Spread Attack By Chris Brown

  • November 2019
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Spread Attack By Coach Chris Brown This offense is designed to take advantage of your best athletes, regardless if they are undersized or too slow or not quick enough. With discipline and positioning one can maximize their talents, and feature players doing a variety of things. The offense uses spread formations and the shotgun which makes most teams think pass and is a popular way to throw the football, and lends itself well to that. Nevertheless, all those things are reasons why it is an effective rushing offense. Moreover, it is maybe the best way to feature an athletic quarterback who can run the football well himself in modern football. Also, because you are spreading out the defense horizontally, the vertical stretching becomes easier and your quarterback does not need a superior arm, or even a very strong one, to be effective in this offense. Most all of the passes are quick and simple throws, with a minimal amount of complex decision making required. The quarterback progressions are achieved through reading passing lanes. The quarterback will simply look to his first progression, and if the lane to deliver the ball is clear, he will deliver it. If not, he will move on to the next read. If the progression does not produce an open receiver he can tuck it and run or he can throw the football away. The receivers are coached to settle against zones and never stop moving versus man to man. A receiver's job versus zone is to find a hole, and the easiest way to do this is to try to make eye contact with the quarterback, he will automatically move to the open area in order to see the quarterback easier. it is as simple as looking through a window. As stated before, versus man the receiver will never stop. It is his job to create and maintain seperation. We work on routes man to man versus defensive backs in various coverage techniques every day. They should never be covered one on one. The pass protection is simple, as it is one scheme and one scheme only. Only the depths of the drops change for 3 step or 5 step. It will be discussed further under the pass protection section, but it is simply a big on big man area scheme, where the linemen will account for all down linemen and the weakside linebacker(s) and the back will check strongside to releasing on a pass route, except on 3 step where if he is not needed he will chip or help on any dangerous rusher or chip the defensive end. Bootlegs will be heavily utilized, with an emphasis on the quarterback running the ball when it is there, thinking cutback. Also, screens are a huge part of the offense, with a large number of them being called every game. They are an excellent way to get skill players in space with your best blockers, your linemen, downfield on undersized defenders. Every screen has the potential to break. Plus they really limit what a defense is willing to do to you. They are a viable option on any and every down and distance.

While offenses in the NFL have hundreds of plays, countless formations, and all kinds of various gadgets, this offense, designed for the lower levels, focuses more on a specific set of plays and formations and practices them religiously. A lot of coaches make the mistake of just trying to scrimmage a lot, as in every day, and that sort of thing. We do not do this very often and if we do it is a short period. The key for football, especially this kind of passing offense, is to work on fundamentals. After stretching we break into positions and always start with some fast paced warm up drills such as bag leaps and things, and then go to drills that focus on techniques needed for positions. Quarterbacks work on drops and throws, receivers work on footwork and cuts and some catching, etc. We then organize periods of 1 on 1 routes with receivers and QBs vs defenders(Note: we like to, while the receivers are running their route, have a coach move around and at the QB causing him to move around slightly in the pocket and be ready to deliver the ball when the receiver is ready. he will always do his proper drop), linemen and RBs working on blocking fronts and working as a unit. (This does not have to be full speed.) We'll then switch up slightly and have linemen doing one on one run and pass blocking, and the techniques, while the QBs, RBs, TEs, and receivers work on pass versus air. In this drill, which has proven successful for many teams, we organize bags or garbage cans or whatever we have where zone defenders would be as a reference in various coverages. Receivers should not settle behind bags and quarterbacks should never try to drop one over them. We line up all our skill players with another group behind them. We line up all of our quarterbacks, at least 4 should be plenty, and a coach can fill in if needed for th eother. (Some plays have 4 reads, some have two seperate progressions of one through 5, so it varies). One quarterback calls the cadence, and they all drop. One quarterback will hit the first read after his drop. Another will look at the first read, then hit the second. The next will Look at the first two reads, then hit the second. Eventually the last one will go through the entire progression and hit the last receiver. Then the next group fo receivers step up, and the quarterbacks rotate and slide over. It is a great way to work on all the plays in a disciplined environment, you can go through all the plays from various formations very quickly in a short 15 or 20 minute period. Plus, most importantly, all the quarterbacks are learning their progressions and working on them in an organized format. Since we read passing lanes, andb let the progression work for us, this drill is perfect for what we do. Our quarterbacks have improved immensley on learning to find and know where all their receivers are since we started doing this. Plus, it ensures that our quarterbacks are making all the throws and getting used to it. Finally, and this was unexpected, it actually kind of simulates a pocket in that it is kind of crowded back there for the quarterbacks. The run game is very simple, just exactly what is needed to get by, and the quarterback runs are always there if you have the quarterback to do it. Finally, the no-huddle aspect, which I will discuss further, is what sets the offense apart. While it has been en vogue recently, it is still very effective and likely the future of football. It allows you to practice more plays in practice and to

outcondition your opponent. Plus, you get to see what the defense is in before you call a play. Rarely are you ever in a bad play. Moreover, if you are protecting a lead, you can always slow down the pace. The last thing I'll mention is that in our "Doubles" formation, which is two receivers to either side, the same two will always go to the same side and the back will go depending on what play is signalled in. In "Trips" the base alignment is away from the three wide receivers, but he can also change depending on the play. Most 5 step drop passes require him to be on the left, but if needed in pass protection he can go to the right or depending on a certain run.

