Syllabus Cbe Sem 3-8

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(Deemed University)

JALANDHAR – 144011 Phone: 0181-2690301, 02 (Ext. 213)

Fax: 0181-2690932


VISION To build a rich intellectual potential embedded with inter-disciplinary knowledge, human values and professional ethics among the youth, aspirant of becoming engineers and technologists, so that they contribute to society and create a niche for a successful career.



To become a leading and unique institution of higher learning, offering state-of-the-art education, research and training in engineering and technology to students who are able and eager to become change agents for the industrial and economic progress of the nation. To nurture and sustain an academic ambience conducive to the development and growth committed professionals for sustainable development of the nation and to accomplish its integration into the global economy.


Develop technical human resource of excellence suitable for global requirements.

Ensure good quality academic and industrial research programmes in different areas of engineering and technology.

Generate industry-institute synergy for shaping technical education to meet the requirement of industry.

PREFACE With upgradation of Regional Engineering College Jalandhar into National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (Deemed University), the academic programmes are to be regulated in accordance with the stipulations made in National Institute of Technology rules, 2002. Accordingly the institute requires to restructure academic programmes around the credit system in which Mark System of evaluation is replaced by Letter Grade System and Year wise passing makes way for course wise passing. We have tried our best to prepare a Model Curriculum and syllabi for four year under graduate programme in Chemical and Bio Engineering. The exercise was handicapped with the following difficulties: i) ii) iii)

It is interdisciplinary in character involving considerable inputs from other disciplines. It depends on advances in science, technology and materials Its differential status at the National and International level

It is really challenging to evolve a common programme for this discipline that meets the need of national and international industries and research establishments. However, with the rich experience of successful experimentation with above idea for over forty years, the task of development of a model curriculum could be possible. The suggested curriculum is based on philosophy presented by the Dean (Academic Programmes) during 5th Senate meeting of the institute held on January 14, 2005. it possesses the following features: i) ii) iii)

iv) v)

The suggested curriculum is in conformity with IIT/AICTE norms with emphasis on analysis and design of industrial processes required to work in control environment. The graduates turned out have to be acceptable by national and international industry and academic / research establishments. The programme has to be forward looking in context of the rapid changing scenario of science and technology which provides a proper balance in teaching of basic sciences, social sciences and management, engineering sciences and technical arts, technologies and their applications. Core subjects have been selected to cover all those, which are essential in training of CB graduates. The curriculum presents flexibility so that new programmes started with reasonable sources can be managed with a scope of further updating as the resource position improves.

The above features have been achieved by offering a number of electives courses both departmental and open in nature. I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to members of the Senate for their valuable suggestions and critical comments in finalizing the curriculum and Professor Pramod S Mehta, ExDirector, NIT Jalandhar for his initiative and direction. It is hoped that the curriculum complied in form of the booklet will be of immense help to the students and the faculty in smooth running the under graduate programme in Chemical and Bio Engineering. I thank all the members of curriculum committee for their help and cooperation rendered in bringing out this booklet in time.

(M.K. JHA) Dean, Students and Alumni Professor and Head Department of Chemical and Bio Engineering Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (Punjab)-144011 Place: Jalandhar Date: 31.5.2005






Philosophy on Development of UG Curriculum


Course Structure (1st to 8th Semester) with details of Credits



The Overall Credit Structure



Course Descriptions

Courses offered by CB Department

Courses offered by other departments


5-34 35- 45





With upgradation of Dr B R Ambedkar REC Jalandhar to Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar (Deemed University) education being imparted at the Institute requires to be organized around credit-based semester system. There has been a sea-change in objectives, approaches and teaching technology in engineering education during the last couple of years.

This calls for restructuring of existing academic programme 2.



to prepare students for the Technical and analytical skills enabling them to have potential employment in industry, education, research and management. to equip the students with an adequate background of Basic Science, Engineering Science and Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management to enable them to play an effective role of an engineer for benefits of society.

SALIENT FEATURES OF CURRICULUM To realize the above objectives of UG-programmes, curriculum frame work should exhibit the following salient features:      


Undergraduate-curriculum should be a broad based Science based engineering education, which enables students to use basic sciences into engineering practice/programmes Should involve continuous evaluation to avoid rote learning and semester end examinations Curriculum should allow varying weightages to various categories of courses Should provide flexibilities in choice of Electives – Departmental and Non-departmental A dynamic regulatory and reviewing process is required to ensure that the proposed curriculum is current.

NECESSARY RECOMMENDATIONS To ensure the above enumerated salient features of UG-programmes, the following major recommendations were given by Curriculum Core Committee, which were taken as Requirements and guidelines for the B.Tech programme at NIT Jalandhar: R1

The duration of UG-degree course should be limited to 4 years / 8-semesters each of a minimum of 70-working days. 16-weeks will ordinarily be the duration of instructions/semester.


The first two semesters should be common to all branches of engineering


Teaching should be reckoned in terms of contact hours. Norms chosen for contact hours and credit correspondence are the same as being observed in IITs i.e. 100% weightage to L and T & 50% weightage to Practical / Lab – contact hours.


Number of credits required to qualify for B.Tech degree should not exceed




Max / Min number of credits required in any semester




Total credits divided between various components of



L,T and P-credits have the ratio :

L : (T+P)


Max / Min – contact hours for instructions / week




Max number of years allowed for completing degreerequirements




Distribution of credits among various categories of courses : : : : :

12 Credits 32 Credits 36 Credits 106* Credits 14 Credits

    

HSS and Management Basic Science (BS) Engineering Sciences & Arts Professional / Departmental Electives (including Emerging Technology)

* Departmental credits also include 10-credits for Project and 8-credits for Industrial Training.


Provision for Non-credit courses (Audit courses) should be made in the last 2-years of UG-programmes.


The Major Project should be spread over the last 2-semesters – Phase-I and Phase-II with appropriate distribution of credits (8-12 credits).


Basic Courses should be planned to be taught in large class environment. Tutorial / practical Group size should not exceed 20.


For Laboratory practice a bank of experiments should be prepared with at least 100% more than those performed during a semester. Some experiments especially in higher semesters shouldl be open-ended – be performed without the help of technician.


A number of Elective courses (5-6 electives) should be offered starting from the 4th semester to make the curriculum flexible and the core subjects be adjusted accordingly. Numbering scheme for electives should depend on the sequence of semester in which offered.


Identification of common courses to more than one coherent departments should be done for ensuring economic use of faculty and infrastructural facilities in the Institute.


Participation by persons from industry should be encouraged in teaching courses, supervision and evaluation of Industrial Training and Project works.


Students should be required to attend at least 75% of the scheduled L, T and practical courses*. * The percentage of attendance calculated up to last day of instructions will reflect into a Code-number or Letter in the Grade Sheets.


Students must undergo Industrial Training at least for 90-100 days. In addition, they must participate in NSS, NCC, NSO, Literacy Mission etc. as mandatory requirement to qualify for B.Tech degree.

NOTE: The above major recommendations have served as guidelines for all departments offering UG-programmes for award of B.Tech Degree in NIT Jalandhar. However, marginal variations in above suggested distribution of credits may be allowed to suit the requirement of the individual programme. (Dr R Jha) Dean, Academic Programmes January 14, 2005





HrsWeekly Contact

B. Tech in Chemical and Bio Engineering Lecture Courses

Course Structure


MA-101 Math-I (3 1 0) 4

PH-101 Physics (3 1 0) 4

PH-103 Physics Lab (0 0 2) 1

IC-101 Electrical Sci (3 1 0) 4

IC-103 Electrical Sci Lab (0 0 2) 1

IE-101 Mfg. Processes (2 0 0) 2

IE-103 Mfg. Processes Lab (0 0 4) 2

HM-101 Int. to Mgt. & Comm. (3 0 2) 4

ME-101 Thermal Science (3 1 0) 4

CS-101 Comp.Software – Theory & Prc. (1 0 2) 2



0 4





MA-102 Math-II (3 1 0) 4

CH-101 Chemistry (3 1 0) 4

CH-103 Chemistry Lab (0 0 2) 1

EC-101 Basic Electronics (3 1 0) 4

EC-103 Basic Electronics Lab (0 0 2) 1

MC-101 Mechanics of Solids & Fluids (3 0 0) 3

MC-103 Mech. of Solids & Fluids Lab ((0 0 2) 1

HM-102 Engg Eco & Fin. Mgmt. (3 1 0) 4

ME-102 Engineering Graphics (2 0 0) 2

ME-104 Engineering Graphics Lab (0 0 4) 2



0 4





MA-200 Numerical Methods (3 1 0) 4













Mechanical Operation

Chem. Process Calculation

Chemical Technology

Energy Engineering

Microbiology Lab.

Mechanical Operations Lab.

Chemical Tech. Lab

0 7



(3 1 0) 4

(3 2 0) 5

(3 1 0) 4

(3 1 0) 4

(0 0 2) 1

(0 0 2) 1

(0 0 2)1

MA-202 Optimization Techniques (3 0 2) 5

PH-204 Material Science & Engg (3 1 0) 4

CB-202 Biochemistry


CB-204 Heat Transfer

CB-206 Chemical Engg. Thermodyna.


CB-224 Energy Engg. Lab. (0 0 3) 2



0 4




(3 1 0) 4

CB-208 Chem. Reaction Engg-I (3 1 0) 4

CB-301 Mass Transfer – I


CB-307 Bioprocess Engg.

CB-309 Process Plant Design I




0 4




Bio process Engg. Lab.

CB-3XX DE-I (3 0 0) 3


Heat Transfer Lab.

(3 1 0) 4

(3 1 0) 4

CB-305 Petroleum Refining Engg. (3 1 0) 4

(3 1 0) 4

(1 0 3) 3

(0 0 2) 1

(0 0 2) 1

CB-302 Mass Transfer – II


CB-306 Process Plant Design II

CB-3XX DE-II (3 0 0) 3




0 1





V 3 VI

(3 1 0) 4

(3 1 0) 4

Chem. Reaction Engg. II

Process Eco. & Mngt. (3 0 0) 3

(3 0 0) 3

Biochemistry Lab (0 0 3) 2

(1 0 2) 2


OC-3XX OE-I (3 0 0) 3

Mass Transfer Lab. (0 0 2) 1

Summer VII

(3 1 0) 4

Material Sc. & Engg. Lab (0 0 2) 1

CB-300 Industrial Practical Training (0 0 16) 8 CB-401 Chemical Process Control (3 1 0) 4

CB-403 Molecular Biology & Genetic Engg. (3 0 0) 3

CB-405 Industrial Instrumentation (2 0 0) 2

CB-423 Process Modeling & Sim. Lab (0 0 4) 2

CB-400 Project (Ph-I) (0 0 4) 2

CB-402 Industrial Biotechnology (3 0 0) 3

CB-404 Environmental Engg. & Saf.

CB-422 Chem. Process Cont. & Rxn. Engg. Lab.


CB-400 Project (Ph-II) (0 0 16) 8

(3 1 0) 4

(0 0 2) 1

DE : 4 @ 3C = 12 C

Environmental Engg. Lab.

