Summary Of Discussions 7

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 260
  • Pages: 3
Discussion Groups and Topics

Challenges/Issues identified by the participants

Responses/Possible Solutions discussed by the group

Procurement Forum Intervention/Actions selected by the group

(during the general session before the lunch)

(during the break-out sessions after the lunch)

(during break-out sessions after the lunch)

7. Forum management & deliverables

Management organization & working Include CSOs as part of the Secretariat/WG/Steer ing Committee Role of partner countries and donors -Respectful of country system and conditions by partner countries and donors

Steering committee 9 (15 members) DMCs/Donors/CSO/Pr Advisory Group Subject Working Group 4 incl CSO/Private Permanent Secretariat OECD-DAC Indicators/common goals Regional conference once every 2 years Sub regional conference once a year 4

Partner country ownership of forum: hosted by partner country, not ADB

Technical meetings Web based Every 6 months or as necessary (face to face)

Sustainability of the Forum?

Central west 9 South asia 5 Southeast asia Pacific asia

Linkage of this Forum with ongoing initiatives of OECD/DAC and how they can partner together for better results

Academics Professionals Working group report every year to Secretariat

An action oriented plan with resourcing and activities geared towards country based results and improvements based on common national priorities in the areas of integration, governance, growth and cooperation.

Venue depending on topic & those concerned

Need for clear action plan linked to best practice but cognizant of national capacity. This could be published and circulated via Forum to help with partner engagement and country learning.

Meeting minutes

There should be more emphasis on

Forum website Funding 1.Donor 2.counterpart (from loan/grant proceeds) Country reports every year

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