Syllabus For Biomed 1 Engg 4th Semester

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West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004)




1 2 3 4

BME-401 BME-402 BME-403 EC-405



Biomaterials Biomachanics Biophysics Digital Electronic Circuit Introduction to Programming TOTAL THEORY




L 3 3 3 3

T 1 1 1 1

P 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4











CODE BME491 EC-495 CS-498






Biomedical Engg. Lab-1






Digital Electronic Circuit Lab Programming Practice Lab

0 0

0 0

3 3

3 3

2 2



Total Practical Total of Semester:









3 32

2 28

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) Biomaterials Code: BME 401 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Introduction: Definition of biomaterials, requirements of biomaterials, 6L classification of biomaterials, Comparison of properties of some common biomaterials. Effects of physiological fluid on the properties of biomaterials. Biological responses (extra and intra-vascular system). Surface properties of materials, physical properties of materials, mechanical properties. Metallic implant materials: Stainless steel, Co-based alloys, Ti and Ti-based alloys. 6L Importance of stress-corrosion cracking. Host tissue reaction with biometal, corrosion behavior and the importance of passive films for tissue adhesion. Hard tissue replacement implant: Orthopedic implants, Dental implants. Soft tissue replacement implants: Percutaneous and skin implants, Vascular implants, Heart valve implants-Tailor made composite in medium. Polymeric implant materials: Polyolefins, polyamides, acrylic polymers, 6L fluorocarbon polymers, silicon rubbers, acetals. (Classification according to thermosets, thermoplastics and elastomers). Viscoelastic behavior: creep-recovery, stress-relaxation, strain rate sensitivity. Importance of molecular structure, hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface properties, migration of additives (processing aids), aging and environmental stress cracking. Physiochemical characteristics of biopolymers. Biodegradable polymers for medical purposes, Biopolymers in controlled release systems. Synthetic polymeric membranes and their biological applications. Ceramic implant materials: Definition of bioceramics. Common types of 4L bioceramics: Aluminium oxides, Glass ceramics, Carbons. Bioresorbable and bioactive ceramics. Importance of wear resistance and low fracture toughness. Host tissue reactions: importance of interfacial tissue reaction (e.g. ceramic/bone tissue reaction). Composite implant materials: Mechanics of improvement of properties by 4L incorporating different elements. Composite theory of fiber reinforcement (short and long fibers, fibers pull out). Polymers filled with osteogenic fillers (e.g. hydroxyapatite). Host tissue reactions. Biocompatibility & toxicological screening of biomaterials: Definition of 5L biocompatibility, blood compatibility and tissue compatibility. Toxicity tests: acute and chronic toxicity studies (in situ implantation, tissue culture, haemolysis, thrombogenic potential test, systemic toxicity, intracutaneous irritation test),


West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) sensitization, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and special tests. Sterilisation techniques: ETO, gamma radiation, autoclaving. Effects of 3L sterilization on material properties. Testing of biomaterials/Implants: In vitro testing (Mechanical testing): tensile, 6L compression, wears, fatigue, corrosion studies and fracture toughness. In-vivo testing (animals): biological performance of implants. Ex-vivo testing: in vitro testing simulating the in vivo conditions. Standards of implant materials. Total


