Space Station Updated 1

  • October 2019
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#wxsand: owen piette's falling sand game #version 4, file subversion 2 #element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible group stellarobjects empty sun asteroidbelt planet group spacestation empty spacering solarcollector powercore crewquarters shieldgenerator group life oxygencreator empty crew sprinkler seed geneticslab project1 project2 project3 weaponslocker group transport empty transporttubein transporttubeout transporttube group construction empty roboticsbay scaffolding enginescaffolding weaponscaffolding engineeringstation element empty 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 element fire 247 63 63 -1 1 0 1.1 0 self 0.8 fire 1 empty self .4 fire .35 fire .25 fire2 .25 fire3 .15 empty element fire3 255 130 71 -1 1 0 1.1 0 self .4 fire3 .35 fire .25 fire3 .25 fire2 .15 empty element fire2 238 221 130 -1 1 0 1.1 0 self .4 fire2 .35 fire3 .25 fire2 .25 fire .15 empty #a source of power and danger for your station element sun 255 165 0 0 0 1 0 1 element sun2 255 127 0 0 0 1 0 0 element sun3 255 48 48 0 0 1 0 0 element sun4 255 255 0 0 0 1 0 0 self .02 sun .25 sun .25 sun2 .25 sun3 .25 sun4 self .02 sun2 .25 sun .25 sun2 .25 sun3 .25 sun4 self .02 sun3 .25 sun .25 sun2 .25 sun3 .25 sun4 self .02 sun4 .25 sun .25 sun2 .25 sun3 .25 sun4 neighbor .005 sun4 empty 1 sun solarflare neighbor .002 sun empty 1 sun solarenergy element solarflare 255 140 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 solarflare empty 1 sft1 solarflare self .01 solarflare 1 empty element sft1 255 69 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 sft1 sft1 1 sft2 sft1 element sft2 255 239 219 0 0 1 0 0 self .2 sft2 1 empty self .2 sft1 1 empty pexplosion solarflare spacering 10 fire pexplosion solarflare solarcollector 10 fire pexplosion solarflare powercore 10 fire pexplosion solarflare oxycrewquarters 10 fire pexplosion solarflare shieldgenerator 10 fire pexplosion solarflare shield 10 fire pexplosion solarflare shield2 8 fire pexplosion solarflare shield3 6 fire pexplosion solarflare sprinkler 10 fire pexplosion solarflare biostation 4 fire pexplosion solarflare crewedgeneticslab 10 fire pexplosion solarflare transporttubein 10 fire pexplosion solarflare transporttube 10 fire pexplosion solarflare transporttubeout 10 fire pexplosion solarflare activeroboticsbay 10 fire pexplosion solarflare scaffolding 10 fire pexplosion solarflare enginescaffolding 10 fire pexplosion solarflare weaponscaffolding 10 fire

pexplosion solarflare ship 10 fire pexplosion solarflare engine 10 fire pexplosion solarflare weapon 10 fire #a ultra-dense, ultra-strong material used in the construction of huge space stations in the 2300's element spacering 156 156 156 0 0 1 .7 1 #a very efficient panel that collects solar radiation and converts it into the massive amounts of power needed to run a station element solarcollector 255 255 224 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 solarcollector solarenergy 1 scp empty element solarenergy 56 56 56 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 solarenergy empty 1 empty solarenergy element scp 255 211 155 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 scp solarcollector 1 scp2 scp self .4 scp2 1 solarcollector element scp2 255 231 186 0 0 1 0 0 #delievers energy throughout the station, delicate element powercore 0 255 127 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 scp powercore 1 solarcollector powerburst neighbor .9 powerburst powercore 1 powerburst powerburst element powerburst 32 178 170 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .02 powerburst powerburst 1 pbo powerburst element pbo 127 255 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .5 pbo powerburst 1 pbo pbo self .07 pbo 1 powercore neighbor .9 fire powercore 1 empty boom element boom 255 0 0 0 0 1 1.05 0 element boomexplode2 186 85 211 0 0 1 1.1 0 neighbor .9 boom spacering 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom solarcollector 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom powercore 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom powerburst 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom scp 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom crewquarters 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom oxygencreator 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom oxycrewquarters 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom leakingcrewquarters 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom shieldgenerator 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom shield 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom shield2 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom shield3 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom crew 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom deadcrew 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom sprinkler 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom transporttubein 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom transporttube 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom transporttubeout 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom roboticsbay 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom activeroboticsbay 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom readyroboticsbay 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom poweredroboticsbay 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom geneticslab 1 boom boom

