Superbalita Cebu 1.docx

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[Tutorial] IU Official Fancafe Tutorial (Updated on 180903) For those who paid and joined IU’s fanclub through in 2018: - You get priority ticketing for IU’s concerts and fanmeetings in Korea. You do not need to join IU’s fancafe if all you want to do is buy tickets to watch IU’s concerts/fanmeetings. You just need a daum account (just complete Part 1 of this tutorial to create a daum account). - Joining the fancafe is just to gain access to be able to read official announcements on fancafe and read the From.IU posts. - If you didn’t pay to join IU’s fanclub, you’ll have to wait for next year.

Doing Part 1 to 3 of this tutorial will allow you to VIEW posts on the fancafe. Please use a DESKTOP COMPUTER and follow this tutorial.

Part 1 of 4 : How to create a daum account 1. On a computer, go to DAUM.NET. Click on “회원가입”.

2. Choose the bottom option to sign up through phone verification.

3. Tick both boxes and click the blue box ‘동의하기 (Agree)’.

4. Fill in the form and click the blue box ‘다음 단계 (Next)’:

5. Tadah! You now have a Daum account which comes with an email account. Click ‘서비스로 돌아가기’ to return to the homepage.

If you paid to join IU’s fanclub this year, you will need to enter this Daum 아이디 (Daum ID) later. Please record it down somewhere.

Part 2 of 4 : How to verify your identity and join the uaena fancafe This can get complicated ㅠㅠ and most people are stuck at this step, but it’s necessary to verify your identity to join the Uaena fancafe.

1. Click ‘내정보’ to go to your profile settings.

2. Click ‘내정보 관리’ and enter your password, then click ‘확인’ to confirm.

3. Update your actual birthdate and gender by clicking ‘등록’ next to ‘생년월일/성별’.

It’s YYYY.MM.DD format, then 남자 for Male and 여자 for Female. Click ‘저장’ to save the changes.

4. Now you’re ready to verify your identity. Click this link to go to your daum mail. Click the top left ‘메일쓰기’ button to compose a new email message in Daum mail.

5. For '받는사람’, fill in ’[email protected]’. For '제목’, fill in ’실명확인 요청 / Your FULL NAME on your Passport or IC / Your Daum ID found in profile settings’. Click on '파일 첨부하기’ to attach your passport/ID scan. Copy paste this into the email message and change the stuff in brackets. (Note: You MUST ensure that the information here matches what is on your passport/ID as well as what you wrote in your profile settings.)

- 실명확인을 원하시는 Daum 아이디: (This should match your Daum 아이디 in profile settings) - 고객님의 생년월일 및 성별 정보: (Your birthdate written in YYYY.MM.DD and your gender M/F. This should match your

생년월일/성별 in profile settings) - 회원정보에 등록된 이름: (This should match your 이름 found in profile settings) - 회원정보에 등록된 닉네임: (This should match your 닉네임 found in profile settings) - 신분증상의 영어 이름: (Your real English name based on your passport/ID) - 회원정보에 등록된 연락처(이메일): (Your own email address you used when registering ) - 회원정보에 등록된 로그인 허용 국가: (Country that you have allowed logging in. Click this link to check what is written next to

로그인 허용국가 and copy paste it here) - 가입하신 날짜: (The date you registered, written in YYYY.MM.DD)** ✓ [동의] 외국인 정보로 실명확인 시 일부 서비스 제한 사실을 숙지했으며 동의함 ✓ [동의] 개인정보 수집 및 이용에 동의함 ** To find the date you registered, open an incognito tab or just open a different Internet browser, go to and click on ‘아이디 찾기’ below the log-in box on the right side. Click on ‘내 정보에 등록된 이메일로 찾기’ then type in your FULL NAME found in profile settings and your exact email address. Click next and you should see the date you registered in YYYY.MM.DD. Doublecheck that you have attached the passport/ID scan and ctrl-C to copy to clipboard the title of your email (제목) before clicking the blue ’보내기’ button at the top lefthand corner to send the email message.