CB-427 Colloquium (0 0 2) 1

CB-4XX DE-III (3 0 0) 3

08 OC-4XX OE-II (3 0 0) 3

CB-4XX DE-IV (3 0 0) 3















(0 0 2) 1

HM : 2 @ 4 = 8C from 2-courses OE : 2 @ 3 = 6 C DC : 113, BS : 31, EAS : 28

Programme Code: CB Bachelor of Technology in Chemical and Bio Engineering

Department of Chemical and Bio Engineering The overall credit structure Undergraduate Core (UC) Category Credits HSS&M 08 BS 31 EAS 28 DC 113 TOTAL 180 Total Credits = 198

Undergraduate Elective (UE) Category Credits DE 12 OE 06



Humanities, Social Sciences and Management (HSS&M) HM-101 Introduction to Management and 3-0-0 Communication HM-102 Engineering Economics and 3-1-0 Financial Management HM-103 Communication Laboratory 0-0-2 TOTAL HSS&M 6-1-2 Basic Sciences (BS) MA-101 Mathematics-I MA-102 Mathematics-II MA-200 Numerical Methods MA-202 Optimization Techniques PH-101 Physics PH-103 Physics Laboratory PH-204 Material Science & Engineering PH-224 Material Science & Engineering Laboratory CH-101 Chemistry CH-103 Chemistry Laboratory TOTAL BS Engineering Arts and Sciences (EAS) IC-101 Electrical Science IC-103 Electrical Science Laboratory EC-101 Basic Electronics EC-103 Basic Electronics Laboratory CS-101 Computer Software – Theory and Practice IE-101 Manufacturing Processes IE-103 Manufacturing Processes Laboratory ME-101 Thermal Science ME-102 Engineering Graphics ME-104 Engineering Graphics Laboratory MC-101 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids MC-103 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids Laboratory TOTAL EAS Departmental Core (DC) CB-201 Microbiology CB-202 Biochemistry CB-203 Mechanical Operations CB-204 Heat Transfer CB-205 Chemical Process Calculations CB-206 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics CB-207 Chemical Technology CB-208 Chemical Reaction Engineering – I CB-209 Energy Engineering CB-221 Microbiology Laboratory CB-222 Bio Chemistry Laboratory CB-223 Mechanical Operations Laboratory CB-224 Energy Engineering Laboratory CB-227 Chemical Technology Laboratory CB-300 Industrial Practical Training CB-301 Mass Transfer - I

3 4 1 8

IC-302 IC-303 CB-302 CB-303 CB-304 CB-305 CB-306 CB-307 CB-309 CB-321 CB-322 CB-327 CB-400 CB-401 CB-402 CB-403 CB-404

3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-2 3-1-0 0-0-2 3-1-0 0-0-2

4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1

3-1-0 0-0-2 21-6-8

4 1 31

3-1-0 0-0-2 3-1-0 0-0-2 1-0-2

4 1 4 1 2

2-0-0 0-0-4

2 2

3-1-0 2-0-0 0-0-4

4 2 2

3-0-0 0-0-2

3 1



3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-2-0

4 3 4 4 5



3-1-0 3-1-0

4 4

3-1-0 0-0-2 0-0-3 0-0-2

4 1 2 1





0-0-16 3-1-0

8 4

CB-405 CB-422 CB-423 CB-424 CB-427

Advanced Process Control Transducers and Signal Mass Transfer – II Chemical Reaction Engineering – II Process Economics & Management Petroleum Refining Engineering Process Plant Design – II Bioprocess Engineering Process Plant Design – I Heat Transfer Laboratory Mass Transfer Laboratory Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory Project (Phase-I & II) Chemical Process Control Industrial Biotechnology Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering Environmental Engineering and Safety Industrial Instrumentation Chemical Process Control & Reaction Engineering Laboratory Process Modeling and Simulation Laboratory Environmental Engineering Laboratory Colloquium TOTAL DC

Department Electives (DE) CB-310 Bioinformatics CB-311 CB-312 CB-313 CB-314 CB-315 CB-410 CB-411 CB-412 CB-413 CB-414 CB-415 CB-416 CB-417

Enzyme Technology Protein Engineering Bio Pharmaceuticals Petrochemical Technology Transport Phenomena Immunology Food Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Culture Down Stream Processing Polymer Technology Plant Utilities Natural Gas Engineering Petroleum Recovery Technology

Open Electives (OE)

3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0

4 4 4 4





1-0-2 3-1-0 1-0-3 0-0-2 0-0-2 0-0-2

2 4 3 1 1 1

0-0-20 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0

10 4 3 3



2-0-0 0-0-2

2 1





0-0-2 61-16-69

1 113



3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

OC/CB-332 OC/CB-431

Energy Technology Basic Biotechnology

3-0-0 3-0-0

3 3

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS (Courses Offered by CB Department)



1. 2. 3. 4.

CH 101 EC-101 HM-101 HM-102

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

MA-101/MA-102 MC-101 ME-102 CH-103 EC-103 MC-103


ME-103 •

COURSE TITLE Chemistry Basic Electronics Introduction to Management Engineering Economics and Financial Management Mathematics-I/Mathematics-II Mechanics of Solids & Fluids Engineering Graphics Chemistry Basic Electronics Laboratory Mechanics of Solids & Fluids Laboratory Engineering Graphics Laboratory TOTAL

L 3 3 3 3

PERIODS T P/D 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

CREDITS 4 4 3 4

3 3 2 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 2 2 2

4 3 2 1 1 1









Drawing practice

Contact Hours = 34





2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

IC-101 IE-101 MA-101/MA-102 ME-101 PH-101 CS-103

8. 9. 10.

HM-103 IC-103 IE-103



COURSE TITLE Introduction to Management and Communication Electrical Science Manufacturing Processes Mathematics-I/Mathematics-II Thermal Science Physics Computer Software – Theory and Practical Communication Laboratory Electrical Science Laboratory Manufacturing Process 16 Laboratory Physics Laboratory TOTAL

L 3



3 2 3 3 3 1

1 0 1 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 2

4 2 4 4 4 2

0 0 0

0 0 0

2 2 4

1 1 2

0 18

0 5

2 12

1 29 Contact Hours = 35


Course No

Course Title

Periods L



Contac t Hours




Numerical Methods
















Mechanical Operations








Chemical Process Calculations








Chemical Technology








Energy Engineering








Microbiology Laboratory








Mechanical Operations Laboratory








Chemical Technology Laboratory












Contac t Hours


Fourth Semester S No

Course No


PH 204




MA 202

Course Title

Material Science and Engineering Biochemistry Optimization Techniques Heat Transfer

Periods L



























Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics








Chemical Reaction Engineering –I







PH 224

Material Science and Engineering Laboratory















Energy Engineering Laboratory












Biochemistry Laboratory

Fifth Semester S No

Course No

Course Title

Periods L



Contac t Hours



CB 301

Mass Transfer –I







CB 303

Chemical Reaction Engineering - 3 II






CB 305

Petroleum Refining Engineering







CB 307

Bioprocess Engineering







CB 309

Process Plant Design – I








Elective –I







CB 321

Heat Transfer Laboratory








Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory












Course Title


Contac t Hours


Sixth Semester S No

Course No









and 3






CB 302

Mass Transfer –II


CB 304

Process Economics Management


CB 306

Process Plant Design –II








Elective – II








Open Elective – I







CB 322

Mass Transfer Laboratory







CB 300

Industrial Practical Training












Seventh Semester S No

Course No

Course Title

Periods L



Contac t Hours



CB 401

Chemical Process Control







CB 403

Molecular Biology and Genetic 3 Engineering






CB 405

Industrial Instrumentation








Elective –III








Open Elective –II







CB 423

Process Modeling and Simulation 0 Laboratory






CB 400

Project ( Phase –I)







CB 427










10 25


Eighth Semester S No

Course No

Course Title


Contac t Hours










and 3






CB 402

Industrial Biotechnology


CB 404

Environmental Safety



Elective – IV






CB 422

Chemical Process Control and 0 Reaction Engineering Laboratory






CB 424

Environmental Laboratory

Engineering 0






CB 400

Project ( Phase –II)



16 16





24 29




List of Electives Elective I S.No 1 CB 311 2 CB 313 3 CB 315

Course Title Enzyme Technology Bio Pharmaceuticals Transport Phenomena

L 3 3 3

T 0 0 0

P 0 0 0

C 3 3 3

Course Title Bioinformatics Protein Engineering Petrochemical Technology

L 3 3 3

T 0 0 0

P 0 0 0

C 3 3 3

Course Title Food Biotechnology Down Stream Processing Plant Utilities Petroleum Recovery Technology

L 3 3

T 0 0

P 0 0

C 3 3

3 3

0 0

0 0

3 3

Course Title Immunology Cell and Tissue Culture Polymer Technology Natural Gas Engineering

L 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3

Course Title Energy Technology

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

Course Title Basic Biotechnology

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

Elective II S.No 1 CB 310 2 CB 312 3 CB 314 Elective III S.No 1 CB 411 2 CB 413 3 4

CB 415 CB 417

Elective IV S.No 1 2 3 4

CB 410 CB 412 CB 414 CB 416

Open Elective I S.No 1 OC/CB 332 Open Elective II S.No 1 OC/CB 431



[ 3 1 0 4 ]

Scope and History of Microbiology: Scope and History of Microbiology, Classification, Characterization, Identification and Nomenclature of Microorganisms, Microscopy, Morphological, Structural and Biochemical characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes (bacteria , yeast, mold, algae, protozoa, actinomycetes) Cultivation of Microorganisms: Microbiological media, physical conditions required for growth. Reproduction and Growth of Microorganism: Modes of cell division , growth curve of microbes, Quantitative measurement of growth. Methods in Microbiology: Chemical, Physical and Biological methods of selection of microorganisms , Methods of isolating pure cultures , Maintenance and preservation of pure cultures , microbial mutation . Microbial Metabolism: Metabolic pathways and Bioenergetics, Aerobic and Anaerobic growth, Transport of nutrients across cell membranes Physical and Chemical Control of Microorganism: Major groups of antimicrobial agents , Mode of action and practical applications Energy Transduction Mechanisms in Microbial Cell : Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Microbial photosynthesis, Transduction, Transformation, Conjugation Microbial Interaction :- Roles of microbes in Nitrogen, Carbon and Sulphur cycle Application of Microorganism in various Field : - Agriculture, food, environment , medicine, public health and industry. Viruses: Classification, morphology and composition, DNA and RNA bacteriophages,Lysogeny and lytic cycle Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pelczar M J, Chan E C S and Krieg N R “Microbiology,” Mc Graw Hill, New York (1995) Salle A J, “Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology” , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1984) Stanier R Y, “Text in Microbiology” McMillan Press London (1995) Davis B D, “Microbiology”, Harper and Row Publications, Hageston (1980) Casida L E, “Industrial Microbiology”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi (2003)



[3 0 0 3]

Molecular basis of life,tudy of macro molecules Carbohydrates: Their structure and biological functions, Monosaccharides disaccharides and polysaccharides Glycoproteins. Amino Acids and Proteins: Their structure and function,Types of amino acids,Fbrous proteins and globular proteins, Separation of proteins Fats and Lipids: Their structure and biological functions, Types of lipids, triacylglycerol, Waxes, Phospolipids, Sphingolipids, Lipoproteins Nucleic acid and Nucleotides : DNA, Structure of chromosomes and genes, Replication and transcription of DNA, RNA Protein synthesis and its regulation, Genetic recombination and cloning Vitamins and Harmones: Types, Structure and functions Photosynthesis: Chlorophylls, Kinds and roles of photosystems, Calvin cycle

Enzymes: Properties and types, Kinetics of enzyme action, Enzyme inhibition,Allosteric enzymes, Assay of enzymes, Regulation of enzyme activity Bioenergetics and Metabolism: Metabolism, basic concepts and design, Glycolysis citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation pentose phospate pathway and gluconeogenesis glycogen and disaccharide metabolism amino acid degradatoon and urea cycle Biological Membranes: Characteristics of biological membranes components of membranes types of membranes fluid mosaic model membrane asymmetry Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stryer L, “Biochemistry” ,W.H.Freeman and Company (1995) Lehninger, A L “Principles of Biochemistry”, Butterworth Publishers, New York (1993) Conn E E and Stumpf P K “Outlines of Biochemistry” ,John Wiley and Sons, New York (1987) Walsh G , “ Proteins Biochemistry and Biotechnology” John Wiley and sons (2003) Rastogi,” Biochemistry” , 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill (2003).

