Subscribe-hr Core Human Resources Help Manual

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Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

MENU System Fields and Navigation...................................................................4 Folders......................................................................................................4 Sub Folders ..............................................................................................5 Menu.........................................................................................................5 Quick Navigation.......................................................................................6 Bread Crumbs...........................................................................................6 Tabs..........................................................................................................7 Save, Archive Delete ................................................................................7 Create, Import, Delete ..............................................................................7 Search Folder or Sub Folder (Quick Search)............................................8 Attachment - Document / Photo...............................................................8 Drop Down................................................................................................9 Auto Generated ........................................................................................9 Text Field ..................................................................................................9 Mandatory Field ........................................................................................9 Date Field .................................................................................................9 Date Time Field ........................................................................................9 Number Field ..........................................................................................10 Check Box ..............................................................................................10 E-mail Field.............................................................................................10 Currency Field ........................................................................................10 Maintenance Menu ...................................................................................11 Users Folder ...........................................................................................12 User Profile Folder..................................................................................12 Groups Folder.........................................................................................13 Code Library Folder ................................................................................15 Annual Leave Settings Folder.................................................................19 Locations Record....................................................................................21 Sick Leave Settings Folder .....................................................................22 Cost Centre Settings Folder....................................................................23 Skills Folder ............................................................................................23 CPD Settings Folder ...............................................................................24 Work Patterns Folder ...............................................................................25 Work Patterns Record ............................................................................25 Property Folder.........................................................................................28 Property Record......................................................................................28 Risks Folder..............................................................................................29 Risks Record ..........................................................................................29

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Company Policies Folder.........................................................................30 Company Policies Record ......................................................................30 KPI Folder .................................................................................................31 KPI Record .............................................................................................31 Jobs Folder ...............................................................................................33 Jobs Record............................................................................................33 Job Benefits Sub Folder .........................................................................35 Job Description Sub Folder.....................................................................36 Job Property Sub Folder.........................................................................37 Job Skills Sub Folder ..............................................................................38 Employee Folder ......................................................................................39 Employee Record ...................................................................................39 Employee Masterfile Tabs ......................................................................43 Employee Absence Sub Folder ..............................................................44 Employee Training Sub Folder ...............................................................46 Employee Medical Sub Folder ................................................................47 Employee Property Sub Folder...............................................................48 Employee Certificate Licence Sub Folder...............................................49 Employee Annual Leave Sub Folder ......................................................50 Employee Jobs Sub Folder.....................................................................52 Employee Incidents Sub Folder ..............................................................53 Employee Skills Sub Folder ....................................................................54 Employee Next of Kin Sub Folder...........................................................55 Employee Shares Sub Folder .................................................................56 Employee Disclosure Sub Folder............................................................57 Employee Discipline Sub Folder .............................................................58 Employee Dependants Sub Folder .........................................................59 Employee Bank Details Sub Folder ........................................................60 Employee Work Pattern Sub Folder .......................................................60 Employee Grievance Sub Folder ............................................................61 Employee Salary Sub Folder ..................................................................62 Employee Contract Sub Folder...............................................................63 Employee Qualifications Sub Folder.......................................................64 Employee Work History Sub Folder........................................................65 Employee Address Sub Folder ...............................................................66 Employee Benefits Sub Folder ...............................................................67 Employee Superannuation Sub Folder ...................................................68 Employee Education Sub Folder ............................................................69 Employee Performance Sub Folder........................................................70 Employee Calendar Sub Folder..............................................................71 Employee Sick Leave Sub Folder...........................................................72

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

System Fields and Navigation Below is a list of all Fields and Navigation Features in the Subscribe-HR. All of these Fields and Navigation Features can be added to your system if you subscribed to the Developer Module.


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Sub Folders


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Quick Navigation

Bread Crumbs

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Save, Archive Delete

Create, Import, Delete

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Search Folder or Sub Folder (Quick Search)

Attachment - Document / Photo

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Drop Down

Auto Generated

Text Field

Mandatory Field

Date Field

Date Time Field

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Number Field

Check Box

E-mail Field

Currency Field

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Maintenance Menu The Maintenance Menu Contains: Security Option - User - Groups Code Library Correspondence Locations Annual Leave Setting Sick Leave Settings Cost Centre Settings Skills CPD Settings

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Users Folder To Create a New User Click on the User Folder, then on Create. Once required details are filled in, Click Save. Once record is saved, the new user should be listed in List All. Please note that the information provided to Subscribe-HR when first Subscribing, will be used to create System Administrator user. For details on Setting up Self-Service users and Security, please see Self-Service and Security Manual.

