric acid etc. 5. Carbocyclic acid : Introduction- use in diff. Reactions and manufacture processacetic acid, Formic acid, Oxalic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid conversion of carbocyclic acid from diff. Compound and reactions. Resonance in carboxylic acidmeasurment of strength of acid with examples- Esters- Aceto acetic ester Manufacthure process- properties and uses and its importance in certain reactions 6. Arkyl Halide :- Manufacture process, properties and uses grisnard reajents, TEL etc. 7. Chemistry of Organic Compounds  Chloroform,  Ethyl alcohols  Acetone  Acetic anhydride  Formaldehyde  Poly ethylene etc. 8. Carbohydrate Introduction- classification and Chemical reactions of nano, oligo and poly saccharide, Manu process of Glucose, sugar, starch . Conversion- Higher aldose to lower aldose, lower to higher aldose, aldose to icetose, icetose to aldose etc. 5

Total 200

9. Aromatic Compound: Manu process, properties and uses, phenol,Amine,Thiols,soaps and detergents 10. Application of following reactions with mechanism canizaro, stobe, pericin, retromatasky. Michael Dickmann, welf kishners, and lucard reactions. 11. Polynuclear aromatic compound : Naphthalene and its derivatives , sulfonation aminofication of Nephthalene. 12. Chemistry of tatrocyclic compound : Five membered ring, six membered ring compound 13. Chemistry of Benzene; Isolation; Structure; Chemical Reactions; Properties and uses 14. Synthetic and Natural organic polymers: Properties of polymer, Synthetic Organic polymer Proteins, Nucleic acid- other examples 15. Introduction to various Unit Processes such as Nitration, Amination, Hydrogenation, Halogenation, Oxidation, Reduction, Sulphonation and Sulphation, Hydrolysis, Alkylation etc

PRACTICAL AND TERMWORK It should be based on theories TEXT BOOK 1. Organic Chemistry vol –2 By I.L.Finar 2. Organic Chemistry- Hendroson and Hamannd 3. Organic Chemistry- Morrison-Boyd 4. Organic Chemistry- Fisher & Fisher 5. Organic Chemistry- P.L.Soni 6. Unit Processes in Organic synthesis by P.H. Groggins


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 302 Fluid Flow Operations

Sr. No.


CH- Fluid Flow Operations 302

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Fluid static and its application: Nature of fluids, Pressure concept, Hydro static equilibrium, decanters like continuous gravity, centrifugal. 2. Fluid Flow Phenomena: Velocity fluid, Velocity gradient and rate of shear, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, Viscosity and momentum flux, Reynolds number and its significance, laminar and turbulent flow; Turbulence, Reynolds stresses, Eddy viscosity, Laminar and Turbulent flow in boundary layers, boundary layer formation in straight tubes, boundary separation and wake formation. 3. Basic equations of Fluid Flow: Mass velocity; average velocity; potential flow; streamlines, stream tubes, macroscopic momentum balance, momentum correction factor, Equation of continuity, Bernoulli's equation, corrections for fluid friction, pump work in Bernoulli’s equations, angular momentum equations, 4. Flow of incompressible fluids in Conduits and Thin Layers: Flow of incompressible fluids in Conduits and Thin Layers in pipes relation between skin friction and wall shear, friction factor laminar flow in pipes, kinetic energy factor and momentum correction factor for laminar flow of Newtonian fluids, Hagen-Poiseuille equation, effect of roughness, friction factor chart, friction factor inflow through channels of noncircular cross section, equivalent diameter, hydraulic radius, friction from changes in velocity or direction, flow through sudden enlargement of cross section, flow through sudden contraction of cross section, effect of fittings and valves, form friction losses in Bernoulli’s equations, separation of boundary layers in diverging channel, flow of liquid in thin layers, Couette flow, layer flow with free surface. 5. Flow of Compressible fluids: Mach number, continuity equation total energy balance equation, velocity of sound, processes of compressible of flow like isentropic expansion, adiabatic frictional flow, isothermal frictional flow, velocity in nozzles. 6. Flow past immersed bodies: Drag, drag coefficient, form drag, and stream lining, friction in fluids through bed of solids, fluidization, condition of fluidization, types of fluidization application of fluidization, continues fluidization, slurry and pneumatic transport. 7. Transportation and Metering of fluid: Pipe and tubing, joint and fittings selection of pipe sizes, prevention of leakage around moving parts, stuffing boxes, mechanical seals, valves like Gate, Globe, Plug cocks, Ball, Check valves. • Fluid moving machinery: Pumps its characteristics like developed head power requirement suction lift and cavitations; positive displacement pumps like reciprocating, rotary pumps, centrifugal pumps and its theory, characteristic of head capacity relation pump priming, fans blowers like positive displacement, centrifugal, compressor efficiency, vacuum pumps , jet ejectors, comparison of devises for moving fluids. 7

Total 200

• Measurement of flowing fluids: Full bore meter like venturimeter, orifice meter, coefficient of discharge of venturimeter, orifice meter, area meters like Rotameter, target meters, vortex-shedding meters, coriolis meters, magnetic meters etc., insertion meters like pitot tubes etc. Recent advancement in different pumps, valves and measuring devices.

8. Two phase gas-liquid flow in pipes: Various flow patterns in horizontal and vertical pipes, basic equations. 9. Dimensional Analysis: Different methods of dimensional analysis applied to fluid flow problems. 10. Introduction to transport phenomenon with respect to fluid flow. Practical and Term-work: 1. Experiments based on metering devices such as venturimeter, orifice meter, Rotameter, notches, etc. 2. Experiments based on pipe friction losses, losses in bends etc. 3. Experiments based on Characteristics of pumps, fans, compressors etc. 4. Experiments based on measurements of pressure drops. 5. Study experiments on laminar and turbulent flow visualization. Text books: 1. McCabe W L, Smith J C, Harriott P,”Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, 6th Ed. McGraw Hill, 2001, Reference Books: 1. Coulson, Richardson “Chemical Engineering “ Vol. I., 2. Knudson and Katz. ”Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer”-


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 303 Material Science & Technology Sr. No.


CH- Material Science & 303 Technology

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional Prac / T/W Oral 50



1. Engineering Materials: - Classification of Materials. Important properties of Engg. Materials (Mechanical, Electrical, electronics, Thermal, Structural, corrosion & Chemical resistance) structure of solids, BCC, FCC, HCP, Polymeric structure Industrial sites, Defect in solids (Point, line & planer) 2. Phase rule, phase equilibrium & phase transformation in solids. Equilibrium diagrams of solid solutions (alloy). Scene important equilibrium diagrams (Fe- Fe3 C, w-Al,in – w ,cu-sn. cu-ni, cu- ag, Al-si, Ni-cr.. Cooling curves. Non-equilibrium cooling. Time temp & transformation in Alloys. Transformation during heat treatment. 3A –treatment to methods & Alloy 3. Treatment of Engg. Materials:- Heat treatment Nitrating, Spherodising. Process of Polymer, Treatment of polymeric material (Plastic & rubbers), Extruding, Blow Molding, Injection Molding, Chemical vapor deposition. 4. Corrosion of its prevention:- Types of corrosion, Important of Corrosion in CPI Corrosion resistance materials, catholic, Anodize protection, lining, coating Techniques & Application. 5. Polymeric material:-Thermosetting ,Thermoplastic, structure properly reaction in polymers 6. Engg. Materials for CPI. Types of material used metals Alloys. Material used for cold & hot insulation, material used for high equipment like furnace Elect. Furnace, pipe still, storage vessel. Material used for lining (Glass FRP). Base material for catalysis material used for coating & paints. Typical material of consumption in CPI. 7. Selection of materials for CPI (1) Analysis of requirement (2) Available material 8. Nano-materials 9. Base material for catalysis. 10. Recent advance / trends in Chem. Engg. Material Books: 1. Nature and properties of Engineering Materials- D. Zester Zebski. 2. Elements of material science- Van Wale. 3. The Science and Engineering of Materials- Donald R. Askland.


Total 150

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 304 Computer Programming Sr. No.


CH- Computer Programming 304

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Introduction to computer hardware, computer languages like machine language and high-level languages terms etc. Introduction to Operating Systems, Flow charts and algorithms. 2. Programming in C: Importance of C, Sample Program, Basic Structure of C Programs, Programming Style, Executing a C Program, Constants, Variables, and Data Types in C, Operators and Expressions, Managing Input and Output Operations, Decision Making and Branching, Decision Making and Looping, Arrays, Character Arrays and Strings, User-defined Functions, Structures and Unions, Pointers, File Management in C, Dynamic Memory Allocation and inked Lists, Macro Substitution, File Inclusion, Compiler Control directives, ANSI Additions, Program Design, Program Coding, Common Programming Errors, Program Testing and debugging, Program Efficiency. 3. Introduction to OOP: introduction to class, member functions and member variables, private and public variables and functions, data hiding, accessing a member variable, input/ output in C++, introduction to inheritance and polymorphism. 4. Problems in process design, mathematical models for simple processes, programs for flow sheet, material and energy balances calculations. Chemical Engg. applications of software etc. The above topics should be discussed with respect to its application for chemical engineering and allied industries. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics for the preparing algorithms, programs etc. for various problems. Practice for operation of various ready made software and preparing tailor made software should be given during the laboratory hours. Experiments on computation and applications should be given based on the above topics. Books: 1. E Balagurusamy, “Object-Oriented Programming with C++”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill (2006), ISBN: 0070593620. 2. E, Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, 3rd Edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies (2005)


Total 200

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 305 Maths III Sr. No.


CH- Maths III 305

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Common with other branches of engineering


Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional Prac / T/W Oral 50



Total 150

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 306 Communication Skills and Technical Report Writing Sr. No.


Communication Skills CHand Technical Report 306 Writing

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional Oral T/W -



Effective technical and professional communication that develops skills in Oral presentations, proposal writing, technical report writing, document design and basic research techniques through online and library sources. Read, write and evaluate a number of short reports, including mechanism and product descriptions, instructions, abstracts and summaries, project proposals, and progress reports. Business Communications: principles of effective business writing, writing business letters and memos, resume preparation and job search techniques, understand the principles of communication theories and the application of those theories in a variety of settings Technical Writing; Technical Communication; Deliver an oral presentation of the findings; Tools and Techniques for Technical Communicators. Process for Technical Writing Projects: Planning, Brainstorming, Organizing, Writing and Revising. Proposal Development: develop proposals which offer to solve problems for a reader or groups of readers by providing specified services at a specified cost, defining the request for a proposal, planning and developing a proposal document and practicing the methods of formatting, writing, editing and presenting a formal business proposal. Technical Presentations: prepare and present various types of information ranging from annual reports and statistical analyses to proposals for projects, systematic evaluations, and revisions of existing documents. Tutorials, presentations and report preparation based on the above topics are to be covered. Books: 1. Business correspondence and Report writing by R. C. Sharma and Krishnamohan, Tata McGrawHill 2. Communication skills by B. V. Pathak, Nirali Publications.


Total 50

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 401 Physical Chemistry Sr. No.