CB-203 4]

Mechanical Operations

[3 1 0

Size Reduction : Particle size and shape, particle mass, size and shape distributions, measurement and analysis, concept of average diameter ,size reduction , crushing, grinding and law of grindings. Screening : Screening equipment ,capacity and effectiveness of screen, effect of mesh size on capacity of screen. Settling : Flow around a single particle, drag force and drag coefficient, settling velocity of particles in a fluid, hindered and free settling of particles, thickening gravity separation Filtration : Classification of filters, various types of cake filters ,principle of cake filtration ,clarification filters, liquid clarification, centrifugal settling process. Agitation & Mixing: Agitation of liquids, axial flow impellers, radial flow impellers, velocity and power consumption of agitated vessels, blending & mixing. Fluidization : Packed beds, bed porosity, flow though a bed of particles, fluidization & fluidized bed, conditions for fluidization minimum velocity, types of fluidization. Solid Handling : Flow of solid by gravity, transport of solids by screw / belt conveyers, cyclones, bag filters, electrostatic precipitators, particulate collection system. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Smith J C, Mccabe W L and Harriot P H, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, McGraw Hill (2001). Bhattacharya B C and Narayanan C M “Mechanical Operation for Chemical Engineers” Perry’s, “Handbook of Chemical Engineering”, 7th Ed, McGraw Hill (1997). Brown G G “Unit Operations” 1st ed. , CBS Publisher (2004) Richardson and Coulson “Chemical Engineering Vol II”,5 th ed., Butterworth – Heinemann (2003).

CB-204 Heat Transfer [3 1 0 4] Conduction: Basic law of heat conduction – Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity, its dependence on temperature, steady state heat conduction through a composite solid and its electric analogue, steady state heat conduction through cylinders, spheres and variable area of solids, different insulating materials and their applications for process equipment and

pipelines, Fourier’s law in three dimensions, lumped capacity method of unsteady state conduction. Convection: Convection heat transfer and the concept of heat transfer coefficient, individual and overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer between fluids separated by plane wall, heat transfer between fluids separated by cylindrical wall (pipes), critical/ optimum insulation thickness, heat transfer through extended surfaces. Forced Convection: Over a flat plate, thermal boundary layer, dimensionless groups and dimensional analysis, Buckingham Pi-theorem, heat transfer correlations- internal and external flows, laminar and turbulent flows, Free convection: Heat transfer correlations for free convection, free convection from flat surfaces, free convection from a cylinder. Heat Transfer with phase change: Boiling phenomena and analysis of boiling curve, correlation for nucleate boiling, critical heat flux, condensation phenomena, film condensation on a vertical surface (Nusselt equation, effect of non-condensable gases, drop wise condensation. Radiation: Basic principle of radiation from a surface, blackbody radiation, Planck’s law, Wein’s displacement law, the Stefan Boltzmann law, Kirchoff’s law, gray body, radiation exchange between black bodies & gray bodies. Evaporation: Types of evaporators, single and multiple effect evaporators, capacity and economy, boiling point elevation. Books recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Geankopolis C J, “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition, Eastern Economy Edition (2004) Holman J P, “Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill Book Co. (1992). Incropera F P and DeWitt D P, “Introduction to Heat Transfer,” 2nd Ed John Wiley New York (1996). Kern D Q, “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill Book Co. (1997). Coulson J M and Richardson J F, “Chemical Engineering” Volume 1, Pergamon Press (1999).


Chemical Process Calculations

[3 2 0 5]

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Calculations: Units and dimensions, mole concept, conventions in methods of analysis and measurement, basis, temperature, pressure, the chemical equations and stoichiometry, limiting and excess reactant, conversion and yield. Material Balance: Material balance, program of analysis of material balance problems, solving material balance problems that do not involve chemical reactions, solving material balances problems involving chemical reactions, multiple subsystems, recycle, bypass, and purge calculations. Gases Vapors, Liquids and Solids: Ideal gas law calculations, real gas relationships, vapor pressure and liquids, saturation, partial saturation and humidity. Energy Balances: Concepts and units, calculation of enthalpy changes, application of the general energy balance without reactions occurring, energy balances that account for chemical reaction, reversible processes and the mechanical energy balances, heats of solution and mixing, psychrometric charts and their use. Books recommended

1. 2.

Himmelblau D M, “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering,” Prentice Hall (1998). Haugen O A, Watson K M and Ragatz R A, “Chemical Process Principles (Part-I): Material and Energy Balances”, Asia Publishing House (1995).

3. 4. 5.

Bhatt B I and Vora S M, “ Industrial Stoiciometry”: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, New Delhi (1987). Reklaitis G V, “Introduction to material and energy balances” Wiley, New York (1983) Felder R M and Rousseau R W, “Elementary principles of Chemical Processes” Wiley, New York 2nd Edition (1986)


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

[3 1 0 4]

Review of First ,Second and Third Law of Thermodynamics : First law of Thermodynamics , Thermodynamics state and state functions , enthalpy, the steady state steady flow process, equilibrium, phase rule, reversible processes , Second law of thermodynamics, Heat engines, Entropy, Entropy changes of an ideal gas, Third law of thermodynamics. Volumetric properties of pure fluids :PVT behaviour for an ideal gas, Virial equation of state, Applications of Virial equations, Cubic equation of state, Generalized correlations, Acentric factors. Heat Effects : Sensible Heat Effects , Internal Energy of ideal gases, Latent heat of pure substances , Standard heat of reaction, formation , combustion, Heat of reaction at higher temperature, Heat effects of Industrial reactions. Thermodynamic Properties of fluid: Maxwell relations, Residual properties, Two phase system, Thermodynamic diagram Equilibrium and Stability: Criteria of equilibrium, Chemical Potential, Application of equilibrium criteria, Clausius clapeyon equation. Phase Equilibria: Fugacity ,Determining of fugacity of pure substances, Fugacity in mixture, Ideal solution , Excess properties, Liquid phase properties from VLE data, Activity coefficients, coefficient equations. Chemical Reaction Equilibria: Reaction ordinate for single & multiple reactions , condition of equilibrium for a chemical reactions, Standard states and G, Temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant , Estimation of equilibrium rate constant , Homogeneous gas phase reactions, Heterogeneous chemical equilibrium. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Smith J M, Van Ness H C, Abbott M M, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” , McGraw Hill ( TMH Edition), 6th ed (2003). Rao Y V C, “ Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, First Edition, Universities Press (India) Ltd., Hyderabad (1997). Kyle B G, “Chemical and Process Thermodynamics”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersy (1999). Denbigh K G, “Principles of Chemical Equilibrium”, Cambridge University Press, 4th ed. (1981). Keeneth S Pitzer, “Thermodynamics”, McGraw Hill, 3rd ed.

CB- 207

Chemical Technology

[3 1 0 4 ]

Soaps & Detergents: Raw materials and Reaction Chemistry, Continuous process for manufacture of fatty acids, soaps and glycerine, Classification of detergents, Builders and additives, Manufacture of detergents like alkyl benzene sulphonate ,Sodium alkane sulphonate. Cane Sugar: Manufacturing equipments and technology, Cane sugar refining. Polymers : Nomenclature of polymers and their classification, Modes of polymerisation i.e addition, condensation , step growth and chain growth polymerisation , Methods of polymerisation, Synthetic fibres: Cellulosic fibres, manufacture of Viscose Rayon , Polyamides; Plastics :

Classification, manufacture of different types of Polyethylene; Rubbers : Natural rubber, different types of synthetic rubbers, manufacture of styrene- butadiene rubber Chlor- Alkali Industry: Electrochemistry of brine electrolysis , diaphragm cells, mercury, cells, membrane cells ,Manufacture of caustic soda , chlorine and hydrochloric acid , Manufacture of Soda Ash Portland Cement: Raw materials, types and properties of cement, manufacture of portland cement. Sulphuric Acid: Raw materials, Contact process of the manufacture of sulphuric acid and oleum Fertilizers : Elements required for plant growth, classification of fertilizers,N-P-K Values, Ammonia based fertilizers, Phosphatic fertilizers, Potash fertilizers Books Recommended

1. Dryden C E, “Outlines of Chemical Technology”, East –West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2. 3. 4. 5.

2nd Edition (1973 ) Austin G T, “Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi 5th Edition (1986 ) Chemical Engineering Education Development Centre– “Chemical Technology I, II, III , IV , Manual of Chemical Technology, Indian Institute of Technology , Madras”. Shukla S D and Pandey G N, “A text book of Chemical Technology Vol I”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Shukla S D and Pandey G N, “A text book of Chemical Technology Vol lI”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi


Chemical Reaction Engineering - I

[3 1 0 4]

Introduction: Kinetics of homogeneous chemical and biochemical reactions, single and multiple reactions, order & molecularity, rate constant, elementary and non elementary reactions, temperature dependent term of rate equation, Interpretation of Batch Reactor: Constant volume batch reactor, integral method of analysis of data, series and parallel reactions, reversible reactions, Variable volume batch reactor, Differential methods of analysis, Temperature and reactions rate. Introduction to Reactor Design: Ideal batch reactor, mixed flow reactor, plug flow reactor, holding and space time, design for single reactions, size comparison (analytical and graphical method, plug flow reactors in series & parallel, mixed reactor in series , recycle reactors. Design for Multiple Reactions: Reactions in parallel and series in C.S.T.R, reactions in parallel and series in Plug flow reactor, yield & selectivity. Temperature and Pressure Effect: General design procedure, optimum temperature progression, adiabatic operation, non adiabatic operation, semi batch reactors. Non Catalytic Fluid Solid Reactions: Selection of model, unreacted core model for spherical particles, diffusion through gas film control, diffusion through ash layer control, chemical reaction control, Design. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4.

Levenspiel O, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Ed , John Wiley & Sons, Singapore (1999). Fogler H Scott, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd ed, Prentice Hall Inc. (1999). Smith J M , “Chemical Engineering Kinetics” , McGraw Hill , 3rd ed. (1981). Hill, C G, “ Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design”, John Wiley (1977).


Coulson J M and Richardson J F, “Chemical Engineering Volume 3”, Pergamon Press (1999).


Energy Engineering

[3 1 0 4 ]

Solid Fuels : Principle Solid Fuels – Coal, origin , composition & classification of coal, properties of coal , terms used in analysis of coal, classification of Indian coals , petrology of coal Coal Preparation : Dry and Wet processes, storage of coal. Coal carbonisation : mechanism of carbonisation , high temperature and low temperature carbonization briquetting, gasification of coal, Lurgi process, Winkler process , Kopper –Totzek process , liquefaction of solid fuels. Liquid Fuels: Petroleum and related products,origin, occurrence and reserves, nature of petroleum crudes, classification and characteristics of petroleum, Refining Unit Process: Cracking, Thermal Cracking ,Catalytic cracking , Hydrocracking, Reforming Thermal and Catalytic Reforming, Alkylation, Polymerization Isomerization, petroleum products :naphtha, motor gasoline, aviation gasoline , kerosene , diesel oil, gas oil , fuel oil , lubricants , petroleum waxes,petroleum coke. Gaseous Fuels: Classification, Wobbe Index natural gas, methane from coal mines, producer , water, carbureted water gas , coal, blast furnace , refinery gases , LPG. Combustion: General Principles of combustion, stoichiometry & heat balance calculations, coal burning equipments, stokers, pulverized fuel burners gas and oil burners, fluidized bed combustion. Alternate Energy Systems: Solar Energy – Photovoltaic cells , solar collectors. Nuclear energy: nuclear reactions, fuel materials, moderators and structural materials, reactors ,wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy . Furnaces : General classification and description of different types of furnaces. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Brame J S and King J C, “Fuels- Solid, Liquid and Gaseous” , St. Martin Press Sarkar S, “Fuels and combustion”, Longman publishers India Ltd.., IInd Edition Haslam R T and Russel R P, “Fuels and their combustion” , McGraw Hill Gupta O P, “Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories”, Khanna Publishers Griswold J, “Fuels combustion and furnaces”, McGraw Hill

CB-221 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

[0 0 2 1]

To study the microscope. Calibration of pH meter. Preparation and sterilization of the medium for bacteria yeast and mold. Preparation of slants /plates /deeps for culture of bacteria yeast and mold. Asceptic transfer of microbial cultures. To study the morphology of bacteria, yeast and mold. .Staining of bacteria (Gram’s stain). The quantitative bacteriological examination of water/milk. Determination of phenol coefficient. a) Determination of cell mass in a fermentation broth. b) Calibration of cell mass vs cell number and cell mass vs optical density

CB-222 1. 2.