Pass Protection We try to keep our pass protection very simple, but we do have a few forms because we like to vary the launch point for our QBs. However, our two main protections are our 1 back protections and our 2 back(which actually also is used with no back). On all pass plays the line will take normal splits, smaller on 3-step, and the guards and tackles are to be as far off the ball as possible, but cannot bow the line. (Tackles must be even with guards.) All of our pass plays are called in the huddle with a callside. This refers both to the frontside for receivers and also for protection. 2 indicated playside right, 1 indicates playside left. Immediately after any playcall is the protection call. We used to call our protection strengths at the line but this greatly simplified things. E.g. 262 Green is playside right, 62 which is our 60(quick) game and 2 is our slant/shoot package. 1-Back:

This is a very simple protection scheme that we use with all of our 3-step routes as well as any one back formations. There are two protection calls, Red and Green. The base rules for this protection are as follows: Linemen to callside block man on until the first bubble, or essentially uncovered linemen. (We don't say uncovered because of stunting DL but it is generally uncovered). From the bubble to backside the other will linemen will all slide away from the callside to that gap, and, as we like to say, pick up trash. For example versus a standard 4 man front, with the center uncovered, the center, backside guard and tackle will slide that way. Playside guard and tackle will block man on. The RB essentially blocks LBs inside to out, from the bubble to outside rusher, or if you like Mike to Sam. If they don't come he releases. Often, against 2 safety Ds and most spread formations he doesn't usually have to dual read. The difference between Red and Green is simply that in Red, the Tight end (Y) will stay in, and his rules will be exactly like the other linemen. He often will block the DE. In Green he will release. This has been easy for us and is easy to remember(Green-Go, RedStay). This has needed a minimal amount of adjusting. We use this as our 3-step pass protection, and we tell the QB that the 4th rusher to either side is his man, he must have the ball gone. Also we use it as our 5-step protection when we have only 1 back. If we have a tight end on the field, we will use Red in 5-step, we do not use Red in 3-step except against cover 0 type blitzing teams.

Two-Back/No-Back(Man Scheme):

This has been very easy for us also. The rules are:

OTs block man(DEs almost always, unless stunt, in which case pick up man coming to you) Playside Guard, if uncovered, dual read ILB to OLB, Mike to Sam. If playside guard is uncovered, C and Backside Guard form a 2 man area/zone and will pick up trash. If playside guard is covered, both guards and center form a 3 man area/zone and pick up trash(DTs, ILBs) Both backs check release. Backside back checks OLB to outside rusher to release. Playside back checks OLB(Sam) to outside rusher to release. This is what we do and it has been very effective. With this we form a cup protection, the tackles want to keep a "half-man advantage" to quote Jerry Cambell, and the interior linemen must stay square and set up, not allowing much penetration up the middle. We try to focus on the how rather than who.


For our play action, we essentially just do the same thing as Red/Green protections, even from two back, but we more often keep the tight end in. We simply make a call on top of

the normal play call, which for us is Gator. E.g. Doubles Rt 252 Red Gator. Doubles RT, the formation, flanker and tight end right, split end and slot left, single back. 252 Callside right, 52 5-step series, 2 is the playcall, which is our corner/smash routes. Red, protection, with Gator adjustment. All Gator does for the line and tight end is tell them to be slightly more aggressive at the snap, to help sell run. The bottom line however is to get their men blocked. Gator is really for the QB and the RB, as it tells them to carry out their run fake to the callside. The back has the difficult job of using correct steps, faking the handoff, selling it and then carrying out a block or if no one comes releasing into the route. So we spend a lot of time with them practicing this. This is how we carry out or pocket-style play action passing. We always use green or red with a gator call, with our 5-step route series. There are some of our 5-step plays that we run almost exclusively from play action. Here are a few notes from an article Bill Walsh wrote about play action passing, they are so helpful, I will quote them at length: "The offensive line can be an easy place for defenses to find indicators[that it is a playaction pass and not a run]. One of the easy reads for the defense, is if a lineman's helmet pops up. The helmets and pads of offensive linemen have to stay at the same level as on a run play. The secondary defenders, corners or safeties. will see those helmets pop up or the tackle drop back and they know immediately that it is a pass. (For example, if the corner to the open side of the field is looking through an offensive tackle right to the quarterback and he sees that tackle's helmet pop up and step back-he will not care what the fake is, unless it is a fake draw-he will automatically know that the play is a playpass.) The quarterback must understand that play pass blocking is not as sound and can break down. He must be prepared for a pass rusher to get off of his blocker and be penetrating early. The quarterback must understand this, concentrate down field, and possibly take a hit just after he throws. [The Running back's] faking technique requires shoulders at waist-high level, arms and hands held exactly as in taking a hand off-except the far hand is placed flat against the stomach so the ball can be inserted in the pocket then pulled out smoothly. Basic [play-action pass protection] requires the onside linemen (center-guard-tackle) to employ controlled, quick protection. This is taught as a technique. Contact is made at the line of scrimmage. The defenders cannot be given space. Any space between the defensive and offensive linemen indicates to the defense its a pass. Contact should be sustained but in balance and in control, lunging forward can be disastrous. The ability to move laterally with the defender is critical."


Our half-roll protection is one that we for some reason in our great coaching wisdom, had wanted to get rid of several seasons ago. However, the kids liked it so much and it was always successful and easy for us, that we had to continue using it. It is very similar in concept to the half-roll protection used by the run and shoot, except our QBs have more freedom to keep rolling out and we try to design it as such. Also, it has continually proven to be positive to vary our launch points for all, and this has also been effective for QBs without very strong arms, and shorter ones to see better. I think many QBs can be more comfortable with this than certain dropbacks. We use this with our 50 series, but it is independant of callside, because we may not always want to roll to the strongside. We do it by making a Rocket or Laser call, Rocket being half-roll right, Laser being Half-roll left. So for example: Doubles Rt Open 154 Rocket. So players must listen and not confuse the normal callside with the half-roll callside. Anyway, here are the rules: Backside Tackle: Backside Tackle: Turn and Hinge Backside Guard: Turn and Hinge Center: If covered or shade to callside, reach. If uncovered with no shade to callside, turn and hinge. (Note, on turn and hinges, unless you make immediate contact begin to get depth to stay between the QB and your man. You do not want to be still on the LOS as the DE comes upfield) Playside Guard: Reach, plug hole/backside Playside Tackle: Reach (Note: On any reach block, if you are unable to reach, ride your man out to the sideline. Don't get beat outside trying to hopeless reach. A man pushed out of bounds and kept on the LOS is just as effective.) RB: Take two steps to callside, looking at outside rusher. Look for OLB or outside rusher to come shooting, block first color that shows. If none show, check middle and then backside. You are QBs bodyguard. Step to rush, do not wait for him to get to the QB. Pre-snap look is key. QB will go at a 45 degree angle to a depth of 5-6 yards and then will level off. He will need to get his eyes up, and look downfield. He can continue moving parrallel to the LOS, but he must know when he must stop and step up in the pocket and deliver the ball. If he breaks contain he can continue out, he does not have a set place he has to be, but he must be smart.