User Profile Folder User Profile settings define Time Zone of a user, Local Currency, Date Format, Date Time Format and separators for currency. These settings are used for multi site, multi location (Country) systems

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Groups Folder There are a number of Groups (User Groups) that are provided as a standard part of Subscribe-HR. Your ability to use these different groups will be governed by which modules you have Subscribed to. The Groups are: Everyone – Can be used as default for all users. Self-Service variation. Don’t use if not needed System Administrator – Can perform all actions in system. Assigned to initial Subscriber. System Administrators can access any module that is Subscribed to. Employee Self-Service – All users have Self-Service rights. Self-Service can be configured to allow managers to see their subordinate (Team) details and restrict access to Privacy based information e.g. Bank Details, Address Details. When setting up new users in the system, if you have Subscribed to Self-Service, the employee will be e-mailed User Name and Passwords automatically. Passwords can be updated in User Profiles. Employees must have e-mail address to be able to access Self-Service Developers – Certified Developers are the only one’s who can access Developer Module. This is hard-coded in the system. Developers can also access Code Library which is found in maintenance. Integrators – Only Developers can access this module. This is hard-coded in the system Directors and Executive – Are Self-Service users. Assigned other functions that have to do with their role. More often than not the Dashboard will be the most accessed part of Subscribe-HR by Directors and Executive. They can be assigned special Executive Dashboards. HR Administrators – Can access most core functions in Subscribe-HR. Not as comprehensive access as HR Manager. Recruitment Manager – Access to all Recruitment Administration functionality. SelfService access. Limited access to Core Human Resource Module. Consultants – Consultant access can be tailor by you if you use any type of outsourced consultants. Consultants can also set-up their own specific access if they are the outsourced Provider within the business. HR Manager – Full access to the system in both the Core Human Resource Module and Recruitment Administration. The only thing they are unable to do is delete. Archive can be used to hide records. Recruitment Advisor – Access to Recruitment Administration module. Not as comprehensive as Recruitment Manager. Report Administrator - Access Reports. Only Management should be assigned this group. * All users should have Self-Service group assigned if they are employees.

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Each of these groups has been assigned default security options, in terms of the functionality they can access.

To create specific setting for specific groups, click on the required group and you will be presented with all the objects available in the system. Please note that the Developer and Integration Groups are hard-coded to the Developer and Integration modules. The only group that can access the Developer module is the Developer group. You must be certified to be authorised to the Developer module. Each group has a standard set-up, you are able to change this set-up when you are ready to roll the Self-Service Tool out.

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PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Code Library Folder The Code Library Folder contains all the Drop-Down Fields and Drop-Down Field options in the system. When a Drop-Down Field is created and added to a form using the Developer Tool, you can create a Drop Down entry in the Code Library then link the Drop-Down to the field in the form. If you wish to create a new Drop-Down (Code) option, you will need to find the relevant Library Entry Name in the Code Library and add to it.

Below, you will see an example of the Nationality Drop-Down being selected, and the codes (Drop-Down options) that belong to the Nationality Drop-Down Field. All the standard Drop-Down fields in Subscribe-HR come pre-loaded with standard DropDown codes (options). One of the first steps in setting up your system is adding codes that you would like to see in the Drop-Down fields in Subscribe-HR. An upload tool exists to enable you to efficiently upload Drop-Down Code Library Names (DropDown Names) and Codes (Drop-Down Options) into the system.

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To Create New Nationality Code (Drop-Down Option) Click Create.

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To Create New Library Entry Name (Drop-Down) click on the Code Library Folder in Maintenance Menu.

Please note: Library Entry Name must be at least 4 Letters Long

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Once Saved, Click on Code Library Folder and located the new Library Entry Name. Click on it and then click on codes.

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To Create a New Code, click on Create. Please note when entering new Codes, you only need to enter the Code Name (Mandatory). The Code will auto generate based on the Code Name. The Code will always be in lower case.

Annual Leave Settings Folder Annual Leave Settings need to be configured prior to Employee Data being input into the System. You MUST have both Annual Leave and Sick Leave Settings set-up prior to any Employee records being input into the system. If you require for existing Employee records to be input into the system you simply tick Carry Leave Forward and input current leave remaining for the employee into the Employee Object. If you are performing a Data Upload, you simply include carry forward amount for each employee in the upload template. The system will start accruing from the date the information is saved based on what the Annual Leave settings are. If you have any questions about this, please let us know prior to going ahead and performing this work. There are two main ways in which Annual Leave Setting can be configured. 1. If Annual Leave is not accrued and employee simply gets allocated an Annual Leave amount at the start of employment and each anniversary there after. If this is the case in your organisation, tick the Leave Not Accrued Check box, then type in the Annual Amount that an employee is entitled to in either Days or Hours. This can be defined by the Annual Amount Units. You can also define whether or not you will allow an employee’s leave balance to go into negative by including a number into the Negative Balance field. If you don’t allow Annual Leave to go into negative, input 0. You can also define whether or not there is a leave exclusion period, meaning a period that an employee can’t take leave in.