CH- Physical Chemistry 401

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Chemical Kinetics: Introduction , Rate of reasction, Factor influence on trate of reaction, Rate constant order of reaction, activation energy, molecularity of reaction, Pseudo uni melecular reaction Kinetic evaluation of different order, determination of order of reaction, application. 2. Phase Rule: Introduction Phace(p) etc. one, two component system, Eutectic system. 3. Electron Displacement : Introduction, Reactive intermediate, Electron displacement effect, inductive effect, Resonance, steric effect, hyper consumption. 4. Thermodynamics : Introduction, Terminology, First,Second,Third law of Thermodynamics,Entropy Enthalpy, free energy and relation. Gibbs hemholtz evalution-clapeyron-clausius evuation Cp-Cv relation and induatrial application. 5. Thermochemistry : Energy, Nature of Energy, Energy change in Reactions, Calorimetry, Heat of Solution & Dilution, Effect of Temp. & Pr. On chemical reaction with change in enthalpy,entropy and free energy. Industrial application in details. 6. Electrochemistry : Introduction, Electrochemical Cell, All kinds of Cell, Electrochemical Series & its application, EMF, Acid-Base, pH & pOH and its relation, Buffer solution, Application of pH in controlling of Reaction, Batteries, Fuel Cells 7. Instrumental Method of Analysis : Introduction, Chromatography, GC, HPLC, Adsorption Spectroscopy, Lambert, Beer’s law & its derivation, Spectroscopy, Calorimetric Analysis, UV Spectroscopy, Infrared, Thermal Methods of Analysis, Thermogravemetric Analysis, Examples, Conductometric Analysis, Polentiometric Analysis, Applications 8. Protective Coatings : Introduction, Mettalic Coatings, Chemical Conversion Coatings, Organic Coatings, Paints, Analysis of Oils, Formulation of Paints, Failure of Paints and reasons, Enamels, Laerquers, Applications 9. Surface Chemistry : Adsorption, Classification, Isotherms, Application of Isotherms, Catalysis Classification, Theories of Catalysis, Application in different industries 10. Colloids :Classification, Theories, Application in Process Chemistry 11. Environmental Pollution and Control: Introduction, Water Pollution & Measurement, Air Pollution & its control, Green House Effect, Acid Rain, Soil Pollution & its control PRACTICAL AND TERM-WORK Practical work based on theory Text Book 1. Physical chemistry – Semul Glastene 2. Physical chemistry – P.L.Soni & Dharma 3. Advance Engineering Chemistry – Dr. Senapati Shardaprasad Mohanty 4. Physical Chemistry – Bahal & Tulli 5. Physical Chemistry –A.J.Mee 6. Chemistry -Raymond Chang. 13

Total 200

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 402 Inorganic Chemistry Sr. No.


CH- Inorganic Chemistry 402

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Fundamentals of Reaction Mechanism : Introduction, Homolytic-Heterolytic Bond Fission, Reactions Profiles and Intermediate, Classification of Reactions, Types of Attacking Reagents, Inductive Electromeric Effect, Resonance & its effect, Hyperconjuction, Hybridization, Addition-Substitution Reactions, Its Mechanisms 2. Metals & Alloys : Introduction, Physical Properties of Metals, Metallurgy: Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel; Heat Treatment of Steel, Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, Tungsten alloys, Steel alloys; Applications, Non Ferrous Alloys, Chemistry of Non Transitional Elements, Transition Metal and Co-ordination Compound, Theories, Isomerism, Applications 3. Chemical Bonding : Introduction, Nature of Bonding, Ionic, Co-valent, Co-ordinate, Hydrogen, Metallic bonds and their properties, Theories of Bonding (MO., VB. etc), Dipole Moment, Delocalized NIO Theories, Intermolecular Force, Crystal Structure Solid-Liquid, Kinetic Theories, Phase Change, Liquid Crystals 4. Atomic Structure : Quantum theories, Electronic Structure of Atom, Dual Nature of Elements, Quantum Numbers, Schrodinger Equation, Unar. Principle, Building up Principle, Key Equations 5. Chemical Equilibrium : Concept, Equilibrium Constant and its application, Factors affect on Chemical Equilibrium, Acid based Equilibria, Solubility Equilibria, Entropy & Free Energy Equilibria, Applications 6. Explosives & Propellants : Explosives, Classifications, Precautions during the storage of Explosives, Manufacturing of Important Explosives, Rocket Propellants, Classification of Propellants 7. Water Treatment : Introduction, Effect of Rock & Minerals on Water, Hardness of Water & Expression, Disadvantage of Hardness in Human life & Industries, Treatment of Hard Water (Ion Exchange, Permutite, Reverse Osmosis), Drinking Water Parameter & its limits, Methods of Analysis of Water, Purification of Water for Domestic & Industrial use 8. Solid State : Introduction, Crystals, Preparation of Crystals, X-Ray Studies of Crystals, Industrial application in increasing purity of products PRACTICAL AND TERM WORK It is based on Theories. Text Book: 1. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, by Gilrith 2. Inorganic Chemistry, by P. L. Soni 3. CHEMISTRY, Raymond Cheng 4. Inorganic Chemistry, by Cotton & Wilkinson 14

Total 200

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 403 Chemical Process Industries-I Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Process 403 Industries-I

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Chemical processing and the work of chemical engineering : Basic chemical data, batch and continuous processing, flowcharts etc. 2. Water: Water treatment for industrial and domestic use such as demineralisation, deionisation, desalination, reverse osomosis. Sewage water and industrial waste water treatment and disposal management. 3. Fuels and Combustion: Types of fuels, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, Cocking and distillation of coal, hydrogenation of coal, properties of fuels, alternatives availability, furnace and burner design, testing. 4. Energy and its alternate sources: Liquid and gaseous fuels, water gas, producer gas, forms and sources of energy, Nuclear energy, molecular reaction, Energy from unconventional sources such as solar energy, bio-mass, wind energy, OTEC etc. 5. Oils, Fats, Waxes, Soaps and detergents: Vegetable oils, soyabean oil by extraction, Animal fats, processing of animal fats and oils. Hydrogenation, Waxes, Detergents, Raw materials Manufacture of detergents, detergency, biodegradability of surfactants, fatty acids, Soaps, Glycerin. 6. Sulfur and Sulfuric acid: Mining of sulfur, manufacture of Sulfur and sulfuric acid by contact and DCDA process, its applications. Manufacturing technologies, processes, properties, application, and state of art with respect to technology, economy, availability and use pattern for all above industry/products should be discussed. 7. Introduction to industrial gases and carbon : Gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, rare gases of atm. , helium, acetylene, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide. Carbon like carbon black, activated carbon, natural graphite, manufacturing of graphite and carbon, industrial diamonds. 8. Introduction to ceramic industries. Portland cements, calcium and magnasium compounds, glass industries. 9. Introduction to Salt and miscellaneous sodium compounds. 10. Introduction to Electrolytic industries, electrothermal industries and nuclear industries. 11. Introduction to explosives, propellants and toxic chemical agents, photographic products industries. 12. Introduction to cleaner production technology, its uses and applications and processing. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics for the preparations etc. should be given to the students.

testing, identification, analysis and

Text Books: Shreve's Chemical Process Industries by George Austin Reference Books: General Chemical Technology by Shukla and Pandey.


Total 200

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 404 Process Calculations Sr. No.


CH- Process Calculations 404

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional Prac / T/W Oral 50



1. Dimensions and units: Dimensions and system of units, Fundamental and derived units, Dimensional consistency, Dimensional equations, Different ways of expressing units of quantities and physical constant. 2. Basic chemical calculations: Composition of gaseous mixtures, liquid mixtures, solids etc. Ideal gas laws and its application. Dalton law, Raoult’s law, Henry’s law, solubility and distribution coefficient humidity and saturation. 3. Material balance without chemical reactions: Process flow sheet, Material balance with and without recycle; Bypass, Purge streams, Material around equipments related unit operations like absorber and stripper, Distillation towers. Extractors. Dryers, Evaporators, Crystallizers, Humidification and dehumidification towers. Material balance of unsteady state operations. 4. Material balance involving chemical reactions: Concept of limiting and excess reactants, percentage conversion and yield etc., material balance involving reactions with special reference to fertilizers, petrochemicals, dyestuffs, electrochemical industries. 5. Energy balances: Heat capacity of gases and gaseous mixtures, liquids & solids, Sensible heat change in liquid & gases, enthalpy changes during phase transformation, enthalpy changes accompanied by chemical reactions, standard heat of reaction, adiabatic reactions, thermo-chemistry of mixing process, dissolution of solids etc. Liquid-liquid mixtures, heat of solution by partial molal quantities. 6. Stoichiometry and Unit operations: Distillation, Absorption and stripping, extraction & Leaching, Crystallization, Psychometry, Drying, Evaporation etc. Industrial application to be considered. 7. Fuels and combustion: Types of fuels, calorific value of fuels, problems on combustion of coal, liquid fuels, gaseous fuel etc. Proximate and ultimate analysis, combustion calculations, theoretical flame temp. etc., Air requirement and flue gases. Textbooks: 1. ‘Stoichiometry’, B. I. Bhatt & S. M. Vora, Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd, 4th edition, 2004. Reference Books: 1. “Basic Principles and calculations in Chemical engineering” by David M Himmelblau, sixth Edition, 2000.


Total 150

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 405 Process Heat Transfer

Sr. No.


CH- Process Heat Transfer 405

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Introduction to three modes of heat transfer: Conduction convection & radiation. General laws of heat transfer. 2. Conduction: Fourier's law. Conductivity, its variation with temp. & Pressure and its relationship with electrical conductivity. Heat transfer through composite walls and cylinders. Unsteady state heat transfer through some important shapes. Insulating materials general properties & application. 3. Natural convection: Natural convection from vertical plates & horizontal cylinders. Forced convection: In laminar flow - Heat transfer in plate & in tubes. In turbulent flow - Empirical equations for individual coefficients: inside tubes, outside tubes, outside bundle of tubes, flow past spheres. Significance of Prandtl No., Nusselt No., Grashof No., Graetz No. & Peclet No. Correction for tube length. Correction for heating and cooling and other corrections. Various analogies between heat & momentum transfer. 4. Radiation: Radiation laws like Stefan Boltzman's law, Kirchoff's law, Wien’s law, Plank's law etc. Black body, Grey body. Transmittivity, Absorptivity, Reflectivity, Emissivity of black bodies and gray bodies. Application of thermal radiation: Radiation Transfer between surfaces. Radiation through semi transparent materials. 5. Heat transfer with phase change: Boiling of liquids condensation of vapor. Film wise & drop wise condensation. Weighted LMTD & Overall Heat transfer Coefficient for desuperheating & sub cooling. 6. Evaporation: Performance of tubular evaporator. Individual & overall coefficients. Capacity & economy of evaporators. Boiling point elevation, Duhring’s rule, Effect of liquid head & friction on pressure drop. Types of evaporators. -Multiple effect evaporators. -Vapor recompression-Thermal recompression & mechanical recompression. 7. Heat Exchange equipments: -Double pipe heat exchangers. Individual and overall heat transfer coefficient LMTD. Variable overall Heat transfer. Coefficient fouling factors. Shell & tube heat exchangers. LMTD correction factors. General constructions.Extended surface equipment. Fin efficiency. Fin effectiveness. Calculations of overall heat transfer coefficient for extended surface heat exchangers. -Agitated vessels. -Scrapped surface exchangers. -Heat transfer through fluidized beds. 8. Industrial furnaces. : Types of industrial furnaces, their advantages and disAdvantanges, factors affecting the heat transfer etc. 9. Introduction to heat exchangers like condenser without subcooling, condenser with subcooling, uses and applications. 10. Introduction to heat exchangers like reboilers, kettle type reboiler and thermosyphon reboiler, uses and applications. 11. Introduction to transport phenomenon with respect to heat transfer. 17

Total 200

Practical and Term work: Experiments related to conduction, convection, radiation, evaporation, industrial furnaces, heat exchangers etc. Text books: 1. "Heat Transmission" : W. H. McAdams, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition. 2. "Process Heat Transfer" : D. Q. Kern, McGraw Hill.

