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  • Pages: 19


Hardware: a) A Computer with a good internet connection. b) A Scanner. c) A LaserJet / Inkjet Printer.



a) Web Browser [Google Chrome (Version 40 and above) or Mozilla Firefox (Version 40

and above) or Internet Explorer (Version 9 and above)]. b) Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 9 or above).

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE: 1. To visit the online registration

website click on the link “Online Registration for Session 2017-18” in the Council’s official website. The address of the Council’s websites are “”.

2. LANDING PAGE: A new website opens up.


Important information’s pertaining to Online Registration will be made available in the Notice Board section, kindly appraise yourself of the same before proceeding further.


To obtain a copy of this guide click on link “Step-by-step Guide” available in the notice board.

2 iii) A video demonstrating the step by step procedure of the entire process for registration is also available in this website, to make you understand the process in a friendlier manner. To open the video click on the “Demo Video” link available in the notice board. iv) For additional queries (if any) you can call us or write to us at our details mentioned in “Contact us at” section.

3. INITIAL (1st TIME) LOGIN : For first time logging into the system click on the “Click Here” tab located in the Sign in section (available in the lower right hand side) of the page. A new page as depicted below opens up.


Enter your Login ID & Password as printed in the password intimation letter. Please note the following: a. Passwords are case sensitive i.e. the system differentiates between “a” and “A” so please be careful while entering them. b. Change of Login ID is not allowed, hence do not disclose the same to unauthorized people and keep it confidential.


Upon entering a valid login ID, the system will do an internal check and the name of the institution who has been allotted the same will get displayed within a green bar atop the Login ID textbox. (This will serve as a check to verify the school name before you proceed further.)

iii) Enter the password in the textbox corresponding to the same. iv) Thereafter click on the “Submit” tab to proceed to the next page.


INSTITUTION’S REGISTRATION PAGE: In this page an institution is required to provide its Principal’s Contact Details, certain mandatory information’s & also its alternative communication details (if any).


When the page opens up only the column Principal’s Mobile Number is displayed. Enter the Mobile Number in the textbox and click on the “SEND OTP” tab. The system will send a one-time password “OTP” into the entered mobile number.


Thereafter a new textbox opens us beside the textbox meant for entering the mobile number. In this box enter the OTP received via SMS and click on the “Verify” tab to verify the same. If you have not received the SMS after a considerable period of time (say about 5 mins) then click on the “RESEND OTP” to re-generate the SMS.

iii) Upon successful verification of the mobile number the remaining part of the page gets displayed for entering of details like Sub-Division Name, Block Name, Post Office Name, PIN Code, etc.


iv) Enter requisite details in the textbox corresponding to each of them. v)

Select the stream(s) for which approval has been obtained by you from the Council.

vi) Thereafter click on the “SUBMIT” tab for submission of the same into the system. vii) An alert window opens up asking for a confirmation before the same is accepted by the system. viii) Click “Ok” if you want to submit the same, else click on “Cancel” if you want to modify the same. ix) Please note mobile number once verified cannot be modified. If you want to change the entered mobile number, please click on the “Logout” tab situated in the top left hand corner of this page and thereafter start afresh from the home page. NOTE: a. All star (*) marked columns are mandatory. b. Please be careful while entering details in this (Existing User Registration) page as since this page will only be visible at the time of initial (1st time) login only. Also note, you cannot modify any details entered in this page after you have submitted the same into the system. c. In case of second and substituent login the user will be directly sent to the “INSTITUTION HOME PAGE” from the “LOGIN PAGE”. d. Option for change of password is available in the Institution Home Page. In case of change of the same kindly memorise it there is no option for retrieving your last saved password from the system. (If you are unable to remember the same kindly contact the Council to obtain your last saved password).


4. SUBSEQUENT LOGIN: For second / subsequent login into the system click on the “Login” tab located in the right hand side of the home page. A new page opens up.