6. To make sure they receive your customer service request, go to this website and paste the title of the email you sent, into this title box below. Then copy paste this message into the message box and click ‘문의접수’ to submit. 안녕하세요?

제가 정보를 [email protected]에게 보냈습니다.

실명확인 부탁드립니다


6. You will receive a confirmation email like this. It just means that they acknowledge that they have received your request. Please wait patiently for their response (usually within 1-2 working days). REMEMBER to check back!

7a. If it’s unsuccessful, they will reply with a longgg email like this, that means either your passport/ID scan is not clear enough, or the information you have given is wrong. Doublecheck both and resend the email to them (that means repeat Steps 3-4).

7b. If it’s successful, you should receive a short email that looks something like this. This means it’s SUCCESSFUL! If you’re not sure whether it’s successful, continue to the next step and see if you can join IU’s fancafe.

8. On the main page of the fancafe, click on ’카페 가입하기’ on the left side.

9. Your identity should already be confirmed if your email was successful. So you just need to fill in the answer to the question ‘The title song of IU’s first full-length album? (in capital letters in English)’. The answer is ‘BOO’. Don’t forget to type in capital letters. Click ‘확인’.

10. On the next page, tick the box to agree to the terms. For 닉네임, put your preferred nickname (Korean or English only, TAKE NOTE of the following RULES regarding your choice of nickname). - Your nickname cannot contain IU’s name at all in English or Korean. These are some nicknames that are not allowed:

- Your nickname cannot contain ‘Loen’ or ‘uaena’. These are some nicknames that are not allowed:

- Your nickname cannot contain any numbers or symbols. ONLY Korean, or English or Korean+English is allowed. These are some nicknames that are not allowed:

- Your nickname must be one word and cannot contain any spaces. - Your nickname cannot contain alphabets with no meaning, words that cannot be read out, or initials and shortforms. These are some nicknames that are not allowed:

- Your nickname has to be maximum 8 Korean characters or 12 English alphabets. - Your nickname cannot contain any swear words. - Your nickname cannot mention any other artistes. For 수신여부, tick the boxes to receive email notifications and private message notifications. Then fill in the captcha. Click ‘가입’ and you’re in!

Part 3 of 4 : How to apply to become a 정회원 / FULL Member (previously called ‘Boo’) on fancafe 1. The ‘정회원등업신청 (Application for Full Member)’ board is only open on weekends and the results will be out a few days later.

2. Ensure that you click the lock symbol to lock your post, so that only the fancafe staff can see your post.

3. Copy paste the following into this box and change only the BOLDED parts:

1. Your real name / Uaena fancafe nickname / Daum ID / Gender(Put 여 for Female, 남 for Male) / Age / 개인정보 제공 동의

2. 이지은 / 930516

3. 드림하이,김필숙/ 최고다 이순신,이순신/ 예쁜 남자,김보통/ 프로듀사,신디/ 달의 연인-보보경심 려,해수/ 나의 아저씨,이지안

4. Write your favourite IU song and reason in KOREAN (use google translate if you need to), at least 30 Korean characters.

5. Write what you intend to do on the fancafe and support message for IU in KOREAN (do not press ‘enter’ or use any special characters). 4. If successful, when you click ‘내 정보’ on the left side, you’ll see that your rank below your nickname has been changed to 정회원 / Full Member.

Part 4 of 4 : How to apply for ‘팬클럽 회원 / Fanclub member’ status on fancafe

NOTE: Continue ONLY if you paid to join IU’s fanclub 2nd generation in 2018. By default, everyone will be downgraded back to 정회원 / FULL Member on 4th September 2018.

Deadline to complete this part of the tutorial: 31st Dec 2018, 23:59 KST

1. Check your Daum ID If you wrote it down earlier on, that’s great. If you can’t remember, once you log in, go to to check.

If you see this page asking you to fill in your mobile phone number for added security, just skip it by clicking the blue words ‘다음에 확인’ all the way at the bottom.