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2. If Annual Leave is accrued an employee gets an amount of leave in an annual period (e.g. 20 Days or 150 Hours), from Employee Start Date which is accrued at a certain rate (Days or Hours Per Week or Month). The accrual rate can be in either Days or Hours, as defined by the Accrual Rate Units field.

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Locations Record

To create a new Locations Record, Click on the Locations Folder, then click on Create. You will need to create all your locations prior to entering Jobs and Employees. Locations will be linked to Jobs and then Jobs linked to appropriate Employees.

Once a Location Record has been created, it will appear in the list all (As Above).

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Sick Leave Settings Folder

Sick Leave Settings allows user to establish Sick Leave Amount, Amount Units etc. You can include Sick Leave Exclusion Periods where by paid Sick Leave cannot be taken e.g. First 3 Months of Employment. You are able to Accrue Sick Leave though in most cases Sick Leave is provided in one lump amount from the first day o employment. You are also able to allow for Sick Leave to be carried forward to next Leave Year. Please note, if you are uploading Sick Leave data e.g. Balances, Accruals, please contact Subscribe-HR or your Authorised Subscribe-HR Partner for specific details about how to go about doing this successfully.

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Cost Centre Settings Folder Cost Centre Settings allow you to set default Cost Centres to Jobs so that when Jobs are created, the defined Cost Centres that you choose are automatically populated against Jobs and then also Employees. This applies to the Percentage Cost Centre Split. You can allocate percentages to Cost Centres which will automatically be populated against the Job when it is created. These setting can be over ridden if needed when the Job is created. Validation exists to ensure that a Total of 100% is allocated. You are able to allocate 100% to 1 Cost Centre if only 1 Cost Centre is used. Based on these Cost Centre settings, all dollar values will be broken down accordingly. E.g. Salary, Training Costs, Benefit Costs.

Skills Folder The Skills Folder Allows for all Skills to be recorded in the system. Skills then link to Employees and can be assessed. As Standard, Skills are assessed against an employee based on the whether the employee has the skill or not (Compliant or Non Compliant). If you require another type of rating system, please speak to us about this. Our experience has shown us that this is the most manageable way to assess and manage Skills. This rating system is used through out Subscribe-HR Core HR Module and Recruitment Module. In the recruitment module, you can profile applicants and vacancies based on whether a Skill is required for a Vacancy and whether the applicant poses the Skill (Filtering).

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CPD Settings Folder CDP Setting allows you to set the amount of CPD Hours that are required for specific Positions. The CPD Start and CPD End Dates outline the year and following year periods that will be used to manage CPD. CPD Hour Target defines how many CPD hours are required for that position in a year. The From Date and End Date fields allow you to record historical data if required. If you assign an End Date, the record will be no longer active. You then need to then enter a new record for that Job for the system to update Job Holders with new CPD Hours Required. Please note that if you are Archiving record, you need to do this at the end of the period ready for the new Period.

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Work Patterns Folder Work Patterns Record Work Patterns are extremely important to the function of Absence in the SubscribeHR. An Employee record requires a work pattern to be assigned to it as soon as an employee record is created. The Work Pattern functionality is only configured to manage a standard amount of hours per week e.g. Employee that work FTE = 1. E.g. 37.5 Hours week. The Work Pattern needs to be set-up as a regular occurrence e.g. 1 Week, 2 Week, 4 Week. You can set-up 1 Week, 2 Week or 4 Week Work Patterns. All absence entries are validated against work patterns to ensure that an absence is not going into the system on a day that is a non working day or in a case where the absence being entered is greater that the hours expected to be worked on that day. Here are Two Examples of Work Patterns that can be configured in Subscribe-HR. 2 Week Pattern: Week 1 – Monday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Tuesday 9:00am to 17:30pm Wednesday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Thursday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Friday 9:00am to 17:30pm. Week 2: Tuesday 11am to 19:30, Wednesday 11am to 19:30, Thursday 11am to 19:30, Friday 11am to 19:30, Saturday 11am to 19:30 4 Week Pattern: Week 1: – Monday 7:00am to 15:30pm, Tuesday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Wednesday 6:00am to 14:30pm, Thursday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Friday 9:00am to 17:30pm. Week 2: Tuesday 11am to 19:30, Wednesday 12pm to 20:30, Thursday 11am to 19:30, Friday 11am to 19:30, Saturday 11am to 19:30 Week 3: – Monday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Tuesday 9:00am to 17:30pm Wednesday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Thursday 9:00am to 17:30pm, Friday 9:00am to 17:30pm. Week 4: Tuesday 11am to 19:30, Wednesday 11am to 19:30, Thursday 11am to 19:30, Friday 11am to 19:30, Saturday 11am to 19:30 Please Note: We are able to customise Work Patterns to meet your requirements if they are more complex.

