Software Requirement Specification On Web Browser (1)

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Download & View Software Requirement Specification On Web Browser (1) as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,526
  • Pages: 25

BY: SUSHANT TANEJA (0671563107) SHAGUN MAHESHWARI (0801563107) SUGANDHA SETH (0881563107) ROHIT GUPTA (0911563107)

1. INTRODUCTION This document aims at defining the overall software requirements for ‘WEB BROWSER’. Efforts have been made to define the requirements exhaustively and accurately.

1.1 PURPOSE This document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software applications ‘WEB BROWSER’. Its purpose is to display the information on the website in a net and organize way; it also helps to navigate the web easily. These programs interpret code (HTML) and display information from WWW. The intended audiences are the anonymous customers.

1.2 SCOPE A web browser is a software application which enables a user to display and interact with text, images, videos, music, games and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World or a local area network. Text and images on a web page can contain hyperlinks to other web pages at the same or different website. Web browsers allow a user too quickly and easily access information provided on many web pages at many web sites by traversing these links.


Definitions: 1. WWW: It is a set of large interlinked hypertext

documents accessed via internet. 2. HTML: It is a predominant markup language for the

web pages. It is written in the form of ‘tags’ in angle brackets. 3. CSS: is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation

(that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language.

4. Protocol: protocol is a convention or standard that controls or

enables the connection, communication, and data transfer between computing endpoints Acronym and abbreviation: 1. WWW - world wide web 2. HTML - hypertext markup language 3. HTTP - hypertext transfer protocol 4. IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronic engineers

5. CSS – Cascading style sheets


IEEE recommended practice for software requirement specification IEEE STD 830-1993.

• KK Aggarwal 1.5 OVERVIEW The rest of the SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features & functionalities in details.


PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE The application will be self-contained.






The application will have a user-friendly and menu based interfaces. Following things will be included: • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Bookmark managing Download managing Form managing Password managing Spell-checking Search engine toolbar Security configuration Privacy mode Auto-updater Pop-up blocking

Full-text history search Tabbing navigation Page zooming Voice control

TOOLBAR:  Address field  Auto-fill form button  Back button  Refresh  Home  Favorites  Close box  Fonts

      

Forward button History Security indicators Status bar Stop button Window title Search button

2.1.3 HARDWARE INTERFACES 1) A system needs min of 64MB RAM.

2) 3) 4) 5)

A LAN card for the internet Modem 52GHz Pentium processor 233MB hard drive

2.1.4 SOFTWAE INTERFACES 1) Any Windows – based operating system(Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista) 2) Visual basic 6 – for coding/ developing the software.

2.1.5 COMMUNICATION INTERFACES The Bowser should support the following internet protocols: I. HTTP II. E MAIL III. FTP: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used to exchange and manipulate files over a TCP computer network, such as the Internet. An FTP client may connect to an FTP server to manipulate files on that server. IV. NNTP: The Network News Transfer Protocol or NNTP is an Internet application protocol used primarily for reading and posting Usenet articles (aka netnews), as well as transferring news among news servers V. TLS: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide security and data integrity for communications over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. VI. EV: Extended Validation Certificates (EV)[1] are a special type of X.509 certificate which requires more extensive investigation of the requesting entity[2] by the Certificate Authority before being issued. VII. GOPHER: Gopher is a distributed document search and retrieval network protocol designed for the Internet. Its goal is to function as an improved form of Anonymous FTP, enhanced with hyper linking features similar to those of the World Wide Web. VIII. PROXY SERVER: In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application

program) that acts as a go-between for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

Schematic representation of a proxy server, where the computer in the middle acts as the proxy server between the other two.

2.1.6 MEMORY CONSTRAINTS At least 64 MB RAM and 233MB hard disk will be required for running the browser.


2.1.8 SITE ADAPTATION REQUIREMENTS: The terminals at client site will have to support the hardware and software interfaces specified in the above sections.

2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS According to the customer use and needs the browser can perform the following functions:

 Bookmark managing: Internet bookmarks are

stored Web page locations (URLs) that can be retrieved. As a feature of all modern Internet web browsers, their primary purpose is to easily catalog and access web pages that a user has visited and chosen to save.  Download managing: A download manager is a computer program dedicated to the task of downloading (and sometimes uploading) possibly unrelated stand-alone files from (and sometimes to) the Internet for storage. 

Password managing: It saves the password the user provides on various sites. Spell checker: In computing, a spell checker is

an application program that flags words in a document that may not be spelled correctly. Spell checkers may be stand-alone capable of operating on a block of text.  Search Engine: Web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files.  Privacy mode: Privacy mode, also referred to as "porn mode", is an informal term that refers to privacy features in some web browsers.

TOOLBAR Address field This area is where the URL (web page address) for the web page is displayed or entered. Auto fill Forms Button When you encounter a page that has a form on it, such as an order page, this button will make filling out the form much easier. Back Button Use this button to go back to the previous page opened in this particular browser window. Bookmarks or Favorites

You can easily create a shortcut to your favorite web pages by using the Bookmark (or Favorites) menu or button. Close Box This button in the upper right corner of the window will close the browser window.