neighbor .9 boom crewedgeneticslab 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom gl1 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom gl2 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom gl3 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom engineeringstation 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom poweredengineeringstation 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom readyengineeringstation 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom activeengineeringstation 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom constructorbot 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom ringbot 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom ringscaffold1 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom rs6 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom armedcrew 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom weaponslocker 1 boom boom neighbor .9 boom tracetrail 1 boom boom self .01 boom .1 boomexplode .9 empty self .9 boomexplode 1 boomexplode2 hotself 75 boomexplode 1 boomexplode2 pexplosion boom boomexplode2 16 fire pexplosion boomexplode2 boomexplode 16 fire pexplosion boomexplode2 boomexplode2 16 fire element boomexplode 186 85 211 0 0 1 1.05 0 #a living area for crew of the space station, needs oxygen for life to exist element crewquarters 193 205 193 0 0 1 0 1 #creates oxygen with power element oxygencreator 139 125 123 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 oxygencreator powerburst 1 ocw powercore neighbor .9 oxygencreator ocw 1 ocw ocw element ocw 255 228 225 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 ocw crewquarters 1 oco oxycrewquarters self .3 ocw 1 oco element oco 205 183 181 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 oco ocw 1 oco oco self .2 oco 1 oxygencreator element oxycrewquarters 240 255 240 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 oxycrewquarters crewquarters 1 oxycrewquarters oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 oxycrewquarters empty 1 leakingcrewquarters empty element leakingcrewquarters 255 106 106 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .5 leakingcrewquarters oxycrewquarters 1 leakingcrewquarters leakingcrewquarters neighbor .9 ocw empty 1 oco oxygen #basic rayshielding prevents solarflares from damaging critical areas, shielding gets stronger with each pulse element shieldgenerator 89 89 89 0 0 1 0 1 element sgw 127 255 212 0 0 1 0 0 element sgo 69 139 116 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .8 sgo sgw 1 sgo sgo self .1 sgo 1 shieldgenerator neighbor .9 shieldgenerator powerburst 1 sgw powercore neighbor .9 sgw shieldgenerator 1 sgw sgw neighbor .9 sgw empty 1 sgo shield neighbor .9 sgw shield 1 sgw shield2 neighbor .9 sgw shield2 1 sgw shield3 neighbor .9 shield2 empty 1 shield2 shield neighbor .9 shield3 shield 1 shield3 shield2 neighbor .9 sgw shield3 1 sgo shield3