Reference Books: 1. Unit operation of Chemical Engineering": W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition., 2. "Principles of unit operation”: A. S. Foust et. al., Wiley International. 3. Chemical Engineering., Vol.-VI, Coulson and Richardson’s 4. Fundamentals of Engineering heat and mass transfer by R.C. Suchdeva.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 501 Mass Transfer Operation –I

Sr. No.


CH- Mass Transfer 501 Operation -I

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



1. Introduction to mass transfer operations. 2. Molecular & Eddy Diffusion in fluids: Estimation of diffusivities and mass transfer coefficient in laminar flow and turbulent flow their co-relations, analogies in transfer process. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer, phase relationship for absorption, distillation, drying & crystallization. Applications of Diffusion. 3. Inter phase mass transfer: Concept of overall mass transfer coefficient mass transfer in packed bed and fluidized bed concept of effective diffusivity. Film, penetration and surface renewal theory, equilibrium. 4. Gas Absorption: Solubility of gasses in liquids, idea and non-ideal solution. Choice of solvent for absorption, material balance and liquid gas ratio for absorption and stripping counter current multi stage operation (isothermal) continuous contact equipment introduction to multi component absorption, concept of HETP and HTU, NTU and jh factor. Industrial absorbers. 5. Liquid-Liquid extraction & leaching: Ternary liquid- liquid equilibrium and tie line data choice of solvent, single stage & multistage extraction. Co-current and cross current extraction. Continuous counter current multistage extraction with and without reflux theory & performance of continuous contact equipments, single stage & multistage equipments, introduction to extraction with two solvents, applications of liquid extraction. Steady state and unsteady state leaching equipments, single stage leaching, multistage cross current and counter current leaching, rate of leaching, recovery of solvent vapors, application of leaching. 6. Mass transfer with Chemical Reactions: Mass transfer with chemical reaction in case of absorption, extraction leaching, and introduction to back mixing in various contacting devices. 7. Introduction to transport phenomenon with respect to mass transfer. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics Text Books: 1. 2.

R.E.Treybal, “Mass transfer operation", Mc-Graw Hill, Kogakusha Ltd. G. Astavita, “Mass transfer with Chemical Reaction", Elsevier Co.

Reference Book: 1. Perry, Chemical Engineers handbook.


Total 250

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 502 Chemical Process Industries-II

Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Process 502 Industries -II

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

1. Dyes and Intermediates: Classification of dyes according to constitution and application, various dyes such as Azo dyes, Anthroquione dyes, Triamyl dyes, dispersed dyes, Misc. Dyes such as azine, oxazines, thiazines, thiazoles, nitro dyes etc. Various dye intermediates based on unit processes such as Nitration- Nitrobenzene, Reduction-Aniline, meta nitroaniline, Similarly for Amination for ammonolysis, Sulphonation, Halogenation, Hydrolysis, condensation, oxidation, alkylation etc 2. Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: Classification as per chemical conversion, Various drugs and pharmaceuticals based on following unit processes--Alkylation- Phenobarbital, barbital; Carboxylation, Dehydration, Halogenation, esterification, condensation, oxidation. Sulfonation etc Antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin etc; Biological, steroids hormones, vitamins etc 3. Chlor-alkali and Heavy Inorganic industry: Techniques and manufacture of Soda ash, Sodium bicarbonate, Chlorine, Caustic soda, bleaching powder and its applications. 4. Sugar, Paper, Paints, Pigments: Sugar, starch, pulp, rayon and paper chemicals, Acetic acid, methanol, ethanol by distillation, Paints, diff. Types of pigments such as white, blue, red, yellow, green, brown etc Toner and lakes, Varnishes, lacquers, Inds. Coatings, printing inks, Inds. Polishes etc 5. Biotechnology and its application: Scope of biotechnology in modern industry, characteristics of biological materials, Application in manufacture of pharmaceuticals, chemicals. Methodologies transformation etc & fermentation products. 6. Introduction to nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus industries, different fertilizer’s manufacturing processes, their uses and applications, major engineering problems. Phosphate rock, superphosphate, phosphoric acid, potassium, Pot. Chloride, pot. Sulfate, pot. Carbonate, synthetic ammonia, ammonia, Ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, urea, nitric acid etc. 7. Introduction to food and food by product industries, agrichemical industries, fragrances, flavors and food additives. 8. Fermentation industries : industrial alcohol, absolute alcohol, beers wines and liquors, Butyl alcohol and acetone, vinegar and acetic acid, citric acid, lactic aid, miscellaneous compounds. 9. Wood derived chemicals : Introducton to wood derived chemicals. 10. Introduction to plastic industries, manmade fiber and film industries and rubber industries. 11. Hydrochloric acid and miscellaneous inorganic chemicals


Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics for the preparations etc. should be given to the students.

testing, identification, analysis and

Text Books and Reference Books: 1. Shreve’s chemical process industries- George Austin. 2. Biotechnology, Chemical feedstock and Energy utilization-D. F. Gibbs. 3. Biochemical Engg. And Biotechnology Handbook- Atkinson.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 503 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - I

Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Engineering 503 Thermodynamics-I

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150

1. Introduction: Conservation of energy and first law of thermodynamics, application to steady state flow process; enthalpy, internal energy, equilibrium state, phase rule, irreversible vs. reversible process, heat capacity and specific heat. 2. Properties of pure substances: PVT behavior of pure substances, ideal and non-ideal gases, equation of states, Virial, Van der Waals, Redlich kwong equation , RKS equation, PR equation, Berthelot equation etc., Calculation of constants in terms of Pc, Tc, Vc, condition to be satisfied by any equation of state, reduced forms of equations of state, principles of corresponding states. 3. Heat effects: Heat capacities of gases as a function of temperature, Heat capacities of gases, liquids and solids, Concept of Cpm, Heat of vaporization, Heat of fusion, Heat of sublimation, Heat of formation (∆Hf), Laws of thermo chemistry, Heat of combustion (∆Hc), Heat of reaction ∆Hr from ∆Hc, Heat of reaction (∆Hr) from ∆Hf etc., thermo-neutrality of salt solution, Heat formation of ions and atoms, Heat of solution, Heat of solution of hydrate, 4. Second Law of thermodynamics: Second law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic temperature scale, Ideal gas temperature scale, Concept of entropy, entropy change and irreversibility, Introduction to third law of thermodynamics. 5. Thermodynamic properties of fluids: Network of thermodynamic equations, mathematical relations among thermodynamic functions, Maxwell relations, Interrelations between H, S, G, E, Cp, Cv, etc. in terms of PVT relations (exhaustive treatment), Thermodynamic properties of single phase and two phase systems, Effect of temperature and pressure, on various properties and their evaluations, Types of thermodynamic diagrams, generalized correlations of thermodynamics properties of ideal gas mixtures. 6. Residual properties: Departure functions 7. Thermodynamics of flow process: Fundamental equations and relationships flow in pipes, maximum velocity in pipe flow, nozzles, Single and Multistage compressors and ejectors. 8. Refrigeration and liquefaction: Basic of Carnot refrigeration cycle, Air refrigeration cycle, Vapor compression cycle, Absorption refrigeration, Heat pump, liquefaction processes, Refrigeration through solar energy, Cascade refrigeration., Power cycles, Recent advancement in refrigeration and liquefaction cycle design.


Text-book: 1. Smith J.M, Van Ness H.C., Abbott M. M, "Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., USA, 5th Ed., 1996. 2. Narayanan K.V., “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 3. Rao Y.V.C., “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, Wiley Eastern. 1994 Reference Text-book: 1. Karapetyants M. Kh., “Chemical Thermodynamics” Mir Publishers. 2. Elliot J. R. and Lira C.T, "Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics ", Prentice Hall, 1999. 3. Kyle B.G., "Chemical and Process Thermodynamics"3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999. 4. Sandler S.I, "Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 3rd Ed., 1999 5. Dodge B.F., `Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics’, McGraw Hill.1960 6. Weber H.C. and Meissner J.P., ”Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers”, Wiley Eastern.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 504 Chemical Engineering Computation

Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Engineering 504 Computation

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral

1. Introduction 2. Numbers and Errors 3. Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations. 4. Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations. 5. Matrix inversion and Eigen value problems 6. Empirical laws and curve fittings 7. Interpolation 8. Numerical differentiation and Integration. 9. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and Partial differential equations. For all above topics Chemical Engineering Application to be considered. Text Books and Reference Books: 1.Numerical Methods in Science and Engg- Dr. B.S.Grewal. 2.Numerical methods- Sastri. 3.Numerical Analysis-K.Kunz.





Total 150

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 505 Mechanical Operation and Particulate Technology

Sr. No.


Mechanical Operation CHand Particulate 505 Technology

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

1. Solids and its flow properties : Characterization of solid particles, mixed particles sizes and analysis, screen analysis, properties of particulate masses, mixing of solids, mixer for cohesive solids, mixer for free flowing solids. 2. Size reduction, enlargement, Screening : Principles of comminution, rittinger’s and kick’s laws, bond crushing law and work index, size reduction equipment, crushes, grinders, ultra fine grinders, cutting machines, open circuit and closed circuit operation, screening equipment, comparison of ideal and actual screens, screen effectiveness. 3. Fluidization and conveying 4. Filtration and sedimentation : Cake filters, filter press, shell and leaf filters, discontinuous vacuum filters, continuous vacuum filters, centrifugal filters, filter media, filter aids, principles of cake filtration, clarifying filters, gravity classifiers, sink and float method, differential settling methods, clarifiers and thickeners, batch sedimentation, rate of sedimentation, thickeners, sedimentation zones in continuous thickeners, 5. Mixing and agitation 6. Other Separation methods like elutriation, flotation, jigging, electrostatic and magnetic separation, classification, tabling etc. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics for the testing, identification, analysis and preparations etc. should be given to the students. Books: 1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engg. By W.L. McCabe & J. C. Smith 2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering by W. L. Badger & J.T. Banchero. 3. Unit Operation by Brown & Associates.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 601 Mass Transfer Operation –II

Sr. No.


