Survey Analysis-final.docx

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  • Words: 2,546
  • Pages: 15
SURVEY ANALYSIS - INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME (SEMESTER VI) As a part of internship programme for semester VI, we conducted a survey in the nearby villages. In that survey we asked the villagers (from age group 14 years to 80 years), about their marital status, social problems being faced by them, about demonetization, online payment, government schemes etc. This survey was conducted as a part of the internship programme of the semester VI (III year) students of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad, to help the villagers by providing necessary aids and amenities.


In the nearby villages of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad the following is the marital

status. 44% of the residents in Mamidipalli are single who has not been married .8% of residents of both men and women are widowed i.e., single because death of spouse. 2% of the residents are separated from their spouse. 43% of residents are married to another in the village. And lastly 3% do not belong to any of the category above and hence qualify as none.


94; 43% Married

96; 44%

Widowed Separated Single

17; 8%


6; 2%

After looking at the pie chart it can be seen that there are various social problems in

the village and one of the biggest problem is unemployment which comprises of 56% and the second biggest problem faced is starvation due to poverty which comprises of 46%. The third biggest problem is illiteracy which comprises of 44%. The other problems which are

commonly faced are child labour, child marriage, bonded labour and domestic violence against women which comprise of 12%, 7%, 6%, and 6% respectively. It has also been noticed that 42% of the people have said they face no social problem.


Unemployment Illiteracy

42; 19% 6; 3% 6; 3% 12; 5%

Starvation due to Poverty 56; 26% Child Marriage Child Labor 44; 20%

7; 3%

46; 21%

Bonded Labour Domestic Violence against Women None

The pie chart depicts the accommodation of 219 villagers. And according to the

survey, majority of the villagers live in Owned Outrights. 184 out of 217 that are 85% of the surveyed villagers live in their own house. The next highest percentage i.e. 9% is of rented houses from private landlords, which are 20 villagers. 5% of the villagers live in Patta land or house which is 10 members from the 217. And one person out of the 217 lives on a land being bought on mortgage. Through this analysis we can see that maximum number of people live in their own house. And also there is a vast difference in the percentages.

ACCOMMODATION 10; 5% 2; 1% 1; 0%

20; 9% Owned Outright Being Bought on Mortgage Rent from Private Landlord Other (Patta Land or House)

184; 85%

Don’t Know

60 people i.e. 31% of the people have studied till secondary section whereas, 18

people i.e. 10% had a graduate and 6 people i.e. 3% had a post-graduate degree. Nearly 108 people i.e. a total of 56% have only studied till primary section.

QUALIFICATION 6; 3% 18; 10% Primary 60; 31%

108; 56%

Secondary Graduate Post-Graduate None

The survey reflected astonishing figures regarding the income benefits of the villagers. It was

rather surprising to infer that from the total population, a raging 46% (106 people) do not avail any income benefits from the government at all. 27% of the total population amounting to 66 villagers avail pension benefits, followed by 8% of income support (19) and 8% housing benefit being (18)

availed by the villagers. Family credit availed for girl child comes up to 4% i.e., 9 villagers. Disability allowances are also availed by 1% (2), the widow’s benefit is taken by 2% (5), sick pay/ benefit by 2% (4). 2% (5) of the population avails unemployment allowances.


19; 8%

18; 8%

106; 46%

Family Credit (Girl Child) 2; 1% 5; 2% 4; 2%

Income Support Unemployment Allowance Housing Benefit Disability Allowance

66; 27%

Widow's Benefit Sick Pay/Benefit Pension None

Survey was been Conducted by SLS HYD for legal awareness in the nearby villages.

We took survey in nearby Mamidipalli Village .we visited schools, Shops, household to explain them Survey Form. 80% of the people including small children, ladies, and elder people state that they don't have any Legal Problem in their Village.16 % think they do have a Legal Problem in the Village and there is a need for legal awareness drive to be conducted. And they also think there is a need for Free Legal Aid to be given. 4% Think nothing is required to be changed, everything is fine. 0% people in village say they don't know what kind of legal problems are there in the Village.