element shield 0 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 element shield2 64 224 208 element shield3 70 130 180 #human life, after fleeing earth they needed somewhere to live so they decided on massive space stations surrounding stars. element crew 255 20 147 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 crew oxycrewquarters 1 oxycrewquarters crew neighbor .9 crew leakingcrewquarters 1 deadcrew leakingcrewquarters neighbor .9 leakingcrewquarters armedcrew 1 leakingcrewquarters deadcrew element deadcrew 139 58 98 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 deadcrew crew 1 deadcrew deadcrew neighbor .9 deadcrew armedcrew 1 deadcrew deadcrew element oxygen 247 247 247 .001 10 1 0 0 neighbor .03 oxygen empty 1 empty oxygen #saturates oxygen to create a living environment for plants element sprinkler 85 107 47 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 sprinkler powerburst 1 sw powercore neighbor .9 sw sprinkler 1 sw sw neighbor .9 sw oxygen 1 so watermist element sw 65 105 225 0 0 1 0 0 element so 102 205 170 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 so sw 1 so so self .4 so 1 sprinkler element watermist 224 255 255 2 5 1 0 0 neighbor .9 watermist oxygen 1 watermist watermist neighbor .3 watermist empty 1 empty watermist element plant 50 205 50 0 0 1 0 0 #grows a plant in good conditions, the plant cannot survive in vacuum, however. element seed 189 183 107 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 seed watermist 1 plant watermist neighbor .008 plant watermist 1 plant plant neighbor .7 fire plant 1 fire fire neighbor .9 solarflare plant 1 fire plant neighbor .9 empty plant 1 empty plantdead neighbor .9 plantdead plant 1 plantdead plantdead self .08 plantdead 1 empty element plantdead 110 139 61 0 0 1 0 0 #loading area for a transport tube, can transport one person from one area to another element transporttubein 124 205 124 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 transporttubein crew 1 loadedpod oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 transporttubein armedcrew 1 loadedpod oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 loadedpod transporttubein 1 loadedpod loadedpod neighbor .9 loadedpod transporttube 1 reset transporttubemove #arrival area for a transport tube element transporttubeout 178 34 34 0 0 1 0 1 #the means to travel from point a to point b element transporttube 115 115 115 0 0 1 0 1 element loadedpod 173 255 47 0 0 1 0 0 element reset 41 41 41 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 reset loadedpod 1 reset reset self .1 reset 1 transporttubein element reset2 41 41 41 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 reset2 transporttubemove 1 reset2 reset2

self .1 reset2 1 transporttube element transporttubemove 107 107 107 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 transporttubemove transporttube 1 transporttubemove transporttubemove neighbor .9 transporttubemove transporttubeout 1 reset2 unloadingcrew element unloadingcrew 0 205 205 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 unloadingcrew transporttubeout 1 transporttubeout unloadingcrew neighbor .9 unloadingcrew oxycrewquarters 1 transporttubeout crew #ship frame scaffolding, robots can complete construction element scaffolding 145 145 145 0 0 1 0 1 #ship engine scaffolding, robots can complete construction element enginescaffolding 158 158 158 0 0 1 0 1 #ship weapon scaffolding, robots can complete construction element weaponscaffolding 168 168 168 0 0 1 0 1 element engine 0 245 255 0 0 1 0 0 element ship 0 134 139 0 0 1 0 0 element weapon 255 240 245 0 0 1 0 0 #a robotics bay to create and control robots for the exterior of your station, these robots can construct ships to aid the station element roboticsbay 139 37 0 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 powerburst roboticsbay 1 powercore poweredroboticsbay neighbor .9 poweredroboticsbay roboticsbay 1 poweredroboticsbay poweredroboticsbay element poweredroboticsbay 205 55 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 poweredroboticsbay crew 1 readyroboticsbay oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 readyroboticsbay poweredroboticsbay 1 readyroboticsbay readyroboticsbay element readyroboticsbay 238 64 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 readyroboticsbay empty 1 activeroboticsbay robot neighbor .9 activeroboticsbay readyroboticsbay 1 activeroboticsbay activeroboticsbay element activeroboticsbay 255 160 122 0 0 1 0 0 element robot 255 165 79 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 robot empty 1 empty robot neighbor .9 robot enginescaffolding 1 empty ebr neighbor .9 robot engine 1 empty ebr neighbor .9 robot weaponscaffolding 1 empty wbr neighbor .9 robot weapon 1 empty wbr neighbor .9 robot scaffolding 1 empty sbr neighbor .9 robot ship 1 empty sbr element wbr 255 165 79 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 wbr weaponscaffolding 1 weapon wbr neighbor .9 wbr weapon 1 weapon wbr neighbor .9 wbr empty 1 weapon robot element ebr 255 165 79 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 ebr enginescaffolding 1 engine ebr neighbor .9 ebr engine 1 engine ebr neighbor .9 ebr empty 1 engine robot element sbr 255 165 79 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 sbr scaffolding 1 ship sbr neighbor .9 sbr ship 1 ship sbr neighbor .9 sbr empty 1 ship robot #a lab dedicated to modifying life to suit human needs in space. element geneticslab 138 43 226 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 geneticslab crew 1 crewedgeneticslab oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 geneticslab crewedgeneticslab 1 crewedgeneticslab crewedgeneticslab element crewedgeneticslab 160 32 240 0 0 1 0 0