Test books 1. J B Park, Biomaterials - Science and Engineering, Plenum Press , 1984. 2. Sujata V. Bhat, Biomaterials, Narosa Publishing House, 2002. References 1. Jonathan Black, Biological Performance of materials, Marcel Decker, 1981 2. C.P.Sharma & M.Szycher, Blood compatible materials and devices, Technomic Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991. 3. Piskin and A S Hoffmann, Polymeric Biomaterials (Eds), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. (Dordrecht. 1986) 4. Eugene D. Goldbera , Biomedical Ploymers, Akio Nakajima. 5. A . Rembaum & M. Shen, Biomedical Polymers, Mercer Dekkar Inc. 1971 6. Lawrence Stark & GyanAgarwal , Biomaterials 7. L. Hench & E. C. Ethridge, Biomaterials - An Interfacial approach. Biomechanics Code: BME 402 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Introduction of mechanics: Review of the principles of mechanics, Vector 6L mechanics- Resultant forces of Coplaner & Non-coplaner and Concurrent & nonconcurrent forces, parallel force in space, Equilibrium of coplanar forces, Newton’s laws of motion, Work and energy, Moment of inertia. Hard tissues: Bone structure & composition mechanical properties of bone, 6L cortical and cancellous bones, viscoelastic properties, Maxwell & Voight models – anisotropy, Electrical properties of bone, fracture mechanism and crack propagation in bones, fracture fixators, repairing of bones, mechanical properties of collagen rich tissues, teeth and its properties. Soft tissues: Structure and functions of cartilages, tendons, ligaments, stress-strain 6L relationship, soft tissue mechanics, mechanical testing of soft tissues standard 3

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) sample preparation, cross-section measurement, clamping of the specimen, strain measurement, environmental control), time dependent properties of testing. Biomechanics of joints: Skeletal joints, skeletal muscles, basic considerations, 8L basic assumption and limitations, forces and stresses in human joints, mechanics of the elbow, mechanics of shoulder, mechanics of spinal column, mechanics of hip, mechanics of knee, mechanics of ankle. Locomotion: Human locomotion, gait analysis and goniometry, Ergonomics, Foot 6L Pressure measurements – Pedobarograph, Force platform, mechanics of foot. Total Hip Prosthesis: requirements, different types of components, Stress analysis & instrumentation, Knee Prosthesis. Cardiovascular mechanics: Heart valves, artificial heart valves, biological and 4L mechanical valves development, Heterogrils, Homograil, testing of valves. Fluid mechanics: introduction, viscosity and capillary viscometer, Rheological 4L properties of blood, laminar flow, Couette flow and Hagen-poiseuille equation, turbulent flow. Total Text Books 1. Alexander R Mc Neill, Biomechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1975 2. D N Ghista, Biomechanics of Medical Devices, Macel Dekker, 1982 References 1. A Z Tohen and C T Thomas, Manual of Mechanical Orthopaedics 2. D N Ghista and Roaf, Orthopaedic Mechanics, Academic Press 3. VC Mow and W C Hayes, Basic Orthopedic Biomechanics, Lippincott, Raven publishers.


Biophysics Code: BME 403 Contacts: 3L + 1T Credits: 4 Body fluid: Properties of body fluid, determination of conduction of body fluid, 6L measurement of EMF of cells, temperature and reaction rates: Arrhenius equation. Photochemical reaction, the law of photochemistry, fluorescence and phosphorescence, Principles of colorimeter, Beer-Lambert’s law, biometrics. Biophysical activity of heart: electrical activity of the heart, monophonic and 6L biphasic recordings, original and propagation of excitation & contraction, refractoriness, regular and ectopic pace makers, electrocardiography, waveform and measurement, ECG in diagnosis, arrhythmia’s, flutter, fibrillation, vulnerable 4

