Struktur Data - 100 Soal Stack & Queue (

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alam istilah ilmu komputer, sebuah struktur data adalah cara penyimpanan, pengorganisasian dan pengaturan data di dalam media penyimpanan komputer sehingga data tersebut dapat digunakan secara efisien. Dalam tehnik pemrograman, struktur data berarti tata letak data yang berisi kolom-kolom data, baik itu kolom yang tampak oleh pengguna (user) ataupun kolom yang hanya digunakan untuk keperluan pemrograman yang tiadak tampak oleh pengguna. Setiap baris dari kumpulan kolom-kolom tersebut dinamakan catatan (record).

Srtuktur Data Struktur data adalah cara menyimpan atau merepresentasikan data di dalam komputer agar bisa dipakai secara efisien. Sedangkan data adalah representasi dari fakta dunia nyata. Fakta atau keterangan tentang kenyataan yang disimpan, direkam atau direpresentasikan dalam bentuk tulisan, suara, gambar, sinyal atau simbol.

Stack Dalam ilmu komputer, stack atau tumpukan merupakan sebuah koleksi objek yang menggunakan prinsip LIFO (Last In First Out), yaitu data yang terakhr kali dimasukkan akan pertama kali keluar dari stack tersebut. Stack dapat diimplementasikan sebagai representasi berkait atau kontigu (dengan tabel fix). Ciri Stack : * Elemen TOP (puncak) diketahui * penisipan dan penghapusan elemen selalu dilakukan di TOP * LIFO Pemanfaatan Stack : * Perhitungan ekspresi aritmatika (posfix) * algoritma backtraking (runut balik) * algoritma rekursif Operasi Stack yang biasanya : 1. Push (input E : typeelmt, input/output data : stack): menambahkan sebuah elemen ke stack 2. Pop (input/output data : stack, output E : typeelmt ) : menghapus sebuah elemen stack 3. IsEmpty () 4. IsFull () 5. dan beberapas selektor yang lain

Contoh Soal Stack =========================== SOAL 1 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h>

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE #include struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE atas){ PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru){ if(*atas==NULL){ *atas = baru; }else{ baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void POP(PNODE *atas){ PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *atas = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *atas = (*atas)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE atas=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=masuk(); PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil==2) tampil(atas); if (pil==3){ POP(&atas); } } }

=========================== SOAL 2 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include #include <stdio.h> class brg{ struct list{ char kode[10]; char nama[30]; char satu[20]; long harga; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE atas); void PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP(PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk(void); }x; void brg::tampil(PNODE atas){ PNODE pos; pos = atas; while(pos!=NULL){ cout <<pos->kode<<"\t"; cout <<pos->nama<<"\t";

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE cout <<pos->satu<<"\t"; cout <<pos->harga<<"\n"; pos=pos->next; } } void brg::PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru){ if(*atas==NULL){ *atas = baru; }else{ baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void brg::POP(PNODE *atas){ PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *atas = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *atas = (*atas)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE brg::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nKode : ";gets(baru->kode); cout<<"\nNama : ";gets(baru->nama); cout<<"\nSatuan : ";gets(baru->satu); cout<<"\nharga : ";cin>>baru->kode; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE atas=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INPUT BARANG"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DAFTAR"; cout<<"\n3. HAPUS DAFTAR"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT";

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=x.masuk(); x.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil==2) x.tampil(atas); if (pil==3){ x.POP(&atas); } } }

=========================== SOAL 3 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen{ struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE atas); void PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP(PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk(void); }; void elemen::tampil(PNODE atas){ PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void elemen::PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru){ if(*atas==NULL){ *atas = baru; }else{ baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE void elemen::POP(PNODE *atas){ PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *atas = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *atas = (*atas)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE elemen::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE atas=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; elemen data; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=data.masuk(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil==2) data.tampil(atas); if (pil==3){ data.POP(&atas); } } }

=========================== SOAL 4 ======================= #include #include <string.h> #include <dos.h>

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen { struct list { int bil; struct list *next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE *PNODE; void tampil_stack (PNODE atas); void PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP (PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk_stack (void); void tampil_queue (PNODE head); void insert (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk_queue (void); }; void elemen :: tampil_stack (PNODE atas) { PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru) { if (*atas == NULL) { *atas = baru; } else { baru -> next = *atas; *atas = baru; }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } void elemen :: POP (PNODE *atas) { PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *atas = NULL; free(PH); } else { *atas = (*atas) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_stack (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *) malloc (sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru -> next = NULL; return (baru); getch(); } void elemen :: tampil_queue (PNODE head) { PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru)

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { if(*tail == NULL) { *head = baru; *tail = baru; } else { (*tail) -> next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen :: DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail) { PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); } else { *head = (*head) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_queue (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru -> bil; baru -> next = NULL; return(baru); getch(); } void main() { PNODE atas = NULL; PNODE baru; PNODE head = NULL,tail = NULL;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE int pil=1, x, m; char *a = "Created bY Tendi Setiadi (6306211) "; char *b = "Í"; elemen data; textbackground (RED); clrscr(); m=strlen(a); gotoxy (20,20); for (x=0; x<m; x++) { cout<<*(a+x); delay(200); } gotoxy (3,24); for (x=0; x<75; x++) { cout<<*b; delay(40); } while (pil != 3) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n-> Menu Utama <-"<<endl; cout<<"\n1> Stack"; cout<<"\n2> Queue"; cout<<"\n3> Exit"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu STACK <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru = data.masuk_stack(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_stack(atas); if (pil == 3)

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { data.POP(&atas); } } } if (pil == 2) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu QUEUE <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru=data.masuk_queue(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_queue(head); if (pil == 3) { data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } } } }

=========================== SOAL 5 ======================= #include #include #include #include

"iostream.h" "stdlib.h" "stdio.h" "conio.h"

struct list { char nama[35]; char kode[10]; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list node; typedef node * pnode; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE;

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void TAMPIL(PNODE ATAS) { int x; PNODE POS; POS = ATAS; cout<<"\nKode : "; while(POS!=NULL) { cout<kode<<" - "; POS=POS->next; } } void PUSH(PNODE *ATAS,PNODE BARU) { if(*ATAS==NULL) { *ATAS = BARU; } else { BARU->next = *ATAS; *ATAS = BARU; } } void POP(PNODE *ATAS) { PNODE PH; PH = *ATAS; if(*ATAS==NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH->next==NULL) { *ATAS = NULL; free(PH); } else { *ATAS = (*ATAS)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE MASUK(void) {

