Soal Siswa Berprestasi 2008

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English test The Third grade SMP NEGERI 1 SUBANG Read the Announcement below carefully ATTENTION !!! CALLING ALL STUDENTS OF SPENSA SHOW OFF YOUR TALENTS SING, DANCE, BE FUNNY PLAY MUSIC OR PERFORM MAGIC Do it with 2,3 or four others. No age limit TO ENTER 1. Pick up a form from OSIS counter 2. Complete the form 3. Drop the completed form in the box labeled TALENT SEARCH at OSIS room 4. Box will be removed a fifth day after the date given bellow. IMPORTANT FILL IN THE FORM ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE READ THE RULES GIVEN AT THE BACK ! 24 July 2008 Osis spensa 1. Where would this announcement be put up ? a. in all school b. in Spensa ‘s school 2.

“ No age limit “ a. b. c. d.

c. in all radio l

d. at the shopping center

what does it mean ? aged man is not allowed those who are under age forbidden age won’t be considered Only those who are over sixteen years of age take part.

3. The announcement is about ? a. a talent show b. Students member

c. entering a contest

4. How many students maximum can take part in this contest ? a. 1 student b. 2 student c. 3 students 5. When will the box be removed ? a. 10 July 2008 b. July 25, 2008

c. 24 July 2008

6. Where can they find the rules of contest? a. at the OSIS b. committee

d. 4 students

d. 5 days

c. in box

7. The announcement above is about. a. procedure text b. recount text

d. OSIS member

d. at the form

c. report text

d. anecdote

8. Rasyid … study at Pelita Harapan High School Senior after he graduates from SMPN 1 a. will b. is going to c. shall d. are going to 9. the phone is ringing, I … get it. a. am going to b. is going to 10. He didn’t … to school because of sick a. goes b. go

c. will c. went

d. shall d. will go

Read the text carefully! ( For number 32-33 ) There was a gentleman who had beautiful twins. Their names were Penelope and Anastasia. Even though they were identical twins, their behavior was far different. Penelope was the lazy one. She spent most of the day sleeping. Anastasia was the diligent one. She helped her father do household chores since their mother had passed away a few years ago. Anastasia would wake up early in the morning, make her bed, and start to cook for the family. 11. Anastasia was the diligent one. The synonym of “diligent” is …. A. Serious B. Hard worker C. Tidy

D Smart

12. What is the synonym of “passed away” A. Dead B. Left

D. Gone

C. Sick

13. They are several kinds of recount text. except A. Adventure B. History C. Personal letter 14. … “ How to study effectively “ can be the title of … A. Narrative B. Descriptive C. Recount

D. Dairy D. Procedure

15. What tenses are mostly used in the descriptive text ? A. Simple present C. Simple past B. Present continuous D. Past continuous 16. My Father Usually … a cup of coffee before he goes to his office a. drinks b. drink c. is drinking

d. drank

17. My teacher … his lesson clearly every time. a. explained b. explains

c. will explain

d. is explaining

18. Listen !, Siti … “Terlena “ song. a. sings b. is singing

c. will sing

d. sang

19. If I have a lot of money, I … buy new camera a. bought b. buy

c. will buy

20. “ Don’t forget to study hard “ …. My Grandma. a. says b. said

c. will say

d. am buying d. saying

Essay. 1.

Change this sentence into PRESENT CONTINOUOS TENSE and PRESENT FUTURE tense. ( + ), ( - ) and ( ? )

My Sister always cooks fried rice every sunday 2.

Make an Announcement about a. English test / next week b. Study tour to “Yogya”/ next holiday

Good luck ! Paddle your own cannoe

.The following words are closely related to newspaper. Use them to fill in the blanks in the text! Recent Journalists Manager


subscribe edit publish articles editors

regional newspaper

I…….(9)to ‘post Anda’ for two reasons, firstly, it is a morning …..(10) so I can get the most……(11) news early secondly both its….(12) and staff are very professional. The ….(13) are very selective. They work very carefully and only ….(14) very good …(15) to…(16) in their efforts to get actual news the…(17) always do their best so this paper is never late to report the international….(18),or local news. All of them are members of the national…(19) association called IJA Read the word written in bold in the sentences below. Then choose the correct alternative of its classification ( part of speech ) 20. Delangu is famous for its local variety of rice, called Rajalele a. verb b. adverb c. Conjunction d. Preposition 21. I shouted loudly like crazy.” Hurrah! hurrah ! “ a. verb b. adverb c. Conjunction

d. Preposition

Read the text carefully . INFLUENZA When people have a cold, a fever or a Flu, they usually go to the doctor for help, or they get some medicine from the drugstore. But many people use home remedies for common illnesses. Have you ever suffered from influenza or the flu? The flu is a contagious illness that is caused by viruses, and it may sometimes even lead to death. The flu usually starts suddenly and may include these symptoms: fever, (usually high), headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches; diarrhea and vomiting can also occur. There are things you can do to prevent the flu. First, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time you sneeze. Do not forget to throw the tissue away after you use it. Second, frequently wash your hands with soap, especially after you cough or sneeze. Third, try not to touch your nose, eyes or mouth. Germs are usually spread this way. Forth, stay away from people if possible. When you get the flu, stay at home. Do not go to school because other people can get sick, too. What should you do if you have the flu? Eat chicken soup! Chicken soup has been proven to relieve some of the symptoms related with the flu. For a sore throat, drink either hot fluids or try cool stuff, like pop sickles or ice cream. Finally get some rest. Wait a day after your temperature is normal before going back to school. In English speaking countries, people often get a flu shot before the flu seasons begins. The flu shot helps them be immune to the viruses that cause the flu CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 21. The text above is about …. A. Narrative text B. Recount text