neighbor .9 project1 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl1 gl1 neighbor .9 gl1 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl1 gl1 neighbor .9 project2 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl2 gl2 neighbor .9 gl2 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl2 gl2 neighbor .9 project3 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl3 gl3 neighbor .9 gl3 crewedgeneticslab 1 gl3 gl3 #a project to make plant-life immune to the effects of vacuum element project1 250 250 210 0 0 1 0 1 #a project to make plant-life grow in vacuum element project2 240 230 140 0 0 1 0 1 #a project to convert a normal spacestation into a living entity that can supply power and other services to the humans inside element project3 255 215 0 0 0 1 0 1 element gl1 250 250 210 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 gl1 plant 1 restart p1plant element gl2 240 230 140 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 gl2 plant 1 restart p2plant element gl3 255 215 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 gl3 plant 1 restart biostation element restart 138 138 138 neighbor .9 restart gl1 1 restart restart neighbor .9 restart gl2 1 restart restart neighbor .9 restart gl3 1 restart restart self .2 restart 1 crewedgeneticslab element p1plant 192 255 62 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 p1plant plant 1 p1plant p1plant neighbor .5 fire plant 1 fire fire element p2plant 188 238 104 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 p2plant plant 1 p2plant p2plant neighbor .3 fire plant 1 fire fire neighbor .06 p2plant empty 1 p2plant p2plant element biostation 0 139 69 0 0 1 0 0 self .01 biostation .33 biostation .33 bs .34 bs2 self .01 bs .33 biostation .33 bs2 .34 bs self .01 bs2 .33 bs .33 bs2 .34 biostation element bs2 193 255 193 0 0 1 0 0 element bs 84 139 84 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 biostation plant 1 biostation biostation neighbor .01 biostation spacering 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation powercore 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation oxygencreator 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation sprinkler 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation watermist 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation sw 1 biostation biostation neighbor .02 biostation roboticsbay 1 biostation poweredroboticsbay neighbor .02 biostation crewquarters 1 biostation oxycrewquarters neighbor .02 biostation shieldgenerator 1 biostation biostation neighbor .05 biostation shield 1 biostation biostation neighbor .05 biostation shield2 1 biostation biostation neighbor .05 biostation shield3 1 biostation biostation neighbor .4 biostation solarcollector 1 biostation photoreceptor neighbor .9 photoreceptor solarcollector 1 photoreceptor photoreceptor neighbor .9 photoreceptor scp 1 photoreceptor photoreceptor element photoreceptor 0 255 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 photoreceptor solarflare 1 cr empty element cr 178 223 238 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 photoreceptor cr 1 cr photoreceptor neighbor .5 photoreceptor solarenergy 1 photoreceptor photoreceptor

neighbor .9 cr biostation 1 photoreceptor growthspurt neighbor .9 cr bs 1 photoreceptor growthspurt neighbor .9 cr bs2 1 photoreceptor growthspurt element growthspurt 202 225 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 growthspurt biostation 1 growthspurt growthspurt neighbor .9 growthspurt bs 1 growthspurt growthspurt neighbor .9 growthspurt bs2 1 growthspurt growthspurt neighbor .3 growthspurt empty 1 growthspurt shell neighbor .3 growthspurt shell 1 growthspurt shell2 neighbor .3 growthspurt shell2 1 growthspurt shell3 neighbor .9 biostation crewquarters 1 biostation oxycrewquarters self .3 growthspurt 1 gsa element gsa 202 225 255 0 0 1 0 0 self .07 gsa 1 biostation element shell 139 69 19 0 0 1 0 0 element shell2 184 134 11 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 shell2 empty 1 shell2 shell element shell3 205 133 63 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 shell3 shell 1 shell3 shell2 neighbor .9 sun photoreceptor 1 sun empty neighbor .9 sun2 photoreceptor 1 sun empty neighbor .9 sun3 photoreceptor 1 sun empty neighbor .9 sun4 photoreceptor 1 sun empty neighbor .6 fire shell3 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire shell2 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire shell 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire3 shell3 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire3 shell2 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire3 shell 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire2 shell3 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire2 shell2 1 fire fire neighbor .6 fire2 shell 1 fire fire #an asteroid belt, low gravity causes some asteroids to fling away from the belt. also due to the high mineral content metal-eating space worms often are found here element asteroidbelt 160 82 45 .000001 50 1 0 1 neighbor .00002 asteroidbelt empty .3 asteroidbelt looseasteroid .05 asteroidbelt spaceworm .65 asteroidbelt empty element looseasteroid 222 184 135 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 looseasteroid empty 1 empty looseasteroid pexplosion looseasteroid spacering 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid solarcollector 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid powercore 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid oxycrewquarters 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shieldgenerator 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shield 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shield2 8 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shield3 6 fire pexplosion looseasteroid sprinkler 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid photoreceptor 4 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shell 6 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shell2 6 fire pexplosion looseasteroid shell3 6 fire pexplosion looseasteroid biostation 4 fire pexplosion looseasteroid crewedgeneticslab 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid transporttubein 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid transporttube 10 fire