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE BARU; BARU=new(NODE); cout<<"KODE : "; gets(BARU->kode); BARU->next=NULL; return(BARU); } void tampil(pnode atas) { int x; pnode pos; pos = atas; cout<<"NEGARA : "; while(pos!=NULL) { cout<<pos->nama<<" - "; pos=pos->next; } } void push(pnode *atas, pnode baru) { if(*atas==NULL) { *atas = baru; } else { baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void pop(pnode *atas) { pnode ph; ph = *atas; if(*atas==NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (ph->next==NULL) { *atas = NULL; free(ph); } else { *atas = (*atas)->next;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE free(ph); } } } pnode masuk(void) { pnode baru; baru=new(node); cout<<"\nNEGARA : "; gets(baru->nama); baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main() { pnode atas=NULL; pnode baru; PNODE BARU; PNODE ATAS=NULL; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4) { cout<<"\n\n=======STACK======="; cout<<"\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. VIEW DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan [1/2/3/4] : "; cin>>pil; if (pil==1) { clrscr(); baru=masuk(); BARU=MASUK(); push(&atas,baru); PUSH(&ATAS,BARU); } if (pil==2) { clrscr(); tampil(atas); TAMPIL(ATAS); } if (pil==3) { clrscr(); pop(&atas); POP(&ATAS); } }

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=========================== SOAL 6 ======================= #include #include #include<stdio.h> struct simpul{ char kode[7]; char nama[20]; simpul *next; }; class negara{ simpul *head; public: negara(); ~negara(); void push(); void pop(); void view(); void menu(); }; negara::negara(){ head=NULL; menu(); } negara::~negara(){ simpul *tampung; //tampung=head; while(head!=NULL){ tampung=head; head=head->next; delete(tampung); } delete head; } void negara::menu(){ clrscr(); cout<<"\nMenu:"; cout<<"\n1. Push"; cout<<"\n2. Pop"; cout<<"\n3. View"; cout<<"\n4. Exit"; cout<<"\nPilihan[1/2/3/4]:"; int pil; cin>>pil;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE switch(pil){ case 1:push();menu();break; case 2:pop();menu();break; case 3:view();menu();break; case 4:break; default:break; } } void negara::push(){ simpul *baru; baru = new simpul; cout<<"\nMasukkan kode negara: "; gets(baru->kode); cout<<"\nMasukkan nama negara: "; gets(baru->nama); if(head==NULL){ head=baru; head->next=NULL; } else{ baru->next=head; head=baru; } } void negara::pop(){ } void negara::view(){ simpul *lihat; lihat=head; while(lihat!=NULL){ cout<<"\nKode Negara:"<kode; cout<<"\nNama Negara:"<nama; lihat=lihat->next; } getch(); } void main(){ clrscr(); negara stack; getch(); }

=========================== SOAL 7 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> //----------------------

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struct nilaiMatKul{ char nim[10]; char nama[50]; float nilai; }; struct elemen{ nilaiMatKul elmt; struct elemen *next; }; struct stack{ struct elemen *top; }; //---------------------void createEmpty(stack *S){ (*S).top = NULL; } //---------------------bool isEmpty(stack S){ bool hasil = false; if( == NULL){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //---------------------int countElement(stack S){ int hasil = 0; if( != NULL){ /* stack tidak kosong */ elemen *elmt; /* inisialisasi */ elmt =; while(elmt != NULL){ /* proses */ hasil= hasil + 1; /* iterasi */ elmt = elmt->next; } } return hasil;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } //---------------------void push(char nim[], char nama[], float nilai, stack *S ){ elemen *elmt; elmt = (elemen *) malloc (sizeof (elemen)); strcpy(elmt->elmt.nim, nim); strcpy(elmt->elmt.nama, nama); elmt->elmt.nilai = nilai; elmt->next = (*S).top; (*S).top = elmt; elmt = NULL; } //---------------------void pop(stack *S){ if((*S).top != NULL){ /* jika stack bukan stack kosong */ elemen *elmt = (*S).top; (*S).top = (*S).top->next; elmt->next = NULL; free(elmt); } } //---------------------void printStack(stack S){ if( != NULL){ printf("------isi stack------\n"); elemen *elmt =; int i = 1; while(elmt != NULL){ printf("====================\n"); printf("elemen ke : %d\n", i); printf("nim : %s\n", elmt->elmt.nim); printf("nama : %s\n", elmt->elmt.nama); printf("nilai : %f\n", elmt->elmt.nilai); /* iterasi */ elmt = elmt->next; i = i + 1; } printf("---------------------\n"); } else{ /* proses jika stack kosong */ printf("stack kosong\n"); } }

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//---------------------int main(){ struct stack S; createEmpty(&S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); push("13507701", "Imam", 64.75, &S); push("13507702", "Cinta", 75.11, &S); push("13507703", "Jasmine", 84.63, &S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); pop(&S); pop(&S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); return 0; }

=========================== SOAL 8 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //---------------------struct nilaiMatKul{ char nim[10]; char nama[50]; float nilai; }; struct stack{ int top; nilaiMatKul data[10]; }; //---------------------void createEmpty(stack *S){ (*S).top = -1; } //---------------------bool isEmpty(stack S){ bool hasil = false;

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if( == -1){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //---------------------bool isFull(stack S){ bool hasil = false; if( == 9){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //---------------------void push(char nim[], char nama[], float nilai, stack *S ){ if(isFull(*S) == true){ /*jika stack penuh*/ printf("stack penuh\n"); } else{ if(isEmpty(*S) == true){ /* jika stack kosong */ (*S).top = 0; strcpy((*S).data[0].nim, nim); strcpy((*S).data[0].nama, nama); (*S).data[0].nilai = nilai; } else{ /* jika stack tidak kosong */ (*S).top = (*S).top + 1; strcpy((*S).data[(*S).top].nim, nim); strcpy((*S).data[(*S).top].nama, nama); (*S).data[(*S).top].nilai = nilai; } } } //---------------------void pop(stack *S){ if((*S).top == 0){ /*jika stack berisi satu elemen*/ (*S).top = -1; } else{ if((*S).top != -1){ /*jika stack tidak kosong*/ (*S).top = (*S).top - 1;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } } } //---------------------void printStack(stack S){ if( != -1){ printf("------isi stack------\n"); int i; for(;i>=0;i--){ printf("====================\n"); printf("elemen ke : %d\n", i); printf("nim : %s\n",[i].nim); printf("nama : %s\n",[i].nama); printf("nilai : %f\n",[i].nilai); } printf("---------------------\n"); } else{ /* proses jika stack kosong */ printf("stack kosong\n"); } } //---------------------int main(){ struct stack S; createEmpty(&S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); push("13507701", "Nana", 64.75, &S); push("13507702", "Rudi", 75.11, &S); push("13507703", "Dea", 84.63, &S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); pop(&S); pop(&S); printStack(S); printf("=================\n"); return 0; }

