Solardyne Home Power Design Guide

  • May 2020
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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide Call 503-830-8739

Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739



DESIGN OVERVIEW __________________________________________________ 2 STEP 1 - YOUR LOAD _________________________________________________ 3 STEP 2 - YOUR RESOURCE ____________________________________________ 4 STEP 3 - YOUR OBJECTIVES __________________________________________ 5 STEP 4 - YOUR SYSTEM _______________________________________________ 6 SOLAR ARRAY SIZING WORKSHEET ________________________________________________ 6 TYPICAL INVERTER SIZES: _____________________________________________________________ 7 WIND POWER SIZING WORKSHEET _________________________________________________ 8 AIR 403 POWER AND ENERGY CURVES: __________________________________________________ 9 WHISPER H40 AND H80 POWER AND ENERGY CURVES: ____________________________________ 10 WHISPER 175 RATED AT 3000 WATTS: _________________________________________________ 10

SOLARDYNE HOME POWER SYSTEMS _______________________________ 10 GRID-TIE _________________________________________________________________________ 11 STAND-ALONE_____________________________________________________________________ 12

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739

Design Overview Welcome to the world of being your own energy provider. The sun and wind are ample resources of energy, and the following design guide will assist in some of the decision making so critical to a successful renewable energy system. STEP 1 – YOUR LOAD

The first step in designing your solar and/or wind home power system is to first determine how much power and energy you need. (Energy conservation appliances will lower your system requirements and cost). You need to determine how much power you need at any one time (by adding up all of the appliances that will be running at the same time), and how much energy (power over time) you use per day, or per month in Kilowatt-hours. (hint: your electric bill should have this information, Kwh’s/month) Once you have your power and energy requirements, you can begin the process of configuring a system. STEP 2 – YOUR RESOURCE

The next step is to assess how much renewable energy is available at your location. To do this, look at the solar and wind resource maps from the DOE to gain a basic assessment of what is available. Keep in mind, every location has some “microclimate”, or unique circumstances that may aid, or hinder, your system’s performance. STEP 3 – YOUR OBJECTIVES

Now that you know your requirements in terms of power and energy (step 1), and we know how much solar and wind energy you have available at your location (step 2), we can determine your objectives and the best system to meet those goals. Renewable energy systems are modular, so you can always upgrade and expand your system. Over-sizing your inverter (the AC interface you have with your home power system) to accommodate your anticipated growth should also be considered. Some other questions to consider are: Do you want your solar/wind home power system to be connected to the grid? Do you want to be independent with battery storage? If so, how many days of storage in between charges would you like? Do you want a solar, wind, or a combination of both to power your home power system? When you answer these questions on the worksheet then you are ready to configure your system. STEP 4 – YOUR SYSTEM

Now we have everything we need to configure the most cost-effective equipment for your solar/wind home power system. Fill in the accompanying worksheet to work out the specifics of your Renewable Home Power System. Your essential information will start with how many kilowatt-hours per month you need. This is what your target is from your renewable energy home power system. Please visit our systems on page 12 and see which system best meets your needs.

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739


STEP 1 - YOUR LOAD A quick method to determine your load is to look at your electric bill and look for Kilowatthours per month (kWh’s per month is your energy load). With your kWh’s per month, divide by 30.41 (days) to get your kWh’s per day. Enter this below in section 1. If you wish to calculate your load by hand, you can enter your appliances individually below. Section 1. Calculate your AC loads.

Use this work sheet to determine the total amp-hours per day used by all the AC and DC loads you wish to power. The figures below are examples of typical values. 1. List all AC loads, wattage and hours of use per day in the spaces below. Multiply watts by Hours/Day to get Watt-Hours per day (WH/day.) Add up all of the watthours per day for each appliance to determine your load in terms of total watt-hours per day. AC Appliance:

Hours of Daily Usage X

Microwave Lights (x4) Hair Dryer Television Washing Mach.