This is a protection reliant on the QB. He must help his blockers by not getting into trouble, thinking he can outrun everyone, and he must have a good sense of timing and be well practiced, as this type of dropback is not as carefully calibrated as our 5 and 3 step drops are. However, its simplicity and ability to move the QB around has been a real asset to us, as shown by the fact that for a time we were too blind to see it.

5-Step passes Our 5-step game is our base passing game, and what we go to the most. It also has been versatile because we incorporate other actions into the same framework, half-roll and play action, which keeps the learning curve of the offense low, and gives us more looks. We try to be simple in all that we do, and as such we essentially have 6 concepts that we run from the 5-step, a couple tags that don't really change too much, and that's it. We go with that. We do little tweaks here and there as necessary, usually just to get it to go in a formation we've not used before, but we install the entire 5-step game over about 5 practices during two-a-days and then essentially repeat that process over until the start of the season. I had the honor of hearing Norm Chow talk, and he said "I'd be lying if I said we knew what the defense was going to call or even was just in on a given play, so we just try to take a piece of the field and attack it and work with that." This is something we try to do as well, and has proven effective. When we went through the restructuring of our offense a few seasons ago, this was the area we looked at in specific. We had a lot of goals, diversification and simplication, etc etc. But in the end we came up with this, which is largely a composite of us as a staff and influences from successful coaches. There is nothing revolutionary here, but it is our system and has worked extremely well for us, and our players have enjoyed it and found it simple. We communicated a lot during this process with our players, and many of them have proven to be the best teachers. On that note, communication has been the big key for our offense, and every time we come back from the sideline, those that are not on defense, and at halftime, etc, we try to find out what they think they can get. In building the offense, we went with three precepts: 1. The outside receivers must be a 3 way threat running down the field on both straight ahead and if they stem. (corner, dig and post for example, or go curl and out) 2. All 5 receivers must be seen by the defense as vertical threats 3. We will control the ball with the pass, get rid of it quickly off of 5 step drops and look for first downs. Anyway, here is our offense, it is taught with simple FS#1-3 rules and BS#1-2. The players do need understanding of the plays and where they are on the field, but we don't

run anything in games that we have not run in practice. We have a few simple tags that are specific to plays, and other than that if we want a player to run a route, we tell which player and which route. (e.g. X-Post) If we have a 4th receiver going to the same side, such a trips formation with the protection and check releasing back to that side or some kind of play action to the strong side, the 4th receiver to a given side will have the same route responsibility as FS#3. We will usually tag one or the other receivers, either by protection call or specific tag, to stay in and block, or run a different route as we do not want players running into each other or clogging zones, but instead of making them memorize complicated rules, we will tell them with the playcall. A side note about the O, is that our goal is to get rid of the ball quickly, we only have one 7-step drop, and the ball can even be released sooner. Our Qbs also must be mindful of who the quick receivers are on a given play that can get the ball off of 5-quick steps, or he must also be able to throw the ball away. On here I will show the plays from different formations, I don't show them from ones that make sense, like if I show it from doubles it is essentially the same as Doubles but with the tight end split out, or a double slot, and even if the tight end is in Red blocking there you can imagine it with Green, I wanted to show some of the more "advanced" I guess is the word, but not really anything special or difficult, but these are the types of looks we'll put in from week to week and practice to show something new. And as a final note on that, we always try to protect the QB first, we don't run protections with many free releasers if the QB is not protected, I.E. 6 man protections versus 7 man fronts. We'd rather check then release than get our QB in too much trouble.


Curl/Flat is a mirrored route similar to our 3-step game, so there is not a front side or back side, just 1, 2 and 3 from either side. #1: Curl route. 12-14 yards downfield. Attack loose defenders' outside shoulder, sell deep and break quickly. Versus squat or press man coverage, inside release and get inside leverage. Get the defense on your outside hip, sell deep and break, and keep him outside.

In both cases come back to QB, and simply try to find the Quarterback's eyes. You will naturally find an open lane for him to throw you the ball. It is as simple as looking through a window. #2: Run a flat route. Versus man break outside release and break upfield slightly. You want to reach a depth of 2-3 yards deep when you reach the numbers. #3: Sit Route. Find an open hole over the middle and sit. If in backfield 5-6 yards, if coming from an outside receiver position 6-8 yards. QB: Pick your side pre-snap. If there is a post call on a player, see if you think he will be a viable option. At the snap keep your head downfield on the first 3-steps, and try to get a "peek" if the post will come open for six points. If so finish drop and deliver it quickly. If not, on the last two steps look for the curl, try to look through the window on your hitch up steps and deliver the football. If the passing lane is not there, shift your weight and look for the flat quickly. We also teach the Qbs to "look off" the curl to the flat to draw the defense up before hitting the curl. If the flat is not there look for your dump off over the middle. Tag: "Wheels" (Pro Rt 251 BOB Wheels) call tells the players running flat routes to turn them into flat and go, or wheel routes. Run the flat, look over your outside shoulder and then wheel up the sideline outside the Curl. The QB will now try to get the wheel first and then come down to the curl route.


Also a mirrored route. #1: Smash route. Run a 5-step hitch, but quicken steps and only reach a depth of about 4 yards, and then turn back to QB. Pause a moment and look for the ball quickly by the QB in trouble. Now you have full freedom to move at your depth of 4-5 yards. Move away from coverage, inside or out, or run inside away from man to man. "grass rule"

(Grass rule is what we use shorthand for finding the open space in your immediate area. He isn't allowed to run all over the field, but within his little area, not getting any deeper to interfere with the corner, or shallower, he has a lot of freedom.) #2: Corner. Release upfield, escape underneath coverage, and look for a safety sitting on the hashmark to make your move against. If there is none just run vertically. Jab for the post at 10 and then break for the corner. The QB will "throw you open", in other words he will throw it to the open grass and you must go and get it. #3: Sit route, see above. QB: Look for side pre-snap. On first 3-steps look down the field, and see safety reaction. Look for a safety not getting outside quickly(if there is a post route call think about glancing outside to draw them out to hit the guy up the middle.) On the last 2 steps of your drop look to your side, glance at the smash route to pull up the coverage, then look for the corner on your last step and hitch step. Deliver the ball to the open space if he is open. This is not a lob pass, it will be caught from 21-26 yards downfield, with some zip, and never try to lob it over a retreating player. If the corner is covered come down to the smash, remembering the rule of not throwing to the player, throwing away from the defenders, and then looking for the dump off over the middle.