Enter your Login ID & Password. Please note the following: a. Passwords are case sensitive i.e. the system differentiates between “a” and “A” so please be careful while entering them.


Upon entering a valid login ID the system will do an internal check and the name of the institution who has been allotted the same will get displayed within a green bar atop the Login ID textbox. (This will serve as a check to verify the school name before you proceed further.)


Enter the password in the textbox corresponding to the same.


Thereafter click on the “Validate” tab to proceed.


The system will do an internal check of the entered details and if the same is found to be correct the system will send an OTP into the verified mobile number and also a new screen as depicted below will open up asking for entering of the OTP.


Enter the OTP as received via SMS and click on the “Submit” tab to login into the system.


If the entered OTP is correct, the system will send you to your institution’s home page.


5. INSTITUTION HOME PAGE: The home page serves as the dash board of your institution in the online registration system by providing certain vital information’s at a glance and also links to different sections / pages in this registration portal.


The different pages where an user can move to from this page are as : a. Adding of Non-Permitted Institutions under it. b. Change of Password c. Addition of Students for Registration (both for own institution and also of non-permitted institutions) i. Add New Student. ii. Print Checklist. iii. View Duplicate. iv. Generate Challan (for making payment). v. Challan Status. vi. Print Consolidated Statement.


In “Registration Summary” section an institution can view Number of students added in the portal, No of students submitted for consideration in registration (student data will be considered for registration only after making of payment), No of Challans generated & No of challans paid.

iii) In “List of candidate enrolled by the institution” section, an institution will be able to view summarised details of all candidates enrolled by it, in a tabular form. iv) In the table in column “INST. CODE” the code of the institution under which the candidate has been submitted is displayed. In case of Permitted Institutions it will display council allotted 6 digit code and in case of Non-Permitted Institutions it will display a 9 digit code (6 digit Council allotted code of the Permitted Institution followed by dash “-“ and 2 digit system allotted number) v)

In the table in column “SUBMITTED” the present status of the candidate is displayed. A “Yes” tag in the column indicates the candidate data has been submitted for generation of challan, and a “No” tag indicates the candidate data has not been submitted for generation of challan.

vi) Those Candidate data which have been already been considered for generation of challan will have a “View” tab in column “ACTION”, and candidate data those that are yet to be considered of generation of challan will have “Edit” & “Delete” tab in column “ACTION”.


6. CHANGE OF PASSWORD: Change of system allotted/previous password.


In order to change the password, click on the “Change Password” tab appearing in the top right hand side.


An overlay screen as depicted above opens up.

iii) Enter data as asked for by the system and click on the “Save” tab. The system will do a validation check and if both the entered data is found correct will save the new password. iv) This new password will become applicable from substituent login.

7. ADDITION OF NON PERMITTED INSTITUTIONS: Adding of non-permitted institution under the permitted institution. i)

In order to add a non-permitted institution, click on the “Non Permitted Institute” tab. A new page as depicted below opens up.

8 ii)

This page displays the list of all non-permitted institutions added to the regular institution in a table.

iii) In the page clicking on the “Add New Institution” tab will open up a new page (as depicted below) for adding a new non-permitted institution under the regular institution, alternatively clicking on the “Home” tab will send the user back to the home page.

iv) In order to add a new institution enter requisite details as asked for by the system and click on the submit tab. (All fields marked with “*” are mandatory). v)

The system will allot a code and add the non-permitted institution, the details of the non-permitted institution will also become visible in the table.

vi) In the table clicking on the “Edit” tab appearing under column “Remarks” will open up the data for editing. vii) Data appearing under column “Art”, “Com”, “Sci” & “Voc” against row “Added” & “Submitted” denotes the no of student added and no of student submitted for challan generation against that particular institution.

9 NOTE: a. Editing is allowed only in the data entered by you i.e. District Name & Name of Institution b. Editing of Code is not allowed. The same gets allotted in order of addition. c. A data post successful addition cannot be deleted.