=========================== SOAL 9 ======================= #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE #include #define MAX_CITY 30 #define MAX_STATE 30 #define MAX_ZIP 5 void main (void); int is_empty (struct node *); int push (struct node **); int pop (struct node **); void search (struct node **); void free_nodes (struct node **pstack); struct node { char zip_code[MAX_ZIP+1]; char city[MAX_CITY]; char state[MAX_STATE]; struct node *link; }; void main (void) { struct node *pstack = NULL; int ok_so_far = 1, no_of_nodes = 0; while (ok_so_far == 1) { ok_so_far = push(&pstack); if (ok_so_far == 1) no_of_nodes ++; else if(ok_so_far == 0) { puts("\nAn unexpected error has occurred terminating program"); exit(1); } } search (&pstack); free_nodes(&pstack); } int push(struct node **pstack) { struct node *new_ptr; new_ptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(new_ptr == (struct node *) NULL) { printf("ERROR! Unable to allocate memory - Abort\n"); free(new_ptr); return (0); } else { printf("\n\nEnter %d digit zip code or 'q' to quit>>", MAX_ZIP); gets(new_ptr->zip_code); new_ptr->zip_code[MAX_ZIP] = '\0'; if (strcmp(new_ptr->zip_code, "q") != 0) {

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE printf("\nEnter a less than %d character state name>>\n", MAX_STATE); gets(new_ptr->state); printf("\nEnter a less than %d character city name>>\n", MAX_CITY); gets(new_ptr->city); new_ptr->link = *pstack; *pstack = new_ptr; return (1); } else return (2); } } void search (struct node **pstack) { struct node *ptemp; int test = 0; char ch, find[6]; ptemp = *pstack; printf("\n\nEnter %d digit zip code to search for \nor 'e' to print entire list>>", MAX_ZIP); gets(find); find[MAX_ZIP] = '\0'; if (find[0] =='E' || find[0] =='e') { test = 1; while (test != 0) test = pop (pstack); } else { while (test == 0 || ptemp != NULL) { if (strcmp(ptemp->zip_code, find) == 0) { test = 1; printf("Zip Code: %s\n", ptemp->zip_code); printf("State: %s\n", ptemp->state); printf("City: %s\n\n", ptemp->city); } else if (ptemp == NULL) { printf("The zip code %s was not found.\n", find); test = 1; } ptemp = ptemp->link; } puts ("\nType 'y' if you would you like to see the entire list"); puts ("or any other key to continue>>"); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { test = 1;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE while (test != 0) test = pop (pstack); } } } int pop (struct node **pstack) { struct node *temp; if (is_empty(*pstack)== 1) { printf("\nStack is now empty"); return(0); } else { temp = *pstack; printf("Zip Code: %s\n", temp->zip_code); printf("State: %s\n", temp->state); printf("City: %s\n\n", temp->city); *pstack = (*pstack)->link; free(temp); return(1); } } int is_empty (struct node *stack) { if (stack == NULL) return(1); return(0); } void free_nodes (struct node **pstack) { struct node *temp; while (*pstack != NULL) { temp = *pstack; *pstack = (*pstack)->link; free(temp); } }

=========================== SOAL 10 ======================= # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *link; };

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE struct node *push(struct node *p, int value) { struct node *temp; temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* creates new node using data value passed as parameter */ if(temp==NULL) { printf("No Memory available Error\n"); exit(0); } temp->data = value; temp->link = p; p = temp; return(p); } struct node *pop(struct node *p, int *value) { struct node *temp; if(p==NULL) { printf(" The stack is empty can not pop Error\n"); exit(0); } *value = p->data; temp = p; p = p->link; free(temp); return(p); } void main() { struct node *top = NULL; int n,value; do { do { printf("Enter the element to be pushed\n"); scanf("%d",&value); top = push(top,value); printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); while( n == 1) { top = pop(top,&value);

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE printf("The value poped is %d\n",value); printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); }

=========================== SOAL 11 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include //deklarasi 'STACK' dengan struct dan array typedef struct STACK { int data[5]; int atas; }; //deklarasi variabel 'tumpuk' dari struct STACK tumpuk; void main() { clrscr(); int pilihan,baru,i; //inisialisasi awal tumpuk.atas=-1; do { clrscr(); printf("1.Push Data\n"); printf("2.Pop Data\n"); printf("3.Print Data\n"); printf("\nPilihan = "); scanf("%i",&pilihan); switch(pilihan) { case 1: { if(tumpuk.atas==5-1) { printf("Tumpukan penuh"); getch(); } else { printf("Data yang akan di-push = "); scanf("%d",&baru); tumpuk.atas++;[tumpuk.atas]=baru;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } break; } case 2: { if(tumpuk.atas==-1) { printf("Tumpukan kosong"); getch(); } else { printf("Data yang akan di-pop = %d",[tumpuk.atas]); tumpuk.atas--; getch(); } break; } case 3: { if(tumpuk.atas==-1) { printf("Tumpukan kosong"); getch(); } else { printf("Data = "); for(i=0; i<=tumpuk.atas; i++) { printf("%d ",[i]); } getch(); } break; } default: { printf("\nTidak ada dalam pilihan"); } } }while(pilihan>=1 && pilihan<=3); getch(); }

=========================== SOAL 12 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include #define MAX 8 typedef struct{

