Available Datasets Spatial On Demand offers an extensive collection of datasets, including: IMAGERY 0.6 meter 0.8 meter 1 meter
1 meter
1 – 2 meter
8 meter
15 meter 15 meter
MAPS 2.4 meter
2.4 meter
10 meter
10 meter
12.5 meter
25 meter
25 meter
QuickBird 0.6-m Imagery IKONOS 0.8-m Imagery eDOQQ 1-meter Enhanced Digital Ortho Quarter Quads (coverage where available, updates quarterly) BOTUS – Best of the US This combines 2004 NAIP, cDOQQ's and USGS HiRes cities, RGB enhanced at 1m resolution. Coverage for lower 48 states. USA Nationwide Select A continuous dataset of mosaic imagery with 1 to 2 meter resolution for the entire United States. eDOQQ 8-meter mosaic Enhanced Digital Ortho Quarter Quad Mosaic, 8-meter resolution (coverage where available, updates quarterly) eSAT World, Stretched Version eSAT15, Eco-Region Stretch 15-meter resolution pan-sharpened color LANDSAT imagery, enhanced by eco-regions
eTOPO 24K hillshaded maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic, hillshaded with eDEM30 -- original scale 1:24,000 eTOPO 24K maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic -- original scale 1:24,000 eTOPO 100K hillshaded maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic, hillshaded with eDEM30 -- original scale 1:100,000 eTOPO 100K maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic -- original scale 1:100,000 BLM 100K maps Collars removed, seamless BLM topographic map mosaic at 1:100,000 scale (coverage over western US) eTOPO 250K hillshaded maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic, hillshaded with eDEM30 -- original scale 1:250,000 eTOPO 250K maps Collars removed, seamless topographic map mosaic -- original scale 1:250,000
Updated Dec 2007
Available Datasets, cont.
TERRAIN 30 meter 30 meter
1000 meter
eDEM Continental US USA Enhanced Digital Elevation Models at 30-meter resolution National Elevation Dataset 30m USGS National Elevation Dataset derived from USGS DEMs over the Continental United States and Hawaii SRTM30arc DEM Global digital elevation model (DEM) with a grid spacing of 30 arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer), combining data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), flown in February 2000, and USGS GTOPO30 data
Updated Dec 2007