Microbiology Laboratory

Biochemistry Laboratory

Determination of reducing sugar by dinitro-salicylic (DNS) method. Protein estimation by Lowry’s method.

[0 0 3 2]

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Estimation of DNA by diphenylamine reagent method. Estimation of RNA by orcinol reagent method. Determination of Michaelis constant of enzymes. Agarse gel electrophoresis of DNA. Determination of isoelectric point of casein. Sephadex gel filtration chromatography. Extraction of lipids from egg yolk. Separation by amino acids by paper electrophoresis.

CB-223 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Energy Engineering Laboratory

[0 0 3 2]

To determine the flash point of a given sample. To determine the Smoke Point of a given sample To study the Distillation of Petroleum Products To determine the calorific value of a fuel using Peroxide Bomb Calorimeter To determine the sediment in Crude Petroleum and Fuel oils by Extraction To determine the Vapour Pressure of a given sample by Reid method To determine the Cloud Point and Pour Point of a given sample To study the burning properties of a given sample. To determine the Melting Point of Petroleum wax

CB-227 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11.

[0 0 2 1]

Determination of power consumption and study of agitation and mixing characteristic of a fluid. Determination of drag coefficient from the plot of drag coefficient Vs modified Reynolds No. Pressure drop through a packed bed: To plot the graph between modified Reynolds no. Vs modified friction factor and verify Ergun Equation in packed column. To find out the collection efficiency of a cyclone separator. Determination of screening efficiency in a vibrating screen. Plate and frame filter press: determination of cake resistance and filter medium resistance. Determination of specific cake resistance in constant pressure vacuum filtrations To study filtration characteristics of a leaf filter. To study the flow through a helical coil. To study the crushing efficiency of a roll crusher. To study flow through an orifice meter.

CB-224 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Mechanical Operations Laboratory

Chemical Technology Laboratory

[0 0 2 1]

To determine the acid value of a vegetable oil. To determine the saponification value of vegetable Oil To determine the acid value of Lubricating Oil To estimate the given reducing sugar To estimate the given non reducing sugar To study loss on Heating of Tar and Bitumen To determine the sediment in Crude Petroleum and Fuel oils To determine the viscosity of a given sample by Redwood Apparatus To standardize the given Fehling’s solution. To Study the given polymerization reaction To determine the viscosity of a given sample by U-tube viscometer .


Practical Training

[0 0 0 8]

Each student is required to undergo compulsory three months practical training in reputed industry/ CSIR Laboratory or any institute of National Importance including National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar etc as approved by the Department. CB-301

Mass Transfer – I

[3 1 0 4]

Mass Transfer Operations: Classification of mass transfer operation, choice of separation methods. Diffusion in Mass Transfer: Steady state molecular diffusion in fluids at rest and in laminar flow, molecular diffusion in gases, molecular diffusion in liquids, diffusivity in liquids and gases, momentum and heat transfer in laminar flow. Mass Transfer Coefficient: Local and overall mass transfer coefficient, heat and mass transfer analogy, eddy diffusivities, film theory, penetration theory, surface renewal theories, combination film theory and surface stretch theory. Interphase Mass Transfer: Equilibrium, local two phase mass transfer coefficients, Local overall Mass Transfer coefficients, material balance for co current & counter current processes, cascades and concept of Ideal stage and stage efficiencies, continuous contact equipments. Gas Absorption: Choice of solvent, Estimation of number of ideal stages – Graphical and Analytical methods, Minimum solvent flow rate, Significance of absorption factor, number of transfer units and height of a transfer unit (NTU & HTU) concepts, packed column for absorption, rate of absorption, height of column based on condition in gas film and liquid film, height based on overall coefficients, equipment for gas absorption Drying: Equilibrium in drying, batch drying and rate of batch drying, time of drying, Through circulations drying & continuous drying, batch & continuous drying equipments. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Geankopolis C J, “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition, Eastern Economy Edition (2004) Treybal R E , “Mass Transfer Operations” 3rd ed. , McGraw Hill (1980) McCabe W L and Smith J C “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, McGraw Hill (2001). Coulson J M and Richardson J F “Chemical Engineering , Vol. 2, 5”, McGraw Hill (1999 ) Walter L, Badger & Julius T.Banchero “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”, McGraw Hill (1997).


Mass Transfer –II

[3 1 0 4]

Mass Transfer equilibria for vapour - liquid, liquid – liquid , solid - liquid and solid- gas systems Distillation : Raoult’s Law and Dalton’s law, partial vaporisation and partial condensation, relative volatility, differential distillation & flash distillation, steam distillation, Lewis Sorel and MaCabe –Thiele methods & numerical, Ponchon Savarit method, Underwood and Fenske equations, total reflux , minimum and optimum reflux ratios, multiple feeds and side streams Liquid – Liquid Extraction: Ternary phase diagrams & choice of solvent, single stage and multistage cross current, co-current and counter current extraction operation for immiscible and miscible solvents, related numerical problems, continuos contact extractors. Leaching: Mass transfer in leaching, equipment for leaching, single stage and multistage cross current, co-current and counter current leaching operations, related numerical problems Adsorption: Introduction and the nature of adsorbent, adsorption equilibria, the Langmuir isotherm , BET isotherm and Gibbs isotherm, potential theory and adsorption equipments.

Crystallization: Formation of nuclei, nuclei growth and properties of crystals, effect of impurities on crystals formation, effect of temperature on solubility, caking of crystals, yield of crystals, crystallisers, related numerical problems Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Geankopolis C J, “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition, Eastern Economy Edition (2004) Treybal R E , “Mass Transfer Operations” 3rd ed. , McGraw Hill (1980) McCabe W L and Smith J C “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, McGraw Hill (2001). Coulson J M and Richardson J F “Chemical Engineering , Vol. 2, 5”, McGraw Hill (1999 ) Walter L, Badger & Julius T.Banchero “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”, McGraw Hill (1997).


Chemical Reaction Engineering – II

[3 1 0 4]

Non Ideal Flow: Non ideal flow patterns, E,F &C Curve, Mean residence time, Models for non ideal flow, N Tanks in series model, conversion in a reactor using RTD data . Heterogeneous Process: Global rates of reaction, Types of Heterogeneous reactions Catalysis, The nature of catalytic reactions, Mechanism of catalytic reactions. Physical Adsorption and Chemisorption: Physical adsorption and Chemisorption, Adsorption isotherms, Assumptions,Rates of adsorption isotherm, problems. Solid Catalysts : Determination of surface area, Void volume and solid density, Pore volume distribution , Theories of heterogeneous catalysis, Classification of catalysts, catalyst preparation, Promoter and inhibitors, Catalysts Deactivation Rate Equations for Fluid solid catalytic reactions: Rates of Adsorption, Surface reaction, Desorption , Rate limiting step, Power Law, Langmuir Hishelwood rate, Eley Rideal mechanism , Packed bed reactor and fluidized bed reactor, Numerical Problems Intra Pellet Mass Transfer : Gaseous diffusion in single cylindrical pore, Different modes of diffusion: Bulk diffusion, Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion, Diffusion in Liquids, Diffusion in Porous Catalyst, Concepts of effective thermal conductivity and effective diffusivity, Effectiveness factors Reactors : Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor, Single and multibed adiabatic reactors, Multitubular fixed bed reactor Introduction to Fluid Reactions: Kinetic Regimes for Mass Transfer and Reaction, Film Conversion parameter, Clues to the kinetic Regime from solubility data, Clues to the Kinetic Regime from equipment, Applications to design Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Levenspiel O, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Ed , John Wiley & Sons, Singapore (1999). Fogler H Scott, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd ed, Prentice Hall Inc. (1999). Smith J M , “Chemical Engineering Kinetics” , McGraw Hill , 3rd ed. (1981). Hill, C G, “ Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design”, John Wiley (1977). Coulson J M and Richardson J F, “Chemical Engineering Volume 3”, Pergamon Press (1999).


Process Economics and Management

[3 0 0 3]

Cost Estimation: Factors affecting investment & production costs, Capital investments (Fixed and working capital), Types of capital cost estimates, Cost Indexes, Estimating equipment costs by scaling 6/10 Factor Rule, Purchase Equipment Installation , Insulation costs, Instrumentation & Control, Piping , Electrical Installation , Service facilities, Land, Engineering . & Supervision , Start –up expenses. Methods of Estimating Capital Investment, Estimation of total product cost, Different costs involved in the total product for a typical Chemical Process plant. Interest & Investment Costs : Types of interest ( simple & compound interest ), Nominal & Effective Rates of interest, Continuous interest, Present worth & discounts, perpetuities, capitalized costs, Interest & Investment costs. Taxes & Insurance: Types of taxes, Property taxes, excise taxes, income taxes, Types of Insurance & Legal Responsibility. Depreciation: Purpose of Depreciation as cost, Types of Depreciation, Depletion, Service life., Salvage value, Present value, Methods of Determining Depreciation , Straight- line method, Declining Balance Method, Sum of the years Digits method, Sinking Fund Method, Single Unit & Group Depreciation. Profitability, Alternative Investments & Replacement: Profitability standards, Mathematical methods of profitability evaluation: Rate of return on investment, Discounted cash flow method, Net Present worth, Capitalised costs, pay out period. Determination of Acceptable investment, Alternatives when an investment must be made, Alternative analysis by method of return on incremental investment, Alternative analysis incorporating minimum return as a cost, Replacements, Balance sheets & Income statement. Optimum Design: General procedure for Determining optimum conditions, Procedure with one variable, Procedure with Two or More variables, Break even chart for production schedule and its significance for optimum analysis. Examples of optimum design in a Chemical Process Plant. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Peters, M S & Timmerhaus K D,“Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers”, McGraw Hill , New York , 4th Edition (2003) Ulrich , G D,“A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics”, John Wiley (1984) Guthrie K M, “ Process Plant Estimation, Evaluation and Control”, Craftsman Solano Beach, California (1974) Douglas, “ Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, McGraw Hill (1998) Valle Riestra , “Project Evaluation in Chemical Process Industries”, McGraw Hill


Petroleum Refining Engineering

[3 1 0 4]

Scope and Purpose of Refining: Global and Indian refining scenario, Petroleum refining industry in India practice and prospects, An overview of the entire spectrum of the refinery products, refinery configuration development, Physio chemical characteristics of Petroleum and Petroleum products Refinery Distillation Processes: Desalting and Stabilization of crude, Process description of typical simple distillation, Fractional distillation, crude oil distillation, vacuum distillation etc, Degree of separation (5-95 gap) and degree of difficulty of separation (∆ t 50), Packie charts, ASTM, TBP and EFV Distillation. Fuel Refining: Cracking, coking, reforming, alkylation, isomerisation, polymerization, sweetening, visbreaking. Lube Refining: Solvent extraction, dewaxing, propane deasphalting. Wax Refining: Deoiling of crude wax, crystallization, catalytic, sweating microcrystalline and petroleum wax applications.

