Soe Genedufall07 112607

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SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)


Department American Studies

Course No.


Course No.

20100 20200

Course Title American Studies I American Studies II

Course Title




h,j h,j



Archaeology Anthropology

10100 10101 20000 20100 20200 20500 22500 22600 22800 22900 23100 23600 24000 24200 24300 24600 25400 25500 25600 26500 27200 27300 27500 28500 29000 31108 32000 29500 35000 30100-30400

General Anthropology Anthropology 10100 for honors students Archaeology Cross Cultural Perspectives Languages & Dialects in Cross-Cultural Perspective Historical Archeaology Class, Ethnicity & Gender Culture, Personality & Behavior Anthropology of Urban Areas Cultural Change and Modernization Anthroplogy of Law Sex, Marriage & the Family in Cross Cultural Perspective Peoples of Africa Peoples of the Caribbean Peoples of Latin America Peoples of the Middle East American Cultural Patterns Anthropology of Health & Healing Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective Language & Society Television & Film: Anthropological Perspectives on the Mass Media Black English: Structure & Use Creole Sociolingusitics Human, Heredity, Race & Intelligence Dynamics of Human Ecology Immigrant & Refugee Movement & Cultures" Islamic Cultures and Issuses Bio-Cultural Anthropology Race and Racism Honors I-IV

h,j h,j h h,j h,j h, j h,j h,f,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j h,j h,f,j h,f,j h,j h,g,j h,g,j j,h,f h,j h, j h,j h,f,j h,f,j h,j

4 credits

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title



Introduction to the Visual Arts of the World

21100 21200

Art History I: Cave Paintings to Renaissance: A Multicultural Perspective Art History II: Renaissance to Modern: A Multicultural Perspective

27000 27100 27300 27400 27600 27700 27800 27900 28000 28100 28200 28300 28401 28402 28500 28600 28700 28900 29000 29100 29200 39000 48800

Egyptian Art and Architecture Greek and Roman Art Romanesque and Gothic Art of Medieval Europe Renaissance Art in Europe Baroque and Rococo Art in Europe Nineteenth Century Art in Europe Early Modern Art in Europe and the U.S. American Art: 1776-1900 Postwar Art in the U.S. and Europe Ancient Art of Meso-America, the Andes, and the Caribbean North American Indian Art Art of Black Africa Islamic Art Art of India, Southeast Asia and Indonesia Art of China, Japan, and, Korea The History, Aesthetics, and Criticism of Still Photography History of Design New York City as an Art Center 19th and 20th Century Architecture of New York City Women in World Art Women and Art in New York City Research Methods in Art History Art Criticism


Cluster(s) h,g,j h h h h h h h h,j h,j h,j h,j h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h h,g h,g h,j h,j h,j h h


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Asian Studies

20100 20200 30500 30700 33100 33200


Course No.

Black Studies

10100 10200 12300 12400 12800 13200 13400 13500 14500 14700 14900 15500 15700 16100 16300 16600 17100 17600 18900 31608 33000 33100 33300

Course Title Asians in America Contemporary Asia Asians and American Law and Politics Asian American Communities I: Analysis of Asian American Communities Oriental Literature I (crosslisted as English 38001) Oriental Literature II (crosslisted as English 38002)

Course Title African Heritage and the Afro-American Experience African Heritage and the Caribbean-Brazilian Experience African Politics National Building and Development in Africa The United Nations and New Nation States The Afro-American Child in His Urban Setting The Harlem Community Economic Development of the Black Community Capitalism and Colonialism in Contemporary America The Civil Rights Movement Religion and Survival Black Studies and Black Psychology Racism and the American Legal System Caribbean and Brazilian Heritage Race and Politics in the Caribbean Caribbean Immigration Roots: Seminar on the Black World Experience The Black Revolution Sociopolitical Impact of Race and Racism Afro-Latinos History and Culture Afro-American Heritage: 1619 to 1865 Afro-American Heritage: 1865-Present The Black Woman




h,j h,j h,j,f h,j h h

Cluster(s) h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j j j,h h,j j j h,j h,g j j j j j,h j,h j h, j j j j


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title

Comparative Literature

35000 31100-32000

Introduction to Comparative Literature Selected Topics in Comparative Literature


Course No.

Course Title

Classical Culture

32100 32300 34100 40100


Course No.

CUNY Honors College CUNY Honors College CUNY Honors College CUNY Honors College

10101 10201 10101 10101


Course No.


