#!/usr/bin/perl #Programmed by FLJR90 "FrankQC" system("clear"); &program_start; sub program_start { print "If adding someone, press enter twice.\n\n"; print "u/ "; chomp($registered_user_username = <>); print "p/ "; chomp($registered_user_password = <>); if(($registered_user_username eq "admin") && ($registered_user_password eq "admin")) { &client_approved; } elsif(($registered_user_username eq "admin") || ($registered_user_password != "admin")) { &wrong_password; } elsif(($registered_user_username eq "exit") && ($registered_user_password eq "exit")) { exit; }else{ &ask_registration; } } sub ask_registration { system("clear"); print "Answer the following with \"yes\" or \"no\".\n"; print "\n"; print "Add User?> "; chomp($register_question = <>); if($register_question eq "yes") { &client_register_yes; } elsif($register_question eq "no") { &client_register_no; }else{ print "Input \"$register_question\" does not exist.\n";
&ask_registration; }
} sub client_register_yes{
print "Name > "; chomp($new_name = <>); print "E-Mail > "; chomp($new_email = <>); &client_register_confirmation; } sub client_register_no { print "Are you sure?>
"; chomp($you_sure = <>);
if($you_sure eq "yes") {
¬_registered; }
elsif($you_sure eq "no") { &ask_registration; }else{ print "Unknown command...\n"; &ask_registration; }
sub client_register_confirmation { print print print print print print
"\nYou have specified the following...\n"; "----------\n"; "Name: $new_name\n"; "E-Mail: $new_email\n"; "----------\n"; "Is this right?> "; chomp($you_sure = <>); if($you_sure eq "yes") { &log_file; } elsif($you_sure eq "no") { system("clear"); &client_register_yes; }else{ print "Input \"$you_sure\" does not
exist."; }
system("clear"); &client_register_confirmation;
} sub thank_you { system("clear"); print "$new_name has been added.\n"; &program_start;
sub client_approved { system("clear"); print "Logged in as $registered_user_username.\n"; print color 'bold blue'; print "For a list of commands, type: /?\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } sub choose_operations { use Term::ANSIColor; print ">
"; chomp($operation_selection = <>);
if($operation_selection eq "/showusers") { &show_clients; elsif($operation_selection eq "/showusers?") {
were added.\n";
print color 'bold blue'; print "/showuser tells you, in a list, which users print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
rid of older text.\n"; }
the program.\n";
elsif($operation_selection eq "/clear") { system("clear"); &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/clear?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/clear clears up the terminal screen. Gets print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/exit") { system("clear"); system("exit"); elsif($operation_selection eq "/exit?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/exit logs the user out of the program. Exits print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
elsif($operation_selection eq "/editusers") { print color 'bold blue'; system("nano clients.txt"); print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
elsif($operation_selection eq "/editusers?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/editusers loads a GNU/Nano screen to edit currently added users.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "\nNote: For more command info, put a \"?\" after it (no spaces).\n\n"; print "/showusers /editusers /clear /exit /proginfo\n"; print "/time /db.backup /db.revert /logoff\n"; print "/db.del.main /db.del.bkp /db.nuke\n"; print "/db.main.check /db.bkp.check /ls\n\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/??") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/? shows the list of commands currently available.\n"; print color 'reset';
&choose_operations; }
Francois.\n"; }
elsif($operation_selection eq "/proginfo") { print color 'bold blue'; print "Programmed in Perl 5. Programmed by print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/proginfo?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "Shows program information.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/time") { system("date"); &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/time?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/time will tell you your system time.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.backup") { system("cp clients.txt clients.txt.backup"); &choose_operations; elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.backup?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.backup will create a backup of print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.revert") { system("cp clients.txt.backup clients.txt"); &choose_operations;
elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.revert?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.revert will put the database backup as the new database (used if mistake in main database).\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/logoff") { system("clear"); print "Logged off as $registered_user_username.\n"; &program_start; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/logoff?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/logoff will log you off as admin and bring you back to the login screen.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
} elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.del.main") { &delete_database_main; }
elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.del.main?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.del will delete clients.txt (main database). Password required.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.del.bkp") { &delete_database_backup; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.del.bkp?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.del.bkp will delete the backup databases. Password required.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.nuke") { &db_nuke; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.main.check") { &db_main_check; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.main.check?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.main.check will tell you if the contact list file exists in the directory.\n"; print color 'reset'; &db_main_check; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.bkp.check") { &db_backup_check; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.bkp.check?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.bkp.check will tell you if the backup file exists.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/ls") { &list_directory; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/ls?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/ls will show files in directory.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations; } elsif($operation_selection eq "/db.nuke?") { print color 'bold blue'; print "/db.nuke will delete all the databases.\n"; print color 'reset'; &choose_operations;
print "Your input of \"$operation_selection\" does not exist. For help: /?\n\n"; &choose_operations; } } sub list_directory {
system("ls"); &choose_operations;
sub db_backup_check { $checkbackup = "clients.txt.backup"; if(-e $checkbackup) { print "Backup exists\n"; &choose_operations; }else{ print "Backup does not exist.\n"; &choose_operations; } } sub db_main_check { $checkmain = "clients.txt"; if(-e $checkmain) { print "Main Database file exists.\n"; &choose_operations; }else{ print "Main Database does not exist.\n"; &choose_operations; } } sub db_nuke { print "Password>
"; chomp($db_nuke = <>);
if($db_nuke eq "deletenow"){ system("rm clients.txt; rm clients.txt~; rm clients.txt.backup; rm clients.txt.backup~"); &choose_operations; }else{ print "Wrong password.\n"; &choose_operations; } sub delete_database_backup {
print "Password>
"; chomp($db_bkp_del = <>);
if($db_bkp_del eq "deletenow"){ system("rm clients.txt.backup; rm clients.txt.backup~"); &choose_operations; }else{ print "Wrong password.\n"; &choose_operations; } } sub delete_database_main { print "Password>
"; chomp($db_main_del = <>);
if($db_main_del eq "deletenow") { system("rm clients.txt; rm clients.txt~"); &choose_operations; }else{ print "Wrong password.\n"; &choose_operations; } } sub not_registered { print "User exited.\n\n"; exit; } sub log_file { open (MYFILE, '>>clients.txt'); print MYFILE "Name: [$new_name]; E-Mail: [$new_email];"; print MYFILE "\n"; close (MYFILE); &thank_you; } sub show_clients { open (MYFILE, 'clients.txt'); while (<MYFILE>) { chomp; print "$_\n"; } close (MYFILE); &choose_operations; } sub wrong_password { system("clear"); print "Wrong password\n\n"; &program_start; }