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One Week Work Pattern. Type Name and Select Type of Work Pattern, then enter details. This is a Standard Work Pattern.

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Two Week Work Pattern.

Four Week Work Pattern

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Property Folder

Property Record All Company Property can be listed in the Property Folder. Each piece of Company Property is listed as a unique item with a unique number/code. Once the piece of property is assigned to an employee, it will be listed as being taken (Available = No), and will not be able to be assigned to another employee until it is returned. There is a reminder generated in the system when and employee leaves, to notify the HR Manager that the company property needs to be returned prior to the employees last day at work. Property Type can also be assigned to Jobs so that when an employee is linked to a job, the company property is assigned to that employee. The Property Type assigned to a Job is only guide as to what property comes with the Job. It is not the actual property itself. Usually, property is linked to a Job rather than the Property being assigned straight to an employee. To Create new Property, click on the Property Folder and then on Create. Once the piece of Property has been successful created and saved, it will appear in the Property List All.

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Risks Folder Risks Record The Risks Folder Contains all Risk related information. Risks can be linked to Employees Incidents. When a Risk is Created and Saved, it will appear in the Risks List All.

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Company Policies Folder Company Policies Record Company Policy Information can be stored in the Company Policy Folder. A Company Policy record needs to be saved prior to attaching a document.

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KPI Folder KPI Record The KPI Folder contains all your organisations Key Performance Indicators Types. You are able to store KPI Types and Sub Types. If you only use Types, you are able to turn Sub Types off in Maintenance. This will mean that you only rate Employees in the Performance Sub Folder against KPI Type. After you create a KPI Type, it will be saved in List All. To create a KPI Sub Type, select the KPI Type, then Click on the KPI Sub Type Folder. Click Create to enter a New Sub Type for the KPI Type. Please speak to us about your KPI rating requirements. We use a 1-5 Rating Scale as Standard with overall Rating provided by Averaging all KPI rating to give total overall score.

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Jobs Folder Jobs Record The Jobs folder contains all positions that are available in your organisation. To create a New Job, Click on Create after clicking on the Job Folder. You need to Create Jobs prior to assigning Job to Employee. Once a Job has been created successfully, it will be able to be accessed in List All. To access Job Record, select the relevant Job from List All.

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In Maintenance, you are able to define a default percentage split for cost centres. If you only use 1 Cost Centre, simply type 100% next to Cost Centre 1. Where ever there is a Money field in the system you will see that there is a corresponding amount shown.

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Job Benefits Sub Folder Benefits can be assigned to Jobs. If a benefit has been assigned to a Job, when an employee is assigned this Job, you will be able to say whether you would like to provide this employee with the Job Benefit. The Employee cost field is auto generated by reading from the Benefits Record and the Total Job Cost Field will be auto generated by Multiplying the number of people in the Job that are using the benefit.

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Job Description Sub Folder The Job Description Sub Folder allows users to attached Job Descriptions to the Job. The From Date and Until Date Fields allows for archiving of Job Descriptions allowing for the most up to date to be accessible.

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PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Job Property Sub Folder

Property can be assigned to a Job so that when the Job is assigned to an employee, the system will ask if you want to assign the actual piece of Property to the employee. The Property name here is only used as a guide as to what property comes with the Job, it is not the actual Property that is assigned under the Property Folder.

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Job Skills Sub Folder

Job Skill Sub Folder allows for Skills to be linked to a Job. These Skills form the basis of a Skills profile in terms of Skills that are required to do that Job. Skills can be defined as Mandatory to that Job. The Job details and Skills Profile can be turn into a vacancy and form the basis or a Vacancy profile when searching for suitable applicants. If the From Date and End Date in the Job Skills record are entered, the skill is not longer current and can be archived.

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Employee Folder Employee Record To access an Employee Record, click on the employee folder located on left of the screen.

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To Enter a New Employee into the system, click Create.