10000 10101 10300 10400 22000 22100 22500 22600 23000 23100 23200 24000 24300 24400 24500 24600 25000 25100 25400 26000 26100 26400


Classical Mythology Greek and Roman Comedy and Satire Translation Science in Antiquity Modern Problems in Perspective

Course Title The Arts in New York City, Seminar I The Peopling of New York, Seminar II Science & Technology in New York City, Seminar III Shaping the Future of New York City, Seminar IV

Course Title Modern United States Economy Introduction to Economics Principles and Policies Introduction to Quantitatve Economics Microeconomic Theory I Microeconomic Theory II Macroeconomics I Macroeconomics II International Economics International Finance International Environment of Business Economic Development European Economic Development American Economic Development Asian Economic Development Comparative Economic Systems Contemporary Domestic Economic Problems Contemporary International Economic Problems Urban Economics Industrial Organization and Public Policy Economics of Regulation Public Finance




h j



g, h g, h g, h g, h, j

Cluster(s) g,h,j f,g,h,j f,g,h,j f,g,h,j

Cluster(s) h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j

Notes 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits


Freshman Honors Program

For Engineering students

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title

Economics (Continued)

26500 27000 27100 27200 27300 27400 27500 27600 28000 28100 28200 28500 33000 34000 35000 35100 35200 35300 35800 36000 36100 38000 38100


Course No.

Course Title


Educ. 22100 Educ 22200

Urban Schools in A Diverse American Society The School in American Society: Bilingual Education in the Urban School

Public Expenditure Economic of Finance Economics of Corporate Finance Economics of Investment Personal Finance Advanced Financial Economics Options and Futures Banking and the Financial Services Industry Economics of Labor Trade Unionism in the United States Comparative Labor Movements Economics of Economic and Social Security Economics of Marketing Organization and Management Managerial Economics Administrative Economics: Personnel Administrative Economics: Operations and Ptoduction Administrative and Managerial Policy Government Regulation and Executive Decision Making Principles of Accounting I Principles of Accounting II Law of Business Contracts Law of Business Organization




h,j j, h h,j j j j,h j,h j,h h,j h,j h,j h,j,f h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,f,j h,f h,f h,f h,f

Cluster(s) h, j h, j

Notes Credit only for 22100 or 22200

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.



Writing for the Humanities

35200 35202 35300 35301 35302 35303 35304 35500

Representative British Writers of the Middle Ages Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales Representative Writers of the Renaissance Shakespeare I Shakespeare II Shakespeare on Film Seventeenth Century English Poetry Representative British Writers of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century

h h h h h h h h

35501 35502 35600 35700 35701 35800 35801 35802 36000 36100 36200 36201 37001 37004 37005 37006 37501

Milton The Eighteenth Century Novel Representative British Writers of the Romantic Period Representative British Writers of the Victorian Period Nineteenth Century British Novel Representative British Writers of the Modernist Period British Poetry of the Twentieth Century The Twentieth Century British Novel Representative Writers of the United States: Early American Literature Representative Writers of the United States: the Nineteenth Century Representative Writers of the United States The Twentieth Century Twentieth Century American Poetry African American Literature in America African American Fiction African Literatures other than African American Comparative African fiction Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century

37503 38001

Twentieth Century Women Writers Oriental Literature I

h h h h h h,j h,j h,j h h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h h,j h


Course Title


Cluster(s) h, j, g


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title

English (Continued)

38002 38003 38004 38006 38007 38101 38102 38104 38105 39001 39002 39005 39006 39007 39100 39101 39102 39200 39202 39203 39205 35000-35100 35001-35101

Oriental Literature II The Bible as Literature I The Bible as Literature II Comparative Literature of the Renaissance Introduction to Comparative Literature Currents in Modern Literature I Currents in Modern Literature II Modern Drama I Modern Drama II Genres: Satire Genres: The Lyric Genres: Literacy Criticism Genres: Science Fiction Genres: Children’s Literature Themes Mythic Patterns in Modern Literature The Vampire Literature and Other Disciplines Religious Themes in Literature The Political Novel The Novel into Film A Historical Approach of Literature A Generic Approach to Literature


Cluster(s) h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.



Course Title Impact of Biomedical Technology


Cluster(s) h, j, f


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title




Foreign Languages & Literatures


28200 28300

Masterworks of French Literature from the Enlightenment to Symbolism The Literature of Contemporary France

36000 42100 42300 42500 42700 42701 42702 44100 45100

Techniques for Literary Analysis French Poetry French Philosophers and Essayists French Theatre French Novel The Novel in France before 1850 The Novel in France from Flaubert to the Present French Literature Outside France French Civilization


Course No.