C. Procedure text

D. Descriptive text

22. Why do we have to stay away from people when we have the flu A. because we have to stay in bed B. because we are tired C. because people make us sick D. because we don’t want to spread the sickness to others 23. what does the synonym for “prevent” see paragraph 2 A. Protect B. .Neglect C. Avoid 24. why should we eat chicken soup when we have a cold A. Because it contains healthy substance

D. Stop

B. Because it is proven to cure the symptoms of the flu C. Because it contains viruses of the flu D. Because it is organic and can cure the flu 25. what is the synonym for “ flu shot “ in paragraph 4 A. Syringe B. Vaccine C. Viruses Airline staff Passenger Airline staff Passenger Airline staff Passenger Airline nstaff

D. Gun

: Good morning. …. (27)? : Here you are : Thank you, would you like a window or aisle seat? : An aisle seat, please : (28)? : yes, this suitcase and this carry –on bag : Here’s your boarding pass. You’ll board the plane trough gate 4. Have a nice flight!

26. A.. Can I have your ticket please B.. Can you take this ticket

C.. Where will you go D.. What do you want

27. A. Is there your baggage B. Do you have any baggage

C.. Do you have an aisle ticket D.. Do you have boarding pass

Read the text carefully A plant is living organism. It cannot move but it grows. Some plants are very tall like trees, others are thick and low near the ground like bushes. Plants grow in many shapes and sizes. But, all of them have the same basic features- roots, stem, leaves, and flowers. The roots grow down into soil or water. It functions to seek water and minerals and to hold the plant in place. The stem consist of trunk and branches. The trunk is bigger than the branches. The stem has two functions. One is to carry water and mineral from the root to the leaves. The other is to make the tree standing on the ground. The leaves change water and minerals into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. To do this process, the leaves have reproductive organs. The fruits cover the seeds and the seeds will grow to new plants. We will find a lot of information about plans when we study botany. 28. during the process of photosynthesis, the leaves change water and … into carbohydrates and oxygen A .food B. oxygen C. mineral D. carbohydrates 29. the green color of the … is because of the chlorophyll A. Stem B. root

C. leafes

30. the … has a function to carry water from the root B. trunk B. leaves C. stem

D. leaves D. branch

Read the text carefully! ( For number 32-33 ) There was a gentleman who had beautiful twins. Their names were Penelope and Anastasia. Even though they were identical twins, their behavior was far different. Penelope was the lazy one. She spent most of the day sleeping. Anastasia was the diligent one. She helped her father do household chores since their mother had passed away a few years ago. Anastasia would wake up early in the morning, make her bed, and start to cook for the family. 31. Anastasia was the diligent one. The synonym of “diligent” is …. A. Serious B. Hard worker C. Tidy

D Smart

32. What is the synonym of “passed away” A. Dead B. Left

D. Gone

C. Sick

34. They are several kinds of recount text. except A. Adventure B. History C. Personal letter 35. … “ How to study effectively “ can be the title of … A. Narrative B. Descriptive C. Recount

D. Dairy D. Procedure

36. What tenses are mostly used in the descriptive text ? A. Simple present C. Simple past B. Present continuous D. Past continuous 37. Arrange these sentences into a right paragraph. a. A few minutes later they saw some cloud inside the bottle b. Last week Butet and Tigor did a science project.They prepared a plastic bottle, hot water ad


ice. c. First, they poured the bottle with hot water. Then they left it for a few minutes d. Finally, they put some ice on the top of the bottle e. After that, they filled three fourths of the water away. A. 2-5-1-3-4 38. Astri Ade

B. 1-2-3-4-5

C. 2-5-3-4-1

D. 2-3- 4- 1-5

: “ When did you meet your English teacher for the first time “ : “I met him last month … Monday … the morning … 9 o’clock “

A. on-at-in

B. at-in-on

C. on-in-at

D. at-in-on

39. Look at the picture! What should the woman do? A. She should close the refrigerator. B. She wants to buy the refrigerator. C. She would like to drink. D. She should go to supermarket for buying some food and vegetables. 40.

What’s the meaning of the sign? A. You have to clean the door. B. You have to keep the door closed. C. You have to close and open the door every time. D. You have to keep the door opened.

Essay 1. The following form should be completed if you are interesting in joining the contest Name Date and place of birth Sex Address Hobby Name of your school Level / grade

: ……………………………………….. : ………………………………………... : ……………………………………….. : ………………………………………… : ………………………………………… : ………………………………………… : ………………………………………… …………………………2008 Signature ----------------------(full

name ) 2. Think about your last holiday. Where did you go and what did you do ! Write your experience for about two paragraphs. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Good luck ! Mr.Buddy

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