2. Change your nickname on fancafe Log in to the fancafe and follow these instructions below. You are NOT allowed to change your nickname for the rest of the year.

3. Check your Melon Ticket ID For overseas uaenas, this is the email address you used for logging into to buy the fanclub membership.

4. Check your ticket reservation number The part in pink is your reservation number. Record it down somewhere.

5. Now you can finally apply for the Fanclub Member rank on fancafe! Click on Reservation Detail for an enlarged version of the ticket details. Screencap the ticket details, including the ‘Ticket Confirmed’ part. Unfortunately, cropping away IU’s picture makes the text look larger. Not only does this screencap have to be HQ, the TEXT HAS TO BE AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE so they can see it clearly when you upload onto fancafe later. Logging into on mobile using a browser app that can enlarge the font size would be best.

Use Paint to write your 닉네임 (Fancafe nickname), 다음ID (Daum ID) and 멜론 티켓 ID (Melon Ticket ID) onto the screencap. Do not delete any information. The above information is deleted because this is a tutorial

6. Posting on fancafe to apply for Fanclub Member rank Back on the fancafe, click on “ 2기 팬클럽 등업 ” / 2nd Gen Fanclub Application in the menu. Fill in the box with your Melon Ticket ID / Daum ID / Date of Birth in YYMMDD / Gender 여 for female, 남 for male / Ticket Reservation Number / 개인정보 제공 동의. *The 개인정보 제공 동의 thing is new and now you need to add those words at the end to give them permission to receive your personal info*. Remember to lock the post! Attach the screencap with your info on it. You need to activate Flash for this by clicking on the top right corner next to the address bar on Chrome, or just use another browser. Click 등록 to submit.

You’re done! After a few working days, if you’ve succeeded, your rank will change from 정회원 (Full member) to 팬클럽 회원 (Fanclub Member). You can also click ‘검색 (search)’ inside the 2기 팬클럽 완료 success board and 2기 팬클럽 리턴 fail board. Select ‘글쓴이 (user)’ and search your 2기_nickname. - If your post is still in the first application board, they have not reviewed it yet, please wait patiently. - If it’s in the 2기 팬클럽 완료 success board, you have succeeded, just that they might take awhile to change your fancafe rank. - If it’s in the 2기 팬클럽 리턴 fail board, your application has failed, please try again with a clearer screencap and check that you followed all the steps above.

Starting from 10th October, if you have used your account to visit IU’s fancafe for at least 30 days and you have written at least 30 posts and 50 replies before, you will automatically level up to 팬클럽 우수회원 회원 fanclub VIP member status (which allows you to reply to From.IU posts).

Extra: What can I do on IU’s uaena fancafe if I don’t know Korean? 1. Once logged in, clicking on ‘From.IU’ on the left menu will show you all of IU’s fancafe posts, replies to fans and selcas, but IU tells us NOT to screencap her fancafe posts or repost the original content outside of uaena fancafe.

2. To search for all of IU’s replies to any post, scroll to the bottom of the post, select ‘댓글작성자’ from the dropdown menu and type ‘아이유’ or copy paste this and then click the blue 검색 button to search.

3. Back on the left menu, click ‘원본사진’ to see all the latest IU photos and fanphotos. ‘영상 + 음성’ is for videos and audio files. You can post your own if you want to, just copy paste and modify someone else’s title in Korean. If you’re posting fanphotos, just copy paste the name of the schedule and add ‘by (your nickname)’ at the end. ‘회원작품’ is for fanedits and ‘인증자랑’ is for showing off proof shots of your IU merchandise/collection. The orange ‘N’ there just means there’s a new post since you last checked.

4. Clicking on ‘IU스케줄’ shows you IU’s upcoming schedule. (Don’t expect it to be very updated.)

5. Finally, if you download the Daum Cafe app, you can ‘star’ the boards you like and click the star again to make it a jiggly vibrating star, which means that you will receive a notification whenever there’s a new post in that board. You can start by making ‘From.IU’ a jiggly vibrating star. feat

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