Foreign Languages & Literatures

28100 28200 28300 35100 35200 35300 36000 42100 42400 42601

Masterworks of Spanish Literature I Masterworks of Spanish Literature II Masterworks of Latin American Literature Studies in Spanish Literature I Studies in Spanish Literature II Studies in Spanish American Literature Techniques for Literary Analysis Studies in Medieval Spanish Literature Cervantes: Don Quijote Lope de Vega and the Evolution of the Spanish Theater (Golden Age of Spanish)

h h h,j h h h,j h h h h

42602 42800 43200 43401

Renaissance and Baroque Prose and Poetry (Golden Age of Spanish) Spanish Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries The Generation of 1898 The Spanish Novel since the Civil War (Studies in Contemporary Spanish Literature) Contemporary Spanish Poetry and Theater (Studies in Contemporary Spanish Literature) Spanish American Colonial Literature

h h h


43402 43600 43800

Course Title

h j,h h h h h h h h,j h,j h,j

Spanish American Literature of the 19th Century


h,j h,j h,j h


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.


44100 44200 44402

h,j h

44600 45100 45201 45202 45300 45400

21800 21900 22100 22200 22300 22500 22600 25100 25300 25400 25500 26200 26300

Social History of Modern France Constitutional and Political History of England History of England Since 1688 Italy Since 1815 Germany to the 18th Century to the Present The History of Russia from Earliest Times to 1855 The History of Russia since 1855 Traditional Civilization of China Modern China Traditional Civilization of Japan Modern Japan The Middle East Under Islam Traditional Civilization of India

h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h h,j h h,j h h,j h,j h




The Literature of the Social Protest in Spanish America The Spanish American Essay Contemporary Spanish American Poetry and Theater (Studies in Contemporary Spanish American Literature) Contemporary Spanish American Short Story (Studies in Contemporary Spanish American Literature) The Spanish American Contemporary Novel (Studies in Contemporary Spanish American Literature) Literature of the Spanish Caribbean Spanish Civilization Topics in Spanish American Civilization I Topics in Spanish American Civilization II Gender Issues in Hispanic Letters Latino Culture and Literature in the U.S.



Course Title


h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.


26400 27600 27700 28100 28200 31522 32100 32200 32300 32400 32500 32700 32800 32900 33000 33100 33200 33400 33500 33600 34100 34200 34800 34900 35100 35200 35300 35600 35700 36000 36200 36400 36500 36600 36700


Course Title History of Modern India Western Africa East and Southern Africa Colonial Latin America Modern and Contemporary Latin America Einstein and His World Studies in Ancient and Medieval History The Ancient World: Rome The Early Middle Ages The High Middle ages Life, Art and Learning in the Renaissance Europe in the Revolutionary era: 1760-1815 Europe: 1815-1914 Twentieth Century Europe Europe Since 1945 Early America: from Settlement to the Great Awakening The Era of the American Revolution The Era of Civil War and Reconstruction, 1840-1877 The Response to Industrialization, to 1917 The United States in the Twentieth Century Africa and the Modern World History of African Nationalist Thought The Theory and Practice of Genocide in the Twentieth Century The Third Reich The Age of Enlightenment Intellectual History of the 19th Century Europe Intellectual History of 20th Century Europe Social History of Modern Europe History of Socialism Women in Modern History Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life The History of American Labor African-American History from Emancipation to the Present The American women’s Movement American Urban History


Cluster(s) h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,i, h h h h h h h,j h,j h,j h h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



History (Continued)

Course No. 36800 37000 37100 37500 37700 38000 38200 38300 38400 38500 38600 38700 38800 41100 41300 41400 41800 41900


Course No.



Course Title A Social History of American Architecture The American Legal Tradition History of American Foreign Relations The Mass Media in Recent American History Comparative Slavery The Writing of American History Latin America: A Comparative Study of Twentieth Century Revolutionary Movements History of Science I History of Science II Health Care and Health Professions from the 17th Century The American Health Care System Technology and Society, 1450-1870 Technology and Society, 1870-to the Present Comparative History of Revolutions Nationalism in the Modern World Modern Imperialism Jewish History: Ancient and Medieval Jewish History: Late Medieval and Modern

Course Title Introduction Music/Art, Students in the Honors Program




h,j,g h,j h,j h,j h,j h h,j h,j,f h,j,f h h h,f h,j,f h,j h,j h,j h h

Cluster(s) g,h,j

Notes 4 credits

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

International Studies

20100 20200 31400


Course No.