CH- Mass Transfer 601 Operation –II

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 250

Distillation: Binary System: Introduction, Vapor-liquid Equilibria, P-X-Y T-X-Y diagrams, concept of volatility and effect of P and T on equilibrium data, Ideal solutions, Raoult's Law as applied to distillation operations, Deviation from ideality minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures, Enthalpy-concentration diagrams, their characteristics. Flash distillation, steam distillation, simple distillation, continuous rectification, Batch fractionation etc., Determination of number of stages, by Ponchon and Severit method and McCabe-Thiele method, multi tray towers, concept of minimum, total and optimum reflux ratio, Reboilers, use of open steam multiple feeds, partial condensers, cold hot circulating reflux etc. Rectification of azeotropic mixtures. Continuous contact equipments like packed towers sieve, bubble cap towers etc. Determination of no. of transfer units and height of transfer units. Multi-component System: Vapor-liquid equilibrium data, Definition of K etc. ideal systems, limitations, Key components, Reflux, Lewis and Matheson calculations, liquidvapour ratio, method of Thiele and Geddes, Enthalpy balances for conventional columns, conventional method. Introduction to complex columns, convergence method, calculations of `S', Material balance equation etc. Determination of minimum Reflux ratio for conventional and complex columns. Use of efficiencies, Modified Murphee and vaporization efficiencies. Determination of plate efficiencies. Concept of A.S.T.M., T.B.P., azeotropic and extractive distillation, also molecular distillation. Other operations: Humidification and dehumidification: Vapour liquid Equilibria, Enthalpy of saturated and unsaturated vapour liquid mixtures, adiabatic saturation curves, concept of wet bulb and dry bulb temp. Lewis relation, water-cooling with air, Dehumidification of air-water vapour, water-cooling towers. Absorption and ion exchange: Types of absorption, Nature of absorbents, absorption Equilibria, absorption of single gas/vapour from gaseous mixture, dilute and concentrated liquid solutions, fixed bed, ion-bed absorbers, principles of ion exchange. Equilibria and rate of ion exchange. Drying: Equilibrium relationship, Drying operations and equipments, Equilibrium moisture, Bound moisture, unbound moisture, free moisture etc. Batch drying, rate of drying, time of drying, Cross-circulation drying, concept of NoG and HoG, Drying at low temperature, freeze drying etc. Mechanism of various drying operations should be discussed in detail, continuous drying equipments-Tunnel dryers, Rotary dryers, Spray dryers etc. 26

Crystallization: Saturation, nucleation, crystallization rate, effect of impurities, effect of temperature on solubility, caking of crystals, Batch crystallizes, continuous crystallizer. Less conventional operations: Introduction to fractional crystallization, sublimation, foam separation, membrane separation, Thermal diffusion etc. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics Text Books: 1. R.E. Treybel, “Mass Transfer Operations”, McGraw Hill Publication. 2. Richardson and Coulson, “Chemical Engg. Vol.II”, Pergamon Press. Reference Books: 1. Badger and Bencharo, “Introduction to Chem. Engg.”, McGraw Hill Publication. 2. Perry, Chemical Engineers handbook.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 602 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics –II

Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Engineering 602 Thermodynamics -II

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150

1. THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS: (continued.) Partial Molar properties, Mathematical model for the chemical potential, Ideal and non-ideal solutions, Fugacity, Pure component fugacity, Fugacity coefficient and its evaluation, Effect of Pressure and Temperature of Fugacity, Fugacity of mixtures, Gibb’s Duhemn Theorem, composition in phase equilibrium. Heat of solution of hydrate, Heat of mixing and enthalpy concentration diagrams, Excess properties of mixtures. 2. PHASE EQUILIBRIUM: Criteria of Phase equilibrium, Duhemn theorem, VL Equilibrium idealization, Phase diagram for Miscible systems, Immiscible systems, partial miscible systems, Testing of VLE data, Gibbs Duhemn Equation, Van Laar equation, Margules equation, evaluation of various constants, Redlich Kister equation, modified forms, Chaos modification, Excess properties of mixtures. Qualitative treatment for phase behavior at low pressures, P-x, y; T-x,y ; x-y diagrams, Qualitative treatment for phase behavior at High pressures, Retrograde condensation, V-L equilibrium of ideal and non-ideal solutions, Henry's Law, Raoult's Law, Positive and Negative deviations, Constructions of various diagram from data. Quantitative treatment for phase behavior at high pressures, Evaluation of K and construction of Kcharts. Equilibrium relations for complex reactions with special reference to Petroleum Fractions, critical temperature and Pressure of Petroleum fractions, Concept of Phase diagram, Focal pressure and temperature of Petroleum fractions., VLLE, LLE, SLE, Identify the systems containing azeotrope(VLE and LLE), Equation of state for VLE problems. 3. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM: Criteria of chemical equilibrium, Equilibrium conversion (Xe), Equilibrium constant, Effect of temperature and pressure on K, evaluation of K by various methods. Evaluation of Xe, Equilibrium conversion charts, Calculations of Xe for exothermic, endothermic reversible, irreversible reaction and various combinations. Thermodynamic analysis of some important technical reactions. Introduction to liquid phase and heterogeneous reactions, electro-chemical reactions, equilibrium of complex reactions, simultaneous, consecutive reaction and various combinations, non-adiabatic reactions. 4. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics and prediction method: Basic concepts of statistical thermodynamics, Boltzmann statistics, Fermi Dirac statistics, Bose Einstein statistics, fundamental postulates and their relationship to the three laws of classical thermodynamics, simple theories of fluids, prediction of thermodynamic properties by group contributions methods, empirical and non-empirical methods etc. 28

Text-book: 1. Smith J.M, Van Ness H.C., Abbott M. M, "Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., USA, 5th Ed., 1996. 2. Narayanan K.V., “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 3. Rao Y.V.C., “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, Wiley Eastern. 1994 4. Sonntag, R.E., Borgnakke, C., and Van Wylen, G. J., “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003. Reference Text book: 1. Elliot J. R. and Lira C.T, "Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics ", Prentice Hall, 1999. 2. Kyle B.G., "Chemical and Process Thermodynamics"3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999. 3. Sandler S.I., "Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 3rd Ed., 1999 4. Dodge B.F., `Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics’, McGraw Hill. 1960 5. Hougen O.A., Watson K.M., and Ragatz R.A. , “Chemical Process Principles Part-II” Thermodynamics, John Wiley 1970. 6. Weber H.C. and Meissner J.P., ”Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers”, Wiley Eastern.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 603 Industrial Management

Sr. No.


CH- Industrial Management 603

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50





Principles of management-Introduction to management: meaning, nature, purpose, functions, managerial process. Planning: nature & purpose of planning- objective, strategies, policies & planning premises, decision making Organizing: nature & purpose of organizing, Basic departmentation, Line/ staff authority, centralization & decentralization Overview of staffing Directing: human factors in managing, Mcgregor’s X & Y theory, creativity & innovation, motivation- meaning, purpose of motivation, motivational theories- ( Hierarchy of needs by maslow, Herzberg’s Two factor theory, McCiellands need theory of motivation), motivational techniques- Monetory & non monetary , concept of job enrichment, leadership: Meaning, ingredients of leadership, leadership behavior & styles.( leadership based on the use of authority & managerial grid), concepetual awareness about situational/ contingency approach. Controlling: Basic control process, conceptual knowledge of control techniques( budget, traditional non budgetary control devices), preventive & direct control. Introduction to Cost Accounting and Control : Elements of cost, prime cost, Overhead cost, Factory cost, total cost, Nature of cost, Types of cost, Process cost and cost of production, Control and accounting of material labor and overhead, cost reduction, break even analysis. Entrepreneurship Development: Nature and importance of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur background and characteristics, Entrepreneur versus Inventor, Risk taking abilities of Entrpreneur, Creating and Business idea Credit facilities and financial planning: Knowledge of credit facilities, deposits, and shares, debentures with their merits and demerits, industrial finance corporation, their help to engg. Entrepreneurs, financial planning of project calculation of total capacity required, details of running capital and turnover, preparing the project, Business plan, Marketing plan, Organization plan, Impact of WTO, Intellectual property rights, patent trade marks, market survey, import export procedure, SWOT analysis, global trends in chemical and allied industries. Text and Reference Books :1- Principles of Management by L.M. Prasad, sultan chand & sons, New delhi. 2- Industrial Engineering and Management by O. P Khanna, 3- Entrepreneurship by R.D. Hisrich, Micheal P. Peters, Dean A. Shepherd, Tata Mcgrawhill, 2006


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 604 Process Equipment Design-1 Sr. No.


CH- Process Equipment 604 Design-1

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Oral Sessional T/W 50



Total 225

1. Process design of piping, Fluid moving devices and Flow meters: Introduction, Process design of piping, process design of Fluid moving devices, evaluation of Centrifugal pump performance when handling viscous liquids, Power required in Fan, Blower and adiabatic compressor, flow meters, Process design of Orifice meter, Rotameter etc. 2. Process design of Heat exchangers: Shell & Tube heat exchangers, General design method of shell & tube heat exchanger, Criteria of selection between Horizontal and vertical condenser, Condensation with non-condensable, Multi-component condensation, Process design of Reboilers and vaporizes, Tinker’s flow model, air cooled heat exchangers and air heaters, plate heat exchangers, spiral flow heat exchangers etc. 3. Process design of Distillation Column: Introduction, Criteria of selection, Selection of equipment for distillation, Distillation column design, Batch distillation etc. 4. Process design of Absorbers: Introduction, Criteria for selection, Design of packed tower type absorber, Process design of Spray chamber or spray tower type absorber, Venturi Scrubber, Process design of falling film absorber. Text Books: 1. “Introduction to Process Engineering and Design” by S B Thakore and B I Bhatt, tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 2007. Reference Books: 1. Mass Transfer Operations - Robert E. Treybal, Third edition. 2. Process Equipment Design for Petrochemical Plants - R.E.Ludwig 3. Chemical Engineering - Vol. 6 - Richardson & Coulson.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 605 Instrumentation and Process Control Sr. No.


CH- Instrumentation and 605 Process Control

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

Process Control 1. Introduction: Steady state system, Process control, Feedback control, transient response, proportional control. Integral control, block diagram, parts of control system. 2. Laplace transforms: Definition, transforms of simple functions, ramp functions, sine functions, solutions of differential equations. Inversions of transform function by partial fractions, qualitative nature of solutions. Final value and initial value theorems, translation of transforms, transforms of unit impulse functions, transforms of integral. 3. Response of First Order Systems: Mercury thermometer, transient response of step functions, sinusoidal input, impulse functions. 4. Physical examples of first order systems: Liquid level, mixing process, RC circuit, linearization. 5. Response of first order system in series: Non-interacting system of liquid level, generalization of several non-interacting systems in series, interacting systems. 6. Second order systems: Development of transfer functions, damped vibrator, liquid manometer, thermometer in thermo pocket, step response of e<1, e>1, e=1, overshoot, decay ratio, rise time, response time, period of oscillation, natural period of oscillation, impulse response, impulse response for e<1,e>1,e=1,sinusoidal response, transportation lag. 7. The control systems: Block diagram, negative and positive feedback, servo problem v/s regulator problems, development of block diagrams, process measuring element, controller, final control element. 8. Controllers and final control elements: Control valve, proportional controlling, on off control, proportional integral (PI) control, proportional derivative (PD) control, proportional integral derivative (PID) control, motivation for addition of integral and derivative modes, block diagram of chemical reactor control system. 9. Closed loop transfer functions: Standard block diagram symbols, overall transfer function for single loop system, overall transfer function for change in load, overall transfer function for multiloop control system. 10. Transient response of simple control systems: Proportional control for Set point change (Servo Problem), Proportional control for load change (Regulator Problem), Proportional integral control for load change, Proportional Integral control for set point change, Proportional control for system with measurement lag. 11. Stability: Concept of stability, definition of stability (linear system), stability criterion, characteristic equation, Routh test for stability, Routh array theorems of rough test, Nyquist stability criterion. 12. Frequency response analysis: Fortunate circumstances, transportation lag, Bode diagrams, first order system, first order system in series, graphical rules for Bode diagrams. 32