8. ADD NEW STUDENT: Addition of new student data into institution’s database. i)

In order to add a new student data into the system, click on the “ADD NEW STUDENT” tab.


A new page as depicted below opens us. (All fields marked with “*” are mandatory).

iii) In column “Type of Institution the Candidate is Registering From” select the appropriate one. Choosing the option “Non-Permitted” will open up a new column for selection of the “Non-Permitted institution”. (Note : Names of only those Non-Permitted Institutions which have been added with the logged in Regular Institution till that time will only appear)

10 iv) Enter requisite details of the student in the textbox corresponding to each for columns like Name of the Student, Student Aadhar No, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name, Address, Contact (Mobile) Number & E-mail ID. v)

For columns like Gender, Caste, Religion & Nationality; please select an option from amongst the available ones. To select an option click on the button located in the left side of the same. (Please note for easy identification of your selection, the same will get displayed in bold).

vi) Click on “Next” tab to proceed to page-2 of application.

vii) Enter / make select from the drop down list / radio buttons for entering of data as applicable to the candidate. viii) Subject list gets populated based on the stream chosen.

11 NOTE: a. A subject selected as an Elective cannot be re-chosen again as another Elective; in order to choose the same a user is required to de-select the first selection. b. Change of selected Stream post entering of subject will result in nullifying the selection of subjects made and a user is required to re-select all of them. ix) In order to go back to the previous page, click on the “Back” tab. x)

Click on “Next” to proceed to photograph and signature upload page.

xi) Click on “CHOOSE FILE” to browse through the computer and select the photograph of student to upload. xii) Click on “UPLOAD PHOTO” to upload photograph of student. The uploaded photograph will be displayed in the screen. xiii) Click on “CHOOSE FILE” to browse through the computer and select the signature of student to upload. xiv) Click on “UPLOAD SIGNATURE” to upload signature of student. The uploaded signature will be displayed in the screen. xv) To submit the information of the student into the system click on “SUBMIT” tab. The system will accept the data and display a “thank you” screen in the form of an overlay screen. xvi) The screen will contain the Stream, Name of the Student, Father’s Name & Class Roll No. In addition to the same the screen will also display the “Student ID” code allotted to the student by the system. The same will be of 12 digit and will be displayed in red.


xvii) For addition of another student record click on the “Add New Student” tab apperaint in the bottom righthand side of the layover screen and follow steps mentioned under point no 8(iii) to 8(xvi) xviii)For moving to the home page click on the “Return to Home” tab appearing in the bottom lefthand side of the layover screen. NOTE: a. Data, photograph or signature of a student will only be uploaded into the system only after clicking on the “SUBMIT” tab. b. Candidate’s uploaded data, photograph and signature will be used for printing of the Academic Testimonials like Registration Card, Admit Card, Mark Sheet, Provisional Certificate & Final Certificate, hence please take proper care in making the same error free while entering / uploading of student’s data. c. Uploaded photograph should be of passport type, wherein the face of the candidate should be clearly visible. For uniformity purpose candidates should be advised to submit photograph of size 35 mm x 45 mm. The same should be scanned in quality ranging between 200 to 300 DPI.




d. Uploaded signature should be clean and clear. For uniformity purpose candidates should be advised to put their signature in a white paper using black ball point pen only, in an area not bigger that 15 mm x 45 mm. The same should be scanned in black & white mode in quality ranging between 200 to 300 DPI.




9. PRINT CHECKLIST: Printing of Checklist for checking of data entered into the online system. i)

In order to print checklist of candidate data entered into the online system, click on the “PRINT CHECKLIST” tab.