Mesh Route:

One of our most productive routes, and an absolute favorite in the red zone. It is our slight adjustment on the BYU/Kentucky/Texas Tech version. Has been a staple of our offense and has worked versus a lot of different coverages. FS#1: Corner route. Inside stem for 5 yards, then push vertically to 10 yards, make an inside jab at 10 and then break for the corner, or the open grass. QB will throw you

open. Inside or outside release versus press man, but make sure to push inside at 10 and then break out, break a bit flatter but run to the football. FS#2: Crossing route at 6 yards. You are responsible for setting the depth of the mesh. Run through undercoverage covering running backs or other receivers(do not look at them, keep arms pumping and just go where you are going. Do not visibly reroute yourself.) Level off after you pass the center, and versus zones settle in the open spots, looking through the window to the QB. Versus man sprint away. FS#3: Run a flat route, release quickly, you do not have to have a depth of 5 yards, but get no wider than the numbers. If you are check releasing get a good pre-snap look and cheat your split out. BS#2: Run a flat route, see above. BS#1: Run a crossing route. You will be at a depth of 5 yards, underneath the frontside crossing receiver. Cut your split in to 4-5 yards. Once you cross the center level off and versus zone, settle in the hole looking through the window, versus man accelerate away. QB: Pre-snap keys are the corner route, and any post-tag on the play. Try to get a good key if you think the post route will be an option. Look downfield on your first step, but you can come off it quickly to begin looking at the corner. It is a High-low read exactly like the corner smash. If it is open throw him open to the grass. Also versus man to man think about this route if you have a mismatch and, obviously if he is going to get open. Give the receiver a chance on the deeper shot. Come down to the flat if he is not open, hit this quickly while he is still running away from the inside coverage for big yards. If the defense covers the corner and the flat and runs outside, which happens most of the time, (but we will obviously keep hitting the corners and the flats as long as they do not) come down to the mesh. The backside crosser should be open in the hole left by the players to cover the corner and the flat, and if not simply scan from one meshing receiver to the other, to finally your outlet in the opposite flat, shifting your weight and vision. Tag: We will give this play a "whips" tag. The two crossing receivers (FS#2 and BS#1) will begin exactly as before, but once they reach a depth of 5-6 yards that will stop, pivot and whip back out to the same side they came from. They will accelerate versus man and settle versus zone. This essentially is the same read for the QB, as his eyes end up going to the same place. This has been exactly as both simply a change up, especially versus man to man, as well as an effective option versus teams trying to pattern read or wall off our crossing routes.

Speed-Out/Middle read:

A great bread and butter play which with a small tag becomes often our weapon of choice to attack downfield. This play has a slightly longer learning curve, but it makes us a better offense and the skills learned with this play translate over. FS#1: Speed out. 6 step speed out route, the 6th step is the last vertical step, on the 7th step begin rolling the cut to the outside. This is a speed/roll cut. The break should be at around 10 and roll to 12. Make sure to end up flat, parrallel to the LOS. Roll over the

outside foot. At snap of ball attack the outside hip of the defender, sell deep and then roll your cut. Look for ball quickly, catch and get upfield. We do not convert this route, and if you end up running it versus a rolled up or press corner just run it the best you can at 10 yards and if the ball happens to be thrown(it should not) it is your job to go and get it. FS#2: Middle Read Route: This is a very productive route, but it is a conversion route, although a simple one, so we must spend time teaching the receivers their keys when running this. The key with conversions routes, is to pick one, and run it full speed. You can never think "oh no" and try to run the other route after starting the first. It will result in interceptions. We always say full-speed mistakes are better than a half-assed anything. The player will release. If they are split out, and not lined up as a tight end, they will stem the route inside for 5 yards and then push vertical. They must escape the undercoverage, and get downfield. Do not waste time. Their keys are the middle. We simply look for "middle open" or "middle closed" with the thought process being, "will I get open down the deep middle?" The presence of a deep middle safety sitting there is a strong indication that they will not. At 10 yards they will speed/roll cut their break either for the post, or parrallel to the LOS across the field at 12 yards. If they run a square in, they will look for the window to the QB, and will settle in the hole versus zone, or accelerate versus man. This is usually hit somewhere right down the middle of the field. FS#3: Short Hook: As a running back they will check release and run a short hook route at 5-6 yards over the offensive tackles, and will then turn back to the QB. They have some freedom to slide, but it is much more limited than on other dump off routes. If they are a tight end or outside receiver they will come off the ball hard, but will chop their feet to give the illusion of selling deep, and will still hook at 5-6 yards over or just outside where the tackles line up. BS#2: See FS#3 BS#1: See FS#1 QB: Get a good pre-snap look and decide which direction you want to go. Look for matchup/leverage. At snap look downfield on the first step he looks directly downfield. Then, begin looking for the speed out. You have to decide in a hurry if the ball is going to go to the speed out. If there is any kind of tight coverage, etc, he is not getting the ball. We took away his conversion routes so the QB could come off of him more quickly to the inside receivers, and did not have to hesitate to throw the speed out when he felt it was there because he was afraid the receiver would run some other route. The QB decides if he is throwing it to the speed out. If he does, as soon as he hits the 5th step of his 5 step drop(a quicker 5, but still 3 big and 2 small) and will release the ball without taking a hitch step. We often will let the QB throw this into the boundary to make it an easier throw. If the QB decides he is not going to throw to the speed out, he will finish his drop looking downfield for the middle read. When he hitches the middle-read should be showing whether he is running the post or the square in, and he should see it developing. If the receiver is breaking open, he will deliver the football to the open grass for the receiver

