Software Requirements Specification

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  • Words: 866
  • Pages: 7
Software Requirements Specification (Version 1.0)

“Farm Health Record Management System” Ajith Kumar V Anand G M Liju M Siju S

Principal Instructor

Project Guide

Dr Venkatesh Chopella

Mr. T Radhakrishnan

Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala Park Centre, Techno Park, Trivandrum-695 581 24th October 2006 Project blog:


Contents 1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………....3 1.1 Purpose of the Document …………………………………………..3 1.2 Scope of the Project.....................................................................…...3 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations……………………...….3 1.4 Overview of Document………………………………………….….3 2.0 General Description…………………………………………………….4 2.1 User Characteristics………………………………………………....4 2.2 Product Perspective………………………………………………....5 2.3 Overview of Functional Requirements……………………………..5 2.3.1 Input……………………………………………………………5 2.3.2 Output………………………………………………………….6 2.4 Overview of Data Requirements……………………………………6 3. Software Specifications …………………………………………………7


1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Document This document contains the specifications for "A GIS enabled web-interface for Farm Health Record Management System" project. The specifications will include the functional requirements and the data requirements, both of which will describe how the developers will design the product in order to achieve all objectives. This document will serves as a guide for the client and the developers, allowing for a common document to understand the implementation.

1.2 Scope of the Project A GIS enabled web-interface for Farm Health Record Management System will be a web-based interface used, to help in revolutionizing our agricultural productivity.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations •GIS - Geographic Information System •JSP - Java Server Pages •HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language which can be displayed on any browser. •JRE - Java Runtime Environment: - An environment that runs through most web browsers and supports more advanced features than HTML. •Map Server is an Open Source development environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications •PHP Map Script is a PHP dynamically loadable module that makes Map Server’s Map Script functions and classes available in a PHP environment.

1.4 Overview of Document The next section (2.0) contains general information on how this program will run. It will explain most of the program's features and requirements without many implementation details. Section (3.0) contains the software requirement details.


2.0 General Description 2.1 User Characteristics In Farm Health Record Management System includes three levels of users: •


Subscribed User

Public/General Users

Administrator The Administrator has the ultimate power and privileges to add and edit record contents. He/She also has the privilege to add new users and assign and revoke respective roles. Subscribed User Advisor The advisor can be an Agriculture officer or a domain expert, who is capable of analyzing the farm, crop, soil, etc. He/she will be able to view the map, and details regarding a farm land. Field Officer The field officer will be a technical person; he/she will upload the exact plot location, soil details, crop details, manure details, harvest details. Registered User The registered user will be one who is concern with the Farm land. He can view his farm details, ask query to domain expert about the new techniques in farming and about the methods of improving his/her field yield with out affecting the field health. Public Users The Public/general user can only search the Farm records and view the map.


2.2 Product Perspective The product will be a web-based application running within a web browser. The product will reside on the server but can be accessed on any machine with internet connection.

2.3 Overview of Functional Requirements 2.3.1 Input In this system, the user first enters the login name and password. If the user is valid, then the user can view the authorized pages according to the user permissions. Main Administrator Input •

Username and Password to login to the system

Inputting Plot details, Crop Details, Soil Details etc.

Field Officer Input •

Inputting user names and password

Inputting Location Details, Farm Details etc.

Advisor Input •

Inputting user names and password

Inputting Plot Details for searching.

Inputting Comments for sustainable farming.

Registered Users Input •

Inputting Plot Details for searching.

Inputting Questions for improving yield,

Query the methods for sustainable farming.

Normal Users Input •

Inputting Plot Details for searching.


2.3.2 Output Output design refers to the generation of results and information of project. The following are the categories for output: •

Administrator Output.

Advisor Output.

Registered User Output.

Normal User Output. The Map view is common for all the different users. In the Map-viewer

user can zoom in, zoom out, pan, and query a particular portion. User can select a particular layer by checking the legend field in the Map-viewer. The Search output is also similar to all users. The search result will be displayed in a table format for all the users. The Advisor output will be different, as he/she has to view the query from the registered users. The Registered User output will also be different, as he/she has to view the comments from the Advisor users.

2.4 Overview of Data Requirements Major data requirement are:•

Maps with spatial data

Plot details

Crop Details

Soil Details


3. Software Specifications Operating System

: Windows



Web Technology


GIS Engine

: Map server for Windows (MS4W)


: PostgreSQL

Web Server

: Apache

Application Server

: Tomcat


: IE 6.0/MozillaFirefox 1.5


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