LEGAL PROBLEM 1; 0% 8; 4% 34; 16%

Yes No Don’t Know


174; 80%

A general question was posed to the villagers regarding the need of the legal

awareness or aid in their village. 79% of the villagers were of the opinion that there is a need for legal awareness in their village, 37% of the villagers were of the opinion that there is no need. Whereas 1% of the village do not know if there is a need for the legal awareness and 3% do not have any opinion about it.


7; 3%

37; 17%

Yes No Don’t Know 172; 79%


After looking at the pie chart related to basic needs such as water, gas, electricity and

telephone services, it was observed that the major issue is water with 107% and the second

problem is gas with 72%. We can also see that electricity and telephone services needs improvement with the survey showing 56% and 49% respectively.

BASIC NEEDS 49; 17% 107; 38% Water 56; 20%

Gas Electricity Telephone None

72; 25%

The conclusion after the survey of 219 citizens in the village, 108 people which is

53% of the total number of people have borrowed money at some point of time, 74 (36%) have not borrowed money at any point in time, 22 (11%) have no knowledge of any family member whether they have borrowed money at any point in time and 13 (6%) have said none.

MONEY BORROWING 13; 6% 22; 10% 108; 50%

Yes No

74; 34%

Don’t Know None

From the Pie chart it is stated that out of 219 villagers 74% of the people of the

village have stated that demonetization decision of the present Government is correct. 25% of the people have stated that the decision taken by the government was incorrect. The remaining 1% they couldn't come to a decision whether the step taken by the government is correct or not.

DEMONETIZATION 5; 1% 0; 0% 55; 25% Yes No 157; 74%

Don’t Know None

A total of 219 units of the sample space were considered for the analysis. According

to the analysis, the following points were observed intricately. A total of 34 units in the selected sample space; i.e., 17% of the surveyed population knew the full-fledged procedures of online payment. A total number of 168 units in the selected sample space; i.e., 83% of the surveyed population were not aware of the online payment procedures. 17 units in the selected sample space i.e., 8% failed to answer the survey question appropriately.


34; 15%

Yes No Don’t Know 168; 77%


The Survey Form contained of 26 questions on various matters. In the question no.

17, it was asked to the villagers regarding the facilities and benefits or Governmental schemes they are entitled to. After obtaining the survey report, it was found that out of 224 villagers, the 56% majority or approximately 125 villagers are benefitted with no Government Schemes at all. 17% or 37 villagers are entitled to Aasara Pension Scheme for strengthening the financial security of the aged and handicapped, whereas 13% or a number of 30 villagers are receiving interest-free Loans Scheme from the concerned Government. Kalyana Laxmi and Relief fund- both the Initiatives are also benefitting 2% each (4 villagers in each) amongst them. A number of 23 villagers or 10% out of total number are allotted with the scholarship benefits for the education purpose. Last, but not the least, a negligible amount of 2% (only 1 villager out of total) has been benefitted to the Shadi Mubarak Scheme.


1; 0% 37; 17%

4; 2%

Kalyana Laxmi Shadi Mubarak

23; 10%

Aasara Pension

125; 56%

Relief Fund 30; 13%

Scholarship Interest Free Loans Scheme None

According to the survey conducted in the village we can conclude that, 97 people or

40% of the people expect a rise in their income as an expectation from the government. 87 people or 36% of the people expect an improvement in their standard of living. 36 or 15% people said they don't have any answer to the question. A total of 14 people or 6% said they don't want either of the two.


36; 15% 87; 36%

Improve your standard of living Increase your Income None of these Don’t Know

97; 40%

None No

The sample space selected for this analysis consisted of 374 units. The conclusions of

this are as follows:  A total of 83 units, amounting to 22% of the selected sample space have reported that a child has missed classes because of teacher shortage.  73 units of the sample space, amounting to 19% of the selected sample space, have reported that, the schools do not have enough amenities.  47 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 13% of the selected sample space, have reported that, a child has shared school books in key subjects.  41 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 11% of the selected sample space, have reported that, there is a non-availability of English and Hindi teachers.  31 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 8% of the selected sample space, have reported that, there persist other problems at schools due to lack of resources.  29 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 8% of the selected sample space, have reported that, a child has found difficulty in obtaining school books for homework.  26 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 7% of the selected sample space, have reported that, the school buildings are in bad sate of repair.  25 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 7% of the selected sample space, failed to answer the survey question appropriately.  19 units of the selected sample space, amounting to 5% of the selected sample space, have reported that, there exist problems to students due to persistence of large class sizes (30+).