either running away from man or in some kind of zone void. If the receiver is not open he will come down to his two short hooks and dump the ball off. This play ends up going to the backs a good percentage of the time, which is not a problem. Tag: We commonly make a "Takeoffs" tag. (I.E. Pro Rt 254 BOB Takeoffs) which tells FS#1 and BS#1 to run "Go" routes. The receivers will take normal splits and attack the outside shoulder of the defenders. At 10-12 they will make a move(but not if the defender is already trailing or versus just air) and get overtop of the defender, making sure to leave 5 yards towards the sideline. If the defender is playing hard-outside leverage, we won't swim inside of him, but will burst vertically inside him and get back overtop. Versus press man make escape move at line and then burst vertically. Read does not change for QB, still outside to in, but he can look at the outside longer. Take a normal, but still quick 5 step drop and hitch step and get rid of the ball. Ball should be delivered with low/medium arc and be caught at 35-40 yards downfield.


A great route for us, versus single safety teams this and curl are our go to plays, and they work great in combination, but this has been solid versus a lot of defenses. We use this play % wise with play action(Gator) more than any other pass in our system. FS#1: Stem-Post. Stem inside at a 45 degree angle to 5 yards, burst to 10-12 and then break for the post. Get more upfield than across the field. If you know you are going

to be covered, try to influence two deep defenders. If the ball is thrown to you go up and get it at its highest point. FS#2: Wheel route/flat and go. Run a flat, look over outside shoulder and then wheel it up the sideline. FS#3: Short Hook. See above. BS#2: Short Hook, see above. BS#1: Dig route. Stem inside at a 45 degree angle to a depth of 5 yards. Burst vertically. Escape undercoverage. at a depth of 13-15 yards roll/speed cut your square-in cut and burst out of your break across the field. Look for a window versus zone, accelerate versus man, but expect the ball out of your cut regardless of the coverage. QB: 5-7 quick step drop, with a hitch step. A unique drop, if the ball is going to the peek or to #1 wheel it is out of 5 steps, but if those progressions are not there the QB will finish his drop to 7 steps(5 in gun) and look for the dig). Get a good pre-snap look at the post, and look at him on the first three steps of your drop. If he is there finish your drop quickly and let it go. If not come over to the wheel route, look for him up the sideline. If the defense has been sucked in deliver the ball to him on the sideline. We do not usually end up throwing the wheel, but versus certain defenders or defenses they do get caught on this. If it is not there, finish your 7-step drop and hitch up while you look for the dig. As you finish the last 2 of the 7 look at the short hooks to pull up the defense off the dig. AS you hitch up look at the dig route. Deliver the ball out of the break to the dig. Throw through a window, do not try to drop it over linebackers, throw between them. If they are dropping to cover the dig, come down and get it to the short hooks, do not hold on to the ball waiting for things to open up.


A great play that has been versatile for years, rare that this play does not produce an open receiver, and is a great way to get the backs involved when we tag the backs. FS#1: Run a go route. See above. FS#2: Run a readout. Outside release and run to 10-12 years, and roll the cut on the out. Find the open grass. Run away from man and find a hole versus zone, either in the

first window or the second. This can look like different routes, it can look like a kind of outside breaking curl, or a true out, it depends where the best "Grass" is. FS#3: Run a flat route. Cheat your split out and get outside. Get to a depth of 2-3 yards and get no wider than the outside part of the numbers. You must get out quickly to clear the way for the readout. BS#2: Run a flat, see above. BS#1: Run a stem-curl. Stem inside at 45 degrees to 5 yards, and then burst upfield. The break for this route is between 16-18 yards. Curl and find the open window, it might be inside or outside, you have a lot of freedom to move around. QB: Get a pre-snap look at the Go route, and help determine of that will be there. On the first step of your drop look downfield, on the next 3 look for the go. If that is going to be there, quickly finish your drop, hitch up and deliver it with low/medium arc from 35-40 yards downfield. Your primary read is the readout. Finish your drop while you look at him. Look for the grass area, and throw it in the window. If he is covered shift your weight and come down to the flat route. If that does not produce an open receiver, you will step up in the pocket and look backside for the stem-curl. This route comes open very well for a solid 15-18 yard gain very often, and has been very key for us, especially versus man to man. If the stem-curl is also covered, you have an outlet receiver in the opposite flat. Tag: We often will tag one of the backs, usually FS#3, to an "angle" route, which begins like a flat route, but when the back reaches the line of scrimmage or just beyond, he plants his foot and angles inside. This is a great adjustment versus man to man first, and then several coverages, and is how we will primarily run this play versus two safety(cover 2) teams. That is our five step game. The key with it is we can put them in a lot of looks, it just all depends on our creativity with formations etc. They were all designed to function with our primary formations, Pro(flanker, tight end, split end splitbacks), Doubles(flanker and tight end right, split end and slot left, single back) and Doubles Open(double slot formation) However, with the simple rules are applicable to a number of formations, maybe with minor adjusments, all of which can be practiced and repetitioned, which is the key to all of these things.

3-Step Passing Diagrams to come. Our 3-step game has been simplified in recent seasons but it has actually produced more productivity. We spend more time now on running good routes and having timing and having simple concepts than trying to do a lot of things, howevever we do probably seem much more multiple since we have a lot more formations and motions and looks. While we do call, Our 3-step game from the sideline, but for the most part the 3-step game is used as a check to take advantage of particular things the defense is giving up/is

succeptible to. We do not want to be baited into anything, but we tell our QB that he is a thief, and his job is to steal opportunities, and get the ball in the hands of our receivers quickly. Obvious examples are we are getting great cushion, we will call hitches, etc. Slant and 4 verticals are called more often from the sideline. Also, it is important to get a better concept of our offense if you read the section on protection. For almost all 3-step we use Green protection, though sometimes we use red, and in no back we use BOB.