Fonts or Larger or Smaller In Internet Explorer a button called Fonts gives you a menu to choose the size of the text displayed in the browser window.. Forward Button Like the Back button, the Forward button takes you to pages that you have previously seen in a particular browser window. History Button Most browsers offers a History button or menu item which allows you to look at the last several hundred web pages you've been to, and select one of them for an easy return path. Home Button This button takes you to the page that has been designated as your "home" page. You can select your "home page" in the browser's Preferences (or Internet Options) section. Favorites, Links or Personal Toolbar You can add your own buttons to this toolbar Maximize Button In Windows you can use this button to make the browser's window enlarge to full screen. Menu bar In Windows the Menu bar is a part of each browser window. Choices include File, Edit, View, History, Favorites or Bookmarks and Help. On the Macintosh, these Menus are always at the top of the screen. Minimize Button In Windows you can use this button to make the browser's window disappear from the screen. Print Button You can print any web page by clicking this button. Reload or Refresh Button If you suspect the contents of a browser's window may have changed since the last time you viewed it, you should click the Reload or Refresh button to update the page. Restore Button If the browser's window is maximized you can use this button to restore the size of the window so that it no longer fills the entire

screen. This is very useful if you want to see more than one window at the same time Search Button or Field In some older browser there is a button to go to the page you have designated as your "search" page.

Security Indicators Most browsers show a padlock icon in the lower left corner of the window to indicate a secure connection. This means that data being sent or received from that server is encrypted and would be extremely difficulty for a third party to access. Status Bar The bar along the bottom of the browser's window shows you what is being loaded into the browser window at the moment or the URL of the link your mouse is over Use this button if you want to stop loading the contents of a page. Window Title The title of the web page appears in the browser window's title. Sometimes pages don't have titles. When you bookmark a page, the window's title is used to identify the bookmark

2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS Education level: At least educated so that be able to understand either of the the languages of the browser (English, Hindi, Telugu). • Technical expertise: Should be comfortable using generalpurpose applications on a computer. •


CONSTRAINTS Monitor sizes and ratios, color or black-and-white monitors render it virtually impossible to design pages that look good on all device types. • Font sizes and colors need to be alterable to fit the requirements of sight-impaired viewers. • The situation becomes more complicated when interactive resizing of windows and frames, printing, or communication conditions. •


ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES • Some pages display wrong with some browsers.

Some web master along the way programmed in some browser-specific codes. • HTML and CSS should be syntactically same. •


APPORTIONING OF REQUIREMENTS The new features of the browser will be available in the future version. It needs to be updated by the user.

3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS This section contains the software requirements to a level of Detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and the Testers to test the system. 3.1

EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 USER INTERFACES The following Window will be provided: 1) HOME PAGE: It directs the default page when the user starts the browser. BROWSER TOOL BAR MENU ADDRESS BAR


2) PASSWORD BOX: It manages the password and other information given by the user only if the user wants it to save. Otherwise the request is rejected by the browser. Do you want to remember the password on this site? • Yes • No • Not now • Never ask again

3) DOWNLOAD BOX: It shows current downloading on

the system. Download box Current downloading Download rate

Clear list


Play 4) ERROR PAGE: The page displayed when the address is

not appropriate or the connection is not there. The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Please try the following:

• •

Click the Refresh button, or try again later. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure

that it is spelled correctly. To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and

then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set Microsoft Windows to examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings (if your network administrator has enabled this setting).


Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options.

2. 3.

On the Connections tab, click LAN Settings.

Select Automatically detect settings, and then click OK. Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help

menu and then click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installed. If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.

Click the Back button to try another link.

3.2 FUNCTIONS It defines the fundamental actions that must take place in the software in accepting and processing the inputs and generating the outputs. The system shall …

VALIDITY CHECKS • The address should be correct. • Internet connection should be present. • Presence of virus. • Some sites are unable to be accessed due to security reasons. RESPONSES TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS • Pop-up will be generated if any probability of virus is present. • Error page generated when address is incorrect or other relevant site is opened. • Error page generated when internet connection is not detected.

3.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Static numerical requirements are: • HTTP should be supported. • HTML should be supported. • Any number of users can be supported. Dynamic numerical requirements includes: the number of transactions and tasks and the amount of data to be processed within certain time periods for both normal and peak workload conditions depend upon the internet connection and speed of the user.

3.4 LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMNETS None 3.5 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS None 3.6 SOFTWARE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES Quality attributes that can serve as requirements. •

Reliability: It supports the latest functions as per the user requirements.

• • •

Availability: It can be downloaded from the site. Security: It supports the privacy mode. Portability: It supports all operating system.

Efficiency: Appropriate amount of computing resources and code.


CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS Changes in project scope and requirements will be done if : • Updation of the software • Change in technology ( presence of any future OS ) • Change in user requirements




SUPPORTING INFORMATION The table of contents is given.

INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview 2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product perspective 2.1.1 System interfaces 2.1.2 Interfaces 2.1.3 Hardware interfaces 2.1.4 Software interfaces 2.1.5 Communication interfaces 2.1.6 Memory constraints 2.1.7 Operations 2.1.8 Site adaptation requirements 2.2 Product Functions 2.3 User characteristics 2.4 Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies 2.6 Apportioning of requirements 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 External interfaces 3.2 Functions 3.3 Performance requirements 3.4 Logical database requirements 3.5 Design constraints 3.6 Software system attributes 3.6.l Reliability 3.6.2 Availability 3.6.3 Security 3.6.4 Maintainability 3.6.4 Portability 3.6.5 Efficiency 3.7 Organizing the specific requirements 4. Change management process 5. Document approval 6. Supporting information





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