Spirtualsistahs Nl2

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Welcome to the April issue of ‘Spiritual Sistahs’, an introduction to Interfaith spirituality for women of the spiritual path.

Many Paths - Valid and Equal Promoting the understanding that no faith or belief system is above or superior to any other! Words By Rev. Anita McKenzie

Long before the birth of organised religion, religious scriptures and missionaries, African people had spiritual practices developed over hundreds of years and based on a thorough respect for divinity of the earth, its seasons and other gifts which they honored and revered for their lifegiving forces. Although it is not widely acknowledged, today Black people of African heritage belong to many different faith groups and are 1 - © Spiritual Sistahs 2

represented in Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Bahai, Humanist, Rastafarian, Jewish Kemetic, Shamanic and other indigenous traditions; they are also Interfaith (to name a few). African people are traditionally a deeply spiritual people and true to their nature, are able to recognise that God is called by different names; and they have initiated and embraced many of the globes spiritual and religious traditions, contributing unique

cultural flavors wherever in the world they have ascended to. I think that in essence all religious and spiritual traditions have the same loving messages and values at their core, which means that we can just get up the mountain in different ways. Often the way in which we have been socialised into our values, beliefs and faith can promote a sense of separateness from others whose values, beliefs and


faiths are different to our own. When we think of our values, beliefs or faith as being '’right'’ this can imply that the 'other' is 'wrong' and this attitude can keep us trapped, instead of enabling us to grasp that basic human need for divine connection to God through self and other. Let us acknowledge there is a sad history and current reality of deep conflicts within the human family, many in the name of different religions. For millennia, precious teachings about love and unity that lie at the heart of every religion all too often have been overshadowed by those who preach intolerance and distrust of the other. How many have us felt dismissive another persons faith based simply on what we’ve heard about that faith? True and loving acceptance are also the lessons of compassion and humility. The great spiritual teachers as open-hearted men and women, have been able to transcend the perception of 'difference' and demonstrate their divine gifts through embracing all of humanity, regardless of values, beliefs or faith. Differences, can

"Spread Love Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children,to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor . . . Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. — Mother Teresa."

be approached as a potential source of enrichment. By believing there is One God, or One Truth, and that different paths can and do lead to the Source of All, we are being inclusive and embracing of a universal truth that lies at the heart of all religious spiritual traditions. Let us celebrate with courage, the values of respect, reconciliation, forgiveness and fellowship that different faiths can offer to us, as we honor and support peace-making and the awareness of our unity in the Spirit of a God that has many

Words of Wisdom The Guest House

Words of Wisdom Please feel free to send your comments and favourite quotes for this section to Anita by email to; [email protected]

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Dedicated to the Inner Journey — From Prayer At Night by Jim Cotter

“Give me a candle of the Spirit, O God, as I go down into the deeps of my being. Show me the hidden things, the creatures of my dreams, the storehouse of forgotten memories and hurts. Take me down to the spring of my life, and tell me my nature and my name. Give me freedom to grow, so that I may become that self, the seed of which you planted in me at my making. Out of the deeps I cry to you, O God.”

He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably.

~ Rumi ~


Be still Listen to the stones of the wall. Be silent, then try To speak your Name. Listen To the living walls. Who are you? Who Are you? Whose Silence are you?

What is Spirituality?

Ascending the steps of spiritual development - part 1 Words and photo (above) Rev. Anita McKenzie

Being spiritual can mean different things to different people and is misunderstood by a good many of us. So to offer clarity, here is one offering:

compassion, by promoting justice and equality.

To live one’s life in union with the Divine and to realise the freedom of one’s higher Self is the “Spirit is the life of God within [and between] us" ultimate gift available to us as human beings. — Saint Teresa of Avila This enables us to pay attention to God’s personal communication with us and to respond to this by Holiness or sacredness is not simply a matter of personal spirituality or prayer – it can be expressed personally communicating with God, to grow into an intimacy with God; and to live out the through a commitment to social justice and to consequences of that deepening relationship. supporting other people to connect with their divine or higher self, to their ultimate connection with a God that is known by many different names. We can therefore explore and apply a spirituality to life that is less theoretical and more personal and practical; and which is reflected in the quality Regardless of where a person is on their spiritual of our relationship to all things around us in our path (to God), there is always an opportunity to everyday lives. We can choose to contemplate what explore a deeper relationship with the spiritual this means for our lives by focusing on the aspect of being human. Spiritual development messages of scripture and through our spiritual can help us to learn how to live in peace and with practice.

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Issue Two April 2009

Symbols of faith... April Faith Calendar Photo (opposite) by Anita McKenzie

Friday 3 April

Hindu - Rama Navami -Birthday of Lord Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu and the hero of the Ramayana Hindu - Swaminarayan Jayanti. This day marks the birth of Bhagwan Swaminarayan for those of the Swaminarayan tradition.

Every person is a microcosm of the entire Creation. When a person brings harmony between his G-dly soul and material life, he brings harmony between the whole of heaven and earth.

Sunday 5 April Christian - Palm Sunday - The sixth and last Sunday of Lent. Marks the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the start of Holy Week.

