Story Teling.docx

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  • Words: 1,426
  • Pages: 4
REGRET I was driving to my home after long hours in office. It 11.50 p.m and my eyes feel so heavy, this is not a really good moment for me to drive. It took an hour to get to my home from my office, through dark forest and quiet road. Yup, that is pretty much how I deal with my daily activity, but it’s okay for me since I’ve been doing this for years now. The night is not really dark at the moment, thanks to the moon that lights my way to home so I didn’t feel that scared to continue. But after 20 minutes entering the forest, the road feels so much quieter. No vehicle sound heard from any distance, the only noise I hear clearly is my car’s engine sound. I’m not feeling so good at moment like this, I prefer a crowded road than this. I keep pushing forward, the velocity of my car progressively increase and now I’m in speed going to my home. But then this strange thing happened as I’m in speed to my home. I’m start to heard weird noises, it started from the bush and then continue to a weird sound. It’s like someone’s crying, screaming for help. That brings an Instant goosebumps for me. I’m stiffed for a moment before my car stumbled on a rock. It makes my heart pounds so hard. That sound finally disappear and the road back to quiet again, I can hear my car’s engine again. I finally arrived at my home, the door closed behind me and my mind is still in a shock from all what happened before. I refuse to believed that moment was real, that’s just a dream, that’s just ky brain playing tricks on me. I walk to my bed, my brain feel so heavy and I’m sure I could fall anywhere at this time. I fall onto my bed, I didn’t change my outfit from office, I can’t. So in seconds, my eyes closed and I’m sleeping right away. As I open my eyes, the sun is so bright that it hurts my eyes. I look around and found myself still sleeping with my outfit from office yesterday. With all the energy, I force myself to wake up and sit on my bed. I lean my head on wall behind me and closed my eyes. I’m trying to relax my body, until all that memory from last night came back striking my head. I’m in pain, my head feel really hurt as those sound, those crying sound of someone screaming for help and all of the situation and the tension I felt. But I succeed to calm myself and to focus to the my situation right now. It 08.32 a.m. and I need to get to office in 1 hour. I walk to my kitchen and prepare myself for work and then went to wash myself.

I drive to my office, I know I’m late but I in case those memories came back, I need to keep myself busy. The sun is shining so bright and the morning air fills my lungs. I drive my car with high speed so I could arrive early before It’s too late for me. I drive through the forest and I couldn’t hold myself from remembering that moment last night. But again, this moment again, I found something weird again. I saw a man, holding an axe walking across the street and into the woods. It is not that strange for other people because that man is possibly walking to find some tree to cut down. But, isn’t that strange that the axe is covered with red liquid? And all of his shirt is stained with red color. My brain working hard trying o connecing all the situation that happened to find a final conclusion of what happened. Until my brain finaly concluded all. “Is this a crime? A murderer? That’s the only explanation, that man is covered with blood and the scream I heard last night.” I’m so convinced with that, I m going to repor this to the police, this cannot wait. I turn my car into a high speed, but this time I’m not going to office, I’m going to police. Arrived at the police station, I walk straight to the entrance and sumbled to a police. I’m so panicked and seems like that police noticed what happened to me. He calm me down and gave me a bottle of water. After calmed, he brought me to a room and sit me down. “I’m officer Andre, I know it hard for you to tell your current sittuation but I’ll help you as you ready to talk” he convinced I took a deep breath and start to arrange all the words to sexplain the situation.. “I’m okay, I’m ready to talk now. It starts last night when I’m on my way to home from office, I heard all of this weird noises, it happened for about 7 minutes until I heard someone is crying and screamed for help. And his morning when I’m going tto office, I cross the same road and I saw a man, walking whhile holding an axe. He’s axe was covered in red liquid and his shirt was covered in red stained.” “So you assume that it’s a murder case?” “I couldn’t resist myself from thinking that, all I can think and conclude was that. But that’s the only logic explanation.” The officer become quiet for a moment until he’s ready o talk

“I cannot accept your repor since you came without a strong evidence. But I could help you to survey there to find out what really happened. We are going to there and looking around the place this night at the time you heard the noises, because if this is really a murder case then I guess the victim is active at night” That’s wrapped our meeting to a final agreement. We are going to investigate this night. My heart pounds hardly again. This is the momen of truth. The night falls so quick, I waited at my friend’s house waiting for the night. The police came to pick me up, they came with a car. Officer Andre ge down from a car, with 3 other polices with him. After a small meeting, we went there by car. Arrived at the place, we walk into the woods to the place where I heard those sound. I hold my jacket and walk behind the polices while they look so calm. 2 minutes passed and we’ve been waking blindly without anything happened. Then I saw a shadow behind those trees, a person is standing right there. I whisper o the police and pointed to the direction where the person is standing. They look steady and approach the shadow, we came to the tree and found a house there. A small house made of wood. It’s so suspicious there’s a house there, as far as I know that this land was owned by the government. Officer Andre knocks the door and then a voice from inside answering us. An old man opened the door, behind him there’s a kid sitting while playing witth a small dog. The dog was wounded and looks weak. The kid is sitting next to the dog while giving it a small cup of milk. Behind the kid, the axe I saw was there, sttill covered in a red liquid. We explain to the old man the purpose of our visit there, he man then looks surprised. “Yes, there was a small accident yesterday. Our dog, mochi, was run away at night. Mochi is my grand daughter most loved pet. My grand daughter went after it, I was so panicked that night so I went to find her with this axe. This woods is full of wild wolf, so I’m so scared that night. I found my daughter screaming for mochi because the dog was in a fight with the wild wolf. The olf then targeted my grand daughter, I suddenly pick up my axe and kill the wolf right away. But then mochi is wounded and we had to cure her fast.”

I was so surprised, I feel so bad at the time. I feel so embarrased by myself . I apologise to the old man for my behaviour, and thanks tto God he forgive me. That’s all what happened that night, officer Andre drove me back home. I went to rest with my mind finally clear and calm

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