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE int data[MAX]; } Stack; Stack stack; int top[2]; void Create(){ //kosongkan stack top[0] = -1; top[1] = MAX; //top[1] = 8 karena elemen array 0-7 } void Tampil(){ int i; printf("Stack 1\n"); for(i=0;i<=top[0];i++){ printf("%d ",[i]); } printf("\nStack 2\n"); for(i=MAX-1;i>=top[1];i--){ printf("%d ",[i]); } } void Clear(int noStack){ if(noStack==1) top[0]=-1; else if(noStack==2) top[1]=MAX; } int IsFull(){ int full = 0; if(top[0]+1 >= top[1]) full=1; return full; } void Push(int d, int noStack){ if(IsFull()==0){ if(noStack == 1) top[0]++; else if(noStack == 2) top[1]--;[top[noStack-1]] = d; printf("masuk %d !",[top[noStack-1]]); } } int IsEmpty(int noStack){ int empty=0; if(noStack==1){ if(top[0] == 0) empty=1; } else if(noStack==2){ if(top[1] == MAX) empty=1; } return empty; } int Pop(int noStack){ int e; if(IsEmpty(noStack)==0){[top[noStack-1]]; if(noStack==1) top[0]--; else if(noStack==2) top[1]++;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } return e; } void Clear(int noStack){ if(noStack==1) top[0]=-1; else if(noStack==2) top[1]=MAX; } void Tampil(){ int i; printf("Stack 1\n"); for(i=0;i<=top[0];i++){ printf("%d ",[i]); } printf("\nStack 2\n"); for(i=MAX-1;i>=top[1];i--){ printf("%d ",[i]); } } void main(){ int pil; int no; int data; Create(); do{ clrscr(); printf("1. Push\n"); printf("2. Pop\n"); printf("3. Tampil\n"); printf("4. Clear\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); printf("Pilihan = ");scanf("%d",&pil); switch(pil){ case 1: printf("stack ke (1/2) : ");scanf("%d",&no); printf("Data = ");scanf("%d",&data); Push(data,no); break; case 2: printf("stack ke (1/2) : ");scanf("%d",&no); printf("Elemen yang keluar : %d",Pop(no)); break; case 3: Tampil(); break; case 4: printf("stack ke (1/2) : ");scanf("%d",&no); Clear(no); break; } getch(); } while(pil!=5); }

=========================== SOAL 13 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h>

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE #include struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE atas){ PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru){ if(*atas==NULL){ *atas = baru; }else{ baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void POP(PNODE *atas){ PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *atas = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *atas = (*atas)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE atas=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=masuk(); PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil==2) tampil(atas); if (pil==3){ POP(&atas); } } }

=========================== SOAL 14 ======================= #include #include #include #include #include

<string.h> <dos.h> <stdlib.h>

class elemen { struct list { int bil; struct list *next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE *PNODE; void tampil_stack (PNODE atas); void PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP (PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk_stack (void); void tampil_queue (PNODE head); void insert (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk_queue (void); };

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void elemen :: tampil_stack (PNODE atas) { PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru) { if (*atas == NULL) { *atas = baru; } else { baru -> next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void elemen :: POP (PNODE *atas) { PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *atas = NULL; free(PH); } else { *atas = (*atas) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); }

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PNODE elemen :: masuk_stack (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *) malloc (sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru -> next = NULL; return (baru); getch(); } void elemen :: tampil_queue (PNODE head) { PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru) { if(*tail == NULL) { *head = baru; *tail = baru; } else { (*tail) -> next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen :: DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail) { PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *head = NULL;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE *tail = NULL; free(PH); } else { *head = (*head) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_queue (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru -> bil; baru -> next = NULL; return(baru); getch(); }

void main() { PNODE atas = NULL; PNODE baru; PNODE head = NULL,tail = NULL; int pil=1, x, m; char *a = "Created bY Tendi Setiadi (6306211) "; char *b = "Í"; elemen data; textbackground (RED); clrscr(); m=strlen(a); gotoxy (20,20); for (x=0; x<m; x++) { cout<<*(a+x); delay(200); } gotoxy (3,24); for (x=0; x<75; x++) { cout<<*b; delay(40); } while (pil != 3) { clrscr();

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE cout<<"\n-> Menu Utama <-"<<endl; cout<<"\n1> Stack"; cout<<"\n2> Queue"; cout<<"\n3> Exit"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu STACK <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru = data.masuk_stack(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_stack(atas); if (pil == 3) { data.POP(&atas); } } } if (pil == 2) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu QUEUE <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru=data.masuk_queue(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil == 2)

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE data.tampil_queue(head); if (pil == 3) { data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } } } }

=========================== SOAL 15 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen{ struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE atas); void PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP(PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk(void); }; void elemen::tampil(PNODE atas){ PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void elemen::PUSH(PNODE *atas, PNODE baru){ if(*atas==NULL){ *atas = baru; }else{ baru->next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void elemen::POP(PNODE *atas){ PNODE PH;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PH = *atas; if(*atas==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *atas = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *atas = (*atas)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE elemen::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE atas=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; elemen data; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=data.masuk(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil==2) data.tampil(atas); if (pil==3){ data.POP(&atas); } } }

=========================== SOAL 16 ======================= =========================== SOAL 17 =======================

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE =========================== SOAL 18 ======================= =========================== SOAL 19 ======================= =========================== SOAL 20 ======================= =========================== SOAL 21 ======================= =========================== SOAL 22 ======================= =========================== SOAL 23 ======================= =========================== SOAL 24 ======================= =========================== SOAL 25 ======================= =========================== SOAL 26 ======================= =========================== SOAL 27 ======================= =========================== SOAL 28 ======================= =========================== SOAL 29 ======================= =========================== SOAL 30 ======================= =========================== SOAL 31 ======================= =========================== SOAL 32 ======================= =========================== SOAL 33 =======================

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=========================== SOAL 34 ======================= =========================== SOAL 35 ======================= =========================== SOAL 36 ======================= =========================== SOAL 37 ======================= =========================== SOAL 38 ======================= =========================== SOAL 39 ======================= =========================== SOAL 40 ======================= =========================== SOAL 41 ======================= =========================== SOAL 42 ======================= =========================== SOAL 43 ======================= =========================== SOAL 44 ======================= =========================== SOAL 45 ======================= =========================== SOAL 46 ======================= =========================== SOAL 47 ======================= =========================== SOAL 48 =======================