pexplosion looseasteroid transporttubeout 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid activeroboticsbay 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid scaffolding 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid enginescaffolding 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid weaponscaffolding 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid ship 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid engine 10 fire pexplosion looseasteroid weapon 10 fire neighbor .9 looseasteroid sun 1 empty sun element spaceworm 245 245 220 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .5 spaceworm empty 1 swt1 spaceworm element swt1 209 209 209 0 0 1 0 0 self .1 swt1 1 swt2 element swt2 209 209 209 0 0 1 0 0 self .1 swt2 1 swt3 element swt3 209 209 209 0 0 1 0 0 self .1 swt3 1 empty neighbor .9 sun spaceworm 1 sun empty neighbor .1 spaceworm spacering 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm oxycrewquarters 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm solarcollector 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm powercore 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm shieldgenerator 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .9 spaceworm shield 1 empty empty neighbor .9 spaceworm shield2 1 empty empty neighbor .9 spaceworm shield3 1 empty empty neighbor .1 spaceworm oxygencreator 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm crew 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm deadcrew 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm plant 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm p1plant 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm p2plant 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm crewedgeneticslab 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm sprinkler 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm transporttubein 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm transporttube 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm transporttubeout 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm roboticsbay 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm enginescaffolding 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm weaponscaffolding 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm ship 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm engine 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm weapon 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .1 spaceworm scaffolding 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm biostation 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm bs2 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm bs 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm shell 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm photoreceptor 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm shell 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm shell2 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .3 spaceworm shell3 1 empty spaceworm neighbor .9 spaceworm sun 1 empty sun #creates robots to expand your station element engineeringstation 255 255 240 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 engineeringstation powerburst 1 poweredengineeringstation powercore

neighbor .9 poweredengineeringstation engineeringstation 1 poweredengineeringstation poweredengineeringstation element poweredengineeringstation 238 238 224 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 poweredengineeringstation crew 1 readyengineeringstation oxycrewquarters neighbor .9 readyengineeringstation poweredengineeringstation 1 readyengineeringstation readyengineeringstation element readyengineeringstation 205 205 193 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 readyengineeringstation spacering .3 activeengineeringstation constructorbot .5 activeengineeringstation ringbot .2 activeengineeringstation spacering element activeengineeringstation 139 139 131 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 activeengineeringstation readyengineeringstation 1 activeengineeringstation activeengineeringstation element shieldbot 131 111 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .6 shieldbot spacering 1 spacering shieldbot neighbor .9 shieldbot empty 1 shieldbot sgs1 element constructorbot 0 205 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .6 constructorbot spacering 1 spacering constructorbot neighbor .9 constructorbot sgs1 1 constructorbot shieldconstructwave neighbor .9 constructorbot ringscaffold1 1 constructorbot ringconstructwave element ringbot 85 26 139 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .6 ringbot spacering 1 spacering ringbot neighbor .9 ringbot empty 1 ringbot ringscaffold1 element sgs1 194 194 194 neighbor .9 sgs1 empty 1 element sgs2 194 194 194 neighbor .9 sgs2 empty 1 self .05 sgs2 1 sgs1 element sgs3 194 194 194 neighbor .9 sgs3 empty 1 self .05 sgs3 1 sgs1 element sgs4 194 194 194