Hydro processing: Hydro cracking, hydro treating, hydro finishing. Refinery Feedstock: Nature and effect of different types of refinery feedstock and their impurities on refinery configuration and operation. Refinery Gas Processing: Process description of typical light ends unit, acid gas removal using gas treating processes. Two Phase oil and gas separation equipment : Types, their description , vessel sizing . Theory of separation and separator design. Three phase Oil gas and water separators : Types of separators, their description. Various control and vessel internals, theory and sizing of three phase separator . LACT units Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nelson W L, “Petroleum Refinery Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 1985) Watkins R N, “Petroleum Refinery Distillation”, Gulf Publishing Co. Gary J H and Handework G E, “Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics”, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2001). Jones D S J, “Elements of Petroleum processing”, John Wiley & Sons (1995) Waquier J P, “Petroleum Refining” Vol. I & II Editions, Technip (1995)


Process Plant Design –II

[1 0 2 2]

Heat exchangers: Classification of shell and tube heat exchanger, material of construction, cleaning of heat exchangers, heat transfer fluid, agitated vessels, description of shell, tubes, bonnet and channel, pass partition plate, nozzle, baffles, tie rods, baffle spacers, flanges, gaskets and expansion joints. Design of heat exchangers: Energy balance, heat duty consideration and process design of double pipe and shell and tube heat exchangers. Mass Transfer Equipments: Types of mass transfer equipments, packed and tray type towers. Tray Hydraulics: Bubble cap columns, perforated plate columns and packed towers Process Design: Process design of tray and packed towers. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kern D Q, “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill (2001) Perry’s, “Handbook of Chemical Engineering” McGraw Hill, 7th Ed (1997). Coulson J M and Richardson R E, “Chemical Engineering” Vol 2 and 6, Pergamon Press (1998). Van Winkle M, “ Distillation”, Ist Ed. , McGraw Hill Company, New York (1967). Ludwig E E, “Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants (Vol. 1,2 and 3)”, 3rd Ed., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston (1995)


Bioprocess Engineering

[3 1 0 4]

Introduction to Bioprocess Engineering: Mass and energy balances in bioprocesses, flow sheet and process calculations, metabolic stoichiometry of growth and product formation, material balance and energy balance with recycle, by pass and purge streams. Microbial Growth Kinetics: Batch, continuous and fed batch, mass balance in series of vessels, recycle system Media Sterilization : Methods of media sterilization, batch and continuous sterilization, kinetics of sterilization Air Sterilization: Methods of air sterilization, mechanism of air sterilization, filter design.

Aeration and Agitation: Mass transfer and microbial respiration , bubble aeration and mechanical agitation, correlation between oxygen transfer coefficient and operating variables, factors affecting volumetric oxygen transfer, rheology of fermentation fluids Scale Up: Scale up concepts, criteria for bioreactors scale up. Design and Analysis of Bioreactors: Component of fermentors and their design, asceptic operations, RTD studies in bioreactors Monitoring of Bioprocesses: On line data analysis for measurement and control of important physicochemical and biochemical parameters, parameter estimation techniques for biochemical processes, parameter estimation techniques for biochemical processes, Computer based data acquisition, Modelling and Simulation of Bioprocess: Study of structured models for analysis of various bioprocess, model simulation using software packages Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lee J M, “Biochemical Engineering” , Prentice Hall (1992) Shuler M L, Kargi F, “ Bioprocess Engineering- Basic Concepts” , 2nd ed, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. ( 2002) Aiba S, Humphrey A E and Millis N F ,“Biochemical Engineering” , Academic Press (1973) Stanbury P F and Whitaker A, “Principles of Fermentation Technolgy,” Pergamon Press (1995) Bailey J E and Ollis D F, “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals” , McGraw Hill (1986)


Process Plant Design –I

[1 0 3 3]

Introduction: Introduction to principles involved in the design and construction of plant. Design preliminaries: Design codes, pressure, temperature, factor of safety, corrosion allowance, weld joint efficiency factor, design loadings, Poisson’s ratio, dilation of pressure vessels, criteria of failure, material of construction. Storage tanks: Introduction to Indian standards for storage tanks and their use to design cylindrical and spherical vessels under internal pressure, fixed roof and open roof tanks. Mechanical design: Mechanical design of tall vessels for distillation and absorption columns. Design of supports: Design of supports for vertical and horizontal vessels. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bhattacharya B C, “Chemical Equipment Design”, CBS Publisher (1985). Sinnott R K , Coulson & Richardson, “Chemical Engineering (Vol.6)”, 2nd ed, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (1998). Ludwig E E, “Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants(Vol. 1,2 and 3)” , 3rd Ed., Gulf Publishing Company, Houston (1995). Perry’s, “Handbook of Chemical Engineering”, 7th Ed, McGraw Hill (1997). Ulrich, G D, “A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics”, John Wiley (1984).



[3 0 0 3]

Introduction and Definition: Definition of Bioinformatics, Applications, Information Networks, Biological Databases: Concepts, Introduction to SQL, Various Biological Databases. Computational Biology: Sequence analysis, Pair wise and multiple sequence alignment,

Similarity searches, Phylogenetic analysis. Bioinformatics Software: Clustal W, oligoprimer. ALSCRIPT, MOLSCRIPT, Rasmol, Phylip, Submitting sequence to databases. Biocomputing Languages: HTML, XML, CML, PERL, UNIX Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Westhed D R , Parish J H and Twyman R M, “Bioinformatics” ,Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi (2003). Gibas C , Gambeck P “Bioinformatics Computer Skills”, O’Reilly, Tokyo Attwood T K, and Parry- Smith “ Introduction to Bioinformatics”, Pearson Education , Singapore (2000). Mount D W “Bioinformatics” CBS Publsiher New Delhi (2003). Brgeron Bryan, “ Bioinformatics Computing”, Prentice Hall of India (2003).


Enzyme Technology

[3 0 0 3]

Basic concepts of enzyme: Mechanism of Enzyme Action and kinetic of reaction: Concept of active sites, and energetics of enzyme substrate complex formation, Specificity of enzyme action, Estimation of Michaelis-Menten Parameter Stability of enzymes: PH, Temperature, Mechanical forces, Heterogeneous system. Production and purification of enzymes: Extract from plant, animal and microbial sources, Methods of characterization of enzymes, Development of enzymatic assays. Enzyme immobilization: Physical and chemical techniques for enzyme immobilization adsorption, Matrix entrapment, Encapsulation, cross linking, covalent binding, Advantages and disadvantages of different immobilization techniques. Applications of enzymes: Classification of enzymes, Commercial application of enzymes in food, Pharmaceutical and other industries, Enzymes for analytical and diagnostic application. Mass transfer effects in immobilized enzymes: Analysis of film and pore diffusion effects on kinetics of immobilized enzyme reaction, Formulation of dimensionless groups, Calculation of effectiveness factors Books Recommended 1. Lee J M, “Biochemical Engineering” , Prentice Hall (1992) 2. Bailey and Ollis, “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals” , McGraw Hill (1996) 3. Lehninger, A L “Principles of Biochemistry”, Butterworth Publishers,New York(1993) 4. Conn E E and .Stumpf P K “Outlines of Biochemistry” John Wiley and Sons, New York (1987) 5. Stanbury P F and Whitaker A, “Principles of Fermentation Technolgy,” Pergamon Press (1995) CB-312

Protein Engineering

[3 0 0 3]

Structure of protein: Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternery structure, Protein folding Post translation modification. Methods to determine structure of proteins: Protein structure determination, X-Ray analysis of protein, NMR and mass Spectroscopy, Protein characterization, 2 D Gel Electrophoresis. Methods to alter primary structure of protein: Random mutation Site directed mutation, Catalytic activity. Protein engineering benefit: Industry, Medicine Structure and function prediction: Protein Bimolecular interaction, Drug protein interaction

Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lehninger, A L “Principles of Biochemistry”, Butterworth Publishers, New York (1993) Conn E E and .Stumpf P K “Outlines of Biochemistry” John Wiley and Sons,New York (1987) Walsh G , “ Proteins Biochemistry and Biotechnology” John Wiley and sons (2003). Permington S R , Dunn M J, “Proteomics from Protein sequence to function” , Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Holtje H D, Sippl W and Rognan D , Folkers G , “ Molecular Modeling, Basic Principles and Applications”, Wiley VCH Germany (2002).


Biopharmaceutical Technology

[3 0 0 3]

Introduction to Biopharmaceutical: Biopharmaceutica, Current status and future prospects Drug development process: Drug discovery, Patenting, Delivery of pharmaceutical, Preclinical trials, Drug regulatory authorities. Drug manufacturing process: Manufacturing practice, Facilities, Analysis of products. Pharmaceutical products: Interleukins, interferon, Growth factor, Hormones, Therapeutic enzymes, Antibodies, Vaccines, Nucleic acid therapeutics , Antibiotics. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4.


Leon Lachman tet al “Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmac”,, 3 Edition , Lean and Febiger (1986). Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mark Publishing and Co. (2000) Klefenz H “Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” Wiley – VCH Verlag GmbH Germany (1999). Vyas S P and Dixit U K “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” CBS Publisher New Delhi (2004). Moo- Young Murray , “Comprehensive Biotechnology Vol. IV”, Pergamon Press New York (1985).


Petrochemical Technology

[3 0 0 3]

Petrochemicals – an overview. Growth of Global and Indian petrochemical industry. Petrochemical feed stock. Technologies for the manufacture of Bulk organic Chemicals: Steam Reforming, Syn gas manufacture, Steam Cracking, Olefin Separation, Up gradation of C2,C3,C4,C5 cuts, Separation of ethyl benzene, hydrogen, benzene, toluene, xylene isomers Aromatic conversion process: Xylene isomerisation. Manufacture of the major downstream products and their uses, properties: Methanol, Formaldehyde, Ethylene oxide, Ethylene glycol, Poly-vinyl chloride, LDPE and HDPE, Propylene oxide, Iso-Propyl Alcohol, Butadiene, isobutylene, Acetic acid, Maleic anhydride, Nylon 6, Nylon 66, Polyethylene terepthalate, Formaldehyde resins, Styrene Butadiene Rubber, Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate, Butanediol, 1,4-butene Books Recommended

1. 2. 3.

Chauvel A Lefebvre G, “Petrochemical Process Vol. I & II”, Gulf Publishing Company (1989). Rao G, Sitting “Dryden’s Outline of Chemical Technology”. .Maiti Sukumar, “Introduction to Petrochemicals”,Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. (1992).

4. 5.

Hatch L F, Matar S, “From Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals,” Gulf Publishing Company (1981) Lee S, “Methane and its Derivaties”, Marcel Dekker (1997).


Transport Phenomena

[3 0 0 3]

Momentum Transport: Viscosity and the mechanism of momentum transport, newton’s law of viscosity, non- newton fluids, pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity, theory of viscosity of gases at low density, theory of viscosity of liquids. Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow: Shell momentum balances: boundary conditions, flow of a falling film, flow through a circular tube, flow through an annulus, adjacent flow of two immiscible fluids. The Equations of Change for Isothermal System : To equation of continuity, the equation of motion, the equation of mechanical energy. Interphase Transport in Isothermal System: Definition of friction factors, friction factors for flow in tubes, friction factors for flow around spheres, friction factors for packed columns. Thermal Conductivity and the Mechanism of Energy Transport: Fourier’s Law of heat conduction, temperature and pressure dependence of thermal conductivity in gases and liquids, theory of thermal conductivity of gases at low density, theory of thermal conductivity of liquids, thermal conductivity of solids. Temperature Distributions in solids and in Laminar Flow: Shell energy balances; boundary conditions, heat conduction with an electrical heat source, heat conduction with a chemical heat source, heat conduction through composite walls: Addition of Resistance, Forced Convection, Free Convection. The Equations of change for Nonisothermal systems: The equations of energy, the energy equation in curvilinear coordinates, the equations of motion for forced and free convection in nonisothermal flow, summary of the equations of change, use of equation of change to set up steady – state heat transfer problems. Diffusivity and the Mechanism of Mass Transport: Definition of concentrations, velocities and mass fluxes, fick’s law of diffusion, theory of ordinary diffusion in gases at low density, theory of ordinary diffusion in liquids. Concentration Distributions in Solid and in Laminar Flow: Shell mass balances: boundary conditions, diffusion through a stagnant gas film, diffusion with heterogeneous chemical reaction, diffusion with homogeneous chemical reaction, diffusion into a falling liquid film l forced – convection mass transfer, diffusion and chemical reaction inside a porous catalyst: the “effectiveness factor”. Analogies between Heat, mass and momentum and transfers. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bird R B, Stewart W E and Light fort R N, “Transport Phenomena”, John Wiley and Sons (2002). Welty J R , Wilson R E and Wicks C E , “Fundamentals of Momentum , Heat and Mass Transfer”, 4th ed,John Wiley and Sons (2001 ). John C Slattery, “Momentum, Energy and Mass transfer in continua”, McGraw Hill, Co. (1972). Bennet C U and Myers J E, “ Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer” Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. (1975) Robert S Brodkey and Harry C Hersing, “ Transport Phenomena a Unified approach” McGraw Hill Book Co. (1988).