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE =========================== SOAL 49 ======================= =========================== SOAL 50 =======================

=========================================== ================

Queue Queue (Antrian) adalah list linier yang : 1. Dikenali elemen pertama (Head) dan elemen terakhirnya (Tail) 2. Aturan penyisipan dan penghapusan elemennya disefinisikan sebagai berikut : - Penyisipan selalu dilakukan setelah elemen terakhir - Penghapusan selalu dilakukan pada elemen pertama 3. Satu elemen dengan elemen lain dapat diakses melalui informasi Next

Contoh Soal Queue =========================== SOAL 1 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include #include #define MAX 8 typedef struct { char data[MAX]; int head; int tail; }Queue; Queue antrian; void Create() { antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; } int IsEmpty() { if(antrian.tail==-1) return 1; else return 0;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } int IsFull() { if(antrian.tail==MAX-1) return 1; else return 0; } void Enqueue(int data) { if(IsEmpty()==1) { antrian.head=antrian.tail=0;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); } else if(IsFull()==0) { antrian.tail++;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); } } int Dequeue() { int i; int e =[antrian.head]; for(i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail-1;i++) {[i] =[i+1]; } antrian.tail--; return e; } void Clear() { antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; printf("data clear"); } void Tampil() { if(IsEmpty()==0) { for(int i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail;i++) { printf("%d ",[i]); }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } else printf("data kosong!\n"); } void main() { int pil; char kota[MAX]; Create(); do { clrscr(); printf("1. Enqueue\n"); printf("2. Dequeue\n"); printf("3. Tampil\n"); printf("4. Clear\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); printf("Pilihan = ");scanf("%d",&pil); switch(pil) { case 1: { cout<<"Kota = "; gets(kota); Enqueue(*kota); break; } case 2: { printf("Elemen yang keluar : %d",Dequeue()); break; } case 3: Tampil(); break; case 4: Clear(); break; } getch(); }while(pil!=5); }

=========================== SOAL 2 ======================= #include class element { public: int value; element* next; };//class element class Queue

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { public: int size; element* head; element* tail; Queue() { size=0; head=NULL; tail=NULL; }//default constructor void Enqueue(int); void Dequeue(); int isEmpty(); int getQueueSize(); void printQueueSize(); void printQueueElements(); void printQueueMenu(); }; void Queue::Enqueue(int ele) { if(head==NULL) // first element { head=new element; tail=head; //head==tail if one element head->value=ele; head->next=NULL; } else { tail->next=new element; tail->next->value=ele; tail->next->next=NULL; cout<next->value<<endl; tail=tail->next; } size++; //printQueueElements(); } void Queue::Dequeue() { if(getQueueSize()==0) return; else if(head==tail) { head=NULL; } else

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { element *curr,*prev; //remove the first element inserted and curr=head; //point the head to next element head=curr->next; curr=NULL; } size--; } int Queue::isEmpty() { if(getQueueSize()==0) return 1; return 0; } int Queue::getQueueSize() { return size; }//returns size of the Queue void Queue::printQueueSize() { cout<<"\nThe Size of the Queue:"<<size<<"\n"; }//print the Queue size void Queue::printQueueElements() { element* curr2; curr2= head; cout<<"\n-----\n"; cout<<"Queue\n"; cout<<"-----\n"; cout<<"size:"<value<<"|"; curr2=curr2->next; } cout<<endl; }// print the Queue void Queue::printQueueMenu() { cout<<"Welcome to Queue \n"; cout<<"1.Enqueue an element\n"; cout<<"2.Dequeue an element\n"; cout<<"3.Display Queue\n"; cout<<"4.Size Of Queue\n"; cout<<"5.Exit\n"; }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE void main() { Queue qt; qt.printQueueMenu(); char Option=0; int val; while(1) { qt.printQueueMenu(); cin>>Option; switch(Option) { case '1': cout<<"Enter a Number \n"; cin>>val; qt.Enqueue(val); break; case '2': qt.Dequeue(); break; case '3': qt.printQueueElements(); break; case '4': qt.printQueueSize(); break; case '5': exit(0); break; } } }

=========================== SOAL 3 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } } void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){ *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=masuk(); INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE if (pil==2) tampil(head); if (pil==3){ DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } }

=========================== SOAL 4 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){ *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE free(PH); } } } PNODE masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=masuk(); INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil==2) tampil(head); if (pil==3){ DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } }

=========================== SOAL 5 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen{ struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head); void insert(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru);

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk(void); }; void elemen::tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void elemen::INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){ *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen::DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE elemen::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE int pil=1; elemen data; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=data.masuk(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil==2) data.tampil(head); if (pil==3){ data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } }

=========================== SOAL 6 ======================= #include #include #include #include #include

<string.h> <dos.h> <stdlib.h>

class elemen { struct list { int bil; struct list *next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE *PNODE; void tampil_stack (PNODE atas); void PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP (PNODE *atas); PNODE masuk_stack (void); void tampil_queue (PNODE head); void insert (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk_queue (void); };

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE void elemen :: tampil_stack (PNODE atas) { PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru) { if (*atas == NULL) { *atas = baru; } else { baru -> next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void elemen :: POP (PNODE *atas) { PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *atas = NULL; free(PH); } else { *atas = (*atas) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE elemen :: masuk_stack (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *) malloc (sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru -> next = NULL; return (baru); getch(); } void elemen :: tampil_queue (PNODE head) { PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru) { if(*tail == NULL) { *head = baru; *tail = baru; } else { (*tail) -> next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen :: DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail) { PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *head = NULL; *tail = NULL;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE free(PH); } else { *head = (*head) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_queue (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru -> bil; baru -> next = NULL; return(baru); getch(); }

void main() { PNODE atas = NULL; PNODE baru; PNODE head = NULL,tail = NULL; int pil=1, x, m; char *a = "Created bY Tendi Setiadi (6306211) "; char *b = "Í"; elemen data; textbackground (RED); clrscr(); m=strlen(a); gotoxy (20,20); for (x=0; x<m; x++) { cout<<*(a+x); delay(200); } gotoxy (3,24); for (x=0; x<75; x++) { cout<<*b; delay(40); } while (pil != 3) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n-> Menu Utama <-"<<endl;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE cout<<"\n1> Stack"; cout<<"\n2> Queue"; cout<<"\n3> Exit"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu STACK <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru = data.masuk_stack(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_stack(atas); if (pil == 3) { data.POP(&atas); } } } if (pil == 2) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu QUEUE <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru=data.masuk_queue(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_queue(head);