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) period, phonocardiography, ballistocardiography. Biophysical activity of brain and other organs: electrical activity of brain, 6L waveforms & measurements, electrogastrography, electroneurography, nerve conduction studies, electroretinography, electroocculography, recording electrodes, interfaces, skin contact impedance, biological transducers, receptor potentials. Introduction to electrical simulation: impedance & current distribution, dielectric properties of biological materials, skin impedance, total body impedance, 6L impedances at high frequencies, high voltage & transient properties, patient safety, electrical shocks and hazards, leakage currents, types & measurements, protection against shock, burn & explosion hazards. Radioactivity: Radio emission, radioisotopes, law of radioactive decay, half life period, production of radio isotopes for medical use, electromagnetic radiation, 6L interaction of radiation with matter, exponential attenuation, half value thickness, photo electric, Compton and pair production process and their significance in radiology, radiation units, detection and measurements of radiation Introduction of ultrasonic wave: Ultrasonic wave motion, wave characteristics, intensity, and ultrasound properties in body (velocity, attenuation, reflection, 3L refraction and absorption). Use of ultrasound in biological field. Introduction of magnetic field: Optical activity and magnetic rotation of substances, dipole moments, magnetic properties of substances. Useful and 5L harmful effects of magnetic fields, radio waves, micro waves, ultra violet radiation and infrared radiation on human beings - Applications. Effect of hypothermia and hyperthermia. Production of ultra low and low temperature for medical use. Standards: BIS standards, ISO regulations, Electrical safety and regulation to keep the hospital environment safe, medical ethics. 2L Total 40L Text books 1. W.R.Hendee & E.R.Ritenour, Medical Imaging Physics (3rd eds), Mosbey Year-Book, Inc., 1992. 2. W.R.Hendee & E.R.Ritenour, Medical Physics. 3. Massey and Meredeth, Medical Physics. References 1. Plummer, Bio Chemistry - The chemistry of Life, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Kuchel, Bio Chemistry, Schaum Series Mc Graw Hill. 3. Patrick Rcully, Electrical Simulation & Electropathology, Cambridge University press 4. Joseph Bronzino, Biomedical Instrumentation. 5. Khandpur R S, Handbook of Analytical Instrumentation, Tata Mc Graw Hill 6. Khandpur R S, Handbook of Medical Instrumentation, Tata Mc Graw Hill 5

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) 7. David Cooney, Principles of Biomedical Engineering. 8. Snell et al, Bio Physical Principles of Structure and functions 9. Ruch and Patton, Bio Physics and Medical Physiology Digital Electronics Circuit Code : EC 405 Contact: 3L + 1T Credit: 4 Number circuits: Logic gates, logic families and their characteristic–Bipolar logic, 10L TTL logic, CMOS logic,CMOS-TTL interfacing. Combinational logic design: Switching algebra, combinational circuit analysis, combinational circuit synthesis, minimization methods-Karnaugh map,VEM, Quine McCluskey, timing issues, Hazards, Combinational design using MSI and 15L LSI DECODERS, Multiplexers, Encoders, Comparators, Arithmetic Circuits, Tristate logic, combinational logicdesign using PLDs. Sequential logic design: Need for sequential circuits, binary cell, latches and flipflops, clocked synchronous state machine analysis, clocked synchronous state machine design-ASM charts, state minimization, state assignment, synthesis using 15L D-FF and JK-FF , asynchronous state machines, counters, shift registers, MSI devices as state machines, Practical issues in state machine design, sequential logic design with PLDs. Total


References: 1. J.F.Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices” , PH, 1999 2. Fletcher, “Engineering approach to digital design”, PHI, 1993 3. C.H.Roth, “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, PWS, 1995 4. Zee Kohavi, “Switching and Finite Automata Theory”. 5. N.N.Biswas, “Logic Design Theory”, PHI, 1993. Introduction to Programming Code : CS 408 Contact : 3L+1T Credits :4 Concepts of structural program development; concept of data types; precedence 12L and associativity of operators; conditional transfer; deterministic and indeterministic loops; recursions; functions and procedures - call by value, call by reference and their differences; programming for numerical methods; records. 6

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004)