CB-321 1.

Heat Transfer Laboratory

Determination of emmissivity for surface heat transfer

[0 0 2 1]

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Determination of thermal conductivity of liquid Determination of thermal conductivity of insulating powder Determination of heat transfer coefficient by natural convection Determination of heat transfer coefficient by forced convection Determination of heat transfer coefficient for pin fin by natural convection Determination of heat transfer coefficient for pin fin by forced convection Determination of heat transfer coefficient by dropwise and filmwise condensation Determination of overall heat transfer for parallel flow in double pipe heat exchange Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient for counter flow in double pipe heat exchanger To conduct test on heat pipe and compare the temperature distribution Determination of heat transfer coefficient in shell & tube heat exchanger Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient in an open pan evaporator

Note : At least 8 experiments to be performed . CB-322 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Mass Transfer Laboratory

[0 0 2 1]

To plot the ternary phase diagram for acetic-acid – water Toluene To draw the tie line and to determine plait point for ternary system To determine the diffusivity of acetone in air To study the drying characteristics of the given wet material (Natural Convection) To determine the Mass Transfer Coefficient for vaporization of naphthalene in air To verify Rayleigh’s Equation for Batch distillation To find HETP and HTU for packed distillation column To purify turpentine oil having high boiling point using steam distillation To determine VLE data for methanol –water and to compare it with literature data To determine the mass transfer coefficient by carrying out liquid-liquid extraction in a packed column using acetic acid- toluene-water system To study the drying characteristics of the given wet material (forced convection) To study the process of crystallization in an agitated batch crystallizer and to plot a graph between weight of crystals Vs temp. To find out mass transfer coefficient in a drop wise liquid –liquid extraction.

Note : At least 8 experiments to be performed CB-327 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory

[ 0 0 2 1]

Sterilization of bio reactor. To estimate growth kinetic parameters of Escherichia coli . To determine Volumetric Oxygen Transfer Coefficient (kla) in fermentation system by dynamic method. To determine Volumetric Oxygen Transfer Coefficient (kla) in fermentation system by sulphite oxidation method. To determine mixing time in a stirred tank reactor (STR). Estimation of cell maintenance coefficient and true growth yield by studying the mass and energy balance during cell growth. Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Heat balance across a batch sterilization process. To determine the control characteristics of a pH controller. To determine Residence Time Distribution (RTD) for a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR).


Project Phase –I

[0 0 4 2]

Every student will be required to submit a project report in a typed form, on a topic selected by the student, but specifically approved by the faculty member, who will guide the student or on a topic to be assigned by one or more faculty members. The project work on the topic will consist of either some investigational work, computer simulation or design problem or experimental set up of some development work of or prototype equipment. Every student will be orally examined in the topic incorporated in the project and in the project and in the related area of specialization. The student will be required to submit three copies of his/her project report to the department office for record. One copy each for the department library, participating faculty and students own copy. CB-400

Project (Phase –II)

[0 0 16 8]

Every student will be required to submit a project report in a typed form, on a topic selected by the student, but specifically approved by the faculty member, who will guide the student or on a topic to be assigned by one or more faculty members. The project work on the topic will consist of either some investigational work, computer simulation or design problem or experimental set up of some development work of or prototype equipment. Every student will be orally examined in the topic incorporated in the project and in the project and in the related area of specialization. The student will be required to submit three copies of his/her project report to the department office for recor. One copy each for the department library, participating faculty and students own copy. CB-401

Chemical Process Control

[3 1 0 4]

Introduction Laplace Transform : Transforms of simple function, Transforms of Derivative, Initial value theorem and Final value theorem, Transform of Integral Response of First order system: Mercury thermometer & its transfer function, Forcing functions, Liquid Level System , Liquid Level Process with constant flow out let, Linearization , Mixing tank & R.C. Circuit Response of First order system in series: Non interacting System, Interacting System Higher order System :Transfer function of second order system, Underdamped System, Impulse function , Sinusoidal function,Transportation lag, Control System : Components of control system, block diagram, Negative and Positive feed back, Servo problem and Regulation Problem, Development of Block diagram Controllers and final control element: Control Valve , Proportional controller, Integral & Derivative controller, Comparison. Closed Loop Transfer functions: Determination of transfer function Transient response of control system: Proportional control for set point change, Proportional control for load change, Proportional Integral control for load change,Proportional Integral Control for set point change Stability: Concept of stability, Stability Criteria, Routh test for stability Introduction to frequency response: Bode diagram for first order, Bode diagram for proportional, Integral and derivative control, Second order system Control System Design by frequency response : Bode stability criteria, Gain and phase Margin, Ziegler Nichols Controller settings, Advanced Control Strategies: Cascade Control, Feed forward control, Ratio control, Dead time compensation.

Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Coughanower D R, “Process System Analysis and Control”, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed. (1991) Seborg, Edgar, and Mellichamp, “Process Dynamics & Control”, John Wiley 2nd. Ed. (2004) Harriot, “ Process Control”, Tata Mcgraw Hill (2000) Stephanopoulos,” Chemical Process Control - An Introduction To Theory & Practice”, Ist Ed., Prentice Hall of India Private Limited (2003 ). Luyben W L, “ Essentials Of Process Control” McGraw Hill (1997).


Industrial Biotechnology

[30 03]

Introduction to Industrial Biotechnology: Definition and scope of Industrial Biotechnology, historical overview of industrial fermentation processes and products. Role of Bioprocess Engineer in bioprocess development on an industrial scale, Microorganisms and various unit operations involved, process parameter optimization, products and market economics relating to modern industrial biotechnology. Raw materials and microorganism for fermentation process: Isolation, preservation and maintenance and improvement of industrial microorganisms for overproduction of primary and secondary metabolites, media requirements for fermentation processes, carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, simple and complex media, media economics, Production of Primary Metabolites: Organic acids, alcohols, acetone and butanol etc., Production of Secondary Metabolites: Antibiotics – Beta lactam antibiotics, amino glycosides, tetracyclines, erythromycin, vitamins and steroids. Commercially Important Products: Enzymes and recombinant proteins having therapeutic and diagnostic applications, specialty by products for agricultural, food and pharmaceutical industries, biopesticides, biofertilizer and plant growth stimulants, biopolymers, single cell proteins, baker’s yeast, high fructose corn syrup. Biological Waste Treatment : Objective and overview of various aerobic and anaerobic process. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Crueger W and Crueger A, “Biotechnology : A Text book of Industrial Microbiology” Sinouer Associate, Inc. Sunderland MA, USA(1990) Casida L E, “Industrial Microbiology” , New Age International Publishers Ltd.(2003) Reed G, “Prescott and Dunn’s Industrial Microbiology” CBS publishers and distributors, New Delhi (1987). , Mansi E M T EL, Bryce C F A ,“Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology”. Ane Books Publishers and Distributors (2003) Kumar H D, “ A Text book of Biotechnology”, EWP (1994).


Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

[3 0 0 3]

Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering: Gene its concepts and inheritence, development of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, DNA–structure, forms and replication, RNA–types and functions, ribosome and translation, regulation of transcription and translation Genome Organisation: Genome size and complexity, the super coiling of DNA the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome, satellite DNA, centromere and telomere structure.

Mutation: Spontaneous versus induced mutations, types of mutations, mechanism of DNA repair, mutations frequency gene transfer and expression in bacteria, eukaryotes and viruses. Bacteria: Transformation, transduction and conjugation. Eukaryotes: Transcription, RNA splicing, Retroviruses. Virus: Bacteriophages, genome its organization and its expression, virus of eukaryotes . Basics of Recombinant DNA: Role of genes within cells, elucidation of genetic code, genetic elements that control gene expression, method of creating recombinant DNA research, restriction –modification enzymes and mapping in eukaryotes, plasmids, bacteriophage lambda and M-13 molecular biology, RNA tumour viruses- replication and function Construction of c DNA libraries: Construction of genomic and c DNA libraries, methods of nucleic acid sequencing, expression of cloned genes Tools and Techniques: labeling of nucleic acids, hybridization and blotting, PCR sequencing Application of Recombinant DNA Technology: In agriculture, transgenic plants and animals, gene therapy, synthesis of important molecules like insulin, growth hormone interferon etc Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

De- Robertis, F D P and De Robertis E M F, “Cell and Molecular Biology”,Saunders, Philadelphia (1991) Lewin B “Gene VII”, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1990) Sambrook J, Fritsch E F and Maniatis T, “MolecularCloning” ., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (1989 ) Pelczar M J, Chan E C S and Krieg N R, “Microbiology,”Mc Graw Hill, New York (1995) Lehninger A L, “Principles of Biochemistry”, Butterworth Publishers, New York (1993)


Environmental Engineering and Safety

[3 1 0 4]

Air Pollution: Primary pollutants-particulate matter , dust ,smoke fumes, mist, fog & aerosol, oxides of sulphur , nitrogen oxides. secondary pollutants -sulphur trioxide , Peroxyacetyl nitrate, ozone, aldehydes etc. control equipments- collection efficiency, settling chamber, multi tray gravity settling chamber, cyclone separator, electrostatic precipitator, fabric filter system, scrubber or wet collectors , spray towers , centrifugal scrubbers, packed bed scrubber, venturi scrubber. Lapse rate : Temperature lapse rate , adiabatic lapse rate. atmospheric stabilityinversion, radiation inversion, subsidence inversion, double inversion .plume behaviour . Water Pollution : Physical characteristics- total solids, odors, temperature , color. chemical characteristics- organic matter , protein , carbohydrates , fats & Oils, BOD, COD , TOC, TOD , ThoD, inorganic matters, pH , chlorides , Alkalinity , nitrogen phosphorus,heavy metals,gases. biological characteristicsmicroorganism, protista, viruses. primary treatments- pretreatment , sedimentation, floatation. secondary treatmentsactivated sludge process, trickling filters. tertiary treatments-coagulation and filtrtion , reverse osmosis , ion exchange biological ponds etc. Solid Waste: Solid waste treatment- sanitary landfill, incineration , composting. Safety: Introduction, toxicity, flammability, explosions, pressure& temperature, safety training, emergency planning. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Metcalf and Eddy , “Waste Water Treatment Disposal and Reuse” ,Tata McGraw Hill (2003) Crowl D A, Louvar J F, “ Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with applications”, 2nd Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (2002). Rao C S “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, McGraw Hill (1998 ) Pandey G N and Carney G C,“Environmental Engineering” , McGraw Hill (1995 ) Coulson J M and Richardson J F , “Chemical Engineering”,2nd , Vol 6, Pergamon Press (1999).


Industrial Instrumentation

[2 0 0 2]

General principles of measurement. Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments. Temperature Measurement: Thermocouples, resistance thermometers, thermistors, optical and radiation pyrometers. Pressure Measurement: Use of manometers, Bourdon gauge, bellows type gauge, measurement of vacuum and pressure transducers. Flow Measurement: use of obstruction type meters. Variable area meters. Pressure probes, positive displacement type meters. Liquid level Measurement: Direct and differential method, measurement in open and pressure vessels, measurement of liquid. Measurement of Viscosity, Conductivity, Humidity and pH. Measurement of nuclear radiation. Instrument for gas analysis, gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy. Industrial weighing and feeding systems. Process instrumentation, recording instruments, indicating and signalling instruments, transmission of instrument reading, control centre, instrumentation diagram, instrumentation in modern plant. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Eckman D P, “ Industrial Instrumentation”, Wiley Eastern Ltd (1975). Kerk F W, Rimboi W, and Tarapore R, “Instrumentation”, Wiley and Sons (1983). Considine D N, “Process Instruments and Controls Handbook”, McGraw Hill (2001). Andrew W G,” Applied instrumentation in the Process Industries Vols I,II,III” Gulf Publishing Company (1987). Instrument Society of America Instrumentation in the chemical and petrochemical Industries Vol 8 (1984).



