Software Metrics P43

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  • Words: 1,990
  • Pages: 43
Software Metrics Faculty Prof.V.Narayana K.S.Prakasa Rao P.Linga Reddy

Software Metrics - Topics ¾

Why measure


What to measure


When to measure


Data collection


Metric analysis


Simple statistical tools





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Why measure ? ‹ Software project goals  quality of deliverables  timely delivery and  cost ‹ If you do not measure, you do not know

where you are and do not know what to improve

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Why measure ? ‹ Need Quantitative Data  to monitor progress  to analyze trends  to identify areas that need improvement  to initiate improvements ‹ Continuous improvement

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Why measure ? ‹ Measurement - A quantified observation For eg., effort in person days in completing a task or number of defects reported in testing a module ‹ Metric - A comparative measure of the performance of software product or process For e.g.., Effort deviation percentage (planned versus actual) ‹

Defect density = defects per unit size of work product.

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What to measure ? ‹ Project management metrics  Schedule metrics  Effort metrics  Phase-wise effort distribution ‹ Quality metrics  Defect metrics  Customer satisfaction  Maintenance metrics

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What to measure ? (cont’d) ‹ Cost metrics  Cost variance  Cost of Quality

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Schedule metrics ‹ To monitor the trends in the actual calendar days

spent on completion of specific tasks/ activities against planned calendar days

‹ Development projects - phase wise


‹ Sustenance projects - work request wise


‹ Used for re-planning at the project level and as

input for estimation at the company level

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Schedule metrics (cont’d) ‹ Schedule deviation = ((Actual calendar days Planned calendar days)/Planned calendar days) * 100

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Effort metrics ‹ To monitor the trends in the person days spent

on completion of specific tasks/ activities against planned person days

‹ Development projects - phase wise


‹ Sustenance projects - work request wise


‹ Used for re-planning at the project level and as

input for estimation at the company level

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Effort metrics (cont’d) ‹ Effort deviation = ((Actual person days Planned person days)/ Planned person days) * 100

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Phase-wise effort distribution ‹ Analysis of effort spent on each phase for

different kinds of projects

‹ Comparison with size of work product at

each phase

‹ Provides norms at the company level  for preparation of proposals  for project planning

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Defect metrics ‹ To monitor trends in defects at each

phase of development as well as during acceptance by the customer

‹ Classification by severity of defect and

origin of defect helps in initiating corrective actions

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Defect metrics (cont’d) ‹ Defect density  No of defects/size of the work product ‹ Severity of defects  classification of defects as critical, major & minor

and their distribution at each phase

‹ Origin of defects  classification of defects based on the origin of

defects such as requirements, design or coding

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Defect metrics (cont’d) ‹ Defects seepage  Defects reported by customer during

acceptance as a percentage of total defects reported during pre-delivery system testing

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Customer satisfaction ‹ Based on customer satisfaction survey, analyze

the data and identify areas of strengths and weakness

‹ Identify causes that result in customer

dissatisfaction and take corrective actions

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Maintenance metrics ‹ Analysis of defects reported during warranty


‹ Mean time taken to resolve problems reported by

the customer

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Cost metrics ‹ Cost variance =

((Actual cost - Planned cost)/Planned cost) * 100

‹ Cost of Quality  Prevention cost  Appraisal cost  Failure cost (Internal failures and external failures)

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When to measure ‹ Periodic - on a time bound basis (daily or


‹ Milestone - on completion of a specific

mile stone

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Data collection ‹ Planned start date and close date for

each phase

‹ Actual start date and close date for each


‹ Planned effort for each phase ‹ Actual effort for each phase ‹ Defects at each phase of review and


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Data collection (cont’d) ‹ Customer satisfaction survey data ‹ Customer feedback and complaints data ‹ Sustenance projects - schedule and

effort (planned and actual) for each work request

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Metric analysis ‹ Schedule variance = ((Actual calendar days -

Planned calendar days)/ Planned calendar days)) * 100

‹ Effort variance = ((Actual effort in person days -

Planned effort in person days)/ Planned effort in person days)) * 100

‹ Effort distribution metric

spent for each phase

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= Percentage of effort

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Metric analysis (cont’d) Defect metrics ‹ Defect density = Number of defects/size of

the work product

‹ Defect distribution = Percentage of defects by

defect severity and origin of defects

‹ Defects seepage = Defects reported during

acceptance as a percentage of defects reported during internal testing

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Metric analysis (cont’d) Customer satisfaction survey ‹ Customer satisfaction survey is conducted

quarterly/mile-stone for large projects and end of project for small projects

‹ Parameters measured - Quality, Delivery, Service,

Communication, Relationship and Value

‹ Rating for each parameter -

5 Excellent, 4 Fully satisfied, 3 Average, 2 Fair and 1 Poor

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Metric analysis (cont’d) Customer satisfaction survey (cont’d) ‹ Each parameter to have a score of 3 plus and

an overall score of more than 70%

‹ Analyzed for each customer and plotted for

score of each parameter and total score

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Metric analysis (cont’d) Maintenance Metrics ‹

Analysis of Time taken to respond to customer reported defects


Analysis of type of defects by type and severity

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Metric analysis (cont’d) Cost Metrics ‹

Cost variance = ((Actual cost - Planned cost)/ Planned cost)*100


Cost of Quality  Prevention cost (Planning, training etc.,)  Appraisal cost (Reviews and testing)  Failure cost (Rework, customer complaints etc.,)

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Simple statistical tools ‹ Scatter diagram ‹ Histogram ‹ Pareto Analysis ‹ Brainstorming ‹ Cause and effect diagrams ‹ Control charts

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Scatter diagram ‹ Discover, confirm or display

relationships between two sets of data

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Histogram ‹ Display the dispersion or spread of data

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Pareto Analysis ‹ Identify major factors and distinguish the

most important causes from less significant ones.

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Pareto Analysis (cont’d)

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Brainstorming ‹ Generate, clarify and evaluate a sizeable

list of ideas, problems or issues

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Cause and effect diagram ‹ Systematically analyze cause and effect

relationships and identify potential root causes of a problem.

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Cause and effect diagram (cont’d)

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Control charts ‹ Every process is subject to variation ‹ Variation is part of nature ‹ Causes of variation  Natural causes  Assignable causes ‹ Natural Causes  Cannot be avoided but can be improved ‹ Assignable causes  Can be avoided Where Ideas Drive IT

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Control charts (cont’d) ‹ Control charts help us in identifying

assignable causes and to eliminate them

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Control charts (cont’d) ‹ Steps in control charts  Define company baseline for metrics that need to be

controlled  Work out the upper and lower control limits  Plot the metrics on a periodic or milestone basis  In case metric out control identify the case and initiate action to eliminate the cause

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Improvements ‹ Corrective actions ‹ Preventive actions ‹ Estimation, planning & tracking methods ‹ Goal setting - company level and project


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Issues ‹

Data collection - Manual methods (cumbersome and do not assure authentic data)


Automate the data collection


Identify centralized department (like QA) for analysis and reporting


Share information among all


Metrics are for process improvements and not for evaluation of persons

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Issues (cont’d) ‹

Keep the metrics process  SIMPLE and PRACTICAL




Communication and preparedness to improve


Report metrics in ERC and MRC

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Thank You

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