Jewish Studies

10411 21100 24100 25100 27100 27200 27300 28100 31310 31402 32100


Course No.

Course Title International Studies: A Global Perspective Comparative Political Economy A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Course Title Psychology of Religion` Contemporary Israel The Jew in Literature Studies in Judaism and Christianity Human Development in Classical Jewish Sources The American Jewish Community The Jewish Woman The Holocaust The Holocaust in Film Contemporary Israeli/Palestinian Cinema The Modernization of Judaism

Course Title


Cluster(s) h,j h,j h,f,j




h, j h,j h h h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j


Latin American & Latino Studies 29100 29200


Culture and Health: Hispanics and Other Minorities Health Care Planning and the Hispanic Experience

j,h j,h




SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Media & Communication Arts

21000 22100 22200 22300 30200 30300 30400


Course No.


10100 21000 24100 24200 24500 27400 34100 34200 34500


Course No.


10200 11100 20100 20200 20400 20600 30000 30001 30500 30600 30700 30800 30900 32100 32200

Course Title The fundamentals of the Advertising Industry History and Theory of Film I History and Theory of Film II Critical Approaches to Independent Cinema Critical Approaches to Film Directors The Documentary in Film and Television (Formerly 42400) Studies in the Film History and Aesthetics

Course Title Introduction to Music Writing About Music Antiquity through the Renaissance The Baroque through the Early Classical Era Jazz History I: From the Beginning to World War II The Classic-Romantic Era Late Romanticism through the Present Jazz History II: From World War II to the Present

Course Title Introduction to Philosophy Critical Thinking Logical Reasoning Introduction to Logic Matters of Life and Death Philosophy of Science Fiction The Rational Animal: Dimensions of Understanding The Rational Aninal: Honors History of Philosophy I: Ancient History of Philosophy II: Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology Ethics Social and Political Philosophy Symbolic Logic Philosophy of Science




g, h h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j



h,j,g g,h h h h,j h h,j h,j

Cluster(s) f,h,j g,h,f h,f j h,f h h,f h,f, h h h h,f h,f


Freshman Honor

Disallowed Course h,g

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Philosophy cont'd

32300 32400 32500 32600 32700 32800 32900 33000 33300 33400 33500 33600 33700 33800 33900 34000 34100 34400 34500 34600 34700 34800 34901 34902 34903 34904 34905 35200 35300 35400 30100-30400 31000 31100-32000 30100-30200

Course Title Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Language Aesthetics: The Philosophy of Art Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Social Science Philosophy of History Philosophy of Mathematics Philosophy of Technology Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence Philosophy of Film Philosophy of Space and Time Decision Theory Philosophy of Wittgenstein Kierkegaard, Nietzche, Freud Self and Identity Philosophy of Psychoanalysis World Philosophies II American Philosophy Feminist Philosophy Contemporary Philosophy Continental European Philosophy Applied Ethics: Business Ethics Applied Ethics: Computer Ethics Applied Ethics: Engineering Ethics Applied Ethics: Environmental Ethics Applied Ethics: Medical Ethics Issues in Epistemology Issues in Metaphysics Seminar in Advanced Topics in Philosophy Honors I-IV Independent Study and Research Special Topics in Philosophy Honors I-II




h h h h,f h,f h h h h,g h,g h h Disallowed Course h h h h h,j h g,j g,j g,j h,f h,f h,f h,f h,f h h Disallowed Course Permission of SOE U/G Dean Permission of SOE U/G Dean Permission of SOE U/G Dean h,j

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title



Political Science I. U.S. Politics and Government

10100 10101 10400 12400 12500 12600 20700 20800 20900 21000 21002 21100 21200 21300 21600 21700 22000 22200 22300 22400 22600 22800 22900 32400

United States Politics and Government American Government and Politics Introduction to World Politics Political Ideas and Issues Introduction to Public Policy Introduction to the Legal Process United States Politics and Government American Political Thought I: 1620 - 1865 American Political Thought II: 1865 - Present Urban Politics Politics and Leadership New York Politics Constitutional Law, The Federal System Constitutional Law, Individual Liberties Political Parties and Interest Mass Media and Politics The Judiciary The Presidency United States Foreign Policy An Introdutction to Quantitative Data Literacy Ethnic and Racial Polictics in the United States Policy Analysis Women and Politics The Politics of Protest

g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h g, h g, h, j g, h, j g, h g, h, j g, h, j g, h

