Snort Ids Introduction

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 410
  • Pages: 13

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

Using version 2.8.1 (Newest:

Snort Open Source Network IDS / Network IPS Commercially Developed by SourceFire Commercial Services by SourceFire

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

Hardware / Software / Certification / Rule Updates

SourceFire Vulnerability Research Team (VRT) 3 Million Downloads 225,000 Active Users

Why Run an IDS? Provide an Audit Trail Data Analysis Research Because you can

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

To Detect ...

What can an IDS do? Detect Skiddies Worms Other Potential Threats DOS Attack

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

Create Alerts Create False Positives / False Negative Attacks that aren't Missed attacks due to evasion / dos

Signatures Signature Detection Created by known traffic patterns that match rules Low on false positives May miss new / unknown attacks 0-Day. (false negative)

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

Anomaly Detection “Learns” what's normal, throws a fit when something isn't normal. High on false positives Low on false negatives (less likely not to alert on a 0-Day)

Installing Snort Download Binaries (Windows / Linux)

OR Install from Repository

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

Configure Download / Write Rules Install Rules Run!

Using Snort Test your configuration file snort -T -c /etc/snort/snort.cfg

Using as an IDS snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i ethX

Packet Sniffer (tcpdump -vvi ethX) Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

snort -v -i ethX

Output Log File Tcpdump format Plaintext Binary (for reading with Barnyard) Syslog/ng stdout Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

SQL (postgres, mySQL) Graphical Clients ACID (Analysis Console for Intrusion Detection) Many others

Writing Rules Setup Your Rule Path include $RULE_PATH/.rules Log / alert

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

log tcp any -> any 80 (msg:"eBaying"; uricontent:"";) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> 25 (msg:"Found hacking reference in e-mail"; content:"hacking";)

Regular Expressions!

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"SQL Injection - Paranoid"; flow:to_server,established;uricontent:".ph p";pcre:"/(\%27)|(\')|(\-\-)|(%23)|(#)/i"; classtype:Web-application-attack; sid:9099; rev:5;) SQL Injection '-- Attack More SQL Injection / XSS


Nikto Make Sure Perl's installed wget tar xvzf nikto-current.tar.gz perl -h 192.168.X.X

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

On Snort Box: snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i wlan0

Developments IP Blacklist depending on Reputation

SAM (Snort Alert Monitor) E-Mail, Audio/Visual Warnings

Pscan Plugin to Portscan on certain keywords Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY

BlockIt Modify Firewall Rules (IPTables, IPChains, IPFWADM, IPFilter, PF, or Checkpoint)

Additional Resources Community Maintained Signatures Snort for Dummies (ISBN:9780764568350) Cheat Sheet Good General Introduction

Layout by orngjce223, CC-BY Manual, FAQ, Webinar recordings / slides


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