Social Networking And Learning Needs

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Learning Needs 1 Running Head: Learning Needs

Social Networking and Learning Needs Barbara Roesler Fall 2009 Bemidji State University FasTrack Six

Learning Needs 2 Social Networking and Learning Needs For over two hundred years, the American education system has been educating adolescents without the aid of information technology platforms such as social networking. One may wonder what could possibly be a benefit of including a Ning Social Network in a classroom now, in this day and age. The entire 8th grade and 10th grade classes (130 students total) at New Richland-HartlandEllendale-Geneva High School were surveyed. The survey consisted of one sheet with 10 questions about each student’s computer and internet usage. 79% of these students indicated that within the past week they had used a computer to do their homework. 69% had accessed the internet for homework. The students were also asked what sites they most frequently used for either homework or entertainment. Amazingly, 65% of the students indicated Facebook among the sites they visited most often. Many students in this particular district already have familiarity with social networking. Using a social network for classroom activities could harness this interest and direct it toward content learning. While this information may not necessarily constitute a need for the use of social networking, it may point educators in that district in a direction that the student body already seems to be heading, toward an unrealized opportunity. In consideration of Lev Vygotsky’s views, it is recognized that “cultural tools, including material tools and psychological tools play very important roles in cognitive development” (Woolfolk, 2008, p. 52). Today cultural tools include computers and the internet and the types of language and symbols used there. Using computers, the internet, and various social networks involves symbol systems that many students today may be familiar with from recreational

Learning Needs 3 experience. One might wonder if using a social network in the classroom could capitalize on those systems that a student already knows to support the learning process. For instance, Klopfer et al.(2009) suggests that “many students…are using new media and technologies to create new things in new ways, learn new things in new ways, and communicate in new ways with new people – behaviors that have become hardwired in their ways of thinking and operating in the world” (p. 2). Kids today have a new and updated set of cultural tools compared to 20 years ago. Adolescent students are still in the process being developed by social and cultural contexts, according to Bronfenbrenner’s theory (Woolfolk, 2008, p. 91). It may be interesting to investigate how interaction on a social network will affect the development of these students. One researcher suggests that “educators can help students realize even more benefits from their social network site use by working to deepen students' still emerging ideas about what it means to be a good digital citizen and leader online” (University of Minnesota, 2008). The opportunity for collaboration and networking on social networks may also present students some opportunity to develop social skills (Klopfer et al., 2009, p. 12). However, the proposed social benefits may be just one side of the coin. Adolescence is a time when children are rapidly developing the skills to read social cues of others (Boyd, 2008, p.129).

Using digital or technological mediums can make it more difficult to read another

person’s emotions or inflections and chances the possibility of wrongly interpreting what they are trying to express (Boyd, 2008, p. 129). One may wonder if the diminished time interacting face to face in exchange for interacting online could hinder a child’s development socially. Social networking sites seem to be an entertaining place for students of NRHEG to visit, taking into account what the survey results indicated. Additionally, a social networking site used

Learning Needs 4 in conjunction with a classroom setting may provide students with reinforced social and cognitive development, but factors that can hinder normal social development should be considered. Social networks are rapidly becoming part of the framework of our culture, so investigating how they might fit into education could be beneficial.

Learning Needs 5 References Boyd, D.(2008). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life. Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. Edited by Buckingham, D. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Retrieved November 7, 2009 from Klopfer, E.:,Osterweil, S., Groff, J., and Haas, J. (2009). The Instructional Power of Digital Games, Social Networking, Simulations and How Teachers Can Leverage Them. The Educational Arcade, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved November 7, 2009 from University of Minnesota (2008, June 21). Educational Benefits Of Social Networking Sites Uncovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from Wookfolk, A. (2008). Educational Psychology (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Learning Needs 6 Appendix 1 Computer/Internet Use Survey How many days per week do you use a computer? Never 1-2day a week Please estimate total hours you spend using a 3-5 days per week computer per week________________ 6-7 days per week Where do you use a computer? Please circle all that apply. School At a friend’s house Home I take my laptop everywhere Library Other ___________________ Do you have internet access in your home? Yes No In the past week, have you used a computer to complete your homework or study? Yes No In the past week, have you accessed the internet to complete your homework or study? Yes No What websites do you use most frequently for school or homework purposes? List as many as you like.

