Study Guide 2009

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  • Words: 2,433
  • Pages: 16
Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Faculty of Education University of Pretoria 2009

BEd (Hons) CIE CIT 720 Computers as Cognitive Tools

Table of Contents Page 4

Organisational component 1 Welcome


2 Lecturer


3 Calendar


4 Academic honesty


5 Assessment


6 Written examination


7 Prescribed text


Study component Session 1: Introduction to conceptual change


Session 2: Modelling with databases


Session 3: Building a database model


Session 4: Modelling with spreadsheets


Session 5: Building a spreadsheet model


Session 6: Modelling with Expert Systems


Session 7: Building an expert systems model


Assessment Rubrics



Organisational Component 1.


Welcome to CIT 720 Computers as Cognitive Tools. We trust that you will find the content motivating and challenging.


Lecturer Lecturer Prof. Tinus Kühn Department Curriculum Studies Office Aldoel Building E210 Telephone no. 012.420.2883 E-mail [email protected] Consulting hours By appointment


Calendar Session 1 Introduction to conceptual change Date 15 July 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus

Session 2 Modelling with Databases (Part 1) Date 22 July 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus

Session 3 Modelling with Databases (Part 2) Date 29 July 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus


Session 4 Modelling with Spreadsheets (Part 1) Date 5 August 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus

Session 5 Modelling with Spreadsheets (Part 2) Date 12 August 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus

Session 6 Modelling with Expert Systems (Part 1) Date 19 August 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus

Session 7 Modelling with Expert Systems (Part 2) Date 26 August 2009 Time 17:30-20:30 Class test: 17:30-18:00 Venue Computer Lab, Groenkloof Campus



Academic Honesty

It is expected from candidates to uphold the highest level of academic honesty. A candidate will not submit assignments by copying the work of another candidate. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from both published and unpublished works must always be referenced. A charge of misconduct will be laid against a student that violates the copyright law. A Committee of Discipline can then: • • •

deprive a student the right or a privilege in terms of his or her registration; suspend a student for a specified period; deny a student the privilege of re-registration as a student at the University.

Consult an official guide on one of the referencing styles. The Harvard referencing style is sufficient for use in this module. (



To demonstrate the outcomes of this module successfully, candidates will have to: • •

Complete and submit all the assignment(s) on time. Sit for a written examination on the theory relating to this module.

The marks obtained for the practical assignment(s) will constitute your module mark. The average of the module mark and the mark obtained in the written examination will constitute the final mark of the module.


Written Examination Date: [To be determined] Time: [To be determined] Venue: Gym Hall, Groenkloof Campus



Prescribed Text Jonassen, D.H. 2006. Modeling with Technology. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Information Technology Service Durham University. 2007. An introduction to databases using Microsoft Access 2003. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009.

Introduction to SQL. 2009. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009.

Information Technology Service Durham University. 2006. Using formulae and functions in Microsoft Excel.. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009.

Students should take note of the following: • • • • • •

Students have two weeks for the completion of an assignment. No late submissions will be marked. If a student copies work from a friend or fellow student, both students will forfeit the mark. Students may not use a cellular phone for accepting calls or sending sms-messages during contact sessions. If assignments are not available electronically no mark will be awarded. Should a student arrive late, the lecture or part of the lecture missed will not be repeated for the sake of the latecomer. There is a language penalty for each assignment; since the computerbased instructional tools that you design are available online, students should ensure that language usage is acceptable and correct. 6

Study Component Session 1: Introduction to conceptual change Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Outline how the traditional view of teaching with technologies differs from current perspectives on the topic. Point out what the purpose of technology is in teaching. Outline what conceptual change means for Jonassen. Explain Jonassen’s use of the term modelling. Define model building as a strategy and outline what Jonassen’s stance on mindtools is. Explain how Jonassen relates mindtools to constructivism. List the variables that effective mindtools depend on. Write explanatory notes on conceptual change. Mention what the kinds and amount of conceptual change depend on. Outline what cognitive conflict is. Outline what a model as a conceptual system consists of and indicate how it is represented externally. Comment on the function of external models. State the purpose of modelling. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative models. Explain the difference between constructing a model and using it and explain why using a model does not provide much opportunity for learning. Define domain knowledge and mention two computer-based tools to propagate it. Mention the four kinds of system in systems thinking. Define system. Explain what modelling thinking means. Write explanatory notes on mindtools in education. Mention four classes of mindtool and indicate what kind of computerbased tool each can be propagated with. Mention two limitations of mindtools.