It is important to note a few of the things that are specific to the 3-step game and how it is called: They are mirrored, and there is a #1 and #2 from the sideline for each play. E.G. for slant it is #1-slant #2-shoot, and this happens on both sides. When we do 3-step from non-noback formations, which is most all of the time, the back with the protection responsibilities will, if not needed in blocking, will run what we call a check M and will settle somewhere over the middle in an open spot 3-5 yards downfield in a window to the QB. He is the outlet. If there are three outside receivers(split receivers, and tight ends) to a side he will run a slant. He will serve as both a hot receiver if the inside linebackers blitz but also he will settle versus zone if he does not get the ball immediately and he becomes another

outlet. His other obvious purpose is as a clearance receiver.

The Hitch:

For us, all the receivers run hitches, which has allowed our QBs to more easily hit their men in the seams. #1: Hitch. Five steps, attacking the defender over you's outside hip. (3 big and 2 quick.) On the fifth step turn around, but don't come back like it is a curl. Get head around quickly. Catch ball and head up sidelines. [We do not convert our hitches, if they play up coverage his job is to get between himself and the defender and box him out.] #2: Hitch. See above coaching points, however, if there is a man over you, run directly at him. If there is not, run route straight upfield. QB: Pre-snap, look for best matchup/leverage(cushion and position of flat defender.)(Or if there is a slant defender look for hot.) At snap keep eyes downfield on first step, and then look for the outside hitch, if someone is flashing in front shift and look for the inside hitch. If that is not there look for your dump off.


#1: Slant. Attack outside shoulder of defender, and break off of outside foot on third step. Break at slightly more upfield than 45 degree angle. Keep defender on backside. This route is not run at 100% speed. Slow it down a notch or two, as you are passing through zone holes, and is a difficult throw on time. Versus press/jam coverage use escape move and release inside, get defender on outside hip, and break inside. (Versus a cover 2 outside shading corner step at him to get him going outside, and then burst inside him upfield and then break on slant.) Catch ball and get vertical. #2: Run a shoot route to a depth of no more than 1-2 yards. Look on 4th or 5th step, over outside shoulder. [If there is a "Dupe" call, #2 runs a slant also, and he should attack the inside hip of the defender over him, looking for inside leverage or to suck the defender over him in freeing up the outside receiver.] QB: Choose side pre-snap. Look for matchup/leverage. On snap look downfield on first step, then look to your side. Look for the slant, and hit him as he is breaking open off your third step in the window. Do not try to release too quickly, or hold on too long, simply on rhythm. Versus man, do not throw to the receiver so much as away from the defender. This will give your receiver a better play on it. If it is not there shift and look for the flat, and if not that look for the dump off.


#1:Run a fade. On this you must outside release, unless you cannot beat the defender outside, then burst upfield inside of him and get back outside. Get upfield, and leave 5 yards on the sideline, more on the wide side. #2: Outside release, and begin rolling the cut on the 3rd step, 45 degree on the 4th and flatten on the fifth. This is a speed cut, and will stay consistent. Outside release using an escape move versus press man. Run away from any interior defenders. QB: Pre-snap read leverage/matchup. This is a good audible against single safety man defenses with inside leverage. Look for fade first, if the cornerback squats short look to stick the fade at 18-20 yards. If the corner drops with the fade, come down to out and lead him away from coverage. If not there dump it off.

Four verticals:

#1: Fade. You can inside release here versus outside coverage if you get back overtop to the outside. Leave 5 yards to the sideline. Make move at 7 yards and get overtop. Versus press man use an escape maneuver and release either way with least resistence, but then get back overtop. #2: Run verticals. Use the hashes as landmarks. Use fastest release to escape underneath defenders, and if you get rerouted, quickly get back to your landmarks. [Note: the callside receiver will read the play on the run and has a simple conversion. If the defense is in a "middle open" scheme, he will "bend" his route at 7-9 yards and head for the post. This is not a major plant and break, just a simple "bend". Versus middle closed schemes, like a defense with a single deep safety, he will continue up the hash. QB: Look for leverage and matchup pre-snap. On 3-step drop take 3 big steps. Look down middle of field on first step, looking for safety/safeties reactions, and trying to hold them. Look for an outside receiver, and if he is open stick him the ball before the hash safety can get over. Versus single safety defenses, use this as an opportunity to look off the safety, and come back to the receiver on the opposite hash and if he is open stick it in between the hash. The ball should be caught between 18-22 yards for outside receivers and 16-20 for the seam receivers. Versus man drop it over the receiver's outside shoulder.

This has been our simple 3-step schemes for several seasons and has been very produtive. It's simplicity has been a real asset, because we expect our QBs to be able to use these as audible tools for a lot of situations. Plus, it's job is to take advantage of defendive alignments(press or loose coverage, etc) and as such has helped our QBs understand the rest of the offense and build confidence. The bootleg is a powerful tool in many respects. I like it because of its effective misdirection nature, it is another way to attack the coverage in a different way by getting the quarterback out of the pocket, and it takes advantage of an athletic quarterback by letting him run if the defense commits itself to the pass. On bootlegs he is a runner first. It is also a great way to throw the ball down by the goal line. The only note here is that we do not usually boot from trips, but it can be done using crossing routes to the single receiver side or some kind of route combination to the trips side. We just find that it is usually peripheral to what we do.

The basic principal of the bootleg is to have the quarterback fake the run action and then boot out to pass/run. The quarterback will fake the handoff and hide the ball, he must do this well. In shotgun the running back will run in front of him, as he does in most runs from the gun. The linemen will attack like a normal zone run play, except the guard on the backside will pull. The running back, after faking, will block the man over the guard. The QB will try to get the corner but because of the guard's block sometimes he must cut underneath. The pass combinations are meant to be simple, if they overpursue to the frontside there is the backside drag, and then there is the quarterback running. He should try to go wherever the yards are, but he should think cutback. The most popular route combo is the slot man to the flat, after faking a block. The other combo though is also effective, and often can result in a big play to the corner route. I am a huge fan of screens. I find that not only are they a way to get your best skill people in space with the ball, but they are also equalizers versus teams that can outspeed and outmuscle you. You can use their speed against them by getting them out of position, and you can get your linemen on smaller defenders in space and avoid their defensive linemen and size or strength advantage. Good versus any type of defense they limit what a defense is willing to do in so many

