Stop Motion Animation

  • Uploaded by: Karen Webster
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 457
  • Pages: 2
Stop Motion Animation Answer the following questions: • • • • • •

What is Stop Motion Animation? What materials can be used to create Stop Motion Animation? What steps do you need to take when planning a Stop Motion Animation? What sort of background works best? What sort of lighting, if any, do you need? What equipment do you require? Where will you source this equipment? At school there are a limited number of cameras available, there are webcams, lights, whiteboards, paper (coloured and white), tall clamps. If you require anything else you will need to supply it.

Time to start working You are to create a Stop Motion Animation teaching one aspect of Maths, English or LOTE that you have learnt this year. Write out your plan and your storyboard. Below is a plan for an animation on finding the value of x: 1. Show the problem

X - 21

X+ 13

X-7 X+ 30

X+ 5

X+ 45


X-7 X+ 6 X10

2. Work out how many degrees in the shape a. Show the formula for working it out b. Work it out 3. Begin the equation a. Write the number of degrees with an equals sign 4. Collect like terms a. Collect x’s b. Collect positive numbers

c. Collect negative numbers d. Work out the final number 5. Continue with the equation a. Add the x’s to the equation b. Add the number to the equation 6. Solve the equation a. Add or subtract number from both sides b. Divide by number of x’s 7. Rewrite answer

This animation was made using a webcam, 1 light (which died), paper and a pen. The light and webcam were clamped into place. Each picture was captured using Monkey Jam. A new .xps was created: • A folder was created to save the pictures in The following settings were changed in Monkey Jam: • FPS (Settings) was changed to 15 • Image Format (Settings) was changed to Jpeg The following settings were changed in the Capture Window: • Size was changed to 352 x 288 • Mode was changed to Stop Motion The movie was exported as an .avi • File/Export Avi… • Name the movie • Nominate where to save it Titles and Credits were added in Movie Maker

Digital Camera If using a digital camera the size of the pictures will be quite large. You will need to make them smaller using a batch process in Adobe Photoshop Elements. • File • Batch Processing… • Source – folder where your pictures are located • Conversion Options – JPEG Max Quality • Tick Convert Image Size • Width, height will be automatically calculated • Rename Files – if required • Destination – if required

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