Subscribe-hr Tools Help Manual

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  • Words: 993
  • Pages: 18
ABN: 86 132 590 277

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277


System Fields and Navigation...................................................................3 Folders......................................................................................................3 Sub Folders ..............................................................................................4 Menu.........................................................................................................4 Quick Navigation.......................................................................................5 Bread Crumbs...........................................................................................5 Save, Delete .............................................................................................6 Create, Import, Delete ..............................................................................6 Search Folder or Sub Folder (Quick Search)............................................7 Drop Down................................................................................................7 Auto Generated ........................................................................................7 Text Field ..................................................................................................8 Mandatory Field ........................................................................................8 Date Field .................................................................................................8 Date Time Field ........................................................................................8 Number Field ............................................................................................8 Check Box ................................................................................................8 E-mail Field...............................................................................................8 Currency Field ..........................................................................................8 Tools Menu .................................................................................................9 Reports .....................................................................................................9 Correspondence .....................................................................................15 Organisational Tree ................................................................................15 Dashboard ..............................................................................................16 Data Upload............................................................................................16

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

System Fields and Navigation Below is a list of all Fields and Navigation Features in the Subscribe-HR. All these fields and Navigation Features can be added to your using the Developer Module.


Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Sub Folders


Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Quick Navigation

Bread Crumbs

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Save, Delete

Create, Import, Delete

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Search Folder or Sub Folder (Quick Search)

Drop Down

Auto Generated

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Text Field

Mandatory Field

Date Field

Date Time Field

Number Field

Check Box

E-mail Field

Currency Field

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Tools Menu Click on Tools Menu to show Tools and then select the Tool required.


Reports Subscribe-HR utilizes the Subscribe-HR web-based Report Writer. The Report Writer allows authorised users to report on all Tables and Fields in the Database. To Create a New report:

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Type Name of Report:

Select Object to Report on

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Select Groups who can access the Report:

Click Save:

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

You are able to Sort on Fields:

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

It is possible to count on unique fields by ticking the check box that is found on unique fields when they are dragged and dropped into the field selector.

To Group in a Report simply Drag and Drop Field in the Groups Field Selector. Please let us know if you require to be able to Group by Multiple Fields. Once you have added Fields and Groupings as well as deciding on Sorting and Counts, Click Save and proceed to Filtering.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

You are able to filter your Report based on criteria suck as: Equals, Not Equals, Greater Than, less than and like. If you require any other filters, please let us know.

After you have set-up filter (if you require Filters), click Save, then Run or go to the Report Tab to View the Report. Please note: Only Reports with count included will be shown with Graph. You are able to Export data from the Report Writer to Excel.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

Correspondence Correspondence will be released by the end of February 2009.

Organisational Tree The Org Chart read from the system and Report Graphically, the relationship between Employees. The Org Chart uses the Reports to field in the employee Masterfile to execute this function. That is why it is critical that whom ever an employee reports to is recorded here. The Organisational Tree will refresh every 5 minutes. This is done in order to manage Server Loading.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277


This is our Standard Dashboard. Please note: If Customisation to Dashboards is required, please let us know what your requirements are and we will provide you with a quotation. We will be releasing Customisable Dashboard options in July of 2009.

Data Upload Please Contact us for more information about the data upload tool. Although the upload tool is available, we would like to review your data prior to you attempting any data upload. You will need to place all of your data that is required for upload into multiple spreadsheets. E.g. All Employee Masterfile Details, Salary Details, Address Details, NOK Details. etc. Employee Masterfile Details are: First Name, Gender, Surname, DOB and Employee Type. The main types of Data that usually get uploaded are: Employee Masterfile, Current Salary, Bank Account, Current Job, Current Manager, outline if the Employee is a Manager, List of all Managers, Address Details. It is a good idea to look at the fields which are included in these screens E.g. Jobs, Salary, Bank and organise the data accordingly. If you don’t see a field or if you see a Mandatory Field in the Form, you will need to include this field in the upload spreadsheet or the Data Upload will not work. Alternatively, you may need to make the Mandatory Field, Non Mandatory. The more Mandatory Fields that are included in the system, the better shape your data will remain in. Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

When you have cleansed all of your Data in the relevant spreadsheet, copy and paste it into a note pad. When copying from Spreadsheet copy all rows from all relevant columns right to left.

Once you have your data in the note pad, go into the Object you would like to upload the data into.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

ABN: 86 132 590 277

The End

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

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