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if (pil == 3) { data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } } } }

=========================== SOAL 7 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> //---------------------struct nilaiMatKul{ char nim[10]; char nama[50]; float nilai; }; struct elemen{ nilaiMatKul elmt; struct elemen *next; }; struct queue{ struct elemen *first; struct elemen *last; }; //---------------------void createEmpty(queue *Q){ (*Q).first = NULL; (*Q).last = NULL; } //---------------------bool isEmpty(queue Q){ bool hasil = false; if(Q.first == NULL){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //----------------------

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int countElement(queue Q){ int hasil = 0; if(Q.first != NULL){ /* queue tidak kosong */ elemen *elmt; /* inisialisasi */ elmt = Q.first; while(elmt != NULL){ /* proses */ hasil= hasil + 1; /* iterasi */ elmt = elmt->next; } } return hasil; } //---------------------void add(char nim[], char nama[], float nilai, queue *Q ){ elemen *elmt; elmt = (elemen *) malloc (sizeof (elemen)); strcpy(elmt->elmt.nim, nim); strcpy(elmt->elmt.nama, nama); elmt->elmt.nilai = nilai; elmt->next = NULL; if((*Q).first == NULL){ (*Q).first = elmt; } else{ (*Q).last->next = elmt; } (*Q).last = elmt; elmt = NULL; } //---------------------void del(queue *Q){ if((*Q).first != NULL){ /* jika queue bukan queue kosong */ elemen *elmt = (*Q).first; (*Q).first = (*Q).first->next; elmt->next = NULL; free(elmt); }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } //---------------------void printQueue(queue Q){ if(Q.first != NULL){ printf("------isi queue------\n"); elemen *elmt = Q.first; int i = 1; while(elmt != NULL){ printf("====================\n"); printf("elemen ke : %d\n", i); printf("nim : %s\n", elmt->elmt.nim); printf("nama : %s\n", elmt->elmt.nama); printf("nilai : %f\n", elmt->elmt.nilai); /* iterasi */ elmt = elmt->next; i = i + 1; } printf("---------------------\n"); } else{ /* proses jika queue kosong */ printf("queue kosong\n"); } } //---------------------int main(){ struct queue Q; createEmpty(&Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); add("13507701", "Imam", 64.75, &Q); add("13507702", "Cinta", 75.11, &Q); add("13507703", "Jasmine", 84.63, &Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); del(&Q); del(&Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); return 0; }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE =========================== SOAL 8 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //---------------------struct nilaiMatKul{ char nim[10]; char nama[50]; float nilai; }; struct queue{ int first; int last; nilaiMatKul data[10]; }; //---------------------void createEmpty(queue *Q){ (*Q).first = -1; (*Q).last = -1; } //---------------------bool isEmpty(queue Q){ bool hasil = false; if(Q.first == -1){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //---------------------bool isFull(queue Q){ bool hasil = false; if(Q.last == 9){ hasil = true; } return hasil; } //---------------------void add(char nim[], char nama[], float nilai, queue *Q ){

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if(isEmpty(*Q) == true){ /* jika queue kosong */ (*Q).first = 0; (*Q).last = 0; strcpy((*Q).data[0].nim, nim); strcpy((*Q).data[0].nama, nama); (*Q).data[0].nilai = nilai; } else{ /* jika queue tidak kosong */ if(isFull(*Q) != true){ (*Q).last = (*Q).last + 1; strcpy((*Q).data[(*Q).last].nim, nim); strcpy((*Q).data[(*Q).last].nama, nama); (*Q).data[(*Q).last].nilai = nilai; } else{ printf("queue penuh\n"); } } } //---------------------void del(queue *Q){ if((*Q).last == 0){ (*Q).first = -1; (*Q).last = -1; } else{ /*menggeser elemen ke depan*/ int i; for(i=((*Q).first + 1);i<=(*Q).last;i++){ strcpy((*Q).data[i-1].nim, (*Q).data[i].nim); strcpy((*Q).data[i-1].nama, (*Q).data[i].nama); (*Q).data[i-1].nilai = (*Q).data[i].nilai; } (*Q).last = (*Q).last - 1; } } //---------------------void printQueue(queue Q){ if(Q.first != -1){ printf("------isi queue------\n"); int i; for(i=Q.last;i>=Q.first;i--){ printf("====================\n"); printf("elemen ke : %d\n", i); printf("nim : %s\n",[i].nim); printf("nama : %s\n",[i].nama);

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE printf("nilai : %f\n",[i].nilai); } printf("---------------------\n"); } else{ /* proses jika queue kosong */ printf("queue kosong\n"); } } //---------------------int main(){ queue Q; createEmpty(&Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); add("13507701", "Nana", 64.75, &Q); add("13507702", "Rudi", 75.11, &Q); add("13507703", "Dea", 84.63, &Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); del(&Q); del(&Q); printQueue(Q); printf("=================\n"); return 0; }

=========================== SOAL 9 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */ #include <stdlib.h> void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int value) { if(*rear < MAX-1) { *rear= *rear +1; queue[*rear] = value; } else { printf("The queue is full can not insert a value\n"); exit(0); }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value) { if(*front == rear) { printf("The queue is empty can not delete a value\n"); exit(0); } *front = *front + 1; *value = queue[*front]; } void main() { int queue[MAX]; int front,rear; int n,value; front=rear=(-1); do { do { printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n"); scanf("%d",&value); insert(queue,&rear,value); printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); while( n == 1) { delete(queue,&front,rear,&value); printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); }

===================== SOAL 10 Circular Queue ================== #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */ #include <stdlib.h> void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int front, int value) { *rear= (*rear +1) % MAX;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE if(*rear == front) { printf("The queue is full can not insert a value\n"); exit(0); } queue[*rear] = value; } void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value) { if(*front == rear) { printf("The queue is empty can not delete a value\n"); exit(0); } *front = (*front + 1) % MAX; *value = queue[*front]; } void main() { int queue[MAX]; int front,rear; int n,value; front=0; rear=0; do { do { printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n"); scanf("%d",&value); insert(queue,&rear,front,value); printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); while( n == 1) { delete(queue,&front,rear,&value); printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); }