13. Control system design by frequency response: Tank temperature control systems, Bode stability criterion, Ziegler Nicholas controller settings, transient response phase margin, magnitude ratio, phase shift open loop Bode diagrams of various controllers. 14. Controller Mechanism: Actual v/s Ideal controller, electrical controller mechanism PI, PD & PID controllers, phase angle plots, integral controllers, pneumatic controller mechanism baffle nozzle, proportional controller mechanism, analysis, PI control, PD control, PID control, relay, bellows, interaction in the three modes of controllers, hydraulic controller mechanism, hydraulic integral controller, hydraulic power supply, hydraulic proportional integral control. 15. Setting of different modes of controllers: Frequency response Bode plots, controllers tuning based on Bode plots, Nyquist diagram, Root locus method, Reaction curve method, Search techniques. 16. Final control element: Pneumatic actuators, electro pneumatic actuators, hydraulic actuators, flow through control valves, control valve characteristics, linear type, non linear of decreasing sensitivity and equal percentage type, control valve. 17. Control of complex processes: Control of distillation tower, interaction of control system, choice of different modes of control, cascade control, feed forward control, combined feed forward feedback system, dead time compensation, control of heat exchanger. 18. P & I Process & Instrumentation Diagrams  Symbols  Process Variables  Effective variables for process variables  Details of sensors (Electrical/Mechanical/Pneumatic) / Transducers  Communication system(Junction box/ Field box/ Tag Indication/ Wire system/ Wire less system)  Controlling and indicating systems. (Manually/ Automatic)  Annunciation (Present situation/ Critical situation)  Preparation of control loop for P & I diagram and wiring. 19. Introduction of  Data Acquisition System  Programmable Logic Control  Distributed Control system Process Measurement 20. Introduction: - Elements of instruments, parts of instruments, static and dynamic characteristics. 21. Temperature Measurement: - Scales, Expansion thermometers like constant volume gas, mercury in glass, bimetallic, filled system thermometer like pressure spring thermometer, static accuracy of thermometer, response of thermometer, dip effect in thermometer, errors in thermometer of liquid and gas filled type like cross ambient effect, head effect, methods of compensation. Thermoelectric temp. Measurement: Thermo couples, laws of thermo electricity, material of construction of lead wires, thermal well response of thermocouple, thermocouple circuit for various measurement situations, null potentiometer circuit. Resistance thermometer: materials for bulb circuits, null bridge etc., deflection resistance thermometer, thermometers etc. Pyrometers: laws of radiation, radiation energy distribution, radiation receiving


element, radiation pyrometer, photo electric pyrometers, optical pyrometers, errors in optical pyrometers. 22. Pressure Measurement: Liquid column manometer, enlarged lag manometer, well manometer, inclined tube manometer, ring manometer, tilting U tube manometer, bourdon gauge, bellows, diagram pressure elements, bell differential pressure gauge, bellows differential pressure gauge, pneumatic balance pressure differential elements, electric pressure gauge slack and corrugated diaphragm liquid seals, volumetric seals, steam gauge siphon, purge system. Vacuum Measurement: Ionization gauge, large bulb McLeod gauge, pirani vacuum gauge, thermocouple vacuum gauge, installation of pressure measuring instruments. 23. Liquid level measurement:- direct measurement, float and tap, float and shaft, hydraulic remote transmission, bubbler system, diaphragm & air trap system, differential pressure manometer, float and spring, pneumatic balance, displacement float, magnetic float gauge, sonic type detector, nuclear radiation detector, oscillator type detector, electrode, system, photo electric cell system, measurement of level of solid, fixed point devices. 24. Flow Measurement:- Head flow meter, orifice plate, installation and orientation of heat flow meter, flow nozzle, venturi tube pitot tube, differential pressure meter, electric type head flow meter, bellows type meter, rotameter, piston type area meter, positive displacement meter, design, installation and calculation of orifice plate, velocity approach factor, flow meters for corrosive fluid, mutating piston meter, dallatube meter, gas flow meter, weirs and flames, electromagnetic flow meter. 25. Density Measurement:- liquid level method, displacement meters, hydrometer. 26. Viscosity Measurement:- viscosity meter, continuous viscosity meters, capillary type visco meters, rotating bowl type viscometer. 27. Humidity Measurement:- Psychomotor method, wet bulb and dry bulb thermometer, hygrometer method, dead point method, electrolytic water analyzer. 28. pH Measurement:- electrode for ph measurement, calomel reference electrode, measuring circuits. 29. Gas analysis:- thermal conductivity cell, resistance bridge, chromatography, paramagnetic oxygen analyser, chemical absorption type, infra red absorption type, chromatography. Practical and Term-work: Experiments based on the above topics Text Books: 1. "Process System Analysis & Control",Coughanower and Kappel, Mc Graw ill Book Company. 2. "Process Control", A. Pollard, Hoinemanm Educational Books London. 3. "Industrial Instrumentation",Donald P Eckman, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York. Reference Books 1. " Automatic Process Control", Donald P Eckman. 2. Applied Instrumentation for process industries (Gulf Published company Vol.- 1,2,3,4 by W.C.andrews 3. Instrumentation Engineers Handbook Process control B.G.liptak(Chilton book company `


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 701 Chemical Reaction Engineering Sr. No.


CH- Chemical Reaction 701 Engineering

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

1. Kinetics of homogenous reactions: Classification of reactions, Definitions of reactions rate, variables affecting reaction rate, concentration dependent term of rate equation for single, multiple, elementary and non-elementary, reactions. Molecularity and order of reaction. Kinetic models for non-elementary reactions. Testing kinetic models. Temperature dependant term of rate equations from Arrhenius theory and comparison with collision and transition state theory. Activation Energy and Temperature Dependency. Temperature dependency from thermodynamics, comparison of theories. Prediction of reaction rate by theories. Searching for the mechanism. 2. Interpretation of Batch reactor data: constant volume batch reactor, analysis of total pressure data, Integral and differential methods of analysis of data for constant volume and variable volume cases. Temperature and Reaction rate, search for a rate equation, 3. Introduction to reactor design: Mass and energy balances around a volume element. Single ideal reactors under steady state conditions, batch mixed flow & plug flow reactors, space-time and space velocity. Introduction to semi batch reactor. 4. Design of reactor for single reactions: Ideal batch reactor, steady-state mixed flow reactor, steady-state plug-flow reactor, holding and space time for flow reactors, size comparison of single reactors- with reference to first and second order reactions for Batch reactor, mixed versus plug flow reactor, general graphical comparison. Multiple reactor system, plug flow reactors in series and parallel, equal size and different size mixed flow reactors in series, reactors of different types in series, recycles reactors and autocatalytic reactions. 5. Design for parallel reactions: Introduction to multiple reactions, qualitative discussion about product distribution, qualitative treatment of product distribution and of reactor size, the selectivity, irreversible first order reactions in series- qualitative treatment, performance characteristics, kinetic studies, and design of plug flow and mixed flow reactor, first order followed by zero order reaction, zero order followed by first order, successive irreversible reactions of different orders, reversible reactions, irreversible series-parallel reactions- Performance characteristics, kinetic study and design for mixed and plug flow reactor, the Denbigh reactions and their special cases, 6. Temperature and pressure effects: (Single Reactions) Calculations of heats of reactions and equilibrium constants fro thermodynamics, equilibrium conversion, General graphical design procedure. Optimum temperature progression, Energy balances equations in adiabatic and non-adiabatic case. Exothermic reaction in mixed flow, Rules for choice of reactors and optimum operation of rectors. 7. Temperature and pressure effects (Multiple reactions) Product distribution and temperature, temperature and vessel size for maximum production.


8. Industrial homogeneous reactors: Reactors for Nitration, sulfonation, sulfation, Hydrolysis, Alkylation, Esterification, polymerization, oxidation, fermentation, chlorination, photo-chlorination, cracking, etc. Should be discussed with reference to types of reactors utilized in these unit processes. Practical and Term Work: Experiments based on above topics should be given to the students. Text Books: 1. Octave Levenspiel, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd. (1998), ISBN: 978-0-471-25424-9. Reference Books: 1. H. Scott Fogler, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering” 3rd Edition November, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd (1998). 2. L. D. Schmidt, “The Engineering of Chemical Reactions”, Oxford Press (1998). 3. J.M. Smith, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 2nd, McGraw-Hill (1981).


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 702 Process Equipment Design - II Sr. No.


CH- Process Equipment 702 Design - II

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Oral Sessional T/W 50



Total 225

1. Mechanical design of Pressure vessel: Shell, head, Nozzle, support, Body flange etc. 2. Mechanical design of Reaction Vessel: Shell, head, Jacket, coil, agitator, nozzle, support, Body flange etc. 3. Mechanical design of Storage Vessel: Self supported and structured supported storage vessel, design of column and rafters, support etc. 4. Mechanical design of Heat Exchangers: Shell, tube, tube sheet, head, Nozzle, nozzle reinforcement, saddle & bracket support, body flange etc. 5. Mechanical design of Distillation Column: Shell, head, Nozzle, skirt support, Body flange etc. 6. Process Hazards 7. Selection of Material for various fluid handling. Text Books: 1. Process Equipment Design - M.V.Joshi & V V Mahajani, Third edition. 2. Illustrated Process Equipment Design by S B Thakore and D A Shah, First edition, 2003. Reference Books: 1. Process Equipment Design - Vessel Design - L.E. Brownell & E.H.Young, First Edition, 1959.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 703 Elective - I Sr. No.