0 0 1 0 0 sgs1 sgs2 0 0 1 0 0 sgs2 sgs3 0 0 1 0 0 sgs3 sgs4 0 0 1 0 0

element ringscaffold1 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 ringscaffold1 empty 1 ringscaffold1 rs2 element rs2 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 rs2 empty 1 rs2 rs3 self .02 rs2 1 ringscaffold1 element rs3 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 rs3 empty 1 rs3 rs4 self .02 rs3 1 ringscaffold1 element rs4 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 rs4 empty 1 rs4 rs5 self .02 rs4 1 ringscaffold1 element rs5 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 rs5 empty 1 rs5 rs6 self .02 rs5 1 ringscaffold1 element rs6 255 255 255 0 0 1 0 0 element shieldconstructwave 112 112 112 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .85 shieldconstructwave sgs1 1 shieldconstructwave shieldconstructwave neighbor .85 shieldconstructwave sgs4 1 shieldconstructwave shieldconstructwave self .007 shieldconstructwave 1 shieldgenerator element ringconstructwave 196 196 196 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .85 ringconstructwave ringscaffold1 1 ringconstructwave ringconstructwave

neighbor .85 ringconstructwave rs6 1 ringconstructwave ringconstructwave self .007 ringconstructwave 1 spacering #a hostile alien world, these aliens could prove to be a danger to your station element planet 139 121 94 0 0 1 0 1 self .4 planet .5 land .5 water neighbor .5 land planet 1 land land neighbor .5 water planet 1 water water element water 218 112 214 0 0 1 0 0 element land 255 127 80 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .00007 land empty 1 land alienvessel element alienvessel 242 242 242 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .7 alienvessel empty 1 empty alienvessel neighbor .9 alienvessel sun 1 empty sun neighbor .9 alienvessel shield 1 alienvessel empty neighbor .9 alienvessel shield2 1 alienvessel empty neighbor .9 alienvessel shield3 1 alienvessel empty neighbor .9 alienvessel shieldgenerator 1 alienvessel empty pexplosion alienvessel spacering 3 boardingvessel element boardingvessel 201 201 201 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 boardingvessel spacering 1 boardingvessel tracer element tracer 238 180 34 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 tracer spacering 1 tracetrail tracer element tracetrail 139 105 20 0 0 1 0 0 pexplosion tracer oxycrewquarters 4 alienspawnpoint element alienspawnpoint 205 38 38 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .07 alienspawnpoint oxycrewquarters 1 alienspawnpoint alien element alien 0 139 0 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .4 alien oxycrewquarters 1 oxycrewquarters alien neighbor .9 alien armedcrew .4 oxycrewquarters armedcrew .4 alien oxycrewquarters .2 oxycrewquarters oxycrewquarters #contains weapons with which u can arm your crew element weaponslocker 120 120 120 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor .9 weaponslocker crew 1 weaponslocker armedcrew element armedcrew 255 99 71 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 armedcrew oxycrewquarters 1 oxycrewquarters armedcrew neighbor .9 armedcrew alienspawnpoint 1 armedcrew deadspawnpoint neighbor .5 armedcrew crew 1 armedcrew armedcrew element aliendefeat 152 251 152 0 0 1 0 0 element deadspawnpoint 210 180 140 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor .9 deadspawnpoint alienspawnpoint 1 deadspawnpoint deadspawnpoint neighbor .9 deadspawnpoint tracetrail 1 deadspawnpoint aliendefeat neighbor .9 aliendefeat tracetrail 1 aliendefeat aliendefeat neighbor .9 aliendefeat boardingvessel 1 aliendefeat aliendefeat neighbor .9 tracer aliendefeat 1 aliendefeat aliendefeat self .04 aliendefeat 1 miniexplode element miniexplode 219 112 147 0 0 1 0 0 pexplosion miniexplode spacering 2 fire pexplosion miniexplode empty 2 fire neighbor .9 fire tracer 1 fire aliendefeat

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