0.5 6 0.75 4 1

Appliance Watts = x x x x x

600 40 750 100 375

Daily Watt-Hours used = = = = =









Add lines 1-5:

Total WH/Day =

300 240 563 400 375



Multiply your watt-hours/day (WH/Day) by 1.2 to correct for inverter losses: ____2,253_


Please enter the number of days of autonomy you’d like from your battery (autonomy is the length of time in between charges, typically 1-5 days) ______3___


Please enter in your system DC voltage, (12 VDC for small systems under 1 kilowatt, 24 VDC for medium systems 1kw-2.5kw, or 48 volts for larger systems) ______24__


Divide total watt-hours/day (step 2) by the DC system voltage (step 4) to yield the Total Amp-hours per day used by AC loads ______94__

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Call 503-830-8739


Calculate DC loads (if any), As above please list wattage, hours of use per day, and the product of those two which gives Watt-hours per day used.

DC Appliance:

Lights (x4)

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Hours of Daily Usage X


Appiance Watts = x


x x x x x x x x Add lines 1-5:

Daily Watt-Hours used =


= = = = = = = = Total WH/Day =



Add up all of the DC Watt-hours from step 6 and divide by the system DC voltage (step 4) to get total Amp-hours per day for DC loads: _____4____


Add up total Amp-hours of energy used by both AC (step 5) and DC loads (step 7) to get the total Amp-hours per day: _____98___

STEP 2 - YOUR RESOURCE The next step is to determine how much solar and/or wind energy you have at your location. Please use the following maps. UNITED STATES SOLAR AVERAGES

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739

Please enter your wind power class level_______ (left column).

STEP 3 - YOUR OBJECTIVES What kind of system are you looking for? STAND-ALONE Solar Wind Solar/Wind

GRID-TIE Solar Wind Solar/Wind Batteries (yes with wind, optional with solar)

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739


Use this worksheet to figure the total number of solar modules required for your system. To find the average sun hours per day in your area (line 3), check local weather data or look at the map on page 3. If you want year-round autonomy, use the lowest of the two figures. If you only want 100% autonomy in Summer, use the higher figure. The peak amperage of the module you will be using can be found in the module specifications. You can also get close enough if you divide the modules Wattage by the peak power point Voltage (usually 17-18.5 VDC). 1.

Total average Amp-Hours per day of your load. (Step 8)


Multiply line 1 by 1.2 to compensate for battery charge/discharge


Average Sun Hours per day in your area (see map above)

____98__ ____117_ ____6___

4. Divide line 2 by line 3. This is the total solar array amps required


5. Optimum or peak Amps of solar module used (see module specs) (Siemens SR100 rated at 100 watts 17.5 VDC, 5.71 Amps


6. Divide line 4 by line 5 to get total number of modules in parallel


7. Round off to the next highest whole number.


8. Number of modules in each series string to provide DC battery voltage (For 12 Volt DC system-1, for 24 VDC-2, for 48 VDC-4.) ____2___ 9. Multiply line 7 by line 8 to get total number of modules required


If you require a battery bank, please complete the following section. 10.

Enter your daily Amp-hour requirement (Step 8):


Multiply daily Amp-hours, above, by the number of days autonomy you’ve Selected (Step 2) ___294__


Enter the Depth-of-Discharge for the battery you have chosen. This provides a safety factor so that you can avoid over-draining your battery bank (Example: if discharge limit is 20% use 0.2). This number should not exceed 0.8: ___0.5___


Divide the Daily Amp-hours (line 11) by the Depth-of-Discharge (line12): ___588__


Select the multiplier below that corresponds to the average wintertime ambient temperature your battery bank will experience: ___1.19__

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739

Ambient Temperature Multiplier: 80F 26.7C 1.00 70F 21.2C 1.04 60F 15.6C 1.11 50F 10.0C 1.19 40F 4.4C 1.30 30F -1.1C 1.40 20F -6.7C 1.59 15. Multiply the Daily Amp-hours (line 13) by line 14. This calculation ensures that your battery bank will have enough capacity to overcome cold weather effects. This number represents the total battery capacity you will need: ____699__ 16.

Enter the Amp-hour rating of the battery your considering:


Concord AGM ROLLS Trojan L-16

12 VDC 6 VDC 6 VDC 6 VDC


275 Amp-hours 400 Amp-hours 375 Amp-hours 350 Amp-hours

17. Divide the total battery capacity (line15) by the battery capacity (line 16), and round off to the next highest number. This is the number of batteries in parallel required: ____2____ 18. Divide the nominal DC system voltage (12, 24 or 48) by the battery voltage and round off to the next highest number. This is the number of batteries wired in series: (In this example 24/6): ____4____ 19.