CH- Elective - I 703

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

Elective – I A : Computer Aided Design & Chemeinformatics COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN DETAILED PROCESS SYTHESIS - ALGORITHMIC METHODS. The Design Process- Design Opportunities, Steps in Product Process Design, Environmental Protection, Safety Considerations, Engineering Ethics, Role of Computers. Reactor Design and Reactor Network Synthesis- Objectives, Reactor Models, Reactor Design for Complex Configurations, Reactor Network Design Using the Attainable Region. Synthesis of Separation Trains-Objectives, Criteria for Selection of Separation Methods, Selection of Equipment, Sequencing of Ordinary Distillation for the Separation of Nearly Ideal Fluid Mixtures, Sequencing of Operations for the Separation of Non-ideal Fluid Mixtures, Separation Systems for Gas Mixtures, Separation Sequencing for Solid-Fluid Systems. Reactor-Separator-Recycle Networks: Objectives, Locating the Separation Section with Respect to the Reactor Section, Tradeoffs in Processes Involving Recycle, Optimal Reactor Conversion, Recycle to Extinction, Snowball Effects in the Control of Processes Involving recycle. Heat and Power Integration-Objectives, Minimum Utility Targets, Networks for Maximum Energy Recovery, Minimum Number of Heat Exchangers, Threshold Approach Temperature, Optimum Approach Temperature, Superstructures for Minimization of Annual Costs, Multiple Utilities, Heat-integrated Distillation Trains, Heat Engines and Heat Pumps. Mass Integration- Objectives, Minimum Mass Separating Agent, Mass Exchange Networks for Minimum External MSA, Minimum Number of Mass Exchangers. Optimal Design and Scheduling of Batch Processes-Objectives, Introduction, Design of Batch Process Units, Design of Reactor-separator Processes, Design of Single Product Processing Sequences, Design of Multi-Product Processing Sequencing. DETAILED DESIG, EQUIPMET SIZIG,AD OPTIMIZATIO - COFIGURED PRODUCT DESIG. 38

Heat Exchanger Design- Heat Transfer Coefficients and Pressure Drop, Design of Shelland-Tube Heat Exchangers. Multistage and Packed Tower Design- Operating Conditions, Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) Shortcut Method for Ordinary Distillation, Kremer Shortcut Method for Absorption and Stripping, Rigorous Multi-component, Multi-Equilibrium-Stage Methods with a Simulator. Pumps, Compressors, and Expanders-Objectives, Pumps, Compressors and Expanders Optimization of Process Flow sheets-Flow sheet Optimization - Case Studies. CHEMINFORMATICS Software and Calculations, Basic Statistical Concepts, Excel for Chemometrics, Matlab for Chemometrics. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN- Introduction, Basic Principles, Factorial Designs, Central Composite or Response Surface Designs, Mixture Designs, Simplex Optimization. SIGNAL PROCESSING- Sequential Signals in Chemistry, Filters, Correlograms and Time Series Analysis, Fourier Transform Techniques. PATTERN RECOGNITION-The Concept and Need for Principal Components Analysis, Cluster Analysis. Multiple Linear Regression, Principal Components Regression, Partial Least Squares, Model Validation. EVOLUTIONARY SIGNALSDetermining Composition.






Computer assisted property estimation, and other property retrieval databases. Text Books: • Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, “Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation”, 2nd Edition, Wiley(2003) • T.F. Edgar and D.M. Himmelblau, “Optimization of Chemical Processes”, Chemical Engg. Series, McGraw Hill • Richard G. Brereton, “Chemometrics: Data Analysis for the Laboratory and Chemical Plant”, April 2003 Wiley Elective – I B : 8anotechnology in Chemical Engg.-I Introduction to Nanomaterials, Nano-physics, Nano-chemistry, Nano-biomaterials, Nanosynthesis and Processing by Physical, Chemical and Biological routes, Nanocharacterization


Elective – I C : Environmental Engg. Water and Wastewater Engineering Characteristics of water: physical, chemical and biological parameters, standard methods of water analyses, biodegradable waste and agricultural runoff in streams, population forecasting, prediction of water demand and wastewater generation, water and wastewater quality, water and wastewater treatment plants and systems: physical, chemical and biological systems, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment, sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, adsorption, ammonia removal, aeration, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, activated sludge and trickling filter, ion exchange, lagoons, disinfection, natural treatment systems, sludge treatment and disposal, industrial wastewater treatment: characteristics of industrial wastewater, treatment levels and available technologies. Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering Sources and classification of atmospheric pollutants, indoor and outdoor air pollutants, health and ecological impacts, meteorology: influence of solar radiation and wind fields, lapse rate and stability conditions, characteristics of stack plumes, Dispersion and deposition modeling of atmospheric pollutants: Eddy and Gaussian diffusion models, Puff models, effective stack heights and spatial concentration distributions, Measurement techniques. Characteristics of various air pollutant particulates, health and nuisance/aesthetic considerations (PM2.5 and PM10) and gaseous pollutants (CO, SOx, NOx, etc.), their behaviour in the atmosphere, monitoring., Control of particulates: collection mechanisms and efficiencies. Control of gases and vapours: adsorption, absorption, combustion, incineration. Control of sulphur oxides and oxides of nitrogen, desulphurisation, kinetics of NOx formation. Photochemical reactions, role of nitrogen and hydrocarbons in photochemical reactions, air toxics, mobile sources of air pollutants, noxious pollutants, and odour control. Emissions trading. Solid Waste Engineering and Management Engineering design and operational aspects of waste generation, collection, storage, transfer, processing, including composting of organic waste, treatment and disposal. Engineering evaluation of: integrated waste management, solid waste characterization and classification, reduction, reuse and recycling, resource recovery and utilization. Life cycle assessment of waste, physical and chemical treatment methods and composting. Landfill design and operation including: site selection, engineered sites, liners and covers, leachate control and treatment, gas recovery and control, including utilization of recovered gas (energy), and landfill monitoring and reclamation. Environmental Sampling And Analysis Practical and essential principles of water, soil and air sampling. Basic concepts in quantitative analyses of physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Tolerable levels of contaminants in air, water and soil. Sampling, sample preparation and preservation techniques, and quality assurance and quality control. Development of optimum monitoring strategy, scheduling, and sampling frequency. Database management, data analysis, statistical treatment of data, sources of error, and seasonal effects. Instrumental methods of analysis for organic and inorganic contaminants in air, water, and soil: colorimetry, chromatography, spectroscopy, electrochemical probes, remote sensing and bioassays. Basic concepts of resolution, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, calibration and control of error. Laboratory certification and standardization.

Text Book: Master M. G. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Prentice Hall, 1998.


Elective – I D : Food & Food Processing Food Technology: Chemistry of food constituents, Bio-Chemistry & Nutrition, Food Additives, Food preservatives & principle of preservation, food Microbiology, manufacturing of various Dairy products, Bakery products, Confectionary food juice concentrate, Synthetic Flavors etc. Analysis of foods, Processing of foods. Food processing equipments and design. Food processing and packaging Food processing technologies Food processing, cutting and slicing equipment. Transport properties of foods Text and reference books : 1 Hand book of food processing equipment by George D. Saravacos. 2. Food packaging technology by G. Bureau, J.L. Multon Elective – I E : Fermentation Technology Introduction to fermentation technology, Microbial growth Kinetics, Media for Industrial fermentation, Development of inoculla for industrial fermentation, Design of fermentor, Instrumentation and control for fermentation, Aeration and agitation, Recovery and purification of fermentation products, fermentation Economics, Maintenance of fermentor. Text Book: 1. Principles of Fermentation technology by P. F. Stanbury, A. Whitaker & S. J. Hall, Elsevier Elective – I F : Paint Technology Introduction to Paints Technology, Paints Testing, Paint Production and Manufacturing Technology, Coating Technology and equipments, Paint equipment, Paint protection and Application of Paints Books: 1. Paint technology by John Pfanstiehl 2. Introduction of paint chemistry and principles of paint technology by J. Bentley 3. Handbook on basics of coating technology by Dr Artur Goldchmidt, Dr HansJoachim Streitberger. 4. The Chemistry and Technology of Paints By Maximilian Toch Practical and term work: Practical work and term work based on topics covered should be given to the students. 41

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 704 Chemical Engineering Economics and Project Engineering Sr. No.


Chemical Engineering CHEconomics and Project 704 Engineering 1. 2.

3. 4.


6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150

Introduction: Basic considerations in chemical engineering plant design, project identification, preliminary techno-economic feasibility. Process design aspects: Selection of process-factors affecting process selection. Importance of Laboratory development pilot plant, scale up methods, safety factors, types of flow diagrams. Selection of process equipments: Standard versus special equipment-material of construction for process equipments, selection criteria, and specification sheets. Process auxiliaries: Piping design, layout, and supports for piping insulations. Pipe fittings, types of valves, selection of valves, process control and instrumentation control system design. Process utilities: Process water, boiler feed water, water treatment, waste treatment and disposal, disposal, steam, oil heating system, chilling plant, compressed air and vacuum. Plant location and layout: Factors affecting plant location, factors in planning layouts, principles of plant layout, use of scale models. Cost estimation: Factors involved in project cost estimation - Total capital investment, Fixed capital and working capital, types and methods for estimation of total capital investment, Estimation of equipment cost production, factors. Estimation of total product, cost: Factors involved in project cost of production, factors affecting investment and production costs. Depreciation: Types and methods of determining depreciation, evaluation of depreciation methods. Profitability, alternative investments and replacement: Methods for profitability evaluation, Practical factors in alternative investment and replacement studies. Economic considerations in process and equipment design: Inventory control scheduling a project using CPM/PERT methods, project management. Optimum design: General production rates in plant operation, optimum conditions, optimum production rates in plant operation, optimum conditions in cyclic operations.

Text Books: 1. 2. 3.

M.S. Peters and Timmerhaus, “Plant design and Economics for Chemical Engineers”, McGraw Hill 3rd Edition F.C. Vibrandt and C.E. Dryden, “Chemical Engineering Plant Design”, McGraw Hill Fifth Edition Industrial Engineering and Management by O. P. Khanna 42

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 705 Industrial Practices Sr. No.


CH- Industrial Practices 705

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150


Environmental Protection: Concept of environment and ecology, various natural cycles in environment and ecology, effect of human activities on environment and ecology. Various types of environmental pollution in general and in chemical and allied industry in particular, sources and causes of environmental pollution, effect of pollution on environment, environmental impact assessment and EIS, methodologies for environmental pollution prevention (including process technology up gradation, development, Invention etc.), control, abatement and treatment and waste disposal. Rules, regulations, laws etc. regarding environmental protection, pollution prevention and control, waste disposal etc. Role of government, semi/quasi govt. and voluntary organizations. Current trends and topics


Introduction to Industrial laws, Industries Factory act, Energy audit, Environment Audit, Trade union, Labour laws and acts. Industrial Electricity rules, Industrial Dispute Acts, Workmen compensation Act, ESIC Act, Payment and Wages act, Minimum Wages act, Payment of Bonus act, Recent trends and practices in Safe industrial practices

(C) Safety Management: Current practices and topics in safety management, rules, regulations, laws etc. for safety management in industry. 1. General Introduction Historical Background, Grown of Safety Science, Aims of Safety Science, Safety and the Organization. 2. Basic Concepts of Safety Science. Hazard, Risk, Nature of the accident process, Use of Engineering Fundamentals in safety science. 3. Techniques of Hazard Identification Hazard and Operatbility Studies (HAZOP), Safety Audits, Hazard Analysis. 4. Fault and Event Tree Analysis for Risk Prediction 5. Source Models Models of Accidental Release of Toxic/Flammable liquids and vapors, Models of flow of liquids and vapors through pipes. 6. Dispersion Models: Mathematical Models for prediction of Dispersion patterns for toxic/flammable materials released into atmosphere, various types of "plume" and "puff" models of dispersion. 7. Nature of fires and explosion 43

8. 9. 10. 11.

Calculation of Blast damage due to over-pressure, prevention of fires and explosions. Introductory ideas on toxicology/industrial hygiene. Control of Major Chemical Hazards, Emergency Control and disaster planning. Introduction to various personal protective equipments Current practices and topics in safety management, rules, regulations, laws etc. for safety management in industry

Text Books: 1. 2. 3.

Frank P Lees, "Loss Prevention in Process Industries" Volume 1, 2 & 3 Environment Engg. by Metcalf and Eddy Industrial Organization and Economics by T.R. Banga & S.C. Sharma


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 706 Seminar Sr. No.


CH- Seminar 706

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Oral Sessional T/W -



Total 50

Under the above subject each student will be assigned the topic related to Chemical Engineering & allied field. The student will make an up to date literature & information survey with reference to the topic assigned to him under the supervision of teaching staff members and will submit requisite no. of copies. He will present the material / literature in the form of a paper/ report by giving a talk.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 707 In Plant Training Sr. No.