ways it is almost mind boggling. The fear of the screen really helps eliminate a great number of options a defense has. The other thing, is it is a play that high school and lower level athletes can handle. Downfield passing and complex schemes are not always easy, but screen passing, and then the adjustments they force the defense to make, or prevents them from making, not only is viable physically for average high school players, it also simplifies things mentally. As stated before, it allows you to get the ball to your athletes in open space with blockers. It turns an offensive play into a situation like a kick return. Also, those linemen blockers, who are used to blocking guys bigger and stronger then them, now get to attack smaller defensive backs. And with a smart runner, if those defensive backers and people try to sidestep your linemen, your runner should be hitting those holes created. Of course, the linemen should get at least get a good shove in. Also, especially with the WR screens, it is a way to get the ball to people who maybe you have a harder time getting the football to. Maybe your quarterback can't throw all the routes as consistently, or is young and needs time to grow, at least you can go to these screens to get the ball to playmakers in space. Finally, these are designed with average linemen in mind, not just college or pro guys with superior size and talent. So asking a guy to block a 3 count then release from the guard position to block the flat defender is something we can't consistantly ask a guy to do.

The Screen to the halfback is the first one we install. It can be run from basically any formation, and is our way of getting the ball to who is generally our best athlete year in and year out in space. The quarterback will take the snap and will retreat like on a pass drop, he needs to be conscious to not retreat too fast, because he does not want to be 40 yards back totally giving away that it is a screen. Also, he doesn't want to go too slow and let the defense get to him

obviously or make it difficult to deliver the ball. He should keep his eyes downfield or look off the other direction. The receivers will release hard off the ball and will make blocks downfield, hopefully also on the safety. The onside tackle, guard and center will pass set for a one count then release as fast as they can to get in front of the screen. It is hard to be specific on who they block, but the tackle generally has #1 or #2 from the sideline and the center usually peels back to pick up trash. They need to know they can go downfield in high school. The back will fake a pass block set up to his side for a one count and then will release and loop around away from the LOS and curl back to the QB. He will then need to get upfield quickly and follow his blockers.

The Wide receiver screen is a personal favorite of mine that we do many times a game with great success. This is a play that has seen increased success and visibility at all levels. The quarterback will drop just as he does on the H screen, and will retreat drawing the defense looking away, and will deliver the ball to the screen receiver after a 5 step drop. The backside receivers will simply run off and try to find someone to hit after a certain depth and selling pass. The running back will simply try to pick up the most dangerous rusher from the linemen that leave. The outside receiver will run up two hard steps and then retrace his steps and begin to come back to the quarterback. He should not get very far in however, and must make sure to be behind the line of scrimmage. Upon catching the ball he must get upfield quickly. The large advantage to the way we do it, and the flexibility we give our blockers, to either reach, come underneath and drive, or kick out the defenders based on where htey are, is it gives our receiver 3 distinctly different paths he can take depending on whatever opens up. It gives you more variation because defenses have different characteristics and adjust differently. The cutback accross the formation happens if the linebackers and safeties way overpursue and the guard and center can come underneath and take those players out of position, but that scenario is rarer. The next closest inside receiver will take one or two hard steps off the line as in a pass route, but then will come underneath and stalk block #1 from the sideline. The onside tackle will immediately release and will try to come underneath and block #2 from the sideline, but can also wall him off and kick him out. The guard and center will

pass set up for a one count and then will release and curl up trying to pick up the linebackers/safeties and any other general trash. IN trips, the outside receiver blocks #1 and everything else just moves in one. (the inside man in trips blocks #2 instead of #1, etc.)

This is one of my favorite plays. However, we never call this in the huddle, it is only used in the no-huddle or as an audible. It is extremely simple. Simply if the flat defender is splitting the difference or if we have some other kind of numerical mismatch we will go to this. The outside receivers will block and the third man(either slot man or back) will release quickly and catch the ball and get to the outside or cut inside the block and get upfield. Moreover, we have to do this a lot to ensure that they are accounting for all our receivers(which is key to pass protection). The outside receiver will block #1 from the sideline, the next receiver will block #2. The onside tackle will punch hard the defensive end to get his hands down. The guard and center will punch hard and then will release downfield to try to pick up pursuit. The QB has to deliver the ball immediately upon receiving the snap, and sometimes out of shotgun this is hard. He doesn't have time to get the laces in all honesty. Just deliver the ball The run game is very important to any offense of course, and especially this. However, before I get to the meat and potatoes I wanted to mention a few things. The bubble principle that I have mentioned previously is not so much a function of the passing game, it is a function of the run game and pass protection. The whole point is to prevent defenses from putting more people in the box than you can account for or at least easily process and organize assignments. This keeps the defense to usually only 5 or 6 defenders, a reasonable number, and it lets you analyze based on safeties. Providing you have checked out the bubble rule, and have noticed any defensive shifts or safety/CB blitzes if you see 2 safeties they should not be able to put more than 5 defenders in the box. Moreover, you can look at their coverage, cover 2, 3 etc and it can immediately tell you whether a run or pass is advisable based on down or distance. Obviously because the

numbers are more favorable, we like to run the ball a lot more versus cover 2 or cover 4 than we do 3 or 1, because of the extra defender in the box. Next, I wanted to get the receiver blocking rules out of the way. The outside receivers have a few simple rules that apply to all our runs. The first is if it is an inside running play, and the defender over you is deeper than 5 yards, block him and stalk his inside shoulder. If he is shallower than 5 yards, accelerate past him and try to hit the safety before the runner can get there. If it is an outside run to you, block the man over you no matter what, if he is shallower than 5 yards be cautious of him shooting inside you to make a tackle for a loss, but otherwise try to stalk his outside shoulder attempting to give the runner the sideline. Moreover, by doing this, he will often widen so if you can't you can just shove him out of bounds and it still leaves a big alley. If the play is to the outside and away the receiver will try to cut off the safety. The slot receivers only rule is to block the man over them, however he has to be mindful of where the play is going so he knows whether to straight ahead drive or which shoulder to take. It should be noted that while we don't have a true outside stretch or sweep the receivers block option as an outside run. We do this because we weren't getting good angles from the shotgun, and we already throw bubble screens and flat passes, and screen and pitch on the option, and felt like we didn't need it any longer and we still try to and succeed at putting a lot of pressure on the edges with out a true sweep, stretch or toss. On all handoffs the QB's job is not over, he should boot out, fake dropping pack to pass and even throwing fake psses a la Brett Favre. It really does work. Also, you'll notice I do not draw a specific path on a lot of our runs because I feel it is difficult to accurately predict a lot of times where the defense will line up and how they will stunt and things, and instead of giving our players a lot of confusing rules regarding this, we preach to our blockers to get a hat on someonbody and crush them and our runner to find the hole or seam and get positive yards. However, while we give the runner freedom, we also work hard to discipline them and we want them going north and south most of the time, not dancing, especially not in the backfield. It is more of a one decision or one cut, and go. The last note, and I have mentioned this, is that we will do a formation or personel group(depending who our best blocking types are) and it will look just like our doubles formation except our slots will be in a 2 point stance with their feet parrallel, in a football stance, one yard outside the tackle and one yard back. All the rules stay the same, but it gives us a chance to substitute bigger people and better blockers if they aren't already out there and gives us more of a power set.