Now multiply line 17 times line 18 to reach the total number of batteries required: ____8____

20: Correctly size the inverter you’ll need by adding up all of the appliances that will run at the same time, (Step 1.) and multiply by 1.25, and round up to the next inverter size: (1,878 x 1.25 = 2,345): ___2500__ Typical Inverter sizes:

500 watts 1500 watts 2500 watts 4000 watts 5500 watts 8000 watts 11,000 watts

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739


System Summary: Daily Watt-hours needed: Safe Battery Size in (Ah) needed: Properly sized inverter: Total number of PV Modules needed: Total number of Batteries needed:

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

(step 2) (line 15) (line 20) (line 9) (line 19)

Example: 1,878 Whrs 699 Ahrs 2500 Watts 8 SR-100’s 8 AGM-400’s

Now you have the essential information to properly size your Solar Home Power System. WIND POWER SIZING WORKSHEET

To determine how much wind power you have at your location, please refer to the wind map. Wind power is divided into 7 zones. Each zone represents a span of wind speeds (see below). Wind Power Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33 foot altitude Wind Power Speed (b) Density (W/m2) m/s (mph) 0 0 100 4.4 (9.8) 150 5.1 (11.5) 200 5.6 (12.5) 250 6.0 (13.4) 300 6.4 (14.3) 400 7.0 (15.7) 1000 9.4 (21.1)

77 foot altitude Wind Power Speed (b) Density (W/m2) m/s (mph) 0 0 200 5.6 (12.5) 300 6.4 (14.3) 400 7.0 (15.7) 500 7.5 (16.8) 600 8.0 (17.9) 800 8.8 (19.7) 2000 11.9 (26.6)

Refer to your wind power class level to determine your average wind speed. In the case of solar modules, the rating is independent of the type of panel you use, as the industry convention rates panels at Standard Test Conditions, (i.e. 1000 watts/m2 at 77 degrees F, and through an Air Mass of 1.5). In the case of wind generators it’s not so simple. Wind generators are usually rated at a 27 mph wind speed. Each wind generator type has different performance at different wind speeds. To gauge how much power and energy (power over time) that a given wind generator can produce, please reference the graphs below. Turbine Air 403 Whisper H40 Whisper H80 Whisper 175

Rating 400 watts 900 watts 1000 watts 3000 watts

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739


To determine the best wind generator for your load we need to calculate your monthly demand for energy in Kwh’s per month. Enter your total watt-hours per day of your load. (Step 1):


Multiply this number by 1.2 to compensate for battery charge/discharge: ___2,258 Divide this number by 1000 to determine total Kwh’s per day required to charge your system: ___2.258 Multiply this number by 30.41, (average number of days in a month): ___68.66 This is the number of Kwh’s per month your wind generator (and/or Solar PV system) must produce to fully power your system as described above. ___68.66 To size a specific wind generator, based on your average wind speeds look up your corresponding energy production. If it’s over 68.66 Kwh’s/month then you can use a wind generator to power your home power system under this example. The following charts allow you to predict the amount of energy (kWh/month) that you can expect your wind generator to produce each month on average. Each wind generator behaves differently under different wind speeds. The larger the blade diameter, for example, the more effective in low wind speeds. Most wind generators have the same cut-in speed, the minimum wind speed required to start the blades turning, of 7.5 mph. Most wind-generators are rated at a windspeed of 27 mph. AIR 403 Power and Energy Curves:

The AIR 403 is an excellent wind generator (world’s best selling), and is very rugged in the field.

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WHISPER H40 and H80 Power and Energy Curves:

WHISPER 175 rated at 3000 Watts:

There are several things you can do to increase the production of your wind generator. First, the higher your tower the more wind speed is generally available. The power of a wind generator increases by the cube of the wind velocity. Therefore, doubling wind speed delivers an 8-fold increase in power. Another factor which helps is to locate your turbine as high as possible relative to the surrounding land, also, as clear from any obstructions like trees, or buildings. Wind generators have improved greatly over the last 20 years as more experience in the field has lead to a more robust manufacture. The most important maintenance you can do is a periodic visual inspection of your wind generator. Are there any chips or damage to the blades? Blades must be balanced or wear will develop on the generator. Many wind generators have sealed bearings on the Yaw top-of-pole mount, but periodic inspection is also recommended. At least 1 acre of land should be considered for larger installations. Tower kits are of the hinged, and guy-wire types. Tower kits can be stand alone, or roof/or side mounted.

