Storyboard Voice Over Script

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,432
  • Pages: 4
Storyboard voice over script 1. This is the first establishing shot which shows a forensic investigation of a murder that has taken place. It is a flashback of what has happened throughout the film. It sets the scene and sets up the rest of the film as the audience has an insight into what the basics are of what has happened, the film can then expand from there. There will be diegetic sound over the top of the scene in the form a news report on the television describing what has happened and the current scene. The news reporter will not be visible. It will be filmed exterior. This means that it will be filmed outside. The location of the shot will be in a park in which a suspected murder has taken place. The scene will last for about thirty seconds this enables the audience to take in all of what is going on in the scene and what the diegetic sound is telling the audience. The shot will then fade into the next shot showing a fading transition. 2. The next shot will be faded into and will reveal a mid-shot of two people arguing. They will be a male and a female who clearly have some background relationships between the two of them. The camera will make good use of eye-line match in order to ensure that the audience doesn’t get confused and is able to follow the scene easily. The scene will be filmed interior which means that it will be filmed inside. The shot will be a filmed in a house in which the two characters live in. This shot will last for about seven seconds to show this part of the story, and will fade into the next shot. 2.i. This shot will be an over the shoulder shot focusing on the female in the middle of the argument. It will be a close up in order to see the anger and frustration upon her face. The audience will be able to she her true emotion and have a very good idea of the feelings she is feeling. The shot will make good use of the 180 degree rule in order to make sure that the consistency is not lost and the audience is not confused. The shot will be filmed interior as it is still part of the same scene with the male and female characters arguing. The shot will be located in a residential house. The shot will last seven seconds in order to show what is actually happening so the audience is aware of what is happening. Again like the last few shots the shot will fade into the next shot. 2.ii. Again this shot will be an over the shoulder shot however it will focus on the male character who is also involved in the argument which the audience is witnessing. Again it will be a close up so that the audience can see the true emotion that the character is showing. This makes the audience feel more included and will keep them on edge throughout the film as they are interested in what is happening. Just like the last shot the 180 degree rule will be used again to ensure that the audience is not confused and the contingency is not lost. It will be filmed interior as it is still part of the same scene. The shot will be filmed in a residential house that the two characters appear to live in. The shot again will last for 7 seconds so that the audience can get a full insight into what is happening and a chance to see the emotion that they characters are portraying. The shot will flick to the next scene as it will increase the up and building tension and be a good transition to the next shot. 3. The next shot will be a mid-shot so that the audience is aware of what is happening and can see all of the action. The mid-shot shows the female character who has just been involved in the argument between the two characters, walking out of the door and slamming it behind her. The shot again uses the 180 degree rule to ensure that the

audience does not get confused. The shot will be filmed interior to ensure the consistency is kept through the shots as it links in from the last few shots. The shot will be filmed in a residential house. The shot will last 3 seconds in order for the audience to see what is happening and understand what emotions and feelings that the characters are going through. The shot will then flick to the next scene, to make the audience feel jumpy and uneasy. 4. As the camera has flicked to the next scene the audience needs to be aware of where the scene is set and what is happening in it. Therefore a wide establishing shot will open the next scene, revealing a staff room with nurses in with two nurses standing up talking to each other. The nurses will be talking about an issue that has risen within the institute. The shot will last for 4 seconds in order for the audience to establish where the scene now is and what is happening. The shot will be filmed interior as the staff room is inside. This will enable us to create effective lighting. The shot will be filmed in a nurses staff room to make the audience think that it is a an actual asylum. The shot will then fade into the next one as it will changes to the next shot which links in to the next shot. 4.i. The next shot will be a mid-shot revealing two of the nurses talking about the same issue which has risen. The mid-shot will enable the audience to see what is going on and who is talking to each other. The audience will be able to see the emotion and understand the true feelings that the characters within the story are feeling. The shot will be filmed interior as it will keep in with the consistency of the rest of the film. This shot will also be located in the nurses staff room. The shot will last for 4 seconds again in order to let the audience hear what the characters have to say and what they are doing. The shot again will fade to the next shot linking to the next part of the scene. 4.ii The camera will fade into the next shot of an over the shoulder shot revealing the two nurses talking to each other. This will enable the audience to get a close up of the faces of the nurse and will be able to see the shock upon their faces. The audience will then feel involved in the film and will be aware of the emotions that the characters are feeling. The shot will make good use of eye-line match and the 180 degree rule. This will ensure that the consistency is kept and that the audience does not get confused. The shot will be filmed interior so to keep in with the rest of the shots in this specific scene. The shot will be located in the nurses staff room. The shot will last 7 seconds in order for the audience to take in everything that is being said and the facial expressions of those in the scene. 4.iii Just like the previous shot, it will be an over the shoulder shot revealing the two nurses talking to each other. The 180 degree rule will be used along with the eye line match to ensure consistency is kept. The shot will be filmed interior again to keep in with the rest of the scene. The shot will be located in the nurses staff room. It should last 7 seconds again so that the conversation can continue to flow. The shot will fade out into the next. 4.iiii As the shot fades into the next one a mid-shot is revealed to show the two nurses sitting down at the table continuing their conversation. The mid-shot is like the closing of the scene and just emphasises to the audience what is happening in the scene and what has just happened. The shot will be filmed interior to keep in with the