Enter Information into the system. There are 4 Tabs of information (General, Safety, Leaver, Other) that can be entered. Once finished click Save. If information has been successfully saved, you will be informed of this by a message displayed at the top of the record.

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This is an example of a success save.

This is an example of an Unsuccessful save. In this case the error was caused by not entering mandatory field: Start date.

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Once you have successfully entered employees into the system, to access employee records click on the Employee Folder. You will be presented with a list of employees to select from. To access a specific employee record, click on the required employee record.

Once an employee is selected, you will be presented with a list of sub-folders which contain specific information relating to that employee.

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PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

An Employee record consists of many different Sub Folders. These Sub Folders include: Absence, Training Records, Medical, Property, Shares and Property. These activities can be turned on and off and allocated to different users. See Security. Employee Masterfile Tabs In the main Employee template, core Employee information exists such as General, Safety, Leaver and Other. Please note, when attaching a photo, you must click attach prior to saving the employee record.

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Employee Absence Sub Folder

All Absences for an employee should be entered into the Employee Absence Sub Folder. To Enter an Absence for an Employee, select Employee record from List All, then select absence from Employee Sub Folder. Click Create.

Start Date and Absence Reason are Mandatory fields in Employee Absence. The system will automatically calculate Total Days absent based on start and end date of the absence. It will also calculate Working Hours Lost. Please note that an employee requires a Work Pattern to be assigned to their record before absence details can be entered and calculated. If employee does not hold enough leave balance to take paid leave, but they still require to take this leave, simply tick check box at the top of the form (Unpaid Leave). This also applies to someone who does have sufficient Leave Balance but wishes to take unpaid leave. If Unpaid Leave is selected from Drop Down there is no need to tick the unpaid leave checkbox. If Absence type is Sick leave, Carer-based, you will be able to select Dependant from drop-down field. Dependant must exist in the in Dependant Sub Folder for this to be possible. Once Absence is saved successfully, the absence record will be saved into List All (historical data).

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Leave balances can run into negative. In Maintenance / Annual Leave Settings you are able to select the amount of negative leave that is allowed. Once this amount is reached, unpaid leave will need to be entered. The only type of open-ended absence that can exist in Subscribe-HR is an Incident based absence. All other absences must have start date and end date. The system will automatically update leave balances (Annual and Sick Leave)for employees. Please see Leave Balance Section. • •

Subscribe-HR stops Accruals for Leave in Maternity and Paternity periods as standard. Subscribe-HR stops Accruals for Leave in LSL periods.

If you Subscribe to the Self-Service module, Leave Requests will be able to be Requested, Authorised, Declined and Cancelled. Leave will not be able to be cancelled after the leave Start Date has passed.

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Employee Training Sub Folder The Training Sub Folder is where all Training records for an Employee are entered and stored. Certificate / Licence or Qualification records can be created directly from a Training instance. This can be done after the completion of the course. Course Name will be carried over to the Certificate / Licence or Qualification Record and will become the name of that new record. If the course is not regularly used and the name does not exist in the drop-down field, simply click on the not regularly used Course check box. This will enable a text field where you can type the course name in. CPD Hours required annually is a self generated field that is read from Maintenance / Settings. A running tally for CPD hours achieved in a calendar year can be review on the employees Dash Board or in the Training Record itself.

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Employee Medical Sub Folder

In the Employee Medical Sub Folder, you are able to record Medical related information that relates to an employee. There are two tabs in the employee medical subfolder. General and Surgery. You are able to link Medical check/ doctors visit records to Incidents using the link to incident check box at the bottom of the template.

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Employee Property Sub Folder Company Property can be assigned to an employee by way of the employee Job or by simply creating new Property record for an Employee. Each piece of Property is unique and can only be assigned to one person. Once the property is assigned to an employee it is marked in the Company Property Folder as being used. When an employee is turned into a leaver, the system will notify the user that they hold property that needs to be returned before they leave.

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Employee Certificate Licence Sub Folder Certificate and Licence Records can be created either by entering the record directly into the Sub Folder or by generating them from Training Sub Folder. Certificates and Licences can also be brought through from the Recruitment module when applicant is turned into and employee. If this is done, the check box (Previous Employment) will be ticked and the (Óbtained Where) field will be populated. If only the Human Resource module is used, these fields can be used to simply information manually.