Solardyne Home Power Systems For your convenience, we have configured the most common renewable energy systems available. The following systems are designed to meet all NEC requirements, and are reliable and easy to install. Depending on your location, Website: Email: [email protected] ” 2001 Solardyne Corp., all rights reserved. 10

Solardyne“ Corporation

Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Call 503-830-8739 11

these systems will qualify you for state and federal rebates and tax credits, as well as net-metering through your local utility. Each system below will provide all of the components, less wiring, that you will need to produce renewable energy. *Systems are based on 6 sun hours/day and 12mph wind speeds. Grid-Tie





Output: 152 kWh’s/mo

Output: 304 kWh’s/mo

Output: 370 kWh’s/mo

Mounts: Ground Roof

MSX 120 panels 8 Suntie 1.0 kVA Inverter Input: 42-85VDC, Output: 240V 60Hz 1

MSX 120 panels 16 Suntie 2.0 kVA Inverter Input: 42-85VDC Output: 240V 60Hz 1

MSX 120 panels 20 Suntie 2.5 kVA Inverter Input: 42-85VDC Output: 240V 60Hz 1


Ouput: 100 kWh’s/mo

Output: 193 kWh’s/mo

Output: 538 kWh’s/mo

Whisper H40 turbine 24V 30’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 8 PS2524 Inverter 1 DC175 Disconnect 1

Whisper H80 turbine 24V 30’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 8 DR2424 Inverter 1 DC 175 Disconnect 1

Whisper 175 turbine 48V 47’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 16 SW4048 Inverter 1 DC 250 Disconnect 1

Output: 176 kWh’s/mo

Output: 269 kWh’s/mo

Output: 614 kWh’s/mo

Whisper H40 MSX 120 panels 30’ Tower Kit Surrette Batteries DR2424 Inverter DC175 Disconnect

Whisper H80 MSX 120 panels 30’ Tower Kit Surrette Batteries DR2424 Inverter DC 175 Disconnect

Whisper 175 48V MSX 120 4 47’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 16 SW4048 Inverter 1 DC 250 Disconnect 1

Solar/ Wind Mounts: Ground Roof

24V 4 1 8 1 1

24V 4 1 8 1 1

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Solardyne“ Corporation

Stand Alone


Renewable Home Power Design Guide

Small Output: 76 kWh’s/mo MSX 120 panels Surrette Batteries DR1512 Inverter Input: 12VDC, Output: 120V 60Hz DC 175 Disconnect


Mounts: Ground Roof

1 1

Ouput: 60 kWh’s/mo



Output: 152 kWh’s/mo

Output: 304 kWh’s/mo

MSX 120 panels Surrette Batteries DR2424 Inverter Input: 24VDC Output: 120V 60Hz DC 175 Disconnect

8 8 1 1

MSX 120 panels Surrette Batteries SW4048 Inverter Input: 48-85VDC Output: 120V 60Hz DC 250 Disconnect

16 16 1 1

Output: 193 kWh’s/mo

Output: 538 kWh’s/mo

Whisper H80 turbine 24V 30’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 8 DR2424 Inverter 1 DC 175 Disconnect 1

Whisper 175 turbine 48V 47’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 16 SW4048 Inverter 1 DC 250 Disconnect 1

Output: 136 kWh’s/mo

Output: 269 kWh’s/mo

Output: 614 kWh’s/mo

AIR 403 24V MSX 120 panels 4 30’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 8 C40 Charge Controller 1 DR2424 Inverter 1 DC175 Disconnect 1

Whisper H80 24V MSX 120 panels 4 30’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 16 C40 Charge Controller 1 DR2424 Inverter 1 DC 175 Disconnect 1

Whisper 175 48V MSX 120 4 47’ Tower Kit 1 Surrette Batteries 16 SW4048 Inverter 1 C40 Charge Controller 1 DC 250 Disconnect 1

AIR 403L turbine 27’ Tower Kit Surrette Batteries DR2424 Inverter DC175 Disconnect

Solar/ Wind

4 4 1

Call 503-830-8739 12

24V 1 8 1 1

Congratulations on being your own power provider! Please call our team at 503830-8739, or e-mail us at [email protected] for prices and availability.

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