=============== SOAL 11 Queue Dengan Link List ================ # include <stdio.h>

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE # include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *link; }; void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value) { struct node *temp; temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* creates new node using data value passed as parameter */ if(temp==NULL) { printf("No Memory available Error\n"); exit(0); } temp->data = value; temp->link=NULL; if(*rear == NULL) { *rear = temp; *front = *rear; } else { (*rear)->link = temp; *rear = temp; } } void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value) { struct node *temp; if((*front == *rear) && (*rear == NULL)) { printf(" The queue is empty cannot delete Error\n"); exit(0); } *value = (*front)->data; temp = *front; *front = (*front)->link; if(*rear == temp) *rear = (*rear)->link; free(temp); } void main() { struct node *front=NULL,*rear = NULL; int n,value;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE do { do { printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n"); scanf("%d",&value); insert(&front,&rear,value); printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); while( n == 1) { delete(&front,&rear,&value); printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); }

==================== SOAL 12 Priority Queue =================== # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; int priority; struct node *link; }; void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value, int priority) { struct node *temp,*temp1; temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* creates new node using data value passed as parameter */ if(temp==NULL) { printf("No Memory available Error\n"); exit(0); } temp->data = value; temp->priority = priority; temp->link=NULL; if(*rear == NULL) /* This is the first node */ { *rear = temp;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE *front = *rear; } else { if((*front)->priority < priority) /* the element to be inserted has highest priority hence should be the first element*/ { temp->link = *front; *front = temp; } else if( (*rear)->priority > priority) /* the element to be inserted has lowest priority hence should be the last element*/ { (*rear)->link = temp; *rear = temp; } else { temp1 = *front; while((temp1->link)->priority >= priority) /* find the position and insert the new element */ temp1=temp1->link; temp->link = temp1->link; temp1->link = temp; } } void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value, int *priority) { struct node *temp; if((*front == *rear) && (*rear == NULL)) { printf(" The queue is empty cannot delete Error\n"); exit(0); } *value = (*front)->data; *priority = (*front)->priority; temp = *front; *front = (*front)->link; if(*rear == temp) *rear = (*rear)->link; free(temp); } void main() { struct node *front=NULL,*rear = NULL;

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE int n,value, priority; do { do { printf("Enter the element to be inserted and its priority\n"); scanf("%d %d",&value,&priority); insert(&front,&rear,value,priority); printf("Enter 1 to continue\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while(n == 1); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); while( n == 1) { delete(&front,&rear,&value,&priority); printf("The value deleted is %d\ and its priority is %d \n", value,priority); printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n"); scanf("%d",&n); } while( n == 1) }

=========================== SOAL 13 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include #define MAX 8 typedef struct{ int data[MAX]; int head; int tail; } Queue; Queue antrian; void Create(){ antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; } int IsEmpty(){ if(antrian.tail==-1) return 1; else return 0; } int IsFull(){ if(antrian.tail==MAX-1) return 1; else return 0; }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE void Enqueue(int data){ if(IsEmpty()==1){ antrian.head=antrian.tail=0;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); void Tampil(){ if(IsEmpty()==0){ for(int i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail;i++){ printf("%d ",[i]); } }else printf("data kosong!\n"); } } else if(IsFull()==0){ antrian.tail++;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); } } int Dequeue(){ int i; int e =[antrian.head]; for(i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail-1;i++){[i] =[i+1]; } antrian.tail--; return e; } void Clear(){ antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; printf("data clear"); } void Tampil(){ if(IsEmpty()==0){ for(int i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail;i++){ printf("%d ",[i]); } }else printf("data kosong!\n"); } void main(){ int pil; int data; Create(); do{ clrscr(); printf("1. Enqueue\n"); printf("2. Dequeue\n"); printf("3. Tampil\n"); printf("4. Clear\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); printf("Pilihan = ");scanf("%d",&pil); switch(pil){ case 1: printf("Data = ");scanf("%d",&data);

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE Enqueue(data); break; case 2: printf("Elemen yang keluar : %d",Dequeue()); break; case 3: Tampil(); break; case 4: Clear(); break; } getch(); } while(pil!=5); }

=========================== SOAL 14 ======================= #include #include #include #include #include

<dos.h> <stdlib.h>

int main() { int k; Queue timeLine; cout << "\nSampling"; for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { struct time snapShot; gettime( &snapShot ); Time sample( snapShot.ti_hour, snapShot.ti_min, snapShot.ti_sec, snapShot.ti_hund ); timeLine.put ( *(new Time( sample )) ); cout << "."; randomize(); k = rand(); for(int j = 0; j < k; ++j ) // Delay loop { cout << ""; } } cout << "\nThe timing samples are:\n\n"; while( !timeLine.isEmpty() ) { Time& sampleTime = (Time&)timeLine.get(); cout << sampleTime << "\n"; delete &sampleTime; } return 0; }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE =========================== SOAL 15 ======================= #include <stdio.h> #include #include #define MAX 8 typedef struct { char data[MAX]; int head; int tail; }Queue; Queue antrian; void Create() { antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; } int IsEmpty() { if(antrian.tail==-1) return 1; else return 0; } int IsFull() { if(antrian.tail==MAX-1) return 1; else return 0; } void Enqueue(int data) { if(IsEmpty()==1) { antrian.head=antrian.tail=0;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); } else if(IsFull()==0) { antrian.tail++;[antrian.tail]=data; printf("%d masuk!",[antrian.tail]); } }

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int Dequeue() { int i; int e =[antrian.head]; for(i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail-1;i++) {[i] =[i+1]; } antrian.tail--; return e; } void Clear() { antrian.head=antrian.tail=-1; printf("data clear"); } void Tampil() { if(IsEmpty()==0) { for(int i=antrian.head;i<=antrian.tail;i++) { printf("%d ",[i]); } } else printf("data kosong!\n"); } void main() { int pil; char kota[MAX]; Create(); do { clrscr(); printf("1. Enqueue\n"); printf("2. Dequeue\n"); printf("3. Tampil\n"); printf("4. Clear\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); printf("Pilihan = ");scanf("%d",&pil); switch(pil) { case 1: { cout<<"Kota = "; gets(kota);