What websites do you use most frequently for entertainment? List as many as you like.

What grade are you in? ____________ Are you male or female? Circle one please. Thank you for your input!

Learning Needs 6 Appendix 2 Survey Data The following information was collect between October 19, 2009 and November 2, 2009 from students at New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva Junior and Senior High School.

Total students who completed the survey = 130 Male Female Total 10th graders 39 29 68 8th graders 24 38 62 How many day per week so you use a computer? 10th grade 10th grade male female Days per week number % number 0 3 8% 0 1 to 2 9 23% 4 3 to 5 11 28% 17 6 to 7 16 41% 7

% 0% 14% 61% 21%

8th grade male number 0 4 9 8

Estimate the total number of hours you spend using a computer per week. 10th grade 10th grade 8th grade males females males Average response 6 hours 6 hours 9.5 hours Where do you use a computer? 10th grade male Place number school 32 home 33 library 10 friend's 11 everywhere 0 other 3

% 82% 85% 26% 28% 0% 8%

% 0% 19% 43% 38%

8th grade female number 1 6 19 10

8th grade females 8 hours

% 3% 17% 53% 28%

All students number 4 23 56 41

% 3% 19% 45% 33%

All students 7 hours

(% indicated percentage of students in that demographic category who indicated that location) 10th grade 8th grade 8th grade All female male female students number % number % number % number 21 72% 15 63% 17 45% 85 26 90% 23 96% 33 87% 115 6 21% 7 29% 9 24% 32 11 38% 6 25% 10 26% 38 0 0% 2 8% 1 3% 3 1 3% 1 4% 7 18% 12

% 65% 88% 25% 29% 2% 9%

Do you have internet access in your home? 10th grade 10th grade male female number % number yes 33 87% 26 no 5 13% 2

% 91% 9%

8th grade female number 32 6

% 83% 17%

8th grade female number 35 3

In the past week, have you accessed the internet to complete your homework or study? 10th grade 10th grade 8th grade male female male number % number % number % yes 22 56% 26 93% 12 52% no 17 44% 2 7% 11 48%

8th grade female number 28 10

What websites do you use most frequently for school or homework purposes? 10th grade 10th grade 8th grade male female male number % number % number google 24 62% 23 79% 14 wikipedia 9 23% 3 10% 1 ask 1 3% 5 17% 2 yahoo 1 3% 2 7% 2 NRHEG 0 0% 1 3% 2

8th grade female number 28 1 5 5 5

% 93% 7%

8th grade male number 21 2

In the past week, have you used a computer to complete your homework or study? 10th grade 10th grade 8th grade male female male number % number % number yes 21 54% 27 93% 20 no 18 46% 2 7% 4

% 58% 4% 8% 8% 8%

% 84% 16%

All students number 112 15

% 88% 12%

% 92% 8%

All students number 103 27

% 79% 21%

% 74% 26%

All students number 88 40

% 69% 31%

% 74% 3% 13% 13% 13%

All students number 89 14 13 10 8

% 68% 11% 10% 8% 6%

What websites do you use most frequently for entertainment? 10th grade 10th grade males females number % number % facebook 17 43% 23 79% YouTube 18 46% 15 52% myspace 5 13% 10 34% Addictinggames 3 8% 2 7% ESPN 7 18% 0 0%

8th grade males number 16 10 3 5 1

% 66% 42% 13% 21% 4%

8th grade females number 29 18 11 1 0

% 76% 47% 29% 3% 0%

All students number 85 61 29 11 8

% 65% 47% 22% 8% 6%

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