CH- In Plant Training 707

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Oral Sessional T/W -



Total 100

Under this subject each student shall undergo training in any chemical or allied industry. The duration of the in plant training will be of the order of 6 to 8 weeks. The training duration may be divided in two phases and shall be during the vacation at the end of 5th and 6th Semester. The student will be required to submit a report of the training to the head of department.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 801 Heterogeneous reaction and catalysis

Sr. No.


CH- Heterogeneous reaction 801 and catalysis

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

1.Non Ideal Flow‚ Residence time distribution, The E.F. and C. Curves. Their inter relationship, ways of using age distribution function, Models for nonideal flow, Dispersion model, Chemical Reaction and dispersion. Intensity of fluid mixing. Tanks in series model conversion, Multiparameter model, Deviation from plug flow, Models for real stirred tanks. 2.Mixing of Fluids‚ Self mixing of single fluid, degree of segregation, Early and late mixing, models for partial segregation, Mixing of two miscible fluids, Product distribution in multiple reactions. 3.Kinetics and Design for uncatalyzed Heterogeneous system: Rate equation for heterogeneous reactions, Combining linear rate expressions. Combining non-linear rate equations. Contacting patterns for two-phase systems. 4.Fluid Fluid Reactions ‚ Rate equation, Kinetic regimes for mass transfer and reaction. Rate equations for instantaneous reactions. Fast and intermediate rate equatrions. Rate equation for slow reaction rate equation for infinitely slow reaction, film conversion parameter M Towers for fast and slow reactions, mixer settlers. Semi batch contacting patterns. Reactive distillation and extractive reactions. 5.Fluid particle Reactions Selection of a model. Unreacted core models for unchanging size spherical particles. Spherical particles of changing size, Diffusion through gas film and through ash layer controlling chemical reaction controlling. Shrinking spherical particles. Plug and mixed flow of unchanging size solids under uniform gas composition, particles of single size and mixture of particles of various sizes. Fluid and fixed beds with solids entrainment, instantaneous reactions. 6.Catalysts‚ Physical properties of catalyst, surface area, void volume, solid density pore volume distribution, Classification and preparation of catalyst, catalyst promotors. Catalyst inhibitors, Catalyst poisons, Nature and Mechanism of Catalytic reactions, Physical and chemical absorption. 7 Porous Catalyst‚ Interpellet heat and mass transfer. Mass transfer with chemical reaction. Effect of internal resistances of selectivity and poisoning.


8. Deactivating Catalyst‚ Mechanism and rate equation for catalyst deactivation. Batch solids, rate for independent deactivation, Parallel, series and side by side deactivation. Flowing solids, Experimental reactors, mechanism of decay from experiment, design and performance with a batch of decaying catalyst, Reactor with fresh flowing catalyst. Reactor and regenerator with deactivating catalyst. 9. Solid catalyzed reactions ‚ Rates of chemisorptions. Adsorption isotherms and rates of adsorption and desorption. Adsorption desorption rate controlling surface reaction rate controlling, Quantitave interpretation of kinetic data, Experimental methods of finding rates, Differential, integral, mixed batch and recycle reactors. Determining reactor size from rate equations. Product distribution in multiple reactions. Staged adiabatic packed reactors with intercooling. Staged mixed reactors, bubbling bed model. 10. Fixed bed Reactors ‚ Global reaction rates. Mass energy balance equation for fluid flowing through bed of catalyst. Isothermal and adiabatic reactors, Heat transfer through reactor wall, Wall Film coefficient, Effective thermal conductivity, One and two dimensional model, Calculations of external concentration difference and temperature difference with negligible and finite diffusion resistances. Effect of external resistance on selectivity. 11. Slurry Reactors‚ Effect of external transport resistance on global rate of reaction, Mass transfer between gas bubble and bulk liquid. Mass transfer between bulk liquid to catalyst particle, Effect of mass transfer on observed rates. Determination of volume and conversion in slurry reactors. 12. Fluid bed Reactors‚ Heat transfer and mixing in fluidized bed. heat transfer to wall, Conversion in plug flow with axial dispersion, model. bubbling bed model. Duel reactors and trickle bed reactors. 13. Industrial application‚ Examples illustrations based on cracking of hydrocarbons, alkylation’s, nitration, ammination, sulfonation, sulfation, halogenations, hydrogenation, esterification, hydrolysis, oxidations, and polymerizations with special reference to reactors utilized in the above unit processes. Term Work and Practical: Experiments based on kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, fluid reactions in towers, mixers, settlers etc Text Books: 1. Octave Levenspiel, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd. (1998), ISBN: 978-0-471-25424-9. Reference Books: 1. H. Scott Fogler, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering” 3rd Edition November, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. 2. L. D. Schmidt, “The Engineering of Chemical Reactions”, Oxford Press. 3. J.M. Smith, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 2nd, McGraw-Hill. 4. M.M. Sharma and LK. Doraiswami, “Heterogeneous Reactions and Mass transfer” 48

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 802 Advance Separation Processes

Sr. No.


CH- Advance Separation 802 Processes

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150

A. Super Critical Extraction:Working Principal, Advantage & Disadvantages of supercritical solvents over conventional liquid solvent, Advantage & Disadvantages of supercritical extraction over liquid- liquid extraction, Decaffeination, ROSE process, extraction of aromatic from spice and other commercial application of supercritical extraction, Application under research B. Short path Distillation:Concept & working of short path Distillation Unit (SPDU), Difference between short part Distillation & molecular distillation, commercial application of SPDU, application research, Economics of short path distillation. C. Reactive & Catalytic Distillation:Concept & and History, Advantage & Disadvantages, Various methods of applications, Mfg.of MTBE, Mfg, of ETBE and other commercial application, BALE & KATMAX packing, etc. D. Pressure swing Adsorption:Concept & Working, Advantage & Disadvantages of PSA over cryogenic distillation, four step PSA, six step PSA, Purification of hydrogen, oxygen, Nitrogen & other commercial applications of PSA. E. Melt Crystallization:Concept, Different types of crustallization, phase equilibrium, different techniques used commercial applications. F. Membrane Separation Techniques:i) Reverse Osmosis(R.O.) Concept of Osmosis & Reverse Osmosis , Different types of Membrane modules and membrane material used for R.O., Advantages & Disadvantages, and Commercial application of R.O. ii) Ultra filtration:Concept & working principal, commercial application. iii) Pervaporization:Working principal, Advantages & Disadvantages, Production of absolute alcohol and other commercial applications.


G. Membrane Reactor:Concept & working, various modules of membrane used for membrane reactor, Advantage & Disadvantages, application under research. H. Membrane of Osmotic Distillation :Working Principal, Various application, etc.

Text and Reference books:i) ii) iii) iv) v)

“Natural Extracts using supercritical carbon dioxide” M.Mukhopadhyay. “Introduction to Process Engineering & Design” by S.B.Thakore & B.I.Bhatt. ‘Perry Chemical Engineers Handbook’ 7thEdition by R.H.Perry and D.Green. Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. “Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering “ by Kirk & Othmer.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 803 Elective - II

Sr. No.


Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





CH- Elective - II 803

Exam Scheme (Marks) Prac / Sessional T/W Oral 50



Total 150

Elective II A : Biotechnology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

A Little Microbiology Chemicals of Life The Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions Applied Enzyme Catalysts Metabolic Stoichiometry and Energetics Molecular Genetics and Control Systems Kinetics of Substrate Utilization Product Field Biomass Production in Cell Cultures Transport Phenomena in Microbial Systems Design and Analysis of Biological Reactors Instrumentation and Control Product Recovery Operations Bioprocess Economics Analysis of Multiple Interacting Microbial Populations Reactors with Multiple Cell Populations Process Application

Text Books: 1. James E. Bailey, David F. Ollis, “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals” NewYork, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070032122.

Elective II B : Energy Technology 1. An Introduction to Energy Sources energy sources (conventional & non-conventional), renewable energy resources, primary & secondary energy sources, energy chain, energy demand, national energy strategy & plan, energy management, energy audit & conservation 2. Definitions, Units & Measures proximate & ultimate analysis, calorific values, rank of coal, coking & caking, gasification, basis for reporting results of analysis, units & conversion factors


3. Solid Fuels wood & charcoal, peat, lignite, sub-bituminous & bituminous coals, semi-anthracite and anthracite coals, cannel & boghead coal, origin of coal, composition of coal, analysis & properties of coal, problems 4. Processing of Solid Fuels coal preparation, washability curve, dry & wet washing methods of coal, washer efficiency, gasification & liquefaction of solid fuels, problems 5. Solar Energy solar constant, solar radiation & related terms, measurement of solar radiation, solar energy collectors – flat plate collector, air collector, collectors with porous absorbers, concentrating collectors, applications & advantages of various collectors, selective absorber coatings, solar energy storage systems (thermal, electrical, chemical & mechanical), solar pond, applications of solar energy 6. Wind Energy basic principles, power in wind, force on blades & turbines, wind energy conversion, site selection, basic components of wind energy conversion systems (WECS), classification of WECS, wind energy collectors, applications of wind energy 7. Energy from Biomass introduction, energy plantation, biomass conversion technologies, photosynthesis, biogas generation, factors affecting biogas generation, classification of biogas plants & their comparisons, types of biogas plants (including those used in India), biogas from plant wastes, community plants & site selection, digester design considerations, design calculations, methods of maintaining & starting biogas plants, properties & utilisation of biogas, thermal gasification of biomass, pyrolysis, alternative liquid fuels 8. Geothermal Energy geothermal resources, hydrothermal resources, liquid dominated systems, geopressured resources, petrothermal systems, magma resources, energy conservation & comparison with other resources, applications of geothermal energy 9. Energy from Oceans OTEC, methods (open cycle & close cycle) energy from tides, components of tidal power plants, operation, methods of utilisation of tidal energy, storage, ocean waves, wave energy conversion devices 10. Fuel Cell introduction, hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell, ion exchange membrane cell, fossil fuel cell, molten carbonate cell, advantages & disadvantages, conversion efficiency, polarisation, type of electrodes, applications of fuel cells 11. Hydrogen & Methanol properties of Hydrogen, production of hydrogen, thermochemical methods, fossil fuel methods, solar methods, storage & transportation, safety & management


12. Magneto Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) Power Generation principle, MHD system, open cycle system, closed cycle system, design problems & developments, advantages, materials for MHD generators, magnetic field & super conductivity 13. 8uclear Energy fission, fusion, fuel for nuclear fission reactor (exploration, mining, milling, concentrating, refining, enrichment, fuel fabrication, fuel use, reprocessing, waste disposal), storage & transportation, fast & slow neutrons, multiplication factors & reactor control, uranium enrichment process, nuclear reactor power plant, fast breeder reactor, boiling water reactor, pressurised heavy & light water reactor

Text Book 1. Energy Sources 2nd Ed. by G. D. Rai Khanna Publications, New Delhi 2. Fuels & combustion by Samir Sarkar Orient Longmans(1974) 3. Solar Energy by Sukatame Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 4. Energy Technology by Rao & Parulaker