Reading Activity Jonassen, D.H. 2006. Modeling with Technology, pp. xiii - 26. Asignment 1 •

Answer the following questions in a MS Word document: 1. Briefly discuss conceptual change as seen by Jonassen. 2. Briefly explain Jonassen’s use ot the term modeling. 3. Briefly discuss the meaning of the word mindtool. 7

• •

4. Briefly state the purpose of modelling. 5. Briefly discuss the modelling of domain knowledge, systems, thinking, problem solving and experiences. 6. Briefly discuss the limitations of mindtools. Save the document in your esnips folder. Create a link in your portfolio to the MS Word document in esnips.

Session 2: Modelling with Databases (Part 1) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Define basic database terminology. Open an existing MS Access database. Defining fields in MS Access. Create a table structure in MS Access. Enter and edit data in a table. Insert and delete records. Make global changes in MS Access. Use the AutoForm wizard. Add new records in the data entry form. Delete records in the data entry form. Resize a form. Adding special controls on a form. Move around data tables in MS Access. Sort records in MS Access. Locate specific records in MS Access. Use filtering of data by selection, form and input. Sort filtered records in MS Access. Do queries in a database and apply SQL language to code a query. Apply calculated fields in a query. Mention the components of a database managing system Mention two important database managing system organising tools and outline the functions required to implement them. Explain the term flat file database. List the advantages and disadvantages of modelling with databases.

Reading Activity Information Technology Service Durham University. 2007. An introduction to databases using Microsoft Access 2003. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009. Introduction to SQL. 2009. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009.


Session 3: Modelling with Databases (Part 2) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • •

Write explanatory notes on the intellectual skills involved when learners construct a database and outline what kind of analysis modelling with a database entails. List and outline the strategies for modelling with databases. List the advantages and disadvantages of modelling with databases. Discuss the steps to be followed when coaching modeling with databases. Design and develop a database for modeling domain knowledge.

Reading Activity Jonassen, D.H. 2006. Modeling with Technology, pp. 91-100. Assignment 2 Design a database as a mindtool for modelling domain knowledge. The domain for the database will be supplied. Include the worksheets that you will hand to learners that will support them in exploring the domain knowledge. Create the database as Assignment_2.mdb in the your esnips disk space. Save the worksheets that you will hand to learners that will support them in exploring the in esnips. Create a link in your portfolio to assignment_2.mdb as well as the worksheets. Submission date: 4 August 2009.

Session 4: Modelling with Spreadsheets Part 1) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • • • • • •

Define spreadsheet. Define function in spreadsheet context. Mention the three primary functions of spreadsheets. List the mental processes generated by spreadsheets. Outline the essence of a spreadsheet. Mention 4 ways in which spreadsheets model phenomena. Write explanatory notes on spreadsheets for computation, analysis and reasoning. Write explanatory notes on spreadsheets for mathematics comprehension. Enter formulae in MS Excel. 9

• • • •

Edit formulae in MS Excel. Use cell references. Use relative addressing of cells in MS Access. Use absolute addressing of cells in MS Access.

• • • • • • • •

Add numbers using the button and SUM function. Use the mathematical functions. Use the text functions. Use the logical functions. Use the date and times functions. Use the statistical functions. Use the lookup functions. Use the graph functions of MS Excel.

Reading Activity Information Technology Service Durham University. 2006. Using formulae and functions in Microsoft Excel.. Available online at: Accessed on 30 June 2009.