Data-type handling and various constructs ( conditional, loop, functions etc); 16L pointers: concept of pointers and passing parameters using pointers, non-numeric processing, concept of arrays of pointers and pointers to pointers; structures and unions – advantage of using structures, concept of information hiding, pointers to structures; files - basic concept of various types of file access methods: sequential, indexed sequential, random; various statements for file handling. Advanced Programming Languages like C++, ADA, LISP, PROLOG, and 12L PASCAL. Comparison of various languages. Total 40L Text Books: 1. Tennence W.Pratt, “Programming languages design and implementation”, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Gottfried BS – Programming with C, TMH pub. 3. Allen B. Tucker, “Programming Languages”, Mc Graw Hill. 4. Kanetkar, Yashvant – Understanding Pointers in C- 2nd Edn. BPB 5. Kanetkar, Yashvant - Let us C. - 3rd revised Edn. BPB Biomedical Engineering Lab-I Code: BME 491 Contacts: 3P Credits: 2 List of Experiments: 1. Mechanical characterization of metallic biomaterials 2. Mechanical characterization of polymeric biomaterials 3. Hardness testing of biomaterials 4. Estimation of haemocompatibility of biomaterials by hemolysis studies 5. Measurement of torque required to tap and screwing in jaw bone. 6. Determination of moment of inertia of human limb using dynamometer. 7. Measurement of viscosity of body fluid. 8. Determination of moment of inertia of human bone using compound pendulum method. 9. Stress-strain analysis of hip prosthesis. 10. Surface roughness measurement of biomaterials. 11. Ultrasonic characterization of biomaterials. Digital Electronics Circuits Lab Code : EC 495 Contact: 3P 7

West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) Credit: 2 List of Experiments: 1. Digital Circuit Design using TTL/CMOS gates. 2. Combinational Circuits using gates, MUX,decoders, arithmetic circuits. 3. Sequential Circuits-counters, shgift registers, sequence regenerators, signature detectors. Programming Practice Lab Code : CS 498 Contact: 3P Credits: 2 List of Experiments: 1. Concepts of flow charts and decision tables, Examples and practice problems. 2. Introduction to Digital Computers and its components, Introduction to DOS and UNIX Operating System. 3. Development of Computer Program using C language- Roots of quadratic and Cubic equations; Summatio of N Natural numbers; Arranging numbers in ascending and descending orders; Separation of odd and even numbers, etc. Text Books: 1. Kernighan, B.W. “The elements of programming style”, McGraw Hill 2. Yourdon, E., “Techniques of program structures and Design “, Prentice Hall 3. W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling W.T. & Flannery, B.P., “Numerical Recipes in Fortran”, Cambridge University Press 4. Gotterfield, B.S. “Schaum’s outline of theory & programming with Basic”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5. Schied, F.S., “Theory and Problems of Computer & Programming”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi. TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING & / LANGUAGE PRACTICE LABORATORY Code: HU 481

Contacts: 3 credits: 2

Topics to be covered and number of hours required for it: Introductory lecture is to be given to the students so that they get a clear idea of the syllabus and understand the need for having such a practice lab in the first place (3 hours) Conversion practice is done on given situation topics. The students are also made to listen to pre-recorded cassettes produced by British Council and also by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge (6 hours) Group Discussions: The students are made to understand the difference between the language of conversion and group discussion. Strategies of such discussions are to teach to them. It is also helpful to use videocassettes produced by the U.G.C. on topics like group-discussion. After wards the class is divided into groups and the students have to discuss on given topics on current socio-economic-political-educational importance(12 hours)


West Bengal University of Technology Bio-Medical Engineering Detailed Syllabus of 4th Semester(24/12/2004) Interview sessions-students are taught the do’s and don’ts of facing a successful interview. They then have to face rigorous practices of mock-interviews. There simulations of real life interview sessions where students have to face an interview panel (12 hours) Presentations: The secrets of an effective presentation are taught to the students. Then each and every student has to make lab presentations with the help of the Overhead projector/ using power point presentation and other audio-visual aids in the laboratory. They also have to face the question answer sessions at the end of their presentation (12 hours) Classes are also allotted to prepare the students for competitive examinations like the T.O.E.F.L. by making the students listen to specially produced C.D. cassettes of such examinations (3 hours) The overall aim of this course is to inculcate a sense of confidence in the students and help them to become good communicators in their social as well as professional lives. Text: 1. 2.

Sharma—Business Correspondence & Report Writing, TMH Prasad—Group Discussion & Interview (With Audio Cassette) , TMH

Reference: 1.

Sashi Kumar—Spoken English (with Cassette) , TMH


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