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Employee Annual Leave Sub Folder

The Annual Leave Sub Folder contains Annual Leave specific for an individual employee e.g Leave Balance and Allocation. This information starts from the Employees Start Date and is automatically generated each anniversary (from Start Date). This means that each year, at the start of each anniversary year, a new record is inserted into the employee annual leave Sub Folder. Rules that are found in Maintenance can be configured to govern whether leave is accrued or not, if annual leave can be carried forward, if it is accrued in Days or Hours etc. There is also a setting that exists that can allow leave balances to go into negative amounts e.g. 5 Days or 32 hours. In an instance where an Employee requests leave and their leave request is greater that negative 5, the leave request will automatically be denied. Annual Leave Balances are updated when an Employees Annual Leave request is authorised. Please note that if a data upload is performed, it will be done based on balances for an individual as of the date the upload data is captured at client end. Only when new Employee records are entered into the system does an Annual Leave record automatically get populated into the Annual Leave Sub Folder, based on what the Annual Leave maintenance setting are. Field Meanings are: Total Annual Amount. The amount of Leave (Hours or days) that a Person is entitled to once accrued. This can also be configured so that an employee is allocated an amount that they can access straight away, or after a waiting period (e.g. Probation). Accrual Rate: The rate at which leave is accrued. E.g. 1.8 Days per month or 12 Hours per month. Accrual Rate Units: This is the unit that the accrual will accrue in e.g. Days or Hours. Leave Accrual Interval. The Leave Accrual Interval Field allows for leave to be accrued in interval amounts. E.g. 1.8 Days every 4 weeks, instead or monthly. Or 6 hours each 2 weeks. Leave Exclusion Period: This field, which can be configured in Maintenance, defines the period in which leave cannot be taken. E.g. Leave Exclusion Period 1 Month. This means Employees are not able to take annual Leave in the first month of employment. Leave Not Accrued: If this is Yes, employees are allocated a one of amount of leave each year. E.g. 20 days.

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No Accrual in Probation: This field defines whether or not Leave is accrued in a period when the employee first starts. E.g. If this field was populated with 1 Month, leave would not accrue for the first month. Leave Days Carried Forward: If Annual Leave can be carried forward, at the end of each anniversary from employee Start Date, any untaken leave will be carried over. This setting can be adjusted in Maintenance to not carry forward. Leave Taken: Defines the amount of Annual Leave that has been taken in a period (from employee start date to anniversary). Leave Remaining: The amount of Annual Leave Remaining that can be taken E.g. Current Leave Entitlement for Period plus any leave carried forward.

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Employee Jobs Sub Folder

All Employee Job records are recorded in the Employee Jobs Sub Folder. Multiple Cost Centres can be linked to a Job. These Cost Centres and the Percentage Splits Default from the Job Folder. This percentage split is used to show what the split is for Salary, Bonus, Training Costs and Benefits. Only one Job for an employee can exist in a given period. This is validated by the system.

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Employee Incidents Sub Folder There are 5 Tabs contained in the Incidents Sub Folder. These Tabs allow you to manage General, Authority, Rehabilitation and Insurance Information. Related Hazards can be linked to Incidents. The Hazards need to be entered into the Risks Folder. If an Absence occurs as a result of the injury, an absence can be entered into the absence record by clicking on the Absent Check Box and entering a from date. The until date does not need to be input until the person has returned to work. Once they return to work, enter the until date in the Incident Sub Folder and it will automatically update the Absence Sub Folder. Please note, the Authority Rehab, Insurance Tabs will appear when first record is entered and saved.

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Employee Skills Sub Folder

Employee Skills Sub Folder Contains information relating to all Skills Assessments for an employee. The Rating for the Skill Assessment is based on the Employee having the Skill or not e.g. Complaint – Yes/No. If a Skill has been assessed during the recruitment process, this skill can be brought through into the Core Human Resource Module. If this is the case, the Check Box (From Recruitment Process) will be ticked and the Assessment Reason will be Applicant Assessment. Skills themselves can be entered and set-up in Tools (next to maintenance at the top of the screen). Here, Skills can be linked to Jobs so that only people with specific Jobs will be able to be assessed against Skills that relate to that Job. The Job that the Skill Assessment relates to is recorded against each Skills Assessment for the Employee. You can select to Assess against Job Related Skills or All Skills. You would assess against all Skills if you were assessing Employee for Succession Purposes. The Assessment Reason would be (Future Job Assessment). If you select the All Skills check box, you need to select the Job which the Skills Assessment relates to e.g. Succession, Career Progression. Please not that Skills Profiles need to be set-up for Jobs for Employee Skills Assessments to be possible.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Next of Kin Sub Folder

The Employee Next of Kin Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employees Next of Kin. All fields contained in this form are standard. There are no relationships that exist between this form and any other part of the system.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Shares Sub Folder