II. Comparative Politics and Govenrment

23000 23100 23500 23600 23700 23900 24000 24500 35500

Contemporary Comparative Politics European Politics and Government Introduction to the Politics of Developing Nations Latin American Political Systems Political systems in Asia Developing Political Systems in Africa Politics of South Africa Caribbean Politics Environmental Politics: Comparative and Global Perspectives

g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h g, h g, h g, h, j g, h, j


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

Course Title



Political Science III. International Relations

20200 25000 25200 25300 25400 25600

International Political Economy Contemporary International Politics Theories of International Relations International Law International Organization Contemporary World Conflict

g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j g, h, j

IV. Political Theory and Philosophy

27300 27400 27500 37600

Classical Political Thought Modern Political Thought: Up to 1848 Contemporary Political Thought: 1848 to the Present Marxism

g, h g, h g, h, j g, h


SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.


10101 10200 10299 22600 23800 23900 24400 24500 24600 24700 24800 25300 25600 26600 26900 33100 33800 35700 36200 36500 36700 37100 37700 38800 38900

Course Title



Psychology for Freshman Honors Students Applications of Psychology in the Modern World Applications of Psychology in the Modern World Introduction to Life-Span Development Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Causes and Treatment Psychology Applied to Work Psychology and the Black Experience Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior Introduction to Human Development: Infancy and Childhood Social Psychology The Abnormal Personality Cognitive Psychology: Thinking, Knowing and Remembering Introduction to Human Development: Adolescence and Youth Introduction to Human Development: Adulthood and Aging Behavior in Organizations Evolution of Modern Psychology The Psychology of Women Community Psychology Behavior Modification Family Psychology Small Group Processes Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience Theories of Personality Theories of Psychotherapy Psychological Tests and Measurements

h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j h,j h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j j,h h,j h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j h,j h,f,j h,f,j j,h h,f,j h,j,f h,f,j h,j,f h,f,j j,f h,f,j h,f,j h,f,j


Honors I-IV



Honors I-III


Notes For Freshman Honors Students For SEEK Students

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.


10500 10501 23700 23800 24000 24100 24200 24300 24500 24800 25500 25100 25200 25300 25400 25500

(Sociology continues)

Course Title Individual, Group and Society Introductory Sociology for Freshman Honors Students Foundations of Sociological Theory Contemporary Sociological Theory Personality and Social Structure Criminology and Corrections Juvenile Delinquency Sociology of Youth Sociology of Social Welfare Institutions Studies in Deviant Behavior Theory of Mass Culture and Mass Communications Urban Sociology Social Class Ethnic Minority Groups Social Problems Population and Human Ecology


Cluster(s) h,f,j h,f,j h,j h,j h,f,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,f,j h,g,f,j h,j h,j,f h,f,j h,j h,j


For Freshman Honors Students

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No. 26000 26200 26300 26500 26600 26700 26800 27000 27200 27400 27700 29000

Course Title



Theory of Social Change Political Sociology Contemporary Social Issues Sociology of Childhood Family Relationships Social Change in Developing Countries Studies in Social Forces and Mass Movements Sociology of Medicine Religion and Religious Groups Urban Politics and Policy Ethnic Families in the United States Immigration

h,j h,j h,j h,j h,j h,f,j h,j h,f,j h,j h,j h,j h,j


Honors I-III



Course No.

Course Title




Course No.

U.S. Society

10100 10101


Course No.


21100 21200 21300 23200 23201


Course No.

World Civilizations

10100 10101 10200

Foundations of Speech Communication

Course Title Development of the U.S. and its People Development of the U.S. and its People

Course Title Theatre History I Theatre History II Theatre History III Black Theatre U.S.A. I Black Theatre U.S.A. II

Course Title Prehistory to 1500 A.D. World Civilization 1500 to the Present





Cluster(s) h, j h, j


Honors Program



h, g h, g h, g h, g h, g, j

Cluster(s) g, h g, h g, h, j


Honors Program

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Approved General Education Courses (2005-2007 CCNY BULLETIN)



Course No.

World Humanities

10100 10101 10200


Course No.

Women's Studies


Course Title World Humanities I: Introduction to world literature Literature in the human experience World Humanities II: Introduction to world literature

Course Title Women's/Gender Roles in Comtemporary Society

The Four General Education Cluster Definitions 1 2 3 4

Professional and Ethical Responsibility Cluster. Communication Cluster. Global and Societal Context Cluster. Contemporary Issues Cluster.


Cluster(s) g, h g, h g, h

Cluster(s) g, h

Outcome f g h j


Honors Program


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