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE Enqueue(*kota); break; } case 2: { printf("Elemen yang keluar : %d",Dequeue()); break; } case 3: Tampil(); break; case 4: Clear(); break; } getch(); }while(pil!=5); }

=========================== SOAL 16 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen{ struct list{ char kota[30]; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head); void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); void PUSH(PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void POP(PNODE *head); PNODE masuk(void); }data;

void elemen::PUSH(PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*head==NULL){ *head = baru; }else{ baru->next = *head; *head = baru; } } void elemen::POP(PNODE *head){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } } }

void elemen::tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; if(pos==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nLIST KOSONG."; }else{ cout<<"\n\nDaftar Kota : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->kota<<", "; pos=pos->next; } cout<<"\b\b."; } } void elemen::INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){ *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen::DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } }

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE } PNODE elemen::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nKota : ";cin>>baru->kota; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1,cari=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ cout<<"\n\n1. Insert Queue"; cout<<"\n2. Insert Stack"; cout<<"\nPilih ? "; cin>>cari; baru=data.masuk(); if(cari==1) { data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if(cari==2){ data.PUSH(&head, baru); } } if (pil==2) data.tampil(head); getch(); if (pil==3){ cout<<"\n\n1. Delete Queue"; cout<<"\n2. Delete stack"; cout<<"\nPilih ? "; cin>>cari; if(cari==1){ data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } if(cari==2){ data.POP(&head); } } }

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=========================== SOAL 17 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){ *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE masuk(void){

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100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=masuk(); INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil==2) tampil(head); if (pil==3){ DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } }

=========================== SOAL 18 ======================= #include #include #include #include #include

<string.h> <dos.h> <stdlib.h>

class elemen { struct list { int bil; struct list *next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE *PNODE; void tampil_stack (PNODE atas); void PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru); void POP (PNODE *atas);

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE PNODE masuk_stack (void); void tampil_queue (PNODE head); void insert (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk_queue (void); }; void elemen :: tampil_stack (PNODE atas) { PNODE pos; pos = atas; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: PUSH (PNODE *atas, PNODE baru) { if (*atas == NULL) { *atas = baru; } else { baru -> next = *atas; *atas = baru; } } void elemen :: POP (PNODE *atas) { PNODE PH; PH = *atas; if(*atas == NULL) { cout<<"\n\nSTACK KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *atas = NULL; free(PH); }

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE else { *atas = (*atas) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_stack (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *) malloc (sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru -> next = NULL; return (baru); getch(); } void elemen :: tampil_queue (PNODE head) { PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos != NULL) { cout<<pos -> bil<<", "; pos = pos -> next; } cout<<"\n\n\n [TEKAN ENTER UNTUK MELANJUTKAN]"; getch(); } void elemen :: INSERT_QUEUE (PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru) { if(*tail == NULL) { *head = baru; *tail = baru; } else { (*tail) -> next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen :: DELETE_QUEUE (PNODE *head, PNODE *tail) { PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head == NULL)

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; } else { if (PH -> next == NULL) { *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); } else { *head = (*head) -> next; free(PH); } } getch(); } PNODE elemen :: masuk_queue (void) { PNODE baru; baru = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru -> bil; baru -> next = NULL; return(baru); getch(); }

void main() { PNODE atas = NULL; PNODE baru; PNODE head = NULL,tail = NULL; int pil=1, x, m; char *a = "Created bY Tendi Setiadi (6306211) "; char *b = "Í"; elemen data; textbackground (RED); clrscr(); m=strlen(a); gotoxy (20,20); for (x=0; x<m; x++) { cout<<*(a+x); delay(200); } gotoxy (3,24); for (x=0; x<75; x++)

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE { cout<<*b; delay(40); } while (pil != 3) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n-> Menu Utama <-"<<endl; cout<<"\n1> Stack"; cout<<"\n2> Queue"; cout<<"\n3> Exit"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu STACK <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. PUSH STACK"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA STACK"; cout<<"\n3. POP STACK"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil == 1) { baru = data.masuk_stack(); data.PUSH(&atas, baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_stack(atas); if (pil == 3) { data.POP(&atas); } } } if (pil == 2) { while(pil != 4) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n>> Menu QUEUE <<"<<endl; cout<<"\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. Menu Utama"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil;

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T



if (pil == 1) { baru=data.masuk_queue(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil == 2) data.tampil_queue(head); if (pil == 3) { data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail); } } } } }

=========================== SOAL 19 ======================= #include #include <stdlib.h> #include class elemen{ struct list{ int bil; struct list * next; }; public: typedef struct list NODE; typedef NODE * PNODE; void tampil(PNODE head); void insert(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru); void DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail); PNODE masuk(void); }; void elemen::tampil(PNODE head){ PNODE pos; pos = head; cout<<"\n\nbilangan : "; while(pos!=NULL){ cout<<pos->bil<<", "; pos=pos->next; } } void elemen::INSERT_QUEUE(PNODE *tail,PNODE *head, PNODE baru){ if(*tail==NULL){

Imam Ciptarjo – 6307130 TUGAS STRUKTUR DATA, MUNARWAN, S.T


100 SOAL & JAWABAN STACK DAN QUEUE *head = baru; *tail = baru; }else{ (*tail)->next = baru; *tail = baru; } } void elemen::DELETE_QUEUE(PNODE *head, PNODE *tail){ PNODE PH; PH = *head; if(*head==NULL){ cout<<"\n\nQUEUE KOSONG !!!\n\n"; }else{ if (PH->next==NULL){ *head = NULL; *tail = NULL; free(PH); }else{ *head = (*head)->next; free(PH); } } } PNODE elemen::masuk(void){ PNODE baru; baru=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); cout<<"\nbil : ";cin>>baru->bil; baru->next=NULL; return(baru); } void main(){ PNODE head=NULL,tail=NULL; PNODE baru; int pil=1; elemen data; clrscr(); while(pil!=4){ cout<<"\n\n1. INSERT_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n2. LIHAT DATA LIST"; cout<<"\n3. DELETE_QUEUE LIST"; cout<<"\n4. EXIT"; cout<<"\nPilihan : ";cin>>pil; if (pil==1){ baru=data.masuk(); data.INSERT_QUEUE(&tail,&head,baru); } if (pil==2) data.tampil(head); if (pil==3){ data.DELETE_QUEUE(&head,&tail);

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