A new page as depicted below opens us.

iii) Checklist will be generated for all selected candidates only. In order to select candidate click in the checkbox (placed before the serial number) corresponding to the record and click on the “PRINT” tab. (To select all records you can click on the checkbox placed in the table header.) iv) An alert box opens up asking for confirmation before proceeding to generate the file, click on “OK” tab in the alert box to generate the checklist. v)

The new page opens up and thereafter the same automatically closes down and the checklist gets downloaded into the browser’s default location in PDF file format.

vi) Double click on the file to open the same for printing. NOTE: a. Student data (including photograph & signature) once finally submitted into the system i.e. candidate record for which challan has been generated cannot be modified. Hence please take extra care in checking the candidate data.

10.EDITING OF DATA: Editing of Candidate Data. i)

List of all candidates entered into the system by the institution are displayed in a table under the banner “List of candidates enrolled by the institution” in the institution’s “HOME” page.


Please note candidate data which has not been finally submitted (i.e. challan not generated) till that time can only be edited. For them column “Submitted” will contain a “No” tag and in column “Action” both “Edit” & “Delete” tab will be present corresponding to the record.


iii) A data bearing “Edit” & “Delete” tab can be edited, editing of data, photograph or signature can be done till the same has not been submitted into the system for generation of challan. iv) Clicking on the “Edit” tab will open the candidate’s information sheet in edit mode enabling the institution to edit all/requisite columns. v)

After editing the page-1 of the data, click “Next” to proceed page-2 and thereafter again click “Next” to photograph and signature upload page

vi) For updating of photograph and/or signature please follow steps mentioned under point no 8(iii) to 8(xvi) depending on the nature of correction. vii) Thereafter to complete the process click in the “Submit” tab. The system will dsiplay a layover screen similar to the one displayed at the time of addition of the student’s data as confirmation of the data being updated in the system. viii) In order to delete a student record click on the “Delete” tab located beside the “Edit” tab. Clicking on the same will open up an alert box. ix) In the alert click on “Ok” to confirm the deletion alternatively click on “Cancel” to cancel the process. NOTE: a. Data, photograph or signature of a student will only be updated after display of the thank you screen mentioned above. b. Student record may not get updated if the steps mentioned above under point no 10(iv) to 10(vii) is not properly followed or the user moves into a new page after partially competing the above steps. c. After editing of student data, take printout of the same in the form of checklist to verify all required corrections have been made correctly. d. Data which have been finally submitted into the system i.e for which challan has been generated will have “View” tab in column “Action” corresponding to them and the same can never be modified. Clicking on the “View” tab will open the candidate’s information sheet in view only mode.


11.VIEW DUPLICATES: Viewing, Editing and Deleting of duplicate records.


This page lists all duplicate entries (if any) prevailing in the institution’s entered database as on that time. To obtain a printout select the record(s) and click on the “Print” tab.


Please note candidate data pending final submission (i.e. those that have not been submitted for generation of challan) till that time can only be edited. The same will have both “Edit” & “Delete” tab in column “Action” corresponding to them. Candidate whose data has been submitted to the council (i.e. those that have been submitted for generation of challan) can only be viewed. The same will have “View” tab in column “Action” corresponding to them.

iii) For Editing: In Action column click on “Edit” tab, this will open the candidate’s information sheet in edit mode to enable you make the desired modifications in the student’s data. (For more details please refer to point no 8(iv) to 8(vii) mentioned above.) iv) For Deleting: In Action column click on “Delete” tab to delete the student’s database. (For more details please refer to point no 8(viii) and 8(ix) mentioned above). v)

For Viewing: In Action column click on “View” tab to view the desired student details.

NOTE: a. The system will reject all second and substituent entries identified by it as duplicate at the time of final submission and generation of challan. Hence please be careful at the time of entering candidate’s data in the system. b. Candidate whose data has been submitted for generation of challan can never be modified.

12.GENERATE CHALLAN: Final submission of data and generation of bank challan. i)

A list of all candidates added by the institution into the system but challan not generated till that time will get displayed in this page.