Child Has missed Classes because of teacher shortage


Child has shared school books in key subjects

19; 5%

31; 8% 26; 7%

25; 7%

Child has found difficulty in obtaining school books for homework

83; 22%

School doesnot have enough ammenties Non-availability of english and hindi teachers

47; 13% 41; 11%

Large class size

29; 8% 73; 19%

School building are in bad state of repair Other problems due to lack of resources at school None

The above statistics answer the question relating to consumer rights- relating to a

large purchase and instances where the seller had failed to his fulfil his duties. 19% of the villagers are of the opinion that they didn't get proper returns of that particular large purchase, 83% were of the villagers were satisfied with their large purchase. Whereas, 36% of the villagers don't know about the question and the rest 17% do not have any opinion about it.


42; 19% Yes

78; 36%

No 83; 38%

Don’t Know None

36 people i.e., 18% said that have a proper knowledge about the consumer rights they

enjoy and that they get their appliances repaired or replaced from the shopkeepers. However, nearly 98 people i.e. 48% of the people said that they cannot get their appliances repaired or replaced easily even though they have a proper knowledge about the consumer rights they enjoy and around 69 people i.e. is 34% said they have no knowledge about the consumer rights they have.

CONSUMER RIGHTS - REPAIR OR REPLACE 13; 6% 36; 17% 69; 32%

Yes No 98; 45%

Don’t Know None

The pie chart shows whether the villagers are in a sustainable environment for a

livelihood. Among which 57% of the villagers are satisfied with environmental conditions, 33% of the villagers are not satisfied with surrounding environmental conditions and 9% of the villagers don’t know about the surrounding environmental conditions. Whereas the last 3% did not have any opinion about this particular question.



70; 32%

122; 56%

No Don’t Know


The statistics from the pie chart show that 45% of the villagers have access to safe

drinking water, 39% of the villagers do not have the access to safe drinking. Whereas 7% of the villagers have the access to safe drinking water at times and the others summing up to 9% do not have any opinion regarding the question.

SAFE DRINKING WATER 20; 9% 16; 7% 98; 45% Yes

No 85; 39%

At times

Don’t Know

The question that was put forward was in regard to the action taken by the police upon

lodging of a complaint. Accordingly for which the villagers were supposed to rate the police officials out of 5. The pie chart above depicts that 17% of the villagers rated it to be excellent, 6% of the villagers rated it to be very good, and 24% rated it to be good. Whereas, 12% of the villagers rated it to be as average and 31% rated it to be poor. Around 10% of the villagers do not have opinion about the action taken by the police upon lodging of a complaint.

POLICE RATING 19; 10% 62; 31%

33; 17%

1 Star 2 Star

13; 6%

3 Star 24; 12% 49; 24%

4 Star 5 Star None

Another question was regarding the problems being faces by the villagers with regard

to the police complaint in the village. There was a positive response with over 63% of the population not finding any problem with regard to this, 26% of the population finding some difficulty in lodging police complaints and 11% of the population did not have much knowledge with regard to this issue.


Yes No

Don’t Know

138; 63%

The final question that was put forward was regarding the awareness of online F.I.R

that was introduced by Shri K.T Rama Rao. 42 people responded that they were aware of this initiative taken by K.T. Rama Rao whereas 169 people were not aware of this program and 8 people did not respond to this question. In total, 19% of the population was aware of this initiative, 77% was not aware and 4% did not respond to it.

ONLINE F.I.R. 8; 4% 42; 19%


No 169; 77%

Don’t Know

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