Session 5: Modelling with Spreadsheets (Part 2) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • •

Explain the components of and mental activities of the learner in doing spreadsheet calculations. Outline how spreadsheets can animate numeric phenomena. List the strategies for modelling with spreadsheets. Briefly discuss the advantages and limitations of modelling with spreadsheets. Design and develop a spreadsheet for modeling phenomena.

Reading Activity Jonassen, D.H. 2006. Modeling with Technology, pp. 117-132. Assignment 3 Design a spreadsheet to model a domain-related knowledge system. The topic for the domain-related knowledge system will be provided. The knowledge system must be integrated into a computer-based learning event that should guide the learner in exploring relationships in the system. After completion of the mindtool upload it to your eSnips file sharing facility.


Submission date: 18 August 2009.

Session 6: Modelling with expert systems (Part 1) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • • • • • • •

Define expert system. Define artificial intelligence (AI). Point out what kind of reasoning expert systems ideally propagate. Mention the seven components of an expert system and discuss each in detail. Outline the rationale for modelling with expert systems from a didactic perspective. List the strategies for modelling with expert systems. Briefly discuss the advantages and limitations of modelling with expert systems.

Reading assignment Jonassen, D.H. 2006. Modeling with Technology, pp. 61-65; 133-147.

Session 7: Modelling with expert systems (Part 2) Learning outcomes By the end of the session you should be able to: • •

Design and develop a rule based expert system using e2gLite Expert System Shell. Create rules, prompts and goals using e2gLite Expert System Shell.

Assignment 4 Create an expert system on a given topic combined with an online assignment; the learner must make use of the expert system to complete the assignment. The following principles apply: • Prevention of memory overload. • Supplying immediate feedback – not delayed feedback. After completion of the mindtool upload it to your esnips file sharing facility. Submission date: 1 September 2009.



Assessment Rubrics CIT 720 MARKING GRID FOR ASSIGNMENT 2: Database Model Aspect






Database Self-contained database

Complete database; all components supplied.

Almost complete database; most components supplied.

Incomplete database; only some components supplied.


Data types

All data types appropriate.

Most data types appropriate.

Few data types appropriate.


Field names

All field names descriptive.

Most field names descriptive.

Few field names descriptive.


Form layout

Exemplary layout.

Satisfactory layout.

Unsatisfactory layout.



All queries appropriate.

Most queries appropriate.

Few queries appropriate.



Rich in content.

Content rather average.

Content poor.


Language usage

No errors.

Some minor errors.

Marred by careless errors.





Exemplary layout.

Satisfactory layout.

Unsatisfactory layout.



High quality.

Average quality.

Low quality.


Language usage

No errors.

Some minor errors.

Marred by careless errors.




CIT 720 MARKING GRID FOR ASSIGNMENT 3: Spreadsheet Model Criterion





Title page

• All the information is appropriate.

• Some of the information is appropriate.

• Most of the information is inappropriate.



• Complete • Systematic • Chronological

• Mostly complete. • Mostly Systematical • Mostly Chronological

• Incomplete • Unsystematic • Unchronological


Form layout

Exemplary layout.

Satisfactory layout.

Unsatisfactory layout.



• Complete • Functional colours • Completely self

• Mostly complete • Mostly functional colours

• Incomplete • Non-functional colours. • Not self explanotory





• Mostly self explanatory






Language usage

No errors.

Some minor errors.

Marred by careless errors.









Completeness – is it representative of the content area

Completely representative

Almost complete expert system; most components present

Incomplete database; only some components present



Completely accurate

Minor inaccuracies

Major inaccuracies


Reality match: is ES valid?

Valid ES

Few shortcomings.

Major shortcomings




Quality of output – that user receives

High level output.

Satisfactory output.

Unsatisfactory output.



No errors and completely user-friendly.

Minor errors and almost completely user-friendly.

Major errors and not completely user-friendly.


Learning event

Learning event very meaningful and appropriate.

Learning event somewhat meaningful and mostly appropriate.

Learning event meaningless and not appropriate.


Language penalty

No errors.

Some minor errors.

Marred by careless errors.

5% - 25 % Total



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