Such candidate’s whose checklist has been generated by the institution, for them column “STATUS” will contain the word “Awaiting Final Submit” and also a checkbox will appear before such wording; and for candidate’s whose checklist has not been generated by the institution for them column “STATUS” will contain the word “Record not Checked”.

17 iii) Please note; only those candidates marked with the word “Awaiting Final Submit” in column “STATUS” are eligible for final submission and challan generation provided the same is not a duplicate entry as identified by the system.

For final submission of candidate data and generation of challan kindly follow the below mentioned steps: iv) Select the candidate records you wish to submit for generation of challan. v)

Click on the “Checkbox” appearing in the “Declaration” tab and thereafter click on the “Final Submit” tab. The system will do a self-check for duplicates amongst the data selected and also the data previously submitted (if any).

vi) All duplicate entries identified by the system will get marked in pink. Also an indicator with a remark “This is a duplicate entry” will appear corresponding the duplicate data and the system will automatically drop the data during the process of challan generation.

18 vii) Thereafter an overlay screen will appear atop the challan generation page asking for the last and final confirmation pertaining to the accuracy of data you are submitting for generation of challan. viii) Upon clicking on the “Final Confirm” tab the system will consider the same as submitted for consideration in Registration database of the year (provided payment for the same has been received by the Council within the stipulated time) and generate a bank challan with requisite details for payment of requisite fees into the bank. ix) The challan so generated will get generated automatically and will also get downloaded into your computer’s browser default location in PDF file format. x)

Double click on the file to open the same for printing.

xi) In order to obtain copies of the bank challan go to the “Challan List” page and click on the “REPRINT” tab appearing in column “Action”. Copies of the bank challan can only be obtained till the payment of the same has not been confirmed by the banker.

13.MAKE PAYMENT INTO BANK : In order to pay the registration fees please visit any branch of The Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd. with a copy of the system generated challan. After submission of the registration fees please keep the counter foils of the challan in safe custody. (You are required to submit the part marked as council copy of the challan in original along with the system generated final statement to the council.)


In order to obtain copies of the bank challan at a later time go to the “Challan List” page and click on the “REPRINT” tab appearing in column “Action”. Copies of the bank challan can only be obtained till the payment of the same has not been confirmed by the banker.


In the table column “Status” indicates the payment status of the challan in registration portal as confirmed by the banker. An “Approved” mark in column “Status” indicates that payment for the challan has been received by the system and an “Unapproved” mark in column “Status” indicates that payment for the challan has not been received in the system. (Please note that generally it takes around 2 working days from the date of your making the payment into the bank branch for the payment status to get updated in the system, if after expiry of the said

19 period your payment status is not updated please contact the council with the counter foil of the paid challan.) NOTE: a. Institution Code and name appearing in the challan is of the Institution whose data has been submitted for generation of the challan. b. The challan should be submitted before the last date as mentioned by the Council after duly filling all requisite columns.

14.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT: Generation and printing of Consolidated Statement. A Consolidated Statement corresponding to a challan gets automatically generated only after confirmation of receipt of payment against the challan from the banker. In order to obtain the consolidated statement, go to the “Print Consolidated Statement” page by clicking on the same. List of all approved challans till that time gets listed in a table.


In order to obtain the consolidated statement corresponding to a challan click on the “Print” tab appearing in column “Action” against the corresponding challan number.


The consolidated statement will get downloaded into your browser’s default location in PDF format.

iii) Double click on the PDF file to open and print the same. The consolidated statement contain list of all those candidates which has been selected for generation of the challan. The last page of the consolidated statement also contain a gender-wise and a category-wise report of candidates submitted via the challan.

15.SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS WITH THE COUNCIL : After printing of the consolidated statement the principal of the institution is required to put his seal and signature in all the pages of the consolidated statement. Thereafter the institution is required to stitch tag together the consolidated statement & part of the challan marked as “COUNCIL COPY” (containing the banks receiving seal) and submit the same to the council at such specified location and within such specified place as notified by the council. **** END ****

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