The Employee Shares Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Share offerings. You can record Date of Issue, Option Number and Option Price. When employee decides to exercise the Shares, you can record Exercise Date and Exercise Price which will allow Exercise value to be automatically calculated.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Disclosure Sub Folder

The Employee Disclosure Sub Folder contains all information relating to Disclosure of Employee information to Third Party Authorities. When HR or Payroll is contacted by Third party, this contact needs to be recorded against that employee in this section of the system.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Discipline Sub Folder

The Employee Discipline Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Discipline. This Sub Folder has not special relationship with any other part of the system.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Dependants Sub Folder

The Employee Dependants Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Dependants. When you enter an Absence (Sick – Carers) into the employees record, you are able to select a Dependant that relates to that specific Carers Sick Leave instance.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Bank Details Sub Folder

The Employee Bank Details Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Bank Accounts. For all Accounts that are in use, Employees can allocate percentages of salary payments into multiple accounts. The Split amount field is a manually updated field.

Employee Work Pattern Sub Folder The Employee Work Pattern Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Work Patterns. A Work Pattern must be assigned to an employee in order for Absences and Leave Balances to function and calculate. When a new Work Pattern is created, the start date defaults to the employee Start Date. If an employee does not have a Work Pattern Assigned, the Absence, Sick Leave and Annual Leave Employee Sub Folder will not function properly. Work Patterns can be set-up in the Work Pattern Folder. See Work Patterns for more information. Once an Employee has a Work Pattern Assigned, the Employee Calendar Sub folder will be populated with day entries based on the Work Pattern Itself. New Employee Work Patterns can be assigned to an employee simply by creating new. Once a new Work Pattern has been created, the old work pattern is stoped. The current work pattern always runs from the work pattern start date + 1 day which means the current work pattern is always 2 years in advance. Old work patterns remain stored against an employee as there will be historical data that requires this.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

A Work Pattern can be assigned to an employee whos record ‘has been created and has not started e.g. Start Date in the Future. Absence records will not be able to be entered into the system if an employee does not have a work pattern. * Please not that to create a new Work Pattern, you simply click create, select the new work pattern and a start date, then click save. This will make previous work pattern redundant. Once a work pattern has been entered and the current date is past the Work Pattern Start Date, the work pattern cannot be deleted. Once Work Patterns are Saved all Fields are non-editable.

Employee Grievance Sub Folder The Employee Grievance Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Grievances. This form has not specific relationship with any other part of the system.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Salary Sub Folder The Employee Salary Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Salary. There are Self Generated fields in this form which automatically tell you: What the Salary Increase Amount is (if not first Job), What the Percentage Increase is, and what the Cost Centre Split Amounts are, if you are using Cost Centre Split Defaults. FTE is an auto calculated filed also. This is based on what Standard Hours for the Job are and what the Actual Hours are. There is also a tab in the Salary Sub Folder for Bonus recording. There are auto generated Cost Centre Split Amount fields here also. •

If you require Total Employee Cost Functionality, please let us know.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Contract Sub Folder

The Employee Contract Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Contracts. If an Employee is a Contractor, details about this contract can be stored here. This form does not have any specific relationship with any other part of the system.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Qualifications Sub Folder

The Employee Qualifications Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Qualifications. If the Qualification has been brought through from Recruitment Process, the check box From Recruitment Process will be ticked. If the Qualification has been generated from Training, the cost of the qualification will be generated from the Training Record. The Cost Centre Split will also be generated automatically based on the cost and the Cost Centre Split default.

Qualifications Sub Folder

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Work History Sub Folder

The Employee Work History Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Work History. You are able to pass Work History (Work Experience) from the Recruitment Module. If these details have been passed, the From Recruitment Process check box at the bottom of the work will be ticked. If someone from this Employer acted as Reference, this will also be shown at the top of the form with the acted as Reference Check Box being ticked.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Address Sub Folder

The Employee Address Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Address. If correspondence is being sent via post, the address details will be used. In the Employee Sub Folder, you are able to define where to send postal correspondence e.g. home or work.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Benefits Sub Folder The Employee Benefits Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Benefits. Cost Centre Amount Splits are based on Company Funded Amount. If the benefit has both a Start and To Date, the Benefit is no longer current and the Check Box at the top of the screen will be ticked. Benefits can be linked to a Job, so that when an employee is given that Job, the Benefits automatically update to the Employee Benefits Sub Folder. When an employee is turned into a leaver, the system will notify the user that the employee benefits need to be closed off. * Please note, if you require Total Employee Cost functionality please let us know.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Superannuation Sub Folder The Employee Superannuation Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Superannuation. You are able to define what employer and employee contribution percentages are. If a Superannuation record has a Start and End Date, the record is no longer current. * Please note, if you require Total Employee Cost functionality please let us know.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Education Sub Folder The Employee Education Sub Folder contains all information relating to Employee Education. If the Education record is from the Recruitment Process, the check box From Recruitment Process will be ticked. Graduation Date, Check By and Checked Date will also be auto populated. All Education Institutions in have been pre-loaded in the system (Institution Drop-Down).

