Software Application Sab T

  • October 2019
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Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

Software Applications PC hardware must work under the control of the operating system (O/S) in order to accomplish a task or work. The job of H/W or S/W is limited, it is simply focused on running the computer system it self. Application S/W shifts this focus from computer to humans. If you are a adventurous learner of computer and its software applications, then you might enjoy exploring software applications in the field of entertainment, educational and business applications. Application software is design to help you accomplish a specific task using the computer.

Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

Application software produces documents, perform calculations, manage financial resources, create graphics, compose music, play games, maintaining files of information’s. The engineering of user interfaces makes use of computers more enjoyable. Among the multiple user interfaces, the most commonly used graphical and menu-driven user interfaces, makes this sort of software exploration possible, because these interfaces includes an on-line help. This approach can not be taken in hardware, because hardware needs the proper installation by following its installation instructions stepwise. Applications of software packages (or training) may last from several hours to months, but laboratory-base software Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

package applications need an instructor to lead through steps by steps. The laboratory-based software application training gives hands-on experience to learn “how to be productive using software applications”. To maintain a good attitude about software applications, it is important to view the learning process itself. A computer’s versatility is determined by its application soft wares. There are number of different ways for user to obtain the application S/W for different tasks to be accomplished on a PC.

Application software is categorized in four types. The hierarchy of application software are shown below: Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

1. Productivity software 2. Word processing 3. Spread sheets 4. Data base management 5. Email 6. Graphics 7. Desktop publishing 8. Scheduling Software 9. Business software 10. Horizontal market software 11. Vertical market software 12. Entertainment software 13. Educational software. 1. Productive software: Productive software works more effectively. The most popular type of productive software are: word processing, spread sheets and data base management. Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

The basic features and functions of these productive software are.


Word processing software: Produce documents such as reports, letters, papers, and manuscripts. Used to make page layout, borders, header & footer, foot notes margins etc. How to software:




You type in the text of the document, during this process, you can edit your work using insert and delete keys. 3.

Spread sheet software: Helps you work with numbers. The software displays a grid of rows and columns on the screen. You enter numbers and formulas in the grid and the computer automatically performs the calculations.

Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

How to use spread sheets: You set up a work sheet model by typing labels, numbers and formulas into the cells. The formula you enter are similar to mathematical equations. They tell the computer how to perform calculations. The computer automatically calculates the results of the formulas and displays them on the worksheet or as a graph. 4.

Database management software: Helps you works with facts and figure. Such as the customer names and addressees, you might store the name, address records on files. How database management software works: A data base is composed of many records, different records from different files. Each record contain field which identify data. Query can be used to find one or

Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

more records or can be used for a sorted record list and group reports. Although word processing, spread sheet and database management software are the most popular productivity software, but there are other types of productivity software such as: Electronic mail, Desktop publishing, Graphics and Scheduling software. 5. Electronic mail software: Provides you with a computerized mailbox that collects documents or ‘mail’ you receive electronically from other computer users. Electronic mail is just like regular mail, which can be saved or throw away after you read it, or can be compose electronic replies to the mail sender. 6. Graphics software: Used to draw pictures, 3-D images and animations. Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

It can be used to retrieve pre-drawn clip art images, which you can modify. 7. Desktop publishing: Provides you with computerized tools for page layout and design. In desktop publishing, the text and graphics can be combined. Advanced word processing also provides desktop publishing to produce professional-looking quality outputs for newspaper, news letters and brochures. 8. Scheduling software: Helps you keep track of appointments, due dates and special dates such as birthdays and holidays. Scheduling software can be used to print a daily, weekly or monthly schedules.

Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

9. Business Software: Helps to organize efficiently accomplished routine tasks. It is divided into two category: 10. Horizontal market software 11. Vertical market software. 12. Horizontal market software: refers to generic software packages that can be used by many different kinds of business. Accounting and payroll application are good example of horizontal market software. Every business needs to maintain a set of books to track income and expenses. Accounting software is design to computerize these book keeping tasks. Almost every business has employees and needs to maintain a payroll records for them. Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

Payroll software keep tracks of employees hours and produces the reports for income tax etc. 13. Vertical market software: It is designed for specialized task for a specific market or for specific business. For example: In construction business, the specific task includes the estimated cost of labour and materials for a new building. This type of estimated software is designed specially for construction business to estimate the total cost in advance. 14. Entertainment software: It is designed to entertain you. You can fly a simulated jet. Play games or explore new worlds. 15. Education and reference software: Designed to learn for a specific topic, for example: Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


Lecture Notes: Software Application in Business, SAB – BBA 2

CAI : Computer aided Instruction Tutorial software How to prepare for Exams, say GMAT.

Inst: Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan


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