[3 0 0 3]

Introduction and Historical Perspective: Innate and acquired immunity, major components of immune system and their function, concept of antigen, antibody. Cells and Organs of Immune System: Lymphoid cell, heterogenecity of lymphoid cells, TCells, primary and secondary lymphoid organs- thymus, bursa of fabricus , spleen, Lymphnodes, lymphatic system,, mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) Humoral Immunity: B-lymphocytes and their activation , structure and function of immunoglobulins, immnunologobulin classes and subclasses, genetic control and production, monoclonal antibodies and diagnosis, major histocompatibility complex, complement fixing antibodies and complement cascade Cellular Immunity: Thymus derived lymphocytes (T-cells their classification antigen presenting cells (APC), Macrophage their origin and function, mechanism of phagocytosis, Identification of cell types of immune systems, immuno suppression and immune tolerance, interferrons and their mechanism of action, interleukins and their functions.

Immunity and Infection: Hypersensitivity reactions, types and mechanisms of T Cell activation, Cytokines and their role in immune response, transplantation and rejection, graft rejection, Immunosuppressive drugs, mechanism of immunity, tumor antigens. Immune Disorders and Diseases: Primary immuno deficiency,secondary immunodeficiency, Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Auto Immunity: Auto antibodies in humans, Pathogenic mechanisms, experimental models of auto immune disease, treatment of autoimmune disorders. Immunological Techniques and Vaccines: Precipitation, agglutination, RIA, ELISA, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunodiffusion Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kuby J “Immunology” , W.H. Freeman and Company, New York (2003) Roitt I M “Essentials of Immunology” , Blackwell Scientific Publications Oxford (1991) Benjamin E and Leskowity S “Immunology, A Short Course”, Wiley Liss (1991) Pelczar M J, Chan E C S and Krieg N R “Microbiology,”Mc Graw Hill, New York (1995) Pinchuk G, ”Schaum’s Outline of Immunology”,Tata McGraw Hill (2004)


Food Biotechnology

[3 0 0 3]

Introduction to Food Biotechnology :- Biotechnological processes in conventional and non-conventional food, safety aspects, food industry wastes Food Biotechnology Products :- Dairy products, cereal products, fruit and vegetable products, meat and fish, food ingredients , High Fructose Corn Syrup , Mycoprotein etc. Flavors and Pigments Biotechnology and Food Preservation : Different techniques in food preservation, canning, drying ,freezing encapsulation and controlled release of food components, microwave food processing , super critical fluid extraction , accepting processing of food. Genetically Modified and Transgenic Food: Development,processing , nutrition and safety aspects. Bioreactors in Food Biotechnology: Use of different bioreactors (e.g membrane bioreactors) for various food productions, Modelling , simulation and optimization of industrial processes, use of sensor and biosensors ,process control. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Angold ,Beech and Taggart “Food Biotechnology” , Cambridge University Press , New York (1989) Schwartzberg H G and Rao M A “Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering”, Marcel Dekker ,IC (1990) Moo- Young Murray , “Comprehensive Biotechnology Vol. IV”, Pergamon Press New York (1985) Moo- Young Murray , “Comprehensive Biotechnology Vol. II”, Pergamon Press New York (1985) Reed G, “Prescott and Dunn’s Industrial Microbiology” CBS publishers and distributors, New Delhi (1987).

CB-412 Plant

Cell and Tissue Culture

[3 0 0 3]

Introduction : Special features and organization of plant cells, totipotency, regeneration of plants, basic techniques in cell and tissue culture, culture media composition and preparation, cell growth regulations Cell Cultures : Initiation and maintenance of callus and suspension culture, protoplast isolation, fusion and culture , somatic hybridization Micropropagation : Techniques, factors affecting morphogenesis and proliferation rate , technical problems in micro propagation, meristem culture for the production of pathogen free plants , applications of micro propagation, Biochemistry of major metabolic pathways and products: Autotrophic and heterotrophic growth – carbon dioxide assimilation, carbohydrate metabolism, nitrogen assimilation. Plant products of industrial importance : Cell suspension culture development and production of secondary metabolites by suspension cultures (case studies of azardiractin, podophyllotoxin etc), Biological and technology barriers : Mutation, somaclonal variation , hydrodynamic shear and its quantification, mixing and impeller design aspects. Plant Cell Reactors : Comparison of reactor performance , immobilized plant cell and cell retention reactors. Animal Introduction: Cell and tissue culture media , media optimization (with and without serum ) and design asceptic techniques in tissue culture , cell metabolism and regulation, kinetics, storage and preservation of cells, safety considerations in cell culture laboratory . Cell culture : Monolayer culture , microcarrier culture and hybridoma technology , suspension cell cultures . Animal Cell Bioreactors: Factors affecting mass transfer during growth of cells in culture, criteria of scale up, use of perfusion and hollow fiber rector, harvesting and purification methods for end product recovery . Applications: Urokinase production, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bhojwani S S and Razdan M K,”Plant Tissue culture Theory and Practice”, Elesevier Science , Netherlands (2004) Narayanswamy S,”Plant Cell and Tissue culture”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill publishing Co. Ltd. (2002) Freshney R T, “Animal cell culture - A Practical approach”, Oxford University Press (1987) Spier R R and Griffiths J B,”Animal Cell Biotechnology”, Academics Press , London (1990) Butler, M “Mammalian Cell Biotechnology- A Practical Approach,” IRL Oxford University Press (1991)


Downstream Processing

[3 0 0 3]

Role of downstream processing in biotechnology: role and importance, economics, characterstics of biological mixtures, process design criteria for bioproducts, physicochemical basis of bio separation processes. Primary separation and recovery processes: cell disruption method for intracellular products, biomass separation techniques, flocculation and sedimentation, centrifugation and filtration methods. Enrichment operations: membrane separation, theory, design and configuration, precipitation methods, extractive separation, aqueous 2-phase separation, in-situ product removal. Product resolution: adsorptive chromatographic separation processes, electrophoretic separations, hybrid separation technologies

Product polishing: gel permeation chromatography, dialysis, crystallization Books Recommended

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Wankat PC, “Rate Controlled Separations”, Elsevier (1990) Belter PA and Cussler E, Bioseparation , Wiley (1985) Asenjo J M, “ Separation Processes in Biotechnology”, 1993 Marcel Dekker Inc. Ladisch M R “ Bio Separation Engineering “, John Wiley and Sons (2002). John Garside , “ Separation Technology : The next ten years”, Institute of Chemical Engineers, U K.


Polymer Technology

[3 0 0 3 ]

Introduction: Concepts and classification of polymers Functionality , Glass transition temperature, Addition, condensation , step- growth and chain –growth polymerization Molecular weight estimation: Average molecular weight – Number and weight average, Sedimentation and viscosity average molecular weights, Molecular weight and degree of polymerization, Significance of molecular weight. Polymerization Processes: Bulk , solution, emulsion and suspension polymerization, Comparison of polymerization processes. Polymerization Kinetics: Chemistry of step reaction polymerization, Mechanism and kinetics of polycondensation reactions and free- radical chain polymerization. Synthetic Fibres: Types of Fibres, Spinning Techniques, Manufacturing Technology and Applications of different types of fibres: cellulosic fibres, polyamides, acrylics, vinyls and vinylidines, fluorocarbons. Plastics: Manufacturing Technology and applications of different types of plastics: Polyester, polyethylene, Phenolics, rubbers ,structure, properties and preparation natural rubber synthetic rubbers: SBR, rubber compounding and reclaiming.. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Gowariker V R , Viswanathan N V and Sreedhar J “Polymer Science” New Age International Publishers (1996) Billmeyer F W “Text Book of Polymer Science” Wiley Tappers (1994) Ghosh P, “Polymer Science and Technology of plastics and rubber” Tata McGraw Hill (2001). Gupta R K and Anil Kumar, “ Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering”, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekkar (2003) Fried J R “Polymer Science and Technology” PHI


Plant Utilities

[3 0 0 3]

Steam :- Boilers- classification , various types, construction, boiler mountings & accessories, properties of steam-tables, Mollier Diagram. Power Generation :Internal Combustion Engines- classification, two- stroke, four stroke petrol & diesel engine, valve timing diagram,carburetor, Combustion Phenomena . Refrigeration: Air refrigeration cycles, vapour compression cycle, P-H diagram , liquification processes . Compressed Air and Vacuum :Use of compressed air. classification of compressors. reciprocating compressors-mechanical details, single stage and two stage reciprocating compressor , inter cooler, minimum work input in multistage. centrifugal compressor- velocity diagram for centrifugal compressors, dimensional parameters, slip factor , impeller blade shapes, losses in axial flow compressors. Fuel : Natural gas, liquid petroleum fuels, coal &cCoke .

Waste Disposal : Plant sewer system and waste disposal . Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yadav R, “Thermodynamics & Heat Engines”, Central Publishing House. Vasandani, “Treatise on Heat Engines” Lyle O, “The efficient use of steam”,Her Majesty’s Stationary Ofiice,London (1968). Barrow H M, “ Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design” New York Dodge B F, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, McGraw Hill


Natural Gas Engineering

[3 0 0 3]

Gas from condensate and oilfields. Scope of Natural gas industry. Basic thermodynamic and system energy concepts in Natural Gas Engineering. Physical properties of natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids associated with Natural gas. Phase behaviour studies of two phase hydrocarbon systems. Water-hydrocarbon system. Vapour liquid equilibria. Flow of fluids. Compression calculations. Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer principles and applications in Natural Gas Engineering. Gas flow measurement. Process control and instrumentation in natural gas processing plants. Natural Gas Processing. Field separation and oil absorption process. Refrigeration and low temperature processing. Liquification process. Dehydration of Natural Gas sweetening of Natural gas and sulphur recovery, Processing for LPG, LNG, CNG system. Transmission of Natural Gas. Specifications. Utilization of Natural Gas. Underground storage and conservation of Natural Gas. Unconventional Gas: Coal Bed Methane, Natural Gas Hydrate. Conversion of gas to liquid. Books Recommended 1 Kumar S, “Gas Production Engineering”, Gulf Publishing Co. (1987) 2 Beggs H D, “Gas Production Operations”, OGCI Publication (1984). 3. Ikoku C K, “Natural Gas Engineering” – John Wiley (1984). 4. Alexandre R, “Natural Gas : Production, Processing and Transport” – Hyperion Books (1995). 5. Donald L Katz, “Hand Book of Natural Gas Engineering” Mc Graw Hill CB-417

Petroleum Recovery Technology

[3 0 0 3]

Physical and chemical characteristics of crude oil, origin of oil, source rock and maturation. Migration of oil-mechanism pattern and barriers, Reservoir rocks and cap rocks, Entrapment of oil-types and mechanism Reservoir Rock Properties: Porosity, permeability, Effective and relative permeability, wettability, capillary pressure characteristics. Flow of fluids through porous media: Darcy’s law, single and multiphase flow. Reservoir flow through porous media, drive mechanism, Introduction to enhanced oil recovery methods. Drilling: Introduction to on-shore and offshore drilling operations, drilling accessories rig components, drilling fluid circulation system. Production: Production equipment, Introduction to work over and well stimulation method. Two phase oil and gas separation equipment, Types, their description, vessel internal sizing. Theory of separation., Three phase oil- Gas and water separators- type of separators their description, various control and vessel internals. LACT Units.

Storage and handling of Petroleum fluids: Different types of tanks for storage of oil and LPG Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Berger B D, Anderson K E, “Modern Petroleum” Pennwell books Bradley H B, “Petroleum Engineering Handbook”, SPE Cole F W, Reservoir Engineering manual Carl Gatlin , “Petroleum Engineering Drilling and Well Completions” Prentice Hall . Mc Cray and Cole , “ Oil Well Drilling Technology” Oklahoma Press .