Tuesday 7 April

Jain- Mahavira Jayanti - The birth anniversary of Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankar and the "founder" of modern Jainism

Wednesday 8 April

Jewish - Fast of the Firstborn Observed only by firstborn males, on the day before Passover. This fast celebrates the survival of Jewish first born sons from the 10th Plague of Egypt.

Thursday 9 April Hindu - Hanuman Jayanti - This festival marks the birth of Hanuman, the Monkey God. Jehovah's Witnesses - Memorial of Christ's Death. The only religious festival marked by Jehovah's Witnesses. Buddhist - Theravada New Year. New Year festival for Theravada Buddhists, celebrated for three days from the first full moon day in April. Jewish -Passover (1st day). The start of the season of Passover when Jews commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel who were led out of Egypt by Moses. Work is not permitted on the first two and the last two days of Passover.

—Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson

Christian - Maundy Thursday. Christians remember Maundy Thursday as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.

Friday 10 April Christian - Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.

Sunday 12 April

Christian -Easter Sunday (Western) Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - his return from death after the Crucifixion. The most important Christian festival. Most years Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on a different date.

Monday 13 April

Sikh - Vaisakhi. The Sikh New Year Festival, which also commemmorates the founding of the Khalsa by the tenth Guru (Guru Gobind Singh) in 1699.

Tuesday 14 April Sikh - Birthday of Guru Nanak (Nanakshahi calendar)- The founder of the Sikh religion was born on 14 April 1469. This festival is also currently

celebrated according to the Lunar Calendar, but this may change. Sikh - Hola Mohalla (Nanakshahi Calendar) is currently celebrated according to the Lunar Calendar, but this may change.

Thursday 16 April

Jewish - Passover (final day). The eighth and final day of Passover. Note that Passover lasts for seven days in Israel.

Saturday 18 April Sikh - Birthday of Guru Tegh Bahadur (Nanakshahi calendar) Guru Tegh Bahadur (1621-1675) was the ninth of the Sikh Gurus. Sikh -Birthday of Guru Angad Dev (Nanakshahi calendar) Guru Angad Dev (1504-1552) was the second of the Sikh Gurus.

Sunday 19 April Christian -Easter (Orthodox) Orthodox Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

4 - © Spiritual Sistahs 2. P.O. Box 50069, London SE6 9AY, England. +44 (0) 208 465 0027 E: [email protected]

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Issue Two April 2009

Thank you all for taking the time to offer your positive thoughts

“Congratulations that read really well” “Thank you so much for this most wonderful 'collection' of inspired thoughts, reflections and insights to remind me of the magnificent wonder of womaness and my inner soul that feeds my daily thoughts and being” “Thanks for the lovely newsletter” “Love the newsletter. Simple to understand and interestingly informative” Your Page Contact: I’m always looking forward to connecting with you. Please feel free to submit comments, brief insights and news for sharing - by email ONLY.

“I love your newsletter - I really do! Thank You” “Thanks so much for the newsletter. I really found it inspiring and so beautiful. I appreciate your thoughts on meditation” “I'd enjoy to continue to receive issues of Spiritual Sistahs. Am pleased how your work is developing” “I found it inspiring and thought provoking and I think it is another of your really good ideas. I loved the images too. I would love you to continue sending them to me.” “well done very impressed with the newsletter it looks really good..”

Happenings Online Interfaith Resources On Facebook the following networking groups have been set up: African Interfaith, Spiritual Sistahs, and Global Interfaith Ministers.

Mind Body Spirit Festival The UK's biggest personal empowerment festival is now celebrating its 33rd year at The Royal Horticultural Halls (20th-25th May) in the heart of London.Visit: www.mindbodyspirit.co.uk or call for a free programme 0207 371 9191

Spiritual Minded Radio Show Check out Spiritual Minded Radio Show da official debut, da urban show with da sanctified swagga and leave ya feedback in da comment section. New shows posted every Friday at 8pm.Visit:

www.spiritualminded.podcastpeople.co m/posts/30981

Black Peoples Ministries ...an inclusive and affirming e-ministry for people of African-Caribbean descent; their friends & families. See: www.blackpeoplesministries.com

Free e-book Download Free E-Book by Esther Austin, Author, Soul Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Talk Show Host. See: http:// publishing.yudu.com/Freedom/Af426/ ReflexionsSoulStirri

The Incredible Veggie Show Sat 18th April, 10am - 6pm. Royal Horticultural Halls, SW1 www.viva.org.uk/london

UK Aware 09 Fri/Sat 17th/18th April. Green and ethical lifestyle show 020 8842 7500. www.ukaware.com

Internet Resources For Family Worship Resources see: http://www.familyworship.org.uk/

Leaders in Interfaith A day to reflect on the characteristics and skills needed by interfaith leaders in the 21st century, and to explore in more depth the interfaith spectrum. Thursday 30th April 10am-4.30pm, at St. Ethelburgas. www.stethelburgas.org/ aainterfaithleadership_leadersininterfait h.html

Internet Resources For Family Worship Resources see: http://www.familyworship.org.uk/

5 - © Spiritual Sistahs 2. P.O. Box 50069, London SE6 9AY, England. +44 (0) 208 465 0027 E: [email protected]

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