rest of the scene. The shot will be located in the nurses staff room. It should last for 3 seconds as the main events of the scene have already occurred. Because the next shot is a change of scene the transition will be a flick which is jolty and sudden. 5. The next shot will be a wide shot of a table with documents on top of it which are those of someone who lives in the asylum. The shot will be a wide shot in order to establish where this scene is set and the audience can keep up with the action which is occurring. The shot will be filmed interior as the scene links in from the last one. It will be located in the nurses staff room. The shot will last for 3 seconds in order for the audience to take in everything that is happening. The shot will fade into the next one as it is all linked to keep the scene flowing. 5.i The next shot will flow in from the previous one. It will be a high angle close up on the top of the table with the documents on it. The camera will then zoom in on the documents which will reveal the words ‘danger’ this will highlight and emphasis to the audience what the documents contain. The shot will be filmed interior as it is continued from the last shot. The shot will be located in the nurses staff room. It will last for 5 secs in order top have a suitable amount of time to zoom and focus on the documents. The shot will use a flick transition in order to change quickly to the next scene and keep the audience on their toes. 6. The shot which continues on from this scene is that of a man running through a forest. This is where the shot will be filmed. It will be low angle close up to signify to the audience this characters importance within the piece. The shot will be filmed exterior as it is a completely different scene and needs to be filmed in a different location which is outside. The shot will last for 5 seconds in order for the audience to see what is going on and the events involved in this scene. It will then flick to the next scene to increase the tension and emphasis the element of the unknown. 7. The next shot will be a long establishing shot in order to re-set the scene and show to the audience what is going on now. It will show the female character who has already been seen previously in the film sitting on a swing in an empty park with her back to the camera. The shot will be seen through some trees and bushes to make the audience feel uneasy. The shot will be filmed exterior again to keep in with the rest of the scene. The location that the shot will be filmed at will be in an empty park. The shot will last for 7 seconds in order to give the audience a chance to understand what is going on and who they need to take notice of within the scene. The shot will then flick to the next one to highlight the irrelevance of the shots put together. 8. The shot following the previous shot will be very similar to shot 6. However the low angle close up will show the man walking. The shot will be filmed exterior in a forest to make the shot feel sinister and mysterious. The shot will again last for 5 seconds in order to let the audience be aware of what is happening and what is going on. The shot will finish with a transition flicking to the next one. 9. The shot after the previous is also very similar to shot 7. However it will be an over the shoulder shot so that the audience becomes suspicious of the male character who is watching the female character on the swing. The shot again will be filmed in a park exterior to keep up the consistency and make the scene flow better. The shot will last

for 5 seconds so that the audience is able to see what is going on and in their heads try to work out what is going on. The shot will fade into the next one. 10. Shot ten will be an over the shoulder close up of the female character sitting on the swing and a male character with his arm upon the females shoulder. The shot will be filmed exterior and located in a park, particularly the swings. The shot will last for 3 seconds which gives the audience enough time to see what is going on and is then able to understand the events that are occurring. The shot will then use a transition of a flick to link to the next shot. 11. Shot eleven will be a montage of all of the previous shots in the film put together and played very quickly. This will create a lot of tension within the audience as they are unaware of what is going to happen next. The scene will last between 10 and 30 seconds in order to go through all of the clips and build up the right amount of tension without making the montage go on for a long time. The shot will fade into the next shot as the last clip is played. 12. The final shot of the film opening will be a mid-shot of a lone swing, swinging in the wind with no one around. The shot will be filmed exterior as the scene is still outside and it will keep in theme with the rest of the scene. The location will be the swings in a park that has been used for the rest of the filming. The shot will last for 5 seconds so that the audience can take everything in and get the effect that the shot is meant to have. The shot will then fade out to finish leaving the audience to think for a short while before the rest of the film begins.

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