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Performance Sub Folder The Employee Performance Sub Folder contains all information relating to employee Performance. Performance includes a number of tabs containing General, KPI and Development information. KPI should be entered into the KPI folder. In Maintenance, you can define whether you Rate the KPI Type or the KPI Sub-Type. If you rate the KPI Type, then the Sub-Type will be de-activated. The KPI Rating can also be chosen from Maintenance. This rating is available as either Yes/No or a 1 – 5 Scale. We will be developing Performance plug in forms so that you are able to subscribe to a specific type of performance management style. The development tab includes information relating to training and development needs for an individual. You are able to link Skills and Training to the Performance Sub Folder. To do this, first create the Performance Review. You can then go to Skills are create a Skill Assessment. If you wish to link the Skill to Performance you need to define the Skill as being not Compliant (Meaning it needs to be focused on from a Development Perspective). You can then also choose, or create a Training Course to place the person to Develop this Skill. Choose Intervention then Training. A course needs to be set-up prior to it being able to be linked to the Skill. Once this is done, you will see that there is a Summary being created in Performance. * Please not, if you require customisation to this part of your system, please let us know. We can rapidly develop performance appraisal forms/systems for you. All Organisation conduct Performance Management in different, unique ways dependant on the business’s requirements. This is why we have developed a tool that can be used to Rapidly develop Performance Appraisal Functionality.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Calendar Sub Folder The Employee Calendar Sub Folder is populated by the Work Pattern that is current to the Employee. Each of the entries in the calendar are individual days that exist in the work pattern. If you click on the individual entries you will see the Date, Day of the Week, Expected Work Hours, Hours Actually Worked, and if the person was absent or not. Each time a new work pattern is assigned to an employee, the calendar will be updated with details of the new work patter. * Please note, if you require dynamic work pattern tool for rolling and frequently changing work patterns, please let us know.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

Employee Sick Leave Sub Folder The Sick Leave Sub Folder contains Employees Sick Leave balances, entitlements and settings. Sick Leave can be set-up to accrue or in most cases not to accrue. You can also set Sick Leave up to carry forward any unused Leave or not to. The system default is to not accrue Sick Leave. Field Meanings are: Total Annual Amount. Sick Leave Amount allocated when employee starts. Sick Leave can also be configured to accrue. This can be done in Maintenance. Accrual Rate: The rate at which Sick leave is accrued. E.g. 1.8 Days per month or 12 Hours per month. This only applies if your Organisation Accrues Sick Leave. Accrual Rate Units: This is the unit that the accrual will accrue in e.g. Days or Hours. This only applies if your Organisation Accrues Sick Leave. Leave Accrual Interval. The Leave Accrual Interval Field allows for leave to be accrued in interval amounts. E.g. 1.8 Days every 4 weeks, instead or monthly. Or 6 hours each 2 weeks. This only applies if your organisation Accrues Sick Leave. Leave Exclusion Period: This field, which can be configured in Maintenance, defines the period in which sick leave will not be paid. E.g. Leave Exclusion Period 1 Month. This would mean that if an employee has Sickness in this exclusion, it would be unpaid leave. Leave Not Accrued: In Most Cases, Sick Leave will not be accrued. This is a default setting for Sick Leave. No Accrual in Probation: This field defines whether or not Sick Leave is accrued in a period when the employee first starts. E.g. If this field was populated with 1 Month, leave would not accrue for the first month. This only applies if your organisation Accrues Sick Leave. Leave Days Carried Forward: If Sick Leave can be carried forward, at the end of each anniversary from employee Start Date, any untaken leave will be carried over. This setting can be adjusted in Maintenance to not carry forward. Leave Taken: Defines the amount of Sick Leave that has been taken in a period (from employee start date to anniversary). Leave Remaining: The amount of Sick Leave Remaining that can be taken E.g. Current Leave Entitlement for Period plus any Sick Leave carried forward.

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

If you subscribe to the Self-Service module, managers will be able to submit Sick Leave occurrences. When the employee calls in Sick, the Manager can go into their record and submit Sick Leave for them with Start Date. When the Employee arrives back at work they can enter the end date for the Sick Leave.

The End

Copyright Subscribe-HR 2008

PH: + 61 2 9281 5010

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