When scouting and looking to run the ball we look for what their alignments are, but for the most part we look for personel and attempt to find who we can run against, both on the defensive line and as far as linebackers. Basically we look for people to pick on. That is our biggest criteria. (It should be noted, that a lot of teams try to hide their weaker defenders by surrounding them with the best defenders. For example a weak defensive linemen might have the best linebacker behind him, or they might do it with numbers by bringing up a safety. So even if you're running vs the weakest defender, are you getting yards?) When I get the chance I will diagram the quarterback runs that we use when we have the quarterback for it.

Our base play and the run play we use the most often. The inside zone is a favorite of ours because it is totally a drive blocking play but also gives our running back to find the hole, but once he does, he is going north and south. We want to take medium splits, so there isn't a lot of overlapping as far as rules but we don't want to allow penetration. The rule for all of the linemen is to block the man on, over or inside you. If he is over you will lateral step first and then drive, if over you just fire out into his chest and inside you just block down upon him. If uncovered, you will combo the nearest defensive linemen to linebacker. Some teams free release those linemen, but we want to crush the defensive line if at all possible and control the line of scrimmage, but they do have to be careful not to waste too much time with the defensive linemen before releasing. The quarterback will take the handoff and reach the ball in front of him. The RB will step at an angle in front of the quarterback and will take the handoff with his eyes forward. It is the quarterback's job to get the ball to him. Once he sees where he wants to go, he will plant hard and accelerate.

The draw is an underrated run play in my opinion. Especially from the shotgun. Anyway, the tackles will set up and basically pass protect and try to force the defensive ends wide and let them take themselves out of the play. The three interior linemen will do a short pass set up then block either the linemen over them or if uncovered will release downfield and block the most dangerous second level player, which is usually either the middle backer or the strongside backer. The QB will take the snap, then raise the ball high in pass position(don't exaggerate, a lot of coaches think if defenders see anything they'll jump, they really do notice when it is exaggerated) and then will lower and put the ball in the runner's pocket. The runner will step laterally towards the sidelines and then stepback towards the QB, take the handoff, then "run to daylight".

The option is a powerful tool that we are glad to incorporate in our offense, though the level of emphasis each year depends upon the players we have. The playside defensive end is the player we are optioning, and as a result the playside tackle and guard will block down on the next closest interior defender, usually the defensive tackle, and the tackle will combo to backer. Versus the odd front diagrammed above it takes on a slightly different personality, but the rules mostly remain the same. The center, guard and tackle will step inside to seal to

prevent pentration and the uncovered one will then release onto the backside or middle backer. The quarterback will attack the defensive end's outside shoulder in an effort to make him commit and he will pitch it if he thinks the defensive end can tackle him. We used to use moire archaic rules like if he sits or steps laterally etc, but when we turned it to that the quarterbacks became more comfortable with the idea. We do strongly warn him that if the end does tackle him and he didn't pitch, he will have some explaining to do. The H will step laterally and then will maintain the proper pitch relationship expecting the ball at any time, especially the quick pitch. We've often had the qb take the snap, take one step and be forced to pitch. If he receives the pitch he will try to hit the sideline based on the blocks of the receivers. Note: If the QB keeps the ball the back must maintain pitch relationship. It is not uncommon for the quarterback to clear the DE and pitch to the RB based on the free safety. No reason for him to let up when he could have a potential touchdown.

Our wedge play is very simple, and it is more of an attempt to just fire out and get four yards no matter what. We honestly don't really have to know what defense they are in, we usually will just try to run this where there are fewer defenders. The guard will just fire out straight, and the center and playside tackle will pinch down and try to fire out as well, the backside guard's job is basically the same but it is unlikely he will touch shoulders as the frontside 3 do, and the backside tackle will release and find someone downfield to block. The back will step laterally and then upon receiving the handoff will explode forward, lowering his shoulders. There is no reason this play should not get four yards. The QB will give him the ball immediately upon receiving the snap.

The trap is our most complicated run play, we still try to keep this simple and it is often very effective, especially versus aggressive defenses. We try to run this to the widest "3" if you use Bear Bryant's defensive technique numbering system. if you do not, basically the player outside the guard that is widest. So this play gets audibled a fair bit. If we line up and one defensive tackle is heads up our guard and the other one is an outside shade, we will try to run the trap to the outside shade. The playside guard will release inside and block the linebacker. Versus an even 4 defensive linemen front with only 5 in the box(2 safeties), the tackle will block the linemen over him, and release inside to seal. Versus an even four man defensive front with 6 in the box (1 safety) or an odd(odd for us is anything with a nose basically)with 5 or 6 in th ebox he will inside release and block the linebacker expecting the back to cut under him. The backside guard will pull and trap first color outside of the center. The center will block the man over the guard or if he has a nose he will fire straight out. The backside tackle will help with the man over the backside guard and will then release to linebacker/downfield. The quarterback will hand it off to the back making sure to put it in his stomach. The back will begin just like the inside zone, then will plant and cut, following the trapping guard and cutting off of his block looking for a seam and making sure to accelerate.

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