Elective II C : Biochemical Engineering 1. A little microbiology  Biophysics the Doctrine  The structure of cells  Important cell types 2. Chemicals of life  Lipids  Sugars and polysaccharides  From nucleotides to RNA and DNA  Amino acid into proteins  Hybrid Biochemicals  The hierarchy of cellular organization 3. The kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed reaction  The Enzyme-substrate Complex and enzyme Action  Simple enzyme kinetics with one two substrates  Determination of Elementary-step rate constants  Other patterns of substrate concentration dependence  Modulation and regulation of enzymatic activity  Other factors influencing enzyme activity  Enzyme deactivation  Enzyme reaction in heterogeneous systems 4. Applied Enzyme Catalysis  Application of hydrolytic enzymes  Other applications of enzymes in solution  Immobilized-enzyme technology  Immobilized-enzyme kinetics 53

5. Metabolic Stoichiometry and Energetics  Thermodynamics principles  Metabolic reaction coupling: ATP and NAD  Carbon catabolism  Respiration  Photosynthesis: Tapping the ultimate source  Biosynthesis  Transport across Cell Membranes  Metabolic organization and Regulation  End Products of metabolism  Stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation 6. Molecular Genetics and Control Systems  Molecular genetics  Alteration of cellular DNA  Commercial application of microbial genetics and mutant population  Recombinant DNA technology  Growth and reproduction of a single cell 7. Kinetics of substrate Utilization, Product Formation, and Biomass Production in Cell Cultures  Ideal reactors for kinetics measurements  Kinetics of balanced growth  Transient growth kinetics Structured kinetic models  Product formation kinetics  Segregated kinetic models or growth and product formation  Thermal –death kinetics of cells and spores 8. Transport phenomena in bioprocess Systems  Gas-liquid mass transfer in cellular systems  Determination of oxygen transfer rates  Mass transfer for freely rising or falling bodies  Forced convection mass transfer  Overall kla’ Estimates and power requirement for sparged and agitated vessel  Mass transfer across free surfaces  Other factors affecting kla’  Non Newtonian fluids  Scaling of mass transfer equipment  Heat transfer  Sterilization of gases and liquids by filtration 9. Design and analysis of Biological reactors  Ideal bioreactors  Reactors dynamics  Reactors with non ideal mixing  Sterilization reactors  Immobilized biocatalysts  Multiphase bioreactors  Fermentation technology  Animal and plant cell reactor technology 10. Instrumentation and Control  Physical and chemical sensors for the medium and gases  On-line Sensors for cell properties 54


Off-line analytical methods Computers and interfaces Data analysis Process control Advanced control strategies

11. Product Recovery operations  Recovery of particulates: Cells and solids particles  Product isolation  Precipitation  Chromatography and fixed bed adsorption: batch processing with selective adsorbates  Membrane separations  Electrophoresis  Combined operations  Product recovery trains 12. Bioprocess Economics  Process economics  Bio-product regulation  General fermentation process economics  A compete example  Fine chemicals  Bulk oxygenates  Single cell protein  Anaerobic methane production 13. Analysis of Multiple Interacting Microbial Populations  Neutralism, mutualism, commensalisms, and amensalism  Classification of interaction between two species  Competition: survival of the fittest  Predation and parasitism  Effects of the number of species and their web of interactions  Qualitative stability  Spatial patterns 14. Mixed Microbial Populations in Applications and natural Systems  Uses of well- defined mixed populations  Spoilage and product manufactures by spontaneous mixed cultures  Microbial participation in the natural cycles of matter  Biological waste water treatment Text Books: (1.)“Bio-chemical Engineering Fundamentals”J.E. Bailey, D.F.Ollis, 2nd Edition, 1986. Reference Text-book: (1.) “Bio-chemical Engineering” S. Alba, A.E. Humphery, N.F. Mills, 2nd Edition. (2.) “Bio-chemical Reactors” B. Atkinsons (1974). (3.) “Bioprocess Engineering", Shuler, F Kargi, Prentice Hall. (4). "Biochemical Engineering" J.M. Lee, Prentice Hall.


Elective II D : Cryogenic Engineering Introduction to cryogenic systems like cryogenic refrigeration system and cryogenic liquification system. Introduction to cryogenic plants and equipments. Introduction to design and system engineering to cryogenic plants and components. Applications areas of cryogenics, Methods of producing, Cryogenic temperatures & energy/exergy considerations, Gas liquification process, commercial liquifiers & cryogenic refrigerators, cryogenic recovery & purifications of industrial gases, thermo-physical properties at cryogenic temperature, process design considerations for cryogenic separations , storage & transporation of cryogenic fluid, cryogenic insulators & vacuum technology, measurement techniques & instrumentations, materisals of constructions & their behaviour at cryogenic temperature. Text Books: (1.) Cryogenic systems by R.F. Barron. (2.) Cryogenic fumdamentals by G.G. Haseldin. (3.) Advances in Cryogenic Engineering by K.D. Timmerhans. Reference books. 1. Cryogenic Systems, Barron, Mcgraw Hill Book Co. 2. Theory And Design Of Cryogenic Systems : A.Arkherov 3. Cryogenic Process Engineering Timmerchand & Flynn 4. Cryogenic laboratory Equipments:A.J Croft 5. Advanced Cryogenics: Bailey, hasseldon

Elective II E : Piping Engineering 1. Piping fundamentals: a. Definitions of absolute viscosity, adhesive joints, alloy steel, annealing. b. Piping components: pipe and tube products, pipe fittings, valves- categories, valve design, pressure relief devices, traps, strainers, expansion joints, gaskets. c. Piping materials: material properties of piping materials, chemical and mechanical properties of metals, degradation of service materials and its measurements, material specifications. d. Piping Codes and standards: ASME section I to XI, ANSI, ASTM, AGA, API, AWWA, AWS, ARI, ASHRAE. e. Manufacturing of metallic pipe: ferrous and non-ferrous pipe making f. Fabrication and installation of piping systems: fabrication drawings, fabrication practices, installation-erection planning, cold spring, joint alignments, cutting, bending, welding, heat treatment and examination, mechanical joints, tubing, pipe supports, leak testing. 2. Hierarchy of design: a. FIRST STAGE-contract specification, codes and standards, design criteria, calculation, system description, system flow diagram, P&ID, SECOND STAGEdesign specification, procurement specification, erection specification, physical design drawing, stress analysis, THIRD STAGE-field change request, nonconformance report, start-up field report. 56

b. Design bases: use of codes and standards in piping system design, piping joints, loading condition, sizing of pipe system. c. Piping layout: piping layout consideration, CAD of piping layout. d. Stress analysis of piping system: classification of load, service limits and code requirements, methods of analysis. e. Piping support: determination of support location, load and movements, type of pipe support f. Heat tracing of pipe support. g. Thermal insulation of piping: design condition, economic optimization of energy conservation, heat flow calculation. Service consideration for-hot oil, heat transfer fluid, steam, hot and cold water, liquefied gases. Different type of insulation material and selection. h. Flow of Fluid: basic fluid property, steady single phase incompressible and compressible flow in piping, and its application to steam, and sir system. Single phase flow in nozzle, venture tubes and orifice. Steady two-phase flow –regimes, models for two phase flow. Transient flow analysis. water hammer, pump NPSH transient. 3. Piping Systems: a. Water system piping, codes, design temperature, pipe sizing criteria, effect of velocity, wall thickness selection, material. b. Fire protection system c. Steam system piping: types of steam and design d. Oil pipeline system: codes, standards, liquid petroleum pipe system, hydraulic design, route selection e. Gas system piping design f. Chemical and Refinery piping system design g. Refrigeration piping system design h. Toxic and hazardous piping system design i. Slurry and sludge piping system design j. Thermoplastic piping system design 4. Material compatibility chart for selection of piping material 5. Use of software for piping system design of Flow sheet. Practical and Term Work: Experiments based on above topics should be given to the students. Text Books: 1. Mohinder L. Nayyar, “Piping Handbook”, 6th Edition, McGrawHill Inc.

Elective II F : 8anotechnology in Chemical Engg. –II Nanotechnology for Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology for Energy, Nanobiotechnology, Functional Materials, Advance topics in Nanoscience: Nano-chemical Reaction Engineering, Nanofluidics, Green Product design and Nanotechnology, Environmental impact of Nanomaterials, Photonic Crystals, Ultra fine Photolithography, CVD, Nanofabrication of Organic film; Application.


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 804 Process Simulation and Optimization

Sr. No.


CH- Process Simulation and 804 Optimization

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

CHEMICAL PROCESS SIMULATIO8 1. General concepts of simulation for process design- introduction, process simulation modes, methods for solving nonlinear equations, recycle partionoing and tearing, simulation examples. 2. Process Flow sheet Optimization-description of problem, introduction to constrained nonlinear programming, derivation of successesive quadratic programming, process optimization with modular simulators, equation oriented process optimization. CHEMICAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATIO8 1. Problem Formulation: The nature and organization of optimization problems, Formulation of Objective functions. 2. Optimization Theory and Methods: Basic concepts of optimization, optimization of unconstrained functions; onedimensional search, unconstrained multi variable optimization, linear programming and applications, non-linear programming with constraints, optimization of stacked and discrete processes. 3. Application of optimizations: Heat transfer and energy conservation, separation processes, fluid flow systems, chemical reactor design and operation etc. 4. Optimization approaches to process synthesis and design- basic concepts for algorithmic methods, synthesis of heat exchanger networks and distillation columns,, simultaneous optimization and heat integration, optimization techniques for reactor network synthesis, structural optimization of process flow sheet. Text Books: 1. Edgar Thomas, Himmelblau David, “Optimization of Chemical Processes” , 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill (2001) 2. Lorenz T. Biegler, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, “Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design”, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books: 1. Gordon S.G. Beveridge, Robert S. Schechter, “Optimization: Theory and Practice” McGraw Hill


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 805 Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals

Sr. No.


CH- Petroleum Refining and 805 Petrochemicals

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Sessional T/W Pract 50



Total 225

1. Types of crude 2. Evaluation of oil stocks and refinery products 3. Properties of crude and products 4. Processing of petroleum: Atmospheric & Vacuum distillation 5. Treating operations for crude and refinery products 6. Thermal & Catalytic cracking processes employed in refineries 7. Oil fields & refineries in India 8. Manufacturing process of: Chemicals from methane, C2, C3 compounds, aromatics, polymers, etc., Engineering problems Text and Reference Books: 1. 2. 3.

Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, by B.K. Bhaskara Rao Petroleum Refining-Technology and Economics, by James H. Gary & Glenn E. Handwerk Dryden’s Outlines of chemical technology, 3rd ed., M Gopal Rao, Marshall sitting


GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E. (Chemical Engineering) CH 806 Project

Sr. No.


CH- Project 806

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Lect



Theory 3 Hrs.





Exam Scheme (Marks) Oral Sessional T/W -



Total 150

Each student is required to submit project report on the designing of a chemical plant. The report will consist of important chapters such as the following: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Survey 3. Selection of process and process details with justification 4. Thermodynamics and kinetics considerations 5. Physio-chemical data and properties 6. Material balance with flow sheet 7. Energy balance with flow sheet 8. Process design of one of the major equipments and optimum operating conditions 9. Fabrication drawing of one of the major equipments with all relevant necessary details 10. Other important consideration such as instrumentation and process control, plant layout, safety precautions etc. 11. Cost estimation 12. Conclusions.


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