CB-422 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Chemical Process Control and Reaction Engineering Laboratory

[0 0 2 1]

Study of rate constant for saponification reaction in constant strirred flow tank reactor Study of rate constant for saponification reaction in Plug Flow Reactor Study of rate constant for saponifiction reaction in batch reactor Determination of rate constant in a packed bed reactor Study of RTD in a packed bed reactor Determination of time constant in liquid level tank Determination of time constant in a heated tank To study the effect of proportional controller in a liquid level tank To study the effect of proportional Integral controller in a liquid level tank To study the effect of proportional – Integral and derivative controller in a liquid level tank. Note : At least 8 experiments to be performed.


Process Modeling and Simulation Laboratory

[0 0 4 2]

Principles of formulation of mathematical models , Fundamental laws , continuity equation , energy equation , Equation of motion , Transport equation, Equation of state, Equilibrium , Chemical kinetics, Lumped parameter model, distributed parameter models . Modeling & Simulation of various Chemical Engineering systems like isothermal CSTR, nonisothermal CSTR , Isothermal batch reactor , non –isothermal batch reactor, Heat exchangers, etc. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Luyben W L , “Process Modelling Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers”, international ed. McGraw Hill (1990). Rose L M, “ The Application of Mathematical Modelling to Process Development and Design”, First Ed. Applied Science Publisher Limited., London (1974). Bequette , “ Process Dynamics- Modelling, Analysis and Simulation”, PHI International (2003). Rase H F, “Chemical Reactor Design for Process Plants, Vol II: Case Studies and Design Data”, 1st Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York (1997) Denn M Morton, “ Process Modelling”, First Ed. Longman Publisher (1986).

CB-424 1. 2.

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

To determine the Total Solids of a given sample. To find out Total Dissolved Solids of a given sample.

[0 0 2 1]

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

To find out Fixed and Volatile solids of the given sample. To determine Acidity ( base capacity ) of the given sample. To determine the Alkalinity of the given sample. To determine the Total Hardness of the given sample. To find out amount of Sulphates in a given sample . To estimate the content of Chlorides in the given water sample To find the quantity of the Dissolved Oxygen present in the given sample To determine the BOD of a given waste water sample. To determine the COD of a given waste water sample.



[0 0 2 1]

Every student has to present the seminar on the assigned topic by the department . The student will be required to submit one copy of the report. OC/CB-332

Energy Technology

[3 0 0 3]

Solid Fuels : Principle Solid Fuels – Coal, origin , composition & classification of coal, properties of coal , terms used in analysis of coal, classification of Indian coals , petrology of coal Coal Preparation : Dry and Wet processes, storage of coal. Coal carbonisation : mechanism of carbonisation , high temperature and low temperature carbonization briquetting, gasification of coal, liquefaction of solid fuels. Liquid Fuels: Petroleum and related products,origin, occurrence and reserves, nature of petroleum crudes, classification and characteristics of petroleum, Refining Unit Process: Cracking, Thermal Cracking ,Catalytic cracking , Hydrocracking, Reforming Thermal and Catalytic Reforming, Alkylation, Polymerization Isomerization, petroleum products :naphtha, motor gasoline, aviation gasoline , kerosene , diesel oil, gas oil , fuel oil , lubricants , petroleum waxes,petroleum coke. Gaseous Fuels: Classification, natural gas, methane from coal mines, producer, water, carbureted water gas , coal, blast furnace , refinery gases , LPG. Alternate Energy Systems: Solar Energy, Nuclear energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy . Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Brame J S and King J C, “Fuels- Solid, Liquid and Gaseous” , St. Martin Press Sarkar S, “Fuels and combustion” , Longman publishers India Ltd.., IInd Edition Haslam R T and Russel R P, “Fuels and their combustion” , McGraw Hill. Gupta O P ,“Elements of Fuels , Furnaces and Refractories”, Khanna Publishers. Griswold J, “Fuels combustion and furnaces”, McGraw Hill


Basic Biotechnology

[3 0 0 3]

Introduction to Life : Characteristics of Living Organisms, molecular basic of Life, structure and function of prolaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Structure and Function of Macromolecules : Carbohydrates, Lapids , proteins, nucleic acid, enzymes as biocatalysts. Biotechnology: Definition & history, fields of biotechnology, importance and achievement of biotechnology; biological process and Chemical processes their advantages and disadvantages , safety aspects of biotechnology. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology :Definition , tools of genetic engineering , applications, bioinformatics.

Biotechnology and Medicine :Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, antibiotics, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, gene therapy. Biotechnology and Environment : Microbial ecology, role of m microbes in waste water and sewage treatment, mineral leaching , bioremediation . Plant and Animal biotechnology: Animal Requirements for plant and animal cell and tissue culture, substrates for cell culture, biotechnological application of plant cell and animal cell culture. Microbial and Food biotechnology : Role of microbes and enzyme for different industrial products , enzyme and food processing. Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pelczar M J, Chan E C S and Krieg N R, “ Microbiology”, McGraw Hill , New York (1995) Lehninger A L, Nelson D L , “ Principles of Biochemistry” , CBS Publishing and Distributors , New Delhi ( 1993 ) Smith J E, “ Biotechnology”, Cambridge Univeristy Press ( 1996) Dubey R C , “ A text book of Biotechnology ”, S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi ( 2001) Rajeshwari S Setty, and V Sreekrishna , “Biotechnology”, New Age International Publisher, New Delhi (2003)

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS (Courses Offered by other departments)


Numerical Methods

[3 1 0 4]

Approximation and Errors: Accuracy of numbers, Errors in approximations, Order of approximation and Propagation of errors. Roots of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Bisection method, Regula-falsi method, Iteration method, Newton-Raphson method, Bairstow’s method and Graeffe’s root squaring method. Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations, Matrix Inversion and Eigen-value Problems: Triangularisation method, Jacobi’s and Gauss-Siedel iteration methods, NewtonRaphson method for nonlinear simultaneous equations, Triangularisation method for matrix inversion, Partition method for matrix inversion, Power method for largest eigen-values and Jacobi’s method for finding all eigen-values. Finite Differences Interpolations and Numerical Differentiations: Forward, Backward, Central differences and relations between them, Newton’s forward, backward and divided difference interpolation formulas, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Stirling’s and Bessel’s central difference interpolation formulas, Numerical differentiations using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulas and Numerical differentiations using Stirling’s and Bessel’s central difference interpolation formulas. Numerical Integrations: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule and Numerical double integrations using Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s one-third rule. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations: Taylor’s series method, Euler’s and modified Euler’s methods, Runge-Kutta fourth order methods, methods for solving simultaneous first order differential equations and methods for solving second order differential equations. Boundary Value Problems: Finite difference methods for Boundary Value Problems Partial Differential Equations: Finite difference methods for Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic equations Books Recommended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sastry S S, “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Limited , New Delhi, 1999. Schilling R J, Harries S L, “Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers( Using MATLAB and C)”, Thomsan Asia Pvt. Limited, Singapore, 2002 Gerald C F, Wheatley P O, “ Applied Numerical Analysis”, 5th Ed (First ISE Reprint) Addison –Wesley Publishing Company, 1998. Chapra S C, Canale R P, “ Numerical Methods for Engineers”, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill, Singapore , 1990. Gupta S K, “ Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Ist Edition, New Age International Private Limited, New Delhi, 1998.

MA 202

Optimization Techniques

[ 3 0 03]

Linear Programming Problem: Simplex method of linear programming technique. Engineering applications of optimization. Design variables, constraints, objective function, variable bounds, statement and formulation of an optimization problem. Examples of Chemical Engineering optimization problems, classification of optimization problems, different optimization algorithms. Optimal point, local optimal point, global optimal point and inflection point. Single Variable Optimization Techniques: Optimality criterion, Bracketing methodBounding phase method. Region elimination methods- internal halving method, Golden section search method. Point estimation methodsuccessive quadratic estimation method.Gradient based method - Newton-Raphson method, Bisection method, Secant Cubic search method. Root finding using optimization techniques.

Multivariable Optimization Techniques: Optimality criterion, Unidirectional search method, Direct search method - Hooke-Jeeves pattern search method, Powell’s conjugate direction method.Gradient based methods -Steepest descent method, Newton’s Method, Marquardts methods. Constrained Optimization Algorithms: Kuhn-tucker conditions, Transformation method penalty function method. Direct search for constrained minimization - Variable elimination method. Complex search method. Books Recommended:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Deb Kalyanmoy., “Optimization for Engineering Design−Algorithms and Examples”, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. Hadley G, “Non-linear and Dynamic Programming”, Addison Wesley, New York, 1964. Rao S S, “Optimization Theory and Applications” , Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1991. Reklaitis G V, Ravindran A and Ragsdell K M, “ Engineering Optimizations −Methods and Applications “, Wiley, New York, 1983. Taha H A, “Operations Research” , MacMillan, New York, 2003.

MA 202 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Optimization Techniques Laboratory

[0 0 21]

Simplex method Bounding phase method Golden section search method. Successive quadratic estimation method. Steepest descent method. Marquardt’s method. Powell’s conjugate direct method. Penalty function method. Variable elimination method.

PH 204

Material Science and Engineering

[ 3




Structure of crystalline Solids: Crystal structures and crystal system, reciprocal lattice, miller indices, closed packed structures, determination of crystal structures. Imperfections in solid: Point imperfections and their equilibrium concentration, Edge and screw dislocations; burgers vector and the dislocations; burgers vector and the dislocation leap, stress fields and energies of dislocations, dislocations forces, dislocation sources; Multiplication of dislocations. Diffusion in Solid : Fick’s law of diffusion, solution to fick;s second law, applications based on second law solution , the kirkendall effect, the atomic model of diffusion. Mechanical properties: The elastic properties, model of elastic Behaviour, platic deformation tensile stress-strain curve, shear strength of perfect and real crystals, mechanical failure, fatigue and fracture, creeps: mechanism of creep, Characterization of creep curves. Electrical properties : Classical and quantum theory of free electronics; relaxtion time, collision time and mean free path, density of energy states and Fermi energy, Electorn motion under periodic potential , Origin of energy bands in solids, classification of material on the basis of band gap, effective mass, intrinsic and extrinsic semi- conductors, hall effect and its applications. Dielectric properties: Mechanism of polarization, concept of polarizability and internal fields, Dielectrics in alternating fields; frequency of dependence of polarizability.

Magnetic properties : Magnetic moments and its origin, dia- and para- magnetism, ferro and ferri- magnetism, soft and hard magnetic materials , ferrites , Application of magnetic materials. Super conductivity : Properties of superconductors. London equations, quantum explanation of super conductivity, flux quantization, application of super conductors. Books Recommended 1.

William D. Callister, Jr. “Materials Science and Engineering” John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York , 1997

2. 3. 4.

Dekker A.J. , “Solid State Physics” Macmillan, India Limited , Madra, 1991. Azaroff. L.V “ Introduction to Solid”, Tata Mc Graw Hill , New Delhi, 1992 RaghvanV. “ Material Science and Engineering “, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998 Kittal “Solid State Physics” Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1987


PH 224 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Material Science and Engineering Laboratory

[0 0 2 1]

To determine the resistivity of a semiconductor by four –probe method. To estimate the band gap energy of seminconductor . To determine the Hall coefficient of a semiconductor and hence to estimate the charge carrier concentration To calibrate an electromagnet To determine the magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic salt by Guoy’s balance method. To find energy loss due to hysteresis for the material of given metal ring using a C.R.O To investigate creep of a copper wire at room temperature . To find young’s modulus , modulus of rigidity and Poisson’s ratio for the material of a given wire by Searle’s method. To study the elastic behaviour of solid using composite Piezo- electro oscillator . To study cooling curve a binary alloy To test the given cement sample using autocalve To determine the permittivity of a given material using parallel capacitor To verify Richerdson’s equation of thermionic emission To study the magnetization and de-magnetization behaviour of ferromagnetic rod by magnetometer method.


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